the Owd Testament of t-the King James Vewsion of the Bibwe the Fiwst Book of Moses: Cawwed Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God cweated t-the heaven a-and the eawth. 1:2 And the e-eawf was without f-fowm, and void; and dawkness was upon the face of the d-deep. A-And the Spiwit of God moved upon the face o-of the watews. 1:3 And God said, Wet thewe be wight: and t-thewe was wight. 1:4 And God saw the w-wight, that it was good: and God divided the wight fwom the dawkness. 1:5 And G-God cawwed the wight Day, and the dawkness he cawwed Night. And the evening and the mowning wewe the fiwst day. 1:6 And G-God said, Wet thewe be a fiwmament in t-the midst of t-the watews, and wet it divide the watews fwom t-the watews. 1:7 And God made the fiwmament, and divided the watews which wewe undew the fiwmament f-fwom the watews which wewe a-above the fiwmament: and it was so. 1:8 And God cawwed the fiwmament Heaven. And t-the evening and t-the mowning wewe the second day. 1:9 And God said, Wet the watews undew the h-heaven be gathewed togethew unto one pwace, and wet the dwy wand appeaw: and it was so. 1:10 And God cawwed the dwy wand Eawth; and the gathewing togethew of the watews cawwed he Seas: and God saw that it was good. 1:11 And God said, Wet the eawf bwing fowf gwass, the hewb y-yiewding seed, and the fwuit twee yiewding fwuit aftew his kind, whose seed is in itsewf, upon the eawth: and it was s-so. 1:12 And the eawf bwought fowf gwass, and hewb yiewding seed aftew his kind, and the twee yiewding fwuit, whose seed was in itsewf, aftew his k-kind: a-and God saw that it was good. 1:13 And the evening and t-the mowning wewe the thiwd day. 1:14 And God said, Wet thewe be wights in the fiwmament o-of the heaven to divide the day fwom t-the night; and wet them be fow signs, and fow seasons, and fow days, and yeaws: 1:15 And wet them be fow wights in the fiwmament of t-the h-heaven t-to give wight upon the eawth: and it was so. 1:16 A-And God made two gweat wights; t-the gweatew wight t-to wuwe the d-day, a-and the wessew wight to wuwe the night: he made the staws awso. 1:17 And God set them i-in the fiwmament of the heaven to give wight upon the eawth, 1:18 And to wuwe o-ovew the day and ovew t-the night, and to divide the wight fwom the dawkness: and God saw that it was good. 1:19 And the evening and the mowning wewe the f-fouwf day. 1:20 And G-God said, Wet the watews bwing fowf abundantwy the moving cweatuwe that h-haf wife, and f-foww t-that may fwy above the eawf in t-the open fiwmament o-of heaven. 1:21 And God cweated gweat whawes, and e-evewy wiving c-cweatuwe that moveth, which the watews bwought fowf abundantwy, a-aftew theiw kind, and evewy winged foww aftew his kind: and God saw that it was good. 1:22 And God bwessed them, saying, Be fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy, and fiww the watews in t-the seas, a-and w-wet foww muwtipwy i-in the eawth. 1:23 And the evening and t-the mowning w-wewe the fiff day. 1:24 And God said, W-Wet the eawf bwing fowf t-the w-wiving cweatuwe aftew his kind, caddle, and cweeping thing, and beast of the eawf aftew his kind: and it was so. 1:25 And God made the beast of t-the eawf aftew his kind, and caddle aftew theiw kind, and e-evewy thing t-that cweepef upon the eawf a-aftew his kind: and God saw that it w-was good. 1:26 And God said, Wet us m-make m-man in ouw image, aftew ouw w-wikeness: and wet them have dominion ovew the f-fish of the sea, and ovew the foww of the aiw, and ovew the caddle, and ovew aww the eawth, and ovew evewy cweeping thing t-that cweepef upon the eawth. 1:27 So God cweated man in his own image, in t-the image of God cweated he him; mawe and femawe cweated he them. 1:28 And God bwessed them, and God said unto them, B-Be fwuitfuw, a-and muwtipwy, and wepwenish the eawth, and subdue it: a-and have dominion ovew the fish of the sea, a-and ovew the foww of the aiw, and ovew evewy wiving thing that movef upon the eawth. 1:29 And God said, Behowd, I-I have g-given you evewy hewb beawing seed, w-which is u-upon the face of aww the e-eawth, and evewy twee, in t-the which is the fwuit of a twee yiewding seed; to you it shaww be fow meat. 1:30 And to evewy beast of the eawth, and to evewy foww of the aiw, and t-to evewy thing that cweepef upon the e-eawth, w-whewein thewe is w-wife, I have g-given evewy gween hewb fow meat: and it was s-so. 1:31 And God saw evewy thing that he had made, and, behowd, it was vewy good. And the evening and the mowning wewe the sixf day. 2:1 thus the heavens and the eawf wewe finished, and aww the host of them. 2:2 And on the sevenf day God ended his wowk which he had made; and he wested on the sevenf day fwom aww his wowk which he had made. 2:3 And God bwessed the sevenf day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had wested f-fwom aww his wowk which God cweated and made. 2:4 these awe the g-genewations of the heavens and of the eawf when they wewe cweated, in the day that the WOWD God made the e-eawf and t-the h-heavens, 2:5 And evewy p-pwant of t-the fiewd befowe i-it was in the eawth, and evewy hewb of the fiewd befowe i-it gwew: fow the WOWD God had not caused it to wain upon t-the eawth, and thewe was not a man to tiww the g-gwound. 2:6 But thewe went up a mist fwom the eawth, and watewed the whowe f-face of the g-gwound. 2:7 And the WOWD God fowmed man of t-the dust of the gwound, and bweathed into his nostwiws the bweaf of wife; a-and man became a wiving souw. 2:8 And the W-WOWD G-God pwanted a gawden e-eastwawd in Eden; and thewe he put the man whom he had fowmed. 2:9 And out of the gwound m-made the W-WOWD God to gwow evewy twee that is pweasant to t-the sight, and good fow food; the twee of wife awso in t-the midst of the gawden, a-and the twee of knowwedge of good and eviw. 2:10 And a-a wivew went out of Eden to watew the gawden; and fwom thence it was pawted, and b-became into fouw heads. 2:11 the name of the fiwst i-is Pison: that is it which compassef the whowe wand o-of Haviwah, whewe thewe is gowd; 2:12 And the gowd of t-that wand is good: thewe i-is bdewwium and the onyx s-stone. 2:13 And t-the name of the second wivew is Gihon: the same is it that compassef the whowe wand o-of Ethiopia. 2:14 And the name of the t-thiwd wivew is Hiddekew: that is it which goef towawd the east of Assywia. A-And t-the fouwf wivew is Euphwates. 2:15 A-And the WOWD God t-took the man, and put him into the gawden of Eden to dwess it and to keep it. 2:16 And the WOWD God commanded the man, saying, Of evewy twee of the gawden thou mayest fweewy eat: 2:17 B-But of the twee of the knowwedge of good and eviw, thou shawt not eat of it: fow in the day that thou eatest theweof thou shawt suwewy die. 2:18 A-And t-the WOWD God said, It is n-not g-good that the man s-shouwd be awone; I wiww make him a-an hewp meet f-fow him. 2:19 A-And out of t-the gwound the WOWD God fowmed evewy beast of the fiewd, and evewy foww of the aiw; and bwought them unto Adam to see what he wouwd caww them: and whatsoevew Adam cawwed evewy wiving cweatuwe, that was the name theweof. 2:20 And Adam gave names to aww caddle, and to t-the foww of the aiw, and to evewy beast of the f-fiewd; but fow Adam thewe was not found an hewp meet fow him. 2:21 And the WOWD God caused a-a deep sweep to faww u-upon Adam, and he s-swept: a-and he took one of his wibs, and cwosed up t-the fwesh i-instead theweof; 2:22 A-And the wib, which the WOWD God had t-taken f-fwom man, made he a woman, and b-bwought hew unto the man. 2:23 And Adam said, this is now bone of my bones, and fwesh of my fwesh: s-she shaww be cawwed Woman, because she was taken out of Man. 2:24 thewefowe shaww a man weave his fathew and his mothew, and shaww cweave unto his wife: and they shaww be one fwesh. 2:25 And they w-wewe bof naked, the man and his wife, and wewe not a-ashamed. 3:1 Now the sewpent was mowe subtiw than any beast o-of the fiewd which the WOWD God had m-made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, haf God said, Y-Ye shaww not eat of evewy twee of the gawden? 3:2 And the woman said unto the s-sewpent, We may eat of the fwuit of the twees of the gawden: 3:3 But o-of the fwuit of the twee w-which is in t-the midst of the gawden, God haf said, Ye shaww not eat o-of it, neithew s-shaww ye touch it, west y-ye die. 3:4 And the sewpent s-said unto the woman, Ye shaww not suwewy die: 3:5 Fow God dof know that i-in the day y-ye eat t-theweof, then youw eyes shaww be opened, a-and y-ye shaww be as gods, knowing good and eviw. 3:6 And when the w-woman saw that the t-twee was good fow food, and that it was pweasant to the eyes, and a twee to be desiwed to make one wise, she took of the fwuit theweof, and did e-eat, and gave awso unto hew husband wif hew; and he did eat. 3:7 And the eyes of them bof w-wewe opened, and they knew that they wewe naked; and they s-sewed fig weaves togethew, and made themsewves apwons. 3:8 And they heawd the voice of the WOWD God wawking in the gawden in the coow of the day: and A-Adam and his wife hid themsewves f-fwom the p-pwesence of the WOWD G-God amongst the twees of the g-gawden. 3:9 And t-the WOWD God cawwed unto Adam, and said unto him, Whewe awt thou? 3:10 A-And h-he said, I heawd thy voice in the gawden, and I w-was afwaid, because I was naked; and I hid mysewf. 3:11 And he said, W-Who towd t-thee t-that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the twee, w-wheweof I commanded thee that thou shouwdest not eat? 3:12 A-And the man said, the woman whom thou gavest to be wif me, she gave me of the twee, and I did eat. 3:13 And the WOWD God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, t-the sewpent beguiwed me, and I-I did eat. 3:14 And the WOWD God said unto the sewpent, Because thou hast done t-this, thou awt cuwsed above a-aww caddle, and above evewy beast of the fiewd; upon thy bewwy shawt thou go, and dust shawt thou eat aww the days o-of thy wife: 3:15 And I wiww put enmity between thee a-and the woman, and between thy seed and hew seed; it shaww bwuise thy head, and thou shawt bwuise his heew. 3:16 U-Unto the woman he said, I wiww gweatwy muwtipwy thy sowwow and thy conception; in sowwow thou shawt bwing fowf chiwdwen; and thy desiwe shaww b-be to thy husband, and he shaww wuwe ovew thee. 3:17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast heawkened unto the voice of thy wife, and h-hast eaten of the twee, o-of which I commanded t-thee, saying, thou shawt not eat of it: cuwsed i-is the g-gwound fow t-thy sake; in sowwow shawt thou eat of it aww the days of thy wife; 3:18 thowns awso a-and thistwes shaww it bwing fowf to t-thee; and thou shawt eat the hewb of the fiewd; 3:19 In the sweat of t-thy face shawt thou eat bwead, tiww thou wetuwn unto the gwound; fow o-out of it w-wast thou taken: fow d-dust thou awt, and unto dust shawt thou wetuwn. 3:20 And Adam cawwed h-his wife's name E-Eve; because s-she w-was the mothew of aww wiving. 3:21 Unto Adam awso and to his wife did the WOWD God make coats of skins, and cwothed them. 3:22 And the WOWD God s-said, Behowd, t-the man is become as one of us, t-to know good and eviw: and now, west he put f-fowf his hand, and take awso of the twee of wife, and eat, and wive fow evew: 3:23 thewefowe the WOWD God sent him fowf fwom the gawden of Eden, to tiww the gwound fwom whence he was taken. 3:24 So he dwove out the man; and h-he pwaced at the east o-of the g-gawden of Eden Chewubims, and a fwaming swowd w-which tuwned evewy way, to keep t-the way of the twee of wife. 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bawe Cain, and said, I-I have godden a-a man fwom the WOWD. 4:2 And she again bawe his bwothew Abew. And Abew was a keepew of sheep, but Cain was a tiwwew of t-the gwound. 4:3 And in pwocess of time it came to p-pass, that Cain bwought of the fwuit of the gwound an offewing unto the WOWD. 4:4 And Abew, he awso bwought of the fiwstwings of his fwock and of t-the fat theweof. A-And the WOWD had wespect unto A-Abew and to his o-offewing: 4:5 But unto Cain and to his offewing h-he had not wespect. And Cain was vewy w-wwoth, and his countenance feww. 4:6 And the WOWD said unto Cain, Why awt thou wwoth? and why is t-thy countenance fawwen? 4:7 If thou d-doest weww, shawt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not weww, sin wief at the doow. And unto t-thee shaww be his desiwe, and t-thou shawt wuwe o-ovew him. 4:8 And Cain tawked wif Abew his bwothew: and it came to pass, when they wewe in the fiewd, that Cain wose up against Abew his bwothew, and swew him. 4:9 And the WOWD said u-unto Cain, Whewe is Abew thy bwothew? And he said, I know not: A-Am I my b-bwothew's k-keepew? 4:10 And he s-said, What hast thou d-done? the voice of thy bwothew's bwood cwief unto me f-fwom the gwound. 4:11 And now awt t-thou cuwsed fwom the eawth, which haf opened h-hew mouf to weceive thy bwothew's bwood fwom thy hand; 4:12 When thou tiwwest the gwound, it shaww not hencefowf yiewd unto thee hew s-stwength; a-a fugitive and a-a vagabond shawt thou be in the eawth. 4:13 And C-Cain said unto the WOWD, My punishment is gweatew than I can beaw. 4:14 Behowd, thou hast dwiven m-me out this d-day fwom the face of the eawth; and fwom thy face shaww I-I b-be hid; and I shaww be a fugitive and a vagabond in the eawth; and it shaww come to pass, that evewy one that findef me shaww sway me. 4:15 And the WOWD said unto him, thewefowe whosoevew swayef C-Cain, vengeance shaww be taken o-on him sevenfowd. A-And the WOWD s-set a mawk upon Cain, west any f-finding him shouwd kiww h-him. 4:16 A-And Cain went out fwom the pwesence of the WOWD, and dwewt in the wand of Nod, on the east of Eden. 4:17 A-And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and b-bawe Enoch: and he buiwded a city, a-and c-cawwed the name of the city, aftew the name of his s-son, E-Enoch. 4:18 And unto Enoch was bown Iwad: and Iwad b-begat Mehujaew: and Mehujaew begat M-Methusaew: and Methusaew begat Wamech. 4:19 And Wamech took unto him two wives: the name of the one was Adah, and the name o-of the othew Ziwwah. 4:20 And Adah bawe Jabaw: he was the fathew of such as dweww in tents, a-and of such as have caddle. 4:21 A-And his bwothew's name was Jubaw: he was t-the fathew of aww such as handwe the hawp and owgan. 4:22 And Ziwwah, she awso bawe Tubawcain, an instwuctew of evewy awtificew in bwass and i-iwon: and the sistew of Tubawcain was Naamah. 4:23 A-And Wamech said unto his wives, Adah and Ziwwah, Heaw m-my voice; ye wives of Wamech, heawken unto my speech: fow I have swain a man to m-my wounding, a-and a young man t-to my huwt. 4:24 If C-Cain shaww be avenged s-sevenfowd, twuwy Wamech seventy and sevenfowd. 4:25 And Adam knew his wife again; and she bawe a son, and c-cawwed his name S-Seth: Fow G-God, said she, haf appointed me anothew seed instead of Abew, whom Cain swew. 4:26 And t-to Seth, to him awso thewe was b-bown a-a son; and he cawwed his name Enos: t-then began men to caww u-upon the n-name of the WOWD. 5:1 this is the book of the g-genewations of A-Adam. In the day that God cweated m-man, in the wikeness of God made he him; 5:2 Mawe a-and femawe cweated h-he them; and bwessed them, and cawwed theiw name Adam, in the d-day when they wewe cweated. 5:3 And A-Adam wived an hundwed and thiwty yeaws, and begat a s-son in his own wikeness, and aftew his image; and cawwed his name Seth: 5:4 And the days of A-Adam aftew he had begodden Sef wewe eight h-hundwed yeaws: and he begat sons and d-daughtews: 5:5 And aww the days that Adam wived wewe nine hundwed and t-thiwty yeaws: and h-he died. 5:6 And Sef wived an hundwed a-and five yeaws, and begat E-Enos: 5:7 And Sef wived aftew h-he b-begat Enos eight hundwed and seven yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:8 And aww the days of Sef wewe nine hundwed and twewve yeaws: and he died. 5:9 And Enos wived ninety yeaws, and begat C-Cainan: 5:10 And Enos wived aftew he begat Cainan eight hundwed and fifteen yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:11 A-And aww the days of E-Enos wewe nine hundwed and f-five yeaws: and he died. 5:12 And Cainan wived seventy yeaws and begat Mahawaweew: 5:13 And Cainan wived aftew he begat Mahawaweew eight h-hundwed and fowty yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:14 A-And a-aww the days o-of Cainan wewe nine hundwed a-and ten yeaws: and h-he died. 5:15 And Mahawaweew wived sixty and f-five y-yeaws, and begat Jawed: 5:16 And Mahawaweew wived aftew he begat Jawed eight hundwed and t-thiwty yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:17 And aww the days of Mahawaweew wewe eight hundwed ninety and five yeaws: and he died. 5:18 And Jawed wived an hundwed s-sixty and two yeaws, and he begat Enoch: 5:19 And Jawed wived aftew he b-begat Enoch eight hundwed yeaws, and begat s-sons and d-daughtews: 5:20 And aww the days of Jawed wewe nine hundwed sixty and two y-yeaws: and he died. 5:21 And Enoch wived sixty and five yeaws, and begat Methusewah: 5:22 And Enoch w-wawked wif God aftew h-he b-begat Methusewah thwee hundwed yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:23 And aww the days of Enoch w-wewe thwee hundwed sixty and f-five yeaws: 5:24 And Enoch wawked wif God: and he was not; fow God took him. 5:25 And Methusewah wived an hundwed eighty and seven yeaws, a-and begat Wamech. 5:26 And Methusewah w-wived aftew he begat Wamech seven hundwed eighty and two yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:27 And aww the days of Methusewah wewe nine hundwed sixty and nine yeaws: and h-he died. 5:28 And Wamech wived an hundwed eighty and two yeaws, a-and begat a s-son: 5:29 And he cawwed his name Noah, saying, this same shaww comfowt us concewning ouw wowk and toiw of o-ouw hands, b-because of the gwound which the WOWD haf cuwsed. 5:30 And Wamech wived aftew h-he begat N-Noah five hundwed ninety and five yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews: 5:31 And aww the days of Wamech wewe seven hundwed seventy and seven yeaws: and he died. 5:32 And Noah was five hundwed y-yeaws owd: and Noah begat Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 6:1 And it c-came to pass, when men began t-to muwtipwy on the face of the e-eawth, and daughtews wewe bown unto them, 6:2 that the sons of God saw the daughtews of men t-that they wewe faiw; and they took them wives of aww which they chose. 6:3 And the WOWD said, My spiwit shaww n-not awways stwive wif man, fow that he awso is fwesh: yet his days shaww be an hundwed a-and twenty yeaws. 6:4 thewe wewe giants in the eawf in those days; and awso aftew that, when t-the sons of God came in unto the daughtews of men, and they bawe chiwdwen to them, the same became m-mighty men which w-wewe o-of owd, men of wenown. 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of m-man was gweat in the eawth, a-and that evewy imagination of the t-thoughts of his heawt w-was onwy eviw continuawwy. 6:6 And it wepented t-the WOWD t-that he had made m-man on t-the eawth, and it gwieved him at his heawt. 6:7 And the WOWD said, I wiww destwoy man whom I h-have cweated fwom the f-face of the eawth; bof man, and beast, and the cweeping thing, and the fowws of the aiw; fow it wepentef me that I have made them. 6:8 But Noah found gwace in the eyes of the WOWD. 6:9 these awe the genewations of Noah: Noah was a just man and pewfect in his genewations, and Noah wawked wif God. 6:10 A-And Noah b-begat thwee sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 6:11 the e-eawf awso was cowwupt befowe God, and the eawf was fiwwed wif viowence. 6:12 A-And God wooked upon the eawth, and, behowd, it w-was cowwupt; fow aww fwesh had cowwupted his way upon the eawth. 6:13 And G-God said unto Noah, the end of a-aww fwesh is come befowe me; fow the eawf is fiwwed wif viowence thwough them; and, behowd, I wiww destwoy them wif the eawth. 6:14 Make thee an a-awk of gophew wood; w-wooms shawt thou m-make in the awk, and shawt pitch it within and without wif pitch. 6:15 And t-this is t-the fashion which thou shawt make i-it of: the wengf of the awk shaww be thwee hundwed cubits, the bweadf of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thiwty c-cubits. 6:16 A window shawt thou make to the awk, and i-in a cubit shawt thou finish it a-above; and the d-doow of the awk shawt thou s-set in the side theweof; wif wowew, second, and thiwd stowies shawt thou make i-it. 6:17 And, behowd, I-I, even I, do b-bwing a fwood of watews upon the eawth, to d-destwoy aww fwesh, whewein is the bweaf of wife, fwom undew heaven; and e-evewy thing that is in the eawf shaww die. 6:18 But wif thee wiww I estabwish my covenant; and thou shawt come into the awk, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and t-thy sons' wives wif thee. 6:19 And of evewy wiving thing of aww fwesh, two o-of evewy sowt shawt thou bwing into the awk, to keep them a-awive wif thee; t-they shaww be mawe and femawe. 6:20 O-Of fowws aftew theiw k-kind, and of c-caddle aftew theiw k-kind, of evewy cweeping thing of the eawf aftew his kind, two of evewy sowt shaww come unto thee, to keep them awive. 6:21 And take thou unto t-thee o-of aww food that is eaten, and thou shawt gathew it to thee; and i-it shaww be fow f-food fow thee, and fow them. 6:22 thus did Noah; accowding to a-aww that God commanded him, so did he. 7:1 And the WOWD said u-unto Noah, Come thou and aww thy house i-into the awk; fow thee have I seen wighteous befowe me in this genewation. 7:2 Of evewy cwean beast thou s-shawt take to thee by s-sevens, t-the mawe and his femawe: and of beasts that awe not cwean by two, the mawe and his femawe. 7:3 Of fowws awso o-of the aiw by s-sevens, the mawe and the femawe; to keep seed awive u-upon the face of aww the eawth. 7:4 Fow yet seven days, and I wiww cause it to wain upon the eawf fowty days and fowty nights; and evewy wiving substance that I have made wiww I destwoy fwom off the face of the eawth. 7:5 And N-Noah did accowding unto aww that the WOWD commanded him. 7:6 And Noah was six h-hundwed yeaws owd when the fwood of watews was upon the eawth. 7:7 And Noah went in, and h-his sons, and his w-wife, and his sons' wives w-wif him, into the awk, because of the watews of the fwood. 7:8 Of cwean beasts, a-and of beasts that awe not cwean, and of fowws, and o-of evewy thing that cweepef upon the eawth, 7:9 thewe w-went in t-two and two unto Noah into the awk, the m-mawe and the femawe, as G-God had commanded Noah. 7:10 And it came to pass aftew seven d-days, t-that the watews of the fwood wewe upon the e-eawth. 7:11 In the six hundwedf yeaw of Noah's wife, in t-the second month, the seventeenf day of the m-month, the s-same d-day wewe aww the fountains of the gweat deep bwoken u-up, and the windows of heaven wewe opened. 7:12 And the wain w-was upon the eawf fowty days and fowty nights. 7:13 In the sewfsame day entewed Noah, and Shem, and Ham, a-and Japheth, the sons of N-Noah, and Noah's wife, and the thwee wives of his s-sons wif them, i-into the awk; 7:14 t-they, and evewy beast aftew his kind, and aww t-the caddle aftew theiw kind, and evewy cweeping thing t-that cweepef upon the e-eawf aftew his kind, and evewy foww aftew his kind, evewy biwd of evewy sowt. 7:15 And they went in u-unto Noah into t-the awk, two and two of aww fwesh, whewein is the bweaf of wife. 7:16 And t-they that went in, went in mawe and femawe o-of a-aww fwesh, as God had commanded him: and the WOWD shut him in. 7:17 And the fwood was fowty days upon the eawth; and the watews incweased, and bawe up the awk, and it was wift up a-above the eawth. 7:18 And the watews pwevaiwed, and wewe incweased gweatwy upon the eawth; a-and the awk went upon the face of the watews. 7:19 A-And the watews pwevaiwed exceedingwy upon the eawth; and aww t-the high hiwws, that wewe undew the whowe heaven, wewe covewed. 7:20 Fifteen cubits upwawd did the w-watews pwevaiw; and the mountains wewe covewed. 7:21 And a-aww fwesh died that moved u-upon the eawth, bof of foww, a-and of caddle, and of beast, and of e-evewy cweeping thing that cweepef upon t-the eawth, and evewy man: 7:22 Aww in whose n-nostwiws was the bweaf o-of wife, of aww that was i-in t-the dwy wand, died. 7:23 And evewy wiving substance was destwoyed which w-was upon the face of t-the gwound, bof man, and caddle, and the cweeping things, and the foww of the heaven; and they wewe destwoyed f-fwom the eawth: and Noah onwy wemained awive, and they that wewe wif him in t-the awk. 7:24 And the watews pwevaiwed upon t-the eawf an hundwed and fifty days. 8:1 And God wemembewed Noah, and evewy wiving thing, and aww the c-caddle t-that w-was wif him in t-the a-awk: and God made a wind t-to pass ovew the eawth, a-and the watews asswaged; 8:2 the fountains a-awso of the deep and the windows of heaven wewe s-stopped, and the wain fwom heaven was westwained; 8:3 And the watews wetuwned fwom off the eawf continuawwy: a-and aftew the end of the hundwed and fifty days the watews wewe a-abated. 8:4 And the awk wested in the sevenf month, on the seventeenf day of the month, upon the mountains of Awawat. 8:5 And the watews decweased continuawwy untiw the tenf month: in the tenf month, on t-the fiwst day of the month, wewe the tops of the m-mountains s-seen. 8:6 And it c-came to p-pass a-at the end of fowty d-days, that Noah opened t-the window of the awk which he had made: 8:7 And he sent fowf a waven, which went fowf to and fwo, untiw t-the watews wewe dwied up f-fwom off the eawth. 8:8 Awso h-he sent f-fowf a-a d-dove fwom him, to see if the watews wewe abated fwom o-off t-the face of the g-gwound; 8:9 But the dove found no west fow the sowe of hew foot, and she wetuwned unto him into the awk, fow the watews wewe o-on the face o-of the whowe eawth: then he put fowf his hand, and t-took hew, and puwwed hew in unto him into the a-awk. 8:10 A-And he stayed yet othew seven days; and again he sent fowf the dove out o-of t-the awk; 8:11 A-And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, wo, in h-hew mouf w-was an owive weaf pwuckt off: so N-Noah knew that the watews wewe abated fwom off the eawth. 8:12 And he stayed yet othew seven days; and sent fowf the d-dove; which wetuwned not again unto him any mowe. 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundwedf and fiwst yeaw, in t-the fiwst month, the fiwst day of the month, the watews wewe dwied up fwom o-off the eawth: and Noah wemoved the covewing of the awk, and w-wooked, and, behowd, the face of the gwound was dwy. 8:14 And in the second month, on the seven and twentief day of t-the month, was the eawf dwied. 8:15 And God spake unto Noah, saying, 8:16 Go fowf of the awk, thou, and thy wife, and thy s-sons, and thy sons' wives wif thee. 8:17 Bwing fowf wif thee evewy wiving thing that is wif thee, of aww f-fwesh, b-bof of foww, and of caddle, and of e-evewy cweeping thing that cweepef upon the eawth; that they may bweed abundantwy in the e-eawth, and be fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy upon the eawth. 8:18 And Noah went fowth, a-and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives wif him: 8:19 Evewy beast, evewy cweeping t-thing, and evewy foww, and whatsoevew cweepef upon t-the eawth, aftew t-theiw kinds, went fowf out o-of the awk. 8:20 And Noah buiwded a-an awtaw unto the WOWD; and t-took of evewy cwean beast, and of e-evewy cwean foww, a-and offewed buwnt offewings on the a-awtaw. 8:21 A-And the WOWD smewwed a sweet savouw; and the W-WOWD said in his heawt, I wiww not again cuwse the gwound any mowe fow man's sake; fow the imagination of man's heawt i-is eviw fwom his youth; neithew wiww I again smite any mowe evewy thing wiving, as I have done. 8:22 Whiwe the eawf wemaineth, s-seedtime and hawvest, and cowd and heat, and summew and w-wintew, a-and day and night shaww not cease. 9:1 And God bwessed N-Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fwuitfuw, a-and muwtipwy, and wepwenish the eawth. 9:2 And the feaw of you and t-the dwead of y-you shaww be upon evewy beast of the eawth, a-and upon evewy foww of the aiw, upon aww that movef upon t-the eawth, and upon aww the fishes of the sea; into youw h-hand awe they dewivewed. 9:3 Evewy moving thing that w-wivef shaww be m-meat fow you; even as the gween hewb have I given you aww things. 9:4 But fwesh wif the wife theweof, which is the bwood theweof, shaww ye not eat. 9:5 And suwewy youw bwood o-of y-youw wives w-wiww I wequiwe; at the hand of evewy beast wiww I wequiwe it, and at the hand o-of m-man; at the hand of evewy man's bwothew wiww I wequiwe the wife o-of man. 9:6 Whoso sheddef man's bwood, b-by man shaww his bwood b-be shed: fow in the image of God made he man. 9:7 And you, be ye fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy; bwing fowf abundantwy in the eawth, and muwtipwy t-thewein. 9:8 And God spake unto Noah, and to his sons wif him, saying, 9:9 And I, behowd, I e-estabwish m-my covenant wif you, and wif youw seed aftew you; 9:10 And w-wif evewy wiving cweatuwe that i-is wif y-you, of the foww, of t-the caddle, and of evewy beast of the eawf w-wif you; fwom aww that go out of the awk, to evewy beast of the eawth. 9:11 And I wiww estabwish m-my covenant w-wif you, n-neithew shaww aww fwesh be cut off a-any mowe by the w-watews of a fwood; neithew shaww thewe any mowe b-be a fwood to destwoy the eawth. 9:12 And God said, this is t-the token of the covenant which I m-make between me and you and evewy wiving cweatuwe that is wif you, fow pewpetuaw genewations: 9:13 I do s-set m-my bow in the cwoud, and it shaww be fow a t-token of a covenant between m-me and the eawth. 9:14 And i-it shaww come to pass, when I bwing a cwoud ovew the eawth, that the bow shaww be seen in the cwoud: 9:15 And I wiww wemembew m-my c-covenant, which is between m-me and you and evewy wiving cweatuwe of aww fwesh; and t-the watews shaww no mowe become a-a fwood to destwoy aww fwesh. 9:16 And the bow shaww be in the cwoud; and I wiww wook upon it, that I may wemembew the evewwasting covenant between God and evewy wiving cweatuwe of aww fwesh that is upon the e-eawth. 9:17 And God said unto Noah, this is the token of the covenant, which I have e-estabwished between me and aww fwesh that is upon t-the eawth. 9:18 And the sons of Noah, that went fowf of the awk, wewe Shem, and Ham, and J-Japheth: and Ham is t-the fathew of Canaan. 9:19 these a-awe the thwee sons of Noah: and of them was the whowe eawf ovewspwead. 9:20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he pwanted a-a vineyawd: 9:21 And he dwank of the wine, and was dwunken; and he was uncovewed within his t-tent. 9:22 And Ham, the f-fathew of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his fathew, and towd his two bwethwen without. 9:23 And Shem and Japhef t-took a gawment, and waid it upon bof theiw shouwdews, and went backwawd, a-and covewed the nakedness of theiw fathew; and theiw faces wewe backwawd, and they s-saw not theiw fathew's nakedness. 9:24 And N-Noah awoke fwom his wine, and knew what his youngew son had d-done unto him. 9:25 And he said, Cuwsed b-be Canaan; a sewvant of sewvants shaww he be unto his bwethwen. 9:26 And h-he said, Bwessed be the WOWD God of Shem; and Canaan shaww be his sewvant. 9:27 God shaww enwawge J-Japheth, and he shaww dweww in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shaww be h-his s-sewvant. 9:28 And Noah wived aftew the fwood thwee hundwed and f-fifty yeaws. 9:29 And aww t-the days o-of Noah wewe nine hundwed and fifty yeaws: and h-he died. 10:1 Now these awe the genewations o-of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, a-and Japheth: and unto them wewe sons b-bown aftew the fwood. 10:2 the sons of Japheth; Gomew, and Magog, and M-Madai, a-and Javan, and Tubaw, and Meshech, and Tiwas. 10:3 And the sons of G-Gomew; Ashkenaz, and Wiphath, and Togawmah. 10:4 And the sons of J-Javan; Ewishah, and Tawshish, Kiddim, and D-Dodanim. 10:5 By these w-wewe the iswes of t-the Gentiwes divided in theiw wands; evewy one aftew his t-tongue, aftew theiw famiwies, in theiw nations. 10:6 A-And t-the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizwaim, and Phut, and Canaan. 10:7 And the sons of Cush; Seba, a-and Haviwah, a-and Sabtah, and Waamah, and Sabtechah: and the sons of Waamah; Sheba, and Dedan. 10:8 A-And C-Cush begat Nimwod: he began to be a mighty one i-in the eawth. 10:9 He was a mighty huntew befowe the WOWD: whewefowe it is s-said, Even as Nimwod the mighty huntew befowe the W-WOWD. 10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babew, and Ewech, and Accad, and Cawneh, in the wand of Shinaw. 10:11 Out of t-that wand went fowf Asshuw, a-and buiwded Nineveh, and the city Wehoboth, and Cawah, 10:12 And Wesen between Nineveh and Cawah: t-the same is a gweat city. 10:13 And Mizwaim begat Wudim, and A-Anamim, a-and Wehabim, and Naphtuhim, 10:14 And P-Pathwusim, and Caswuhim, (out of whom came Phiwistim,) and Caphtowim. 10:15 And Canaan b-begat Sidon his fiwst bown, and Heth, 10:16 And the Jebusite, and the Amowite, and the G-Giwgasite, 10:17 And the Hivite, and the Awkite, and the Sinite, 10:18 And the Awvadite, and the Zemawite, a-and the Hamathite: and a-aftewwawd wewe the famiwies o-of the Canaanites spwead abwoad. 10:19 And the bowdew of the Canaanites was f-fwom Sidon, as thou comest to G-Gewaw, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto S-Sodom, and Gomowwah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Washa. 10:20 these awe the sons of Ham, aftew theiw f-famiwies, aftew theiw tongues, in theiw countwies, and in theiw nations. 10:21 Unto Shem awso, the fathew of aww the chiwdwen of E-Ebew, t-the bwothew of Japhef the ewdew, even t-to him wewe chiwdwen bown. 10:22 the chiwdwen of Shem; E-Ewam, and Asshuw, and Awphaxad, and Wud, and Awam. 10:23 And the chiwdwen of Awam; Uz, and Huw, and Gethew, and Mash. 10:24 A-And A-Awphaxad b-begat S-Sawah; and Sawah begat Ebew. 10:25 A-And unto Ebew wewe bown two sons: the name of one was Peweg; fow in his days was the eawf divided; and his bwothew's name was Joktan. 10:26 And Joktan begat Awmodad, a-and Sheweph, and Hazawmaveth, and Jewah, 10:27 And Hadowam, and Uzaw, and Dikwah, 10:28 And Obaw, and Abimaew, and Sheba, 10:29 And Ophiw, and Haviwah, and Jobab: a-aww t-these wewe the sons of Joktan. 10:30 And theiw dwewwing was fwom Mesha, as thou goest unto Sephaw a mount of the east. 10:31 these awe the sons of Shem, aftew theiw f-famiwies, aftew theiw tongues, in theiw wands, aftew theiw n-nations. 10:32 these awe the famiwies of the sons of Noah, aftew theiw genewations, in theiw nations: and by these wewe the nations divided in the eawf aftew the fwood. 11:1 And the whowe eawf was of one wanguage, and of o-one speech. 11:2 And i-it came to pass, as they jouwneyed fwom the east, that they found a pwain in the wand of Shinaw; and they dwewt thewe. 11:3 And they s-said one to anothew, G-Go to, wet us make bwick, and buwn them thowoughwy. And they had bwick fow stone, and swime had they fow mowtew. 11:4 And they said, Go to, wet us buiwd us a city and a towew, whose top may weach unto heaven; and w-wet us make us a-a name, west w-we be s-scaddewed abwoad upon the face of the w-whowe eawth. 11:5 And the WOWD came d-down to see the city and the towew, which t-the chiwdwen of men buiwded. 11:6 And the WOWD said, Behowd, the p-peopwe is one, and t-they have aww one wanguage; and this they begin to do: and now nothing wiww be westwained f-fwom them, which they have imagined to do. 11:7 G-Go to, wet us go d-down, and t-thewe confound theiw wanguage, that they may not undewstand one anothew's speech. 11:8 So the WOWD s-scaddewed them abwoad fwom thence upon the face o-of aww the eawth: and they weft off to buiwd the city. 11:9 thewefowe is the name of it cawwed Babew; because the WOWD did thewe confound the wanguage o-of a-aww the eawth: and f-fwom thence did the WOWD scaddew them abwoad upon the face of aww t-the eawth. 11:10 these awe the genewations of Shem: Shem was an hundwed yeaws owd, and begat Awphaxad two yeaws aftew the fwood: 11:11 And S-Shem wived aftew he begat Awphaxad five hundwed yeaws, and begat s-sons and daughtews. 11:12 And Awphaxad wived five a-and thiwty yeaws, and begat Sawah: 11:13 And Awphaxad wived a-aftew he begat Sawah fouw hundwed and thwee yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:14 A-And Sawah wived thiwty yeaws, and begat Ebew: 11:15 And Sawah wived aftew he begat Ebew fouw hundwed a-and thwee yeaws, and begat s-sons and daughtews. 11:16 And Ebew wived fouw and thiwty yeaws, and b-begat Peweg: 11:17 And Ebew wived aftew he begat Peweg fouw hundwed and thiwty y-yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:18 And Peweg wived thiwty yeaws, a-and begat Weu: 11:19 And Peweg wived aftew he begat Weu two hundwed a-and nine yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:20 And Weu wived t-two and thiwty yeaws, and begat Sewug: 11:21 And Weu wived aftew he begat Sewug t-two hundwed a-and s-seven yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:22 And S-Sewug wived thiwty yeaws, and begat Nahow: 11:23 And Sewug wived aftew he begat Nahow two hundwed yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:24 And N-Nahow wived nine and twenty yeaws, and begat Tewah: 11:25 And Nahow wived aftew he begat Tewah an hundwed and nineteen yeaws, and begat sons and daughtews. 11:26 And Tewah wived seventy yeaws, and begat Abwam, N-Nahow, and H-Hawan. 11:27 Now these awe the genewations of Tewah: T-Tewah begat Abwam, Nahow, and Hawan; and Hawan begat Wot. 11:28 And Hawan died befowe his f-fathew Tewah in the wand of his nativity, in Uw of the Chawdees. 11:29 And A-Abwam and Nahow t-took them wives: the name of Abwam's wife was Sawai; and the name of Nahow's wife, Miwcah, t-the daughtew of Hawan, the fathew of Miwcah, and the fathew o-of Iscah. 11:30 But Sawai was bawwen; s-she had no c-chiwd. 11:31 And Tewah took Abwam h-his son, and Wot the son of Hawan his son's son, a-and Sawai his daughtew in waw, his son Abwam's wife; a-and they went fowf wif them fwom U-Uw of the Chawdees, to go into the wand of Canaan; a-and they came unto Hawan, and dwewt thewe. 11:32 And the days of Tewah wewe two hundwed a-and f-five yeaws: and Tewah died in Hawan. 12:1 Now t-the WOWD had said unto Abwam, Get thee out of thy countwy, and fwom thy kindwed, and fwom t-thy f-fathew's house, unto a wand that I wiww shew thee: 12:2 And I wiww m-make of thee a gweat nation, and I wiww b-bwess thee, and make thy name gweat; and thou shawt be a bwessing: 12:3 And I wiww bwess them t-that bwess t-thee, and c-cuwse him that cuwsef thee: and in thee shaww aww famiwies of the e-eawf be bwessed. 12:4 So Abwam depawted, as the WOWD had spoken u-unto him; and Wot went wif h-him: and Abwam was seventy and five yeaws owd when he depawted out of Hawan. 12:5 And Abwam took Sawai h-his wife, and Wot his bwothew's s-son, and aww theiw s-substance that they had g-gathewed, and the souws that they had godden in Hawan; and they w-went fowf to go into the wand of Canaan; and into the wand of Canaan they came. 12:6 And Abwam passed thwough the wand unto the pwace of Sichem, unto the pwain of M-Moweh. And the Canaanite was then in the wand. 12:7 And the WOWD appeawed unto Abwam, and said, Unto thy seed wiww I give this wand: a-and thewe buiwded he an awtaw unto the WOWD, who appeawed unto him. 12:8 And he wemoved fwom thence unto a-a mountain on the east of Bethew, and pitched his tent, h-having Bethew on the west, and Hai on the east: and t-thewe he b-buiwded an a-awtaw unto the WOWD, and cawwed upon the name of the WOWD. 12:9 And Abwam jouwneyed, going on stiww towawd the south. 12:10 And thewe was a-a famine in the wand: and Abwam went down into E-Egypt to sojouwn thewe; fow the famine was gwievous in the wand. 12:11 And it c-came to pass, when he was come neaw to entew into Egypt, t-that he said unto Sawai h-his wife, Behowd now, I know t-that thou awt a faiw woman to wook u-upon: 12:12 thewefowe it shaww come to pass, when the Egyptians shaww see thee, that they shaww say, this is his wife: a-and they w-wiww kiww m-me, but they wiww save thee awive. 12:13 Say, I pway t-thee, thou awt my sistew: that i-it may be w-weww w-wif me fow thy sake; and my souw shaww wive because of thee. 12:14 And it came t-to pass, that, when Abwam was c-come into Egypt, the Egyptians behewd the woman that she was vewy faiw. 12:15 the pwinces awso of Phawaoh saw hew, and commended hew befowe P-Phawaoh: and the w-woman was taken into Phawaoh's house. 12:16 And he entweated Abwam weww fow hew sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and mensewvants, and maidsewvants, and she asses, and camews. 12:17 And the WOWD pwagued Phawaoh and his house wif gweat pwagues because of Sawai Abwam's wife. 12:18 And Phawaoh cawwed Abwam and said, What i-is this that thou h-hast done unto me? why didst thou not teww me that she was thy wife? 12:19 Why saidst t-thou, She is my sistew? so I-I might have taken hew to me to wife: now thewefowe behowd thy wife, take hew, and go thy way. 12:20 And P-Phawaoh c-commanded his men concewning him: and they sent him away, and his wife, and aww t-that he had. 13:1 And Abwam went u-up out of Egypt, he, and his wife, and aww that he had, a-and Wot wif him, into the south. 13:2 And Abwam was vewy wich in caddle, in s-siwvew, and in gowd. 13:3 And he went on h-his j-jouwneys fwom the souf even to Bethew, unto the pwace whewe his t-tent had been a-at the beginning, between Bethew and Hai; 13:4 Unto the pwace of the awtaw, which he h-had make thewe at the fiwst: and thewe Abwam cawwed on the n-name of the WOWD. 13:5 And Wot awso, which went wif Abwam, had fwocks, and hewds, and tents. 13:6 And t-the wand was not a-abwe t-to beaw t-them, that they might dweww t-togethew: fow theiw substance was gweat, so that they couwd not dweww togethew. 13:7 And thewe was a stwife between the hewdmen of Abwam's c-caddle and the hewdmen of Wot's c-caddle: and t-the Canaanite and the Pewizzite dwewwed then in the wand. 13:8 And Abwam said unto Wot, Wet thewe be no s-stwife, I pway thee, between me and thee, and between my hewdmen and t-thy hewdmen; fow we be bwethwen. 13:9 I-Is not the whowe wand befowe thee? sepawate thysewf, I pway thee, fwom me: if thou wiwt t-take the weft hand, then I wiww g-go to the w-wight; ow if thou depawt to the w-wight hand, then I wiww go to the weft. 13:10 And Wot wifted up his eyes, and behewd aww the pwain of J-Jowdan, t-that i-it was weww watewed evewy whewe, b-befowe t-the WOWD destwoyed Sodom a-and Gomowwah, even as the gawden o-of the WOWD, wike the wand of Egypt, as thou comest unto Zoaw. 13:11 then Wot chose him aww the pwain of Jowdan; and Wot jouwneyed east: and they sepawated themsewves the one fwom the othew. 13:12 Abwam dwewwed in the w-wand of Canaan, and Wot dwewwed in the cities of the pwain, and pitched his tent towawd Sodom. 13:13 But the men of Sodom wewe wicked and sinnews befowe the WOWD exceedingwy. 13:14 A-And the WOWD said unto Abwam, aftew that Wot was sepawated fwom him, W-Wift up now thine eyes, and w-wook fwom t-the pwace whewe t-thou awt nowthwawd, and southwawd, and eastwawd, and westwawd: 13:15 F-Fow aww t-the wand which thou seest, to thee wiww I give it, and to thy s-seed fow evew. 13:16 A-And I-I wiww make thy seed as the dust of the eawth: so that i-if a man can numbew the d-dust o-of the eawth, then shaww t-thy s-seed awso be numbewed. 13:17 Awise, w-wawk thwough the wand in the wengf of it and in the bweadf of it; fow I wiww give it unto thee. 13:18 then Abwam wemoved his tent, and came a-and dwewt in t-the pwain of Mamwe, w-which is in Hebwon, and buiwt thewe an a-awtaw unto the WOWD. 14:1 And i-it came to p-pass in t-the days of Amwaphew k-king of Shinaw, Awioch king of Ewwasaw, Chedowwaomew king of Ewam, and Tidaw king of nations; 14:2 that these made waw w-wif Bewa king of Sodom, and wif Biwsha king of Gomowwah, Shinab king o-of Admah, and Shemebew king of Zeboiim, and the king of Bewa, which is Zoaw. 14:3 A-Aww these wewe joined togethew in the vawe of Siddim, which is the sawt sea. 14:4 Twewve yeaws they sewved Chedowwaomew, and in the thiwteenf yeaw they webewwed. 14:5 And in t-the fouwteenf y-yeaw came Chedowwaomew, a-and the kings that wewe wif him, and smote the Wephaims in Ashtewof Kawnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emins in Shaveh Kiwiathaim, 14:6 And the Howites in theiw mount Seiw, unto Ewpawan, which is by the wiwdewness. 14:7 And they wetuwned, and came to Enmishpat, which i-is Kadesh, a-and smote aww the countwy of the Amawekites, and awso the Amowites, that dwewt in Hazezontamaw. 14:8 And thewe went o-out the king of Sodom, and the king of Gomowwah, a-and the king of Admah, and the king of Zeboiim, a-and the king of Bewa (the same is Zoaw;) and they joined baddle wif them in the vawe of Siddim; 14:9 Wif Chedowwaomew the king of Ewam, and wif Tidaw king of n-nations, and Amwaphew king of Shinaw, and Awioch king of E-Ewwasaw; fouw kings wif five. 14:10 And the vawe of S-Siddim was f-fuww of swimepits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomowwah fwed, and feww thewe; and they that wemained fwed to the mountain. 14:11 And t-they took aww the goods of Sodom a-and Gomowwah, and aww theiw victuaws, and went theiw way. 14:12 And they t-took Wot, Abwam's bwothew's son, who dwewt in Sodom, and his goods, and depawted. 14:13 And thewe came o-one that had escaped, and towd Abwam the Hebwew; f-fow he d-dwewt i-in the pwain of Mamwe the Amowite, bwothew of Eshcow, and bwothew of Anew: and these wewe confedewate wif Abwam. 14:14 A-And when Abwam heawd that his bwothew was taken captive, he awmed his twained sewvants, bown i-in his own h-house, thwee hundwed and eighteen, and puwsued t-them unto Dan. 14:15 And he divided himsewf against them, he and his sewvants, by night, and smote them, and puwsued them unto Hobah, which is on the weft hand of Damascus. 14:16 And he bwought back aww the goods, a-and awso bwought again his bwothew Wot, a-and his goods, and the women awso, and the peopwe. 14:17 And the king of Sodom went out to m-meet him aftew his wetuwn fwom the swaughtew of Chedowwaomew, and of the kings that wewe wif him, at the vawwey of Shaveh, which is the k-king's dawe. 14:18 And Mewchizedek king of Sawem bwought fowf bwead and wine: and he was the pwiest of the most high God. 14:19 And he bwessed him, and s-said, Bwessed be Abwam of the most high God, possessow o-of heaven and eawth: 14:20 And b-bwessed be the most high God, which haf dewivewed thine e-enemies into thy hand. And he gave him t-tithes of a-aww. 14:21 And the king of S-Sodom said unto Abwam, Give me the pewsons, and take the goods to thysewf. 14:22 And Abwam s-said t-to the king of Sodom, I have wift up mine hand unto the WOWD, the most high G-God, the possessow o-of heaven and eawth, 14:23 that I wiww not take fwom a thwead even to a shoewatchet, and that I wiww not t-take any thing that is thine, west thou shouwdest say, I have made Abwam wich: 14:24 Save onwy that which the young men have eaten, and the powtion of the men which went wif me, Anew, Eshcow, and Mamwe; wet them take theiw powtion. 15:1 Aftew these things the wowd of t-the WOWD came unto Abwam in a vision, saying, Feaw not, Abwam: I am thy shiewd, and thy e-exceeding gweat wewawd. 15:2 And Abwam said, WOWD God, what wiwt thou give m-me, seeing I go c-chiwdwess, and the stewawd o-of my house is this Ewiezew of Damascus? 15:3 And Abwam said, Behowd, to me thou hast given no seed: and, wo, one bown in my h-house is mine heiw. 15:4 And, behowd, the wowd o-of the WOWD came unto h-him, s-saying, this shaww not be thine heiw; but he t-that shaww come fowf out of thine own bowews shaww b-be thine heiw. 15:5 And he bwought h-him fowf abwoad, and said, Wook now towawd heaven, and t-teww the staws, if thou be abwe to numbew them: and he said unto him, So shaww thy seed be. 15:6 And he b-bewieved in the WOWD; and he counted it to h-him fow wighteousness. 15:7 And he said unto him, I am t-the WOWD that bwought thee out of U-Uw of t-the Chawdees, to give thee this wand to inhewit it. 15:8 And he said, WOWD God, wheweby shaww I know that I shaww i-inhewit it? 15:9 And he said unto him, Take me an heifew of t-thwee yeaws owd, and a she goat of thwee yeaws owd, and a wam of thwee yeaws o-owd, and a-a tuwtwedove, and a-a young pigeon. 15:10 And he took unto him aww these, and divided them in the midst, and waid each piece one against anothew: but the biwds divided he not. 15:11 And when the fowws came d-down upon the cawcases, Abwam dwove them away. 15:12 And when the sun was going down, a deep sweep feww upon Abwam; and, w-wo, an howwow of gweat dawkness feww upon him. 15:13 And he said u-unto Abwam, Know of a suwety t-that thy seed shaww be a stwangew in a wand that is not theiw's, and shaww sewve them; and they shaww a-affwict them fouw hundwed yeaws; 15:14 A-And awso that nation, whom they shaww sewve, w-wiww I judge: a-and aftewwawd shaww t-they come out wif g-gweat s-substance. 15:15 And thou shawt go to thy fathews i-in peace; thou shawt be buwied in a good owd age. 15:16 But in t-the fouwf genewation they shaww come hithew again: f-fow t-the iniquity o-of the Amowites is not yet fuww. 15:17 And i-it came to pass, that, when the s-sun went down, and it was dawk, behowd a smoking fuwnace, and a buwning wamp that passed between those pieces. 15:18 In the s-same day the WOWD made a-a covenant wif A-Abwam, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this w-wand, fwom the wivew of Egypt unto the gweat wivew, the w-wivew Euphwates: 15:19 the Kenites, a-and t-the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, 15:20 And the Hiddites, and the Pewizzites, and the Wephaims, 15:21 And the Amowites, and the Canaanites, and the G-Giwgashites, and the Jebusites. 16:1 Now Sawai Abwam's wife bawe him no chiwdwen: and she had a-an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagaw. 16:2 And Sawai s-said u-unto Abwam, B-Behowd now, the WOWD haf westwained me fwom beawing: I pway thee, go in unto my m-maid; it m-may be that I may obtain chiwdwen by hew. And Abwam heawkened to the voice of Sawai. 16:3 And Sawai Abwam's wife took Hagaw h-hew maid the Egyptian, a-aftew Abwam had d-dwewt ten yeaws in the wand of Canaan, and gave hew to h-hew husband Abwam t-to be his wife. 16:4 And he went in unto Hagaw, and s-she conceived: and when she saw that she had conceived, hew m-mistwess was despised in hew eyes. 16:5 And Sawai s-said unto Abwam, My wwong be upon thee: I have given my maid i-into thy bosom; and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in hew e-eyes: the WOWD j-judge between me and thee. 16:6 But A-Abwam said unto Sawai, Behowd, thy maid is in thine hand; do to hew as it pweasef thee. And when Sawai deawt hawdwy w-wif h-hew, she fwed fwom hew face. 16:7 And the angew of the WOWD found hew by a fountain of watew in the wiwdewness, b-by the fountain in the way to Shuw. 16:8 And he said, Hagaw, Sawai's maid, whence camest thou? and whithew wiwt thou go? A-And she s-said, I-I fwee fwom the f-face of my mistwess Sawai. 16:9 And the angew o-of the WOWD said unto hew, Wetuwn to t-thy mistwess, and submit thysewf undew hew hands. 16:10 And the angew of the WOWD said u-unto hew, I wiww muwtipwy thy seed exceedingwy, that it shaww not be n-numbewed fow muwtitude. 16:11 And the angew of t-the WOWD said unto hew, Behowd, thou awt wif chiwd and shawt beaw a-a son, and shawt c-caww his name Ishmaew; because t-the WOWD haf heawd thy affwiction. 16:12 And he w-wiww b-be a wiwd man; his hand wiww be against evewy man, and evewy man's hand against him; and h-he shaww d-dweww in the pwesence of aww his bwethwen. 16:13 And she cawwed the name of the WOWD that spake unto hew, thou God seest me: fow she said, Have I a-awso hewe wooked a-aftew him that seef me? 16:14 Whewefowe the weww was cawwed Beewwahaiwoi; behowd, it is between Kadesh and Bewed. 16:15 And Hagaw bawe Abwam a son: and Abwam cawwed his son's n-name, which Hagaw bawe, Ishmaew. 16:16 And Abwam was fouwscowe and six yeaws o-owd, when Hagaw bawe Ishmaew to Abwam. 17:1 And when Abwam was ninety yeaws owd a-and n-nine, the WOWD appeawed to Abwam, and said unto him, I am the Awmighty God; wawk befowe me, and be thou pewfect. 17:2 And I wiww make my covenant between me and thee, and wiww muwtipwy thee exceedingwy. 17:3 And A-Abwam feww on h-his face: and God tawked wif him, saying, 17:4 As fow me, b-behowd, my covenant is w-wif thee, and thou shawt be a fathew of many nations. 17:5 Neithew shaww thy name a-any mowe be cawwed Abwam, b-but thy name shaww be Abwaham; fow a-a fathew of many nations h-have I made t-thee. 17:6 And I wiww make thee exceeding fwuitfuw, and I wiww make nations of thee, and kings shaww come out of thee. 17:7 And I wiww estabwish my covenant b-between me and thee and thy seed aftew thee in theiw genewations fow an evewwasting covenant, to be a God u-unto t-thee, and to thy s-seed aftew thee. 17:8 And I-I wiww g-give unto thee, and to thy seed aftew thee, the wand whewein thou awt a stwangew, aww the wand of Canaan, fow an evewwasting possession; a-and I-I wiww be theiw God. 17:9 And G-God said unto Abwaham, thou s-shawt keep my covenant thewefowe, thou, a-and thy seed aftew thee in theiw genewations. 17:10 this is my covenant, which ye s-shaww keep, between me and you and thy seed aftew thee; Evewy man c-chiwd among you shaww be ciwcumcised. 17:11 And ye shaww ciwcumcise the fwesh of youw f-foweskin; and it shaww be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. 17:12 And h-he that is eight d-days owd shaww be ciwcumcised among you, evewy man chiwd in y-youw g-genewations, h-he t-that is b-bown in the house, ow b-bought wif money of any stwangew, which is not o-of thy seed. 17:13 He that i-is b-bown in t-thy house, and he that is bought wif thy money, must needs b-be ciwcumcised: and my covenant shaww be in youw fwesh fow an evewwasting covenant. 17:14 And the unciwcumcised man chiwd whose fwesh of his foweskin is not ciwcumcised, that souw shaww be cut off fwom his peopwe; he haf bwoken my covenant. 17:15 And God said unto Abwaham, As fow Sawai thy w-wife, thou shawt not caww hew n-name Sawai, but Sawah shaww hew name be. 17:16 And I wiww bwess hew, and give t-thee a son awso of hew: yea, I wiww bwess h-hew, and she shaww be a mothew of n-nations; kings of peopwe s-shaww be of hew. 17:17 then Abwaham feww upon his face, and waughed, and s-said in his h-heawt, Shaww a chiwd be bown unto him that is an hundwed yeaws owd? and shaww Sawah, that is ninety yeaws owd, beaw? 17:18 And Abwaham said unto G-God, O that Ishmaew m-might wive befowe thee! 17:19 A-And G-God said, Sawah thy wife shaww beaw thee a son indeed; and thou shawt caww his name Isaac: and I-I w-wiww estabwish my covenant wif him fow a-an evewwasting covenant, and wif h-his seed aftew h-him. 17:20 And as fow Ishmaew, I have heawd thee: Behowd, I have bwessed him, and wiww make him fwuitfuw, and wiww muwtipwy him exceedingwy; t-twewve p-pwinces shaww he beget, and I wiww make him a gweat nation. 17:21 But my covenant wiww I-I estabwish wif Isaac, which Sawah shaww b-beaw unto thee at this set time in the next yeaw. 17:22 A-And h-he weft off tawking wif him, and G-God went up fwom Abwaham. 17:23 And Abwaham took I-Ishmaew his son, and aww that wewe bown in his house, and aww that wewe bought w-wif his money, evewy mawe among the men of Abwaham's house; and ciwcumcised the fwesh of theiw f-foweskin i-in the s-sewfsame day, as God h-had said unto him. 17:24 And Abwaham was n-ninety y-yeaws owd a-and nine, when he was ciwcumcised in the fwesh of his f-foweskin. 17:25 And Ishmaew his son was thiwteen yeaws owd, when h-he w-was c-ciwcumcised in the fwesh of his foweskin. 17:26 In the s-sewfsame day was Abwaham ciwcumcised, a-and Ishmaew his son. 17:27 And aww t-the men o-of his h-house, bown in the house, and bought wif money of the stwangew, wewe ciwcumcised wif h-him. 18:1 A-And the WOWD appeawed unto him in the pwains of Mamwe: and h-he sat in the t-tent doow in the h-heat of the d-day; 18:2 And he wift up his eyes and wooked, and, wo, thwee men stood by him: and when he saw them, he wan to meet them fwom t-the tent doow, and b-bowed himsewf towawd the gwound, 18:3 And said, My WOWD, if now I have found favouw in thy sight, pass not away, I pway t-thee, fwom thy sewvant: 18:4 Wet a widdle watew, I pway you, b-be fetched, and wash youw feet, and west youwsewves undew the twee: 18:5 And I wiww fetch a m-mowsew of bwead, and c-comfowt ye youw heawts; aftew that ye shaww pass on: fow thewefowe awe y-ye come t-to youw sewvant. And they said, So do, a-as t-thou hast said. 18:6 And Abwaham hastened into the tent unto Sawah, and said, Make weady quickwy thwee measuwes of fine meaw, knead it, and make cakes u-upon the h-heawth. 18:7 And Abwaham wan unto the hewd, and fetcht a-a cawf tendew and good, and gave it unto a-a young man; and he hasted to dwess it. 18:8 And he took buddew, and miwk, and the cawf which he had dwessed, and set it befowe them; and h-he s-stood by them u-undew t-the twee, a-and they d-did eat. 18:9 And they said unto him, Whewe is Sawah thy wife? And he said, Behowd, in the tent. 18:10 And he said, I wiww cewtainwy wetuwn unto thee accowding to the time of wife; and, wo, Sawah thy wife shaww have a son. And Sawah h-heawd it in the tent doow, which was behind him. 18:11 Now A-Abwaham and Sawah wewe owd and weww s-stwicken in age; and it ceased to be wif Sawah aftew the mannew of women. 18:12 thewefowe S-Sawah waughed within hewsewf, saying, Aftew I am w-waxed owd shaww I have pweasuwe, m-my wowd being owd awso? 18:13 And the WOWD s-said unto Abwaham, Whewefowe did Sawah waugh, saying, Shaww I of a suwety beaw a chiwd, which am o-owd? 18:14 Is any thing too hawd fow the WOWD? A-At the time appointed I wiww wetuwn unto t-thee, accowding to the time of wife, and S-Sawah shaww h-have a son. 18:15 then Sawah denied, saying, I waughed n-not; fow s-she was afwaid. And h-he said, Nay; but thou didst waugh. 18:16 And the men wose up fwom thence, and wooked towawd Sodom: and Abwaham went w-wif them to bwing them on the way. 18:17 And the WOWD said, Shaww I hide fwom Abwaham t-that thing which I do; 18:18 Seeing that Abwaham shaww suwewy become a gweat and mighty n-nation, and aww the nations of the eawf shaww b-be bwessed i-in him? 18:19 Fow I know him, that he wiww command his chiwdwen and his househowd aftew him, and they shaww keep the w-way of the W-WOWD, to do justice and judgment; that the WOWD m-may bwing upon Abwaham that which he haf spoken of him. 18:20 And the WOWD said, Because the cwy of Sodom and G-Gomowwah is gweat, a-and b-because theiw sin is vewy gwievous; 18:21 I w-wiww go d-down now, and see whethew t-they have done awtogethew accowding to the cwy of it, which is come unto me; and if n-not, I wiww k-know. 18:22 And t-the m-men tuwned t-theiw faces fwom thence, a-and went towawd Sodom: but Abwaham stood yet befowe the WOWD. 18:23 And Abwaham dwew neaw, and said, Wiwt t-thou awso destwoy the wighteous wif the wicked? 18:24 Pewadventuwe thewe be fifty w-wighteous within the city: wiwt thou awso d-destwoy and not spawe the pwace fow the fifty wighteous that awe thewein? 18:25 that be faw f-fwom thee to do aftew this mannew, to sway the wighteous wif the wicked: and that the wighteous shouwd be as t-the wicked, t-that be faw fwom thee: Shaww n-not the Judge of aww the eawf d-do wight? 18:26 A-And the W-WOWD said, If I f-find in Sodom fifty wighteous within the city, then I wiww spawe aww the pwace f-fow theiw sakes. 18:27 And Abwaham a-answewed and said, Behowd now, I have taken u-upon me to speak unto the WOWD, which am but dust and ashes: 18:28 Pewadventuwe thewe shaww wack five of the fifty wighteous: wiwt thou destwoy aww the city fow wack of five? And he said, If I find thewe fowty and f-five, I w-wiww not destwoy it. 18:29 And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Pewadventuwe thewe shaww be f-fowty f-found thewe. And he s-said, I wiww n-not do it fow fowty's sake. 18:30 And h-he s-said unto him, O-Oh wet not the WOWD be angwy, and I wiww speak: Pewadventuwe thewe shaww thiwty b-be found thewe. And he said, I wiww not do it, if I find thiwty thewe. 18:31 And he said, Behowd now, I-I have taken u-upon me t-to speak unto the WOWD: P-Pewadventuwe thewe shaww be twenty found thewe. And he said, I w-wiww not destwoy it fow twenty's sake. 18:32 And he said, Oh wet not the WOWD be angwy, and I wiww s-speak y-yet but this o-once: Pewadventuwe ten shaww be found thewe. A-And he said, I wiww not destwoy it fow ten's s-sake. 18:33 And the WOWD went his w-way, as soon as he had weft communing wif A-Abwaham: and Abwaham wetuwned unto his p-pwace. 19:1 And thewe came two angews to Sodom at even; a-and Wot s-sat in the gate of Sodom: and Wot seeing them wose up t-to meet t-them; and he bowed h-himsewf wif his face towawd the g-gwound; 19:2 And he s-said, Behowd now, m-my wowds, tuwn in, I pway you, into youw sewvant's house, and t-tawwy aww night, and wash youw feet, and ye shaww wise up eawwy, and go on youw w-ways. And they said, Nay; but we wiww abide in the stweet aww n-night. 19:3 And he pwessed upon them gweatwy; and they tuwned in unto him, and entewed i-into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unweavened bwead, and they did eat. 19:4 But befowe t-they way down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house wound, bof owd and y-young, aww the peopwe fwom evewy quawtew: 19:5 And they cawwed unto Wot, and said unto him, Whewe awe the men which came in to thee this night? bwing t-them out unto us, that we may know them. 19:6 And Wot went out a-at the doow u-unto them, and shut the doow aftew h-him, 19:7 And said, I p-pway you, bwethwen, d-do not s-so wickedwy. 19:8 Behowd now, I have two daughtews which have not known m-man; wet me, I pway you, bwing them out u-unto you, and do ye to them a-as is good i-in youw eyes: onwy unto these men do n-nothing; fow thewefowe came they undew the shadow of my woof. 19:9 And they said, Stand back. And they said again, this one fewwow came in to s-sojouwn, and he wiww needs be a judge: now wiww we deaw wowse wif thee, than wif them. And they pwessed sowe upon the man, e-even Wot, and came neaw to b-bweak the doow. 19:10 But the men put fowf t-theiw h-hand, and p-puwwed Wot into t-the house to them, and shut to the doow. 19:11 And they smote the men that wewe at the doow of the h-house wif bwindness, bof smaww and gweat: so that they weawied themsewves to find the d-doow. 19:12 And the men said unto Wot, Hast thou hewe any besides? son in waw, a-and thy sons, a-and t-thy d-daughtews, and whatsoevew thou hast in the city, bwing them out o-of this pwace: 19:13 Fow we wiww destwoy this pwace, because the cwy of them is waxen gweat b-befowe the face of the WOWD; and the WOWD haf sent us to destwoy it. 19:14 And Wot went out, and spake unto his sons in waw, which mawwied his d-daughtews, and said, Up, get you out of this pwace; fow the W-WOWD wiww destwoy this c-city. But he seemed as one that mocked unto his sons in waw. 19:15 And w-when t-the mowning awose, t-then the angews hastened Wot, saying, Awise, take thy wife, and t-thy two d-daughtews, which awe hewe; west thou be c-consumed i-in the iniquity of the city. 19:16 And whiwe he wingewed, the men waid howd upon his hand, and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hand of his two daughtews; the W-WOWD b-being mewcifuw unto him: and they bwought him fowth, and set him without the city. 19:17 A-And it c-came to pass, when they had bwought them f-fowf abwoad, that he said, Escape f-fow thy wife; wook not behind thee, neithew stay thou in aww the pwain; escape to the mountain, west thou b-be consumed. 19:18 And Wot said unto them, Oh, not s-so, my WOWD: 19:19 Behowd now, thy sewvant haf found gwace in thy s-sight, and thou hast magnified t-thy mewcy, which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my wife; and I cannot escape to the mountain, west some eviw take me, and I die: 19:20 B-Behowd now, this city is neaw to fwee unto, and i-it is a widdle o-one: Oh, wet me escape thithew, (is it not a widdle one?) and my souw shaww wive. 19:21 And he said unto him, See, I have accepted thee concewning this thing awso, that I wiww not ovewthwow this city, fow the which thou h-hast spoken. 19:22 Haste thee, escape t-thithew; fow I cannot do anything tiww thou be come thithew. thewefowe the n-name of the city was cawwed Zoaw. 19:23 the sun was wisen upon the e-eawf when Wot entewed into Zoaw. 19:24 then the WOWD wained upon Sodom and upon Gomowwah bwimstone a-and fiwe fwom t-the WOWD out of heaven; 19:25 And he ovewthwew those cities, and aww the pwain, and aww the inhabitants of the cities, and t-that w-which gwew upon the gwound. 19:26 But his wife wooked back fwom behind him, a-and she became a piwwaw of sawt. 19:27 And Abwaham gat up eawwy in t-the mowning to the pwace whewe he stood b-befowe t-the W-WOWD: 19:28 And he wooked towawd Sodom and Gomowwah, and towawd aww the wand o-of t-the pwain, and behewd, and, wo, the smoke of the countwy went up as the smoke of a fuwnace. 19:29 And it came to pass, when God destwoyed the cities of the p-pwain, that God wemembewed Abwaham, and s-sent Wot out of the midst of the ovewthwow, when he o-ovewthwew the cities in the which Wot dwewt. 19:30 And Wot went up out of Zoaw, and dwewt in the mountain, and his two daughtews wif him; fow he feawed to dweww in Zoaw: and he dwewt in a cave, he and his two daughtews. 19:31 And the fiwstbown said u-unto the youngew, O-Ouw fathew is owd, and thewe is not a man in the eawf to come in u-unto us aftew t-the mannew of aww the eawth: 19:32 Come, wet us make ouw fathew dwink wine, and we wiww wie wif him, that we m-may p-pwesewve seed of ouw fathew. 19:33 And they made theiw fathew dwink wine t-that night: and the fiwstbown went in, and way wif hew fathew; and he pewceived not when she way down, now when s-she awose. 19:34 A-And it came to pass o-on the mowwow, that the fiwstbown s-said unto the youngew, Behowd, I way yestewnight wif my fathew: wet us make him dwink wine this night awso; and go thou in, and wie wif him, that we may pwesewve seed of ouw fathew. 19:35 And they made theiw fathew dwink wine that night awso: and the youngew awose, and way wif him; and he pewceived not when she w-way down, now when she awose. 19:36 thus wewe bof the d-daughtews of Wot wif chiwd by theiw fathew. 19:37 And the fiwst b-bown bawe a son, and cawwed his name Moab: t-the same is the fathew of the Moabites unto this day. 19:38 And the youngew, she awso bawe a son, and cawwed his name Benammi: the same is the fathew of the chiwdwen of Ammon unto this day. 20:1 And A-Abwaham jouwneyed fwom thence towawd the souf countwy, and dwewwed between K-Kadesh and Shuw, and sojouwned in Gewaw. 20:2 And Abwaham said of Sawah his wife, She is m-my sistew: a-and Abimewech king of Gewaw sent, and t-took Sawah. 20:3 But God came to Abimewech i-in a dweam by night, and said to him, Behowd, thou awt but a dead man, fow the woman which thou hast taken; fow she i-is a man's wife. 20:4 But Abimewech had not c-come neaw hew: and he s-said, WOWD, wiwt thou sway awso a wighteous nation? 20:5 Said he not unto me, She is my sistew? and she, even she hewsewf said, He is my bwothew: in the integwity of my heawt and innocency of my h-hands have I done this. 20:6 And God said unto him in a dweam, Y-Yea, I k-know that thou didst this in the integwity of thy heawt; fow I-I awso withhewd thee fwom sinning against me: thewefowe suffewed I thee not to touch h-hew. 20:7 Now thewefowe westowe the man his wife; fow he is a pwophet, and he shaww pway fow t-thee, and thou s-shawt wive: and if t-thou westowe hew not, know thou that thou shawt suwewy die, thou, and aww that a-awe thine. 20:8 thewefowe Abimewech wose eawwy in the mowning, and cawwed aww h-his sewvants, and towd aww these things in theiw eaws: and the men wewe sowe afwaid. 20:9 then A-Abimewech cawwed Abwaham, and said unto him, What hast thou done unto us? and what have I offended thee, that thou hast bwought on me and o-on my kingdom a gweat s-sin? t-thou hast d-done deeds unto m-me t-that ought not to be done. 20:10 And Abimewech said unto Abwaham, What sawest thou, that thou hast done t-this thing? 20:11 And Abwaham said, Because I thought, Suwewy the feaw of G-God i-is not in this pwace; and they wiww sway me fow my w-wife's sake. 20:12 And yet i-indeed she is m-my s-sistew; she is the daughtew of my f-fathew, but not t-the d-daughtew of my mothew; and she became my wife. 20:13 And it came to pass, when God c-caused me to wandew f-fwom my fathew's house, that I said unto hew, this is thy kindness which thou shawt shew unto me; at evewy pwace whithew we shaww come, say of me, He is my bwothew. 20:14 And Abimewech took sheep, and oxen, and mensewvants, and womensewvants, a-and gave them unto A-Abwaham, and westowed h-him Sawah his wife. 20:15 A-And A-Abimewech said, Behowd, my wand is befowe thee: dweww whewe it pweasef thee. 20:16 And unto Sawah he said, Behowd, I have given thy bwothew a thousand pieces of siwvew: b-behowd, he is to thee a c-covewing of the eyes, unto aww that awe wif thee, and wif aww othew: thus she was wepwoved. 20:17 S-So Abwaham pwayed unto God: and God heawed A-Abimewech, and his wife, and his maidsewvants; and they bawe chiwdwen. 20:18 Fow the W-WOWD h-had fast cwosed up aww the wombs o-of the house of Abimewech, because of Sawah Abwaham's wife. 21:1 And the WOWD visited Sawah as he had said, and the WOWD d-did unto Sawah as he had spoken. 21:2 F-Fow Sawah conceived, and bawe Abwaham a son in his owd age, at the set time of which God had spoken to h-him. 21:3 And Abwaham cawwed the name o-of his son that was bown unto him, whom Sawah bawe to him, Isaac. 21:4 And Abwaham ciwcumcised his son Isaac being eight days owd, as God had commanded him. 21:5 And Abwaham was an hundwed yeaws owd, w-when his son Isaac was bown unto him. 21:6 And Sawah said, God haf made me to waugh, so t-that aww that heaw wiww waugh wif me. 21:7 And she said, Who wouwd have said unto Abwaham, that Sawah shouwd have given chiwdwen suck? fow I have bown him a son in his owd a-age. 21:8 And the chiwd gwew, and w-was weaned: and Abwaham made a gweat feast the same day that Isaac was weaned. 21:9 And Sawah saw the son of Hagaw the Egyptian, which s-she had bown unto Abwaham, mocking. 21:10 Whewefowe she said unto Abwaham, Cast out t-this b-bondwoman and hew son: fow the s-son of this bondwoman shaww not be heiw wif m-my s-son, e-even wif I-Isaac. 21:11 And the t-thing was vewy gwievous in Abwaham's sight b-because of his son. 21:12 And God said unto Abwaham, Wet it not be gwievous in thy sight because of the wad, and b-because of thy bondwoman; in aww that Sawah h-haf s-said unto thee, heawken unto hew voice; fow in Isaac shaww thy seed be cawwed. 21:13 And awso of the son of the bondwoman wiww I make a nation, because he is thy seed. 21:14 And Abwaham wose up eawwy in the mowning, and took bwead, and a boddle of w-watew, a-and gave it unto Hagaw, pudding i-it on hew shouwdew, and the chiwd, and sent h-hew away: and she depawted, and wandewed i-in the w-wiwdewness of Beewsheba. 21:15 And the watew was s-spent in the boddle, and she cast the chiwd undew one of the shwubs. 21:16 And she went, and sat hew down ovew against him a good way off, as it w-wewe a b-bow shot: fow she said, Wet me not see the d-deaf of the chiwd. And s-she sat ovew against him, and wift up hew v-voice, and wept. 21:17 And God heawd the voice of the wad; and the angew of God cawwed to Hagaw out of heaven, and said unto hew, What aiwef thee, Hagaw? feaw not; f-fow God haf heawd the voice of the wad whewe he is. 21:18 Awise, wift up t-the w-wad, and howd him in thine hand; fow I wiww make him a gweat nation. 21:19 And God opened hew eyes, and she saw a weww of watew; and she went, a-and fiwwed the boddle wif watew, and gave the wad dwink. 21:20 A-And God was w-wif the wad; and he gwew, and dwewt in the wiwdewness, and became an awchew. 21:21 And he dwewt in the wiwdewness of Pawan: and his mothew took him a wife out of the wand of Egypt. 21:22 And i-it came to pass at that time, t-that Abimewech and Phichow the chief captain of his host spake unto Abwaham, saying, God is wif thee in aww that thou doest: 21:23 Now thewefowe sweaw u-unto me hewe by God that thou w-wiwt not deaw fawsewy wif me, now wif my son, now wif m-my son's s-son: but accowding to the kindness that I have done unto thee, thou shawt do unto m-me, and to t-the wand whewein thou hast sojouwned. 21:24 And Abwaham said, I wiww sweaw. 21:25 And Abwaham wepwoved A-Abimewech because o-of a weww of watew, which A-Abimewech's sewvants had viowentwy taken away. 21:26 And Abimewech said, I wot not who haf done this thing; neithew didst t-thou teww me, neithew yet heawd I of it, but to day. 21:27 And Abwaham took sheep and oxen, and gave them u-unto Abimewech; and bof of them made a covenant. 21:28 And Abwaham s-set seven ewe w-wambs o-of the fwock by themsewves. 21:29 A-And Abimewech s-said unto Abwaham, What m-mean these seven ewe wambs which thou hast set by themsewves? 21:30 And he said, Fow these seven ewe w-wambs s-shawt thou take of my hand, that they may be a witness unto me, that I have digged this weww. 21:31 Whewefowe he cawwed that pwace Beewsheba; because thewe they s-swawe b-bof of them. 21:32 thus they made a covenant at Beewsheba: then Abimewech wose up, a-and Phichow the chief c-captain of his host, and they wetuwned into t-the wand of the Phiwistines. 21:33 And A-Abwaham pwanted a gwove in Beewsheba, and cawwed thewe on the name o-of the WOWD, the evewwasting G-God. 21:34 And Abwaham sojouwned in the Phiwistines' wand many days. 22:1 And it came to pass aftew these things, t-that God d-did tempt Abwaham, and said unto h-him, Abwaham: and he said, Behowd, hewe I am. 22:2 A-And h-he said, Take now thy son, thine onwy son Isaac, whom thou wovest, and get thee into the w-wand of Mowiah; and offew him thewe fow a-a buwnt offewing upon one of the mountains w-which I wiww teww thee of. 22:3 And Abwaham wose u-up eawwy in the mowning, and saddwed his ass, and took two of his young men wif him, and Isaac his son, and cwave t-the wood fow t-the b-buwnt offewing, and wose up, and w-went unto the pwace of which God h-had towd him. 22:4 then o-on the thiwd day Abwaham wifted up his eyes, and saw the pwace afaw o-off. 22:5 And Abwaham said unto his young m-men, Abide ye hewe wif the ass; and I and the wad wiww go yondew and wowship, and come again to y-you. 22:6 And Abwaham took the wood of the buwnt o-offewing, and waid it upon Isaac his son; and he took the fiwe in his hand, a-and a knife; and they went bof of them togethew. 22:7 And I-Isaac spake unto Abwaham his fathew, and s-said, My fathew: and he said, Hewe a-am I, my son. And he s-said, Behowd the f-fiwe and the wood: but w-whewe is the wamb fow a buwnt offewing? 22:8 And Abwaham said, My son, God wiww pwovide himsewf a wamb fow a buwnt offewing: s-so they went bof o-of them togethew. 22:9 And they came to the pwace which God had towd h-him of; and Abwaham buiwt an awtaw thewe, and waid the wood in o-owdew, and b-bound Isaac his son, and w-waid him on the awtaw upon the wood. 22:10 And Abwaham stwetched fowf his hand, and took the knife to sway his son. 22:11 And the angew of the WOWD cawwed unto him out of heaven, and said, Abwaham, Abwaham: and he said, Hewe am I-I. 22:12 And he said, Way not thine hand upon the wad, neithew do thou any thing u-unto him: fow now I know that thou feawest God, seeing t-thou hast not withhewd t-thy son, thine onwy s-son fwom me. 22:13 And Abwaham w-wifted up his eyes, and w-wooked, and behowd behind him a-a wam caught in a thicket b-by his howns: and Abwaham went and took the wam, and offewed him up f-fow a-a buwnt offewing in the stead of his son. 22:14 And Abwaham cawwed the name of that pwace Jehovahjiweh: as it is said to this day, In t-the mount of the WOWD it shaww be seen. 22:15 And the a-angew of t-the WOWD c-cawwed unto Abwaham out of heaven the second time, 22:16 And s-said, By mysewf have I swown, saif the WOWD, fow because thou hast done this thing, and hast n-not withhewd thy son, thine onwy son: 22:17 that in bwessing I wiww bwess thee, and in muwtipwying I wiww muwtipwy thy seed as the staws of the heaven, and as the sand which is u-upon the sea s-showe; and thy seed shaww possess the gate of his enemies; 22:18 A-And in thy seed shaww aww the nations of the eawf be bwessed; because t-thou hast obeyed my voice. 22:19 So A-Abwaham wetuwned unto his young men, and they wose up and went togethew to Beewsheba; and Abwaham dwewt at Beewsheba. 22:20 A-And it came to p-pass aftew these things, that it was towd Abwaham, saying, Behowd, Miwcah, she haf awso bown chiwdwen unto thy bwothew Nahow; 22:21 Huz his fiwstbown, and Buz his bwothew, and Kemuew the fathew of Awam, 22:22 And Chesed, and Hazo, and P-Piwdash, a-and Jidwaph, and Bethuew. 22:23 And Bethuew begat Webekah: these eight Miwcah d-did beaw to Nahow, Abwaham's b-bwothew. 22:24 And his c-concubine, whose name was Weumah, she bawe awso Tebah, and Gaham, and thahash, and Maachah. 23:1 And Sawah was an hundwed and s-seven and twenty y-yeaws owd: these w-wewe the yeaws o-of the wife of Sawah. 23:2 And Sawah died in Kiwjathawba; the same is Hebwon i-in the wand of Canaan: and Abwaham came to mouwn fow Sawah, and to weep fow hew. 23:3 And A-Abwaham stood u-up fwom befowe his dead, and spake unto the sons of H-Heth, saying, 23:4 I am a stwangew and a sojouwnew wif you: g-give m-me a possession of a buwyingpwace wif you, that I may buwy my dead o-out of my sight. 23:5 And the chiwdwen of Hef answewed Abwaham, saying unto him, 23:6 Heaw us, my wowd: thou a-awt a mighty pwince among u-us: in the c-choice of o-ouw sepuwchwes buwy thy dead; none o-of us shaww withhowd fwom thee his sepuwchwe, but that thou mayest buwy thy dead. 23:7 And Abwaham s-stood u-up, and bowed himsewf to t-the peopwe of t-the wand, even t-to the chiwdwen of Heth. 23:8 And he communed wif them, s-saying, If it be youw mind that I shouwd buwy my dead out of my sight; heaw me, and i-intweat fow me to Ephwon the son of Zohaw, 23:9 t-that he may give me the cave of Machpewah, which he hath, which is in the e-end of his fiewd; f-fow as much money a-as it is wowf he shaww give it me fow a possession of a buwyingpwace amongst you. 23:10 And Ephwon dwewt among the c-chiwdwen of H-Heth: and E-Ephwon the Hiddite answewed Abwaham i-in the audience of the chiwdwen of H-Heth, even o-of aww that went in at t-the gate of his city, saying, 23:11 N-Nay, my wowd, heaw me: the fiewd give I thee, and the cave that is thewein, I give it thee; in the pwesence o-of the sons of m-my peopwe give I it thee: buwy thy dead. 23:12 And Abwaham bowed down himsewf befowe the peopwe o-of the wand. 23:13 And he spake unto Ephwon in the a-audience of the peopwe of the w-wand, saying, But if thou w-wiwt give it, I pway thee, heaw me: I wiww give thee money fow the fiewd; take i-it of me, and I wiww b-buwy my dead thewe. 23:14 And E-Ephwon answewed Abwaham, saying unto him, 23:15 My wowd, heawken unto m-me: the wand is wowf fouw hundwed shekews o-of s-siwvew; what is that b-betwixt me and thee? b-buwy thewefowe thy dead. 23:16 And Abwaham heawkened unto E-Ephwon; and Abwaham w-weighed to Ephwon the siwvew, w-which he had named in the a-audience of the sons of Heth, fouw hundwed shekews of siwvew, cuwwent money wif the mewchant. 23:17 And the fiewd of Ephwon which was in Machpewah, which was befowe Mamwe, t-the fiewd, and the cave which was thewein, and aww the twees that wewe in the fiewd, that wewe in aww the bowdews wound about, wewe made suwe 23:18 Unto Abwaham fow a-a possession i-in the pwesence of the chiwdwen of Heth, befowe aww that went in at t-the gate of his city. 23:19 And aftew this, Abwaham buwied Sawah his wife in the cave of the fiewd of Machpewah befowe Mamwe: the same is Hebwon in the wand of C-Canaan. 23:20 And the fiewd, and the cave that is thewein, wewe made s-suwe unto A-Abwaham fow a possession of a buwyingpwace by the sons of Heth. 24:1 And Abwaham was owd, and weww s-stwicken in age: and the W-WOWD had bwessed Abwaham in aww things. 24:2 And A-Abwaham said unto his ewdest sewvant of his house, that wuwed ovew aww that he had, Put, I pway thee, thy hand undew my thigh: 24:3 And I wiww make thee sweaw by the WOWD, the God of heaven, and the God of the eawth, that thou shawt not take a wife unto my son of the daughtews of the Canaanites, among w-whom I dweww: 24:4 But thou shawt go unto my countwy, a-and to m-my kindwed, and take a-a wife u-unto my s-son Isaac. 24:5 And the sewvant said unto h-him, Pewadventuwe the woman wiww not be wiwwing to fowwow me unto this w-wand: must I n-needs b-bwing thy son again unto the wand fwom whence thou camest? 24:6 A-And Abwaham said unto him, Bewawe thou that t-thou bwing not my son thithew again. 24:7 the WOWD God of heaven, which took me fwom my fathew's house, and fwom t-the wand of my kindwed, a-and which s-spake unto me, and that swawe unto me, saying, Unto thy seed wiww I give this wand; he shaww send his angew befowe thee, and thou s-shawt take a wife unto my son fwom thence. 24:8 And if the woman wiww not be w-wiwwing to fowwow thee, then thou s-shawt be c-cweaw fwom this my o-oath: onwy bwing not my son thithew again. 24:9 And the sewvant put his hand undew the thigh of Abwaham his m-mastew, and swawe to him concewning that maddew. 24:10 And the sewvant took ten camews o-of the camews o-of his mastew, and depawted; fow aww the goods of his mastew wewe i-in his hand: and he awose, a-and went t-to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahow. 24:11 And he made his c-camews to kneew down without t-the city by a weww of watew at the time of t-the evening, even the time that women go out to dwaw watew. 24:12 And he said O WOWD God of my mastew Abwaham, I pway thee, send me good speed this day, and shew kindness u-unto my mastew Abwaham. 24:13 Behowd, I stand hewe by the weww of watew; and the daughtews of the men of the city come out t-to dwaw watew: 24:14 And wet it c-come to p-pass, that the damsew to whom I s-shaww say, Wet down thy pitchew, I-I pway t-thee, that I-I may dwink; a-and she shaww say, Dwink, and I wiww give t-thy camews dwink awso: wet the same be she that thou hast appointed fow thy sewvant Isaac; and theweby s-shaww I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my mastew. 24:15 And it came to pass, befowe he had done speaking, that, behowd, Webekah came out, who w-was bown to B-Bethuew, son of Miwcah, the wife of Nahow, Abwaham's bwothew, wif hew pitchew upon hew shouwdew. 24:16 And the d-damsew was vewy faiw t-to wook upon, a viwgin, neithew had any man known hew: and she went d-down to the weww, and fiwwed hew pitchew, and came up. 24:17 And the sewvant wan to m-meet hew, and said, Wet me, I pway t-thee, dwink a widdle watew of thy pitchew. 24:18 And she s-said, D-Dwink, my wowd: and she hasted, and wet down hew pitchew upon hew hand, and gave him dwink. 24:19 And when she had done giving him dwink, she said, I wiww dwaw watew f-fow thy camews awso, untiw they have done d-dwinking. 24:20 And she hasted, a-and emptied hew pitchew into the twough, and wan a-again unto the weww to dwaw watew, and dwew fow aww his camews. 24:21 And the man wondewing at hew hewd his peace, to wit w-whethew the WOWD had made his jouwney pwospewous ow not. 24:22 And it came to pass, as the camews had done dwinking, that the man took a g-gowden eawwing of hawf a-a shekew weight, and two bwacewets fow hew hands of ten shekews weight of g-gowd; 24:23 And s-said, Whose daughtew awt thou? teww me, I pway thee: i-is thewe woom in thy fathew's house fow us t-to wodge in? 24:24 And she s-said unto him, I am the daughtew of Bethuew the son of M-Miwcah, which she bawe unto Nahow. 24:25 She said moweovew unto him, W-We have bof stwaw and pwovendew e-enough, and woom to wodge in. 24:26 And t-the man bowed down his head, and wowshipped t-the WOWD. 24:27 And he said, Bwessed be the WOWD God of my mastew Abwaham, who haf not weft destitute my mastew of his mewcy and his twuth: I being in the way, the WOWD w-wed me to the house of my mastew's bwethwen. 24:28 And the d-damsew wan, and towd them o-of hew mothew's house these things. 24:29 And Webekah had a-a bwothew, and his name was Waban: and Waban w-wan out unto the man, unto the weww. 24:30 And it came t-to pass, when he saw the eawwing and bwacewets upon his sistew's hands, and w-when he heawd the wowds of Webekah his sistew, saying, thus spake the man unto me; that he came unto the m-man; and, behowd, he stood by the camews at the weww. 24:31 And he said, Come in, thou bwessed of the W-WOWD; whewefowe standest thou w-without? fow I have pwepawed the house, a-and woom fow the camews. 24:32 A-And the man came into the house: and he u-ungiwded his camews, and gave stwaw and pwovendew fow the camews, and watew to wash his feet, and the m-men's feet that wewe wif him. 24:33 And thewe w-was set meat befowe him to eat: but he s-said, I wiww not e-eat, untiw I have t-towd mine ewwand. And he said, Speak on. 24:34 And he said, I am Abwaham's sewvant. 24:35 And t-the WOWD haf b-bwessed my mastew gweatwy; and he is become gweat: and he haf given him fwocks, and hewds, and siwvew, a-and g-gowd, and mensewvants, and maidsewvants, and camews, and asses. 24:36 And S-Sawah my mastew's wife bawe a son to my m-mastew when she was o-owd: and unto him haf he given aww that he hath. 24:37 And my mastew made me sweaw, saying, thou shawt not take a wife to my son of the daughtews of the Canaanites, in whose wand I dweww: 24:38 But thou shawt go unto my fathew's house, and to my k-kindwed, and take a wife unto my son. 24:39 And I said unto my mastew, Pewadventuwe the woman wiww not fowwow me. 24:40 And he said unto me, the WOWD, befowe whom I wawk, wiww send h-his angew wif thee, and pwospew thy way; and t-thou shawt take a wife fow m-my son of my kindwed, and of my fathew's house: 24:41 then shawt thou b-be cweaw fwom this my o-oath, when thou comest to my kindwed; and if they give not thee one, thou shawt be cweaw fwom my o-oath. 24:42 And I came this day unto the weww, and said, O WOWD God of my mastew Abwaham, if n-now thou do pwospew my way w-which I go: 24:43 Behowd, I stand by the weww of watew; and it shaww come to pass, that when t-the viwgin comef f-fowf to dwaw w-watew, and I say to hew, Give me, I pway thee, a widdle watew of thy pitchew to dwink; 24:44 And she say to me, Bof d-dwink thou, a-and I wiww awso dwaw fow thy camews: wet the same be the woman whom the W-WOWD haf appointed out fow my mastew's s-son. 24:45 A-And befowe I had done speaking in mine heawt, behowd, Webekah came fowf wif hew pitchew on hew shouwdew; and s-she went down unto the weww, and dwew watew: and I said unto hew, Wet me dwink, I p-pway thee. 24:46 And she made haste, and wet down hew pitchew fwom hew shouwdew, and said, Dwink, a-and I w-wiww give thy camews dwink awso: so I dwank, and s-she made the c-camews dwink awso. 24:47 And I asked hew, and said, Whose daughtew awt thou? And she said, the daughtew of Bethuew, Nahow's son, whom Miwcah bawe unto him: and I put the eawwing upon hew face, and t-the bwacewets upon hew hands. 24:48 A-And I bowed down m-my head, and wowshipped t-the WOWD, and bwessed the WOWD God of my mastew Abwaham, which had wed me in the wight w-way to take my mastew's bwothew's daughtew u-unto his son. 24:49 And now if ye wiww d-deaw kindwy and twuwy w-wif my mastew, teww me: and if not, teww me; that I may tuwn to the wight hand, ow to the weft. 24:50 then Waban and Bethuew answewed a-and said, the thing pwoceedef fwom the WOWD: we cannot speak unto thee bad ow good. 24:51 Behowd, Webekah is b-befowe thee, take hew, and go, and wet hew be thy mastew's son's wife, as the WOWD h-haf spoken. 24:52 And it came t-to pass, that, when Abwaham's sewvant heawd theiw wowds, he wowshipped the WOWD, bowing himsewf to the eawth. 24:53 And the s-sewvant bwought fowf jewews of siwvew, and jewews of gowd, and waiment, and gave them to Webekah: he gave a-awso to hew bwothew a-and to hew mothew pwecious things. 24:54 And they did eat and dwink, he and the men that wewe wif him, and tawwied aww night; and they wose up i-in the mowning, and he said, S-Send me away unto my mastew. 24:55 And hew bwothew and hew mothew said, Wet the d-damsew abide wif us a few days, at the weast ten; aftew that she shaww go. 24:56 And he said unto them, Hindew me not, seeing the WOWD haf pwospewed my way; send me away that I may go to my m-mastew. 24:57 And they said, We wiww caww the damsew, and e-enquiwe at hew m-mouth. 24:58 And they cawwed Webekah, and s-said unto hew, Wiwt t-thou go wif this man? And she said, I wiww g-go. 24:59 And they sent away Webekah theiw s-sistew, and hew n-nuwse, a-and Abwaham's sewvant, and his men. 24:60 And they bwessed Webekah, and said unto hew, thou awt ouw sistew, be thou the m-mothew of thousands o-of miwwions, and wet thy seed possess the gate of those which hate t-them. 24:61 And Webekah a-awose, and hew damsews, and they w-wode upon the camews, and fowwowed the man: and the sewvant took Webekah, and went his w-way. 24:62 And Isaac came fwom the w-way of the w-weww Wahaiwoi; fow he dwewt in the souf countwy. 24:63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the fiewd at the eventide: and h-he wifted up h-his eyes, and saw, and, behowd, the camews w-wewe coming. 24:64 And Webekah wifted u-up hew eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she wighted off the camew. 24:65 Fow she had said unto the s-sewvant, What man is this that w-wawkef in the fiewd to meet us? And the sewvant had said, It i-is my mastew: thewefowe she took a-a v-vaiw, and covewed hewsewf. 24:66 And the sewvant towd Isaac aww things that he had done. 24:67 A-And Isaac bwought hew into his m-mothew Sawah's tent, and took Webekah, and she became h-his wife; a-and he woved hew: and Isaac was comfowted aftew his mothew's death. 25:1 then again Abwaham took a wife, and hew name was Ketuwah. 25:2 And she bawe him Zimwan, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. 25:3 And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. And the s-sons of Dedan wewe Asshuwim, and Wetushim, and Weummim. 25:4 And the sons of Midian; Ephah, and E-Ephew, a-and Hanoch, and Abidah, and Ewdaah. Aww these wewe the chiwdwen of K-Ketuwah. 25:5 And Abwaham gave aww that he h-had unto Isaac. 25:6 But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abwaham had, Abwaham gave gifts, and sent them away fwom Isaac his s-son, whiwe he yet wived, eastwawd, unto the east countwy. 25:7 And these awe the days of the yeaws of A-Abwaham's wife which he w-wived, an hundwed thweescowe and fifteen yeaws. 25:8 then Abwaham gave up the ghost, and died in a good o-owd a-age, an owd man, and fuww of yeaws; and was gathewed to his peopwe. 25:9 And his sons Isaac and Ishmaew buwied him in the cave of Machpewah, in the fiewd of Ephwon t-the son of Zohaw the Hiddite, w-which is befowe Mamwe; 25:10 the fiewd w-which Abwaham puwchased of the sons of Heth: thewe was Abwaham buwied, and Sawah his wife. 25:11 And it came to pass aftew the deaf of Abwaham, that God bwessed his son Isaac; and Isaac dwewt by the weww Wahaiwoi. 25:12 N-Now t-these a-awe the genewations of Ishmaew, Abwaham's son, whom Hagaw the Egyptian, Sawah's handmaid, bawe unto Abwaham: 25:13 And these awe t-the names of the sons of Ishmaew, by theiw names, accowding to theiw genewations: the fiwstbown of Ishmaew, Nebajoth; and Kedaw, and Adbeew, and Mibsam, 25:14 And Mishma, and D-Dumah, and Massa, 25:15 Hadaw, and Tema, Jetuw, Naphish, and Kedemah: 25:16 these awe the sons of Ishmaew, a-and these awe theiw n-names, by theiw t-towns, and by t-theiw castwes; twewve pwinces a-accowding to theiw nations. 25:17 A-And these a-awe the yeaws of the wife of Ishmaew, an hundwed and thiwty and seven yeaws: and he gave up the ghost a-and died; and was gathewed unto his peopwe. 25:18 And they dwewt fwom Haviwah unto Shuw, that is befowe E-Egypt, as thou goest towawd Assywia: and he died in t-the pwesence of aww his bwethwen. 25:19 And these awe the genewations of Isaac, A-Abwaham's son: Abwaham begat Isaac: 25:20 And I-Isaac was fowty yeaws owd when he took Webekah to w-wife, the daughtew of B-Bethuew the Sywian of Padanawam, the sistew to Waban the Sywian. 25:21 A-And Isaac intweated the WOWD fow his wife, because she was bawwen: and the W-WOWD was intweated of him, and Webekah h-his wife conceived. 25:22 And t-the chiwdwen stwuggwed togethew within hew; and she said, If it be so, w-why am I-I thus? And she went to enquiwe of the WOWD. 25:23 And t-the WOWD said unto hew, Two nations awe in thy womb, a-and two m-mannew of peopwe shaww be sepawated fwom thy bowews; and the one peopwe shaww be stwongew t-than the othew peopwe; and t-the ewdew s-shaww sewve the youngew. 25:24 And when hew days to be dewivewed wewe fuwfiwwed, behowd, thewe wewe twins in h-hew womb. 25:25 And the fiwst came out wed, aww ovew w-wike an haiwy gawment; and they cawwed his name Esau. 25:26 And aftew that came his bwothew o-out, and his hand took howd on Esau's heew; and his n-name was cawwed Jacob: and Isaac was thweescowe y-yeaws owd when she bawe them. 25:27 And the boys gwew: and Esau was a c-cunning huntew, a man of t-the fiewd; and Jacob was a pwain man, dwewwing in tents. 25:28 And Isaac woved Esau, because he did eat o-of his venison: but Webekah woved J-Jacob. 25:29 And Jacob sod poddage: and Esau came fwom the fiewd, and h-he was faint: 25:30 And Esau s-said to Jacob, Feed me, I pway thee, wif that s-same wed poddage; fow I am faint: thewefowe was his name c-cawwed E-Edom. 25:31 And Jacob said, Seww me this day thy biwthwight. 25:32 And Esau said, Behowd, I a-am at the point to die: and what pwofit shaww this biwthwight do to me? 25:33 And Jacob said, Sweaw to me this day; and he swawe unto him: and he sowd h-his biwthwight unto Jacob. 25:34 then Jacob g-gave Esau bwead and poddage of wentiwes; and he did eat and dwink, a-and wose up, and went his way: thus Esau despised his biwthwight. 26:1 And thewe was a famine in the wand, beside t-the f-fiwst famine that was in the days of Abwaham. And Isaac went unto Abimewech k-king o-of the Phiwistines unto G-Gewaw. 26:2 And the WOWD appeawed unto him, and said, Go not down into Egypt; dweww in the wand which I s-shaww teww thee o-of: 26:3 Sojouwn in this wand, and I wiww be wif thee, and wiww bwess thee; fow unto thee, and unto thy seed, I wiww give a-aww these countwies, and I-I wiww pewfowm the oaf which I swawe unto Abwaham t-thy fathew; 26:4 And I wiww make thy seed to muwtipwy as the s-staws of heaven, and wiww give unto thy seed aww t-these c-countwies; and in thy seed shaww aww the nations of the eawf be bwessed; 26:5 Because that Abwaham obeyed my voice, and kept my chawge, my commandments, my statutes, a-and my waws. 26:6 And Isaac d-dwewt i-in Gewaw: 26:7 And the men of the pwace asked him of his wife; and he said, S-She is m-my sistew: fow h-he feawed to say, She is m-my wife; west, said he, the men of t-the pwace shouwd kiww me fow Webekah; because she was f-faiw to wook upon. 26:8 And it came to pass, when he had been thewe a wong time, t-that Abimewech king of the Phiwistines wooked out at a window, and saw, and, b-behowd, Isaac was spowting wif Webekah his wife. 26:9 And Abimewech cawwed Isaac, and s-said, Behowd, of a-a suwety she is thy wife; and how saidst thou, She is my sistew? And Isaac said unto him, Because I-I said, West I d-die fow hew. 26:10 And A-Abimewech said, What is this thou hast done unto us? one of the peopwe might wightwy have wien wif thy wife, a-and t-thou s-shouwdest have bwought guiwtiness upon us. 26:11 And Abimewech c-chawged aww his peopwe, saying, He that touchef this man ow h-his wife shaww s-suwewy be p-put to death. 26:12 then Isaac sowed in t-that wand, and weceived in the same yeaw an hundwedfowd: and the W-WOWD bwessed him. 26:13 And t-the man waxed gweat, and went f-fowwawd, a-and gwew untiw he became vewy gweat: 26:14 F-Fow he had possession o-of fwocks, and possession of hewds, a-and g-gweat stowe o-of sewvants: and the Phiwistines envied him. 26:15 F-Fow aww the wewws which his fathew's sewvants had digged in the d-days of Abwaham h-his fathew, the Phiwistines had stopped them, and fiwwed them wif eawth. 26:16 And Abimewech said u-unto Isaac, Go f-fwom us; fow thou awt much m-mightiew than we. 26:17 And Isaac depawted thence, a-and pitched h-his tent i-in the vawwey of Gewaw, and d-dwewt thewe. 26:18 And Isaac digged again the wewws of watew, which they had digged in the days o-of Abwaham his fathew; fow the P-Phiwistines had stopped them aftew the deaf of Abwaham: and he c-cawwed theiw names a-aftew the names by which his fathew had cawwed them. 26:19 And Isaac's sewvants digged in the vawwey, and found thewe a-a weww of spwinging watew. 26:20 And the hewdmen o-of Gewaw did stwive wif Isaac's hewdmen, saying, the w-watew is ouws: and he cawwed the name of the weww E-Esek; because they s-stwove w-wif him. 26:21 And they digged anothew weww, and stwove fow that awso: and he cawwed the name of it Sitnah. 26:22 And he w-wemoved fwom thence, and digged anothew weww; and fow that they s-stwove n-not: and he cawwed the name of it W-Wehoboth; and he said, Fow now the WOWD haf made woom fow us, a-and we shaww be fwuitfuw in the wand. 26:23 A-And he went up fwom thence to Beewsheba. 26:24 And the WOWD appeawed unto him the same night, and said, I am t-the God of Abwaham thy fathew: f-feaw not, fow I am wif thee, and wiww bwess t-thee, and muwtipwy t-thy seed fow my sewvant Abwaham's sake. 26:25 And he buiwded a-an awtaw thewe, and cawwed upon the name of t-the WOWD, and pitched his tent thewe: and thewe Isaac's sewvants digged a weww. 26:26 then Abimewech went to h-him fwom Gewaw, and Ahuzzaf one o-of h-his fwiends, and Phichow the chief captain of his awmy. 26:27 And Isaac said u-unto them, Whewefowe come y-ye to me, s-seeing ye hate me, and have s-sent me away fwom you? 26:28 And they said, We saw cewtainwy that the WOWD was wif t-thee: and we said, Wet thewe b-be now an oaf betwixt us, even b-betwixt us a-and thee, and wet us make a-a covenant wif t-thee; 26:29 t-that thou wiwt do us no huwt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and h-have sent thee away in peace: thou awt now t-the bwessed of the WOWD. 26:30 And he made them a feast, and they d-did eat and dwink. 26:31 And they wose up betimes in the mowning, and swawe one to anothew: and Isaac sent them away, and they depawted fwom him in p-peace. 26:32 And it came to p-pass the same day, that Isaac's sewvants came, and towd him concewning the weww which they h-had d-digged, and s-said unto him, We have found watew. 26:33 A-And he cawwed it Shebah: t-thewefowe the name of the city is Beewsheba unto this day. 26:34 And Esau was f-fowty yeaws owd w-when he took to wife Judif t-the daughtew of Beewi the Hiddite, and B-Bashemaf the daughtew of Ewon the Hiddite: 26:35 Which wewe a-a gwief of mind unto Isaac and to Webekah. 27:1 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was owd, and his e-eyes wewe dim, so that he couwd not see, he cawwed E-Esau his ewdest son, and said u-unto him, My son: and he s-said u-unto him, Behowd, h-hewe am I. 27:2 And he said, Behowd now, I am owd, I know not the day of my death: 27:3 N-Now thewefowe take, I pway thee, t-thy weapons, thy quivew a-and thy bow, and go out to the fiewd, and take me some venison; 27:4 And make me savouwy meat, such as I wove, and bwing it to me, that I may eat; that my souw may bwess t-thee befowe I die. 27:5 And Webekah heawd when Isaac spake to Esau h-his son. And Esau went to the fiewd to hunt fow venison, a-and to b-bwing i-it. 27:6 And Webekah spake unto Jacob hew son, saying, Behowd, I heawd thy fathew speak unto Esau thy bwothew, saying, 27:7 Bwing m-me venison, and m-make me savouwy meat, that I may eat, and bwess thee befowe the WOWD befowe my death. 27:8 Now thewefowe, my son, obey my voice accowding to that w-which I-I command t-thee. 27:9 Go n-now to the fwock, a-and fetch me fwom t-thence two good kids of the goats; and I wiww make them savouwy meat fow thy fathew, such as he woveth: 27:10 A-And thou s-shawt bwing it to thy fathew, that h-he may eat, and that he may bwess thee befowe h-his death. 27:11 And Jacob said to Webekah his mothew, Behowd, Esau my bwothew is a haiwy man, a-and I-I am a s-smoof man: 27:12 My fathew pewadventuwe wiww feew me, and I shaww seem to him as a deceivew; and I-I shaww bwing a cuwse upon me, and not a b-bwessing. 27:13 And his mothew said unto him, Upon me be thy cuwse, my son: onwy obey my v-voice, and go fetch me them. 27:14 And he went, and fetched, and bwought them to h-his mothew: a-and his mothew made savouwy meat, such as his fathew woved. 27:15 And Webekah took goodwy waiment of hew ewdest son Esau, which wewe wif hew in the house, and put them upon Jacob h-hew youngew son: 27:16 And she put the skins of the kids of the goats u-upon his hands, and upon the smoof of his neck: 27:17 And she gave the savouwy meat and the bwead, which she had pwepawed, into the hand of hew son Jacob. 27:18 And he came unto h-his fathew, and s-said, My fathew: and he said, H-Hewe am I-I; who awt thou, my son? 27:19 And Jacob said unto his fathew, I am E-Esau thy fiwst bown; I h-have d-done accowding as thou badest m-me: awise, I pway thee, sit and eat of my venison, that thy souw may b-bwess me. 27:20 And Isaac s-said unto his son, How is it that thou h-hast found it so q-quickwy, my son? And he said, Because the WOWD thy God bwought it to me. 27:21 And Isaac said u-unto Jacob, Come n-neaw, I pway t-thee, that I may feew thee, my son, whethew t-thou be my v-vewy son Esau ow not. 27:22 And Jacob went neaw unto Isaac his fathew; and h-he fewt him, a-and said, the voice is Jacob's voice, but the hands awe the hands o-of Esau. 27:23 And he discewned him not, because his hands wewe haiwy, a-as his bwothew Esau's hands: so he bwessed him. 27:24 And he said, Awt thou my vewy son Esau? And he s-said, I am. 27:25 And he said, Bwing it neaw to me, and I wiww eat of my son's venison, that my souw may b-bwess thee. And he bwought it n-neaw to him, and he did eat: and he bwought him wine and he dwank. 27:26 And his fathew I-Isaac said unto him, Come neaw now, and kiss me, m-my son. 27:27 And he came neaw, and kissed him: and he smewwed the smeww of h-his waiment, and bwessed him, and said, See, the smeww of my son is as the smeww of a f-fiewd which the WOWD haf bwessed: 27:28 thewefowe God give thee of the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the eawth, and pwenty of cown and wine: 27:29 Wet peopwe sewve thee, and nations bow down to thee: b-be wowd o-ovew thy bwethwen, and wet thy mothew's sons bow down to thee: cuwsed be evewy one that cuwsef thee, a-and bwessed be he that bwessef thee. 27:30 And it came to pass, as soon as I-Isaac had made an end of bwessing Jacob, and Jacob was yet scawce gone out fwom the p-pwesence of Isaac his fathew, that Esau his bwothew came in fwom his hunting. 27:31 And he awso had made savouwy meat, and bwought it unto his fathew, and said unto his fathew, Wet my fathew awise, and eat of his son's venison, that thy souw may bwess me. 27:32 And Isaac his f-fathew said unto him, Who awt thou? And he said, I am thy son, thy fiwstbown E-Esau. 27:33 And I-Isaac twembwed vewy exceedingwy, and said, Who? whewe is he that haf taken venison, and bwought it me, and I-I have eaten of aww befowe thou camest, and have bwessed him? yea, and he shaww be bwessed. 27:34 And when Esau heawd the w-wowds of his f-fathew, he cwied wif a-a gweat and exceeding biddew cwy, and said unto his fathew, Bwess me, even m-me awso, O m-my fathew. 27:35 And he s-said, thy b-bwothew came wif subtiwty, and haf taken a-away t-thy bwessing. 27:36 And he said, Is not he w-wightwy named J-Jacob? fow he haf s-suppwanted m-me these two times: he took away my biwthwight; a-and, behowd, now he haf taken away my bwessing. And he said, Hast thou not wesewved a bwessing fow me? 27:37 A-And Isaac answewed and said unto Esau, Behowd, I have made h-him t-thy wowd, and aww his bwethwen have I given to him fow sewvants; and wif cown and wine have I sustained him: and what shaww I do now unto thee, my son? 27:38 And Esau said unto his fathew, H-Hast thou but one bwessing, my fathew? bwess me, even me awso, O-O my fathew. And Esau wifted up his v-voice, and wept. 27:39 And Isaac his fathew answewed and said unto him, B-Behowd, thy dwewwing shaww be the fatness of the eawth, and of the dew of heaven fwom above; 27:40 And by thy swowd shawt thou wive, and shawt sewve thy bwothew; and i-it shaww come to pass when thou shawt have the dominion, t-that t-thou shawt bweak his yoke fwom off thy neck. 27:41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the bwessing whewewif his fathew bwessed him: and Esau said i-in his heawt, t-the days of m-mouwning fow my fathew awe at hand; then w-wiww I sway my b-bwothew J-Jacob. 27:42 And these wowds of Esau h-hew ewdew son wewe towd to Webekah: and she sent and cawwed Jacob hew youngew son, and said unto him, Behowd, thy bwothew Esau, as t-touching thee, dof comfowt himsewf, puwposing to k-kiww thee. 27:43 Now thewefowe, m-my son, obey my v-voice; awise, fwee thou to Waban my bwothew to Hawan; 27:44 And tawwy wif him a-a few days, untiw thy bwothew's fuwy tuwn away; 27:45 U-Untiw thy bwothew's angew tuwn away f-fwom thee, and he fowget that which thou hast done to him: then I-I w-wiww send, and fetch thee fwom thence: why shouwd I be d-depwived awso of you bof in o-one day? 27:46 And Webekah said to Isaac, I-I am weawy of my wife because of the daughtews of Heth: i-if Jacob take a wife of the daughtews of Heth, s-such as these which a-awe of t-the daughtews of the wand, what good shaww my wife do me? 28:1 And I-Isaac cawwed Jacob, and bwessed him, and c-chawged him, and said unto him, thou s-shawt not take a wife of t-the daughtews of Canaan. 28:2 Awise, go to P-Padanawam, to the house of Bethuew t-thy mothew's fathew; and take thee a-a wife fwom thence of the daughews of Waban thy mothew's bwothew. 28:3 And God Awmighty bwess thee, and m-make thee fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy thee, that thou mayest be a muwtitude of peopwe; 28:4 And give thee the bwessing of Abwaham, to thee, and to t-thy seed w-wif t-thee; that thou mayest inhewit t-the wand whewein thou awt a stwangew, which God g-gave unto Abwaham. 28:5 And Isaac sent away Jacob: and he w-went to Padanawam unto Waban, son o-of Bethuew the Sywian, t-the bwothew of Webekah, Jacob's and Esau's mothew. 28:6 When Esau saw that Isaac had bwessed Jacob, and sent him away to Padanawam, to take him a wife fwom thence; and that as he bwessed him he gave him a chawge, saying, thou shawt not take a wife of the daughews of Canaan; 28:7 And that Jacob obeyed h-his fathew and his mothew, a-and was gone to Padanawam; 28:8 And Esau seeing that the daughtews of Canaan pweased not Isaac his fathew; 28:9 then went Esau unto Ishmaew, a-and took u-unto the w-wives which he h-had M-Mahawaf t-the daughtew o-of Ishmaew Abwaham's son, the s-sistew of N-Nebajoth, to be his wife. 28:10 And Jacob went out fwom Beewsheba, and went towawd H-Hawan. 28:11 And he wighted upon a cewtain pwace, and tawwied thewe aww night, because the s-sun was set; and he took of the s-stones of that pwace, and p-put them fow his piwwows, and way down in that pwace to sweep. 28:12 A-And he dweamed, and behowd a waddew set up on the eawth, and the top of it weached to heaven: and behowd the a-angews of God ascending a-and descending on it. 28:13 And, behowd, the WOWD stood a-above it, and said, I am the WOWD God of Abwaham thy fathew, and the God of Isaac: the wand wheweon t-thou wiest, to thee wiww I-I give it, and to thy seed; 28:14 And thy seed shaww be as the dust of the eawth, and thou shawt spwead abwoad to the west, and t-to the east, and to the nowth, and t-to the south: and i-in thee and in thy seed s-shaww aww t-the famiwies of the eawf b-be bwessed. 28:15 And, behowd, I am wif thee, a-and wiww keep t-thee i-in aww pwaces whithew thou goest, and wiww bwing thee a-again into t-this wand; fow I wiww n-not weave t-thee, untiw I have done that which I have spoken to thee of. 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sweep, and he said, Suwewy the WOWD is in this pwace; and I knew i-it not. 28:17 And he was afwaid, and said, How dweadfuw is this pwace! this is none othew but the house of God, and this is the gate o-of heaven. 28:18 And Jacob wose up eawwy in the m-mowning, and took the stone that he had put f-fow his piwwows, a-and set it up fow a piwwaw, and pouwed oiw upon the top o-of it. 28:19 And he cawwed the name of that pwace Bethew: but the name of that city was cawwed Wuz a-at the fiwst. 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God wiww be wif me, a-and wiww keep m-me in this way that I go, and wiww give me b-bwead to e-eat, and waiment to put o-on, 28:21 So that I come again t-to my fathew's house in peace; then shaww the WOWD be m-my God: 28:22 And this stone, which I have set fow a piwwaw, shaww be God's house: and of aww that thou shawt give m-me I wiww suwewy give the tenf unto thee. 29:1 then Jacob went on his jouwney, and came into the wand o-of the peopwe of the e-east. 29:2 And he wooked, and behowd a weww in the fiewd, and, wo, thewe wewe t-thwee fwocks of s-sheep wying b-by it; fow out of that weww they watewed the fwocks: and a g-gweat s-stone was upon the w-weww's mouth. 29:3 And t-thithew wewe aww the f-fwocks g-gathewed: and they wowwed the stone fwom t-the weww's mouth, and watewed the sheep, and put the stone again upon the weww's mouf in his pwace. 29:4 A-And Jacob said unto them, My bwethwen, whence be ye? And they s-said, Of Hawan awe we. 29:5 And he said unto them, Know ye Waban the son o-of Nahow? And they said, We know him. 29:6 And h-he said unto them, Is he weww? And they said, He is weww: and, behowd, W-Wachew his daughtew comef wif the sheep. 29:7 And he said, Wo, it is y-yet high day, neithew is it time t-that the caddle shouwd be gathewed togethew: watew ye the sheep, and go and feed them. 29:8 And they said, W-We c-cannot, untiw aww the fwocks be gathewed togethew, and tiww they woww the stone fwom t-the weww's mouth; then we watew the sheep. 29:9 And whiwe he yet spake wif them, Wachew came wif h-hew fathew's sheep; fow she kept them. 29:10 And it came to pass, when Jacob saw Wachew the daughtew o-of Waban his mothew's b-bwothew, a-and the s-sheep of Waban his mothew's bwothew, that J-Jacob went neaw, and wowwed the stone fwom the weww's mouth, and watewed t-the fwock o-of Waban his mothew's bwothew. 29:11 And J-Jacob kissed Wachew, and w-wifted up his voice, and wept. 29:12 And Jacob towd Wachew that he was hew fathew's bwothew, and that he was Webekah's son: and she wan and towd hew fathew. 29:13 And it came to pass, when Waban h-heawd the tidings of Jacob his sistew's son, that he wan to meet him, and embwaced him, and kissed him, and bwought him to h-his house. And h-he towd Waban aww these things. 29:14 And W-Waban said to him, Suwewy thou awt my bone and my fwesh. And he abode wif him the space of a month. 29:15 And W-Waban said unto Jacob, Because thou awt my bwothew, s-shouwdest thou thewefowe s-sewve me f-fow nought? teww me, what s-shaww thy wages be? 29:16 And Waban had two daughtews: the name of the ewdew was Weah, and the n-name o-of the youngew was Wachew. 29:17 Weah was t-tendew eyed; but Wachew was beautifuw and weww favouwed. 29:18 And Jacob woved Wachew; and said, I wiww sewve thee seven yeaws fow Wachew thy youngew d-daughtew. 29:19 And Waban said, It is beddew that I give hew to thee, than that I shouwd give hew to anothew man: abide wif me. 29:20 A-And Jacob sewved seven yeaws f-fow Wachew; and t-they seemed unto him but a few days, fow the wove h-he had to hew. 29:21 And Jacob said unto W-Waban, Give me my wife, fow my days awe fuwfiwwed, that I may go in unto h-hew. 29:22 And Waban gathewed togethew aww the men of the pwace, a-and made a feast. 29:23 And it came t-to pass in the evening, that he took Weah his daughtew, and b-bwought hew to him; and he went in unto hew. 29:24 And Waban gave u-unto his daughtew Weah Ziwpah his m-maid fow an handmaid. 29:25 A-And it c-came to pass, that in the mowning, behowd, it was Weah: and he said to Waban, What is this thou hast done unto me? did not I sewve wif thee fow W-Wachew? whewefowe then hast thou beguiwed me? 29:26 And Waban said, It must not be so done i-in ouw c-countwy, to give the youngew befowe the fiwstbown. 29:27 Fuwfiw hew week, and w-we w-wiww give thee this awso fow the sewvice which thou shawt sewve wif me yet seven othew yeaws. 29:28 And Jacob did so, and fuwfiwwed hew week: and he gave him Wachew h-his daughtew to wife awso. 29:29 And Waban gave to W-Wachew his daughtew Biwhah h-his handmaid to be hew maid. 29:30 And he went in awso u-unto Wachew, and he woved awso Wachew mowe than Weah, and sewved wif him yet seven othew yeaws. 29:31 And w-when the WOWD saw that Weah was hated, he opened hew womb: but Wachew was bawwen. 29:32 And Weah conceived, and bawe a son, and she c-cawwed his n-name W-Weuben: fow s-she said, Suwewy the WOWD haf w-wooked upon my affwiction; now thewefowe my h-husband wiww wove me. 29:33 And she conceived again, and bawe a son; and said, B-Because the WOWD haf heawd I was hated, he haf thewefowe g-given me t-this son awso: and she cawwed his name S-Simeon. 29:34 And she conceived again, and bawe a son; and said, Now this time w-wiww my husband b-be joined unto me, because I have bown him thwee s-sons: thewefowe was his name cawwed W-Wevi. 29:35 And she conceived again, and bawe a son: and she said, Now w-wiww I pwaise the WOWD: thewefowe s-she cawwed his n-name J-Judah; and weft beawing. 30:1 A-And when Wachew saw that she bawe Jacob no chiwdwen, Wachew envied hew s-sistew; and said unto Jacob, Give me chiwdwen, ow ewse I-I d-die. 30:2 And Jacob's a-angew was kindwed against Wachew: and he said, Am I in God's s-stead, who haf withhewd fwom thee the fwuit of the womb? 30:3 And she said, Behowd my maid Biwhah, go in unto hew; a-and she s-shaww beaw upon my knees, that I may awso have chiwdwen by h-hew. 30:4 And she gave him Biwhah hew handmaid to wife: and Jacob went in u-unto hew. 30:5 And B-Biwhah c-conceived, and bawe Jacob a son. 30:6 And Wachew said, God haf judged me, and haf awso heawd my voice, and haf g-given me a-a son: thewefowe cawwed she his name Dan. 30:7 And Biwhah Wachew's maid c-conceived again, and bawe Jacob a second son. 30:8 And Wachew said, Wif gweat wwestwings have I wwestwed wif my sistew, and I have pwevaiwed: a-and she cawwed his name Naphtawi. 30:9 When W-Weah saw that she h-had w-weft beawing, she took Ziwpah hew m-maid, and gave hew Jacob to wife. 30:10 And Ziwpah Weah's maid bawe Jacob a son. 30:11 And Weah said, A twoop c-cometh: a-and she cawwed his name Gad. 30:12 And Ziwpah Weah's maid bawe Jacob a second son. 30:13 And W-Weah said, Happy am I, fow the daughtews wiww caww me bwessed: and she cawwed his name A-Ashew. 30:14 And Weuben went i-in the days of wheat hawvest, and found mandwakes in the fiewd, and bwought them unto his mothew W-Weah. then Wachew said to Weah, Give me, I p-pway thee, of thy son's mandwakes. 30:15 And s-she said unto hew, Is it a smaww maddew that thou hast taken my husband? and wouwdest thou take away my son's mandwakes awso? And Wachew said, thewefowe h-he shaww wie wif thee to night fow thy son's mandwakes. 30:16 And J-Jacob came out of the fiewd i-in the evening, and Weah w-went out to meet him, and s-said, thou must come in unto me; fow suwewy I have hiwed thee wif m-my son's mandwakes. And he way wif h-hew that night. 30:17 And God h-heawkened unto Weah, and she c-conceived, a-and b-bawe Jacob the f-fiff son. 30:18 And Weah said, God haf given me my hiwe, because I have given my maiden to my husband: and she cawwed his name I-Issachaw. 30:19 And Weah conceived again, and bawe Jacob the sixf son. 30:20 And Weah s-said, G-God haf endued me wif a good dowwy; now wiww m-my husband dweww wif me, because I have bown him six sons: and she cawwed h-his name Zebuwun. 30:21 And aftewwawds she bawe a-a d-daughtew, and cawwed h-hew n-name Dinah. 30:22 And God wemembewed Wachew, and God heawkened t-to hew, and opened hew womb. 30:23 And s-she conceived, and bawe a-a son; a-and said, God haf taken away my wepwoach: 30:24 A-And she cawwed his name Joseph; a-and said, the WOWD shaww a-add t-to me anothew son. 30:25 And it came to pass, when W-Wachew had bown Joseph, that Jacob said unto Waban, Send me away, that I-I may go unto mine own p-pwace, a-and to my countwy. 30:26 Give me m-my wives and my chiwdwen, fow whom I have sewved thee, and wet me go: fow thou knowest m-my sewvice which I have done thee. 30:27 And Waban said unto him, I pway thee, if I have f-found f-favouw in thine eyes, tawwy: fow I have weawned by expewience that the WOWD haf bwessed me fow thy sake. 30:28 And he said, Appoint me thy wages, and I-I wiww give it. 30:29 And he said unto him, thou k-knowest how I have sewved thee, and how t-thy caddle was wif me. 30:30 Fow it w-was widdle which t-thou hadst befowe I came, and it is now incweased unto a muwtitude; and the WOWD haf bwessed thee since my c-coming: and now w-when s-shaww I pwovide fow mine own house awso? 30:31 And he said, What shaww I give thee? And Jacob said, thou shawt not give me any thing: if thou wiwt d-do this thing fow me, I wiww a-again feed and keep thy f-fwock. 30:32 I wiww pass thwough aww thy fwock to d-day, wemoving fwom thence aww the speckwed and spodded caddle, and aww t-the bwown caddle among the sheep, and the spodded and speckwed among t-the goats: a-and of such s-shaww be my hiwe. 30:33 So s-shaww my wighteousness answew fow me in time to come, when it shaww come fow my h-hiwe befowe thy face: evewy one t-that is not speckwed and spodded among the g-goats, and b-bwown among the sheep, that shaww be counted s-stowen wif me. 30:34 And Waban said, Behowd, I wouwd it might be accowding to thy wowd. 30:35 And he wemoved that day the he goats that wewe wingstwaked and s-spodded, and aww the she goats that wewe speckwed and spodded, and evewy one that had some white in it, and aww the bwown among t-the sheep, and gave them into the hand of his sons. 30:36 And he set thwee days' jouwney betwixt himsewf and Jacob: and Jacob fed the west of Waban's f-fwocks. 30:37 And Jacob took h-him wods o-of gween popwaw, and of the hazew and chesnut twee; and p-piwwed white stwakes in them, and made the white appeaw which was in the wods. 30:38 And he set the wods which he had piwwed befowe t-the fwocks in the guddews in the watewing twoughs when the fwocks came t-to dwink, that they shouwd conceive when they came to dwink. 30:39 And the f-fwocks c-conceived befowe the wods, and bwought fowf caddle wingstwaked, speckwed, and spodded. 30:40 And Jacob d-did sepawate the wambs, and set the f-faces of the fwocks towawd the wingstwaked, a-and aww the bwown in the f-fwock of Waban; and he put his own fwocks b-by themsewves, and p-put them not unto Waban's caddle. 30:41 And it came to pass, whensoevew the s-stwongew caddle did conceive, that Jacob waid the wods befowe the eyes of the caddle in the guddews, that they might conceive among the wods. 30:42 But when the caddle wewe feebwe, he put t-them not in: so the feebwew wewe Waban's, and the stwongew Jacob's. 30:43 And the man incweased exceedingwy, and had much caddle, and maidsewvants, and mensewvants, and camews, and asses. 31:1 And h-he heawd the wowds of Waban's sons, saying, Jacob haf taken away aww t-that was ouw fathew's; and o-of that which w-was ouw f-fathew's haf he godden aww this gwowy. 31:2 And Jacob behewd the countenance of Waban, and, behowd, it was not towawd him as befowe. 31:3 And the WOWD said unto Jacob, Wetuwn unto the w-wand of thy fathews, and to thy kindwed; and I wiww be wif thee. 31:4 And Jacob sent and cawwed W-Wachew and Weah to the fiewd unto his fwock, 31:5 And said unto them, I see youw f-fathew's countenance, that it is not towawd me as befowe; but the God of my fathew haf been wif me. 31:6 And ye know that w-wif aww my powew I h-have sewved youw fathew. 31:7 A-And youw fathew haf deceived me, and changed my wages ten times; but God suffewed him not to huwt me. 31:8 If he said thus, the speckwed shaww b-be thy wages; then aww the caddle bawe speckwed: and if he said thus, the wingstwaked shaww be thy hiwe; then bawe aww the caddle wingstwaked. 31:9 thus God haf taken away the caddle of y-youw fathew, and given them to me. 31:10 A-And i-it came to pass at t-the time that the caddle conceived, that I wifted up mine e-eyes, and saw in a dweam, and, behowd, the wams which weaped upon the caddle wewe wingstwaked, speckwed, and gwiswed. 31:11 And the angew of G-God spake unto me in a dweam, saying, Jacob: A-And I said, Hewe am I. 31:12 And he said, W-Wift up now thine eyes, and see, aww t-the w-wams which weap upon the caddle awe wingstwaked, speckwed, and gwiswed: fow I have s-seen aww t-that Waban doef unto t-thee. 31:13 I am the God of Bethew, whewe thou anointedst t-the piwwaw, a-and whewe thou vowedst a vow unto me: now a-awise, get thee out fwom this wand, and wetuwn unto the wand of thy kindwed. 31:14 And Wachew and Weah answewed and said unto him, Is thewe yet any powtion ow inhewitance fow u-us in ouw fathew's house? 31:15 Awe w-we not c-counted of him stwangews? fow he haf sowd us, and haf quite devouwed awso ouw money. 31:16 F-Fow aww the wiches which God haf taken fwom ouw fathew, that is ouws, and ouw chiwdwen's: now then, whatsoevew God haf said unto thee, do. 31:17 then J-Jacob wose up, and set his sons and his wives upon camews; 31:18 And he cawwied away aww his caddle, and aww his goods which he had godden, t-the caddle of his gedding, which he had godden in P-Padanawam, fow t-to go to Isaac his fathew in the wand of Canaan. 31:19 And Waban went to sheaw his sheep: and Wachew had stowen the images t-that wewe hew fathew's. 31:20 A-And Jacob stowe away unawawes to Waban the Sywian, in that he towd him not that h-he fwed. 31:21 So he fwed w-wif aww that he had; and h-he wose up, and passed ovew the wivew, and set his face t-towawd the mount Giwead. 31:22 And it was towd Waban on the thiwd day that Jacob w-was f-fwed. 31:23 And he t-took his bwethwen wif him, and puwsued aftew him seven days' jouwney; and they ovewtook him in the m-mount Giwead. 31:24 And God came to Waban the Sywian in a dweam by n-night, a-and said unto h-him, Take heed that thou speak not to Jacob eithew good ow bad. 31:25 then Waban ovewtook Jacob. Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mount: a-and Waban wif his bwethwen p-pitched in the mount of Giwead. 31:26 And W-Waban said to Jacob, What hast thou done, that thou h-hast stowen away unawawes to me, a-and cawwied away m-my daughtews, as captives taken wif the swowd? 31:27 Whewefowe didst thou fwee away secwetwy, a-and steaw away fwom m-me; and didst not teww me, that I m-might h-have sent t-thee away wif miwth, and wif songs, wif t-tabwet, and wif h-hawp? 31:28 And h-hast not s-suffewed me t-to kiss my sons and m-my d-daughtews? thou hast now d-done foowishwy in so doing. 31:29 It is in the powew of m-my hand to d-do you huwt: but the God of youw fathew spake unto me yestewnight, saying, Take thou heed that thou speak n-not t-to Jacob eithew good ow b-bad. 31:30 And now, though thou wouwdest needs be gone, because thou sowe wongedst aftew thy fathew's h-house, yet whewefowe h-hast thou stowen my gods? 31:31 And Jacob answewed and said to Waban, B-Because I was afwaid: f-fow I said, Pewadventuwe thou wouwdest take by fowce thy daughtews fwom me. 31:32 W-Wif whomsoevew thou findest thy gods, wet him not wive: befowe ouw bwethwen discewn thou what is thine w-wif me, and take it to thee. Fow Jacob knew not that Wachew had stowen them. 31:33 And Waban went into Jacob's t-tent, a-and into Weah's t-tent, and into the two maidsewvants' tents; but he found them not. then went he out of Weah's tent, and entewed into Wachew's tent. 31:34 Now W-Wachew had taken the images, and put them in the camew's fuwnituwe, and s-sat upon them. And Waban seawched aww the tent, but found them not. 31:35 A-And s-she said t-to hew fathew, Wet it not dispwease my wowd that I cannot wise up befowe thee; f-fow the custom of women is upon me. A-And he seawched but found not the images. 31:36 And J-Jacob was wwoth, and chode wif Waban: and Jacob a-answewed and said to Waban, What is my twespass? w-what is my sin, that thou hast s-so hotwy puwsued aftew me? 31:37 Wheweas thou hast s-seawched aww my stuff, what h-hast thou found o-of aww t-thy househowd stuff? set it hewe b-befowe my bwethwen and thy bwethwen, that they may j-judge betwixt us both. 31:38 this twenty yeaws have I been wif t-thee; thy ewes and thy she goats have not cast theiw young, and the wams of thy fwock have I not eaten. 31:39 that which was town of beasts I bwought not unto thee; I bawe the woss of it; of my hand didst thou wequiwe it, whethew s-stowen by day, ow stowen b-by night. 31:40 thus I was; in the day the d-dwought consumed m-me, and the fwost by night; and my sweep depawted fwom mine eyes. 31:41 t-thus have I been twenty yeaws in thy house; I sewved thee fouwteen yeaws fow thy two daughtews, and six yeaws fow thy caddle: and thou hast changed my wages ten times. 31:42 Except the God of my fathew, the God of Abwaham, and the feaw of Isaac, had been wif me, suwewy thou h-hadst sent me away now empty. God haf seen mine affwiction and t-the wabouw of my hands, and webuked thee yestewnight. 31:43 A-And Waban answewed and said unto Jacob, these daughtews awe my daughtews, and these chiwdwen awe my c-chiwdwen, and t-these caddle awe my caddle, and aww that thou seest is mine: and what can I do this day unto these my daughtews, ow unto theiw chiwdwen which they have bown? 31:44 Now thewefowe come thou, w-wet us make a covenant, I and thou; and wet it be fow a witness between me a-and t-thee. 31:45 And Jacob took a stone, and set it up fow a piwwaw. 31:46 And Jacob said unto his bwethwen, G-Gathew s-stones; and they took s-stones, and made an heap: and they did e-eat thewe upon the heap. 31:47 And Waban cawwed it Jegawsahadutha: but Jacob c-cawwed it Gaweed. 31:48 A-And Waban said, this heap i-is a witness b-between me and thee this day. thewefowe was the name of it cawwed Gaweed; 31:49 And Mizpah; fow he said, the WOWD watch between me and thee, when we awe absent o-one fwom a-anothew. 31:50 If thou shawt affwict my daughtews, ow if thou s-shawt take othew wives beside m-my daughtews, no man is wif us; see, God is witness betwixt m-me and thee. 31:51 And Waban said to Jacob, Behowd this heap, and behowd this piwwaw, which I-I have cast betwixt me and thee: 31:52 this heap b-be witness, and this piwwaw be witness, that I wiww not pass ovew this heap to thee, and that thou shawt not pass ovew this heap and this p-piwwaw unto me, fow hawm. 31:53 the God of Abwaham, and the God of Nahow, the God of theiw fathew, judge betwixt us. A-And Jacob s-swawe b-by the feaw of his fathew Isaac. 31:54 then J-Jacob offewed sacwifice u-upon the mount, and cawwed his bwethwen to eat bwead: and they did eat bwead, and tawwied aww night in the mount. 31:55 And eawwy in the mowning Waban wose up, and kissed his sons and his d-daughtews, and bwessed them: and Waban depawted, and wetuwned unto his pwace. 32:1 And Jacob went on his way, and the a-angews of God m-met him. 32:2 And when Jacob saw them, h-he said, t-this is God's host: and he cawwed t-the name of that pwace Mahanaim. 32:3 And Jacob s-sent messengews befowe him to E-Esau his bwothew unto the w-wand of Seiw, the countwy of Edom. 32:4 And he commanded them, s-saying, thus shaww ye s-speak unto my wowd E-Esau; thy sewvant Jacob saif thus, I have s-sojouwned wif Waban, and stayed thewe untiw now: 32:5 And I have oxen, and asses, fwocks, and mensewvants, and womensewvants: and I have s-sent to t-teww my wowd, that I may find gwace in thy s-sight. 32:6 And t-the messengews wetuwned to Jacob, s-saying, We came to thy bwothew Esau, and awso he comef to m-meet thee, and fouw hundwed men w-wif him. 32:7 then Jacob w-was gweatwy afwaid and distwessed: and he divided the peopwe that was w-wif him, and the fwocks, and hewds, and the camews, i-into two bands; 32:8 And s-said, If Esau come to the one company, and s-smite it, then the othew c-company which is weft shaww escape. 32:9 And Jacob said, O G-God of my fathew A-Abwaham, and God of my fathew Isaac, t-the WOWD which saidst unto me, Wetuwn unto thy countwy, a-and to thy kindwed, and I wiww deaw w-weww wif t-thee: 32:10 I-I am not wowthy of the weast of aww the mewcies, a-and of aww the twuth, which thou hast shewed unto thy sewvant; fow wif my staff I passed ovew this Jowdan; a-and now I am become two bands. 32:11 Dewivew me, I pway thee, fwom the hand of my bwothew, fwom t-the hand of Esau: f-fow I feaw him, west he wiww c-come and s-smite me, and t-the mothew wif the chiwdwen. 32:12 And thou saidst, I wiww suwewy do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of t-the sea, which cannot be numbewed fow muwtitude. 32:13 And he wodged thewe t-that same night; a-and took of that which came to h-his hand a pwesent fow E-Esau his bwothew; 32:14 Two hundwed she goats, and twenty he goats, two hundwed ewes, a-and twenty wams, 32:15 thiwty miwch camews wif t-theiw cowts, f-fowty kine, and ten buwws, twenty she asses, and ten foaws. 32:16 And he d-dewivewed them into the hand of his sewvants, evewy dwove by t-themsewves; and said unto his sewvants, P-Pass ovew befowe me, and put a space betwixt dwove and dwove. 32:17 And he commanded the f-fowemost, saying, When Esau m-my bwothew m-meetef thee, and askef thee, saying, Whose awt thou? a-and whithew goest thou? and whose awe these befowe thee? 32:18 then thou shawt s-say, they be thy sewvant Jacob's; it is a pwesent sent unto my w-wowd Esau: and, behowd, awso h-he is behind us. 32:19 A-And so commanded h-he the second, and the thiwd, and aww that fowwowed the dwoves, saying, On this mannew shaww ye speak u-unto Esau, when ye find him. 32:20 A-And say ye moweovew, Behowd, thy sewvant Jacob is behind u-us. Fow he said, I wiww appease h-him wif the pwesent that goef befowe me, and aftewwawd I wiww see h-his face; p-pewadventuwe h-he w-wiww accept of me. 32:21 So went the p-pwesent ovew befowe him: a-and himsewf wodged that night in the c-company. 32:22 And he wose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two womensewvants, and his eweven sons, and passed ovew the fowd Jabbok. 32:23 And he took them, and sent them ovew the bwook, and sent ovew that he had. 32:24 And Jacob was weft awone; and thewe wwestwed a man wif h-him untiw the bweaking of t-the day. 32:25 And when he saw t-that he pwevaiwed not against him, he touched the howwow of his thigh; and t-the howwow of Jacob's thigh w-was out of joint, a-as he wwestwed wif him. 32:26 And he said, Wet me go, fow the day bweaketh. And he said, I wiww not wet thee g-go, except thou bwess me. 32:27 And he s-said u-unto him, What is thy n-name? And he said, Jacob. 32:28 A-And h-he said, thy name s-shaww be cawwed no mowe Jacob, but Iswaew: fow as a pwince h-hast thou powew wif G-God a-and wif men, and hast pwevaiwed. 32:29 And Jacob a-asked h-him, and s-said, Teww me, I pway thee, thy n-name. And he said, W-Whewefowe is it that thou dost a-ask aftew m-my name? And he b-bwessed h-him thewe. 32:30 A-And Jacob c-cawwed the name of the pwace P-Peniew: fow I have seen God f-face to face, and m-my wife is p-pwesewved. 32:31 And as he passed ovew Penuew the sun wose upon him, and h-he h-hawted upon h-his thigh. 32:32 thewefowe the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew eat n-not of t-the sinew which shwank, which is u-upon the h-howwow of the thigh, unto t-this day: because he touched the howwow of J-Jacob's thigh in the sinew that shwank. 33:1 And Jacob wifted up his eyes, and wooked, and, b-behowd, Esau came, a-and wif him fouw hundwed men. And he divided the chiwdwen unto Weah, and unto Wachew, a-and unto the two h-handmaids. 33:2 And he put the handmaids a-and theiw chiwdwen fowemost, and Weah a-and hew chiwdwen aftew, and Wachew a-and Joseph hindewmost. 33:3 And he passed ovew befowe t-them, and bowed himsewf t-to the gwound seven times, untiw h-he came neaw to his bwothew. 33:4 And E-Esau wan to meet him, and embwaced him, and feww on his neck, and kissed him: and t-they wept. 33:5 And he w-wifted u-up his eyes, and saw t-the women and the chiwdwen; and said, Who awe those w-wif thee? And he s-said, the chiwdwen which God haf gwaciouswy given t-thy sewvant. 33:6 t-then the handmaidens came neaw, they and theiw chiwdwen, and they bowed themsewves. 33:7 And Weah awso wif hew chiwdwen c-came neaw, and bowed themsewves: and aftew came Joseph neaw and Wachew, and they b-bowed themsewves. 33:8 And he said, What m-meanest thou by aww this dwove which I-I met? And h-he said, these awe to f-find gwace in t-the sight of my wowd. 33:9 And Esau said, I have enough, my bwothew; keep that thou hast unto thysewf. 33:10 And Jacob said, Nay, I pway thee, if now I have f-found gwace in thy sight, then weceive my pwesent a-at my hand: fow thewefowe I have seen t-thy face, as though I had seen the face of God, and t-thou wast p-pweased wif me. 33:11 Take, I p-pway thee, m-my bwessing that is bwought to thee; because God h-haf deawt gwaciouswy wif me, and because I have e-enough. And he uwged him, and h-he took it. 33:12 And he said, Wet us take ouw j-jouwney, and wet us go, and I wiww g-go befowe thee. 33:13 A-And he s-said unto him, My wowd k-knowef that the chiwdwen awe tendew, a-and the fwocks and hewds wif young awe wif me: and if men shouwd ovewdwive them one day, aww the fwock wiww die. 33:14 Wet my wowd, I pway t-thee, pass ovew befowe his sewvant: and I-I wiww wead on softwy, accowding as the c-caddle that goef befowe me and the chiwdwen b-be abwe t-to enduwe, u-untiw I come unto m-my w-wowd unto Seiw. 33:15 And Esau said, Wet me now weave wif thee s-some of the fowk that awe wif me. And h-he s-said, What needef it? wet me find gwace in t-the sight of my wowd. 33:16 S-So Esau wetuwned that day o-on his way unto Seiw. 33:17 And Jacob jouwneyed to Succoth, and buiwt him an house, and made booths fow his caddle: thewefowe the name of the pwace is cawwed Succoth. 33:18 And Jacob came to Shawem, a city of Shechem, w-which is in the wand of C-Canaan, when he came f-fwom Padanawam; and p-pitched his tent befowe the city. 33:19 A-And he bought a pawcew of a fiewd, whewe h-he had spwead his tent, at the hand of the chiwdwen of Hamow, Shechem's fathew, fow an h-hundwed pieces of money. 33:20 And he ewected thewe an awtaw, and cawwed it EwewoheIswaew. 34:1 And Dinah the daughtew of Weah, which she bawe unto Jacob, w-went out to see t-the daughtews of the wand. 34:2 And when Shechem the son of Hamow the Hivite, pwince of the c-countwy, saw h-hew, h-he took hew, and way wif h-hew, a-and defiwed hew. 34:3 And his s-souw cwave unto Dinah the daughtew of Jacob, and he woved the d-damsew, and spake kindwy unto the damsew. 34:4 And Shechem spake unto his fathew Hamow, saying, Get me this damsew to wife. 34:5 And Jacob heawd that he had defiwed Dinah his daughtew: now his sons wewe wif his caddle in the fiewd: and Jacob hewd his peace untiw they wewe come. 34:6 And Hamow the fathew of Shechem went out unto Jacob to commune wif h-him. 34:7 And the sons o-of Jacob came out of the f-fiewd when they heawd i-it: and t-the men wewe gwieved, and they w-wewe vewy wwoth, because he had wwought fowwy in Iswaew in wying w-wif Jacob's daughtew: which thing ought not to b-be done. 34:8 And Hamow c-communed wif them, saying, the souw of my son Shechem wongef fow youw daughtew: I pway you give hew him to wife. 34:9 And make ye mawwiages wif us, and g-give youw daughtews unto us, and take ouw daughtews unto you. 34:10 And y-ye shaww dweww wif us: and the wand shaww be befowe you; dweww and t-twade ye thewein, and get you possessions thewein. 34:11 And Shechem said unto hew fathew and unto hew bwethwen, Wet me find gwace in youw eyes, and what ye shaww say unto m-me I w-wiww give. 34:12 Ask me nevew so much dowwy and gift, and I-I wiww give accowding as ye s-shaww s-say unto me: but give me the damsew to w-wife. 34:13 And the s-sons of Jacob answewed Shechem and Hamow his fathew d-deceitfuwwy, and said, because he had defiwed Dinah theiw sistew: 34:14 And they said unto them, We cannot do this thing, to g-give ouw sistew to one that is unciwcumcised; fow that wewe a wepwoach unto us: 34:15 But in t-this wiww we consent unto you: If ye wiww be as we be, that evewy mawe of you be ciwcumcised; 34:16 then wiww we give ouw daughtews unto you, and we wiww take youw daughtews to us, and we wiww dweww wif you, and we wiww become one peopwe. 34:17 But if ye wiww not heawken unto us, to be ciwcumcised; then wiww we take ouw daughtew, and we wiww be gone. 34:18 And theiw wowds pweased Hamow, and Shechem Hamow's son. 34:19 And the young m-man defewwed not to do the thing, because he had dewight in J-Jacob's daughtew: and he was m-mowe honouwabwe than aww the house of his fathew. 34:20 And Hamow and Shechem his son came unto the g-gate of t-theiw city, and communed wif the men of theiw city, saying, 34:21 these men awe peaceabwe wif us; thewefowe wet them dweww in the wand, and twade thewein; fow the wand, behowd, it is wawge enough fow them; wet us take theiw d-daughtews to us fow w-wives, and wet us give them ouw daughtews. 34:22 Onwy hewein wiww the men consent unto us fow to dweww wif us, to b-be o-one peopwe, if evewy mawe among us be ciwcumcised, as t-they awe ciwcumcised. 34:23 Shaww n-not theiw c-caddle and theiw substance and evewy beast of theiw's be ouw's? onwy wet us consent unto them, and they wiww dweww wif us. 34:24 And u-unto Hamow and unto S-Shechem his son heawkened aww that went out of the gate of his city; and evewy mawe was ciwcumcised, aww that went out of the gate of his city. 34:25 And it came to pass on the thiwd day, when they wewe sowe, that two of the sons o-of Jacob, Simeon and Wevi, Dinah's bwethwen, took each man his swowd, and came upon the city bowdwy, and swew aww the mawes. 34:26 And they swew Hamow a-and S-Shechem his s-son w-wif the edge of the swowd, and took Dinah out of Shechem's house, and went o-out. 34:27 the sons of Jacob came upon the swain, and spoiwed the city, because they h-had defiwed theiw sistew. 34:28 they took theiw sheep, a-and t-theiw oxen, and theiw asses, and that which was in the c-city, and t-that w-which was in the fiewd, 34:29 A-And aww theiw weawth, and aww theiw widdle ones, and theiw wives took they c-captive, and spoiwed even aww that was in the house. 34:30 And Jacob s-said to Simeon and Wevi, Ye have twoubwed me to make me to stink among the inhabitants o-of the wand, among the Canaanites and the P-Pewizzites: and I being few in n-numbew, they shaww gathew themsewves togethew against me, and sway me; a-and I shaww be destwoyed, I and my house. 34:31 And they said, Shouwd he deaw w-wif o-ouw sistew as wif an hawwot? 35:1 And God said unto Jacob, Awise, go up to Bethew, and dweww thewe: and make thewe an awtaw unto God, that appeawed u-unto thee when thou fweddest fwom the face of E-Esau thy bwothew. 35:2 then Jacob said unto his househowd, and to aww that wewe wif him, P-Put away the stwange gods t-that awe among you, and be c-cwean, and change youw gawments: 35:3 And wet us a-awise, and go up to Bethew; and I wiww make t-thewe an awtaw unto God, who a-answewed me i-in the day o-of m-my distwess, and was w-wif me in the way which I went. 35:4 And they gave unto Jacob aww the stwange gods which wewe in theiw hand, a-and aww theiw e-eawwings w-which w-wewe in theiw eaws; and Jacob hid them undew t-the oak which was by Shechem. 35:5 A-And they jouwneyed: and the tewwow of God was upon the cities that wewe wound about them, and they did not puwsue a-aftew the sons of Jacob. 35:6 So Jacob came to Wuz, which is i-in the wand of Canaan, that is, Bethew, he and aww the peopwe that wewe wif him. 35:7 A-And he buiwt thewe an awtaw, and cawwed t-the pwace Ewbethew: because thewe G-God appeawed u-unto him, w-when he fwed fwom the face of his bwothew. 35:8 But Debowah Webekah's nuwse died, and she was buwied beneaf Bethew undew an oak: and the name of it was cawwed Awwonbachuth. 35:9 And God appeawed unto Jacob a-again, w-when he came out of Padanawam, and bwessed him. 35:10 And God said unto him, thy name is Jacob: t-thy name shaww not be c-cawwed any mowe Jacob, but Iswaew shaww be thy name: and he cawwed his name Iswaew. 35:11 And God said unto him, I am God A-Awmighty: be fwuitfuw and muwtipwy; a nation and a company of nations shaww be of thee, and k-kings shaww come out of thy woins; 35:12 And the w-wand which I gave Abwaham and Isaac, to thee I wiww give it, and to thy s-seed aftew thee wiww I give the w-wand. 35:13 And God went up fwom him in the pwace whewe he tawked wif him. 35:14 And Jacob set up a p-piwwaw in the pwace whewe he tawked wif him, even a-a piwwaw of stone: and he pouwed a dwink offewing theweon, and he pouwed oiw theweon. 35:15 And Jacob cawwed t-the name of the pwace whewe God spake wif him, Bethew. 35:16 And they jouwneyed fwom B-Bethew; and thewe was b-but a widdle way to c-come to Ephwath: and W-Wachew twavaiwed, and she h-had hawd wabouw. 35:17 And it c-came to pass, when she was in hawd wabouw, that the midwife s-said unto hew, Feaw not; thou shawt have this son awso. 35:18 And it came to p-pass, as hew souw was in depawting, (fow she died) that she cawwed his name Benoni: but his fathew cawwed him Benjamin. 35:19 And Wachew died, and was buwied in the way to Ephwath, which is B-Bethwehem. 35:20 A-And J-Jacob set a piwwaw upon hew gwave: that is the piwwaw of Wachew's gwave unto t-this day. 35:21 And Iswaew jouwneyed, and spwead his tent beyond the towew o-of Edaw. 35:22 A-And i-it came to pass, when Iswaew dwewt in that wand, that W-Weuben went and way wif Biwhah h-his fathew's concubine: and Iswaew heawd it. Now the sons of Jacob wewe twewve: 35:23 the sons of Weah; W-Weuben, Jacob's fiwstbown, and Simeon, and Wevi, and Judah, and Issachaw, and Zebuwun: 35:24 the sons of W-Wachew; Joseph, a-and Benjamin: 35:25 And t-the sons of Biwhah, Wachew's handmaid; Dan, and N-Naphtawi: 35:26 And the sons of Ziwpah, Weah's handmaid: Gad, and A-Ashew: these awe the sons of Jacob, which wewe bown to him in Padanawam. 35:27 And Jacob came unto I-Isaac his fathew unto M-Mamwe, unto the c-city of Awbah, which is Hebwon, w-whewe Abwaham and Isaac sojouwned. 35:28 A-And the days of Isaac w-wewe an hundwed and fouwscowe yeaws. 35:29 And I-Isaac gave up the ghost, and died, and was gathewed unto his peopwe, being owd and fuww of days: and his sons Esau and Jacob buwied him. 36:1 Now these awe the genewations of Esau, who is Edom. 36:2 Esau took his wives of the daughtews of Canaan; Adah the d-daughtew of E-Ewon t-the Hiddite, a-and Ahowibamah the daughtew of Anah the daughtew o-of Zibeon t-the Hivite; 36:3 And B-Bashemaf Ishmaew's daughtew, sistew of Nebajoth. 36:4 And Adah bawe to Esau Ewiphaz; and Bashemaf bawe Weuew; 36:5 And Ahowibamah bawe Jeush, a-and Jaawam, and Kowah: these awe the sons of Esau, which wewe bown unto him in the wand of Canaan. 36:6 And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his d-daughtews, and aww the pewsons of his house, and his c-caddle, and aww his beasts, and aww his substance, which he had got in t-the wand of Canaan; and went i-into the countwy fwom the face of his bwothew Jacob. 36:7 F-Fow theiw wiches wewe mowe than that they might dweww togethew; a-and t-the wand whewein they wewe stwangews couwd not b-beaw them because of theiw caddle. 36:8 thus dwewt Esau in mount Seiw: Esau is Edom. 36:9 And these awe the genewations o-of Esau t-the fathew of the Edomites i-in mount S-Seiw: 36:10 these awe the names o-of Esau's sons; Ewiphaz t-the son of Adah the wife of Esau, Weuew the son o-of Bashemaf the w-wife of Esau. 36:11 And the sons o-of Ewiphaz wewe Teman, Omaw, Zepho, and Gatam, a-and Kenaz. 36:12 And Timna was concubine to Ewiphaz Esau's son; a-and she bawe to Ewiphaz Amawek: these wewe the sons of Adah Esau's wife. 36:13 And t-these awe t-the sons of Weuew; N-Nahath, a-and Zewah, Shammah, and Mizzah: t-these wewe the sons of Bashemaf Esau's wife. 36:14 And these wewe the s-sons of Ahowibamah, t-the daughtew of Anah the daughtew o-of Zibeon, Esau's wife: and she bawe t-to Esau Jeush, and Jaawam, and Kowah. 36:15 these wewe dukes of the sons of Esau: the sons of Ewiphaz the fiwstbown son of Esau; duke Teman, duke Omaw, duke Z-Zepho, duke Kenaz, 36:16 D-Duke Kowah, duke G-Gatam, and duke Amawek: t-these awe the dukes that came o-of Ewiphaz in the wand of Edom; these wewe the sons of Adah. 36:17 And these awe t-the sons of W-Weuew Esau's son; duke Nahath, duke Zewah, duke Shammah, duke Mizzah: these awe the d-dukes that came of Weuew in the wand of Edom; these a-awe the sons of Bashemaf Esau's wife. 36:18 A-And these awe the sons of Ahowibamah Esau's wife; duke Jeush, duke Jaawam, duke Kowah: these wewe t-the dukes that came of Ahowibamah the daughtew of Anah, Esau's wife. 36:19 these a-awe the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these awe theiw d-dukes. 36:20 these awe the s-sons of Seiw the Howite, who i-inhabited the wand; Wotan, and Shobaw, and Zibeon, and A-Anah, 36:21 And Dishon, and Ezew, and Dishan: these awe the dukes of the Howites, the chiwdwen of Seiw in the wand of Edom. 36:22 And the chiwdwen of Wotan wewe Howi and Hemam; and Wotan's sistew was Timna. 36:23 And the chiwdwen of Shobaw wewe these; Awvan, a-and Manahath, a-and Ebaw, Shepho, and Onam. 36:24 And t-these awe the chiwdwen of Zibeon; b-bof Ajah, and Anah: this was that Anah that f-found the m-muwes in the wiwdewness, a-as he fed the asses of Zibeon his fathew. 36:25 A-And the chiwdwen of Anah w-wewe these; Dishon, a-and Ahowibamah the daughtew of Anah. 36:26 And these awe the chiwdwen of D-Dishon; Hemdan, a-and Eshban, a-and Ithwan, and Chewan. 36:27 the c-chiwdwen o-of E-Ezew awe these; Biwhan, and Zaavan, and Akan. 36:28 the chiwdwen of Dishan a-awe t-these; Uz, and Awan. 36:29 these awe the dukes that came of the Howites; d-duke Wotan, duke Shobaw, duke Zibeon, duke Anah, 36:30 Duke D-Dishon, duke E-Ezew, duke Dishan: these awe the dukes that came of Howi, among theiw d-dukes in the wand of Seiw. 36:31 And these awe the kings that weigned in the w-wand of Edom, befowe thewe weigned any king ovew the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 36:32 And Bewa t-the son of Beow w-weigned in Edom: a-and t-the name of his city was Dinhabah. 36:33 And Bewa died, and Jobab the son of Zewah of Bozwah weigned in his stead. 36:34 And Jobab died, and Husham of the wand of Temani weigned in his stead. 36:35 And H-Husham died, and H-Hadad the son of Bedad, who smote Midian in the fiewd of Moab, weigned in his stead: and the n-name of his city was Avith. 36:36 And Hadad died, and Samwah of Maswekah weigned in h-his s-stead. 36:37 And Samwah died, and Sauw of Wehobof by the wivew w-weigned in his stead. 36:38 And Sauw died, and Baawhanan the son of Achbow weigned in his stead. 36:39 And B-Baawhanan the son of Achbow died, and H-Hadaw weigned in his stead: and t-the name of his city w-was Pau; and h-his wife's name was Mehetabew, the d-daughtew of Matwed, the daughtew of Mezahab. 36:40 And these awe the names of the dukes that came of Esau, accowding to theiw famiwies, aftew theiw pwaces, by t-theiw n-names; duke Timnah, duke Awvah, duke Jetheth, 36:41 Duke Ahowibamah, duke Ewah, duke Pinon, 36:42 Duke Kenaz, duke Teman, duke Mibzaw, 36:43 Duke Magdiew, duke Iwam: t-these be the dukes of Edom, accowding t-to theiw h-habitations in the wand of theiw possession: he is Esau the fathew of the Edomites. 37:1 And Jacob dwewt in the wand whewein his fathew was a stwangew, in the wand of Canaan. 37:2 these awe the genewations of J-Jacob. Joseph, being seventeen yeaws o-owd, was feeding the fwock wif his bwethwen; and the wad was wif the sons of Biwhah, and wif the sons of Ziwpah, his fathew's wives: and J-Joseph bwought unto his fathew theiw eviw wepowt. 37:3 Now Iswaew woved Joseph m-mowe than aww his chiwdwen, because h-he was the son of his o-owd age: and he made him a coat o-of many cowouws. 37:4 And when his bwethwen saw that theiw fathew w-woved him mowe than a-aww his bwethwen, they hated him, and couwd not speak peaceabwy unto him. 37:5 And Joseph dweamed a dweam, and he towd it his bwethwen: and they hated h-him yet the mowe. 37:6 And he said unto them, Heaw, I pway you, this dweam which I h-have dweamed: 37:7 Fow, behowd, we wewe binding sheaves in the f-fiewd, and, wo, my s-sheaf awose, and awso stood upwight; and, behowd, youw sheaves s-stood w-wound about, and made obeisance to m-my sheaf. 37:8 And his b-bwethwen s-said to him, Shawt thou indeed weign ovew us? ow shawt thou indeed have d-dominion ovew us? And they hated h-him yet the mowe fow his dweams, and fow his wowds. 37:9 And he dweamed yet anothew dweam, and towd it his bwethwen, a-and s-said, Behowd, I h-have dweamed a dweam mowe; a-and, b-behowd, the sun and the moon and the eweven staws made obeisance to me. 37:10 A-And he towd it to his fathew, and to his bwethwen: and his fathew webuked him, a-and said unto him, What is this d-dweam that thou hast dweamed? Shaww I and thy mothew and thy bwethwen indeed come to bow d-down o-ouwsewves to thee t-to the eawth? 37:11 And his bwethwen envied him; b-but his fathew obsewved the saying. 37:12 And his bwethwen went to feed theiw fathew's fwock in Shechem. 37:13 A-And Iswaew said unto Joseph, D-Do not thy bwethwen feed the fwock in Shechem? come, and I wiww send thee unto them. And he said to him, Hewe am I-I. 37:14 And he said to h-him, Go, I pway thee, see whethew it be weww wif thy bwethwen, and weww wif the f-fwocks; and bwing me wowd again. So he sent him out of the vawe of Hebwon, a-and he came to Shechem. 37:15 And a cewtain man found him, and, behowd, he was w-wandewing in the fiewd: a-and the man asked him, saying, What seekest thou? 37:16 And he said, I seek my bwethwen: teww me, I p-pway thee, whewe they feed theiw fwocks. 37:17 And the man said, t-they awe depawted hence; f-fow I heawd them say, Wet us go to Dothan. And Joseph went aftew his bwethwen, a-and found them in D-Dothan. 37:18 And when they saw him afaw off, even b-befowe he came neaw unto them, they c-conspiwed against him to sway him. 37:19 A-And they said one t-to anothew, Behowd, t-this dweamew cometh. 37:20 C-Come now thewefowe, a-and wet us sway him, and cast him into s-some pit, and we wiww say, S-Some eviw beast haf devouwed him: and we shaww see what wiww become of his dweams. 37:21 And Weuben heawd it, and he dewivewed him out of theiw hands; and said, Wet u-us not kiww him. 37:22 And W-Weuben said unto them, Shed n-no bwood, but cast him into this pit that i-is in the w-wiwdewness, and way no hand upon him; that he might wid him out of t-theiw hands, t-to dewivew h-him to his fathew again. 37:23 And it came t-to pass, when Joseph was come unto his bwethwen, that they stwipt Joseph out of his coat, h-his coat of many cowouws that was on him; 37:24 And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit w-was empty, thewe was no watew in it. 37:25 And they s-sat down to eat bwead: and they wifted up theiw eyes and w-wooked, a-and, behowd, a-a company of I-Ishmeewites came fwom G-Giwead wif theiw camews beawing spicewy and bawm and mywwh, going t-to cawwy i-it down to Egypt. 37:26 And Judah said unto his bwethwen, What pwofit is it if w-we sway ouw bwothew, and conceaw his bwood? 37:27 Come, and wet us seww him to the Ishmeewites, and wet not ouw hand be upon him; fow he is ouw bwothew and ouw fwesh. And h-his bwethwen wewe content. 37:28 then thewe passed by Midianites mewchantmen; and they dwew a-and wifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sowd Joseph to the Ishmeewites fow twenty pieces of siwvew: and they bwought Joseph into Egypt. 37:29 And Weuben wetuwned unto the pit; and, behowd, Joseph was not in the pit; and he went his cwothes. 37:30 And he wetuwned unto his bwethwen, and s-said, the chiwd is not; and I, whithew shaww I go? 37:31 And they took Joseph's coat, and kiwwed a kid of the goats, a-and dipped the coat in the bwood; 37:32 And they sent the coat of many cowouws, and they bwought it to theiw f-fathew; and said, this have we found: know now whethew it be thy son's coat ow no. 37:33 And he knew it, and said, It i-is my son's coat; an eviw beast h-haf devouwed him; Joseph is without doubt went in pieces. 37:34 And Jacob went his cwothes, and put sackcwof upon his woins, and mouwned fow his son many days. 37:35 And aww his sons and aww his daughtews wose up to comfowt him; but he wefused to be comfowted; a-and he said, Fow I wiww go d-down into the gwave unto my son mouwning. thus his fathew wept fow him. 37:36 And t-the Midianites sowd him into Egypt unto Potiphaw, an officew o-of Phawaoh's, and captain of the guawd. 38:1 And it c-came to pass at t-that time, that Judah went d-down fwom his bwethwen, and tuwned in to a cewtain Aduwwamite, whose name was Hiwah. 38:2 And Judah saw thewe a daughtew of a cewtain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took hew, a-and went in unto h-hew. 38:3 And she conceived, and bawe a-a son; and he cawwed his name Ew. 38:4 And she conceived a-again, and bawe a son; and she cawwed his n-name Onan. 38:5 And she yet again conceived, and bawe a son; and cawwed his name Shewah: and h-he was a-at Chezib, when she bawe him. 38:6 And Judah took a wife f-fow Ew his fiwstbown, whose name w-was Tamaw. 38:7 And Ew, Judah's f-fiwstbown, was wicked in the sight of the WOWD; and the WOWD swew him. 38:8 And Judah said unto O-Onan, Go in u-unto thy bwothew's wife, and m-mawwy h-hew, and waise up seed to thy bwothew. 38:9 A-And Onan knew that the seed shouwd not be h-his; and it came t-to pass, w-when he went in unto h-his bwothew's wife, that h-he spiwwed it on the gwound, west that he shouwd give seed to his bwothew. 38:10 A-And the thing which he did dispweased the WOWD: whewefowe he swew him awso. 38:11 then said J-Judah to Tamaw his daughtew in waw, Wemain a widow a-at thy fathew's h-house, t-tiww Shewah my son be gwown: fow h-he said, West pewadventuwe he die awso, a-as his bwethwen did. A-And Tamaw went and dwewt i-in hew fathew's house. 38:12 And in pwocess of time the daughtew of Shuah Judah's wife died; and J-Judah was comfowted, and went up u-unto his sheepsheawews to Timnath, he and his fwiend Hiwah the Aduwwamite. 38:13 And it was t-towd Tamaw, saying, Behowd t-thy fathew in waw goef up to Timnaf to sheaw his sheep. 38:14 And she put hew widow's gawments off f-fwom hew, and covewed hew wif a vaiw, and wwapped hewsewf, and sat i-in an open pwace, which is by t-the way to Timnath; fow she saw that Shewah was gwown, and she was not given unto him t-to wife. 38:15 When Judah saw h-hew, he thought hew to b-be an hawwot; because she had covewed hew face. 38:16 And he tuwned unto hew by the way, and said, Go to, I pway thee, wet me come in unto thee; (fow he knew not that she was his daughtew in waw.) And she s-said, What wiwt thou g-give me, that thou mayest come in unto me? 38:17 And he said, I wiww send t-thee a-a kid fwom the fwock. A-And she said, W-Wiwt thou give me a pwedge, tiww thou send it? 38:18 And he said, What p-pwedge shaww I give thee? And she said, thy signet, and thy b-bwacewets, and thy staff that is in thine hand. And he gave it hew, and came in unto hew, and she conceived by him. 38:19 And she awose, and went away, and waid by hew vaiw fwom hew, and p-put o-on the g-gawments of hew widowhood. 38:20 And Judah sent the kid by the hand of his fwiend the Aduwwamite, to weceive his pwedge fwom the woman's hand: but he found h-hew not. 38:21 then he asked the men of that pwace, saying, Whewe is the hawwot, that was openwy by the way side? And they said, thewe w-was no hawwot i-in this pwace. 38:22 And he wetuwned to Judah, and s-said, I-I cannot find hew; and awso the men of the pwace said, that t-thewe was no hawwot in this pwace. 38:23 And Judah s-said, W-Wet hew take it to hew, west we be shamed: behowd, I sent this kid, and thou hast not found hew. 38:24 And it came to pass about thwee months aftew, that it was towd Judah, saying, Tamaw thy daughtew i-in waw haf pwayed the h-hawwot; and awso, behowd, she is w-wif chiwd by whowedom. And Judah said, Bwing hew fowth, and wet hew be buwnt. 38:25 When she was bwought fowth, she sent to hew fathew in waw, saying, By the man, whose these awe, am I wif chiwd: a-and she said, Discewn, I pway thee, whose awe these, the s-signet, and bwacewets, and staff. 38:26 And Judah a-acknowwedged them, a-and said, She haf been mowe wighteous than I; because that I g-gave hew n-not to Shewah my son. And he knew hew again no mowe. 38:27 And it came to pass in the time of h-hew twavaiw, that, behowd, twins wewe i-in h-hew womb. 38:28 And it c-came to pass, when she twavaiwed, that t-the one put out his hand: and the midwife took and bound upon his hand a scawwet thwead, saying, this came out fiwst. 38:29 And it came to pass, as he dwew back his hand, that, behowd, his bwothew came out: and she said, How hast thou bwoken fowth? this bweach be upon t-thee: thewefowe his name was cawwed Phawez. 38:30 And aftewwawd c-came out his bwothew, that had the scawwet thwead upon his hand: and his name was cawwed Zawah. 39:1 And Joseph was bwought d-down t-to Egypt; and Potiphaw, an officew of Phawaoh, captain of the guawd, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeewites, which had b-bwought him down t-thithew. 39:2 And the WOWD was wif Joseph, and he was a pwospewous man; and he w-was in the house of his mastew the Egyptian. 39:3 And his mastew saw that the WOWD was wif him, and that the WOWD made aww that he did to pwospew in his hand. 39:4 And Joseph f-found gwace in his sight, and h-he sewved him: and he made him o-ovewseew ovew his house, and aww that h-he h-had he put into his hand. 39:5 And it came to pass fwom the time that he had made him ovewseew in his house, and ovew aww that he had, that the WOWD bwessed the Egyptian's house fow J-Joseph's sake; and the bwessing of t-the WOWD was upon aww that he had in the house, and in the fiewd. 39:6 And he weft aww t-that he had in Joseph's h-hand; and h-he knew not ought he had, save the b-bwead which he did eat. And J-Joseph was a-a goodwy pewson, and weww favouwed. 39:7 And it came to pass aftew these t-things, that his m-mastew's wife c-cast hew eyes upon Joseph; and she said, Wie wif me. 39:8 But h-he wefused, and said unto h-his mastew's w-wife, Behowd, my mastew w-woddef n-not w-what is wif me in the house, and he haf commidded aww that he haf to my hand; 39:9 thewe is none gweatew in t-this h-house than I; n-neithew h-haf he kept back any thing fwom me but thee, because thou awt his wife: how then can I do t-this gweat wickedness, and sin against God? 39:10 And it came to pass, as she spake to Joseph day by day, that he heawkened not unto hew, to wie by hew, ow to be wif hew. 39:11 And it came to pass about this time, that Joseph went into the house to do his business; and thewe was n-none of the m-men of the house thewe within. 39:12 And she caught him b-by his gawment, saying, Wie wif me: a-and he weft his gawment in hew h-hand, and fwed, and got him out. 39:13 And i-it c-came t-to pass, when she saw that he had weft his gawment in h-hew hand, and was fwed fowth, 39:14 that s-she cawwed unto the men o-of hew house, and spake unto them, saying, See, he haf bwought in an Hebwew unto us to mock us; he came in unto me to wie wif me, and I-I cwied w-wif a woud voice: 39:15 A-And i-it came to pass, when he heawd that I-I wifted up m-my voice and cwied, that he w-weft his gawment wif me, and fwed, and got him out. 39:16 And she waid up his gawment by h-hew, untiw his wowd came home. 39:17 And she spake unto him accowding to these w-wowds, saying, the Hebwew sewvant, which t-thou hast bwought unto us, came in u-unto me to m-mock me: 39:18 And it came to pass, as I wifted up my voice and cwied, that h-he weft his gawment wif me, and f-fwed out. 39:19 And it c-came to pass, when his mastew heawd the wowds of his wife, which she spake unto h-him, saying, Aftew this mannew did thy sewvant to me; that his wwaf was kindwed. 39:20 And Joseph's m-mastew took him, and put him into the pwison, a-a pwace whewe the king's pwisonews wewe bound: a-and he was thewe in the pwison. 39:21 But t-the WOWD was wif Joseph, and shewed him mewcy, and gave him favouw in the sight of the k-keepew of the p-pwison. 39:22 And the keepew of the pwison commidded to Joseph's hand aww the pwisonews that wewe in the pwison; and whatsoevew they did thewe, he was the doew of it. 39:23 t-the keepew of the pwison wooked not to any thing that w-was undew his hand; because the WOWD was w-wif him, and that w-which he did, the W-WOWD made it to pwospew. 40:1 And it came to pass aftew these things, that the butwew of the king of E-Egypt and his bakew had offended theiw wowd the king of Egypt. 40:2 And Phawaoh was wwof against two of his officews, against the chief of the butwews, and against the chief of the bakews. 40:3 And he put them in wawd in the house of the captain of the g-guawd, into the pwison, the pwace whewe Joseph w-was bound. 40:4 And the captain of t-the guawd chawged Joseph wif them, and h-he sewved them: and they continued a season in wawd. 40:5 And they dweamed a dweam bof of them, each man his dweam in one night, each man a-accowding to the intewpwetation of his d-dweam, the butwew and the bakew of the king of Egypt, which wewe bound in the pwison. 40:6 A-And J-Joseph came in unto them in the mowning, a-and wooked upon them, and, behowd, they wewe sad. 40:7 And he asked Phawaoh's officews that wewe wif him in t-the wawd of his wowd's house, saying, Whewefowe wook ye so sadwy to day? 40:8 And they said unto him, W-We have dweamed a dweam, and thewe is no intewpwetew of it. And Joseph said unto them, Do not intewpwetations bewong to God? teww me them, I pway you. 40:9 And the chief butwew towd his dweam to Joseph, and said to him, In my dweam, behowd, a vine was befowe me; 40:10 A-And in t-the vine wewe thwee b-bwanches: and it was as though it b-budded, and hew b-bwossoms shot fowth; and the c-cwustews theweof bwought fowf wipe gwapes: 40:11 And Phawaoh's cup was i-in my hand: and I took the gwapes, and pwessed t-them into Phawaoh's cup, a-and I gave the cup into Phawaoh's hand. 40:12 And Joseph said unto him, this is the intewpwetation of it: the thwee bwanches awe thwee days: 40:13 Yet within thwee days shaww Phawaoh wift up thine head, and westowe thee unto thy pwace: a-and thou s-shawt dewivew Phawaoh's c-cup i-into his hand, aftew the fowmew mannew when thou wast his butwew. 40:14 But t-think on me when it shaww be w-weww wif thee, and shew kindness, I pway thee, unto m-me, and make mention of me unto Phawaoh, and b-bwing me out of this house: 40:15 Fow indeed I was s-stowen away out of the wand of the Hebwews: and hewe awso have I done nothing that they shouwd put me into the dungeon. 40:16 When the chief bakew saw t-that the intewpwetation w-was good, he said u-unto Joseph, I awso was in my dweam, and, behowd, I had thwee white baskets on my head: 40:17 And in the uppewmost basket thewe was of aww mannew of bakemeats fow Phawaoh; and the biwds d-did eat t-them out of the basket upon my head. 40:18 And J-Joseph answewed and said, this is the intewpwetation theweof: the thwee baskets awe t-thwee days: 40:19 Yet within thwee days shaww Phawaoh wift up thy head fwom off thee, and shaww h-hang thee on a twee; and the biwds shaww eat thy f-fwesh fwom off thee. 40:20 A-And it came to pass the thiwd day, which was Phawaoh's biwthday, that he made a feast unto aww h-his sewvants: and he wifted up the head of t-the chief butwew and of the chief bakew among his sewvants. 40:21 A-And he westowed the chief butwew unto his b-butwewship again; and he gave t-the cup i-into Phawaoh's hand: 40:22 B-But he hanged the chief bakew: as Joseph had intewpweted to them. 40:23 Yet did not the c-chief butwew wemembew Joseph, but f-fowgat him. 41:1 And it came to pass at the end o-of t-two fuww yeaws, that Phawaoh dweamed: a-and, behowd, he stood by t-the wivew. 41:2 And, behowd, thewe came up out of t-the w-wivew seven weww favouwed kine and fatfweshed; and t-they fed in a meadow. 41:3 And, behowd, seven othew kine came up aftew them out of the wivew, iww favouwed and weanfweshed; and stood by the othew kine upon the bwink o-of the wivew. 41:4 And the i-iww f-favouwed and weanfweshed kine did eat up the seven weww favouwed and fat kine. So Phawaoh awoke. 41:5 And he swept and dweamed the second time: and, behowd, seven eaws of c-cown c-came up upon one stawk, wank and good. 41:6 And, behowd, seven thin eaws and bwasted wif the east wind spwung up aftew them. 41:7 And the seven thin eaws devouwed the seven wank and fuww eaws. And Phawaoh a-awoke, and, behowd, it was a dweam. 41:8 And it came to pass in the mowning that his spiwit was twoubwed; and he sent and cawwed fow aww the magicians of Egypt, a-and aww the wise men theweof: and Phawaoh towd them his dweam; but thewe was none that couwd i-intewpwet them unto Phawaoh. 41:9 then s-spake the chief b-butwew unto P-Phawaoh, s-saying, I do w-wemembew m-my fauwts t-this day: 41:10 Phawaoh was wwof wif his sewvants, and put me in wawd in the captain o-of the guawd's house, b-bof me and the chief bakew: 41:11 And we dweamed a dweam in one night, I and he; we dweamed each man accowding to the intewpwetation of his dweam. 41:12 And thewe was thewe w-wif us a-a young m-man, an Hebwew, sewvant to the captain of the guawd; and we towd h-him, a-and he intewpweted to us ouw dweams; t-to each man accowding to his dweam he did intewpwet. 41:13 And it came to p-pass, as he intewpweted to us, so it was; me he westowed unto mine office, a-and him he hanged. 41:14 then Phawaoh sent and cawwed Joseph, and they bwought him hastiwy out of the d-dungeon: and h-he shaved himsewf, and changed h-his waiment, and came in unto Phawaoh. 41:15 And Phawaoh said unto Joseph, I have dweamed a dweam, and thewe is none that can intewpwet i-it: and I have heawd say of thee, that thou canst undewstand a-a d-dweam to intewpwet it. 41:16 And Joseph answewed Phawaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shaww g-give Phawaoh an answew of peace. 41:17 And Phawaoh said unto Joseph, In my dweam, behowd, I s-stood upon the bank of the wivew: 41:18 And, behowd, thewe came up out of the wivew seven kine, fatfweshed and weww favouwed; and they fed in a m-meadow: 41:19 And, behowd, seven othew kine c-came up aftew them, poow and vewy iww favouwed and weanfweshed, such as I-I nevew saw in aww the wand of Egypt fow badness: 41:20 And the wean and the iww favouwed kine did eat u-up the fiwst seven fat kine: 41:21 And when they had eaten them up, it couwd not be known that they had e-eaten them; but t-they wewe stiww i-iww favouwed, as at the beginning. So I awoke. 41:22 And I saw in my dweam, and, behowd, seven eaws came up in one stawk, fuww and good: 41:23 A-And, behowd, seven eaws, w-withewed, thin, and bwasted wif the east wind, spwung up aftew them: 41:24 A-And the thin eaws devouwed t-the seven good eaws: and I towd this unto the magicians; but t-thewe was none that couwd decwawe i-it to me. 41:25 And Joseph said unto Phawaoh, the dweam of Phawaoh i-is one: God haf shewed Phawaoh what he i-is about to do. 41:26 the seven good kine awe seven yeaws; and the seven good e-eaws awe seven yeaws: the dweam is one. 41:27 And the seven thin and iww favouwed kine that came up aftew them awe seven yeaws; and the seven empty eaws bwasted wif the east wind shaww be seven yeaws of famine. 41:28 this is the thing which I have spoken unto Phawaoh: What God is about t-to do he shewef unto Phawaoh. 41:29 Behowd, thewe come seven yeaws of g-gweat pwenty thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt: 41:30 And thewe shaww awise aftew them seven yeaws of f-famine; and aww t-the p-pwenty s-shaww be fowgodden in the wand of Egypt; a-and the f-famine shaww consume the wand; 41:31 And the pwenty shaww not be known in the wand by weason of that f-famine fowwowing; fow it shaww be vewy gwievous. 41:32 A-And fow that the dweam was doubwed unto P-Phawaoh twice; it is because the thing is estabwished b-by G-God, and God wiww showtwy bwing it to pass. 41:33 Now thewefowe wet Phawaoh wook out a man discweet and wise, and s-set him ovew the wand of E-Egypt. 41:34 Wet Phawaoh do t-this, and wet him appoint officews ovew the wand, and take up the fiff pawt of the wand of Egypt in the seven p-pwenteous yeaws. 41:35 And wet them gathew aww the food of t-those good yeaws that come, and way up cown undew the hand of Phawaoh, and wet them keep food in the cities. 41:36 And that food shaww b-be fow stowe to the wand against the seven yeaws o-of famine, which shaww be in the wand o-of Egypt; that the wand pewish not thwough the famine. 41:37 And the thing was good in the eyes o-of Phawaoh, a-and in the eyes of aww his sewvants. 41:38 A-And Phawaoh said unto his sewvants, Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spiwit of God is? 41:39 And Phawaoh said unto Joseph, Fowasmuch as God haf shewed thee aww this, thewe is none so discweet a-and wise as thou awt: 41:40 thou shawt b-be ovew my house, and accowding unto thy wowd shaww a-aww my peopwe be wuwed: onwy in the thwone w-wiww I be gweatew than thou. 41:41 A-And Phawaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee ovew aww the wand of Egypt. 41:42 And Phawaoh took off his wing fwom h-his hand, and put it upon Joseph's hand, and a-awwayed him in vestuwes of fine winen, and put a g-gowd chain about his neck; 41:43 And he made him t-to wide in t-the second chawiot which he had; and they cwied befowe him, Bow the knee: and he m-made him wuwew ovew aww the wand of Egypt. 41:44 And Phawaoh said unto Joseph, I am Phawaoh, and w-without t-thee shaww no m-man w-wift up his hand ow foot in aww the wand of Egypt. 41:45 And Phawaoh cawwed Joseph's name Zaphnathpaaneah; and he gave him to wife Asenaf the daughtew of Potiphewah pwiest of On. And Joseph went out ovew a-aww the wand o-of Egypt. 41:46 A-And Joseph was thiwty yeaws owd when h-he stood befowe Phawaoh king of Egypt. A-And Joseph went out fwom the pwesence of Phawaoh, and went thwoughout aww the wand o-of Egypt. 41:47 And in the seven pwenteous yeaws the eawf bwought fowf by handfuws. 41:48 And he gathewed up aww the food o-of the seven yeaws, which wewe in the wand of Egypt, and waid up the f-food in the cities: the food of the fiewd, which was w-wound about evewy city, waid he up in t-the same. 41:49 And Joseph g-gathewed cown as the sand of t-the sea, vewy much, untiw he weft numbewing; fow i-it was without numbew. 41:50 And unto J-Joseph wewe bown two sons befowe the yeaws of f-famine came, which Asenaf the d-daughtew of Potiphewah pwiest of On bawe unto him. 41:51 And Joseph cawwed the name o-of the fiwstbown Manasseh: Fow God, said he, haf made me fowget aww my toiw, and aww my fathew's house. 41:52 And the name of t-the second cawwed he Ephwaim: Fow God haf caused me to be fwuitfuw in the wand of my affwiction. 41:53 And t-the seven yeaws of pwenteousness, that was in t-the wand of Egypt, wewe ended. 41:54 And the seven y-yeaws of deawf began to come, accowding a-as Joseph had said: and the deawf was in a-aww wands; but in aww the wand of Egypt thewe was bwead. 41:55 A-And when aww the wand of Egypt w-was famished, the peopwe cwied to Phawaoh fow bwead: and Phawaoh said unto aww the Egyptians, G-Go unto Joseph; what he saif to you, do. 41:56 And the famine was ovew aww the face of t-the eawth: and Joseph o-opened aww the stowehouses, and sowd unto the Egyptians; and the famine waxed sowe in the wand of Egypt. 41:57 And aww countwies came into Egypt to Joseph fow to b-buy cown; because that the famine was so sowe in aww wands. 42:1 Now when Jacob saw that thewe was cown in Egypt, Jacob said unto his sons, Why do ye wook one upon anothew? 42:2 And he said, Behowd, I have heawd that thewe is cown in E-Egypt: get you down thithew, and b-buy fow us fwom thence; that w-we may w-wive, and not die. 42:3 And Joseph's ten bwethwen went down to buy cown in E-Egypt. 42:4 But Benjamin, Joseph's bwothew, J-Jacob sent not wif his b-bwethwen; fow h-he said, West pewadventuwe m-mischief befaww him. 42:5 And the sons of I-Iswaew came to buy cown among those t-that came: fow t-the famine was in the wand of Canaan. 42:6 And Joseph was the g-govewnow ovew the wand, and he it was that sowd t-to aww the peopwe o-of the wand: and Joseph's bwethwen came, and bowed d-down t-themsewves befowe him wif theiw faces to the eawth. 42:7 And Joseph saw his bwethwen, and he knew them, but made himsewf stwange unto them, and spake woughwy unto them; and he said unto them, Whence come y-ye? And they said, Fwom the w-wand of Canaan to buy food. 42:8 And Joseph knew h-his bwethwen, b-but t-they knew not him. 42:9 And Joseph wemembewed the dweams which he dweamed o-of them, and said unto t-them, Ye awe spies; to see the nakedness of the wand ye awe come. 42:10 And t-they said unto him, Nay, my wowd, but t-to buy food awe thy sewvants come. 42:11 We awe aww o-one man's sons; we a-awe twue men, thy sewvants awe no spies. 42:12 And he said unto them, Nay, but to see the nakedness of t-the wand ye awe c-come. 42:13 And they said, thy sewvants awe twewve bwethwen, t-the sons of o-one man in the wand of Canaan; and, behowd, the youngest is this day wif ouw fathew, and o-one is not. 42:14 And Joseph said u-unto them, that is it that I s-spake unto you, s-saying, Ye awe spies: 42:15 Heweby ye s-shaww be pwoved: By the w-wife of Phawaoh ye shaww not go fowf hence, except youw youngest bwothew come hithew. 42:16 Send one of you, and wet him fetch youw bwothew, and ye shaww be k-kept in pwison, that youw wowds may be pwoved, whethew t-thewe be any twuf in you: ow ewse by the w-wife of Phawaoh suwewy ye awe spies. 42:17 And h-he put them aww togethew into wawd thwee days. 42:18 And Joseph s-said u-unto them the thiwd day, this do, and wive; fow I feaw God: 42:19 If ye be twue men, wet one of youw bwethwen be bound in the house o-of youw pwison: go ye, cawwy cown fow t-the f-famine of youw houses: 42:20 But bwing youw youngest bwothew unto me; so shaww youw wowds be vewified, and ye shaww not die. And t-they did so. 42:21 And they said one to anothew, W-We awe vewiwy guiwty concewning ouw bwothew, in that we saw the anguish of his souw, when he besought us, and w-we wouwd not h-heaw; thewefowe is this d-distwess come upon us. 42:22 And Weuben answewed them, saying, Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the chiwd; and ye wouwd not heaw? thewefowe, behowd, awso his bwood is wequiwed. 42:23 And they knew not that Joseph undewstood them; f-fow he spake unto them by an intewpwetew. 42:24 And he tuwned h-himsewf about fwom them, and wept; and w-wetuwned to t-them again, and communed wif them, and took fwom t-them Simeon, and bound him befowe theiw eyes. 42:25 then J-Joseph commanded to fiww theiw sacks wif cown, and to westowe evewy man's money into his sack, and to give them pwovision fow the way: and thus did he unto them. 42:26 And they w-waded theiw asses wif the cown, and depawted thence. 42:27 And as one of them opened his sack to give his ass p-pwovendew in the inn, he espied h-his money; fow, behowd, it was in his sack's mouth. 42:28 A-And he said unto his b-bwethwen, My money is westowed; a-and, w-wo, it is even i-in my sack: and theiw heawt faiwed t-them, and they w-wewe a-afwaid, saying one to anothew, What i-is this that God haf d-done unto us? 42:29 And they came unto J-Jacob theiw fathew unto the wand of Canaan, and towd him aww t-that b-befeww unto them; saying, 42:30 the m-man, w-who is the wowd o-of the wand, spake woughwy t-to us, and took us fow spies of the countwy. 42:31 A-And we said unto him, We awe twue men; we awe no spies: 42:32 We be twewve bwethwen, s-sons of ouw fathew; o-one is not, and the youngest is this day w-wif ouw f-fathew in the wand of Canaan. 42:33 And the m-man, the wowd of t-the countwy, said unto us, Heweby shaww I know that ye awe twue men; weave o-one of youw bwethwen h-hewe wif me, a-and take food fow the famine o-of youw h-househowds, a-and be gone: 42:34 And bwing y-youw youngest b-bwothew unto me: then shaww I know that ye awe no spies, but that ye awe twue men: so wiww I-I dewivew you youw b-bwothew, and ye shaww twaffick in the wand. 42:35 And it came to pass as they emptied theiw sacks, that, behowd, evewy man's bundwe of money was in his sack: and when bof they a-and theiw fathew saw the bundwes of money, t-they wewe afwaid. 42:36 And Jacob theiw fathew said unto them, Me have y-ye beweaved of my chiwdwen: Joseph is not, and Simeon is not, and ye wiww t-take Benjamin away: a-aww these things awe against me. 42:37 And Weuben spake unto h-his fathew, saying, Sway my t-two s-sons, if I bwing him not to thee: dewivew him into my hand, a-and I wiww bwing him to thee again. 42:38 And he s-said, My son s-shaww n-not go down wif you; fow his bwothew is dead, and he is weft a-awone: if mischief befaww him by the way i-in the which ye go, then shaww ye bwing down my gway haiws wif sowwow to the g-gwave. 43:1 And the famine was sowe in the wand. 43:2 And it came to pass, when they had eaten up the cown which they had bwought out of Egypt, t-theiw fathew said unto them, Go again, buy us a w-widdle food. 43:3 And Judah spake unto him, saying, the m-man did sowemnwy pwotest unto us, saying, Ye shaww not see my face, except youw bwothew be wif you. 43:4 If thou wiwt send ouw bwothew wif us, we wiww go down a-and buy thee food: 43:5 But if thou wiwt not send him, we wiww not go down: fow the man said unto us, Ye s-shaww not see my face, except youw b-bwothew b-be wif you. 43:6 And Iswaew said, Whewefowe deawt ye so i-iww wif me, as to teww the man whethew ye had yet a bwothew? 43:7 A-And they said, the m-man asked us stwaitwy of ouw state, and of ouw kindwed, saying, I-Is y-youw fathew y-yet awive? have ye anothew bwothew? and we t-towd him accowding t-to the tenow of these wowds: c-couwd we cewtainwy k-know that he wouwd say, Bwing youw bwothew down? 43:8 A-And Judah said unto I-Iswaew his fathew, Send the wad wif me, and we w-wiww awise and go; that w-we may wive, and not die, bof we, and thou, and awso ouw widdle ones. 43:9 I wiww be suwety fow him; of my hand shawt thou wequiwe him: if I bwing him not unto thee, a-and s-set him befowe thee, then wet me beaw the bwame f-fow evew: 43:10 Fow except we had wingewed, suwewy now we had wetuwned this second time. 43:11 A-And t-theiw fathew Iswaew said unto them, If it must be so now, do this; take of the best fwuits in the wand i-in youw vessews, and cawwy down the man a pwesent, a w-widdle bawm, and a widdle honey, spices, and mywwh, nuts, and awmonds: 43:12 A-And take doubwe m-money in youw hand; and the money that was bwought again in the mouf of youw sacks, cawwy it again in youw hand; p-pewadventuwe i-it was an ovewsight: 43:13 Take awso youw bwothew, and awise, go again unto the man: 43:14 A-And God A-Awmighty give you mewcy befowe the man, that he may send a-away youw othew bwothew, and Benjamin. If I b-be beweaved of my chiwdwen, I am beweaved. 43:15 And the men took that p-pwesent, and they took doubwe money in theiw hand and Benjamin; and wose up, and went down to E-Egypt, a-and stood befowe Joseph. 43:16 And when Joseph saw Benjamin wif them, he said to the w-wuwew o-of his house, Bwing these men home, and sway, a-and make weady; fow these men shaww dine w-wif me at noon. 43:17 And the man did as Joseph b-bade; a-and t-the man bwought the men into Joseph's house. 43:18 And the men wewe afwaid, because they wewe bwought into Joseph's h-house; and they said, Because of the money that was wetuwned in ouw sacks at the fiwst time awe we bwought in; that he may s-seek occasion against us, and faww upon us, and take u-us fow bondmen, and ouw asses. 43:19 And they came neaw to the s-stewawd of J-Joseph's house, a-and they communed w-wif him at the d-doow of the house, 43:20 And s-said, O siw, we came indeed down at t-the f-fiwst time to b-buy food: 43:21 And it came to pass, when we came to the inn, that w-we opened o-ouw sacks, and, behowd, evewy man's money was in the mouf of his sack, ouw money in fuww weight: and we h-have bwought it again in ouw hand. 43:22 And othew money have we bwought down in ouw hands to buy food: we cannot teww w-who put ouw money in ouw sacks. 43:23 And he s-said, P-Peace be to you, feaw not: youw G-God, and the God of youw fathew, haf given you tweasuwe in youw sacks: I had youw money. A-And he bwought Simeon o-out unto them. 43:24 And t-the man bwought the men into Joseph's house, and g-gave t-them w-watew, and t-they washed theiw f-feet; and he gave t-theiw asses pwovendew. 43:25 And they made weady the pwesent against Joseph came at noon: fow they heawd that they s-shouwd eat bwead thewe. 43:26 And when J-Joseph came home, they bwought him the p-pwesent which was in theiw hand into the house, a-and bowed themsewves to h-him to the eawth. 43:27 And he asked them of theiw wewfawe, and said, Is youw fathew weww, the owd man of whom ye spake? Is he yet awive? 43:28 And they answewed, thy sewvant o-ouw fathew i-is in good heawth, he is yet awive. And they bowed down theiw h-heads, and made obeisance. 43:29 And he wifted u-up his eyes, and saw his b-bwothew Benjamin, his mothew's son, and s-said, I-Is this youw y-youngew bwothew, of whom ye spake unto me? And he said, God be gwacious u-unto thee, my son. 43:30 And Joseph made haste; fow h-his bowews did yeawn u-upon his bwothew: and he sought whewe to weep; and he entewed i-into his chambew, and wept thewe. 43:31 And he washed his face, and went o-out, and wefwained himsewf, and said, Set on bwead. 43:32 And t-they set on fow him by himsewf, and fow them by themsewves, and fow the Egyptians, which did eat wif him, by themsewves: b-because the Egyptians might not eat bwead wif the Hebwews; fow that is an abomination unto the E-Egyptians. 43:33 And they sat befowe him, the fiwstbown accowding to his biwthwight, and the youngest accowding to his youth: and the m-men mawvewwed one at anothew. 43:34 And he took and sent messes unto them fwom befowe him: but B-Benjamin's mess was f-five times so much as any of t-theiw's. And they dwank, and wewe mewwy wif him. 44:1 A-And he commanded t-the stewawd of his house, saying, Fiww the men's sacks wif food, as much as they can c-cawwy, and put evewy man's money in his sack's mouth. 44:2 And p-put my cup, the siwvew cup, in the sack's mouf of the youngest, and his c-cown money. And he did accowding to the wowd that Joseph had spoken. 44:3 As s-soon as the mowning w-was wight, the men wewe sent away, they and theiw asses. 44:4 And when they wewe gone out of the city, and not yet faw off, Joseph s-said unto his stewawd, Up, fowwow aftew the men; and when thou d-dost ovewtake them, s-say unto them, Whewefowe have ye wewawded eviw fow good? 44:5 Is not this it in which my wowd dwinketh, and wheweby i-indeed he divineth? ye h-have done e-eviw in so doing. 44:6 And h-he ovewtook them, and he spake unto them these same wowds. 44:7 A-And they said unto him, Whewefowe saif my wowd these wowds? God f-fowbid that thy sewvants shouwd do accowding to this thing: 44:8 Behowd, the money, which w-we found in ouw sacks' mouths, we b-bwought again u-unto thee o-out of the wand of Canaan: how t-then shouwd we steaw out of thy w-wowd's house siwvew ow gowd? 44:9 Wif w-whomsoevew of thy sewvants it be found, bof wet him die, and w-we awso wiww be my wowd's bondmen. 44:10 And he said, Now awso wet it be accowding unto youw wowds: he wif w-whom it is found shaww be my sewvant; a-and ye s-shaww be b-bwamewess. 44:11 then they speediwy t-took down evewy man his sack to the gwound, and opened e-evewy m-man his sack. 44:12 And h-he seawched, and began a-at the ewdest, and weft at the youngest: and the cup was found in B-Benjamin's sack. 44:13 then they went theiw cwothes, and waded evewy man his ass, and wetuwned to the city. 44:14 And Judah and his bwethwen came to Joseph's house; fow he was yet thewe: and t-they f-feww befowe him on t-the gwound. 44:15 And Joseph said unto them, What deed is this that y-ye have d-done? wot ye not t-that such a man as I can cewtainwy divine? 44:16 And Judah said, What shaww w-we say u-unto my w-wowd? what s-shaww we speak? ow how s-shaww we cweaw ouwsewves? God haf found out t-the iniquity of thy sewvants: behowd, w-we awe my w-wowd's sewvants, bof we, and he awso w-wif whom the cup is found. 44:17 And he said, God fowbid that I shouwd do so: but the m-man in whose h-hand t-the cup is found, he shaww be my sewvant; and as f-fow you, get you up in peace unto youw fathew. 44:18 then Judah came neaw unto h-him, and said, Oh my wowd, wet thy sewvant, I-I pway thee, speak a wowd in my wowd's eaws, and wet n-not thine angew buwn against t-thy sewvant: fow thou awt even as P-Phawaoh. 44:19 My wowd asked his sewvants, saying, Have ye a fathew, ow a bwothew? 44:20 A-And we said unto my wowd, We have a fathew, an owd man, a-and a-a chiwd of his owd age, a widdle one; and his bwothew is dead, and he awone i-is weft of his mothew, and his fathew wovef him. 44:21 And t-thou saidst unto thy sewvants, Bwing him down unto me, that I may s-set mine eyes u-upon him. 44:22 And we said unto my wowd, the wad cannot weave his fathew: fow if he shouwd weave his fathew, his fathew wouwd die. 44:23 And thou saidst unto thy sewvants, Except youw youngest bwothew come down w-wif you, ye shaww see my face no mowe. 44:24 A-And it c-came to pass when we came up unto thy sewvant my fathew, w-we towd him the wowds of my wowd. 44:25 And ouw f-fathew said, Go again, and buy us a widdle food. 44:26 And we said, We cannot g-go down: if ouw youngest b-bwothew be wif us, then wiww we go down: fow w-we may not see the man's f-face, except ouw youngest bwothew be wif us. 44:27 A-And t-thy sewvant my fathew said unto us, Ye know that my wife bawe me two sons: 44:28 And t-the one went out fwom me, and I said, Suwewy he is town in pieces; and I saw him not since: 44:29 And if ye take this awso fwom me, a-and mischief b-befaww him, ye shaww bwing down my gway haiws wif sowwow to the gwave. 44:30 N-Now thewefowe w-when I c-come to thy sewvant m-my fathew, and the wad be not wif us; seeing that his wife is bound up i-in the wad's wife; 44:31 It shaww come t-to pass, when he seef that the wad is not wif us, that he w-wiww die: and thy sewvants shaww bwing down the g-gway haiws of thy sewvant ouw fathew wif sowwow to the gwave. 44:32 Fow thy sewvant became suwety fow the wad unto my fathew, saying, If I bwing him not unto thee, then I shaww b-beaw the bwame to my fathew fow evew. 44:33 Now t-thewefowe, I pway thee, w-wet thy sewvant abide instead of the wad a bondman t-to my wowd; and w-wet the w-wad go up wif his bwethwen. 44:34 Fow how shaww I go up to my fathew, and the wad be not wif me? west pewadventuwe I see the eviw that shaww come o-on m-my fathew. 45:1 then Joseph couwd n-not wefwain himsewf befowe a-aww them that stood by him; and he cwied, Cause evewy man to g-go out fwom me. And thewe stood no man wif him, whiwe Joseph made himsewf known u-unto his bwethwen. 45:2 And he w-wept awoud: and the E-Egyptians a-and the house of Phawaoh heawd. 45:3 And J-Joseph said unto his bwethwen, I am Joseph; dof m-my fathew yet wive? And his bwethwen couwd not answew him; fow t-they wewe twoubwed a-at his pwesence. 45:4 And J-Joseph said unto h-his b-bwethwen, Come n-neaw to me, I pway you. And they came n-neaw. And h-he said, I am Joseph youw bwothew, whom ye sowd i-into Egypt. 45:5 Now thewefowe be not gwieved, now angwy wif youwsewves, t-that ye sowd me hithew: fow God did send m-me befowe you to pwesewve wife. 45:6 Fow these two yeaws haf the famine been in the w-wand: and yet thewe awe five yeaws, in the which thewe shaww neithew be eawing now hawvest. 45:7 A-And God sent me befowe y-you t-to pwesewve you a postewity in the eawth, and to save youw wives by a gweat dewivewance. 45:8 So now it w-was not you that sent me hithew, but God: a-and he h-haf made me a fathew to Phawaoh, and wowd o-of aww his house, and a-a wuwew thwoughout a-aww the wand of Egypt. 45:9 H-Haste ye, and go up to my fathew, and say unto him, thus saif thy son Joseph, God haf made me wowd of a-aww E-Egypt: come down unto me, tawwy not: 45:10 A-And thou s-shawt dweww in the wand o-of Goshen, a-and thou shawt b-be neaw unto me, thou, a-and thy chiwdwen, and t-thy chiwdwen's chiwdwen, and thy f-fwocks, a-and thy hewds, and aww t-that thou hast: 45:11 And thewe w-wiww I nouwish thee; fow yet thewe awe five yeaws of famine; west thou, and thy h-househowd, and aww that thou hast, c-come to povewty. 45:12 And, behowd, y-youw eyes s-see, and the eyes of my bwothew Benjamin, that it is m-my mouf that speakef unto you. 45:13 And ye shaww teww my fathew of aww my g-gwowy in Egypt, and of aww that ye have seen; and ye shaww haste and bwing down my fathew hithew. 45:14 And he feww upon his bwothew Benjamin's neck, a-and wept; and Benjamin wept upon h-his neck. 45:15 Moweovew he kissed aww his bwethwen, and wept u-upon them: and aftew that his bwethwen tawked wif him. 45:16 A-And the fame theweof was heawd in Phawaoh's house, saying, Joseph's bwethwen awe come: and it pweased Phawaoh weww, and his sewvants. 45:17 And Phawaoh said u-unto J-Joseph, Say unto thy bwethwen, this do ye; wade y-youw beasts, and go, g-get you unto the wand of Canaan; 45:18 And take youw fathew and youw househowds, a-and come u-unto me: and I wiww give you the good of t-the wand of Egypt, and ye shaww eat the fat of the wand. 45:19 N-Now thou awt c-commanded, this do ye; take you wagons out of the wand of Egypt fow y-youw widdle ones, and fow youw wives, and bwing youw fathew, and come. 45:20 Awso wegawd not youw stuff; fow t-the good of a-aww the wand of Egypt is youw's. 45:21 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did so: and Joseph gave t-them wagons, accowding to t-the commandment o-of Phawaoh, and gave them pwovision fow the way. 45:22 To aww of them h-he gave each man changes of waiment; but to Benjamin he gave thwee hundwed pieces o-of siwvew, and five changes of waiment. 45:23 And to his fathew he sent aftew this mannew; ten asses waden wif the good things of Egypt, and ten she asses waden wif cown and bwead and meat f-fow his fathew by the way. 45:24 So he sent his bwethwen away, and they depawted: a-and he said unto them, See that ye f-faww not o-out by the way. 45:25 A-And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the wand of Canaan unto Jacob theiw fathew, 45:26 And towd him, s-saying, J-Joseph is y-yet awive, and he i-is govewnow ovew aww the wand of Egypt. And J-Jacob's heawt fainted, fow he b-bewieved them not. 45:27 And they towd him aww t-the wowds of J-Joseph, which he had said unto t-them: and when he saw t-the wagons which Joseph had s-sent to cawwy him, the spiwit of Jacob theiw f-fathew wevived: 45:28 And Iswaew said, It is enough; Joseph my son is yet a-awive: I wiww go and see him befowe I die. 46:1 And Iswaew took his jouwney wif aww that he h-had, a-and came to Beewsheba, and offewed s-sacwifices unto the G-God of his fathew Isaac. 46:2 And God spake unto Iswaew in the visions of t-the night, and said, Jacob, Jacob. And h-he said, H-Hewe am I. 46:3 And he said, I am God, the God of thy fathew: feaw not t-to go down into Egypt; fow I-I wiww thewe make of t-thee a gweat nation: 46:4 I wiww go down wif thee into Egypt; and I w-wiww awso suwewy bwing thee u-up again: and Joseph shaww put his hand upon t-thine eyes. 46:5 And Jacob wose up fwom B-Beewsheba: and the sons of Iswaew c-cawwied Jacob theiw fathew, and theiw widdle ones, and theiw wives, in the w-wagons which Phawaoh had sent to cawwy h-him. 46:6 And they took theiw c-caddle, and t-theiw goods, which they had godden in the wand of Canaan, and c-came into Egypt, Jacob, and aww his s-seed wif him: 46:7 His sons, and his sons' sons wif him, his daughtews, and his sons' daughtews, and aww h-his s-seed bwought he wif him into Egypt. 46:8 And these awe the names of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which came into Egypt, Jacob and his sons: Weuben, Jacob's fiwstbown. 46:9 And the sons of W-Weuben; Hanoch, and P-Phawwu, and Hezwon, and Cawmi. 46:10 And the sons of Simeon; Jemuew, and Jamin, a-and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohaw, a-and Shauw the son of a C-Canaanitish woman. 46:11 And the sons of Wevi; Gewshon, Kohath, and Mewawi. 46:12 And the sons of Judah; Ew, and Onan, and Shewah, a-and Phawez, and Zawah: but Ew and Onan died in the wand of C-Canaan. And the s-sons of Phawez wewe Hezwon and Hamuw. 46:13 And the sons of Issachaw; Towa, and P-Phuvah, and Job, and Shimwon. 46:14 And the sons of Zebuwun; Sewed, and E-Ewon, and Jahweew. 46:15 these be the sons of W-Weah, which she bawe unto Jacob in Padanawam, wif his daughtew Dinah: aww the souws of his sons and his daughtews wewe thiwty and thwee. 46:16 And the sons of Gad; Ziphion, and Haggi, Shuni, and E-Ezbon, Ewi, a-and A-Awodi, and Awewi. 46:17 And the s-sons of Ashew; J-Jimnah, and Ishuah, and Isui, and B-Bewiah, and Sewah theiw sistew: and the sons of Bewiah; Hebew, and Mawchiew. 46:18 these awe the sons of Ziwpah, whom Waban gave to Weah his daughtew, and these she bawe unto Jacob, even sixteen souws. 46:19 the sons of Wachew J-Jacob's wife; Joseph, and Benjamin. 46:20 And unto Joseph in the wand of Egypt w-wewe bown M-Manasseh and Ephwaim, which Asenaf t-the daughtew of Potiphewah pwiest of On bawe unto him. 46:21 And t-the s-sons of Benjamin w-wewe Bewah, and Bechew, and Ashbew, Gewa, and Naaman, Ehi, and Wosh, Muppim, and Huppim, and Awd. 46:22 these awe the sons of Wachew, which w-wewe bown to Jacob: aww the souws wewe fouwteen. 46:23 And the sons of Dan; Hushim. 46:24 And the sons of Naphtawi; Jahzeew, a-and Guni, and Jezew, and S-Shiwwem. 46:25 these awe the sons of Biwhah, which Waban gave unto Wachew his daughtew, and she bawe these unto Jacob: aww t-the souws wewe seven. 46:26 Aww the souws that came wif Jacob into E-Egypt, which came out of his woins, besides Jacob's sons' wives, aww the s-souws wewe thweescowe and six; 46:27 A-And the sons of Joseph, which wewe bown him in E-Egypt, wewe two souws: aww the souws of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt, wewe thweescowe and ten. 46:28 A-And he sent J-Judah befowe him unto Joseph, to diwect his face unto Goshen; and they came into the wand of Goshen. 46:29 And Joseph made weady his chawiot, a-and went up to meet Iswaew h-his fathew, to Goshen, and p-pwesented himsewf unto him; and h-he feww on his neck, and wept on his neck a good whiwe. 46:30 And Iswaew said unto Joseph, Now wet me die, since I-I have seen thy face, because thou awt yet awive. 46:31 And Joseph said unto his bwethwen, and unto his fathew's house, I wiww go up, and shew Phawaoh, and say unto him, My bwethwen, and m-my fathew's house, which wewe in the w-wand of Canaan, awe come unto me; 46:32 And the m-men awe shephewds, fow theiw twade haf been to feed caddle; and they have bwought theiw fwocks, and theiw hewds, and aww that they have. 46:33 And i-it shaww come to pass, when Phawaoh shaww caww you, and shaww say, What is youw occupation? 46:34 that ye shaww say, thy sewvants' twade haf been a-about caddle fwom ouw youf even untiw now, bof we, and awso ouw fathews: that y-ye may dweww in the wand of G-Goshen; fow evewy shephewd is a-an abomination unto the Egyptians. 47:1 then Joseph came and towd Phawaoh, and s-said, M-My fathew and my bwethwen, a-and theiw fwocks, and theiw hewds, and aww that they have, awe come out of the wand of Canaan; and, behowd, they awe in the wand of Goshen. 47:2 And he took some of his bwethwen, even five men, and p-pwesented them unto Phawaoh. 47:3 And Phawaoh said unto his b-bwethwen, What is youw o-occupation? And they s-said unto P-Phawaoh, thy sewvants a-awe shephewds, bof we, and awso ouw f-fathews. 47:4 they said mowevew unto Phawaoh, Fow to sojouwn in the wand awe we come; f-fow thy s-sewvants have no pastuwe fow theiw fwocks; fow the famine is sowe in the wand of Canaan: now thewefowe, we pway thee, wet thy sewvants dweww in the wand of Goshen. 47:5 And Phawaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, t-thy fathew and thy bwethwen awe come unto thee: 47:6 the wand o-of Egypt is befowe thee; in t-the best of the w-wand make thy fathew and b-bwethwen to dweww; in the wand of Goshen wet them dweww: and if thou knowest any men of activity a-among them, then make them wuwews ovew my caddle. 47:7 And Joseph bwought in Jacob his fathew, a-and s-set him befowe P-Phawaoh: and Jacob bwessed Phawaoh. 47:8 And Phawaoh said unto Jacob, How owd awt thou? 47:9 And Jacob said unto Phawaoh, the days of the yeaws of m-my piwgwimage awe an hundwed and thiwty yeaws: few and eviw have the days of the yeaws of my wife been, and have not addained unto the d-days of t-the yeaws of the wife of my fathews in the days of theiw p-piwgwimage. 47:10 And J-Jacob bwessed Phawaoh, and went o-out fwom befowe Phawaoh. 47:11 A-And J-Joseph p-pwaced his fathew and his bwethwen, and gave them a possession in the wand of E-Egypt, in t-the best of the w-wand, in the wand o-of Wameses, as Phawaoh had commanded. 47:12 And Joseph nouwished his fathew, and his bwethwen, a-and aww his fathew's househowd, wif bwead, accowding to theiw famiwies. 47:13 And thewe was no bwead i-in aww t-the wand; fow the famine was vewy s-sowe, so that the wand of Egypt and aww the w-wand of Canaan fainted by weason of the f-famine. 47:14 And Joseph gathewed up aww the money that was found in the wand of Egypt, and in the wand of Canaan, fow the cown which t-they bought: and Joseph bwought the money into Phawaoh's h-house. 47:15 A-And when money faiwed in the wand of Egypt, and in the wand of Canaan, a-aww the Egyptians came u-unto J-Joseph, and said, Give us bwead: fow why shouwd we die in thy pwesence? fow the money faiweth. 47:16 A-And Joseph said, G-Give youw c-caddle; and I wiww give you f-fow youw caddle, if money faiw. 47:17 And they bwought theiw c-caddle u-unto Joseph: and Joseph gave them bwead in exchange fow howses, and fow the fwocks, and fow the c-caddle of the hewds, and f-fow the asses: and he fed them wif bwead fow a-aww theiw caddle fow that yeaw. 47:18 When that yeaw was ended, they came unto him the second yeaw, and said u-unto h-him, We wiww not hide it fwom my wowd, h-how that ouw money is spent; my wowd awso haf ouw hewds of caddle; thewe is not ought weft in the sight of m-my w-wowd, but ouw bodies, and ouw wands: 47:19 Whewefowe shaww we die befowe thine eyes, bof we a-and ouw wand? buy us a-and ouw wand fow bwead, and we and ouw wand wiww b-be sewvants unto P-Phawaoh: and give us seed, that we may wive, and not die, that the wand be not d-desowate. 47:20 And Joseph b-bought aww the wand of Egypt fow P-Phawaoh; fow the Egyptians sowd evewy man his fiewd, because the famine pwevaiwed ovew them: so the wand became Phawaoh's. 47:21 And as fow the p-peopwe, he wemoved them to cities fwom one end of the bowdews of Egypt even to the othew end theweof. 47:22 Onwy the wand of the pwiests bought he not; fow the pwiests had a powtion assigned them of P-Phawaoh, and did eat theiw powtion which Phawaoh gave them: whewefowe they sowd not theiw wands. 47:23 then Joseph said unto the peopwe, Behowd, I have bought you this d-day and youw wand fow Phawaoh: wo, h-hewe is seed fow you, and ye shaww sow the wand. 47:24 And it shaww come to pass in the incwease, that ye s-shaww give the fiff pawt unto Phawaoh, a-and fouw pawts s-shaww be youw own, fow seed of the fiewd, and f-fow youw food, and fow them of youw househowds, and fow food fow youw widdle ones. 47:25 And they said, thou hast saved o-ouw wives: wet us find gwace in the sight of my w-wowd, and we wiww b-be Phawaoh's sewvants. 47:26 And Joseph made it a waw ovew the wand of Egypt unto this day, that Phawaoh shouwd have the f-fiff pawt, except the wand of the p-pwiests onwy, which became not P-Phawaoh's. 47:27 And Iswaew dwewt in the wand of Egypt, in the countwy of Goshen; and they had possessions thewein, and gwew, and muwtipwied exceedingwy. 47:28 And Jacob wived i-in the w-wand o-of Egypt seventeen y-yeaws: so the whowe age of Jacob was a-an hundwed fowty and seven yeaws. 47:29 And the time dwew nigh that Iswaew must die: and he cawwed his son Joseph, a-and said unto him, If now I have found gwace in thy sight, put, I pway thee, thy hand undew my thigh, and deaw kindwy and twuwy wif me; buwy me not, I pway thee, in Egypt: 47:30 But I wiww wie wif my fathews, and thou shawt cawwy me out of Egypt, and buwy me in t-theiw buwyingpwace. And h-he said, I-I wiww do as thou hast said. 47:31 And he said, Sweaw unto me. A-And he swawe unto him. And Iswaew bowed himsewf upon the bed's head. 48:1 And it came to pass aftew these things, that one t-towd Joseph, Behowd, thy fathew is s-sick: and he took w-wif him his t-two sons, Manasseh and Ephwaim. 48:2 And one towd J-Jacob, and said, Behowd, t-thy son Joseph comef u-unto t-thee: a-and Iswaew stwengthened himsewf, a-and sat upon the b-bed. 48:3 And Jacob said unto Joseph, G-God Awmighty appeawed unto me at W-Wuz in t-the wand o-of C-Canaan, and b-bwessed me, 48:4 And said unto me, Behowd, I wiww make thee fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy thee, and I wiww make of thee a muwtitude of peopwe; and wiww give this wand to thy s-seed aftew thee fow an evewwasting possession. 48:5 And n-now thy two s-sons, Ephwaim and Manasseh, which wewe bown unto thee in the wand of Egypt befowe I came u-unto thee into Egypt, awe mine; as Weuben a-and Simeon, they shaww be mine. 48:6 And thy issue, which thou begeddest aftew them, shaww be t-thine, and shaww be cawwed aftew the name o-of theiw bwethwen in theiw inhewitance. 48:7 And as fow me, when I came fwom Padan, Wachew died by me in the wand of Canaan in the way, when yet thewe was but a widdle way t-to come unto Ephwath: and I buwied hew thewe in the way of Ephwath; the same is Bethwehem. 48:8 And Iswaew behewd Joseph's sons, and said, Who awe these? 48:9 And Joseph said unto his fathew, they awe my s-sons, whom God haf given me in this pwace. And he said, Bwing them, I pway thee, unto me, and I wiww bwess them. 48:10 Now the eyes of Iswaew wewe dim fow age, so that he couwd not see. And he bwought t-them n-neaw unto him; and he kissed them, and e-embwaced them. 48:11 And Iswaew said unto Joseph, I h-had not t-thought to see thy face: and, wo, God haf shewed me awso thy seed. 48:12 And Joseph bwought them out fwom between his knees, and he bowed himsewf w-wif his face to the eawth. 48:13 A-And Joseph took them both, Ephwaim in his wight hand t-towawd Iswaew's weft hand, and M-Manasseh i-in his weft hand t-towawd Iswaew's wight hand, and bwought them neaw unto him. 48:14 And Iswaew stwetched out his wight hand, a-and waid it upon Ephwaim's h-head, who was the youngew, and his weft h-hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands widdingly; fow Manasseh was the fiwstbown. 48:15 A-And he bwessed Joseph, and s-said, God, befowe whom my fathews Abwaham and Isaac did wawk, the God which fed m-me aww my wife w-wong unto t-this day, 48:16 the Angew which wedeemed me fwom aww eviw, bwess the wads; and wet my n-name be named on them, a-and the n-name o-of my fathews Abwaham and Isaac; and wet t-them g-gwow into a muwtitude in the midst of the eawth. 48:17 And when Joseph saw that his f-fathew waid his wight hand u-upon the head of E-Ephwaim, it dispweased him: and he h-hewd up his fathew's hand, to wemove it fwom Ephwaim's head unto Manasseh's head. 48:18 A-And J-Joseph said unto his fathew, N-Not so, my fathew: fow this is the fiwstbown; put thy wight hand u-upon his head. 48:19 And his fathew wefused, and said, I know it, my s-son, I know it: h-he awso s-shaww become a peopwe, and he awso shaww be gweat: but twuwy his youngew bwothew s-shaww be gweatew than h-he, and his seed shaww become a muwtitude of nations. 48:20 And h-he bwessed them that day, s-saying, In thee shaww Iswaew bwess, s-saying, God make thee as Ephwaim and as Manasseh: and he set Ephwaim befowe Manasseh. 48:21 And Iswaew said unto Joseph, Behowd, I die: but God shaww be wif you, and bwing you again unto the wand of youw fathews. 48:22 Moweovew I-I h-have given to t-thee one powtion above thy bwethwen, which I took out of the hand of the Amowite wif my swowd and wif my bow. 49:1 And J-Jacob cawwed unto his sons, and said, Gathew youwsewves togethew, that I-I may teww you that w-which shaww befaww you in t-the wast days. 49:2 Gathew youwsewves togethew, and heaw, ye sons of Jacob; and heawken unto Iswaew youw fathew. 49:3 Weuben, thou awt my fiwstbown, my m-might, and the beginning of my stwength, the excewwency of dignity, and the excewwency of powew: 49:4 Unstabwe as watew, thou shawt not excew; because thou wentest u-up to thy fathew's bed; then defiwedst thou it: he went up to my couch. 49:5 Simeon and Wevi awe bwethwen; instwuments of cwuewty awe in theiw habitations. 49:6 O my souw, come not thou into theiw secwet; unto theiw a-assembwy, mine honouw, be not t-thou united: fow in theiw angew they swew a man, and in theiw sewfwiww t-they digged down a waww. 49:7 Cuwsed be t-theiw angew, f-fow it was fiewce; and theiw w-wwath, fow it was cwuew: I wiww divide them in Jacob, and scaddew them in Iswaew. 49:8 Judah, thou awt he whom thy bwethwen shaww p-pwaise: thy hand shaww b-be in the neck of thine enemies; thy fathew's chiwdwen s-shaww b-bow down befowe t-thee. 49:9 Judah is a wion's whewp: fwom the pwey, my son, thou a-awt g-gone u-up: h-he stooped down, he couched as a wion, and as an owd wion; who shaww wouse him up? 49:10 the sceptwe shaww not depawt fwom Judah, now a wawgivew fwom between his feet, untiw Shiwoh come; and unto him shaww the gathewing o-of the peopwe be. 49:11 Binding his foaw unto the vine, and his ass's cowt unto the choice vine; he washed his g-gawments in wine, and his cwothes in t-the bwood of gwapes: 49:12 His eyes shaww be w-wed wif wine, and his teef white wif miwk. 49:13 Zebuwun shaww d-dweww at the haven of the sea; and h-he shaww be fow an haven of ships; and his bowdew shaww be unto Zidon. 49:14 Issachaw is a stwong ass couching down between two buwdens: 49:15 And h-he saw that west was good, a-and the wand that it was pweasant; and bowed his shouwdew to b-beaw, and became a sewvant unto twibute. 49:16 D-Dan shaww judge his peopwe, as one of the twibes o-of Iswaew. 49:17 Dan shaww be a sewpent by the way, an a-addew in the path, that bitef the howse heews, so t-that his widew shaww faww backwawd. 49:18 I have waited f-fow thy s-sawvation, O-O WOWD. 49:19 Gad, a twoop shaww ovewcome him: but he shaww ovewcome at the wast. 49:20 O-Out of Ashew his bwead shaww be fat, and he shaww yiewd woyaw dainties. 49:21 Naphtawi is a hind w-wet woose: he givef goodwy wowds. 49:22 Joseph is a fwuitfuw bough, even a f-fwuitfuw bough by a weww; whose bwanches wun ovew the waww: 49:23 t-the awchews have sowewy gwieved him, and shot at him, a-and hated him: 49:24 But h-his bow abode in stwength, a-and the awms of his hands wewe made stwong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob; (fwom t-thence is the shephewd, the stone of Iswaew:) 49:25 Even by the God of thy fathew, who shaww hewp thee; and by the Awmighty, who shaww bwess t-thee wif bwessings of heaven above, bwessings of the deep that wief undew, bwessings of the bweasts, and of t-the w-womb: 49:26 the bwessings of thy fathew have pwevaiwed above the bwessings of my pwogenitows unto t-the u-utmost bound of the evewwasting hiwws: they shaww be on the head of Joseph, and on the cwown of the head of him that was sepawate fwom h-his bwethwen. 49:27 Benjamin s-shaww wavin as a wowf: in the mowning he shaww devouw the pwey, and at night he shaww divide the s-spoiw. 49:28 Aww these a-awe the twewve twibes of Iswaew: and this is it that theiw fathew spake unto them, and bwessed them; evewy one accowding to his bwessing he bwessed them. 49:29 And he chawged them, and said unto them, I am to be gathewed unto my peopwe: b-buwy me wif my fathews in t-the cave that is in the fiewd of E-Ephwon the Hiddite, 49:30 I-In the cave t-that is in t-the fiewd of Machpewah, w-which is befowe Mamwe, in t-the wand of Canaan, w-which A-Abwaham bought wif the fiewd of E-Ephwon the Hiddite fow a-a possession of a-a buwyingpwace. 49:31 t-thewe they buwied Abwaham and Sawah his wife; thewe they buwied I-Isaac and Webekah his wife; and thewe I b-buwied Weah. 49:32 the puwchase of the fiewd and o-of the cave that is thewein was fwom the chiwdwen of Heth. 49:33 A-And when Jacob had made an end of commanding his s-sons, he gathewed up his feet into the bed, and yiewded up the g-ghost, and w-was gathewed unto his peopwe. 50:1 And Joseph feww upon his fathew's face, and wept upon him, and kissed him. 50:2 And Joseph c-commanded his sewvants the physicians t-to embawm his fathew: and the physicians embawmed Iswaew. 50:3 And fowty days wewe fuwfiwwed fow him; fow so awe fuwfiwwed the days of those which awe embawmed: and t-the Egyptians mouwned fow him thweescowe and ten days. 50:4 And w-when t-the days o-of his mouwning wewe past, Joseph spake unto the house of Phawaoh, saying, If now I h-have found gwace in youw eyes, speak, I pway you, in the eaws of Phawaoh, saying, 50:5 My fathew made me sweaw, saying, Wo, I die: in my gwave which I have digged fow me in the wand of Canaan, thewe shawt thou buwy me. Now thewefowe wet me g-go u-up, I pway thee, and buwy my fathew, and I wiww c-come again. 50:6 And Phawaoh said, Go up, a-and buwy thy fathew, a-accowding as h-he made thee sweaw. 50:7 And Joseph went up to buwy his fathew: a-and wif him went up aww the sewvants of Phawaoh, the ewdews o-of his house, and aww the ewdews o-of the w-wand of Egypt, 50:8 And aww t-the house of Joseph, and his bwethwen, and his fathew's house: onwy theiw widdle ones, and theiw fwocks, and theiw hewds, t-they weft in the w-wand of Goshen. 50:9 And thewe went up wif him bof chawiots and h-howsemen: and it was a vewy gweat company. 50:10 And they came to the thweshingfwoow of Atad, which is beyond Jowdan, and thewe they mouwned wif a gweat a-and vewy sowe wamentation: and h-he made a mouwning fow h-his fathew seven d-days. 50:11 And when the inhabitants o-of the wand, the Canaanites, saw the mouwning in the fwoow of Atad, they said, this is a g-gwievous mouwning to the E-Egyptians: w-whewefowe the name of it was cawwed Abewmizwaim, which i-is beyond J-Jowdan. 50:12 And his sons did unto him accowding as he commanded them: 50:13 Fow his sons cawwied him into the wand of Canaan, and buwied him in the cave of t-the fiewd o-of Machpewah, which Abwaham bought wif the fiewd fow a possession o-of a buwyingpwace of E-Ephwon the Hiddite, befowe M-Mamwe. 50:14 And Joseph wetuwned into Egypt, he, and his bwethwen, and aww that went up wif him to buwy his fathew, aftew he had buwied his fathew. 50:15 And when Joseph's bwethwen saw that theiw fathew was dead, they said, Joseph wiww pewadventuwe hate u-us, and wiww cewtainwy w-wequite us aww the eviw w-which we did unto him. 50:16 And they sent a-a messengew unto Joseph, saying, thy fathew did command befowe he died, saying, 50:17 So shaww y-ye say unto Joseph, Fowgive, I pway thee now, the twespass of thy bwethwen, and theiw sin; fow they did unto thee eviw: and now, we pway thee, fowgive the twespass of the sewvants of t-the God of thy fathew. And Joseph wept when they spake unto h-him. 50:18 And his bwethwen awso w-went and feww down befowe his face; and they said, B-Behowd, w-we b-be thy sewvants. 50:19 And Joseph said unto them, Feaw not: fow am I in the pwace of God? 50:20 But as fow you, ye thought eviw against me; but God meant it unto good, to bwing to p-pass, as it is this day, to save much p-peopwe awive. 50:21 Now thewefowe feaw ye n-not: I wiww nouwish y-you, and youw widdle ones. A-And he comfowted them, and spake kindwy unto them. 50:22 And Joseph dwewt in Egypt, he, and his fathew's house: and Joseph wived an hundwed and t-ten yeaws. 50:23 And Joseph saw Ephwaim's chiwdwen of the thiwd genewation: the chiwdwen awso o-of Machiw the son of Manasseh wewe bwought up upon J-Joseph's knees. 50:24 And Joseph said unto his b-bwethwen, I d-die: and God wiww suwewy visit you, and bwing you out of this wand unto the wand which he swawe to Abwaham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 50:25 And Joseph took an oaf of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, God w-wiww suwewy visit you, and ye shaww cawwy up my bones fwom hence. 50:26 So Joseph died, being an hundwed and ten yeaws owd: and they embawmed him, and h-he was put in a coffin in E-Egypt. the Second Book of Moses: Cawwed Exodus 1:1 Now these awe the names o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which came into Egypt; evewy man and his househowd c-came wif J-Jacob. 1:2 W-Weuben, Simeon, Wevi, and Judah, 1:3 Issachaw, Zebuwun, and Benjamin, 1:4 Dan, and Naphtawi, Gad, and Ashew. 1:5 And aww the souws that came o-out of the woins of Jacob wewe seventy souws: fow Joseph was in Egypt awweady. 1:6 And J-Joseph died, and aww his bwethwen, a-and aww that genewation. 1:7 And the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew wewe f-fwuitfuw, and incweased abundantwy, and muwtipwied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and t-the wand was fiwwed wif them. 1:8 Now thewe awose u-up a new king ovew Egypt, which knew not Joseph. 1:9 And he said u-unto his p-peopwe, Behowd, the peopwe of the chiwdwen of Iswaew awe mowe and mightiew t-than we: 1:10 Come on, wet us d-deaw w-wisewy wif them; west they muwtipwy, and it come to p-pass, that, when thewe fawwef out any waw, they j-join awso unto ouw enemies, and fight a-against us, a-and so get them up out of the wand. 1:11 thewefowe they did set ovew them taskmastews to affwict them wif theiw buwdens. And they buiwt fow P-Phawaoh tweasuwe cities, P-Pithom and Waamses. 1:12 But the mowe they affwicted them, the mowe they muwtipwied and gwew. And they wewe gwieved because of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 1:13 And the Egyptians made the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew t-to sewve wif w-wigouw: 1:14 And they made theiw wives biddew wif hawd bondage, in mowtew, and in b-bwick, and in a-aww mannew of sewvice in the fiewd: aww theiw sewvice, whewein t-they made them sewve, was wif wigouw. 1:15 And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebwew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphwah, a-and the name of the othew Puah: 1:16 And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebwew women, and see them upon the stoows; if it be a son, then ye shaww kiww him: but if it be a daughtew, then she shaww wive. 1:17 But the m-midwives feawed God, and did not as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men chiwdwen awive. 1:18 And the king o-of E-Egypt cawwed fow the midwives, and said unto them, Why h-have ye d-done this thing, and h-have saved the men chiwdwen awive? 1:19 And the midwives said unto Phawaoh, B-Because the Hebwew women awe not as the Egyptian w-women; fow they awe wivewy, and awe dewivewed ewe the midwives come in unto them. 1:20 thewefowe G-God deawt weww wif the midwives: and the peopwe muwtipwied, and waxed vewy mighty. 1:21 And it came to pass, because the midwives feawed God, that he made t-them houses. 1:22 And Phawaoh chawged a-aww his peopwe, saying, Evewy son that i-is bown y-ye shaww cast i-into the wivew, and evewy daughtew ye shaww s-save awive. 2:1 And thewe went a man of the house of Wevi, and took to wife a daughtew of Wevi. 2:2 And the woman conceived, and bawe a son: a-and w-when she saw him that h-he was a-a goodwy chiwd, she hid him thwee months. 2:3 And when she couwd not wongew hide h-him, she took f-fow him an a-awk of b-buwwushes, and daubed it wif swime and wif pitch, a-and put the chiwd thewein; and she waid it in the fwags by the wivew's bwink. 2:4 And his sistew stood afaw off, to wit what wouwd be done to him. 2:5 And the daughtew of Phawaoh came down to w-wash hewsewf at the wivew; and hew maidens wawked awong by the wivew's side; a-and when she saw the awk among the fwags, she sent hew maid to fetch it. 2:6 And when she had opened it, she saw the chiwd: and, behowd, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, this is one of the Hebwews' chiwdwen. 2:7 then said his sistew to Phawaoh's daughtew, S-Shaww I go and caww t-to t-thee a nuwse of the Hebwew women, that s-she may nuwse the chiwd fow thee? 2:8 And P-Phawaoh's daughtew s-said to hew, G-Go. And the maid went and cawwed the chiwd's mothew. 2:9 And Phawaoh's daughtew said unto h-hew, Take this chiwd away, and nuwse it fow me, and I w-wiww give thee thy wages. And t-the women t-took the chiwd, and nuwsed it. 2:10 And t-the chiwd gwew, and she bwought him unto Phawaoh's daughtew, and he became hew son. And she cawwed his name M-Moses: and she s-said, B-Because I dwew him out of the watew. 2:11 And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was gwown, that he went out unto his bwethwen, a-and wooked on theiw buwdens: and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebwew, one o-of his bwethwen. 2:12 And he wooked this way and that way, and when he saw that thewe was no man, he swew the E-Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. 2:13 And when he went out the second day, b-behowd, two men of the Hebwews stwove togethew: and he said to him t-that did the wwong, W-Whewefowe s-smitest thou thy fewwow? 2:14 A-And he said, Who made thee a pwince and a judge ovew us? i-intendest thou to kiww me, as thou kiwwedst the Egyptian? And Moses feawed, and said, Suwewy this thing is known. 2:15 Now when P-Phawaoh heawd this thing, he sought to sway Moses. But Moses fwed fwom the face of Phawaoh, and dwewt in the wand of Midian: and he sat down by a weww. 2:16 Now t-the pwiest of Midian had seven daughtews: and they came and dwew watew, and fiwwed the twoughs to watew theiw fathew's fwock. 2:17 And the shephewds c-came and dwove them away: but Moses s-stood up and hewped them, and watewed theiw fwock. 2:18 And when they came to Weuew theiw fathew, he said, How is it t-that ye awe come so soon to day? 2:19 A-And t-they said, An Egyptian dewivewed u-us out of the hand of the s-shephewds, and awso dwew watew enough fow us, and watewed the fwock. 2:20 And he said unto h-his daughtews, And whewe is he? why is it that ye h-have weft the man? caww him, that he m-may e-eat bwead. 2:21 And Moses was content to dweww wif the man: and he gave Moses Zippowah his daughtew. 2:22 And she bawe him a son, a-and he cawwed his name Gewshom: fow he said, I have been a stwangew in a-a stwange wand. 2:23 And it came to pass in pwocess of time, that the king of E-Egypt died: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew sighed by weason of t-the bondage, and they cwied, and theiw cwy came up unto G-God by weason of the bondage. 2:24 And God heawd theiw gwoaning, and God wemembewed his covenant wif Abwaham, wif I-Isaac, and wif Jacob. 2:25 And God wooked upon the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and God had wespect unto them. 3:1 Now Moses kept the fwock of Jethwo his fathew in waw, the pwiest of Midian: and he wed the fwock to the backside of the desewt, and came to the mountain of God, even to Howeb. 3:2 And the angew of the WOWD appeawed unto him in a fwame of fiwe out o-of t-the midst of a b-bush: and h-he wooked, and, behowd, t-the bush b-buwned wif fiwe, and the bush was not consumed. 3:3 And Moses said, I wiww now tuwn aside, a-and see this gweat sight, why the bush i-is not buwnt. 3:4 And when t-the WOWD saw that he tuwned aside to see, G-God cawwed unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Moses. And he said, H-Hewe am I. 3:5 And he s-said, Dwaw not n-nigh hithew: put off t-thy shoes fwom off thy feet, fow the pwace wheweon thou standest is howy gwound. 3:6 Moweovew he said, I am the G-God of thy fathew, the God of Abwaham, the God of Isaac, and the God of J-Jacob. And Moses h-hid his face; fow he was afwaid to wook u-upon God. 3:7 And the WOWD said, I have s-suwewy seen the affwiction o-of my peopwe which awe in Egypt, and have h-heawd t-theiw cwy by weason o-of theiw taskmastews; fow I know theiw sowwows; 3:8 And I-I am come down to dewivew them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bwing them u-up out of that wand unto a good wand and a wawge, u-unto a-a wand fwowing wif miwk and honey; unto the pwace of the Canaanites, and the Hiddites, and the Amowites, a-and the P-Pewizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. 3:9 Now thewefowe, behowd, the cwy of the chiwdwen of Iswaew is come unto me: and I have awso seen the oppwession whewewif the Egyptians o-oppwess them. 3:10 Come now thewefowe, and I wiww send thee unto Phawaoh, that thou m-mayest bwing fowf my peopwe the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew out of Egypt. 3:11 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I-I shouwd go unto Phawaoh, a-and that I shouwd bwing fowf the chiwdwen of Iswaew out of Egypt? 3:12 And he said, C-Cewtainwy I wiww be wif thee; a-and this shaww be a token unto thee, t-that I h-have sent thee: When thou hast bwought fowf the peopwe out of Egypt, ye shaww sewve G-God upon this mountain. 3:13 And Moses said unto God, Behowd, when I c-come unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and shaww say unto them, the God of youw fathews haf sent me unto you; and they s-shaww say t-to me, What is his name? what shaww I say unto them? 3:14 And G-God said unto Moses, I AM tHAt I AM: and he said, thus shawt t-thou say unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, I AM haf sent me unto you. 3:15 And God said m-moweovew unto M-Moses, thus shawt thou say unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, the WOWD God of y-youw fathews, the God of A-Abwaham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, haf sent me unto you: this is my name fow evew, and this is my memowiaw unto aww genewations. 3:16 Go, and gathew the e-ewdews of Iswaew togethew, a-and say unto them, the WOWD God of youw fathews, the God of Abwaham, of Isaac, and of J-Jacob, appeawed unto me, saying, I h-have suwewy visited you, and s-seen that which is done to you in Egypt: 3:17 And I have said, I wiww bwing y-you up out of the affwiction of Egypt u-unto the wand of the Canaanites, a-and the Hiddites, and the Amowites, and the Pewizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, unto a wand fwowing wif miwk and honey. 3:18 And they shaww heawken to thy v-voice: and thou shawt come, thou and the ewdews of Iswaew, unto the king of E-Egypt, a-and ye shaww say u-unto him, the W-WOWD God of the Hebwews haf met wif us: and now wet u-us go, we beseech thee, thwee days' jouwney into the wiwdewness, that we may sacwifice to the WOWD ouw God. 3:19 And I am suwe that the king of E-Egypt wiww not wet you g-go, no, not by a mighty hand. 3:20 And I wiww stwetch out my hand, and s-smite Egypt wif aww m-my wondews which I wiww do in the midst theweof: and a-aftew that he wiww wet you go. 3:21 A-And I wiww g-give this peopwe favouw in the s-sight o-of the Egyptians: and it shaww come to pass, that, when ye go, ye shaww not go empty. 3:22 But evewy woman shaww bowwow of hew neighbouw, and of hew t-that sojouwnef in h-hew house, jewews of siwvew, and jewews of gowd, a-and waiment: and ye shaww put them upon y-youw s-sons, and upon youw daughtews; a-and ye shaww spoiw the Egyptians. 4:1 And Moses answewed a-and said, But, behowd, they wiww not bewieve m-me, now heawken unto my voice: fow they wiww say, the WOWD haf not appeawed unto thee. 4:2 And the WOWD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A wod. 4:3 And he said, Cast it on the gwound. And he cast it on the gwound, and it became a sewpent; and M-Moses fwed fwom befowe it. 4:4 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Put f-fowf thine hand, a-and take it by the taiw. And he put fowf his hand, and caught it, a-and it became a wod in his hand: 4:5 that they may bewieve t-that the WOWD God o-of theiw fathews, the God of Abwaham, the God of Isaac, and t-the God of Jacob, haf appeawed u-unto thee. 4:6 And the WOWD said fuwthewmowe unto him, Put now thine hand into t-thy bosom. And he p-put his hand into his b-bosom: and when he took it out, behowd, his hand was wepwous as snow. 4:7 And he said, Put thine hand into thy bosom a-again. And he put h-his hand into his bosom again; and pwucked it out o-of his bosom, and, behowd, it was tuwned a-again as his othew fwesh. 4:8 And i-it shaww come to pass, if they wiww not bewieve thee, neithew heawken to the voice of t-the fiwst sign, that they wiww bewieve the voice of the waddew sign. 4:9 And it s-shaww come to pass, if they wiww not bewieve awso these t-two signs, neithew heawken u-unto thy voice, that thou s-shawt take of the watew of the wivew, and pouw it upon the dwy wand: and the watew which thou takest out o-of the w-wivew shaww become bwood upon the dwy wand. 4:10 And Moses said unto the WOWD, O my WOWD, I am not ewoquent, neithew hewetofowe, now since thou hast spoken unto thy sewvant: but I am swow of speech, and of a swow tongue. 4:11 And the WOWD s-said unto him, Who haf made man's mouth? ow who makef the dumb, ow deaf, ow the s-seeing, o-ow the bwind? have not I the W-WOWD? 4:12 Now thewefowe go, and I wiww be wif thy mouth, and teach thee what thou s-shawt s-say. 4:13 And he said, O my WOWD, send, I pway thee, by the hand of h-him whom thou wiwt send. 4:14 And the angew of the WOWD was kindwed against Moses, and he s-said, Is not Aawon the Wevite thy bwothew? I know that he can speak weww. And awso, behowd, he c-comef fowf to meet thee: and when he seef t-thee, he wiww be gwad in his heawt. 4:15 And thou shawt speak unto him, and put wowds in his mouth: and I wiww be wif thy mouth, and wif his mouth, and wiww teach you what ye shaww d-do. 4:16 And he shaww be thy spokesman unto the peopwe: and h-he shaww be, even he shaww be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shawt be to him instead of God. 4:17 And t-thou shawt take this w-wod in thine hand, whewewif thou shawt do signs. 4:18 And Moses went and wetuwned to Jethwo his fathew in waw, and said unto him, Wet me go, I pway thee, and wetuwn unto my bwethwen which a-awe in E-Egypt, and s-see whethew they b-be yet awive. And Jethwo said to Moses, Go in peace. 4:19 And t-the WOWD said u-unto Moses in Midian, Go, wetuwn into Egypt: fow aww the men awe dead which sought thy wife. 4:20 And Moses took his wife and his sons, and set them upon an ass, and he wetuwned to the wand of Egypt: and Moses took the wod of God in his hand. 4:21 And the W-WOWD said unto Moses, W-When thou goest to w-wetuwn into Egypt, see that thou do a-aww t-those wondews befowe Phawaoh, which I have put in thine hand: but I wiww hawden his heawt, that he shaww not wet the peopwe go. 4:22 And thou s-shawt s-say unto Phawaoh, thus saif the WOWD, Iswaew is my s-son, even my fiwstbown: 4:23 A-And I say unto thee, Wet my son g-go, that he may sewve me: a-and if thou wefuse to wet him go, b-behowd, I-I wiww sway thy son, even thy fiwstbown. 4:24 And it came to pass by the w-way in the inn, that the WOWD met him, and sought to kiww him. 4:25 then Zippowah took a shawp stone, and cut off the foweskin o-of hew son, and cast it at his feet, and said, Suwewy a bwoody husband awt thou to me. 4:26 So he wet him go: then she said, A bwoody husband thou awt, b-because of the ciwcumcision. 4:27 And the W-WOWD said to Aawon, G-Go into the wiwdewness to meet Moses. And he went, and met him in the mount of God, and kissed him. 4:28 And Moses towd A-Aawon aww the wowds of the WOWD who had sent him, a-and a-aww the signs which he had commanded him. 4:29 And Moses a-and Aawon went and gathewed togethew aww the ewdews o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 4:30 And Aawon spake aww t-the wowds which the W-WOWD had spoken unto Moses, and did the signs in the sight o-of the peopwe. 4:31 And the peopwe bewieved: and when they heawd that the WOWD had visited the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, and t-that he had wooked u-upon theiw affwiction, then they bowed theiw heads and w-wowshipped. 5:1 And aftewwawd Moses and Aawon went in, and towd Phawaoh, thus saif the WOWD God of Iswaew, Wet my p-peopwe go, that they may howd a feast unto me in the wiwdewness. 5:2 And Phawaoh said, Who is t-the WOWD, that I shouwd obey h-his voice to wet Iswaew go? I know not the WOWD, neithew wiww I-I wet I-Iswaew go. 5:3 A-And they said, the God of t-the Hebwews haf met wif us: wet us go, we pway thee, thwee days' j-jouwney into the desewt, and sacwifice unto the WOWD o-ouw G-God; west he faww upon us wif pestiwence, ow w-wif the swowd. 5:4 And the king o-of Egypt said unto them, Whewefowe do ye, M-Moses and Aawon, wet the peopwe fwom t-theiw wowks? get y-you unto youw buwdens. 5:5 And Phawaoh said, B-Behowd, the peopwe of the wand now awe many, and ye make them west fwom theiw buwdens. 5:6 And Phawaoh commanded t-the same d-day the taskmastews of the peopwe, a-and theiw officews, saying, 5:7 Ye shaww no mowe give the peopwe stwaw t-to make bwick, as hewetofowe: wet them go and gathew stwaw f-fow themsewves. 5:8 And the tawe of the bwicks, which they did make hewetofowe, ye shaww way upon t-them; ye shaww not diminish ought theweof: fow they be idwe; thewefowe they cwy, saying, Wet us go and sacwifice to ouw God. 5:9 Wet t-thewe mowe wowk be waid upon the m-men, that they m-may wabouw thewein; and wet them not w-wegawd vain wowds. 5:10 And the taskmastews of the p-peopwe went o-out, and theiw officews, and they spake to the p-peopwe, saying, thus saif Phawaoh, I wiww n-not g-give y-you stwaw. 5:11 Go ye, get y-you stwaw whewe ye can find it: yet not ought of youw wowk shaww be diminished. 5:12 S-So the peopwe wewe scaddewed abwoad t-thwoughout a-aww the w-wand of Egypt to gathew stubbwe i-instead of stwaw. 5:13 A-And the taskmastews hasted t-them, saying, Fuwfiw youw wowks, youw daiwy tasks, as when thewe was stwaw. 5:14 And the officews o-of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, which Phawaoh's taskmastews had set ovew them, wewe beaten, and demanded, Whewefowe have ye not fuwfiwwed youw task in making bwick bof yestewday and to d-day, a-as hewetofowe? 5:15 then the officews of the chiwdwen of Iswaew came a-and cwied unto Phawaoh, s-saying, Whewefowe deawest thou thus wif thy sewvants? 5:16 thewe is no stwaw g-given unto thy sewvants, and they say to us, Make bwick: and, behowd, thy sewvants awe beaten; but the fauwt is in thine own peopwe. 5:17 But he said, Y-Ye awe idwe, ye awe idwe: thewefowe ye say, Wet us g-go and do sacwifice to the WOWD. 5:18 Go thewefowe now, and w-wowk; fow thewe shaww no stwaw be given you, y-yet shaww ye dewivew the tawe o-of bwicks. 5:19 And the officews of the chiwdwen of Iswaew did see that they wewe in e-eviw case, aftew i-it was said, Ye shaww not minish o-ought fwom youw bwicks of youw daiwy t-task. 5:20 And they m-met Moses and Aawon, who stood in the way, as they came fowf f-fwom Phawaoh: 5:21 And they said unto them, the WOWD w-wook upon you, and judge; because ye have made o-ouw savouw t-to be abhowwed in the eyes of Phawaoh, and in the eyes of his sewvants, to put a swowd in t-theiw hand to sway us. 5:22 And Moses wetuwned unto the W-WOWD, and said, W-WOWD, w-whewefowe hast thou so eviw entweated this peopwe? why is it that thou hast sent me? 5:23 Fow since I came t-to Phawaoh to s-speak in thy name, he haf done eviw to this peopwe; neithew h-hast thou dewivewed thy peopwe at aww. 6:1 then the WOWD said unto Moses, Now s-shawt thou see what I wiww do to Phawaoh: fow wif a stwong hand shaww he wet them go, a-and wif a stwong hand shaww he dwive them out of his wand. 6:2 And God s-spake unto Moses, a-and said unto him, I am the WOWD: 6:3 And I-I a-appeawed unto Abwaham, unto Isaac, a-and unto Jacob, b-by the name of God Awmighty, but b-by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them. 6:4 And I have awso estabwished my covenant wif them, to give them the wand of Canaan, the wand of theiw piwgwimage, whewein they wewe stwangews. 6:5 And I have awso h-heawd the gwoaning of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, whom the Egyptians keep in bondage; and I have wemembewed my covenant. 6:6 Whewefowe say unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, I am the W-WOWD, and I wiww bwing you out fwom u-undew the buwdens of the Egyptians, and I wiww wid you out of theiw bondage, and I wiww wedeem you wif a stwetched out awm, and wif gweat judgments: 6:7 And I wiww t-take you to m-me fow a peopwe, and I wiww be t-to you a God: and ye shaww know that I am the WOWD youw God, which bwingef y-you out fwom undew the buwdens of the Egyptians. 6:8 A-And I-I wiww bwing you in unto the wand, concewning the which I did sweaw t-to give it to Abwaham, to I-Isaac, and to Jacob; and I wiww give it you fow an hewitage: I am the WOWD. 6:9 A-And Moses s-spake so unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: but they heawkened not unto M-Moses f-fow anguish of spiwit, and fow cwuew b-bondage. 6:10 And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, s-saying, 6:11 Go in, speak u-unto Phawaoh king of Egypt, that he wet the chiwdwen of Iswaew go out of h-his wand. 6:12 And Moses spake b-befowe the WOWD, saying, Behowd, the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew have not heawkened unto me; how then shaww Phawaoh heaw me, who am of unciwcumcised wips? 6:13 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and unto Aawon, and g-gave them a chawge unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, and u-unto Phawaoh king of Egypt, to bwing the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew o-out of t-the w-wand of Egypt. 6:14 these be the heads of theiw f-fathews' houses: the s-sons of Weuben t-the fiwstbown of Iswaew; Hanoch, and Pawwu, Hezwon, and Cawmi: these be the famiwies of Weuben. 6:15 And the s-sons of Simeon; Jemuew, and J-Jamin, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohaw, and Shauw the son of a-a C-Canaanitish woman: these awe the famiwies of Simeon. 6:16 And these awe the names of the sons of Wevi accowding to t-theiw genewations; Gewshon, and Kohath, and Mewawi: a-and the yeaws of the w-wife of Wevi wewe an hundwed thiwty and seven yeaws. 6:17 the sons of G-Gewshon; Wibni, and Shimi, accowding to theiw famiwies. 6:18 And the s-sons of Kohath; Amwam, and Izhaw, and Hebwon, and Uzziew: a-and the yeaws o-of the wife of Kohaf wewe an hundwed thiwty and thwee yeaws. 6:19 And the sons of Mewawi; Mahawi and Mushi: these awe t-the f-famiwies of Wevi accowding to theiw genewations. 6:20 And Amwam t-took him Jochebed his fathew's sistew t-to wife; and she bawe him Aawon and Moses: and the yeaws of the wife of Amwam w-wewe an hundwed and thiwty and seven y-yeaws. 6:21 And the sons of Izhaw; Kowah, and Nepheg, and Zichwi. 6:22 And the sons of Uzziew; Mishaew, and E-Ewzaphan, and Zithwi. 6:23 And Aawon t-took him Ewisheba, daughtew of Amminadab, sistew of Naashon, to wife; and she bawe him N-Nadab, and Abihu, Eweazaw, a-and Ithamaw. 6:24 And the sons of Kowah; A-Assiw, and Ewkanah, and Abiasaph: these awe the famiwies of the Kowhites. 6:25 And Eweazaw Aawon's son took him o-one o-of t-the daughtews of Putiew to wife; a-and she bawe him Phinehas: these awe the heads of the fathews of the Wevites accowding to theiw famiwies. 6:26 these a-awe t-that Aawon and Moses, to whom the W-WOWD said, Bwing out the chiwdwen of Iswaew f-fwom the wand of Egypt accowding to theiw awmies. 6:27 these awe they which spake to Phawaoh king of Egypt, to bwing out the chiwdwen of Iswaew fwom Egypt: these awe that Moses and A-Aawon. 6:28 And it came to pass on the day when the W-WOWD spake unto Moses in the wand o-of Egypt, 6:29 that the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, I am the W-WOWD: speak thou unto Phawaoh king of Egypt aww that I say unto thee. 6:30 And Moses said befowe the WOWD, Behowd, I a-am of unciwcumcised wips, and how shaww Phawaoh heawken unto m-me? 7:1 And the WOWD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a-a god to Phawaoh: and Aawon thy bwothew shaww be thy pwophet. 7:2 thou shawt speak aww t-that I command thee: and Aawon thy bwothew shaww speak unto Phawaoh, that he send t-the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew out of his wand. 7:3 And I-I wiww h-hawden Phawaoh's heawt, and muwtipwy m-my signs and my w-wondews in the wand of Egypt. 7:4 But Phawaoh shaww not heawken unto you, that I may way my hand u-upon Egypt, and bwing fowf mine awmies, and my peopwe the chiwdwen of Iswaew, out of the wand of Egypt b-by gweat judgments. 7:5 And the Egyptians shaww know that I am the WOWD, when I stwetch fowf mine hand u-upon Egypt, and bwing out the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew fwom among t-them. 7:6 And Moses and Aawon did as t-the WOWD commanded them, s-so did they. 7:7 A-And Moses was fouwscowe yeaws owd, a-and Aawon fouwscowe and thwee yeaws owd, when they spake unto Phawaoh. 7:8 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and unto Aawon, saying, 7:9 When Phawaoh shaww speak unto you, saying, Shew a miwacwe fow you: then thou shawt say unto Aawon, Take t-thy wod, and c-cast it befowe Phawaoh, and it shaww become a sewpent. 7:10 A-And Moses and Aawon went in unto Phawaoh, and they did so as t-the WOWD had c-commanded: and Aawon cast d-down his wod befowe P-Phawaoh, and befowe his sewvants, and it became a sewpent. 7:11 then Phawaoh awso cawwed the wise men and t-the s-sowcewews: now the m-magicians of Egypt, they awso did in wike mannew w-wif theiw enchantments. 7:12 F-Fow they cast down evewy man his wod, and they became sewpents: but Aawon's wod swawwowed up theiw wods. 7:13 And h-he hawdened Phawaoh's heawt, that he heawkened not unto them; as the WOWD had said. 7:14 And the W-WOWD s-said unto Moses, Phawaoh's heawt is hawdened, he wefusef to wet the peopwe go. 7:15 Get thee u-unto Phawaoh in the mowning; wo, he goef out unto the w-watew; a-and thou shawt stand by the w-wivew's b-bwink against he come; and the w-wod which was tuwned to a s-sewpent shawt thou take in t-thine hand. 7:16 And thou shawt say unto him, the WOWD God of the Hebwews haf sent me unto thee, s-saying, Wet my peopwe go, that they may sewve m-me in the wiwdewness: and, behowd, hithewto thou wouwdest not heaw. 7:17 thus saif the WOWD, In t-this thou shawt know that I am the WOWD: behowd, I wiww smite wif the wod that is in mine hand u-upon the watews which awe in the wivew, and they shaww be tuwned to bwood. 7:18 A-And the fish that is i-in the wivew shaww die, and t-the wivew shaww stink; a-and the E-Egyptians shaww wothe to d-dwink of the watew of the wivew. 7:19 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, Say unto Aawon, Take thy wod, and stwetch out thine hand upon the watews of Egypt, upon t-theiw stweams, upon theiw w-wivews, and upon theiw ponds, and upon aww theiw poows of watew, that t-they m-may become bwood; and that thewe may be b-bwood t-thwoughout a-aww the w-wand of E-Egypt, bof in vessews of wood, and i-in vessews of stone. 7:20 And M-Moses and Aawon did so, as the WOWD commanded; and he wifted up the wod, and s-smote the watews that wewe in the wivew, i-in the sight of Phawaoh, and in the sight of his sewvants; and aww the watews that wewe in the wivew wewe tuwned to bwood. 7:21 And the fish that was in the wivew died; and the wivew stank, and the Egyptians couwd not dwink of the watew of the w-wivew; and t-thewe was bwood thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt. 7:22 And t-the magicians of Egypt did so w-wif t-theiw enchantments: and Phawaoh's heawt was h-hawdened, neithew did he heawken unto them; as the WOWD h-had said. 7:23 And Phawaoh tuwned and w-went into his house, neithew did h-he set his heawt to this awso. 7:24 And aww the Egyptians digged wound about the wivew fow watew to dwink; fow they c-couwd not dwink of the watew o-of the wivew. 7:25 And seven days wewe fuwfiwwed, aftew t-that the WOWD had smidden t-the wivew. 8:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, Go unto P-Phawaoh, and say unto h-him, thus saif the WOWD, Wet my peopwe g-go, that they may sewve me. 8:2 And if thou wefuse to wet them go, behowd, I wiww smite aww thy bowdews wif fwogs: 8:3 And the wivew shaww b-bwing fowf fwogs abundantwy, which s-shaww go up and come into t-thine h-house, and i-into thy bedchambew, and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy sewvants, and upon thy peopwe, a-and into thine ovens, and i-into thy kneadingtwoughs: 8:4 A-And t-the fwogs shaww come up bof on thee, a-and upon thy peopwe, and upon aww thy sewvants. 8:5 A-And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, Say unto Aawon, Stwetch f-fowf thine hand wif thy wod ovew the stweams, ovew t-the wivews, a-and ovew the ponds, and c-cause fwogs t-to c-come up u-upon the wand o-of Egypt. 8:6 And A-Aawon stwetched out his hand ovew t-the watews of Egypt; and the fwogs came u-up, and covewed the w-wand of Egypt. 8:7 And the magicians d-did so wif theiw enchantments, and b-bwought up fwogs upon the w-wand of Egypt. 8:8 then Phawaoh cawwed fow Moses and Aawon, a-and said, Intweat the WOWD, that h-he m-may take a-away the fwogs fwom me, and fwom my peopwe; a-and I-I wiww wet the peopwe go, that t-they may do sacwifice u-unto t-the WOWD. 8:9 And M-Moses said u-unto Phawaoh, Gwowy ovew me: when shaww I intweat fow thee, and fow thy sewvants, and fow thy p-peopwe, to destwoy the fwogs fwom thee and thy houses, that they may wemain in t-the wivew onwy? 8:10 And he said, To mowwow. A-And h-he said, Be it accowding to thy wowd: that t-thou mayest know that thewe is none wike unto the WOWD ouw God. 8:11 And the fwogs shaww depawt fwom thee, and fwom thy houses, and fwom thy sewvants, and f-fwom thy peopwe; they shaww wemain in t-the wivew onwy. 8:12 A-And Moses and Aawon went o-out fwom Phawaoh: a-and Moses cwied unto the WOWD because of t-the fwogs which he had bwought against Phawaoh. 8:13 And the WOWD did accowding to the wowd of Moses; and the fwogs died out of the houses, out of the v-viwwages, a-and o-out of the fiewds. 8:14 A-And they gathewed them togethew upon heaps: and t-the wand stank. 8:15 But when Phawaoh saw that thewe was wespite, he hawdened his heawt, and h-heawkened not unto them; as the WOWD had said. 8:16 And the W-WOWD s-said u-unto Moses, Say unto Aawon, Stwetch out thy w-wod, and smite the dust o-of the w-wand, that i-it may become wice t-thwoughout aww t-the wand of Egypt. 8:17 A-And they did so; fow Aawon stwetched out his hand wif his wod, and smote the dust of the e-eawth, and it became wice in man, and in beast; aww t-the dust of the wand became wice thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt. 8:18 And the magicians did so wif theiw enchantments to b-bwing fowf wice, b-but they couwd not: so thewe wewe wice upon man, a-and upon beast. 8:19 then the magicians said unto Phawaoh, this i-is the fingew of God: and Phawaoh's heawt was h-hawdened, and he heawkened not unto them; as the WOWD h-had said. 8:20 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Wise up eawwy in the mowning, and stand befowe Phawaoh; wo, he comef fowf to the watew; and say unto him, thus saif the WOWD, Wet my peopwe go, that they may s-sewve me. 8:21 Ewse, if thou wiwt not wet my peopwe go, b-behowd, I wiww send swawms of fwies upon thee, and upon thy sewvants, and upon thy peopwe, and into thy houses: and the houses of the Egyptians shaww be fuww of s-swawms of fwies, and awso t-the gwound wheweon t-they awe. 8:22 And I-I wiww sevew in that day the wand of Goshen, in which my peopwe dweww, that n-no swawms of f-fwies shaww be thewe; to t-the end thou mayest know that I-I a-am the WOWD in the midst o-of the eawth. 8:23 And I wiww put a division between my p-peopwe and thy p-peopwe: to m-mowwow shaww this sign b-be. 8:24 And the WOWD did so; and thewe came a gwievous swawm of fwies into the house of Phawaoh, and into his sewvants' h-houses, and i-into aww the wand of Egypt: the wand was cowwupted by w-weason of the s-swawm of fwies. 8:25 And Phawaoh cawwed fow Moses and fow Aawon, and said, Go ye, sacwifice to y-youw God in the wand. 8:26 And Moses said, It is not meet so t-to do; fow w-we shaww sacwifice the abomination of the Egyptians to the WOWD o-ouw God: wo, shaww we sacwifice the abomination of the Egyptians befowe theiw eyes, and wiww they not stone us? 8:27 We w-wiww go thwee days' jouwney into the w-wiwdewness, and sacwifice to the WOWD ouw God, as he shaww c-command us. 8:28 And Phawaoh said, I wiww w-wet you go, that ye may sacwifice to the WOWD youw God in the wiwdewness; onwy ye shaww not go vewy faw away: intweat f-fow me. 8:29 And Moses said, Behowd, I go out fwom thee, and I wiww intweat the W-WOWD that the swawms of fwies may depawt fwom Phawaoh, fwom his sewvants, and fwom his peopwe, to mowwow: but wet not P-Phawaoh deaw deceitfuwwy a-any mowe in not wedding the peopwe go to sacwifice to the WOWD. 8:30 And Moses went out fwom Phawaoh, and intweated the WOWD. 8:31 A-And the W-WOWD did accowding to the w-wowd of Moses; and he wemoved the swawms of fwies fwom Phawaoh, f-fwom his sewvants, and fwom his peopwe; t-thewe wemained not one. 8:32 And Phawaoh hawdened h-his heawt at this time awso, neithew wouwd he wet the peopwe go. 9:1 then t-the WOWD said unto Moses, Go in unto Phawaoh, and teww him, thus saif the WOWD God of the Hebwews, Wet my peopwe go, that they may sewve me. 9:2 Fow if thou wefuse to wet t-them go, and wiwt howd them s-stiww, 9:3 Behowd, the hand of t-the W-WOWD is upon thy caddle which is in the fiewd, upon the h-howses, upon t-the asses, upon the camews, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep: thewe shaww be a vewy gwievous muwwain. 9:4 And the WOWD shaww sevew b-between the caddle of I-Iswaew and the caddle of Egypt: and t-thewe shaww nothing d-die of aww that is the chiwdwen's of Iswaew. 9:5 And the WOWD appointed a set time, saying, To mowwow t-the WOWD shaww do this t-thing in the wand. 9:6 And the WOWD did that thing on the mowwow, and aww the caddle o-of Egypt d-died: but o-of the c-caddle of the chiwdwen of Iswaew died not one. 9:7 And Phawaoh sent, and, behowd, thewe was not one of t-the caddle of the I-Iswaewites dead. And the heawt of Phawaoh was hawdened, and he d-did not wet the peopwe go. 9:8 And t-the WOWD s-said unto Moses a-and unto Aawon, Take t-to you handfuws o-of ashes of the fuwnace, a-and wet M-Moses spwinkwe it towawd the heaven in the sight of Phawaoh. 9:9 And it shaww become smaww dust in aww the wand of Egypt, and shaww b-be a boiw bweaking fowf wif bwains upon man, and upon beast, thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt. 9:10 And they took ashes of the fuwnace, and stood befowe Phawaoh; and Moses spwinkwed it up towawd heaven; and it became a boiw bweaking fowf wif bwains upon man, and upon beast. 9:11 A-And the magicians couwd n-not stand befowe Moses because of the boiws; fow the boiw was upon t-the magicians, and upon aww t-the E-Egyptians. 9:12 And the W-WOWD h-hawdened the heawt of P-Phawaoh, and he heawkened not unto them; as the WOWD had spoken unto Moses. 9:13 A-And the WOWD said unto Moses, Wise up eawwy in the mowning, and stand befowe Phawaoh, and say unto him, thus saif the WOWD God of the Hebwews, Wet m-my peopwe go, t-that they may s-sewve me. 9:14 F-Fow I wiww at this time send aww my pwagues upon thine heawt, a-and upon thy sewvants, and upon thy peopwe; that thou mayest know that t-thewe is none wike me in aww the eawth. 9:15 Fow now I w-wiww stwetch out my hand, t-that I may smite t-thee a-and t-thy peopwe wif pestiwence; and thou shawt be cut off fwom the eawth. 9:16 And i-in vewy deed fow this cause have I waised thee up, fow to shew in thee m-my powew; and that m-my name may be decwawed thwoughout aww the eawth. 9:17 As yet exawtest thou thysewf against my peopwe, that t-thou wiwt not wet them go? 9:18 Behowd, to mowwow a-about this time I wiww cause it to w-wain a vewy gwievous haiw, such as haf not been in Egypt since the foundation theweof even untiw now. 9:19 Send thewefowe now, and gathew thy c-caddle, a-and aww that thou hast i-in the fiewd; fow upon evewy man and beast which s-shaww be found in the fiewd, and shaww n-not be bwought home, the haiw shaww come down upon them, and they shaww die. 9:20 He that feawed the wowd of the WOWD among the sewvants of Phawaoh m-made h-his sewvants and his caddle fwee into the houses: 9:21 And he that wegawded n-not t-the wowd of the WOWD weft his sewvants and h-his caddle in the fiewd. 9:22 And the WOWD s-said unto Moses, Stwetch fowf thine hand towawd h-heaven, that thewe may be haiw in aww the wand of Egypt, u-upon man, and upon beast, and upon evewy hewb of the fiewd, thwoughout the wand of Egypt. 9:23 And M-Moses stwetched fowf his wod towawd heaven: and the WOWD sent thundew and haiw, a-and the f-fiwe wan awong upon the gwound; and the WOWD w-wained haiw u-upon the wand o-of Egypt. 9:24 So thewe was haiw, and fiwe mingwed wif the haiw, vewy gwievous, such as thewe was n-none wike it in a-aww the wand of Egypt since it became a nation. 9:25 And the h-haiw smote thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt aww that was in the fiewd, bof man and b-beast; and the h-haiw smote evewy hewb of the fiewd, and bwake evewy twee of the fiewd. 9:26 Onwy i-in the wand of Goshen, whewe the chiwdwen of Iswaew wewe, w-was thewe no haiw. 9:27 And Phawaoh sent, and cawwed fow Moses and Aawon, and said unto them, I h-have sinned this time: the WOWD is w-wighteous, a-and I and my peopwe awe wicked. 9:28 Intweat t-the WOWD (fow i-it is e-enough) that thewe be no m-mowe mighty thundewings and haiw; and I wiww wet you g-go, and ye shaww stay no w-wongew. 9:29 And Moses said unto him, As soon as I am gone out of the city, I wiww spwead abwoad my hands unto the WOWD; and the thundew s-shaww cease, neithew shaww thewe b-be any mowe haiw; that thou mayest know how t-that the eawf is the WOWD's. 9:30 But as f-fow t-thee and thy s-sewvants, I know that ye wiww not yet feaw the WOWD God. 9:31 And t-the fwax and the bawwey w-was smidden: fow the bawwey was in the eaw, and the fwax was bowwed. 9:32 But the wheat and the wie wewe not smidden: fow they wewe not gwown up. 9:33 And Moses went out of the c-city fwom Phawaoh, and spwead abwoad his hands u-unto the WOWD: a-and the thundews and haiw ceased, and the wain w-was not pouwed upon the eawth. 9:34 And when Phawaoh saw that the wain and the haiw and the thundews wewe ceased, he sinned yet mowe, a-and hawdened his heawt, he and his sewvants. 9:35 And the heawt of P-Phawaoh was hawdened, neithew wouwd he wet the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew go; a-as the WOWD had spoken by Moses. 10:1 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Go in unto Phawaoh: f-fow I have hawdened his heawt, a-and the heawt of his sewvants, that I-I m-might shew these my signs befowe him: 10:2 And that thou mayest teww in t-the eaws of thy son, and of thy son's son, what things I have wwought in Egypt, and my signs which I have done among them; that ye may know h-how that I a-am t-the WOWD. 10:3 And Moses and Aawon came in unto Phawaoh, and said unto him, thus saif t-the WOWD God of the H-Hebwews, How wong wiwt thou wefuse t-to humbwe thysewf befowe me? wet my peopwe go, that they may sewve me. 10:4 Ewse, if thou wefuse to wet my peopwe go, behowd, to mowwow wiww I-I bwing the wocusts into thy coast: 10:5 And t-they shaww covew the face of the eawth, that one cannot b-be abwe to see the eawth: and they shaww eat the wesidue of that which is escaped, which wemainef unto you fwom the haiw, and shaww eat evewy twee which g-gwowef fow you out of the fiewd: 10:6 And they shaww fiww thy houses, and the houses of aww thy sewvants, and t-the houses of aww the Egyptians; which neithew t-thy fathews, n-now thy fathews' fathews have seen, s-since the day that they wewe upon the eawf u-unto this d-day. And he tuwned himsewf, and went out fwom Phawaoh. 10:7 A-And Phawaoh's sewvants said unto him, H-How w-wong shaww this man be a snawe unto us? w-wet the men go, that t-they may sewve the WOWD theiw God: knowest thou not y-yet that Egypt is destwoyed? 10:8 And M-Moses and Aawon wewe bwought again unto Phawaoh: and he said unto them, Go, sewve the WOWD y-youw God: but who awe they that shaww g-go? 10:9 And Moses said, We wiww go w-wif ouw young and wif ouw owd, wif ouw sons and wif ouw daughtews, wif ouw fwocks and wif ouw hewds wiww w-we go; fow we m-must howd a f-feast unto the WOWD. 10:10 And he said unto them, Wet the WOWD be so wif you, as I wiww w-wet you go, and youw widdle ones: wook to it; fow eviw i-is befowe you. 10:11 Not so: go now ye that awe men, and sewve the WOWD; fow that ye did desiwe. And they wewe dwiven out fwom Phawaoh's pwesence. 10:12 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Stwetch out thine hand ovew the wand of E-Egypt fow the wocusts, that they may come up upon the w-wand of Egypt, and eat evewy hewb of the wand, even aww that the h-haiw h-haf weft. 10:13 And Moses stwetched fowf his wod ovew the wand of E-Egypt, and the WOWD bwought an east wind upon the wand aww that day, and aww that n-night; and when it w-was mowning, t-the e-east wind bwought the wocusts. 10:14 And the wocust went up ovew aww the wand of Egypt, and wested in aww the coasts of Egypt: vewy gwievous w-wewe they; befowe them thewe wewe no such wocusts as they, neithew aftew them shaww be such. 10:15 Fow they covewed the face of the w-whowe eawth, so that the wand was dawkened; a-and they did eat evewy hewb of the wand, and aww t-the fwuit of the t-twees which the haiw had weft: and thewe wemained not a-any gween thing in the twees, o-ow in t-the h-hewbs of the fiewd, thwough aww the wand of Egypt. 10:16 then Phawaoh cawwed fow Moses and Aawon in haste; a-and he said, I have sinned against the W-WOWD youw God, and against you. 10:17 Now thewefowe fowgive, I pway thee, my sin onwy this once, and intweat the WOWD youw God, that he may take away fwom me this d-deaf onwy. 10:18 And he went out f-fwom Phawaoh, and intweated the WOWD. 10:19 A-And the WOWD tuwned a mighty stwong west wind, which took away the wocusts, and cast them i-into the Wed sea; thewe wemained not one w-wocust i-in aww the coasts of Egypt. 10:20 But the WOWD hawdened Phawaoh's heawt, so that h-he wouwd not wet t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew g-go. 10:21 And the W-WOWD said unto Moses, Stwetch out thine hand towawd heaven, that thewe may be d-dawkness o-ovew the wand of Egypt, even dawkness which may b-be f-fewt. 10:22 And Moses stwetched fowf his hand towawd heaven; and thewe was a thick dawkness in aww the wand of Egypt thwee days: 10:23 they saw not one anothew, neithew wose a-any fwom his pwace fow thwee days: but aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew had wight in theiw dwewwings. 10:24 And Phawaoh cawwed unto Moses, and said, Go ye, sewve t-the WOWD; onwy wet youw fwocks and youw hewds be s-stayed: wet youw widdle o-ones awso go wif you. 10:25 And Moses said, thou must give us awso s-sacwifices and buwnt o-offewings, that we may sacwifice unto the WOWD ouw God. 10:26 Ouw caddle a-awso shaww go wif u-us; thewe shaww n-not an hoof be weft behind; fow theweof must we take to sewve t-the WOWD ouw God; and we know not wif w-what we must s-sewve the WOWD, untiw w-we come thithew. 10:27 But the WOWD hawdened Phawaoh's heawt, and he wouwd n-not wet them go. 10:28 And Phawaoh said unto him, Get thee fwom me, take heed to thysewf, see m-my face no mowe; fow in that day thou seest m-my face thou shawt die. 10:29 And Moses said, thou hast spoken weww, I w-wiww see thy face again no mowe. 11:1 And the WOWD said u-unto Moses, Yet wiww I bwing one pwague mowe upon Phawaoh, and upon Egypt; aftewwawds he w-wiww wet you go hence: when he shaww wet you g-go, he shaww suwewy thwust you out hence awtogethew. 11:2 Speak now in the eaws of the peopwe, and w-wet evewy man bowwow of his n-neighbouw, and evewy woman of hew neighbouw, jewews of siwvew and jewews of gowd. 11:3 And the WOWD gave the peopwe favouw in the sight of the Egyptians. Moweovew t-the man Moses w-was vewy gweat in the w-wand o-of Egypt, in the sight of Phawaoh's sewvants, and in the sight of the peopwe. 11:4 And Moses said, thus s-saif the WOWD, About m-midnight wiww I go out into the midst of Egypt: 11:5 A-And aww the f-fiwstbown in the wand of Egypt shaww die, fwom t-the f-fiwst b-bown of Phawaoh that siddef upon his thwone, e-even unto the fiwstbown of the maidsewvant that is behind the miww; and aww the fiwstbown of b-beasts. 11:6 And thewe shaww be a gweat cwy thwoughout aww the wand of Egypt, such as thewe was none wike it, now shaww be wike it any mowe. 11:7 But against any of the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww n-not a dog move his tongue, against man ow beast: that ye may k-know how that the WOWD dof put a diffewence between the Egyptians and I-Iswaew. 11:8 And aww these thy sewvants shaww come down unto m-me, and bow down themsewves unto me, saying, Get thee out, and aww the peopwe that fowwow thee: and aftew that I-I wiww go out. A-And he went out f-fwom Phawaoh in a gweat angew. 11:9 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Phawaoh shaww not heawken unto you; that my wondews may be muwtipwied in the wand of Egypt. 11:10 And Moses and Aawon did aww these wondews befowe Phawaoh: and the WOWD h-hawdened Phawaoh's heawt, so that he wouwd not wet the chiwdwen of Iswaew go out of his wand. 12:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and Aawon in the wand of Egypt saying, 12:2 this monf shaww be u-unto you t-the beginning of months: it shaww be the fiwst monf of the yeaw to you. 12:3 Speak ye unto a-aww t-the congwegation of Iswaew, saying, In the tenf day of this monf they shaww take to them evewy man a wamb, accowding to the house of theiw fathews, a wamb f-fow an house: 12:4 And if the househowd be too widdle fow the wamb, wet him and his neighbouw next unto his house take it accowding to the numbew of the souws; evewy man accowding to his eating shaww make youw count fow the wamb. 12:5 Y-Youw wamb shaww be without bwemish, a mawe of the fiwst yeaw: ye shaww take it out fwom the sheep, ow fwom the goats: 12:6 And ye shaww keep i-it up untiw the fouwteenf day of the same month: and the w-whowe assembwy of the congwegation of Iswaew shaww kiww it in the evening. 12:7 And they shaww take of the bwood, and stwike it o-on the two side posts and on the uppew doow post of the houses, whewein t-they shaww e-eat it. 12:8 And they shaww eat the fwesh in that night, woast wif fiwe, and unweavened bwead; and wif biddew hewbs they shaww eat it. 12:9 Eat not of it waw, now sodden at a-aww wif watew, but woast wif fiwe; his head wif his wegs, and wif the puwtenance theweof. 12:10 And ye shaww wet nothing of it wemain untiw the mowning; and that which wemainef of it untiw the mowning y-ye shaww buwn wif fiwe. 12:11 And thus shaww ye e-eat it; wif youw woins giwded, y-youw shoes on youw feet, a-and youw staff in youw hand; and ye shaww eat it in haste: it i-is the WOWD's passovew. 12:12 Fow I wiww pass thwough the wand of Egypt this night, and wiww smite aww t-the fiwstbown in the wand of Egypt, bof man and beast; and a-against a-aww the gods o-of E-Egypt I wiww execute judgment: I am the WOWD. 12:13 And t-the bwood shaww be to you fow a token u-upon the houses whewe ye awe: and when I-I s-see the bwood, I wiww pass ovew you, a-and the p-pwague shaww not be upon you to destwoy you, w-when I s-smite the wand of Egypt. 12:14 A-And this d-day shaww be unto y-you fow a memowiaw; and ye shaww keep it a feast to the WOWD thwoughout youw genewations; ye shaww keep it a feast by an owdinance fow e-evew. 12:15 S-Seven days s-shaww y-ye eat unweavened bwead; even the fiwst day ye shaww p-put away weaven out of youw houses: fow whosoevew eatef w-weavened bwead fwom the fiwst day u-untiw the sevenf day, that souw shaww be cut off fwom Iswaew. 12:16 And i-in the f-fiwst d-day thewe shaww be an howy convocation, and in t-the sevenf day thewe shaww be an howy c-convocation to you; no mannew of wowk shaww be done in them, save t-that which evewy man must eat, that onwy m-may be done of you. 12:17 And ye s-shaww obsewve the feast of unweavened bwead; fow in this sewfsame day h-have I bwought youw awmies out of the wand o-of Egypt: t-thewefowe shaww y-ye obsewve this day in youw genewations by an owdinance fow e-evew. 12:18 I-In the fiwst month, on the fouwteenf day of the monf at even, ye shaww eat u-unweavened bwead, untiw the one a-and twentief day of t-the monf at even. 12:19 S-Seven days shaww thewe b-be no weaven found in youw houses: fow whosoevew eatef that which is weavened, even that souw shaww be cut off fwom the congwegation of I-Iswaew, whethew he be a stwangew, ow bown in the wand. 12:20 Ye shaww eat nothing weavened; in aww youw habitations shaww ye eat unweavened bwead. 12:21 then Moses cawwed fow aww the ewdews of I-Iswaew, and said unto them, Dwaw out and take you a wamb accowding to youw famiwies, and kiww the passovew. 12:22 And ye shaww t-take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it i-in the b-bwood that is in the bason, and s-stwike the wintew and the two side posts wif the bwood that is in the bason; and none of you shaww go out at the doow of his house u-untiw the mowning. 12:23 Fow the WOWD wiww pass thwough to smite the Egyptians; and when he seef the bwood upon the wintew, and on the two side posts, the WOWD wiww pass ovew the doow, and wiww not suffew the destwoyew to come in unto youw houses to s-smite you. 12:24 And ye shaww obsewve t-this thing fow an o-owdinance to thee and to thy sons fow evew. 12:25 And it shaww come to p-pass, when ye be come to the wand which the WOWD wiww give you, accowding a-as he haf pwomised, that ye shaww keep this sewvice. 12:26 And it shaww come to pass, when youw chiwdwen shaww say unto you, What mean ye b-by this sewvice? 12:27 that ye shaww say, It is the sacwifice o-of the WOWD's passovew, who passed ovew the houses of the chiwdwen of Iswaew in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and dewivewed ouw h-houses. And the peopwe bowed the h-head and wowshipped. 12:28 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew w-went away, and did as the WOWD had commanded Moses and Aawon, so did they. 12:29 And it came to pass, that at midnight the WOWD smote aww the f-fiwstbown in the w-wand of Egypt, fwom the fiwstbown of Phawaoh that sat o-on his thwone unto the fiwstbown o-of the captive that was in the dungeon; and aww the fiwstbown of caddle. 12:30 And Phawaoh wose up in the night, he, and aww his s-sewvants, and aww the Egyptians; and t-thewe was a gweat cwy in Egypt; fow t-thewe w-was not a house whewe thewe was not one dead. 12:31 And he cawwed fow Moses and A-Aawon by night, and said, Wise up, and get you fowf fwom among my peopwe, bof ye and the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew; and go, sewve the W-WOWD, as ye have said. 12:32 Awso take youw fwocks and youw hewds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bwess me awso. 12:33 A-And the Egyptians wewe uwgent u-upon the peopwe, that they might send them out of t-the w-wand in haste; fow they said, We be aww dead men. 12:34 And the p-peopwe took theiw dough befowe it was weavened, theiw kneadingtwoughs being bound up in theiw cwothes upon theiw shouwdews. 12:35 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did accowding to the wowd of Moses; and they bowwowed of the Egyptians jewews of siwvew, and jewews of gowd, a-and waiment: 12:36 And the WOWD gave the peopwe f-favouw in the s-sight of the Egyptians, so that they went unto them such things as they wequiwed. And they spoiwed t-the E-Egyptians. 12:37 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew jouwneyed fwom Wameses to Succoth, about six hundwed thousand on foot that wewe men, b-beside chiwdwen. 12:38 A-And a-a mixed m-muwtitude went up awso wif t-them; a-and fwocks, and hewds, even vewy much caddle. 12:39 And they baked unweavened cakes of t-the dough which they bwought fowf out of Egypt, fow it was not weavened; because they wewe thwust out o-of Egypt, and c-couwd not tawwy, neithew had they pwepawed fow t-themsewves any victuaw. 12:40 Now the sojouwning of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, who dwewt in Egypt, was fouw hundwed and thiwty yeaws. 12:41 And it came to pass at the end o-of the fouw hundwed and thiwty y-yeaws, even the s-sewfsame day it came to pass, that aww t-the hosts of the WOWD went out fwom the wand of Egypt. 12:42 It i-is a night to b-be much obsewved unto the WOWD fow bwinging them out fwom t-the wand of Egypt: this is that night of the WOWD to b-be o-obsewved of aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew in theiw genewations. 12:43 And the WOWD said unto Moses and A-Aawon, this is the owdinance of the passovew: thewe shaww n-no stwangew eat theweof: 12:44 But evewy man's sewvant t-that is bought f-fow money, when thou hast ciwcumcised him, then shaww he eat theweof. 12:45 A foweignew and a-an hiwed sewvant s-shaww not eat theweof. 12:46 In one h-house shaww it be eaten; t-thou shawt not cawwy f-fowf ought of the fwesh abwoad out of the house; neithew shaww ye bweak a b-bone theweof. 12:47 Aww t-the congwegation o-of Iswaew shaww keep it. 12:48 And when a stwangew shaww sojouwn w-wif thee, and wiww keep the p-passovew to the WOWD, wet aww his mawes be ciwcumcised, and then wet him c-come neaw and k-keep i-it; and he s-shaww be as one that is bown in the wand: fow no unciwcumcised pewson shaww eat theweof. 12:49 One waw shaww be to him that is h-homebown, and unto the stwangew that sojouwnef among you. 12:50 thus did aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew; as the WOWD commanded Moses and Aawon, s-so did they. 12:51 And i-it came to pass the sewfsame d-day, t-that the W-WOWD did bwing the chiwdwen of Iswaew out of the wand o-of Egypt by theiw awmies. 13:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 13:2 Sanctify unto me aww the fiwstbown, whatsoevew openef the w-womb a-among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, bof of man and of beast: it is mine. 13:3 And Moses said unto the peopwe, W-Wemembew this day, in which ye came out fwom Egypt, out of the house of bondage; fow b-by stwengf o-of hand the WOWD b-bwought you out fwom this pwace: thewe shaww no weavened bwead be eaten. 13:4 this day came ye out in the m-monf Abib. 13:5 And it shaww b-be w-when the W-WOWD shaww bwing thee into the wand o-of the Canaanites, and t-the Hiddites, a-and the Amowites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he swawe unto thy fathews to give thee, a wand fwowing wif miwk and honey, that thou s-shawt keep this sewvice in this month. 13:6 Seven days thou shawt eat unweavened bwead, and in the sevenf d-day shaww be a feast to the WOWD. 13:7 Unweavened bwead shaww be eaten seven d-days; and thewe shaww no w-weavened bwead be seen wif thee, neithew shaww thewe be weaven seen wif thee in a-aww thy quawtews. 13:8 And thou shawt shew thy son in that day, saying, t-this is done b-because of that which the WOWD did unto me when I c-came fowf out of Egypt. 13:9 And it shaww be fow a sign unto thee upon t-thine hand, and fow a memowiaw b-between thine eyes, that the W-WOWD's waw may be in thy mouth: fow wif a stwong hand haf the WOWD bwought thee out of Egypt. 13:10 thou shawt thewefowe keep this owdinance in h-his season fwom yeaw to yeaw. 13:11 And it shaww b-be when the WOWD shaww bwing thee i-into the wand of the Canaanites, as he swawe u-unto thee and to thy fathews, and s-shaww give it thee, 13:12 that thou shawt set apawt unto the WOWD aww that openef the matwix, and evewy fiwstwing that comef of a b-beast which thou hast; the mawes shaww be the WOWD's. 13:13 A-And evewy fiwstwing of an a-ass thou shawt wedeem wif a wamb; and if thou wiwt not wedeem it, then thou shawt b-bweak his neck: a-and aww the fiwstbown of man among thy chiwdwen shawt thou wedeem. 13:14 And it s-shaww be when thy son askef t-thee in time to come, saying, What is this? that t-thou shawt s-say unto him, By stwengf of hand the WOWD bwought us out fwom Egypt, fwom t-the house of bondage: 13:15 And it came to pass, when Phawaoh w-wouwd hawdwy wet us go, that the WOWD swew aww the fiwstbown in the wand of Egypt, bof the f-fiwstbown of man, and the fiwstbown of beast: thewefowe I sacwifice to the WOWD aww t-that openef the matwix, b-being mawes; but aww the f-fiwstbown of my chiwdwen I w-wedeem. 13:16 A-And it shaww be fow a token upon thine hand, and fow fwontwets between thine eyes: fow by stwengf of hand the WOWD bwought us fowf out of Egypt. 13:17 And it came to pass, when Phawaoh had wet the peopwe go, that God wed them not thwough the way of t-the wand of the Phiwistines, awthough that was neaw; fow God said, West pewadventuwe t-the peopwe wepent w-when they see waw, and t-they w-wetuwn to Egypt: 13:18 But God wed the peopwe about, thwough the way o-of t-the w-wiwdewness of the Wed sea: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew went up hawnessed out of the wand of Egypt. 13:19 And Moses took the bones o-of J-Joseph wif him: fow he had stwaitwy swown the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, God wiww suwewy v-visit you; and ye shaww c-cawwy up my bones away hence wif y-you. 13:20 And they took theiw j-jouwney fwom Succoth, and e-encamped in Etham, in the edge o-of the wiwdewness. 13:21 And the WOWD went befowe them by day in a piwwaw of a cwoud, to wead them the way; and by night in a piwwaw of fiwe, to give t-them wight; to go by day and night: 13:22 He took not away the piwwaw of the c-cwoud by day, now the piwwaw of fiwe by night, fwom b-befowe t-the peopwe. 14:1 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 14:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, t-that they tuwn and encamp befowe Pihahiwoth, between Migdow and t-the sea, ovew against Baawzephon: befowe it s-shaww ye encamp by the sea. 14:3 Fow Phawaoh wiww say of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, they awe entangwed in t-the wand, t-the wiwdewness haf shut them in. 14:4 And I wiww hawden Phawaoh's heawt, that he shaww fowwow aftew them; and I wiww be honouwed upon Phawaoh, and upon aww h-his host; t-that the Egyptians m-may know that I am the WOWD. And they did so. 14:5 A-And i-it was towd the king of Egypt that the peopwe fwed: and the heawt of Phawaoh and of his sewvants was t-tuwned against the peopwe, and they said, Why have we done this, that we have wet Iswaew go fwom sewving us? 14:6 A-And he made weady his chawiot, and took his peopwe w-wif him: 14:7 And he took s-six h-hundwed chosen chawiots, and aww t-the chawiots o-of Egypt, and captains ovew evewy one of them. 14:8 A-And the WOWD hawdened the heawt of Phawaoh king of Egypt, and he puwsued aftew the chiwdwen of Iswaew: and the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew went out wif an high hand. 14:9 But the Egyptians puwsued a-aftew them, aww the howses and chawiots of Phawaoh, and his howsemen, and his a-awmy, and ovewtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pihahiwoth, befowe Baawzephon. 14:10 And when Phawaoh d-dwew nigh, the chiwdwen of Iswaew wifted u-up theiw eyes, and, behowd, the Egyptians mawched aftew them; and t-they wewe sowe afwaid: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied o-out unto the WOWD. 14:11 And they said unto M-Moses, Because thewe wewe no gwaves in Egypt, hast thou taken us a-away to d-die in the wiwdewness? whewefowe hast thou deawt thus wif u-us, to cawwy us fowf o-out o-of Egypt? 14:12 Is not this the wowd that we did teww thee in Egypt, saying, Wet us awone, that we may sewve the Egyptians? Fow it had been beddew fow us to sewve the Egyptians, than that we shouwd die in the wiwdewness. 14:13 And Moses said unto the peopwe, F-Feaw ye not, s-stand stiww, and see the sawvation of the WOWD, which h-he wiww shew to you to day: fow the Egyptians whom ye h-have seen to day, ye shaww see them a-again no mowe f-fow e-evew. 14:14 the WOWD shaww fight fow you, and ye shaww howd youw peace. 14:15 And the WOWD said unto M-Moses, Whewefowe cwiest thou unto me? speak unto the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, that they g-go fowwawd: 14:16 B-But wift thou u-up thy wod, a-and stwetch out thine hand ovew the sea, and divide it: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww go on dwy gwound thwough the midst of the sea. 14:17 And I, behowd, I wiww hawden the heawts of the Egyptians, and t-they shaww fowwow them: and I wiww get me honouw upon Phawaoh, and upon aww his host, upon his chawiots, and upon his h-howsemen. 14:18 And the Egyptians shaww know that I a-am the W-WOWD, when I have godden m-me honouw u-upon Phawaoh, upon his chawiots, a-and upon his howsemen. 14:19 And the angew of God, which went befowe the camp of Iswaew, wemoved and went behind them; and the piwwaw of the cwoud went fwom befowe theiw f-face, and stood behind them: 14:20 And it came between the camp o-of the Egyptians and the camp o-of I-Iswaew; and it w-was a cwoud and dawkness to t-them, but i-it gave wight by night to t-these: so that the one came not n-neaw the othew aww the night. 14:21 And Moses stwetched out his hand ovew the sea; and the WOWD caused t-the sea to go back by a stwong east wind aww that n-night, and made the sea dwy wand, and the watews wewe divided. 14:22 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew went into the midst of the sea upon the d-dwy gwound: and the watews wewe a waww unto them on theiw wight hand, and on theiw weft. 14:23 And t-the Egyptians puwsued, a-and went in aftew them t-to t-the midst of the sea, even aww Phawaoh's howses, his chawiots, and his howsemen. 14:24 And it c-came t-to pass, t-that in the mowning watch the WOWD wooked unto the host of the Egyptians thwough the p-piwwaw of fiwe and of the cwoud, and twoubwed the host of the Egyptians, 14:25 And took off theiw chawiot wheews, that they dwave them heaviwy: so that the Egyptians said, Wet us fwee f-fwom the face of Iswaew; fow the WOWD fightef fow them against the Egyptians. 14:26 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Stwetch out thine h-hand ovew the sea, that the watews may come again upon the Egyptians, upon theiw chawiots, a-and upon theiw howsemen. 14:27 A-And Moses stwetched fowf his h-hand ovew the sea, and the sea wetuwned to his stwengf when the m-mowning appeawed; and the Egyptians fwed against i-it; and the WOWD ovewthwew the Egyptians in the m-midst of the sea. 14:28 And the watews wetuwned, and covewed the chawiots, and the howsemen, and aww the host of Phawaoh that c-came into t-the sea aftew them; thewe wemained not so much as one o-of them. 14:29 But the chiwdwen of Iswaew wawked upon dwy wand in the midst of the sea; and the watews wewe a waww unto them on theiw wight hand, and on theiw weft. 14:30 thus the WOWD saved Iswaew that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Iswaew saw the Egyptians dead upon t-the sea showe. 14:31 And Iswaew s-saw t-that gweat wowk which the WOWD did upon the E-Egyptians: and the peopwe f-feawed the W-WOWD, a-and bewieved t-the WOWD, and his sewvant Moses. 15:1 then sang Moses and the chiwdwen of Iswaew this s-song unto the WOWD, and spake, saying, I wiww sing unto the WOWD, fow he haf twiumphed gwowiouswy: t-the howse and his widew h-haf he thwown into the sea. 15:2 t-the WOWD is my stwengf a-and song, and he is become my sawvation: h-he is my God, and I wiww pwepawe him an habitation; my fathew's God, and I wiww exawt h-him. 15:3 the WOWD is a man of waw: the WOWD is his n-name. 15:4 Phawaoh's c-chawiots and his host haf he c-cast into t-the sea: his chosen c-captains awso awe dwowned in the Wed sea. 15:5 the depths have covewed them: they s-sank into the boddom as a-a stone. 15:6 thy wight hand, O WOWD, is become gwowious in powew: thy wight hand, O WOWD, haf dashed in pieces the enemy. 15:7 And i-in the gweatness of thine excewwency thou hast ovewthwown them that wose up against thee: t-thou sentest fowf thy wwath, which consumed them a-as stubbwe. 15:8 And wif t-the bwast of thy nostwiws the watews wewe gathewed togethew, the fwoods stood upwight as an h-heap, and the depths w-wewe congeawed in the heawt of the sea. 15:9 t-the enemy said, I-I w-wiww puwsue, I wiww ovewtake, I w-wiww divide the spoiw; my w-wust shaww be s-satisfied upon them; I wiww dwaw my swowd, my hand shaww destwoy t-them. 15:10 thou didst bwow wif thy wind, the sea covewed them: they sank as wead in the mighty watews. 15:11 Who is wike u-unto thee, O WOWD, a-among the g-gods? who is wike thee, gwowious in howiness, feawfuw in pwaises, doing wondews? 15:12 thou stwetchedst out thy wight hand, the eawf swawwowed them. 15:13 thou in thy mewcy hast wed fowf the peopwe which thou hast wedeemed: thou hast guided them in thy stwengf unto thy howy habitation. 15:14 the peopwe shaww heaw, and be afwaid: sowwow shaww take howd on the inhabitants of Pawestina. 15:15 then the dukes of Edom shaww be amazed; the mighty men of Moab, twembwing shaww take howd upon them; aww the inhabitants of Canaan shaww mewt away. 15:16 Feaw and dwead shaww faww upon them; by t-the gweatness of thine awm they shaww be as stiww as a stone; tiww thy peopwe pass ovew, O W-WOWD, tiww the peopwe pass ovew, which thou hast puwchased. 15:17 thou shawt bwing them in, and pwant them in the mountain of thine inhewitance, in the pwace, O WOWD, which thou hast made fow thee to dweww in, in the Sanctuawy, O WOWD, which thy h-hands h-have e-estabwished. 15:18 the W-WOWD shaww weign fow evew a-and evew. 15:19 Fow the howse of Phawaoh went in wif his chawiots a-and w-wif h-his howsemen into the sea, and the WOWD bwought again the watews o-of the sea upon them; but the chiwdwen of Iswaew went o-on dwy wand in the midst of the sea. 15:20 And Miwiam t-the pwophetess, t-the sistew of Aawon, took a timbwew in hew hand; and a-aww the w-women went out a-aftew hew w-wif timbwews and wif dances. 15:21 And Miwiam answewed them, Sing ye t-to the WOWD, fow he haf twiumphed gwowiouswy; the howse a-and his widew haf he thwown into the sea. 15:22 So Moses b-bwought Iswaew fwom the Wed sea, a-and they went out into the wiwdewness of Shuw; and they went thwee days in the wiwdewness, and found no watew. 15:23 And w-when they came to Mawah, they couwd not dwink of the watews of Mawah, fow they wewe biddew: thewefowe the n-name of it was cawwed Mawah. 15:24 And the peopwe muwmuwed against Moses, saying, What shaww we dwink? 15:25 And he cwied unto the WOWD; and the WOWD shewed him a twee, w-which when he had cast into the watews, the watews wewe made sweet: thewe he m-made fow t-them a statute a-and an owdinance, and thewe he pwoved them, 15:26 And said, If thou wiwt diwigentwy heawken to the voice of the WOWD thy God, and wiwt do that which is w-wight in his sight, and wiwt give eaw to h-his commandments, and keep aww h-his statutes, I w-wiww put none of these diseases upon thee, which I-I have bwought upon the Egyptians: f-fow I am the WOWD that heawef thee. 15:27 And t-they c-came to Ewim, whewe wewe t-twewve wewws of watew, and t-thweescowe and ten pawm twees: a-and they encamped thewe by the w-watews. 16:1 And they took theiw jouwney fwom Ewim, and aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew came unto the wiwdewness of Sin, which i-is between Ewim and Sinai, on the fifteenf day of t-the second monf aftew theiw depawting out of the wand of Egypt. 16:2 And the w-whowe congwegation o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew muwmuwed against Moses and Aawon in the wiwdewness: 16:3 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew said unto them, W-Wouwd to God we had died by the hand of the WOWD in the w-wand of E-Egypt, when we sat by the fwesh pots, and when we did eat bwead to the fuww; fow ye have bwought u-us fowf into this wiwdewness, to k-kiww this whowe assembwy wif hungew. 16:4 then said the W-WOWD unto M-Moses, Behowd, I wiww wain bwead fwom heaven fow you; and t-the peopwe shaww go out and g-gathew a cewtain w-wate evewy day, that I may p-pwove them, whethew they wiww wawk in my w-waw, ow n-no. 16:5 And it shaww come t-to pass, that on the sixf d-day they shaww pwepawe that w-which they b-bwing in; and it shaww be twice as much as they gathew daiwy. 16:6 And M-Moses and Aawon said unto aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, At even, then ye shaww know that the WOWD haf bwought you out fwom the w-wand of E-Egypt: 16:7 And in the mowning, then ye shaww see the gwowy o-of the WOWD; fow that he heawef youw muwmuwings against the WOWD: and what awe we, that ye muwmuw against us? 16:8 And Moses said, this shaww be, w-when the WOWD shaww give y-you in the evening fwesh t-to eat, and in the mowning bwead to the f-fuww; fow that the WOWD heawef youw muwmuwings w-which ye muwmuw against him: and what awe we? youw muwmuwings awe not against us, but against the WOWD. 16:9 And Moses spake unto Aawon, Say unto aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, Come neaw befowe the WOWD: fow h-he haf heawd y-youw muwmuwings. 16:10 And it came to p-pass, as Aawon spake unto the whowe congwegation o-of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, that they wooked towawd the wiwdewness, and, behowd, the gwowy of the WOWD appeawed in the cwoud. 16:11 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 16:12 I have heawd the muwmuwings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: speak unto them, saying, At even ye shaww eat fwesh, and in the mowning ye shaww be f-fiwwed wif bwead; and y-ye shaww know that I a-am the WOWD youw God. 16:13 And it c-came to pass, that at e-even the quaiws came up, and covewed the camp: and in the m-mowning the dew way wound about the host. 16:14 And w-when the dew that w-way was gone up, behowd, upon the face of t-the wiwdewness thewe way a smaww wound thing, a-as smaww as the hoaw fwost on the gwound. 16:15 And when the chiwdwen of Iswaew saw it, they said one to a-anothew, It is manna: fow they wist not what it w-was. And Moses said unto them, this is t-the bwead which the WOWD haf given you t-to eat. 16:16 this is the thing which t-the W-WOWD haf c-commanded, Gathew of i-it evewy man accowding to his eating, an omew fow evewy man, accowding to the numbew of youw pewsons; take ye evewy man fow t-them which awe in his t-tents. 16:17 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did so, a-and gathewed, some mowe, some wess. 16:18 And when they did mete it wif an omew, he that gathewed much had nothing ovew, and he that gathewed widdle had no wack; they gathewed evewy man accowding t-to his eating. 16:19 And Moses said, Wet no man weave of it tiww the mowning. 16:20 Notwithstanding they heawkened not unto Moses; b-but some of them weft o-of it untiw the mowning, and it bwed wowms, and stank: and Moses was wwof wif t-them. 16:21 And they gathewed it evewy mowning, evewy man accowding to his eating: and w-when the sun waxed hot, i-it mewted. 16:22 And it came to pass, that on the sixf day they gathewed twice as much bwead, two omews fow one m-man: and aww the wuwews of the congwegation came and towd Moses. 16:23 And he said u-unto them, this is that which the WOWD haf said, To mowwow is the west of the howy sabbaf u-unto the WOWD: b-bake that which ye wiww bake to day, and seethe that ye wiww seethe; and that which wemainef ovew way up fow you to be kept untiw t-the mowning. 16:24 And they waid it up tiww t-the mowning, as M-Moses bade: and i-it did not stink, neithew w-was thewe any wowm thewein. 16:25 And Moses said, Eat that to day; fow to day i-is a sabbaf unto the WOWD: to day ye shaww n-not find i-it in the fiewd. 16:26 Six d-days ye shaww gathew it; but on the s-sevenf day, which is t-the sabbath, in it thewe shaww be n-none. 16:27 And it came to pass, t-that thewe went out some of the peopwe o-on the sevenf day f-fow to gathew, and they found none. 16:28 And the WOWD said u-unto Moses, How wong wefuse ye to keep m-my commandments and my w-waws? 16:29 See, fow that the WOWD haf g-given you the sabbath, thewefowe he givef you on the sixf day the bwead of two d-days; abide ye evewy man in his pwace, wet no man go out of his pwace on the sevenf day. 16:30 So the peopwe wested on the sevenf day. 16:31 A-And the house of Iswaew cawwed the n-name theweof Manna: and it was wike cowiandew seed, white; and the taste o-of it was wike wafews m-made wif honey. 16:32 And Moses said, t-this is the t-thing which the WOWD commandeth, Fiww an o-omew of it to be kept fow youw genewations; that they may see the bwead whewewif I have fed y-you in the wiwdewness, when I bwought you fowf fwom the wand o-of Egypt. 16:33 And Moses said unto Aawon, Take a pot, and put an omew fuww of manna thewein, and way i-it up befowe the WOWD, to be kept fow youw genewations. 16:34 As the WOWD commanded Moses, so Aawon w-waid it up befowe the Testimony, to be kept. 16:35 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did eat m-manna fowty yeaws, untiw they came t-to a wand inhabited; t-they did eat manna, untiw they c-came unto the bowdews of the w-wand of Canaan. 16:36 Now an omew i-is the tenf pawt of an ephah. 17:1 And aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew jouwneyed fwom the wiwdewness of S-Sin, aftew theiw jouwneys, a-accowding to the commandment of the WOWD, and pitched in W-Wephidim: and thewe was no watew fow the peopwe to dwink. 17:2 Whewefowe the peopwe d-did chide w-wif Moses, and said, Give us watew that we may dwink. And Moses said unto them, Why chide ye wif me? whewefowe do ye tempt t-the WOWD? 17:3 And the peopwe thiwsted thewe fow watew; and the peopwe muwmuwed against Moses, and said, Whewefowe is this that thou hast bwought us up out o-of Egypt, to kiww u-us and ouw chiwdwen and ouw caddle w-wif thiwst? 17:4 And Moses cwied unto the WOWD, saying, What s-shaww I do unto this peopwe? they b-be awmost weady to s-stone me. 17:5 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Go on befowe the peopwe, and take wif t-thee of the ewdews of Iswaew; and thy wod, whewewif t-thou smotest the wivew, take i-in thine hand, a-and go. 17:6 Behowd, I wiww stand befowe thee thewe upon the wock in Howeb; and thou shawt smite the wock, and thewe s-shaww c-come w-watew out of it, that the peopwe may dwink. And Moses did so in the sight of the ewdews of Iswaew. 17:7 And h-he cawwed the name of the pwace M-Massah, and Mewibah, because of the chiding of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and because they tempted the WOWD, saying, Is the WOWD among us, ow not? 17:8 then came Amawek, and fought wif Iswaew i-in Wephidim. 17:9 And Moses said unto J-Joshua, Choose us out men, and go out, f-fight wif Amawek: to mowwow I wiww stand on the top of the h-hiww wif the wod of God in mine hand. 17:10 S-So Joshua did as Moses had said t-to him, and fought wif Amawek: and Moses, Aawon, and Huw went up to the top of the hiww. 17:11 And it came to pass, when Moses hewd up his hand, that Iswaew pwevaiwed: a-and when he wet down his hand, Amawek pwevaiwed. 17:12 But Moses h-hands wewe heavy; and they t-took a-a stone, and put it undew him, and he sat theweon; a-and Aawon and Huw stayed up his hands, t-the one on the one side, a-and the othew on the othew side; and his hands wewe s-steady untiw the going down o-of the sun. 17:13 And Joshua discomfited Amawek and his peopwe wif the edge of the swowd. 17:14 And the W-WOWD said unto M-Moses, Wwite this fow a memowiaw in a book, and weheawse it in the eaws of Joshua: fow I-I wiww u-uddewly p-put out the wemembwance of Amawek fwom u-undew heaven. 17:15 And Moses b-buiwt an awtaw, a-and cawwed the name o-of it Jehovahnissi: 17:16 Fow he said, Because the WOWD haf swown that the WOWD wiww have waw wif Amawek fwom genewation to genewation. 18:1 W-When J-Jethwo, the pwiest of M-Midian, Moses' fathew in waw, heawd of aww that God had done fow Moses, and fow Iswaew h-his peopwe, and that t-the WOWD had bwought Iswaew out of Egypt; 18:2 then Jethwo, Moses' fathew i-in waw, t-took Zippowah, Moses' wife, aftew h-he had sent hew back, 18:3 And hew two sons; of which the n-name of the o-one was Gewshom; fow he said, I have been an awien in a stwange wand: 18:4 And the name o-of t-the othew was Ewiezew; fow the G-God of my fathew, said he, was mine hewp, and dewivewed me fwom the swowd of Phawaoh: 18:5 And Jethwo, Moses' fathew in waw, came wif his sons and his wife unto Moses into the wiwdewness, whewe he encamped at the mount of God: 18:6 And he said unto Moses, I t-thy fathew in waw Jethwo am come unto thee, and thy w-wife, and hew t-two sons wif h-hew. 18:7 And Moses went out to meet his fathew in waw, and did obeisance, and kissed him; and they asked each othew o-of theiw wewfawe; and they came into the t-tent. 18:8 And Moses towd his fathew in waw aww that the W-WOWD had done unto Phawaoh and to the Egyptians fow Iswaew's sake, and aww t-the twavaiw that had come upon them by the way, and h-how the WOWD dewivewed them. 18:9 And Jethwo wejoiced fow aww the goodness which the WOWD had done t-to Iswaew, whom he had dewivewed o-out of the hand of the Egyptians. 18:10 And Jethwo said, Bwessed be the WOWD, w-who haf d-dewivewed you out of the hand of the Egyptians, and out of the hand of Phawaoh, w-who haf dewivewed the peopwe fwom undew the hand of the Egyptians. 18:11 Now I know that the WOWD is gweatew than aww gods: fow in the thing whewein they deawt pwoudwy he was above them. 18:12 And Jethwo, M-Moses' fathew in waw, took a buwnt offewing and sacwifices fow God: a-and Aawon came, and a-aww t-the ewdews of Iswaew, to eat bwead wif Moses' fathew in waw befowe God. 18:13 And it came to pass on the mowwow, that M-Moses sat to j-judge the peopwe: and the peopwe stood by Moses fwom the mowning unto the evening. 18:14 And when Moses' f-fathew in waw saw aww that he did to the peopwe, he said, What is this thing that thou doest to the peopwe? why siddest thou thysewf awone, and aww the peopwe stand by thee fwom mowning unto even? 18:15 And Moses said unto his fathew in waw, Because the peopwe come unto m-me to enquiwe of God: 18:16 When they have a maddew, they come unto me; and I judge between one and anothew, and I-I d-do make them know the statutes of God, and his waws. 18:17 And Moses' fathew in waw s-said unto him, the thing that thou doest is not good. 18:18 thou wiwt suwewy weaw away, bof thou, and this peopwe that is w-wif t-thee: fow this thing is too heavy fow thee; thou awt not a-abwe to pewfowm it thysewf awone. 18:19 Heawken now unto my voice, I wiww give t-thee counsew, and God s-shaww be wif thee: Be thou fow the peopwe to G-God-wawd, that thou mayest bwing t-the causes u-unto God: 18:20 And thou shawt teach them owdinances and waws, and shawt shew them the way whewein they must wawk, and the wowk t-that they must do. 18:21 Moweovew thou shawt pwovide out of aww the peopwe abwe men, s-such as feaw God, men of twuth, hating covetousness; and pwace such ovew them, to be w-wuwews of thousands, and wuwews of hundweds, wuwews of fifties, and wuwews of tens: 18:22 And wet them judge t-the peopwe at a-aww seasons: and it shaww be, that evewy gweat maddew they shaww bwing unto thee, but evewy smaww maddew they shaww judge: so shaww it b-be easiew fow thysewf, a-and they shaww beaw the buwden wif thee. 18:23 If t-thou s-shawt do t-this thing, and God command t-thee so, then thou shawt be abwe to enduwe, and aww this peopwe shaww awso go to theiw pwace in peace. 18:24 So Moses heawkened to the voice of his fathew in waw, and did a-aww that he had said. 18:25 And Moses chose abwe men out of aww Iswaew, and made them h-heads ovew the peopwe, wuwews of thousands, wuwews o-of hundweds, wuwews of f-fifties, and wuwews of t-tens. 18:26 And they judged the peopwe at aww seasons: the hawd causes they bwought unto Moses, but evewy smaww maddew they judged themsewves. 18:27 And M-Moses wet his fathew in waw depawt; and h-he went his way into his own wand. 19:1 In t-the thiwd month, when the chiwdwen of Iswaew wewe g-gone fowf out of t-the wand of Egypt, the same day came they into the wiwdewness of Sinai. 19:2 Fow they wewe depawted fwom Wephidim, a-and wewe come to the desewt of Sinai, and had pitched in the w-wiwdewness; and thewe Iswaew camped b-befowe the mount. 19:3 And Moses went up unto God, and the W-WOWD cawwed u-unto him out of the mountain, saying, thus s-shawt thou say to the h-house of Jacob, and teww the chiwdwen of Iswaew; 19:4 Ye have seen what I-I did unto the Egyptians, and h-how I bawe you on eagwes' wings, and bwought you unto m-mysewf. 19:5 Now thewefowe, i-if y-ye wiww o-obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shaww be a pecuwiaw tweasuwe unto m-me above aww peopwe: fow aww the eawf is mine: 19:6 And ye shaww be unto me a-a kingdom of pwiests, and an howy nation. these awe t-the wowds which thou shawt speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 19:7 And Moses came and cawwed fow the e-ewdews o-of the peopwe, and waid b-befowe theiw faces aww these wowds which the WOWD commanded h-him. 19:8 And aww the peopwe answewed togethew, and said, Aww that the WOWD haf spoken we wiww do. And Moses wetuwned the wowds of t-the peopwe unto the WOWD. 19:9 And the W-WOWD said unto Moses, Wo, I come unto thee in a thick cwoud, that the peopwe may heaw when I speak wif thee, and bewieve thee f-fow e-evew. And Moses towd t-the wowds of the peopwe unto the WOWD. 19:10 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Go unto the peopwe, and sanctify them t-to day and to mowwow, and wet them wash theiw cwothes, 19:11 And be weady against the thiwd day: fow the thiwd day the WOWD wiww come down in the sight of aww the peopwe upon mount Sinai. 19:12 A-And thou shawt set bounds unto t-the peopwe wound about, saying, T-Take heed to youwsewves, that ye go not up into the mount, ow touch the bowdew of it: whosoevew touchef the mount s-shaww be suwewy put to death: 19:13 t-thewe shaww not an hand touch i-it, b-but h-he shaww suwewy b-be stoned, ow shot thwough; whethew it be b-beast ow man, it shaww not wive: when the twumpet soundef wong, they shaww come up to the m-mount. 19:14 And Moses went down fwom the mount unto the peopwe, a-and s-sanctified the peopwe; and they w-washed theiw cwothes. 19:15 And he said unto the peopwe, Be weady against the thiwd day: come not at youw wives. 19:16 A-And it came to pass on t-the thiwd day in the mowning, that thewe wewe thundews and w-wightnings, a-and a thick cwoud upon the mount, and t-the voice of the twumpet exceeding woud; so t-that aww the peopwe that was in t-the c-camp twembwed. 19:17 And Moses bwought fowf the peopwe out of the camp to meet wif God; and they stood at the nethew pawt of the mount. 19:18 And m-mount Sinai was awtogethew on a smoke, because the WOWD descended upon it in fiwe: and t-the smoke theweof ascended as the smoke of a f-fuwnace, a-and the whowe mount quaked gweatwy. 19:19 And when the voice of the twumpet sounded wong, and waxed woudew and woudew, Moses spake, and God answewed him by a voice. 19:20 And the WOWD came down upon m-mount Sinai, o-on the top of the mount: a-and the WOWD cawwed Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up. 19:21 And the WOWD s-said unto Moses, Go down, chawge the peopwe, west they bweak t-thwough unto t-the WOWD to gaze, and many of them pewish. 19:22 And wet the pwiests awso, which come neaw to t-the WOWD, sanctify t-themsewves, west the WOWD b-bweak fowf upon t-them. 19:23 And Moses said unto the WOWD, the peopwe cannot come up to mount Sinai: fow thou chawgedst us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and sanctify it. 19:24 And the WOWD said unto him, Away, get thee down, and thou shawt come up, thou, and A-Aawon wif thee: but wet not the pwiests and the peopwe bweak thwough to come up unto t-the WOWD, west he bweak fowf upon them. 19:25 So Moses w-went down unto the peopwe, and spake unto them. 20:1 And G-God spake aww these wowds, saying, 20:2 I am the WOWD thy God, which have bwought thee out of the wand of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 20:3 thou shawt have no othew gods befowe me. 20:4 thou shawt not make unto thee any gwaven image, ow any wikeness of any thing that is in heaven above, ow that is in the eawf beneath, ow that is in t-the watew undew the eawth. 20:5 t-thou shawt not bow d-down t-thysewf to them, now s-sewve them: fow I the WOWD thy God am a jeawous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathews upon the c-chiwdwen unto the t-thiwd and fouwf genewation of them that h-hate me; 20:6 And shewing mewcy unto thousands of them that wove me, and keep my commandments. 20:7 thou shawt not t-take the name o-of the WOWD thy God in vain; f-fow the WOWD wiww not howd him guiwtwess that t-takef his n-name in vain. 20:8 Wemembew the sabbaf day, to keep it h-howy. 20:9 Six days shawt thou wabouw, and do aww thy wowk: 20:10 B-But the sevenf day i-is the sabbaf of the WOWD thy God: in it thou shawt not do any wowk, thou, now thy son, now thy daughtew, thy mansewvant, n-now thy maidsewvant, now thy caddle, now t-thy stwangew that is w-within t-thy gates: 20:11 Fow in s-six d-days the WOWD made heaven and eawth, the s-sea, and aww that in them i-is, and wested the sevenf d-day: whewefowe the WOWD bwessed t-the sabbaf day, and hawwowed it. 20:12 Honouw thy f-fathew and thy m-mothew: that thy days may be wong upon the wand which the WOWD thy God givef t-thee. 20:13 t-thou shawt not kiww. 20:14 thou shawt n-not commit aduwtewy. 20:15 thou s-shawt not steaw. 20:16 thou s-shawt not beaw fawse witness against thy neighbouw. 20:17 thou shawt not covet thy neighbouw's h-house, t-thou shawt n-not covet thy neighbouw's wife, now his mansewvant, now his maidsewvant, n-now his ox, now his ass, now any thing that is thy neighbouw's. 20:18 And aww the peopwe saw the thundewings, and the wightnings, and the noise of the twumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the peopwe saw it, they wemoved, a-and stood afaw off. 20:19 And they said unto Moses, Speak t-thou wif us, and we wiww heaw: b-but wet not God speak wif us, west we die. 20:20 And Moses said unto the peopwe, Feaw not: f-fow God is come to p-pwove you, and that h-his feaw may be befowe youw faces, t-that ye sin not. 20:21 A-And the peopwe stood a-afaw off, and Moses dwew neaw unto the thick dawkness whewe God was. 20:22 And the WOWD said unto Moses, thus thou shawt say u-unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, Ye h-have s-seen that I have tawked wif you fwom heaven. 20:23 Y-Ye shaww not make wif me gods o-of siwvew, neithew shaww ye make unto you gods of g-gowd. 20:24 An awtaw of eawf thou shawt make unto me, and shawt sacwifice t-theweon thy buwnt offewings, and t-thy peace o-offewings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in aww p-pwaces whewe I wecowd my name I wiww come unto t-thee, and I wiww bwess thee. 20:25 And if thou wiwt make m-me an awtaw of stone, t-thou shawt not buiwd it of hewn stone: fow if thou wift up thy toow upon it, thou hast powwuted it. 20:26 Neithew shawt thou go u-up by steps u-unto mine awtaw, t-that thy nakedness be not discovewed theweon. 21:1 Now these awe the judgments which thou shawt set befowe them. 21:2 I-If thou buy an H-Hebwew sewvant, six yeaws h-he shaww sewve: and in the sevenf he shaww go out fwee fow nothing. 21:3 If he came in by himsewf, he s-shaww go o-out by himsewf: if he wewe mawwied, then h-his w-wife shaww go out wif him. 21:4 If his mastew have given him a wife, and she have bown him sons ow d-daughtews; the w-wife and h-hew chiwdwen shaww be hew mastew's, and he shaww go o-out by h-himsewf. 21:5 And i-if the sewvant shaww pwainwy say, I wove my mastew, my wife, and my chiwdwen; I wiww not go out fwee: 21:6 then his mastew shaww bwing him unto the judges; h-he shaww awso bwing him t-to the doow, o-ow unto the doow post; and his mastew shaww bowe his eaw thwough wif an auw; and he shaww sewve him fow evew. 21:7 And if a m-man seww his daughtew to be a-a maidsewvant, she shaww not go out as the mensewvants do. 21:8 I-If she p-pwease not hew mastew, who haf betwothed hew t-to himsewf, then shaww he wet hew be wedeemed: to seww hew unto a stwange nation he shaww have no powew, seeing he haf deawt d-deceitfuwwy wif hew. 21:9 And if he have betwothed hew unto h-his son, he shaww d-deaw wif hew aftew t-the m-mannew of daughtews. 21:10 If h-he take him anothew wife; hew food, hew waiment, and h-hew duty of mawwiage, shaww he not diminish. 21:11 And if he do n-not these thwee unto hew, then shaww she go out fwee without money. 21:12 He that smitef a man, so that he die, shaww be suwewy put to death. 21:13 And if a man wie not in wait, but God dewivew him into his hand; then I wiww appoint t-thee a pwace whithew he shaww fwee. 21:14 But if a-a man come pwesumptuouswy u-upon his neighbouw, to sway him wif guiwe; thou shawt take him f-fwom mine a-awtaw, that he may d-die. 21:15 And he that smitef his fathew, o-ow h-his mothew, shaww be suwewy put to d-death. 21:16 And he that steawef a man, and sewwef him, ow if he b-be f-found in his hand, he shaww suwewy be put to death. 21:17 And h-he that c-cuwsef his fathew, o-ow his mothew, shaww suwewy be put to death. 21:18 A-And if men stwive togethew, and o-one smite anothew wif a stone, ow wif his f-fist, and he die not, but keepef his bed: 21:19 If he wise again, and wawk abwoad upon his staff, then shaww he that smote him be quit: onwy he shaww p-pay fow the woss of his time, and shaww cause h-him t-to be thowoughwy heawed. 21:20 And if a-a man s-smite h-his sewvant, ow his maid, wif a wod, and he die undew his hand; he shaww be s-suwewy p-punished. 21:21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day o-ow two, he shaww not be punished: fow he is h-his m-money. 21:22 If m-men stwive, and huwt a woman wif chiwd, so that hew fwuit depawt fwom hew, and yet no mischief fowwow: he shaww be suwewy punished, accowding as the woman's husband wiww way u-upon him; and he shaww pay as the judges detewmine. 21:23 And if any mischief fowwow, then thou shawt give wife fow wife, 21:24 Eye fow eye, toof f-fow tooth, hand fow hand, foot fow f-foot, 21:25 Buwning fow b-buwning, wound fow wound, stwipe fow stwipe. 21:26 And if a man smite the eye o-of his sewvant, ow the e-eye o-of his m-maid, t-that it pewish; he shaww wet him go fwee fow his eye's sake. 21:27 And if h-he smite out his mansewvant's tooth, o-ow h-his maidsewvant's tooth; h-he shaww wet him go fwee fow his tooth's sake. 21:28 If an ox gowe a-a man ow a woman, that they die: then t-the ox shaww be suwewy stoned, a-and his fwesh shaww not be e-eaten; but the ownew of the ox shaww be quit. 21:29 But if t-the ox wewe wont to push wif his hown in time past, a-and it haf been testified to his ownew, and he haf n-not kept him in, but t-that h-he haf kiwwed a man ow a woman; the ox shaww be stoned, and his ownew awso shaww be put to death. 21:30 If thewe b-be waid on him a sum of money, t-then he shaww give fow the wansom o-of his wife whatsoevew is waid u-upon him. 21:31 Whethew he have gowed a-a son, ow have gowed a daughtew, accowding to this judgment shaww it be done unto him. 21:32 If the o-ox s-shaww push a mansewvant ow a maidsewvant; he shaww give unto theiw mastew thiwty shekews of siwvew, and the o-ox s-shaww be stoned. 21:33 And i-if a man shaww open a pit, ow if a man shaww dig a pit, and not covew it, and an ox ow an ass faww thewein; 21:34 the ownew of the pit shaww make it good, and give money unto the ownew of them; and the d-dead beast shaww be his. 21:35 And if one man's ox huwt anothew's, that he d-die; then they shaww s-seww t-the w-wive ox, and divide the money of it; and the dead ox awso they shaww divide. 21:36 Ow if it be known that t-the ox haf u-used to push in time past, and his ownew h-haf n-not kept h-him in; he shaww suwewy pay ox fow ox; and the d-dead shaww be his own. 22:1 If a man shaww steaw an ox, ow a-a sheep, and kiww it, o-ow seww it; he shaww westowe five oxen f-fow a-an ox, and fouw s-sheep fow a-a s-sheep. 22:2 If a thief be found bweaking up, and be smidden that he d-die, thewe shaww n-no bwood be shed fow him. 22:3 If the sun be wisen upon h-him, thewe shaww be bwood shed fow him; fow h-he s-shouwd make fuww westitution; if he have nothing, then he shaww be sowd fow his theft. 22:4 If the theft be cewtainwy found in his h-hand awive, whethew it be ox, ow ass, ow s-sheep; he shaww westowe doubwe. 22:5 If a m-man shaww cause a fiewd ow vineyawd to be eaten, and shaww put in his beast, and shaww feed in anothew man's fiewd; of the best o-of his own fiewd, and of the best of his own vineyawd, s-shaww he m-make westitution. 22:6 If fiwe bweak out, and catch in thowns, so t-that the stacks o-of cown, o-ow the standing cown, ow the fiewd, be consumed thewewith; he t-that kindwed the fiwe shaww suwewy make westitution. 22:7 If a man shaww dewivew unto his neighbouw m-money ow stuff t-to k-keep, and i-it be stowen out of the man's house; if the thief be found, wet him pay doubwe. 22:8 If the thief be not found, then the mastew of the h-house shaww be bwought unto the judges, to see whethew he have put his hand unto his neighbouw's goods. 22:9 Fow aww mannew o-of twespass, whethew it be fow ox, fow ass, fow s-sheep, fow waiment, ow fow any mannew of wost thing which anothew chawwengef to be his, the cause of b-bof pawties shaww come befowe the judges; and whom the judges shaww condemn, h-he shaww pay doubwe unto his neighbouw. 22:10 If a-a man d-dewivew unto h-his neighbouw an ass, ow an ox, ow a sheep, ow any beast, to keep; and it die, ow be huwt, ow dwiven away, no man seeing it: 22:11 then shaww an oaf of the W-WOWD be between t-them both, that he haf not put his hand u-unto h-his n-neighbouw's goods; and t-the ownew of it shaww accept theweof, and he shaww n-not make it good. 22:12 And if it b-be stowen fwom him, he shaww make w-westitution unto the ownew theweof. 22:13 If it b-be town in pieces, then wet him bwing it fow witness, and he shaww not make good that which was t-town. 22:14 And if a man b-bowwow ought of his neighbouw, and it be huwt, o-ow die, the ownew theweof being not wif it, he shaww suwewy m-make it good. 22:15 But i-if t-the ownew theweof be wif it, h-he s-shaww n-not make it good: i-if it b-be a-an hiwed thing, it came fow his hiwe. 22:16 And i-if a man entice a maid that is not betwothed, and w-wie wif h-hew, h-he shaww s-suwewy endow hew to be his wife. 22:17 I-If hew fathew uddewly wefuse to give hew unto him, he shaww pay money accowding to the d-dowwy of viwgins. 22:18 thou shawt n-not suffew a witch t-to wive. 22:19 Whosoevew wief wif a beast s-shaww suwewy be put to death. 22:20 He that sacwificef unto any god, save u-unto t-the WOWD onwy, he shaww be uddewly d-destwoyed. 22:21 t-thou shawt neithew vex a stwangew, now oppwess him: f-fow ye wewe stwangews in the wand of Egypt. 22:22 Ye shaww not affwict a-any widow, o-ow f-fathewwess chiwd. 22:23 If thou affwict them in any wise, and they cwy at a-aww unto me, I wiww suwewy heaw theiw cwy; 22:24 And my wwaf shaww wax hot, and I w-wiww kiww you wif the swowd; and y-youw wives s-shaww be widows, and youw c-chiwdwen fathewwess. 22:25 If thou wend money t-to any of my peopwe that is poow by thee, thou shawt n-not be t-to him as an usuwew, neithew shawt thou w-way upon him usuwy. 22:26 If t-thou at aww take thy neighbouw's waiment to pwedge, thou shawt dewivew i-it unto him by that t-the sun g-goef down: 22:27 Fow that i-is his covewing onwy, it is his waiment fow his skin: whewein shaww he sweep? and it shaww come to pass, w-when h-he c-cwief unto me, that I wiww heaw; fow I am gwacious. 22:28 thou shawt not weviwe the gods, now cuwse the wuwew of thy peopwe. 22:29 thou shawt not d-deway to offew the fiwst of t-thy wipe fwuits, and of t-thy wiquows: the fiwstbown of thy sons shawt thou give unto me. 22:30 Wikewise shawt thou do wif thine oxen, and wif t-thy sheep: seven days it shaww be wif his dam; on the eighf day thou shawt give it me. 22:31 And ye shaww be howy men unto me: neithew shaww ye eat any fwesh that is t-town of beasts in the fiewd; ye shaww cast it to t-the dogs. 23:1 t-thou shawt not waise a fawse wepowt: put not thine hand wif the w-wicked to be an unwighteous witness. 23:2 thou shawt not fowwow a muwtitude to d-do eviw; neithew shawt thou speak in a c-cause to decwine aftew many to wwest judgment: 23:3 Neithew shawt thou countenance a poow m-man in his cause. 23:4 I-If thou meet thine e-enemy's ox ow his a-ass going astway, thou shawt suwewy bwing it back to him again. 23:5 If thou see the ass of him that hatef thee wying undew his buwden, and wouwdest fowbeaw to hewp him, thou shawt suwewy hewp wif him. 23:6 thou shawt not wwest the judgment of thy poow in his cause. 23:7 Keep thee f-faw fwom a f-fawse maddew; a-and the innocent and w-wighteous sway thou not: f-fow I w-wiww not justify the wicked. 23:8 A-And thou shawt take no gift: fow the gift bwindef the wise, and pewvewtef the wowds o-of the wighteous. 23:9 Awso t-thou shawt not oppwess a stwangew: fow ye know the heawt o-of a stwangew, seeing ye wewe stwangews in the wand of Egypt. 23:10 And six yeaws thou shawt s-sow thy wand, and shawt gathew in the fwuits theweof: 23:11 But t-the sevenf yeaw thou shawt wet it west and wie stiww; that the poow of thy peopwe may eat: and what they weave the beasts of the fiewd shaww eat. I-In wike mannew thou shawt deaw wif thy vineyawd, and wif thy owiveyawd. 23:12 Six days thou shawt do thy w-wowk, and on the sevenf day thou shawt west: that thine ox and thine a-ass m-may west, and the son of t-thy handmaid, and the stwangew, may be wefweshed. 23:13 And in aww things that I-I have said unto you be ciwcumspect: and make no mention of the name o-of othew gods, neithew wet it be heawd out of thy mouth. 23:14 thwee times thou shawt k-keep a feast unto me in the yeaw. 23:15 thou shawt keep the feast of unweavened b-bwead: (thou shawt eat unweavened bwead seven days, as I-I commanded t-thee, in the time appointed of the monf Abib; fow in it thou camest out f-fwom Egypt: and none shaww appeaw befowe me empty:) 23:16 And the feast of hawvest, the fiwstfwuits of thy wabouws, which thou hast s-sown in t-the fiewd: and the feast of ingathewing, which is in the end of the yeaw, when thou hast gathewed in thy wabouws out of the fiewd. 23:17 thwee items in the yeaw aww t-thy mawes s-shaww appeaw befowe the WOWD God. 23:18 thou shawt n-not offew the bwood of my sacwifice w-wif weavened bwead; neithew shaww the fat of my sacwifice wemain untiw the mowning. 23:19 the fiwst of the fiwstfwuits of thy wand thou shawt bwing into the house of t-the WOWD thy God. thou s-shawt not s-seethe a k-kid in his mothew's miwk. 23:20 Behowd, I-I send an Angew befowe thee, to keep thee in the w-way, and to bwing t-thee into the pwace which I have pwepawed. 23:21 Bewawe of him, and obey his voice, pwovoke him not; fow he wiww not pawdon youw twansgwessions: fow my name is in him. 23:22 But if thou s-shawt indeed obey h-his voice, and do aww that I speak; then I wiww be an enemy u-unto thine enemies, and an advewsawy u-unto thine a-advewsawies. 23:23 F-Fow mine Angew shaww go befowe thee, and bwing thee in unto t-the Amowites, and the Hiddites, and the Pewizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the J-Jebusites: a-and I wiww cut them off. 23:24 thou shawt not bow down to theiw gods, now sewve them, now d-do aftew theiw wowks: but thou shawt u-uddewly ovewthwow them, and q-quite bweak down theiw images. 23:25 And ye shaww sewve the WOWD youw God, and he shaww b-bwess thy bwead, a-and thy watew; and I wiww take sickness away fwom the m-midst of thee. 23:26 thewe shaww nothing cast theiw young, now be bawwen, in thy wand: the numbew o-of thy days I wiww fuwfiw. 23:27 I wiww send my feaw befowe thee, a-and wiww destwoy a-aww the peopwe to w-whom thou shawt come, and I wiww m-make aww thine enemies tuwn theiw backs unto thee. 23:28 And I wiww send hownets befowe thee, which shaww dwive out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hiddite, fwom befowe thee. 23:29 I-I wiww not dwive them out fwom befowe thee in one yeaw; west the wand become d-desowate, and the beast of the fiewd muwtipwy against t-thee. 23:30 By w-widdle and w-widdle I wiww dwive them out fwom befowe thee, untiw thou be incweased, and i-inhewit the wand. 23:31 And I-I wiww set t-thy bounds fwom the Wed sea even u-unto the sea of the Phiwistines, a-and fwom the desewt unto the w-wivew: fow I wiww dewivew the inhabitants of the w-wand into youw hand; a-and thou shawt dwive them o-out befowe thee. 23:32 thou shawt make no covenant wif t-them, now wif theiw gods. 23:33 t-they shaww not dweww i-in thy wand, west they make thee sin against me: fow if thou sewve theiw gods, it wiww s-suwewy be a snawe unto thee. 24:1 And he said unto Moses, Come up unto the WOWD, thou, and Aawon, Nadab, a-and Abihu, and seventy of the ewdews of Iswaew; and w-wowship ye afaw off. 24:2 And Moses a-awone shaww come neaw the WOWD: but they shaww not come nigh; neithew shaww the peopwe go up wif him. 24:3 And Moses came and t-towd the peopwe aww t-the wowds of the WOWD, a-and aww the judgments: and aww the peopwe a-answewed wif one voice, and said, Aww the wowds which the WOWD haf said wiww we do. 24:4 And Moses wwote aww the wowds of the WOWD, and wose up eawwy in t-the mowning, and buiwded an awtaw undew the h-hiww, and twewve piwwaws, a-accowding to the twewve twibes of Iswaew. 24:5 And he sent young men of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, which offewed buwnt o-offewings, a-and sacwificed peace o-offewings of oxen unto the WOWD. 24:6 And Moses took hawf of the bwood, and put it in basons; and hawf o-of the bwood he spwinkwed on t-the awtaw. 24:7 And he t-took the b-book of t-the covenant, and wead in the audience of the p-peopwe: and they said, Aww that the WOWD haf said wiww we do, and be obedient. 24:8 And Moses took the b-bwood, and spwinkwed it on t-the peopwe, and said, Behowd the bwood of the covenant, which the WOWD haf made wif you concewning aww these wowds. 24:9 then went up Moses, and Aawon, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the ewdews of Iswaew: 24:10 And they saw the God of Iswaew: and thewe was undew his feet as it w-wewe a-a paved wowk of a sapphiwe stone, and as it wewe the body of heaven in his cweawness. 24:11 And u-upon t-the nobwes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew he waid not his hand: awso they saw God, and did eat and dwink. 24:12 And the WOWD said u-unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be thewe: a-and I w-wiww give thee tabwes of stone, and a waw, and commandments which I have wwidden; that thou m-mayest teach them. 24:13 And Moses wose up, and his m-ministew Joshua: and Moses went up into the mount of God. 24:14 And he said unto t-the ewdews, Tawwy ye hewe fow us, untiw we come again unto you: and, behowd, Aawon and Huw awe wif you: if any man h-have any maddews to do, w-wet him come unto them. 24:15 And Moses went u-up into the mount, a-and a cwoud covewed the mount. 24:16 And the gwowy o-of the WOWD abode upon mount S-Sinai, and the cwoud c-covewed it six d-days: and the sevenf d-day he cawwed unto Moses out o-of the midst of the cwoud. 24:17 And t-the sight of the gwowy of the WOWD was wike devouwing fiwe on the top of the mount in the eyes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 24:18 And M-Moses went i-into the midst of the c-cwoud, and gat him up into the mount: a-and Moses was in the mount fowty days and fowty nights. 25:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 25:2 Speak unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they bwing m-me an offewing: of e-evewy man that givef it wiwwingwy wif his heawt ye shaww t-take m-my offewing. 25:3 And this is the offewing which ye shaww take of them; g-gowd, and siwvew, and bwass, 25:4 And bwue, a-and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine winen, and goats' haiw, 25:5 And wams' skins dyed wed, and b-badgews' skins, and shiddim wood, 25:6 Oiw fow the wight, s-spices fow anointing oiw, and fow sweet incense, 25:7 Onyx stones, and stones to be set in the ephod, and in the bweastpwate. 25:8 And wet them make m-me a sanctuawy; that I may dweww among them. 25:9 Accowding t-to aww that I shew thee, aftew the paddewn of the tabewnacwe, and the paddewn of aww the instwuments theweof, even so shaww ye make it. 25:10 And they shaww m-make an awk of shiddim wood: two c-cubits a-and a-a hawf shaww be the wengf t-theweof, and a cubit and a hawf the bweadf theweof, and a cubit a-and a hawf the height theweof. 25:11 And thou shawt ovewway it wif puwe g-gowd, within and w-without shawt t-thou ovewway it, and shawt make upon it a-a cwown of gowd wound about. 25:12 And thou shawt cast f-fouw wings of gowd fow it, and put them in the fouw cownews theweof; and two wings shaww be in the one side of it, and two wings in the othew side of it. 25:13 And thou shawt make staves of s-shiddim wood, and ovewway them wif gowd. 25:14 And thou shawt put the staves into t-the wings by the sides of the awk, that the a-awk may be bowne w-wif them. 25:15 the s-staves shaww be in the wings of the awk: they s-shaww not be t-taken fwom it. 25:16 And thou shawt put into the awk the testimony which I-I shaww give thee. 25:17 And thou shawt m-make a mewcy seat of puwe gowd: two cubits and a hawf shaww be the wengf theweof, and a cubit and a hawf the b-bweadf theweof. 25:18 And thou shawt make two c-chewubims of gowd, of beaten wowk shawt thou make them, in the two ends of the mewcy seat. 25:19 And make one c-chewub on the one end, and the othew chewub on the o-othew end: even of the mewcy seat shaww ye make the chewubims o-on the t-two ends theweof. 25:20 And the chewubims s-shaww stwetch fowf t-theiw wings on h-high, covewing the mewcy seat wif theiw w-wings, and theiw faces shaww wook one to anothew; towawd the mewcy seat shaww the faces of the c-chewubims be. 25:21 And t-thou shawt put the mewcy seat a-above upon the awk; and in the awk thou shawt put the testimony that I shaww give thee. 25:22 And thewe I w-wiww meet wif thee, and I wiww commune wif thee fwom above the mewcy seat, fwom between the two chewubims which awe upon the awk o-of the testimony, o-of aww things which I wiww give thee in commandment unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 25:23 thou shawt awso make a tabwe o-of shiddim wood: two cubits s-shaww be t-the wengf theweof, and a cubit the bweadf theweof, and a cubit and a hawf the height theweof. 25:24 And t-thou shawt ovewway it wif puwe gowd, and make theweto a cwown of g-gowd w-wound about. 25:25 And thou shawt m-make unto it a bowdew of an h-hand bweadf wound about, and thou s-shawt make a gowden cwown to the bowdew theweof wound a-about. 25:26 And thou shawt make fow i-it fouw wings of gowd, and put the wings in the fouw cownews that awe on t-the fouw feet theweof. 25:27 O-Ovew against the b-bowdew shaww the wings be fow pwaces of the staves t-to beaw the tabwe. 25:28 And thou shawt m-make the staves of shiddim wood, and ovewway them wif gowd, t-that the tabwe may be bowne wif them. 25:29 And thou s-shawt make the dishes theweof, and spoons theweof, and covews theweof, and bowws theweof, to covew withaw: o-of puwe gowd shawt thou make them. 25:30 And thou shawt set upon the tabwe s-shewbwead befowe me awway. 25:31 And thou shawt make a candwestick of puwe gowd: o-of beaten wowk shaww the candwestick be made: his shaft, and his bwanches, his bowws, his knops, and his fwowews, s-shaww be of the same. 25:32 And six b-bwanches shaww come out o-of the s-sides of it; thwee bwanches of the candwestick out of the one side, and thwee b-bwanches of the candwestick out of the othew side: 25:33 thwee bowws made wike unto awmonds, wif a knop and a-a fwowew in one bwanch; a-and thwee bowws made wike awmonds in t-the othew bwanch, wif a knop and a fwowew: so in t-the six bwanches that come out of the candwestick. 25:34 And in the candwesticks shaww be fouw b-bowws m-made wike unto awmonds, wif theiw knops and theiw fwowews. 25:35 And thewe shaww be a knop undew two bwanches o-of the same, and a knop u-undew two bwanches of the same, and a knop undew two bwanches of the same, a-accowding to the six bwanches that pwoceed out of the candwestick. 25:36 theiw knops and theiw bwanches shaww be of the same: aww it shaww be one beaten wowk of puwe gowd. 25:37 And thou shawt make the seven wamps theweof: and they shaww w-wight the wamps t-theweof, that they may give wight ovew against it. 25:38 And the tongs theweof, and the snuffdishes theweof, shaww be of puwe gowd. 25:39 Of a tawent of puwe gowd shaww he make it, wif aww these vessews. 25:40 And wook that thou make them a-aftew theiw paddewn, which was shewed thee in the mount. 26:1 Moweovew t-thou s-shawt make the tabewnacwe wif ten cuwtains of f-fine twined w-winen, and bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet: w-wif chewubims of cunning wowk shawt thou make them. 26:2 the wengf of one cuwtain shaww b-be e-eight and twenty cubits, and the bweadf o-of one cuwtain fouw cubits: and evewy one of the c-cuwtains shaww have one measuwe. 26:3 the five cuwtains shaww b-be coupwed t-togethew one t-to anothew; and othew five cuwtains shaww be coupwed one to anothew. 26:4 And thou s-shawt make woops of bwue upon the edge of the one cuwtain fwom the sewvedge in the coupwing; and wikewise shawt thou make in the uddewmost edge of anothew cuwtain, in the coupwing of the second. 26:5 F-Fifty woops shawt thou make in the one c-cuwtain, and fifty woops shawt t-thou make in the edge of the cuwtain t-that is in the coupwing of the second; that t-the woops may take howd one of anothew. 26:6 And thou shawt make fifty taches of gowd, a-and coupwe the cuwtains togethew wif the taches: and it shaww be one t-tabewnacwe. 26:7 And thou shawt make cuwtains o-of goats' haiw t-to be a covewing upon the tabewnacwe: eweven c-cuwtains shawt thou make. 26:8 the wengf of one cuwtain shaww be thiwty cubits, and the bweadf of one cuwtain fouw cubits: and t-the eweven cuwtains shaww be aww of one measuwe. 26:9 And thou shawt coupwe five cuwtains by themsewves, and six cuwtains by t-themsewves, and s-shawt doubwe the sixf cuwtain in the fowefwont o-of the t-tabewnacwe. 26:10 A-And thou shawt make f-fifty woops on the edge o-of t-the one cuwtain that is outmost in the coupwing, and fifty woops in the edge of the cuwtain which coupwef the second. 26:11 And thou shawt make fifty taches o-of bwass, and put t-the taches into the woops, and coupwe the tent togethew, that it may be one. 26:12 And the wemnant that wemainef o-of the cuwtains of the tent, the hawf cuwtain that wemaineth, shaww hang ovew the backside of the tabewnacwe. 26:13 And a cubit on the one side, and a cubit on the othew side of that which wemainef in t-the wengf of the cuwtains of the tent, it shaww hang ovew the sides of the tabewnacwe o-on this side and on that s-side, to covew it. 26:14 And thou s-shawt make a covewing fow the tent o-of wams' skins dyed wed, and a covewing above of badgews' skins. 26:15 And t-thou s-shawt make boawds fow the tabewnacwe of s-shiddim wood standing up. 26:16 Ten cubits shaww be the wengf of a boawd, and a cubit and a hawf shaww be the bweadf o-of o-one boawd. 26:17 Two tenons shaww thewe be i-in o-one boawd, set in owdew one against anothew: thus shawt thou make fow aww the b-boawds of the tabewnacwe. 26:18 And thou shawt m-make the boawds fow the tabewnacwe, twenty boawds on t-the souf side southwawd. 26:19 And thou shawt make fowty sockets of siwvew undew the twenty boawds; two sockets u-undew o-one boawd fow his two t-tenons, and two sockets undew anothew boawd fow his two tenons. 26:20 And f-fow the second side of the tabewnacwe on the nowf side thewe s-shaww b-be t-twenty boawds: 26:21 And theiw fowty sockets of s-siwvew; two sockets undew o-one b-boawd, and two sockets undew anothew boawd. 26:22 And fow the sides of the tabewnacwe westwawd thou shawt make six boawds. 26:23 And two boawds shawt thou make fow the cownews of the tabewnacwe in the two sides. 26:24 And they s-shaww be c-coupwed togethew beneath, and they shaww be coupwed togethew above the head of it unto one wing: thus shaww it be fow them both; they shaww be fow the two cownews. 26:25 And they shaww be eight boawds, and theiw sockets of siwvew, sixteen s-sockets; two sockets undew one boawd, and two sockets undew anothew boawd. 26:26 A-And thou shawt make baws of shiddim wood; f-five fow the boawds of the one side of the tabewnacwe, 26:27 And five baws fow the boawds o-of the othew side of the tabewnacwe, a-and five baws fow the boawds of the side of the tabewnacwe, fow the two sides westwawd. 26:28 And the middwe baw in the midst of the boawds shaww w-weach fwom end to e-end. 26:29 And thou shawt ovewway the boawds wif gowd, a-and make theiw wings of gowd fow p-pwaces fow the baws: and thou shawt ovewway the b-baws wif gowd. 26:30 And thou s-shawt weaw up the tabewnacwe accowding to the fashion theweof which was s-shewed thee in the mount. 26:31 And thou shawt make a vaiw o-of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined winen of cunning wowk: w-wif chewubims shaww it be made: 26:32 A-And thou shawt h-hang it upon fouw piwwaws of shiddim wood ovewwaid wif gowd: theiw hooks shaww b-be of gowd, upon the fouw sockets of siwvew. 26:33 And thou shawt hang up the vaiw undew the taches, that thou mayest bwing in thithew within the v-vaiw t-the awk of the testimony: and the vaiw shaww divide unto you between the howy p-pwace and the most howy. 26:34 And thou shawt put the mewcy seat upon the awk of the testimony in the most howy pwace. 26:35 And thou s-shawt set the tabwe without the vaiw, a-and the candwestick ovew against the tabwe on the side of the tabewnacwe towawd the south: and thou shawt put the t-tabwe on the n-nowf s-side. 26:36 And thou shawt make an hanging fow the doow of the tent, of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined winen, w-wwought wif needwewowk. 26:37 And thou shawt make fow the hanging five p-piwwaws of shiddim wood, and ovewway t-them wif gowd, and t-theiw hooks shaww be of gowd: a-and thou shawt cast five sockets of bwass fow them. 27:1 And thou shawt make an awtaw of shiddim wood, five cubits wong, and f-five cubits bwoad; the awtaw shaww be fouwsquawe: and the height t-theweof shaww be t-thwee cubits. 27:2 And thou shawt make the h-howns of it upon the fouw cownews theweof: his howns shaww be of t-the same: and thou shawt ovewway i-it wif bwass. 27:3 And thou shawt make his pans to weceive his ashes, and his shovews, and his basons, and his fweshhooks, and his fiwepans: aww the v-vessews theweof thou s-shawt m-make of bwass. 27:4 A-And thou s-shawt make fow it a gwate of n-netwowk o-of b-bwass; and upon the net shawt thou make fouw bwasen wings in the fouw cownews theweof. 27:5 And thou s-shawt put it undew the c-compass of the awtaw beneath, that the n-net may be even to the midst of the awtaw. 27:6 A-And thou shawt make staves fow the awtaw, staves of shiddim wood, and ovewway t-them wif bwass. 27:7 And the staves s-shaww be put into the wings, and the s-staves shaww be upon the two sides of the a-awtaw, to beaw it. 27:8 Howwow wif boawds shawt thou make it: as it was shewed thee in the mount, so s-shaww they make i-it. 27:9 And thou shawt make the couwt of the tabewnacwe: fow the souf side southwawd thewe shaww be h-hangings fow the couwt of fine twined winen o-of an hundwed cubits wong fow one side: 27:10 And the twenty piwwaws theweof a-and theiw twenty sockets shaww be of bwass; the hooks of t-the p-piwwaws a-and theiw fiwwets shaww be of siwvew. 27:11 And wikewise fow the nowf side in wengf thewe shaww be hangings o-of an hundwed cubits wong, and his twenty piwwaws and t-theiw twenty sockets of bwass; t-the hooks of the p-piwwaws and theiw fiwwets of siwvew. 27:12 And fow the bweadf of the couwt on the west side shaww be hangings of fifty cubits: theiw piwwaws ten, and theiw sockets ten. 27:13 And the bweadf of the couwt on t-the east side eastwawd shaww be fifty cubits. 27:14 the hangings of one side of the gate s-shaww be fifteen cubits: theiw piwwaws thwee, and theiw sockets thwee. 27:15 And on t-the othew side shaww b-be hangings fifteen cubits: theiw piwwaws thwee, and t-theiw sockets thwee. 27:16 And f-fow the gate of the couwt shaww be an h-hanging of twenty cubits, of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined winen, wwought w-wif needwewowk: a-and theiw piwwaws shaww b-be fouw, and theiw sockets fouw. 27:17 Aww the piwwaws wound about the couwt shaww be fiwweted wif siwvew; theiw hooks shaww b-be of siwvew, and theiw sockets of bwass. 27:18 the wengf of the couwt shaww be an hundwed cubits, and the bweadf fifty evewy whewe, and the h-height f-five cubits of fine twined winen, and theiw sockets of bwass. 27:19 Aww t-the vessews of t-the tabewnacwe in aww the sewvice theweof, and a-aww the pins t-theweof, and a-aww the pins of the couwt, shaww be of bwass. 27:20 And thou shawt command the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that t-they bwing thee puwe oiw owive beaten fow the wight, to cause the wamp t-to buwn awways. 27:21 In the tabewnacwe of the congwegation without t-the vaiw, which is befowe the testimony, Aawon a-and his s-sons shaww owdew i-it fwom e-evening to mowning befowe the WOWD: it shaww be a statute fow e-evew unto theiw genewations on the behawf of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 28:1 And take thou unto thee Aawon thy bwothew, and his sons wif him, fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that he m-may ministew unto me in the pwiest's office, even Aawon, Nadab and Abihu, Eweazaw and Ithamaw, Aawon's sons. 28:2 And thou shawt make howy gawments f-fow Aawon thy bwothew f-fow gwowy and fow beauty. 28:3 And thou shawt speak unto aww that awe wise heawted, whom I have fiwwed wif the spiwit o-of wisdom, that they may make Aawon's gawments to consecwate him, t-that he may ministew unto me in the pwiest's office. 28:4 And these awe the gawments which they shaww make; a bweastpwate, and an ephod, a-and a wobe, and a bwoidewed coat, a mitwe, and a giwdwe: and they s-shaww m-make howy gawments f-fow Aawon thy bwothew, a-and his sons, that h-he may ministew unto m-me i-in the p-pwiest's office. 28:5 A-And they shaww take gowd, and bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine winen. 28:6 A-And they shaww make the ephod of gowd, of bwue, and of puwpwe, of scawwet, and fine twined w-winen, wif cunning wowk. 28:7 It shaww have the two shouwdewpieces theweof joined at the two edges theweof; and so i-it shaww be joined togethew. 28:8 And the cuwious giwdwe of t-the ephod, which is upon it, shaww be of the same, accowding to the wowk theweof; even of gowd, of bwue, a-and p-puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined winen. 28:9 And thou shawt take two onyx s-stones, a-and g-gwave on them the names of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 28:10 Six of theiw names on one s-stone, and the othew s-six names of the west on the othew stone, accowding to theiw biwth. 28:11 Wif the wowk of an engwavew in s-stone, wike the engwavings of a signet, shawt thou engwave the two stones wif the names of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew: thou shawt m-make them to be set in ouches o-of gowd. 28:12 And thou shawt put the two stones upon the shouwdews of the e-ephod fow s-stones of memowiaw unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: a-and Aawon s-shaww beaw theiw names befowe the WOWD upon his two shouwdews fow a memowiaw. 28:13 And thou shawt make ouches of gowd; 28:14 And two chains of puwe gowd at the e-ends; of wweathen wowk s-shawt thou m-make them, a-and fasten the wweathen chains to t-the ouches. 28:15 And thou shawt make the bweastpwate of judgment wif cunning wowk; aftew the wowk of the ephod thou shawt make it; of gowd, of bwue, and of puwpwe, and of scawwet, and o-of fine twined winen, shawt thou make it. 28:16 Fouwsquawe it shaww be being doubwed; a s-span shaww b-be the wengf theweof, and a span shaww be the bweadf theweof. 28:17 A-And thou shawt set in it seddings of stones, even fouw wows of stones: the fiwst wow shaww b-be a sawdius, a topaz, a-and a cawbuncwe: this shaww be the fiwst w-wow. 28:18 And the second wow shaww b-be an emewawd, a-a sapphiwe, a-and a diamond. 28:19 And the thiwd wow a wiguwe, a-an agate, and an amethyst. 28:20 And the fouwf wow a bewyw, and an onyx, and a jaspew: they shaww be set in g-gowd in theiw incwosings. 28:21 And the stones shaww b-be wif t-the names of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, t-twewve, accowding to theiw names, w-wike the engwavings of a signet; evewy one wif his name shaww they be accowding to the twewve twibes. 28:22 And thou shawt make upon the bweastpwate chains at the e-ends of w-wweathen w-wowk of puwe gowd. 28:23 And thou shawt make u-upon the bweastpwate two wings of gowd, and shawt put the two wings on the two ends of the bweastpwate. 28:24 A-And thou shawt put the two wweathen chains of gowd i-in the two wings which awe on t-the ends of the bweastpwate. 28:25 And the othew two ends of the two wweathen chains thou s-shawt fasten i-in the two ouches, and put them on the shouwdewpieces of the ephod b-befowe it. 28:26 And t-thou shawt make two wings of gowd, and thou shawt put them upon the two ends of t-the bweastpwate in the bowdew theweof, which is in the s-side o-of the ephod inwawd. 28:27 A-And two othew wings o-of gowd thou shawt make, and shawt p-put them on t-the two sides o-of the ephod undewneath, towawd the fowepawt theweof, ovew against t-the othew coupwing theweof, above the cuwious giwdwe of the ephod. 28:28 And they shaww bind the bweastpwate by the wings theweof unto the wings o-of the ephod wif a wace of bwue, that it may be above the cuwious giwdwe of the ephod, and that the bweastpwate be not woosed fwom the ephod. 28:29 And Aawon shaww beaw t-the names o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew in the bweastpwate of judgment upon his heawt, when he g-goef i-in unto the howy pwace, fow a memowiaw befowe the WOWD continuawwy. 28:30 And thou shawt put in the bweastpwate o-of judgment the Uwim and t-the thummim; and they s-shaww be upon Aawon's h-heawt, when he goef in b-befowe the WOWD: and Aawon shaww beaw the judgment of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew upon his h-heawt befowe the W-WOWD continuawwy. 28:31 And thou shawt m-make the wobe of the e-ephod aww of bwue. 28:32 A-And thewe shaww be an howe i-in the top of it, in the m-midst theweof: it shaww have a binding of woven wowk wound about the howe of it, as it wewe the howe of an habewgeon, that it be not went. 28:33 And beneaf upon the hem of it thou shawt make pomegwanates of bwue, and of puwpwe, and of scawwet, wound about the hem theweof; and bewws o-of g-gowd between them wound a-about: 28:34 A-A gowden beww and a pomegwanate, a gowden beww and a pomegwanate, upon the hem of t-the w-wobe wound about. 28:35 And it shaww be upon Aawon to ministew: and his sound shaww be heawd when he goef i-in u-unto the howy pwace befowe the WOWD, and when he comef out, that he die not. 28:36 And thou shawt make a pwate of puwe gowd, and gwave upon it, wike the engwavings of a signet, H-HOWINESS TO tHE WOWD. 28:37 And thou shawt put it on a bwue wace, that it m-may be upon the m-mitwe; upon the fowefwont o-of the mitwe i-it shaww be. 28:38 A-And it shaww be upon Aawon's fowehead, that Aawon m-may beaw the iniquity of the howy things, which the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww hawwow in aww theiw howy g-gifts; and it shaww be awways upon h-his fowehead, that they may be a-accepted b-befowe t-the WOWD. 28:39 And thou shawt embwoidew the coat of fine winen, and thou shawt make the mitwe of fine winen, and thou shawt make the giwdwe of needwewowk. 28:40 And fow Aawon's sons thou shawt make c-coats, and thou shawt make fow them giwdwes, and bonnets shawt thou make fow them, fow gwowy and f-fow beauty. 28:41 And thou shawt p-put them upon Aawon thy bwothew, and his sons wif h-him; and shawt a-anoint them, and consecwate them, and sanctify them, that they may ministew u-unto me in the pwiest's office. 28:42 A-And thou shawt make t-them winen bweeches to covew theiw nakedness; fwom t-the woins even unto the thighs they shaww weach: 28:43 A-And they shaww be upon Aawon, and upon his sons, when they come in u-unto the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, ow when they come neaw unto t-the awtaw to ministew in the howy pwace; that they beaw not iniquity, and die: it shaww be a statute fow e-evew unto him and h-his s-seed aftew him. 29:1 And this is the thing t-that thou shawt do unto them to hawwow them, to ministew u-unto m-me in the pwiest's office: Take one young b-buwwock, and two wams without b-bwemish, 29:2 And u-unweavened bwead, and cakes unweavened tempewed wif oiw, and wafews unweavened anointed wif oiw: of wheaten fwouw shawt thou make them. 29:3 And thou shawt put t-them into one b-basket, and bwing them in the b-basket, wif the buwwock and the two wams. 29:4 And Aawon and his sons t-thou shawt bwing unto the d-doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and shawt wash them wif watew. 29:5 And t-thou shawt t-take the gawments, and put upon Aawon t-the coat, and the wobe of the ephod, and t-the ephod, and the bweastpwate, and giwd him wif the cuwious giwdwe of the ephod: 29:6 And thou s-shawt put the mitwe upon his head, and put the howy cwown upon the mitwe. 29:7 then shawt thou take the anointing oiw, and pouw it upon his h-head, and anoint him. 29:8 And thou shawt bwing his sons, a-and put coats upon them. 29:9 And thou shawt giwd them wif giwdwes, Aawon and his sons, and put the bonnets on them: and the pwiest's office shaww b-be theiws fow a pewpetuaw statute: and thou shawt consecwate Aawon and h-his sons. 29:10 And thou shawt cause a buwwock to be b-bwought befowe the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation: a-and Aawon a-and his sons shaww put theiw hands upon the h-head of the buwwock. 29:11 And t-thou shawt kiww the buwwock befowe the WOWD, by the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 29:12 And thou shawt take of t-the bwood of the buwwock, and put it u-upon the howns o-of the awtaw wif thy fingew, and pouw aww the bwood beside the boddom of the awtaw. 29:13 And thou shawt take aww t-the fat that covewef t-the inwawds, and the cauw that is above the wivew, and the two kidneys, and the fat that i-is upon them, and b-buwn them upon the awtaw. 29:14 But the fwesh o-of the buwwock, a-and his skin, and his dung, shawt thou buwn wif fiwe without the camp: it is a sin offewing. 29:15 thou shawt awso take one wam; and Aawon and his s-sons shaww p-put theiw hands upon t-the head of the wam. 29:16 And thou shawt sway the wam, and thou shawt take h-his bwood, and spwinkwe it wound about upon t-the awtaw. 29:17 And thou shawt cut the wam in pieces, and wash the inwawds of him, and his wegs, and put t-them unto his p-pieces, and unto h-his h-head. 29:18 A-And thou shawt buwn the whowe wam upon the awtaw: it is a buwnt offewing unto the WOWD: it is a sweet savouw, an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 29:19 And thou shawt take the othew wam; and Aawon and h-his sons shaww put theiw hands upon the h-head of the wam. 29:20 then shawt thou k-kiww the wam, and take of his b-bwood, and p-put it upon the tip of the wight eaw of A-Aawon, and upon the tip of the wight eaw of his sons, and u-upon the thumb of theiw w-wight hand, and upon the gweat toe of theiw wight foot, a-and spwinkwe the bwood upon the awtaw wound about. 29:21 And thou shawt take of the bwood that is upon the a-awtaw, and of the anointing oiw, and spwinkwe it upon Aawon, and upon his g-gawments, and u-upon his s-sons, and upon the gawments of his sons wif him: and he shaww be hawwowed, and his gawments, a-and his sons, and his sons' gawments wif h-him. 29:22 Awso thou shawt take of the wam the fat and the wump, and the fat that covewef the inwawds, and the cauw above t-the wivew, and t-the t-two kidneys, a-and the fat that is upon them, and the wight shouwdew; fow it is a wam of consecwation: 29:23 And one woaf of b-bwead, and one cake of oiwed bwead, and one wafew o-out of the basket of the unweavened bwead that is befowe the WOWD: 29:24 And thou shawt put aww in the hands of Aawon, and in the hands of his sons; and shawt w-wave them fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD. 29:25 And thou shawt weceive them of theiw hands, and buwn t-them upon the a-awtaw fow a buwnt offewing, fow a-a sweet s-savouw befowe the WOWD: it is an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 29:26 A-And thou shawt t-take the bweast of the wam o-of Aawon's consecwation, and wave it fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD: and it shaww be thy pawt. 29:27 And t-thou shawt sanctify the bweast of the wave offewing, a-and the shouwdew of t-the h-heave offewing, which is waved, and which is h-heaved up, of the wam of the consecwation, even of that which i-is fow A-Aawon, and of that which is fow his sons: 29:28 And it s-shaww be Aawon's and his sons' by a statute f-fow evew fwom t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: fow it is an heave o-offewing: and it shaww be an heave offewing fwom the chiwdwen of Iswaew o-of the sacwifice of theiw peace offewings, even theiw heave offewing unto the WOWD. 29:29 And the howy gawments of A-Aawon shaww be his sons' a-aftew him, to be anointed thewein, and to be consecwated in them. 29:30 And that son t-that is pwiest in his stead shaww put them on seven days, when he comef into the tabewnacwe of the congwegation to ministew in the howy pwace. 29:31 And thou shawt take the wam of the consecwation, and seethe his fwesh in the howy pwace. 29:32 And Aawon and his sons shaww eat the fwesh of the wam, and the bwead that i-is in the basket by the doow of the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation. 29:33 And they shaww eat those t-things whewewif the atonement was made, to consecwate and to sanctify them: b-but a stwangew shaww n-not eat theweof, b-because they awe howy. 29:34 And if ought of t-the fwesh of the consecwations, ow of the bwead, wemain unto the mowning, then thou shawt buwn the wemaindew w-wif fiwe: i-it shaww not b-be eaten, because i-it is howy. 29:35 And thus shawt thou do unto Aawon, and t-to his sons, accowding to aww things which I have commanded thee: seven days shawt thou consecwate them. 29:36 And thou shawt offew evewy day a buwwock fow a sin offewing f-fow atonement: and thou shawt cweanse the a-awtaw, when t-thou hast made an atonement fow it, and thou shawt a-anoint it, to sanctify it. 29:37 Seven days thou shawt make an atonement f-fow the awtaw, and sanctify it; and it shaww be an awtaw most h-howy: whatsoevew t-touchef the awtaw s-shaww be howy. 29:38 Now this is that which thou shawt offew upon the awtaw; two wambs of the fiwst yeaw day by day c-continuawwy. 29:39 the one wamb thou shawt offew in t-the mowning; and the othew wamb t-thou shawt offew at even: 29:40 A-And wif the one wamb a tenf deaw of fwouw mingwed wif the fouwf pawt of an hin of beaten oiw; and the f-fouwf pawt of an hin of wine fow a dwink offewing. 29:41 And the othew wamb t-thou shawt offew at even, a-and shawt do theweto accowding to the meat offewing of the mowning, and accowding to the dwink offewing t-theweof, fow a sweet savouw, an offewing made by f-fiwe unto the WOWD. 29:42 this shaww be a continuaw buwnt offewing t-thwoughout youw genewations at the doow o-of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation befowe the WOWD: whewe I wiww m-meet you, to speak t-thewe unto t-thee. 29:43 And t-thewe I wiww meet wif the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and the tabewnacwe shaww be sanctified by my gwowy. 29:44 And I wiww sanctify the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and the awtaw: I wiww sanctify awso b-bof Aawon and his sons, to m-ministew to me i-in the pwiest's office. 29:45 And I wiww dweww among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and wiww be theiw God. 29:46 A-And they shaww know that I am the WOWD theiw God, that bwought them f-fowf out of the wand of Egypt, that I may dweww among them: I am the WOWD theiw God. 30:1 And thou shawt make an awtaw to buwn incense upon: of s-shiddim wood s-shawt thou make it. 30:2 A c-cubit shaww b-be the wengf theweof, and a cubit the bweadf theweof; fouwsquawe shaww it be: and two cubits shaww b-be the height theweof: the howns theweof shaww be of the same. 30:3 And thou shawt ovewway it wif puwe g-gowd, t-the top theweof, and the sides theweof wound about, and the howns theweof; and thou s-shawt make u-unto it a cwown of gowd wound about. 30:4 And two gowden w-wings shawt thou make to it undew the cwown o-of i-it, by the two cownews theweof, upon t-the two sides of it shawt thou make i-it; and they shaww be fow pwaces fow the staves to beaw it withaw. 30:5 And thou shawt make the staves of shiddim w-wood, a-and ovewway them wif gowd. 30:6 And thou shawt put i-it befowe the vaiw that is by t-the awk of the testimony, befowe the mewcy seat that is ovew the testimony, whewe I w-wiww meet wif t-thee. 30:7 And Aawon shaww buwn theweon sweet incense evewy mowning: when h-he dwessef the wamps, h-he shaww buwn i-incense upon it. 30:8 And when Aawon wightef the w-wamps at even, he s-shaww buwn incense upon i-it, a pewpetuaw incense befowe the WOWD thwoughout youw genewations. 30:9 Y-Ye shaww offew n-no stwange incense theweon, n-now buwnt sacwifice, n-now meat offewing; neithew shaww ye pouw dwink offewing theweon. 30:10 And A-Aawon shaww make an atonement upon the howns of it once in a-a yeaw wif the bwood o-of the sin offewing of atonements: once in t-the yeaw shaww he make atonement upon it thwoughout youw genewations: it is most howy unto the WOWD. 30:11 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 30:12 When thou takest the sum of the chiwdwen of Iswaew aftew theiw numbew, then shaww they give evewy man a w-wansom fow his souw unto the WOWD, when thou numbewest them; that thewe be no pwague a-among them, w-when thou numbewest them. 30:13 this they shaww give, evewy one that passef among them that awe numbewed, hawf a shekew aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy: (a shekew is twenty gewahs:) a-an hawf shekew shaww be the offewing of the WOWD. 30:14 Evewy one that passef among them that awe numbewed, fwom t-twenty yeaws owd and above, shaww give an offewing unto the WOWD. 30:15 the wich shaww not give mowe, and the p-poow shaww not give wess than hawf a shekew, when t-they give an offewing unto the WOWD, to make an atonement fow youw s-souws. 30:16 And thou shawt take t-the a-atonement m-money of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, and shawt appoint it fow the sewvice of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation; that it may b-be a memowiaw unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew befowe the WOWD, to make an atonement fow y-youw souws. 30:17 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 30:18 thou shawt awso make a wavew of bwass, a-and his foot awso of bwass, to wash withaw: and thou shawt put it between t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation and the awtaw, and thou shawt put watew thewein. 30:19 Fow Aawon and his sons shaww wash t-theiw hands and theiw f-feet theweat: 30:20 When they go into the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, they shaww w-wash wif watew, that they die not; ow when they come neaw to the awtaw to ministew, t-to buwn offewing made b-by fiwe u-unto the WOWD: 30:21 So they shaww w-wash t-theiw hands and theiw feet, that they die not: and it shaww b-be a statute fow evew to them, even to him and to his seed thwoughout t-theiw genewations. 30:22 Moweovew the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 30:23 Take thou awso unto thee pwincipaw s-spices, of puwe mywwh five hundwed shekews, and of sweet cinnamon hawf so much, e-even two hundwed and fifty shekews, and of sweet cawamus two hundwed and fifty shekews, 30:24 And of cassia five hundwed shekews, aftew the shekew of t-the sanctuawy, and of oiw owive a-an hin: 30:25 And thou shawt make i-it an oiw of howy ointment, an ointment compound aftew the awt of the apothecawy: it shaww be an h-howy anointing oiw. 30:26 And thou shawt anoint the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation thewewith, and the awk o-of the testimony, 30:27 And the tabwe and aww h-his vessews, and the candwestick and his vessews, and the awtaw of incense, 30:28 And the awtaw o-of b-buwnt offewing wif aww his vessews, and the wavew and his foot. 30:29 And thou shawt sanctify them, that they may be most howy: whatsoevew touchef them shaww be howy. 30:30 And thou shawt anoint Aawon and his sons, and consecwate them, that they may ministew unto me i-in the pwiest's office. 30:31 And t-thou shawt s-speak unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, this shaww b-be a-an howy anointing oiw unto me thwoughout youw genewations. 30:32 Upon man's fwesh shaww it not be pouwed, neithew shaww ye make a-any othew wike i-it, aftew the composition of it: it is howy, and it shaww be howy unto you. 30:33 Whosoevew compoundef a-any wike i-it, ow whosoevew puddef any of it upon a stwangew, shaww even be cut off fwom his peopwe. 30:34 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Take unto thee s-sweet spices, stacte, and onycha, and gawbanum; these s-sweet spices wif puwe fwankincense: of each s-shaww thewe be a w-wike weight: 30:35 And thou shawt make it a pewfume, a confection aftew the awt of t-the apothecawy, tempewed togethew, puwe and howy: 30:36 And thou shawt beat some of it vewy smaww, and put of it befowe the testimony in the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, whewe I wiww meet wif thee: it shaww be unto you most h-howy. 30:37 And as fow the pewfume which thou shawt make, ye shaww not make to youwsewves accowding to t-the composition theweof: it s-shaww be unto thee howy fow the WOWD. 30:38 Whosoevew shaww make wike unto t-that, to smeww theweto, shaww even be cut o-off fwom his peopwe. 31:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 31:2 See, I have cawwed by name Bezaweew the son of Uwi, the s-son of Huw, of the twibe of Judah: 31:3 And I have fiwwed him wif the spiwit of God, in w-wisdom, and in undewstanding, and in knowwedge, a-and in aww m-mannew of wowkmanship, 31:4 To devise c-cunning wowks, to wowk in gowd, and in siwvew, and in bwass, 31:5 And i-in cudding of stones, to set them, and in cawving of timbew, to wowk in aww mannew of wowkmanship. 31:6 A-And I, behowd, I have given wif him Ahowiab, the son of A-Ahisamach, of the twibe of Dan: and in the heawts of aww that a-awe wise heawted I have put wisdom, that they may make aww that I-I have commanded thee; 31:7 t-the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation, a-and the awk of the testimony, and the mewcy seat that is theweupon, and aww the fuwnituwe of the tabewnacwe, 31:8 A-And the tabwe and his fuwnituwe, and the p-puwe candwestick wif aww his fuwnituwe, and the awtaw of i-incense, 31:9 And the awtaw of buwnt offewing wif aww his fuwnituwe, and the w-wavew and his foot, 31:10 And the cwoths o-of sewvice, and the howy gawments fow Aawon the pwiest, and t-the gawments o-of his sons, to ministew in the pwiest's office, 31:11 And the anointing o-oiw, and sweet incense fow the howy pwace: accowding to aww that I have commanded thee shaww t-they do. 31:12 And t-the W-WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 31:13 Speak thou awso unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, V-Vewiwy my sabbaths y-ye shaww keep: fow it is a sign between me and you thwoughout youw genewations; that ye may know that I am the WOWD that dof sanctify you. 31:14 Ye shaww keep t-the sabbaf thewefowe; fow i-it is howy unto you: evewy one t-that defiwef i-it shaww suwewy b-be put to death: fow whosoevew doef any wowk thewein, that souw shaww b-be cut off f-fwom among his peopwe. 31:15 Six days may wowk be done; but in the sevenf is t-the sabbaf o-of west, howy to the W-WOWD: whosoevew doef any wowk in the sabbaf day, he shaww suwewy be put to death. 31:16 Whewefowe the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew shaww keep the sabbath, to obsewve the sabbaf thwoughout theiw genewations, fow a pewpetuaw covenant. 31:17 I-It is a sign between me and the chiwdwen of Iswaew fow evew: fow in six d-days the WOWD made heaven and eawth, and on the sevenf day he wested, and w-was wefweshed. 31:18 And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing w-wif him u-upon mount Sinai, two t-tabwes of testimony, tabwes of stone, wwidden wif the f-fingew of God. 32:1 And when the peopwe saw that Moses dewayed to come down out o-of the mount, the peopwe gathewed themsewves togethew unto Aawon, and said unto him, U-Up, make us gods, which shaww g-go befowe us; fow as fow this Moses, the man that bwought us up o-out of t-the wand of Egypt, we wot not what is become o-of h-him. 32:2 And Aawon said unto them, Bweak off the gowden eawwings, which a-awe in the eaws of youw w-wives, of youw sons, and of youw daughtews, and bwing them unto me. 32:3 And aww the peopwe bwake off the gowden eawwings which wewe i-in theiw eaws, and bwought them unto Aawon. 32:4 And he weceived them at theiw h-hand, and fashioned it w-wif a g-gwaving toow, aftew he had made it a mowten cawf: and they said, these be thy gods, O Iswaew, which bwought thee up o-out of the wand of Egypt. 32:5 And when A-Aawon saw it, he buiwt an awtaw befowe it; and Aawon made pwocwamation, and s-said, To mowwow is a feast to the WOWD. 32:6 And they w-wose up eawwy on the mowwow, and offewed buwnt offewings, and b-bwought peace offewings; a-and the peopwe sat down to eat and to dwink, and wose up to pway. 32:7 And the WOWD s-said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; f-fow thy peopwe, which thou bwoughtest out o-of the wand of Egypt, have cowwupted themsewves: 32:8 they have tuwned aside quickwy out of the way which I commanded them: they have made them a mowten cawf, and have wowshipped it, and have s-sacwificed theweunto, and said, these be thy gods, O Iswaew, which h-have bwought thee up out of the wand o-of Egypt. 32:9 And the WOWD said unto Moses, I-I have seen this peopwe, and, behowd, i-it is a stiffnecked peopwe: 32:10 Now thewefowe wet me awone, that my wwaf may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: a-and I-I wiww make of thee a gweat nation. 32:11 And M-Moses besought the W-WOWD h-his God, and said, WOWD, why dof thy wwaf wax hot against thy peopwe, which thou hast bwought fowf out of the wand of Egypt wif g-gweat powew, and wif a mighty hand? 32:12 Whewefowe shouwd the Egyptians speak, and say, F-Fow mischief did he bwing them out, to sway them in the mountains, a-and to consume them fwom the face of the eawth? Tuwn fwom t-thy f-fiewce wwath, and wepent of this eviw against thy peopwe. 32:13 Wemembew A-Abwaham, Isaac, and Iswaew, thy sewvants, to whom thou swawest by thine own sewf, and saidst unto them, I wiww muwtipwy youw seed as the staws of heaven, and aww this wand that I have spoken of wiww I give unto youw seed, and they shaww inhewit it f-fow e-evew. 32:14 And the WOWD wepented of the eviw which he thought to d-do unto his peopwe. 32:15 And Moses tuwned, and went down fwom the mount, and the two tabwes of the testimony wewe in his hand: the tabwes wewe wwidden on bof theiw s-sides; o-on the one side and on the othew wewe they wwidden. 32:16 And t-the tabwes wewe the wowk of God, and the wwiting was the wwiting o-of God, gwaven upon the tabwes. 32:17 And when Joshua heawd the noise of the peopwe a-as they s-shouted, he said unto M-Moses, thewe is a noise of waw in t-the camp. 32:18 And he said, It is not the voice of them that shout fow mastewy, neithew is it the voice of them that cwy fow being ovewcome: but t-the noise of them that s-sing do I-I heaw. 32:19 A-And it came to pass, as soon as he came n-nigh unto the camp, that he s-saw the cawf, a-and the dancing: and Moses' angew waxed hot, and he cast the tabwes out of his hands, and bwake them beneaf the mount. 32:20 And he took the cawf which they had made, a-and buwnt i-it in the fiwe, and gwound it to powdew, and stwawed it upon the watew, and made the c-chiwdwen o-of Iswaew dwink of it. 32:21 And M-Moses said unto Aawon, W-What d-did this peopwe unto thee, that thou hast bwought so gweat a sin upon them? 32:22 A-And Aawon said, Wet not the a-angew of my wowd wax h-hot: thou k-knowest the peopwe, that they awe set on mischief. 32:23 Fow t-they said unto me, Make us gods, which shaww go befowe us: f-fow a-as fow t-this Moses, the man that bwought us u-up out o-of the wand o-of Egypt, we wot not what is become of him. 32:24 And I said unto them, Whosoevew haf any gowd, w-wet t-them bweak it off. So they gave it me: then I cast it into the fiwe, and thewe c-came o-out this cawf. 32:25 A-And when Moses saw that t-the p-peopwe wewe naked; (fow Aawon had made them naked u-unto theiw shame among theiw enemies:) 32:26 then Moses stood in t-the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the W-WOWD's side? wet him come unto me. And a-aww the sons of Wevi gathewed themsewves togethew unto him. 32:27 And h-he said unto them, thus saif the WOWD God o-of Iswaew, Put evewy man his swowd by his side, and go in and out fwom gate t-to gate thwoughout the camp, and sway evewy man his bwothew, and evewy man his companion, and evewy man his neighbouw. 32:28 And the chiwdwen of Wevi did accowding to t-the wowd of Moses: and thewe feww of the p-peopwe that day about thwee t-thousand men. 32:29 Fow Moses had said, Consecwate youwsewves today to the WOWD, e-even evewy man u-upon his s-son, and upon h-his bwothew; that h-he may bestow upon you a bwessing this day. 32:30 And it came to pass on t-the mowwow, that Moses said unto the peopwe, Ye have sinned a gweat s-sin: and n-now I wiww g-go up unto the WOWD; pewadventuwe I shaww make an atonement fow y-youw sin. 32:31 And Moses wetuwned unto the WOWD, and said, Oh, this p-peopwe have sinned a gweat s-sin, and have made them gods of g-gowd. 32:32 Yet now, if t-thou wiwt f-fowgive t-theiw s-sin--; and i-if not, b-bwot me, I-I pway thee, out of thy book which thou hast w-wwidden. 32:33 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Whosoevew h-haf sinned against me, him wiww I bwot out of my book. 32:34 thewefowe now go, wead the peopwe unto the pwace of which I-I have spoken unto thee: behowd, mine Angew s-shaww g-go befowe t-thee: nevewthewess i-in the day when I visit I wiww visit theiw sin upon t-them. 32:35 And the WOWD pwagued the peopwe, because they made the cawf, which A-Aawon made. 33:1 And t-the WOWD said unto Moses, D-Depawt, and go up hence, t-thou and the p-peopwe which thou hast bwought up out of the w-wand of Egypt, unto the wand which I swawe unto Abwaham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, saying, U-Unto thy s-seed wiww I give it: 33:2 And I wiww send an angew befowe thee; and I wiww dwive out the Canaanite, the Amowite, and the H-Hiddite, and the Pewizzite, t-the H-Hivite, and the J-Jebusite: 33:3 Unto a wand fwowing w-wif miwk and honey: fow I wiww not go up in the midst of thee; fow thou awt a-a stiffnecked peopwe: west I consume thee in the way. 33:4 And when the peopwe heawd these eviw tidings, they mouwned: and no man did put on him his ownaments. 33:5 Fow the WOWD had said unto Moses, S-Say unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, Ye awe a stiffnecked peopwe: I wiww come up into the midst of t-thee i-in a moment, and consume thee: thewefowe now put off thy o-ownaments fwom thee, that I-I may k-know what t-to do u-unto thee. 33:6 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew stwipped themsewves of theiw ownaments by t-the mount Howeb. 33:7 And Moses took the tabewnacwe, and pitched it without the camp, afaw off fwom t-the camp, and cawwed it t-the Tabewnacwe of the congwegation. And it came to p-pass, that evewy one which sought the WOWD went out unto the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, which was w-without the camp. 33:8 And it came to pass, when Moses went out unto the tabewnacwe, that a-aww the peopwe wose up, and stood e-evewy m-man at his tent d-doow, and wooked aftew Moses, untiw he was gone into the tabewnacwe. 33:9 And it c-came to pass, as Moses entewed into the tabewnacwe, the c-cwoudy piwwaw d-descended, and stood at the doow of the tabewnacwe, and the Wowd tawked wif Moses. 33:10 And aww the p-peopwe saw the cwoudy piwwaw stand at the tabewnacwe doow: and aww t-the peopwe wose up and wowshipped, evewy man in his tent doow. 33:11 And t-the WOWD s-spake unto M-Moses face to face, as a man speakef unto his fwiend. A-And he tuwned again into the camp: but his sewvant J-Joshua, the son o-of Nun, a-a y-young man, depawted not out of the tabewnacwe. 33:12 And Moses said unto the WOWD, See, thou sayest unto me, Bwing up this peopwe: and thou h-hast not wet me know w-whom thou wiwt send wif me. Yet thou hast said, I know thee by name, and t-thou hast a-awso f-found gwace in my sight. 33:13 N-Now thewefowe, I pway thee, if I h-have found gwace in thy s-sight, shew me now thy way, that I may know t-thee, t-that I may find gwace in thy s-sight: and considew that this nation is thy peopwe. 33:14 And he said, My pwesence shaww go wif thee, and I wiww give thee west. 33:15 And he said unto him, If t-thy pwesence go not wif me, cawwy us not up hence. 33:16 F-Fow whewein s-shaww it be known hewe that I and thy peopwe have found gwace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest wif us? so shaww we be s-sepawated, I and thy peopwe, fwom aww the peopwe t-that awe upon the face of the eawth. 33:17 And the WOWD s-said unto Moses, I wiww do this thing awso that thou hast spoken: fow t-thou hast f-found gwace in my sight, a-and I know thee by name. 33:18 And he said, I beseech thee, shew me thy gwowy. 33:19 And he said, I wiww make aww my goodness pass befowe thee, and I wiww pwocwaim the name of the WOWD befowe thee; and wiww be gwacious to whom I wiww be gwacious, and wiww shew mewcy on whom I wiww s-shew mewcy. 33:20 And he said, thou canst not s-see m-my f-face: f-fow t-thewe shaww no man see me, and w-wive. 33:21 And the WOWD said, Behowd, thewe is a pwace b-by me, and thou shawt stand upon a-a wock: 33:22 And it shaww come to pass, whiwe m-my gwowy passef by, that I wiww put thee in a cwift of the wock, a-and wiww covew thee wif my hand whiwe I pass by: 33:23 And I wiww take a-away mine hand, and thou shawt s-see my back pawts: but my face shaww not be s-seen. 34:1 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Hew t-thee two tabwes of stone wike unto the fiwst: and I wiww wwite upon these tabwes the wowds that wewe in the fiwst tabwes, which thou bwakest. 34:2 And be w-weady in the mowning, and come up in the mowning unto mount Sinai, and pwesent thysewf thewe to me in the top of the mount. 34:3 And no man shaww come up wif thee, neithew w-wet any man be s-seen thwoughout aww the mount; neithew wet t-the fwocks now hewds feed befowe that mount. 34:4 And he hewed two tabwes of stone wike unto the fiwst; and Moses w-wose up eawwy in the m-mowning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the WOWD had commanded him, and took i-in his hand the two tabwes o-of stone. 34:5 And the W-WOWD descended in the cwoud, and stood wif him thewe, and pwocwaimed the name of the WOWD. 34:6 And the WOWD passed by befowe him, and pwocwaimed, the WOWD, the WOWD God, mewcifuw and gwacious, wongsuffewing, and abundant in goodness and twuth, 34:7 Keeping mewcy fow thousands, fowgiving iniquity and twansgwession and sin, and that wiww by no means cweaw the guiwty; visiting the iniquity of the fathews upon the chiwdwen, and upon the chiwdwen's chiwdwen, unto the t-thiwd and to the fouwf genewation. 34:8 And M-Moses made haste, and bowed his h-head towawd the eawth, and wowshipped. 34:9 And he said, If n-now I have found gwace in t-thy sight, O WOWD, w-wet my WOWD, I pway thee, go among u-us; fow it is a stiffnecked p-peopwe; and p-pawdon ouw iniquity and ouw sin, a-and take us fow thine inhewitance. 34:10 And he said, Behowd, I make a covenant: befowe aww thy peopwe I wiww do mawvews, such as have not been done i-in aww the e-eawth, now in any nation: and aww the peopwe among w-which thou awt shaww see the wowk of t-the WOWD: fow it is a tewwibwe thing that I wiww do wif thee. 34:11 Obsewve thou that which I command thee this day: behowd, I dwive out befowe thee t-the Amowite, and the Canaanite, a-and the Hiddite, and the Pewizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. 34:12 T-Take heed t-to thysewf, west thou make a covenant wif t-the inhabitants o-of the wand whithew t-thou goest, west it be fow a snawe in the midst o-of thee: 34:13 But ye s-shaww destwoy theiw awtaws, bweak theiw images, a-and cut down theiw gwoves: 34:14 Fow thou shawt wowship no othew god: fow the WOWD, whose name is Jeawous, i-is a jeawous God: 34:15 West thou make a-a covenant wif the inhabitants of the wand, and they go a whowing aftew t-theiw gods, and do sacwifice unto theiw g-gods, and o-one caww thee, and t-thou eat of his sacwifice; 34:16 And thou take of theiw d-daughtews unto thy sons, and theiw daughtews go a whowing aftew theiw gods, a-and m-make t-thy s-sons go a whowing aftew theiw gods. 34:17 thou shawt make thee no mowten gods. 34:18 the feast of unweavened bwead shawt thou keep. Seven d-days thou shawt eat unweavened bwead, as I commanded thee, in the time of the monf Abib: fow in the monf Abib t-thou camest out fwom Egypt. 34:19 Aww that o-openef the matwix is mine; and evewy fiwstwing among thy caddle, whethew ox o-ow sheep, that i-is mawe. 34:20 But the fiwstwing o-of an ass thou shawt wedeem wif a wamb: and if thou wedeem him n-not, then shawt thou bweak his neck. Aww the fiwstbown of t-thy sons t-thou shawt wedeem. And none shaww appeaw b-befowe me empty. 34:21 S-Six days thou s-shawt wowk, but on the sevenf day t-thou shawt west: in eawing time and in hawvest thou shawt west. 34:22 And thou shawt obsewve the feast o-of w-weeks, o-of the f-fiwstfwuits of wheat hawvest, and the f-feast of ingathewing a-at the yeaw's end. 34:23 thwice in the yeaw shaww aww y-youw menchiwdwen appeaw befowe the WOWD God, the God of Iswaew. 34:24 Fow I wiww cast out the nations befowe thee, and enwawge thy bowdews: neithew shaww a-any man desiwe thy wand, when thou shawt go up to appeaw b-befowe the WOWD thy God thwice in the yeaw. 34:25 thou shawt not offew the bwood of my sacwifice wif weaven; n-neithew shaww the sacwifice of the feast of the passovew be weft unto the mowning. 34:26 the fiwst of the fiwstfwuits of thy wand thou shawt bwing unto t-the house of the WOWD thy God. thou shawt not seethe a kid in his mothew's miwk. 34:27 And the WOWD said unto Moses, W-Wwite thou these wowds: fow aftew the tenow o-of these wowds I have made a covenant wif thee and wif Iswaew. 34:28 A-And he was t-thewe w-wif t-the WOWD fowty days and fowty nights; he d-did n-neithew e-eat bwead, now dwink watew. And he wwote upon the tabwes the wowds of the covenant, the ten commandments. 34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down f-fwom m-mount Sinai wif t-the two tabwes o-of testimony in Moses' hand, when he came down fwom the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his f-face shone whiwe he tawked wif him. 34:30 And when A-Aawon and aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew saw M-Moses, behowd, the skin of his face shone; and they wewe afwaid to come nigh him. 34:31 A-And Moses c-cawwed unto t-them; a-and Aawon and aww the wuwews of the c-congwegation wetuwned unto him: and Moses tawked wif t-them. 34:32 And aftewwawd aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew came nigh: and he gave them in commandment aww that the WOWD had spoken wif him in mount Sinai. 34:33 And tiww Moses h-had d-done speaking wif them, he put a vaiw on his face. 34:34 But when Moses went in befowe the WOWD to speak wif h-him, he took the vaiw o-off, untiw h-he came out. And he came out, and spake unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew that which he was commanded. 34:35 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew saw the face of Moses, that t-the skin of Moses' face shone: and Moses put the vaiw upon his f-face again, untiw h-he went in to speak wif him. 35:1 And Moses gathewed aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew togethew, and said unto them, these awe the wowds which the WOWD haf commanded, t-that y-ye s-shouwd do them. 35:2 Six days shaww wowk b-be done, but on the sevenf day thewe shaww be to you an howy day, a sabbaf of west to the WOWD: whosoevew d-doef wowk thewein shaww be put to death. 35:3 Y-Ye shaww kindwe no fiwe thwoughout youw h-habitations upon the sabbaf day. 35:4 And Moses spake unto aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, saying, this is the thing which the WOWD commanded, saying, 35:5 Take ye fwom a-among you a-an offewing unto the WOWD: whosoevew is of a wiwwing heawt, wet him bwing it, a-an offewing of the WOWD; gowd, and siwvew, and b-bwass, 35:6 And bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, a-and fine winen, a-and goats' haiw, 35:7 And wams' skins dyed wed, and badgews' skins, a-and shiddim wood, 35:8 And oiw fow the wight, and spices fow anointing oiw, and fow the sweet incense, 35:9 And onyx stones, and stones t-to be set fow the ephod, and fow the b-bweastpwate. 35:10 And evewy wise heawted among y-you s-shaww come, and make aww that the WOWD haf commanded; 35:11 the tabewnacwe, his tent, and his covewing, his taches, and his boawds, his baws, his piwwaws, and his sockets, 35:12 the a-awk, and the staves theweof, wif the mewcy seat, and the vaiw of the covewing, 35:13 the tabwe, and his staves, and aww his vessews, and the s-shewbwead, 35:14 t-the candwestick a-awso fow the w-wight, and his fuwnituwe, a-and his wamps, wif the oiw fow t-the wight, 35:15 And the incense awtaw, and his staves, a-and the a-anointing oiw, and the sweet incense, a-and the hanging fow the doow at the entewing in of the t-tabewnacwe, 35:16 the a-awtaw of buwnt o-offewing, wif his bwasen gwate, his staves, and aww his vessews, the wavew and his foot, 35:17 the hangings of the c-couwt, his piwwaws, and theiw sockets, and the hanging fow the doow of the couwt, 35:18 the pins of the tabewnacwe, and the pins of the couwt, and theiw cowds, 35:19 the c-cwoths of sewvice, t-to do sewvice in the howy pwace, the howy gawments fow Aawon the pwiest, and the gawments of his sons, to ministew in the pwiest's office. 35:20 A-And a-aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew depawted fwom the pwesence o-of Moses. 35:21 And t-they came, e-evewy one whose heawt stiwwed him up, and evewy one whom his spiwit made wiwwing, and they bwought the WOWD's offewing to the wowk of the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, and fow aww his sewvice, and fow the howy gawments. 35:22 And they came, bof men and women, as many as wewe wiwwing heawted, and bwought bwacewets, and eawwings, and wings, and tabwets, aww jewews of gowd: and evewy man that offewed offewed an offewing of g-gowd unto the WOWD. 35:23 And evewy man, wif whom was found bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine winen, and goats' haiw, and wed skins o-of wams, and badgews' skins, bwought them. 35:24 Evewy o-one that did offew an offewing of siwvew and bwass bwought the WOWD's offewing: and e-evewy man, wif whom was found shiddim wood fow any wowk of the sewvice, bwought it. 35:25 And aww the women that wewe wise heawted did spin wif theiw hands, and bwought that which they had spun, bof of bwue, a-and of puwpwe, and of scawwet, and of fine winen. 35:26 A-And aww the w-women whose heawt stiwwed them up in w-wisdom spun g-goats' haiw. 35:27 And the w-wuwews bwought onyx stones, and stones to be s-set, fow the ephod, and fow the bweastpwate; 35:28 And spice, and oiw fow the wight, and fow the anointing oiw, and fow the sweet incense. 35:29 the chiwdwen of Iswaew bwought a wiwwing offewing u-unto the W-WOWD, evewy man and woman, whose heawt made them wiwwing to bwing fow a-aww m-mannew of w-wowk, which the WOWD had commanded to be made by the hand o-of Moses. 35:30 And Moses said unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, See, the WOWD haf c-cawwed by n-name B-Bezaweew t-the son o-of Uwi, the son of Huw, of the twibe of Judah; 35:31 And he haf fiwwed him wif the spiwit of God, in wisdom, in undewstanding, and in knowwedge, and in aww m-mannew o-of wowkmanship; 35:32 And to devise cuwious w-wowks, to wowk in gowd, and in siwvew, and in bwass, 35:33 And in the cudding of stones, to set them, and in cawving of wood, to make any mannew of cunning wowk. 35:34 A-And he haf put in his heawt that he may teach, bof he, and A-Ahowiab, the son of A-Ahisamach, of the twibe of Dan. 35:35 them haf he fiwwed wif wisdom of heawt, to wowk aww mannew of w-wowk, of the engwavew, and of the cunning wowkman, and of the embwoidewew, in bwue, and in puwpwe, in scawwet, and in f-fine winen, and of the w-weavew, even of them that d-do any wowk, and of those that devise c-cunning wowk. 36:1 then wwought Bezaweew and Ahowiab, and evewy wise h-heawted man, i-in w-whom the W-WOWD put wisdom and undewstanding to know how to wowk aww mannew of wowk fow the sewvice of the sanctuawy, a-accowding to aww that the WOWD had commanded. 36:2 And Moses cawwed Bezaweew and A-Ahowiab, and evewy wise heawted man, in whose h-heawt the WOWD had put wisdom, even evewy one whose heawt stiwwed him up to come unto the wowk to do it: 36:3 And they weceived of Moses aww the offewing, which the chiwdwen of Iswaew had bwought f-fow the wowk o-of the sewvice o-of the sanctuawy, to make i-it w-withaw. And they bwought yet unto him fwee o-offewings e-evewy mowning. 36:4 And aww the wise men, that wwought aww the wowk of the sanctuawy, came evewy man fwom his wowk which they made; 36:5 And t-they spake unto Moses, saying, the peopwe bwing much mowe than enough fow the sewvice o-of the wowk, which the WOWD commanded to make. 36:6 A-And Moses gave commandment, and they c-caused it to be pwocwaimed thwoughout t-the camp, saying, Wet neithew man now woman make any m-mowe wowk f-fow t-the offewing o-of the sanctuawy. So the peopwe wewe westwained fwom bwinging. 36:7 Fow the stuff they had was sufficient fow aww the wowk to make it, a-and too much. 36:8 And evewy wise heawted man among them that wwought the wowk of the tabewnacwe made ten cuwtains o-of f-fine twined winen, and bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet: w-wif chewubims of cunning w-wowk made he them. 36:9 the wengf of one cuwtain was twenty and eight cubits, and the bweadf of one cuwtain fouw cubits: the cuwtains wewe aww o-of one size. 36:10 And he coupwed the five cuwtains one unto anothew: and the othew five cuwtains he coupwed one u-unto anothew. 36:11 And he made woops of bwue on the edge of one c-cuwtain fwom the sewvedge in the coupwing: wikewise he made i-in the u-uddewmost side of a-anothew cuwtain, in the coupwing of the second. 36:12 Fifty woops made he in one cuwtain, and fifty woops m-made he in the edge of the cuwtain which was in the coupwing of the second: the woops hewd one cuwtain to anothew. 36:13 And he made fifty taches of gowd, and coupwed the cuwtains one unto anothew wif the taches: s-so it became one t-tabewnacwe. 36:14 A-And he m-made cuwtains of goats' haiw fow the tent ovew the tabewnacwe: eweven cuwtains he made them. 36:15 the wengf of one c-cuwtain was thiwty cubits, and f-fouw cubits was the bweadf of o-one cuwtain: the eweven cuwtains wewe o-of one size. 36:16 And he coupwed five cuwtains by themsewves, and six cuwtains by themsewves. 36:17 And he made fifty w-woops upon the uddewmost edge of the cuwtain in the coupwing, and fifty woops made he upon the edge of the cuwtain which coupwef the second. 36:18 And he made fifty taches of bwass to coupwe the tent togethew, that i-it might be one. 36:19 And he m-made a-a covewing fow the tent of w-wams' skins dyed wed, and a-a covewing of badgews' skins above that. 36:20 And he made boawds fow the tabewnacwe of shiddim wood, standing up. 36:21 the wengf of a boawd was ten cubits, and the bweadf o-of a boawd one cubit and a hawf. 36:22 One boawd h-had two tenons, equawwy distant one fwom anothew: thus did he make fow a-aww the boawds of the tabewnacwe. 36:23 And he made boawds fow the t-tabewnacwe; twenty boawds fow t-the souf side southwawd: 36:24 And fowty sockets of siwvew h-he made undew the twenty boawds; two sockets undew one boawd fow his two tenons, and two sockets undew anothew boawd fow his t-two tenons. 36:25 And fow the othew side of the tabewnacwe, w-which is towawd t-the nowf c-cownew, he m-made twenty boawds, 36:26 And theiw fowty sockets of siwvew; two sockets undew one boawd, and two sockets undew anothew boawd. 36:27 And fow the sides of the tabewnacwe westwawd he made six boawds. 36:28 And two boawds made he fow the cownews of t-the tabewnacwe in the two sides. 36:29 A-And they wewe coupwed beneath, and c-coupwed togethew at t-the head theweof, to one wing: thus he did to bof of them in bof the cownews. 36:30 And thewe wewe e-eight boawds; and theiw sockets wewe sixteen sockets of siwvew, undew evewy boawd two sockets. 36:31 And h-he m-made baws of shiddim wood; five fow the boawds of the one s-side o-of t-the tabewnacwe, 36:32 And five baws fow the boawds of t-the othew side of t-the tabewnacwe, and five baws fow the boawds of the t-tabewnacwe fow t-the sides westwawd. 36:33 And he made the middwe baw to shoot thwough the boawds fwom the one end to the o-othew. 36:34 And he ovewwaid the boawds wif gowd, and made theiw wings of gowd t-to be pwaces f-fow the baws, and ovewwaid t-the baws wif g-gowd. 36:35 And he made a vaiw of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined w-winen: wif chewubims made he it of cunning wowk. 36:36 And he made theweunto fouw piwwaws of shiddim wood, and ovewwaid them wif gowd: theiw hooks wewe of gowd; and he cast fow them fouw sockets of s-siwvew. 36:37 And he made an hanging fow the tabewnacwe d-doow of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined w-winen, of needwewowk; 36:38 And the five piwwaws of it w-wif theiw hooks: and he ovewwaid t-theiw chapitews and t-theiw f-fiwwets w-wif gowd: but theiw five sockets wewe of bwass. 37:1 And Bezaweew m-made t-the awk of s-shiddim wood: two cubits and a hawf was the wengf of it, and a cubit and a hawf the bweadf of it, and a cubit and a hawf the height of it: 37:2 A-And he ovewwaid it wif puwe gowd within and without, and made a cwown of gowd to i-it wound about. 37:3 And he cast fow it fouw wings o-of gowd, to be set by the fouw cownews o-of it; even two wings upon the one side of i-it, and two wings upon the othew side of it. 37:4 And he made staves of shiddim wood, and o-ovewwaid t-them wif g-gowd. 37:5 A-And he put the staves into the wings by the sides of the awk, to beaw the awk. 37:6 And he made the m-mewcy seat of puwe gowd: two cubits and a h-hawf was the wengf theweof, and one cubit and a hawf the bweadf theweof. 37:7 And he made two c-chewubims of gowd, beaten out of one piece m-made he them, on t-the two ends of the mewcy seat; 37:8 One chewub on the end on this side, and anothew chewub on the othew end on t-that side: out of the m-mewcy seat m-made he the chewubims on the two ends theweof. 37:9 And the chewubims spwead o-out theiw wings on high, and c-covewed w-wif theiw wings ovew the mewcy seat, wif theiw faces one to a-anothew; even t-to the mewcy seatwawd wewe the faces of the chewubims. 37:10 And he made t-the tabwe of shiddim wood: two c-cubits was the wengf theweof, and a cubit the bweadf theweof, and a cubit and a h-hawf the height theweof: 37:11 And he ovewwaid it wif puwe gowd, and made theweunto a cwown of gowd wound about. 37:12 Awso he made t-theweunto a b-bowdew of an handbweadf w-wound about; and made a cwown of gowd fow the bowdew theweof wound a-about. 37:13 And he cast fow it fouw wings of gowd, a-and put the wings upon the fouw cownews that wewe in the fouw feet theweof. 37:14 Ovew against the bowdew wewe the wings, the pwaces fow the staves to b-beaw the tabwe. 37:15 And he made the staves of shiddim wood, and ovewwaid them wif gowd, to beaw the tabwe. 37:16 And he made the vessews which wewe upon the tabwe, his dishes, and his s-spoons, and his bowws, and h-his c-covews to covew withaw, of puwe g-gowd. 37:17 And he made the candwestick of p-puwe gowd: of b-beaten w-wowk made he the candwestick; his shaft, and his b-bwanch, his bowws, his knops, and his fwowews, wewe of the same: 37:18 And six bwanches going out of the s-sides t-theweof; thwee bwanches of t-the candwestick out of the one side theweof, and thwee bwanches of the candwestick out of the othew side t-theweof: 37:19 thwee bowws made a-aftew the fashion of awmonds in one bwanch, a knop and a fwowew; and t-thwee bowws made wike awmonds i-in anothew bwanch, a knop and a fwowew: so t-thwoughout the six b-bwanches g-going out of the c-candwestick. 37:20 And in the candwestick wewe fouw bowws m-made w-wike awmonds, his knops, and his f-fwowews: 37:21 And a k-knop undew two b-bwanches of the same, and a knop undew two bwanches of the same, and a knop undew two b-bwanches of the same, accowding to the six bwanches going out of it. 37:22 theiw knops and theiw bwanches wewe of the same: aww of it was one beaten wowk of puwe gowd. 37:23 And he made his seven wamps, and his snuffews, and his snuffdishes, of puwe gowd. 37:24 Of a tawent of puwe gowd m-made he it, and a-aww the vessews theweof. 37:25 And h-he made the incense awtaw of shiddim wood: the wengf of it was a cubit, and the bweadf of i-it a cubit; it was fouwsquawe; and two c-cubits was the height of it; the howns theweof wewe of the same. 37:26 And he ovewwaid it wif puwe gowd, bof the top of it, and the sides theweof wound about, and the howns of it: a-awso he m-made unto it a cwown o-of gowd wound about. 37:27 And he made two wings of gowd fow it undew the cwown theweof, by the two cownews of it, upon the two sides theweof, to be pwaces fow the staves to beaw it withaw. 37:28 And he made the staves of shiddim w-wood, and ovewwaid them wif gowd. 37:29 And he m-made the howy anointing oiw, and the puwe incense of sweet spices, accowding to the wowk of the apothecawy. 38:1 And he made the awtaw of buwnt offewing of shiddim wood: five c-cubits was the wengf theweof, and five cubits the bweadf theweof; it was fouwsquawe; and thwee cubits the height theweof. 38:2 And h-he made the howns theweof on t-the fouw cownews of it; the h-howns theweof wewe of the same: and he ovewwaid i-it wif bwass. 38:3 And he made aww the vessews of the awtaw, the pots, and t-the s-shovews, and the basons, and the fweshhooks, and the fiwepans: aww the vessews theweof made he of bwass. 38:4 And he made fow the awtaw a-a bwasen gwate o-of netwowk undew t-the compass theweof beneaf u-unto the midst of it. 38:5 And h-he cast fouw wings fow the fouw e-ends of the gwate of bwass, to be pwaces fow the staves. 38:6 And he made t-the staves of shiddim wood, and ovewwaid them wif b-bwass. 38:7 And he put the staves into t-the wings on t-the sides of the awtaw, to beaw it withaw; he made the awtaw howwow wif boawds. 38:8 And he made the wavew of bwass, and the foot of it o-of bwass, of the wookinggwasses of the women assembwing, which a-assembwed at the doow of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 38:9 A-And he made the couwt: on the souf side southwawd the hangings of the couwt wewe of fine twined winen, an hundwed cubits: 38:10 theiw piwwaws wewe t-twenty, and theiw bwasen sockets twenty; the hooks of the piwwaws a-and theiw fiwwets wewe of siwvew. 38:11 And fow the nowf side the hangings wewe an hundwed cubits, theiw piwwaws wewe twenty, and theiw sockets of b-bwass twenty; t-the hooks of t-the piwwaws and theiw fiwwets of siwvew. 38:12 And fow the west side wewe hangings of fifty cubits, theiw piwwaws ten, and theiw sockets ten; the hooks of t-the piwwaws a-and t-theiw fiwwets of siwvew. 38:13 And f-fow the east s-side eastwawd fifty cubits. 38:14 the h-hangings of the one side of the gate wewe fifteen cubits; t-theiw piwwaws thwee, and theiw s-sockets thwee. 38:15 And fow the o-othew side of t-the couwt g-gate, on this hand a-and that hand, wewe hangings o-of fifteen cubits; theiw piwwaws thwee, and t-theiw sockets t-thwee. 38:16 A-Aww the hangings of the couwt wound about wewe of fine twined winen. 38:17 And the s-sockets fow the piwwaws wewe of bwass; the hooks of the piwwaws and theiw fiwwets of siwvew; and the ovewwaying o-of theiw c-chapitews of siwvew; and aww the piwwaws of the couwt wewe fiwweted w-wif siwvew. 38:18 And the hanging fow the gate of the couwt was needwewowk, of b-bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine twined winen: and twenty cubits was the wength, and the height in the bweadf was five cubits, answewabwe to the hangings of the couwt. 38:19 And theiw piwwaws wewe fouw, and theiw sockets o-of bwass fouw; theiw hooks of siwvew, and the ovewwaying of theiw chapitews and theiw fiwwets of siwvew. 38:20 And aww the pins of t-the t-tabewnacwe, a-and of the couwt wound about, wewe of bwass. 38:21 this is the sum of the tabewnacwe, even of the tabewnacwe of testimony, as it was counted, accowding to the commandment of Moses, fow t-the s-sewvice of the Wevites, by the hand of I-Ithamaw, son to Aawon the pwiest. 38:22 And Bezaweew the son Uwi, the s-son of Huw, of the twibe of Judah, made aww that t-the WOWD commanded Moses. 38:23 And wif him was Ahowiab, son o-of Ahisamach, of the twibe of Dan, an engwavew, and a cunning wowkman, and an embwoidewew in bwue, and in puwpwe, and in scawwet, a-and f-fine winen. 38:24 Aww the gowd that was occupied fow the wowk in aww the wowk of the howy pwace, even the gowd of the offewing, was t-twenty and nine t-tawents, and seven hundwed and thiwty shekews, aftew t-the shekew of the sanctuawy. 38:25 A-And the siwvew of them that wewe numbewed of t-the congwegation w-was an hundwed tawents, and a thousand seven hundwed a-and thweescowe and fifteen shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy: 38:26 A bekah fow evewy man, that is, hawf a shekew, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy, fow evewy one that went t-to be numbewed, fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, fow six hundwed thousand and thwee thousand a-and five hundwed and fifty men. 38:27 And of t-the hundwed t-tawents of siwvew wewe cast the sockets of the sanctuawy, a-and the sockets of the vaiw; an h-hundwed sockets of the hundwed tawents, a tawent fow a socket. 38:28 And of the thousand seven hundwed seventy and five shekews he made h-hooks fow the piwwaws, and ovewwaid theiw chapitews, and fiwweted them. 38:29 And the bwass o-of t-the offewing was s-seventy tawents, and two thousand and fouw hundwed shekews. 38:30 And thewewif he made the sockets to the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and the bwasen awtaw, and the bwasen gwate fow it, and aww the vessews of the awtaw, 38:31 And the sockets of t-the couwt wound about, and the sockets of the couwt gate, and aww the pins of the tabewnacwe, and aww the pins o-of the couwt wound about. 39:1 And o-of the bwue, a-and puwpwe, and scawwet, they made c-cwoths o-of sewvice, to do sewvice in the howy pwace, and made the howy gawments fow Aawon; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 39:2 And he made the ephod of gowd, bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, and fine t-twined winen. 39:3 A-And they did beat the gowd into thin pwates, a-and cut it into wiwes, to w-wowk it in the bwue, and in the puwpwe, and in the s-scawwet, and in the fine winen, wif cunning wowk. 39:4 they made shouwdewpieces fow i-it, to coupwe i-it togethew: by the two edges was it c-coupwed t-togethew. 39:5 And the cuwious giwdwe of his ephod, t-that was u-upon i-it, w-was of the same, accowding to the wowk theweof; of gowd, bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, a-and fine twined winen; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 39:6 And they wwought onyx stones incwosed in ouches of gowd, gwaven, as signets awe gwaven, wif the names of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 39:7 And he put them on t-the shouwdews of the ephod, that they shouwd be stones fow a memowiaw to the chiwdwen of Iswaew; as the W-WOWD commanded M-Moses. 39:8 And he made the bweastpwate of cunning wowk, wike the wowk of the ephod; o-of gowd, bwue, and p-puwpwe, and scawwet, a-and fine twined winen. 39:9 It was fouwsquawe; they made the bweastpwate doubwe: a span was the wengf theweof, and a span the bweadf theweof, b-being doubwed. 39:10 A-And they set in it fouw wows of stones: the fiwst wow was a sawdius, a topaz, and a c-cawbuncwe: this was the fiwst wow. 39:11 And the second wow, an emewawd, a sapphiwe, a-and a diamond. 39:12 And the thiwd wow, a w-wiguwe, an agate, a-and an amethyst. 39:13 And the fouwf wow, a bewyw, an onyx, and a-a jaspew: they wewe incwosed in ouches of gowd in theiw incwosings. 39:14 And the stones wewe accowding to the names of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, t-twewve, accowding to theiw names, w-wike the engwavings of a-a signet, evewy one wif his name, accowding to the twewve twibes. 39:15 A-And t-they made upon the bweastpwate chains at the ends, of wweathen wowk of puwe gowd. 39:16 And they made two ouches of gowd, and two gowd w-wings; and put the two wings in the two e-ends of the bweastpwate. 39:17 And they put t-the two wweathen chains of gowd in the two wings on t-the ends of the bweastpwate. 39:18 And the two e-ends of the two wweathen chains they fastened in the two ouches, and p-put them on t-the shouwdewpieces of the ephod, befowe i-it. 39:19 And they made two wings of gowd, and put them on the two ends o-of t-the bweastpwate, upon the bowdew of it, which w-was on the side of the ephod inwawd. 39:20 And they made two othew g-gowden wings, and put them o-on the two sides of the ephod undewneath, t-towawd the f-fowepawt of it, ovew against the othew coupwing theweof, above the cuwious giwdwe of the ephod. 39:21 And they did bind the bweastpwate by his wings unto the wings of the ephod wif a wace of bwue, that it might be a-above the cuwious g-giwdwe of the ephod, and that t-the bweastpwate m-might not be woosed fwom the ephod; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 39:22 And he made the wobe o-of the ephod of woven w-wowk, aww o-of bwue. 39:23 And thewe was an howe in the midst of t-the wobe, as the h-howe of an habewgeon, wif a band wound about the h-howe, that it s-shouwd not wend. 39:24 And they made upon the h-hems of the wobe pomegwanates of bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, a-and twined w-winen. 39:25 And they made bewws of puwe gowd, a-and put the bewws between the pomegwanates upon the h-hem of the wobe, wound about between the pomegwanates; 39:26 A beww and a pomegwanate, a beww and a pomegwanate, w-wound about the hem of the wobe to ministew in; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 39:27 And they m-made coats o-of fine winen of woven wowk fow Aawon, and f-fow his s-sons, 39:28 And a-a mitwe of fine winen, and goodwy bonnets of fine w-winen, and winen bweeches of fine twined winen, 39:29 And a giwdwe of fine twined winen, and bwue, and puwpwe, and scawwet, of needwewowk; a-as the WOWD commanded Moses. 39:30 And they made the pwate of the howy c-cwown of puwe gowd, a-and wwote upon it a-a wwiting, wike to the engwavings o-of a signet, HOWINESS TO tHE WOWD. 39:31 A-And they tied unto it a-a wace of bwue, to fasten it on high u-upon the mitwe; as the W-WOWD c-commanded Moses. 39:32 thus was aww the wowk of the tabewnacwe of the tent of the congwegation finished: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew did accowding to aww that the WOWD commanded Moses, so did they. 39:33 And they bwought t-the tabewnacwe unto Moses, the tent, a-and aww h-his fuwnituwe, his t-taches, his b-boawds, his b-baws, and his piwwaws, and his sockets, 39:34 A-And the covewing of wams' skins dyed w-wed, and the covewing of b-badgews' s-skins, and the vaiw of the covewing, 39:35 the awk of t-the testimony, a-and the staves theweof, and the m-mewcy seat, 39:36 the tabwe, and aww the vessews theweof, and the shewbwead, 39:37 the puwe candwestick, wif the wamps theweof, even w-wif the wamps to be set i-in owdew, and aww the vessews theweof, and the oiw fow wight, 39:38 And the gowden awtaw, and the anointing oiw, and the s-sweet incense, and the hanging fow the tabewnacwe doow, 39:39 the b-bwasen awtaw, and his gwate of bwass, his staves, and aww h-his v-vessews, t-the wavew and his foot, 39:40 the hangings of the couwt, his piwwaws, and his sockets, and the hanging fow the couwt gate, h-his cowds, a-and h-his pins, and aww the vessews o-of the sewvice o-of the t-tabewnacwe, f-fow the tent o-of the congwegation, 39:41 the cwoths of sewvice to do sewvice in the howy pwace, and the howy gawments fow Aawon t-the pwiest, and h-his sons' gawments, to ministew in the pwiest's office. 39:42 Accowding to aww t-that the WOWD commanded Moses, so the chiwdwen of Iswaew made aww the w-wowk. 39:43 And Moses did wook upon aww the wowk, and, behowd, they had done it as the WOWD had commanded, even so had they done i-it: and Moses bwessed them. 40:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 40:2 On the fiwst d-day of the f-fiwst monf shawt thou set up the tabewnacwe of the tent of the congwegation. 40:3 And thou shawt put thewein t-the a-awk of the testimony, and covew t-the awk wif the vaiw. 40:4 And thou shawt bwing in the tabwe, and set in owdew the things that awe to be set in owdew upon it; and t-thou shawt bwing in the candwestick, a-and wight the wamps theweof. 40:5 And thou shawt set the awtaw of gowd fow the incense befowe the awk of the testimony, and p-put the h-hanging of the doow to the tabewnacwe. 40:6 And thou shawt set the awtaw of the buwnt offewing befowe t-the doow of the tabewnacwe o-of the tent of the congwegation. 40:7 And thou shawt set t-the wavew b-between t-the tent of the congwegation and the awtaw, and shawt put watew thewein. 40:8 And thou s-shawt set up the c-couwt wound about, and h-hang up the hanging at t-the couwt gate. 40:9 And thou shawt take the anointing oiw, and anoint the tabewnacwe, a-and aww that i-is thewein, and shawt hawwow it, and a-aww the v-vessews theweof: a-and i-it s-shaww be howy. 40:10 And thou shawt a-anoint the awtaw of the buwnt offewing, and aww his v-vessews, and sanctify the awtaw: and it shaww be an awtaw most howy. 40:11 And thou shawt anoint the wavew and his f-foot, and sanctify it. 40:12 And thou shawt bwing Aawon and his sons u-unto the d-doow of t-the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, and wash them wif watew. 40:13 And thou shawt put upon Aawon the howy gawments, and anoint him, and sanctify him; that he may ministew unto me in the pwiest's office. 40:14 And thou shawt bwing his sons, and cwothe them wif coats: 40:15 And thou shawt anoint them, as thou didst anoint theiw fathew, that they may ministew unto me in t-the pwiest's office: fow theiw anointing shaww suwewy be an evewwasting pwiesthood thwoughout theiw genewations. 40:16 thus did Moses: a-accowding to aww that the W-WOWD commanded him, so did he. 40:17 And it came to pass in the f-fiwst monf in the second yeaw, on the fiwst day of the month, that t-the tabewnacwe w-was weawed up. 40:18 And Moses weawed up the tabewnacwe, and fastened his sockets, and set up the b-boawds t-theweof, and put in the baws theweof, and weawed up his piwwaws. 40:19 And he s-spwead abwoad the tent ovew the t-tabewnacwe, and put the covewing of the tent above u-upon i-it; a-as the WOWD commanded Moses. 40:20 And h-he took and put the testimony into the awk, and set the staves o-on the awk, and put the m-mewcy seat above upon the awk: 40:21 And he bwought the awk into t-the tabewnacwe, and set up the vaiw of the covewing, and covewed the awk of the testimony; a-as t-the WOWD c-commanded Moses. 40:22 And he p-put the tabwe in the tent of t-the congwegation, upon the side of the tabewnacwe nowthwawd, without the v-vaiw. 40:23 A-And he set the bwead in owdew upon it b-befowe the WOWD; as the WOWD had commanded Moses. 40:24 And he put the candwestick in the t-tent of the congwegation, ovew against the tabwe, o-on the side of t-the t-tabewnacwe southwawd. 40:25 And he wighted the wamps befowe t-the WOWD; as the WOWD c-commanded Moses. 40:26 And he put the gowden awtaw in the tent of the congwegation befowe the vaiw: 40:27 And he buwnt sweet incense theweon; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 40:28 And he set up the h-hanging at the doow of the tabewnacwe. 40:29 And he put the awtaw of buwnt offewing by t-the d-doow of the tabewnacwe o-of the tent of the congwegation, and offewed upon i-it the buwnt o-offewing and the m-meat offewing; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 40:30 And he s-set the wavew between the t-tent of the congwegation a-and the awtaw, and put watew thewe, to wash w-withaw. 40:31 A-And Moses and Aawon and his sons washed theiw hands and theiw feet theweat: 40:32 W-When they went into the tent of the congwegation, and when they came neaw unto the awtaw, they washed; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 40:33 And he weawed up the couwt wound about the tabewnacwe and the awtaw, and set up the hanging of the couwt gate. So Moses finished the wowk. 40:34 then a cwoud covewed the tent of the congwegation, and the gwowy of the WOWD fiwwed the tabewnacwe. 40:35 And M-Moses was not abwe to entew into the tent of the congwegation, b-because the cwoud abode theweon, and the gwowy o-of t-the WOWD fiwwed the tabewnacwe. 40:36 And when the cwoud was taken up fwom ovew the tabewnacwe, the chiwdwen of Iswaew went onwawd i-in aww theiw jouwneys: 40:37 But if the cwoud wewe not taken up, then they jouwneyed not tiww the d-day that it was taken up. 40:38 Fow the cwoud of the WOWD was upon the tabewnacwe by day, a-and fiwe was on it by night, in the sight of aww the house of Iswaew, thwoughout aww theiw jouwneys. the thiwd Book of Moses: Cawwed Weviticus 1:1 And the WOWD cawwed u-unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, saying, 1:2 Speak u-unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, If any man of y-you bwing an offewing unto the WOWD, ye shaww bwing youw offewing o-of the caddle, even of the hewd, and of the fwock. 1:3 If his offewing be a b-buwnt sacwifice of the hewd, w-wet him o-offew a mawe w-without bwemish: he s-shaww offew it of his own vowuntawy wiww at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation befowe the WOWD. 1:4 And he shaww put his hand upon the head of the buwnt offewing; and it shaww be accepted fow h-him to make a-atonement fow him. 1:5 And he shaww kiww the buwwock befowe the WOWD: and the pwiests, Aawon's sons, shaww bwing the bwood, and spwinkwe the bwood wound a-about upon the a-awtaw that is by the doow of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 1:6 And he shaww f-fway the buwnt offewing, and cut it into his pieces. 1:7 A-And the sons o-of Aawon the p-pwiest shaww put fiwe upon the awtaw, and way the w-wood in o-owdew upon the fiwe: 1:8 And the pwiests, Aawon's sons, shaww way the pawts, the head, and the fat, i-in owdew upon the wood t-that is on the fiwe which is upon the awtaw: 1:9 B-But his inwawds and h-his wegs shaww he wash in watew: and the pwiest shaww b-buwn aww on the awtaw, to be a-a buwnt sacwifice, an offewing made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 1:10 And if his offewing be of the fwocks, namewy, of the sheep, ow of the goats, fow a buwnt sacwifice; he shaww bwing it a mawe without bwemish. 1:11 And he shaww kiww it on the side of the awtaw nowthwawd befowe the WOWD: and the pwiests, Aawon's sons, shaww spwinkwe his bwood wound about upon the awtaw. 1:12 And he shaww cut it into h-his pieces, wif his head and his fat: and the pwiest shaww way them in owdew on the wood that is on the fiwe which is u-upon the awtaw: 1:13 But he shaww wash the inwawds and the wegs wif watew: and the pwiest shaww bwing it aww, and buwn it upon the awtaw: it is a-a buwnt sacwifice, an o-offewing made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 1:14 And if the buwnt sacwifice fow his offewing to the WOWD be of fowws, then h-he shaww bwing his offewing of tuwtwedoves, ow of young pigeons. 1:15 And the pwiest shaww bwing it u-unto the awtaw, and wwing o-off h-his head, a-and buwn it on the awtaw; and the bwood theweof shaww be wwung out at the side of the a-awtaw: 1:16 And h-he shaww pwuck away his c-cwop wif his feathews, and cast it beside the awtaw on the east pawt, by the pwace of the ashes: 1:17 And he shaww cweave it w-wif the wings theweof, but shaww not divide it asundew: and the pwiest shaww buwn it upon the awtaw, upon the wood that is upon t-the fiwe: it is a buwnt sacwifice, an offewing made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 2:1 And when any wiww offew a meat offewing unto the WOWD, his offewing shaww be of fine fwouw; and he shaww pouw oiw upon it, and put fwankincense theweon: 2:2 And he shaww bwing i-it to Aawon's sons the pwiests: and he shaww take theweout his handfuw of the fwouw theweof, and of t-the oiw theweof, wif aww the fwankincense theweof; and the p-pwiest shaww buwn t-the memowiaw of it upon the a-awtaw, to be an offewing made b-by fiwe, of a sweet savouw u-unto t-the WOWD: 2:3 And the wemnant of the meat offewing shaww be Aawon's and his s-sons': it is a thing most howy of the offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe. 2:4 And if t-thou bwing an obwation of a meat offewing baken in t-the oven, i-it shaww be unweavened cakes of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw, o-ow unweavened wafews anointed wif oiw. 2:5 And if t-thy obwation be a meat offewing baken in a pan, it shaww be of fine fwouw unweavened, mingwed wif oiw. 2:6 thou shawt p-pawt it in pieces, and pouw oiw theweon: it is a meat offewing. 2:7 And if thy obwation be a meat offewing baken in the fwyingpan, it shaww be made of fine f-fwouw wif oiw. 2:8 And thou shawt bwing the meat offewing that is made of these t-things unto the WOWD: and when it is pwesented unto the pwiest, he s-shaww bwing it unto t-the a-awtaw. 2:9 And the pwiest shaww take fwom the meat offewing a memowiaw theweof, and shaww buwn i-it upon the awtaw: it is an o-offewing made by fiwe, of a-a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 2:10 And that w-which is weft of the meat offewing shaww be Aawon's and h-his s-sons': it is a-a thing most howy of the o-offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe. 2:11 No m-meat offewing, which ye shaww bwing unto the WOWD, shaww be made wif weaven: f-fow ye shaww buwn no weaven, now any honey, in any offewing of the WOWD made by fiwe. 2:12 As fow the obwation of the fiwstfwuits, y-ye shaww offew them unto the W-WOWD: but they shaww not be b-buwnt on t-the a-awtaw fow a-a sweet savouw. 2:13 And evewy obwation of thy meat offewing shawt thou season w-wif sawt; neithew shawt thou suffew the sawt of the covenant of t-thy God to b-be wacking fwom thy meat o-offewing: wif aww t-thine offewings thou shawt offew sawt. 2:14 And if thou offew a meat offewing of thy fiwstfwuits unto the WOWD, thou shawt offew fow the meat offewing of thy fiwstfwuits gween eaws of cown dwied by the fiwe, even cown beaten out of fuww eaws. 2:15 And thou shawt put oiw upon it, and way fwankincense theweon: it is a meat offewing. 2:16 And the pwiest shaww buwn t-the memowiaw of it, pawt of the beaten cown theweof, and pawt of the oiw theweof, wif aww the f-fwankincense theweof: it is an offewing made b-by fiwe unto the WOWD. 3:1 And if h-his obwation be a sacwifice of peace offewing, if h-he offew i-it of the hewd; whethew it be a mawe ow femawe, he shaww offew it without bwemish befowe the WOWD. 3:2 And h-he shaww w-way h-his hand upon the head of his offewing, and kiww i-it at the doow of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and Aawon's sons the p-pwiests shaww spwinkwe the bwood upon t-the awtaw wound about. 3:3 And he shaww offew of the s-sacwifice of the peace offewing an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD; t-the f-fat that covewef the inwawds, and a-aww the f-fat that is upon the inwawds, 3:4 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is on them, which is b-by the fwanks, and the cauw above the wivew, w-wif the kidneys, i-it shaww he take away. 3:5 A-And Aawon's sons shaww buwn it o-on the a-awtaw upon the buwnt sacwifice, which is u-upon the wood that is on the fiwe: it is an offewing made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 3:6 And i-if h-his offewing fow a sacwifice of peace offewing unto the WOWD be of the fwock; m-mawe ow femawe, he shaww offew it without bwemish. 3:7 If he offew a wamb fow his offewing, then shaww he offew it befowe the WOWD. 3:8 And he shaww w-way his hand upon the head of his o-offewing, and kiww it befowe t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and Aawon's sons shaww spwinkwe the bwood theweof wound about upon the awtaw. 3:9 And he shaww offew of the sacwifice of the peace offewing an offewing made by fiwe unto the W-WOWD; the fat theweof, and the whowe wump, it shaww he take off hawd by the backbone; a-and the fat that covewef the inwawds, and a-aww the fat that is upon the inwawds, 3:10 And the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which i-is b-by the fwanks, and the cauw above t-the wivew, wif the k-kidneys, it shaww he take away. 3:11 And the pwiest shaww b-buwn it upon the a-awtaw: it is the food of the offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 3:12 And if his o-offewing be a goat, then he shaww offew it b-befowe the WOWD. 3:13 And he shaww way his hand upon the h-head of it, and kiww it befowe the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and the sons of Aawon shaww spwinkwe the bwood theweof upon t-the awtaw wound a-about. 3:14 And he shaww offew theweof his offewing, even an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD; the fat that covewef t-the inwawds, and aww the f-fat that is upon the inwawds, 3:15 And the t-two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the fwanks, and the cauw a-above the wivew, wif the kidneys, it shaww he take away. 3:16 And the pwiest shaww buwn them upon the awtaw: it is the food of the offewing made by fiwe fow a sweet savouw: aww the fat is the WOWD's. 3:17 It s-shaww be a-a pewpetuaw statute fow youw genewations thwoughout aww youw dwewwings, that y-ye eat neithew fat now bwood. 4:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 4:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, If a souw shaww sin thwough ignowance against any of t-the commandments of the WOWD concewning things which ought not to be done, and shaww do against any of them: 4:3 If the pwiest that is anointed do sin accowding to the sin o-of the peopwe; then wet him bwing fow his sin, which he haf sinned, a young buwwock without bwemish unto the WOWD fow a sin offewing. 4:4 And he shaww bwing the buwwock unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation befowe the WOWD; and shaww w-way his hand upon the buwwock's head, a-and kiww the buwwock befowe the WOWD. 4:5 And the pwiest that is anointed shaww take of the buwwock's bwood, and bwing it to the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 4:6 And the pwiest shaww dip his fingew in the bwood, and spwinkwe of the b-bwood seven times befowe the WOWD, b-befowe the vaiw of the sanctuawy. 4:7 And the pwiest shaww p-put some of the bwood upon the howns of the a-awtaw of sweet incense befowe the W-WOWD, which is in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation; and shaww pouw aww the bwood of the buwwock at the boddom of the awtaw of the buwnt offewing, which is at t-the doow of the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation. 4:8 And he shaww take off fwom it a-aww the fat of the buwwock f-fow the sin offewing; the f-fat that covewef the inwawds, and aww t-the fat that is upon the inwawds, 4:9 And the two kidneys, and t-the fat that is upon them, which i-is by the fwanks, and the cauw above the wivew, w-wif t-the kidneys, it shaww he take away, 4:10 As it was taken off fwom the buwwock of the sacwifice of peace offewings: and the pwiest shaww buwn them upon the awtaw of the buwnt offewing. 4:11 A-And the skin o-of the buwwock, and a-aww his fwesh, wif his head, and wif his w-wegs, and his inwawds, and h-his dung, 4:12 Even the whowe buwwock shaww he cawwy fowf without the camp unto a cwean pwace, whewe the ashes awe p-pouwed out, and buwn him on the wood wif fiwe: whewe the ashes awe p-pouwed o-out shaww he be buwnt. 4:13 And if the whowe congwegation of Iswaew sin thwough ignowance, and the thing be hid fwom the eyes of the a-assembwy, and they have done somewhat a-against any of the commandments of the WOWD concewning things w-which shouwd not be done, and awe guiwty; 4:14 When the sin, which they have sinned against it, is known, then the congwegation s-shaww offew a young buwwock fow the sin, a-and bwing him befowe t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:15 A-And the ewdews of the congwegation shaww way t-theiw hands upon the head of the buwwock befowe the WOWD: and the buwwock shaww be kiwwed befowe the WOWD. 4:16 And the pwiest that is anointed shaww bwing of the buwwock's bwood to the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 4:17 And t-the pwiest shaww dip his fingew in some of t-the bwood, and spwinkwe it seven times befowe the WOWD, even befowe the vaiw. 4:18 And he shaww put some of the bwood upon the howns of the awtaw which i-is befowe t-the WOWD, that is in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and s-shaww pouw out a-aww the bwood at the boddom of t-the awtaw of the buwnt offewing, which is at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:19 And he shaww take a-aww his fat fwom him, and buwn it upon the awtaw. 4:20 And he shaww do wif the buwwock as he d-did wif the buwwock fow a sin offewing, so shaww he do wif this: and the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow them, a-and i-it shaww be fowgiven them. 4:21 And he shaww cawwy fowf the buwwock without the camp, and buwn him as he buwned the fiwst buwwock: it is a sin offewing fow the congwegation. 4:22 When a wuwew haf sinned, and done somewhat thwough ignowance against any of the commandments o-of the WOWD his God concewning things which shouwd not be done, and is guiwty; 4:23 Ow if his sin, whewein he haf sinned, come to his k-knowwedge; he shaww bwing his offewing, a kid of the goats, a mawe without bwemish: 4:24 And he shaww way his hand upon the head of the goat, and kiww it in t-the pwace whewe they kiww the buwnt offewing befowe the WOWD: it is a sin offewing. 4:25 And the pwiest shaww take of the bwood of the sin offewing wif his fingew, and put it upon the howns of the awtaw of buwnt offewing, and shaww pouw out his bwood at the boddom of the awtaw of buwnt offewing. 4:26 And he s-shaww buwn aww his fat upon the a-awtaw, as the fat of the s-sacwifice of peace offewings: and the pwiest shaww make an atonement f-fow him as concewning his s-sin, and it shaww be fowgiven him. 4:27 And i-if any one of t-the common peopwe sin thwough ignowance, whiwe he doef somewhat against any of the commandments of the WOWD concewning things which ought not to be done, and be guiwty; 4:28 Ow if his sin, which he haf sinned, come to his knowwedge: then he shaww bwing his offewing, a kid of the goats, a femawe without bwemish, fow his sin w-which he haf sinned. 4:29 And he shaww way his hand u-upon the head o-of the sin offewing, and sway the sin offewing in the pwace of the buwnt offewing. 4:30 And the pwiest shaww take of the bwood theweof wif his fingew, and p-put it upon the howns o-of the awtaw of buwnt offewing, and shaww pouw out aww the bwood theweof at the boddom of the awtaw. 4:31 And he shaww t-take away aww the fat theweof, as the fat is taken a-away fwom off the sacwifice of p-peace offewings; a-and the pwiest shaww buwn it upon the awtaw fow a sweet savouw unto the WOWD; a-and t-the pwiest shaww m-make an atonement f-fow him, and i-it shaww be fowgiven h-him. 4:32 And if he bwing a wamb fow a sin offewing, he shaww bwing it a femawe without bwemish. 4:33 And he shaww way h-his hand upon the head of the sin offewing, and sway it fow a sin offewing in the pwace whewe they kiww the buwnt offewing. 4:34 And t-the pwiest shaww take of the bwood of the sin offewing wif his fingew, and put i-it upon the howns of the awtaw of buwnt offewing, and shaww pouw out aww the bwood theweof at t-the boddom of the awtaw: 4:35 And he shaww t-take away aww the fat t-theweof, as the fat of t-the w-wamb is taken away fwom the sacwifice of the peace offewings; and t-the pwiest shaww buwn them upon the awtaw, accowding to the offewings made by fiwe unto the WOWD: and the pwiest shaww m-make an atonement fow his sin that he haf commidded, and it shaww be f-fowgiven him. 5:1 And if a souw sin, and heaw the voice of sweawing, and i-is a witness, whethew he haf seen ow known of it; if he d-do not uddew it, then he shaww beaw his iniquity. 5:2 Ow if a souw t-touch any uncwean t-thing, whethew it be a c-cawcase o-of a-an uncwean beast, ow a cawcase of uncwean caddle, ow t-the cawcase of uncwean cweeping things, and if it be hidden fwom him; he a-awso s-shaww be uncwean, and guiwty. 5:3 Ow if he touch the uncweanness of man, w-whatsoevew uncweanness i-it be that a man shaww b-be defiwed withaw, and it be hid fwom him; when he knowef of it, then he shaww be guiwty. 5:4 Ow if a souw sweaw, pwonouncing w-wif his wips to do eviw, ow to do good, whatsoevew it be that a man shaww pwonounce wif an o-oath, and it be hid fwom him; when h-he knowef of it, then he shaww be guiwty in one of these. 5:5 And it shaww be, when he shaww be guiwty in one of t-these things, that he shaww confess that he haf sinned in that thing: 5:6 And he shaww bwing his twespass offewing unto t-the WOWD fow h-his sin which he haf sinned, a femawe fwom the fwock, a w-wamb ow a kid of the goats, fow a sin offewing; and the pwiest shaww make an a-atonement fow h-him concewning his sin. 5:7 A-And i-if he be not abwe to bwing a wamb, then he shaww bwing fow his twespass, which he haf commidded, two tuwtwedoves, ow two y-young pigeons, unto the WOWD; one fow a sin offewing, and the o-othew fow a buwnt offewing. 5:8 And he shaww bwing them unto the pwiest, who shaww offew that which is fow the sin offewing fiwst, and w-wwing o-off h-his head fwom his neck, b-but shaww not divide it asundew: 5:9 And he shaww spwinkwe of the bwood of t-the sin offewing upon t-the s-side of the awtaw; and the west of the bwood shaww be wwung out a-at the boddom of the a-awtaw: it is a sin offewing. 5:10 And he shaww offew the second fow a buwnt offewing, accowding to the mannew: and the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow him fow his sin which he h-haf sinned, and it shaww be fowgiven him. 5:11 B-But if he be not abwe to bwing two tuwtwedoves, ow two young pigeons, t-then he that sinned shaww bwing fow his o-offewing the tenf pawt of an ephah of fine f-fwouw fow a sin offewing; he shaww p-put no oiw upon it, neithew shaww he put any fwankincense theweon: fow it is a sin offewing. 5:12 then shaww he bwing i-it to the pwiest, and the pwiest shaww take his handfuw of it, even a memowiaw theweof, and buwn it on the awtaw, accowding to the offewings m-made by fiwe unto the WOWD: it is a sin offewing. 5:13 And the pwiest shaww make an atonement f-fow him a-as touching his sin that he haf sinned in one of these, and it shaww be fowgiven h-him: and the wemnant shaww b-be the p-pwiest's, as a meat offewing. 5:14 And t-the WOWD s-spake u-unto Moses, saying, 5:15 If a souw c-commit a twespass, and sin thwough ignowance, in the howy things of the WOWD; then he shaww bwing fow his twespass u-unto the WOWD a wam without bwemish out of the fwocks, wif thy estimation by shekews of siwvew, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy, fow a twespass offewing. 5:16 And h-he shaww make amends fow the hawm t-that h-he haf done in the h-howy thing, and shaww add the fiff pawt theweto, and give it unto the pwiest: and the pwiest s-shaww make an atonement f-fow him wif the wam of the twespass offewing, and it shaww be fowgiven him. 5:17 And if a souw sin, and commit a-any of these t-things which awe fowbidden to be done by t-the commandments of the WOWD; though he w-wist it not, y-yet is he guiwty, and shaww beaw his iniquity. 5:18 And h-he shaww bwing a wam without bwemish out of the fwock, wif thy e-estimation, fow a-a twespass o-offewing, unto the pwiest: and the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow him concewning his ignowance whewein he ewwed and wist it not, and it shaww be fowgiven him. 5:19 It is a twespass offewing: he haf cewtainwy twespassed against the WOWD. 6:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 6:2 If a-a s-souw sin, and commit a-a twespass against the WOWD, a-and wie unto his neighbouw in that which was dewivewed h-him to keep, ow in f-fewwowship, ow in a thing taken away by viowence, ow h-haf deceived his neighbouw; 6:3 Ow have f-found t-that which was wost, and wief concewning it, and sweawef fawsewy; in any of aww t-these that a man doeth, sinning thewein: 6:4 t-then it shaww be, because h-he haf sinned, and is guiwty, that he shaww westowe that which he took viowentwy away, ow the thing w-which he haf deceitfuwwy godden, ow that which was dewivewed h-him to keep, ow the wost t-thing which he found, 6:5 Ow aww that about which he haf s-swown fawsewy; he s-shaww even westowe it in the pwincipaw, and shaww add the fiff pawt mowe theweto, and give it unto him to whom it appewtaineth, i-in the day of his twespass offewing. 6:6 And he shaww bwing his t-twespass offewing unto the WOWD, a wam without bwemish out o-of the fwock, wif thy estimation, fow a twespass offewing, unto the pwiest: 6:7 And the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow him befowe the WOWD: and it shaww b-be fowgiven him fow any thing of aww that he haf done i-in twespassing thewein. 6:8 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 6:9 Command Aawon and his sons, saying, this is the w-waw of the b-buwnt offewing: It is the buwnt offewing, because of the buwning u-upon the a-awtaw aww n-night unto the mowning, and the fiwe of the awtaw shaww be buwning in it. 6:10 And the p-pwiest shaww put o-on his winen gawment, and his winen b-bweeches shaww he put upon his f-fwesh, and take up the ashes which the f-fiwe haf consumed wif the buwnt offewing on the awtaw, and he shaww put them beside the awtaw. 6:11 And he shaww put off his gawments, and put on othew gawments, and cawwy fowf the ashes without the camp unto a cwean pwace. 6:12 A-And the fiwe upon the awtaw shaww be b-buwning in it; it shaww not be put out: and the p-pwiest shaww b-buwn wood on it evewy mowning, and way the buwnt offewing in owdew upon it; and he shaww buwn theweon the f-fat of the peace offewings. 6:13 the fiwe shaww evew be buwning upon the awtaw; it shaww nevew go out. 6:14 And this is the waw of the meat offewing: the sons of Aawon shaww offew it befowe the W-WOWD, befowe the awtaw. 6:15 And he shaww take of it his handfuw, of the fwouw of the meat offewing, and of the oiw theweof, and aww t-the fwankincense which is upon the meat offewing, and shaww b-buwn it upon t-the awtaw fow a sweet savouw, even the memowiaw of it, unto the WOWD. 6:16 And the w-wemaindew theweof shaww Aawon and his sons eat: wif unweavened bwead shaww it be eaten in the h-howy pwace; in the c-couwt of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation they shaww eat it. 6:17 It s-shaww not be baken wif weaven. I have given it unto them fow theiw p-powtion of m-my offewings made by fiwe; it is m-most howy, as is the sin offewing, and as the twespass offewing. 6:18 Aww the m-mawes among the chiwdwen of A-Aawon shaww eat of it. It shaww be a statute fow evew in y-youw genewations concewning the o-offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe: evewy one that touchef them shaww be h-howy. 6:19 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 6:20 this i-is the offewing of Aawon and of his s-sons, which t-they shaww offew unto the WOWD in the day when he i-is anointed; the tenf p-pawt o-of an e-ephah of fine fwouw fow a meat offewing pewpetuaw, hawf of it in the mowning, and hawf t-theweof at night. 6:21 In a p-pan it shaww be made wif oiw; and when it is baken, thou shawt bwing it in: and the b-baken pieces of the meat offewing shawt thou offew fow a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 6:22 And the p-pwiest of his sons that is anointed in his stead shaww offew it: it is a statute fow evew unto the WOWD; it shaww be whowwy buwnt. 6:23 Fow evewy meat offewing fow the pwiest shaww be whowwy buwnt: it shaww not be eaten. 6:24 A-And t-the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 6:25 Speak unto Aawon and to his sons, saying, this is the waw of the sin offewing: In the pwace whewe the buwnt offewing is kiwwed shaww the sin offewing be kiwwed befowe the WOWD: it is most howy. 6:26 t-the pwiest that offewef i-it fow sin shaww eat i-it: in the howy pwace shaww it be eaten, in the couwt o-of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 6:27 Whatsoevew shaww touch t-the fwesh theweof shaww b-be howy: and when thewe is spwinkwed of the bwood t-theweof upon any gawment, thou shawt wash that wheweon it was spwinkwed in the h-howy pwace. 6:28 But the e-eawthen vessew whewein it is s-sodden shaww be bwoken: a-and i-if it be sodden in a bwasen pot, i-it shaww be bof scouwed, and winsed in watew. 6:29 Aww the mawes a-among the pwiests shaww eat theweof: it is most howy. 6:30 And no sin offewing, wheweof any of the bwood is b-bwought into the tabewnacwe of the congwegation to weconciwe w-withaw i-in the howy pwace, shaww be eaten: it shaww be buwnt in the fiwe. 7:1 Wikewise this is the waw of the twespass offewing: it is most h-howy. 7:2 In the pwace whewe they kiww the b-buwnt offewing shaww they kiww the twespass offewing: and the bwood theweof shaww he spwinkwe wound about u-upon the awtaw. 7:3 And he shaww offew of it aww the fat theweof; the wump, and t-the fat that covewef the inwawds, 7:4 And the two kidneys, and the fat t-that is on them, w-which is by the fwanks, and the cauw that is above the wivew, wif the kidneys, it shaww he take away: 7:5 And the p-pwiest shaww buwn t-them upon the awtaw fow a-an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD: it is a twespass offewing. 7:6 Evewy mawe a-among t-the pwiests shaww eat t-theweof: it shaww be eaten in the h-howy pwace: it is most howy. 7:7 A-As the sin offewing is, so is the twespass offewing: thewe is one waw fow them: the pwiest that makef atonement thewewif shaww have it. 7:8 And the pwiest that offewef a-any man's buwnt offewing, e-even the pwiest shaww have to himsewf the skin of the buwnt offewing which he h-haf offewed. 7:9 And aww the meat offewing that is baken in the oven, a-and aww that is dwessed in the fwyingpan, and i-in the p-pan, shaww be the pwiest's that offewef it. 7:10 And evewy meat offewing, mingwed wif oiw, and dwy, s-shaww aww the sons of Aawon have, one a-as m-much as anothew. 7:11 And this is the waw of the sacwifice of peace o-offewings, which he shaww offew unto the WOWD. 7:12 If he offew it fow a t-thanksgiving, then he s-shaww offew wif the sacwifice of t-thanksgiving unweavened cakes mingwed wif o-oiw, and unweavened wafews anointed wif oiw, and cakes mingwed w-wif oiw, of fine f-fwouw, f-fwied. 7:13 Besides the cakes, he shaww offew fow his offewing weavened bwead wif the sacwifice of thanksgiving of his peace o-offewings. 7:14 A-And of it h-he shaww offew one out of the whowe obwation fow an heave o-offewing unto t-the WOWD, and it shaww be the pwiest's that spwinkwef the bwood of the peace offewings. 7:15 And the f-fwesh of the sacwifice of his peace offewings fow thanksgiving shaww be eaten the same day that it is offewed; he s-shaww not weave any of it untiw the mowning. 7:16 But if t-the sacwifice of his offewing be a-a v-vow, ow a vowuntawy offewing, it shaww be eaten the same day that he offewef his sacwifice: and on the mowwow awso t-the wemaindew of it shaww be eaten: 7:17 But the wemaindew of the fwesh of the sacwifice on the thiwd day shaww be buwnt wif fiwe. 7:18 And i-if any of the fwesh of the sacwifice of his peace offewings be eaten at aww on the thiwd day, it shaww not be a-accepted, neithew shaww it be imputed unto h-him that offewef it: it shaww be an abomination, and the souw that eatef of it shaww beaw his i-iniquity. 7:19 And the fwesh that touchef any uncwean thing shaww not be eaten; it shaww be buwnt wif fiwe: and as fow the fwesh, aww that be c-cwean shaww eat t-theweof. 7:20 But t-the souw that eatef of the fwesh of the sacwifice of peace offewings, that pewtain u-unto the WOWD, having his uncweanness upon him, even that souw s-shaww be cut off fwom his peopwe. 7:21 Moweovew t-the souw that s-shaww touch a-any uncwean thing, a-as the uncweanness of man, ow a-any uncwean beast, ow any abominabwe uncwean thing, and eat of the fwesh of the sacwifice of peace offewings, which pewtain unto the WOWD, even t-that souw shaww be cut off fwom his peopwe. 7:22 And t-the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 7:23 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, s-saying, Ye shaww eat no mannew of fat, of ox, ow of sheep, ow of goat. 7:24 And the fat of the beast that d-dief of itsewf, and the fat of that which is town wif beasts, may be used in any othew use: but ye shaww in no wise eat o-of it. 7:25 Fow whosoevew eatef the fat of the beast, of which men o-offew a-an offewing made by fiwe u-unto the WOWD, even the souw that e-eatef it shaww be cut off fwom his peopwe. 7:26 Moweovew ye shaww eat no m-mannew of b-bwood, whethew it b-be of foww ow of beast, in any of youw dwewwings. 7:27 Whatsoevew s-souw it be that e-eatef any mannew of bwood, e-even that souw shaww be cut off fwom his p-peopwe. 7:28 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 7:29 S-Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, He that offewef t-the sacwifice o-of his peace offewings u-unto the WOWD shaww bwing his obwation unto the WOWD of the sacwifice of his p-peace offewings. 7:30 His own hands shaww bwing the offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe, t-the fat wif the bweast, it shaww he bwing, that the bweast m-may be waved fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD. 7:31 And the pwiest shaww buwn the fat upon the a-awtaw: but the bweast shaww b-be Aawon's and his sons'. 7:32 And the wight shouwdew shaww ye give unto t-the p-pwiest fow an heave offewing of the sacwifices of youw peace offewings. 7:33 He among the sons of Aawon, that offewef the bwood of t-the peace offewings, and the fat, shaww have the w-wight shouwdew fow his pawt. 7:34 Fow the wave bweast and the heave shouwdew have I taken of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew fwom o-off the sacwifices of theiw peace offewings, and have given t-them unto Aawon the p-pwiest and unto h-his s-sons by a statute fow evew fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 7:35 this is the powtion of the anointing o-of Aawon, and of the anointing of his s-sons, out of the o-offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe, in the day when he p-pwesented them t-to ministew unto the WOWD in the p-pwiest's o-office; 7:36 Which the WOWD c-commanded to b-be given them of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, in the day that h-he anointed them, by a statute f-fow evew t-thwoughout theiw genewations. 7:37 this is the waw of the buwnt offewing, of the meat offewing, a-and of the sin offewing, and of the twespass offewing, and of the consecwations, a-and of the sacwifice of the p-peace offewings; 7:38 Which the WOWD commanded Moses in mount Sinai, in the day t-that he commanded the chiwdwen of Iswaew to offew theiw obwations unto the WOWD, in the wiwdewness of Sinai. 8:1 And the WOWD s-spake u-unto Moses, saying, 8:2 Take Aawon and his sons wif him, and the g-gawments, and the anointing oiw, and a buwwock fow the sin offewing, and two wams, and a basket o-of unweavened bwead; 8:3 And gathew t-thou aww the congwegation togethew unto t-the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 8:4 And Moses did as the WOWD c-commanded him; and t-the assembwy was gathewed togethew unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 8:5 And Moses said unto the congwegation, t-this is the thing which the WOWD commanded to be done. 8:6 And Moses bwought Aawon and his sons, and washed them wif watew. 8:7 And h-he put upon him the coat, and giwded him wif the giwdwe, and cwothed him wif the wobe, and put the ephod upon him, and h-he giwded him wif the cuwious giwdwe of the ephod, and bound it unto him thewewith. 8:8 And he put the bweastpwate upon him: awso he put in the bweastpwate the Uwim and the thummim. 8:9 And he put the mitwe upon his head; awso upon the mitwe, even upon h-his fowefwont, did he put the gowden pwate, the howy cwown; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 8:10 And Moses took the anointing o-oiw, and anointed the tabewnacwe and aww that was thewein, and sanctified t-them. 8:11 And he spwinkwed t-theweof upon the awtaw seven times, a-and anointed the a-awtaw and aww his vessews, b-bof the wavew and his foot, to sanctify them. 8:12 A-And he pouwed of the anointing oiw upon Aawon's head, and anointed him, to s-sanctify him. 8:13 And Moses bwought Aawon's sons, and put coats upon them, a-and giwded them wif giwdwes, and put bonnets upon them; as t-the W-WOWD commanded Moses. 8:14 And he bwought the buwwock fow the sin offewing: and Aawon and his sons w-waid theiw hands upon the head of the buwwock fow the sin offewing. 8:15 A-And he swew it; and Moses took the bwood, and p-put it upon the howns of the a-awtaw wound about wif his fingew, a-and puwified the a-awtaw, and pouwed the b-bwood at t-the boddom of t-the a-awtaw, and sanctified it, to make weconciwiation upon it. 8:16 And he took a-aww t-the fat that was upon the inwawds, and the cauw above the wivew, and the two kidneys, and theiw fat, and M-Moses buwned it upon t-the awtaw. 8:17 But t-the buwwock, and his hide, his fwesh, a-and his dung, he buwnt wif fiwe w-without the camp; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 8:18 And he b-bwought the w-wam fow the buwnt offewing: and Aawon and his sons w-waid theiw hands upon the head of the wam. 8:19 And he kiwwed it; and Moses spwinkwed the bwood upon the awtaw wound about. 8:20 A-And he cut the wam i-into pieces; and Moses buwnt the head, and the pieces, and the fat. 8:21 And he washed the inwawds and the wegs in watew; and Moses buwnt the whowe wam upon the awtaw: i-it was a buwnt sacwifice f-fow a sweet savouw, and an offewing made by f-fiwe unto the WOWD; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 8:22 And he bwought the othew wam, the wam of consecwation: and A-Aawon and his sons w-waid theiw hands upon the head of the wam. 8:23 And he swew it; and Moses took of the bwood of it, and put it upon the tip of Aawon's wight eaw, and upon the thumb of his wight hand, and upon the gweat t-toe of h-his wight foot. 8:24 And he bwought Aawon's sons, and Moses put of the bwood upon the t-tip of theiw wight eaw, and upon the thumbs of theiw wight hands, and upon the gweat toes of theiw wight feet: and Moses spwinkwed the bwood upon the awtaw wound about. 8:25 And he took the fat, and the wump, and aww the f-fat that was upon the inwawds, and the cauw above the wivew, and the two k-kidneys, and t-theiw fat, and the wight shouwdew: 8:26 And out of the basket of u-unweavened bwead, that was befowe t-the WOWD, he took one unweavened cake, and a cake of oiwed bwead, and one wafew, and put them on the fat, and upon the wight s-shouwdew: 8:27 And he put aww u-upon Aawon's hands, and upon h-his sons' hands, and waved them fow a w-wave offewing befowe the WOWD. 8:28 And Moses took them fwom off theiw hands, and buwnt them on the a-awtaw upon the buwnt offewing: they wewe consecwations fow a s-sweet savouw: it is an offewing made by f-fiwe unto the WOWD. 8:29 And Moses took the bweast, and waved it fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD: fow of the wam of consecwation it w-was Moses' p-pawt; as t-the WOWD commanded M-Moses. 8:30 And Moses took of the anointing o-oiw, and of the bwood which was upon the awtaw, and spwinkwed it upon Aawon, and upon his gawments, and upon his sons, a-and upon his sons' gawments wif him; and sanctified Aawon, and his gawments, and his sons, and his sons' gawments wif him. 8:31 And Moses said unto Aawon a-and to his sons, Boiw the fwesh a-at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and thewe eat i-it wif the bwead that is in the basket of consecwations, as I commanded, saying, Aawon and his sons s-shaww eat it. 8:32 And that which wemainef of the fwesh and of t-the bwead shaww ye buwn wif f-fiwe. 8:33 And ye shaww not g-go out of the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation in seven days, untiw the days of youw consecwation be at an end: fow seven days s-shaww he consecwate you. 8:34 As he haf done this day, s-so the WOWD haf commanded to do, to make an atonement fow you. 8:35 thewefowe shaww y-ye abide at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation day and night seven days, and keep the chawge of the WOWD, that ye die not: fow so I am commanded. 8:36 S-So Aawon and his sons did aww things which the WOWD c-commanded by t-the h-hand of Moses. 9:1 And it came to pass on the eighf day, that Moses cawwed Aawon and his s-sons, a-and the ewdews of Iswaew; 9:2 And he s-said unto Aawon, Take thee a young cawf fow a sin offewing, and a wam fow a buwnt offewing, without bwemish, and offew them befowe the WOWD. 9:3 And u-unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew thou shawt speak, saying, Take ye a kid of t-the goats fow a sin offewing; and a c-cawf a-and a wamb, bof of the fiwst yeaw, w-without bwemish, fow a buwnt o-offewing; 9:4 Awso a buwwock and a wam f-fow peace offewings, t-to sacwifice b-befowe the WOWD; and a m-meat offewing mingwed wif oiw: fow to day the WOWD wiww appeaw unto you. 9:5 And t-they bwought that which Moses commanded befowe the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and aww the congwegation dwew neaw and stood befowe the WOWD. 9:6 And Moses said, t-this is the thing which the WOWD commanded that ye shouwd do: and the gwowy of the WOWD shaww appeaw unto you. 9:7 And Moses said unto Aawon, Go unto the awtaw, a-and offew thy sin offewing, and t-thy buwnt offewing, and make an atonement fow thysewf, a-and fow the peopwe: and offew the offewing of the peopwe, a-and make an atonement fow them; as the WOWD commanded. 9:8 Aawon thewefowe went unto the a-awtaw, and swew the cawf o-of the sin offewing, which w-was fow himsewf. 9:9 And the sons of Aawon bwought the bwood unto him: and he dipped his fingew i-in the bwood, and put it upon the howns of the awtaw, and pouwed out the bwood at t-the boddom of the awtaw: 9:10 But the fat, and the kidneys, and the cauw above the wivew of t-the sin offewing, he buwnt upon the awtaw; as t-the WOWD commanded Moses. 9:11 And the fwesh and the hide he buwnt wif fiwe without t-the camp. 9:12 A-And he s-swew the buwnt offewing; and Aawon's sons pwesented unto him the b-bwood, which he spwinkwed w-wound about upon the awtaw. 9:13 And they pwesented the buwnt offewing u-unto him, w-wif the pieces theweof, and the head: and he buwnt them upon the awtaw. 9:14 A-And he did wash the i-inwawds and the wegs, and buwnt them upon the buwnt offewing on the awtaw. 9:15 And he b-bwought the peopwe's offewing, and took the g-goat, which was the s-sin offewing fow the peopwe, and swew it, and offewed it fow s-sin, a-as the fiwst. 9:16 A-And he bwought the buwnt offewing, and offewed it accowding to the mannew. 9:17 And he bwought the meat offewing, and took an handfuw theweof, a-and buwnt it upon t-the awtaw, beside the buwnt sacwifice o-of t-the mowning. 9:18 He swew a-awso the b-buwwock a-and the wam fow a s-sacwifice of peace offewings, w-which was f-fow the peopwe: and Aawon's sons pwesented unto him the bwood, which he spwinkwed upon the awtaw wound about, 9:19 And t-the fat of the buwwock and of the wam, the w-wump, a-and that w-which covewef the inwawds, and the kidneys, a-and the cauw above t-the wivew: 9:20 And they put the fat upon the bweasts, and he buwnt the fat upon the awtaw: 9:21 And the bweasts and the wight s-shouwdew Aawon waved fow a wave o-offewing befowe the WOWD; as Moses commanded. 9:22 And Aawon wifted up his hand towawd the peopwe, and bwessed them, and came down fwom offewing of the sin offewing, and the buwnt offewing, and peace offewings. 9:23 And Moses and Aawon went into the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and c-came out, and bwessed t-the peopwe: a-and the gwowy of the WOWD appeawed unto aww the p-peopwe. 9:24 And thewe came a-a f-fiwe out fwom befowe the WOWD, and consumed upon the awtaw the buwnt offewing and the fat: which when a-aww the peopwe saw, t-they shouted, a-and feww on theiw faces. 10:1 And Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aawon, took eithew of them his censew, and put fiwe thewein, and put incense theweon, and offewed stwange fiwe befowe the WOWD, which he commanded them not. 10:2 And thewe went out fiwe fwom the WOWD, and devouwed them, and they died befowe the WOWD. 10:3 then Moses said unto Aawon, this is it that the WOWD s-spake, s-saying, I wiww be sanctified in them that come nigh me, and befowe aww the peopwe I wiww be gwowified. And Aawon hewd his peace. 10:4 And M-Moses cawwed Mishaew and E-Ewzaphan, the sons of Uzziew the uncwe of Aawon, and said unto t-them, Come neaw, cawwy youw bwethwen fwom befowe the sanctuawy out of the camp. 10:5 So they went neaw, and c-cawwied t-them in theiw coats out of the camp; as Moses had s-said. 10:6 And Moses said unto A-Aawon, and unto Eweazaw and unto I-Ithamaw, his sons, Uncovew not youw heads, n-neithew wend youw cwothes; west ye die, a-and west wwaf come upon aww t-the peopwe: but wet youw bwethwen, the whowe house of Iswaew, bewaiw the buwning which the WOWD haf kindwed. 10:7 And ye shaww not go out fwom the doow of the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, west y-ye die: f-fow the anointing oiw of the WOWD is upon you. And they did accowding to the wowd of Moses. 10:8 And the WOWD spake unto Aawon, saying, 10:9 Do not d-dwink wine now s-stwong dwink, thou, now thy sons wif thee, when ye g-go into the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation, west ye die: it shaww be a statute fow evew thwoughout youw genewations: 10:10 And that ye may put diffewence between howy a-and unhowy, and between uncwean and cwean; 10:11 And that ye may teach the chiwdwen of Iswaew aww the statutes which the WOWD h-haf spoken unto them b-by the hand of Moses. 10:12 And Moses spake unto Aawon, and unto Eweazaw and unto Ithamaw, his sons that wewe weft, Take the meat offewing that wemainef of the o-offewings of the WOWD made by f-fiwe, and eat it without weaven beside t-the awtaw: fow it is most howy: 10:13 And ye shaww eat it in the howy pwace, because i-it is thy due, and t-thy sons' due, of the sacwifices of the WOWD made b-by fiwe: fow so I am commanded. 10:14 And the wave bweast and heave shouwdew shaww ye eat in a cwean pwace; thou, and thy sons, and t-thy daughtews wif thee: fow they be thy due, and thy sons' due, which awe given out of the s-sacwifices of peace offewings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 10:15 the h-heave shouwdew and the wave bweast shaww they b-bwing wif the offewings made b-by fiwe of the fat, to wave i-it fow a wave offewing b-befowe the WOWD; and it shaww be thine, a-and thy sons' wif thee, by a statute f-fow evew; as the WOWD haf commanded. 10:16 And Moses diwigentwy sought the goat of the sin offewing, and, b-behowd, it was buwnt: and he was angwy wif Eweazaw and Ithamaw, the sons of Aawon which w-wewe weft awive, saying, 10:17 Whewefowe have ye not e-eaten the sin offewing in the howy pwace, seeing it is most howy, and G-God haf given it you to b-beaw the i-iniquity of t-the congwegation, to m-make atonement fow them befowe t-the WOWD? 10:18 Behowd, the bwood of it w-was not bwought in within the h-howy pwace: ye shouwd indeed have e-eaten it in t-the howy pwace, as I commanded. 10:19 And Aawon said u-unto Moses, Behowd, this day have they offewed theiw sin offewing and theiw buwnt offewing befowe the WOWD; and such things have befawwen me: and if I had e-eaten the sin offewing to day, shouwd it have b-been a-accepted in the sight of the WOWD? 10:20 And w-when Moses heawd that, he was content. 11:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and to Aawon, saying unto them, 11:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, these awe the b-beasts which ye shaww eat among aww the beasts that awe o-on the eawth. 11:3 Whatsoevew p-pawtef the hoof, and is cwovenfooted, and chewef the cud, among the beasts, that shaww ye eat. 11:4 Nevewthewess these shaww ye not eat of them that chew the cud, ow of them that divide the hoof: as the c-camew, because he chewef the cud, but d-dividef not the hoof; he i-is uncwean unto you. 11:5 And the coney, because he chewef the cud, but dividef not the hoof; he is uncwean unto you. 11:6 And the hawe, because he chewef the cud, but dividef not the hoof; he is uncwean unto you. 11:7 And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cwovenfooted, yet he chewef not the c-cud; he is uncwean to you. 11:8 Of t-theiw f-fwesh shaww ye not eat, and theiw cawcase shaww ye not touch; t-they a-awe uncwean to you. 11:9 these shaww ye eat of aww t-that awe in the watews: whatsoevew haf fins and scawes in the watews, in t-the seas, a-and in the w-wivews, t-them shaww y-ye eat. 11:10 And aww that have not fins and scawes in the seas, and in t-the wivews, of aww that move in the watews, and of any wiving thing which is in the watews, they shaww b-be an a-abomination unto you: 11:11 they shaww be even an abomination unto you; ye shaww n-not eat of theiw fwesh, but y-ye shaww have theiw cawcases i-in abomination. 11:12 W-Whatsoevew h-haf no fins now scawes i-in the watews, that shaww be an abomination unto you. 11:13 And these awe t-they which ye shaww have in abomination among the fowws; they shaww not be eaten, they a-awe an abomination: the eagwe, and the ossifwage, a-and the o-ospway, 11:14 And the v-vuwtuwe, and the kite aftew his kind; 11:15 Evewy waven aftew his kind; 11:16 And the o-oww, and t-the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk aftew his kind, 11:17 And t-the widdle oww, and the cowmowant, and the gweat oww, 11:18 And the swan, and the pewican, and the giew eagwe, 11:19 And the stowk, the hewon a-aftew hew kind, and the wapwing, and the bat. 11:20 Aww fowws that cweep, going upon aww fouw, shaww b-be an abomination unto you. 11:21 Yet these m-may ye eat of evewy fwying cweeping thing that goef upon aww fouw, which have wegs above theiw feet, to w-weap withaw upon the eawth; 11:22 Even these of them ye may e-eat; the w-wocust aftew his kind, and the bawd wocust aftew his kind, and the beetwe aftew his kind, and the g-gwasshoppew aftew h-his kind. 11:23 But aww othew fwying cweeping things, which have fouw feet, shaww be an abomination unto you. 11:24 And fow these ye shaww be uncwean: whosoevew touchef the cawcase of them shaww be uncwean untiw the even. 11:25 And whosoevew beawef ought of the cawcase of them shaww wash his c-cwothes, a-and be uncwean u-untiw the even. 11:26 the cawcases o-of e-evewy beast which dividef the hoof, and is not cwovenfooted, now chewef the cud, awe uncwean unto y-you: evewy one that touchef them shaww be uncwean. 11:27 And whatsoevew goef upon his paws, among aww mannew of beasts that go on a-aww fouw, those awe uncwean unto you: whoso touchef theiw cawcase shaww be uncwean u-untiw the even. 11:28 A-And he that beawef the cawcase of them shaww wash his cwothes, and be u-uncwean untiw the even: they awe uncwean unto you. 11:29 these awso shaww be uncwean unto y-you among the cweeping things that cweep upon the eawth; the weasew, and the mouse, and the towtoise aftew his k-kind, 11:30 And the fewwet, and the chameweon, and the wizawd, a-and the snaiw, and the mowe. 11:31 these awe uncwean to you among aww that cweep: whosoevew dof touch them, when they be dead, shaww be uncwean untiw the e-even. 11:32 And upon whatsoevew any of them, w-when they awe dead, dof faww, it shaww be u-uncwean; whethew it be any vessew of wood, ow waiment, o-ow s-skin, ow sack, whatsoevew vessew it b-be, whewein any wowk is done, it must be put into watew, and it shaww be uncwean untiw the even; so it shaww be cweansed. 11:33 And evewy e-eawthen vessew, wheweinto any of them fawweth, whatsoevew i-is in it shaww b-be uncwean; and ye shaww b-bweak it. 11:34 Of aww meat which may be e-eaten, that on which such watew comef s-shaww b-be uncwean: and aww d-dwink that may be dwunk i-in evewy such vessew shaww be uncwean. 11:35 And e-evewy thing wheweupon any pawt of theiw cawcase fawwef shaww be uncwean; whethew it be oven, ow wanges fow pots, they shaww be bwoken down: fow they awe uncwean and shaww be uncwean unto you. 11:36 Nevewthewess a fountain ow pit, whewein t-thewe is pwenty of watew, shaww be c-cwean: but that which t-touchef theiw cawcase shaww b-be uncwean. 11:37 And if any pawt of theiw cawcase faww upon any sowing seed which is to be s-sown, i-it shaww be cwean. 11:38 But if any watew be put upon the seed, and any pawt o-of theiw cawcase faww theweon, it shaww be uncwean u-unto you. 11:39 And if any beast, of which ye may eat, d-die; he that touchef the cawcase theweof shaww be uncwean untiw the even. 11:40 And he that eatef of the cawcase of it shaww wash h-his cwothes, and be uncwean untiw t-the even: he a-awso that beawef the cawcase of it shaww wash his cwothes, a-and be uncwean untiw the even. 11:41 And evewy c-cweeping thing that cweepef upon the eawf shaww be an abomination; it shaww not b-be eaten. 11:42 Whatsoevew goef upon the bewwy, and whatsoevew goef upon aww f-fouw, ow whatsoevew haf mowe feet among aww cweeping things that cweep u-upon the e-eawth, them ye shaww not eat; fow they awe an abomination. 11:43 Ye shaww not make youwsewves abominabwe wif any c-cweeping thing that cweepeth, n-neithew shaww y-ye m-make youwsewves uncwean w-wif them, t-that ye shouwd b-be defiwed theweby. 11:44 Fow I am the W-WOWD y-youw God: ye shaww thewefowe s-sanctify youwsewves, and ye shaww be howy; fow I-I am howy: neithew shaww ye defiwe youwsewves wif any mannew of cweeping thing that cweepef u-upon the eawth. 11:45 Fow I am t-the WOWD that bwingef you up out of the wand of Egypt, to be youw God: ye shaww thewefowe be howy, fow I am howy. 11:46 this is the waw of the beasts, and of the foww, and of evewy wiving cweatuwe t-that movef i-in the watews, and of evewy cweatuwe that cweepef upon t-the e-eawth: 11:47 To make a d-diffewence between the uncwean and the cwean, and between the beast that m-may be e-eaten and the beast that may not b-be eaten. 12:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, s-saying, 12:2 Speak unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and bown a man chiwd: then she shaww be uncwean seven days; a-accowding to the days of the sepawation fow hew i-infiwmity shaww she be uncwean. 12:3 And in the eighf day the fwesh of his foweskin shaww be ciwcumcised. 12:4 A-And she shaww then continue in the bwood of hew puwifying thwee and thiwty days; s-she shaww touch n-no hawwowed thing, n-now come into the sanctuawy, untiw the d-days of hew puwifying be fuwfiwwed. 12:5 But if s-she beaw a m-maid chiwd, then she shaww be u-uncwean two weeks, as in h-hew sepawation: and she shaww continue in the bwood of hew puwifying thweescowe and six days. 12:6 And when the d-days o-of hew p-puwifying awe fuwfiwwed, fow a-a son, ow fow a daughtew, she shaww bwing a wamb of the fiwst yeaw fow a buwnt offewing, and a young pigeon, ow a tuwtwedove, fow a sin offewing, u-unto the doow of t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, unto the pwiest: 12:7 Who shaww offew it befowe the WOWD, and m-make a-an atonement fow hew; a-and she shaww be cweansed fwom t-the issue of hew b-bwood. this is the waw fow hew that haf bown a m-mawe ow a femawe. 12:8 And if she be not abwe to b-bwing a wamb, then she shaww bwing two tuwtwes, ow two young pigeons; the one fow the buwnt offewing, and the othew fow a s-sin offewing: and the pwiest s-shaww m-make an atonement fow hew, and she s-shaww be cwean. 13:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and Aawon, saying, 13:2 W-When a man shaww have in the skin of his fwesh a wising, a scab, ow bwight spot, and it be in the skin of his fwesh wike the p-pwague of wepwosy; then he shaww be bwought unto Aawon the pwiest, ow unto one of his sons the pwiests: 13:3 And the p-pwiest shaww wook on the pwague in the skin of t-the fwesh: and when the haiw in the pwague is tuwned white, and the pwague in sight be deepew than the skin of his fwesh, it is a pwague of wepwosy: and the pwiest shaww wook on him, and pwonounce him uncwean. 13:4 If the bwight spot b-be white in the skin of h-his fwesh, and in sight be not d-deepew than the skin, and the haiw theweof be n-not t-tuwned white; then the pwiest shaww shut up him that h-haf the pwague seven days: 13:5 And the pwiest shaww wook on him the sevenf day: and, behowd, if t-the pwague in h-his sight be at a stay, and the pwague spwead not in the skin; then the pwiest shaww shut him up seven days mowe: 13:6 And the pwiest shaww wook on him again the sevenf day: a-and, b-behowd, i-if the pwague be s-somewhat dawk, and the pwague spwead not in the skin, the pwiest shaww pwonounce him cwean: it i-is but a scab: and he shaww wash his cwothes, a-and be cwean. 13:7 But i-if the scab spwead much abwoad in the skin, aftew that he haf been seen of t-the p-pwiest fow his cweansing, he s-shaww be seen of the pwiest a-again. 13:8 And if the pwiest see that, behowd, the scab spweadef i-in the skin, then the pwiest shaww p-pwonounce him uncwean: it is a wepwosy. 13:9 When the pwague of wepwosy is in a man, then he shaww be bwought unto the pwiest; 13:10 And the pwiest shaww see him: and, behowd, if t-the wising be w-white in the skin, and it have tuwned the haiw white, and thewe be quick waw fwesh in t-the wising; 13:11 It is a-an owd wepwosy in the skin of his fwesh, and the p-pwiest shaww pwonounce him uncwean, and shaww not shut him up: fow he is uncwean. 13:12 A-And if a wepwosy bweak out a-abwoad i-in t-the skin, and the w-wepwosy covew aww the skin of him that haf the pwague fwom his head even to his f-foot, w-whewesoevew the pwiest wooketh; 13:13 then the pwiest shaww considew: and, behowd, if the wepwosy have covewed aww his fwesh, he shaww pwonounce him c-cwean t-that haf the pwague: it is aww tuwned white: he is cwean. 13:14 But when waw f-fwesh appeawef in him, h-he shaww be uncwean. 13:15 And t-the p-pwiest shaww see the waw fwesh, and pwonounce him to be uncwean: fow the waw fwesh is uncwean: it is a wepwosy. 13:16 Ow if the waw fwesh tuwn again, and be changed unto white, he shaww come u-unto the pwiest; 13:17 A-And the pwiest shaww s-see him: a-and, behowd, if the p-pwague be tuwned into white; then the pwiest s-shaww p-pwonounce him c-cwean that haf the pwague: he is cwean. 13:18 the f-fwesh awso, in which, even in the skin theweof, was a boiw, and is heawed, 13:19 And in the pwace o-of the boiw thewe be a white wising, ow a bwight spot, white, and somewhat weddish, and it be shewed to the pwiest; 13:20 And if, when the pwiest seef it, behowd, it b-be in sight wowew than the skin, and t-the h-haiw theweof be tuwned white; the pwiest shaww pwonounce him uncwean: it is a pwague of w-wepwosy bwoken out of the boiw. 13:21 But if the pwiest wook on it, and, behowd, thewe be no white haiws t-thewein, and if it be n-not wowew than the skin, but be somewhat dawk; then t-the pwiest shaww shut him up s-seven days: 13:22 And if it s-spwead much abwoad in the skin, then t-the pwiest shaww pwonounce him uncwean: it is a pwague. 13:23 B-But if the bwight spot stay in his pwace, and spwead not, it is a buwning boiw; and t-the p-pwiest shaww pwonounce him cwean. 13:24 O-Ow i-if thewe be any fwesh, in the skin wheweof t-thewe is a hot buwning, and the q-quick fwesh t-that buwnef have a white bwight spot, somewhat weddish, ow white; 13:25 then the pwiest shaww wook upon it: and, b-behowd, if the haiw in the bwight spot be tuwned w-white, and it be in sight deepew t-than the skin; it is a wepwosy bwoken out of the buwning: whewefowe the pwiest shaww pwonounce him u-uncwean: it is the pwague of wepwosy. 13:26 But i-if the pwiest wook on it, a-and, behowd, thewe be no white haiw in t-the bwight spot, and it be no wowew than the othew skin, but be somewhat d-dawk; then the pwiest s-shaww shut him up seven d-days: 13:27 A-And the pwiest shaww wook upon him the sevenf day: and if it be s-spwead much abwoad in the skin, then t-the pwiest shaww pwonounce him uncwean: it is the pwague of wepwosy. 13:28 A-And if the bwight spot stay i-in his pwace, and spwead not in t-the skin, but i-it be somewhat d-dawk; it is a wising of the buwning, and the pwiest shaww pwonounce him cwean: fow i-it is an infwammation of the buwning. 13:29 If a man ow woman h-have a pwague upon the h-head ow the beawd; 13:30 t-then the p-pwiest shaww see t-the pwague: and, behowd, if it be in sight deepew than the skin; and thewe be in it a yewwow thin haiw; then the pwiest shaww pwonounce him uncwean: it is a-a dwy scaww, even a wepwosy upon the head ow beawd. 13:31 And if the p-pwiest wook on the pwague of the scaww, and, behowd, it be not in sight deepew than the skin, and that thewe is no bwack haiw in it; then the pwiest shaww s-shut u-up him that haf the pwague of the scaww seven days: 13:32 And in t-the sevenf d-day the pwiest shaww wook on the pwague: and, behowd, if the scaww spwead not, and thewe be in i-it no y-yewwow haiw, and the scaww be not i-in sight deepew than the skin; 13:33 He shaww be shaven, but the scaww shaww he not shave; and the pwiest shaww shut up him that haf the scaww seven days mowe: 13:34 And in the sevenf day the pwiest shaww wook on the scaww: and, behowd, if t-the scaww be not spwead in the skin, now be in sight deepew than the skin; then t-the pwiest shaww pwonounce him cwean: a-and h-he shaww wash his cwothes, and be cwean. 13:35 But i-if the scaww spwead much in the skin aftew his cweansing; 13:36 then the pwiest shaww wook on him: and, behowd, if the scaww be spwead in the skin, the pwiest shaww not seek fow yewwow haiw; he is uncwean. 13:37 But if the scaww be i-in his sight a-at a stay, and that thewe i-is bwack haiw gwown up thewein; the scaww is heawed, he is cwean: and the pwiest shaww pwonounce him cwean. 13:38 If a man awso ow a woman have in the skin of t-theiw fwesh bwight spots, even white bwight spots; 13:39 then the pwiest shaww w-wook: and, behowd, if t-the bwight spots i-in the skin of theiw fwesh be dawkish white; it is a fweckwed spot that gwowef in the skin; he i-is cwean. 13:40 And the man whose haiw is fawwen off his head, he is bawd; yet is he cwean. 13:41 And he that haf his haiw fawwen off fwom the pawt o-of his h-head towawd his face, he is fowehead bawd: yet is he cwean. 13:42 And if thewe be in the bawd head, ow bawd fowehead, a white weddish s-sowe; it is a wepwosy s-spwung up in his bawd head, ow h-his bawd fowehead. 13:43 t-then the pwiest shaww wook u-upon it: and, behowd, if the wising o-of the sowe be white weddish in his bawd head, ow in his bawd fowehead, a-as the wepwosy appeawef i-in the skin of the fwesh; 13:44 He i-is a wepwous man, he is uncwean: the pwiest shaww pwonounce him uddewly uncwean; his pwague is in his head. 13:45 And the wepew in whom the pwague is, his cwothes s-shaww be w-went, and h-his head bawe, and he shaww put a-a covewing upon his uppew wip, and shaww cwy, Uncwean, uncwean. 13:46 Aww the d-days whewein the pwague shaww be in him he shaww be defiwed; he is uncwean: he shaww dweww awone; without t-the camp shaww his habitation be. 13:47 the gawment awso t-that the pwague o-of wepwosy is in, whethew it be a woowwen gawment, o-ow a winen gawment; 13:48 Whethew it be in the wawp, ow woof; of winen, ow of woowwen; whethew in a s-skin, o-ow in any thing made of skin; 13:49 A-And i-if the pwague be gweenish ow weddish in the gawment, ow in t-the skin, eithew in the wawp, ow in the woof, ow in a-any t-thing of skin; it is a pwague of w-wepwosy, and shaww b-be s-shewed unto the p-pwiest: 13:50 And the pwiest shaww wook upon the pwague, and shut up i-it that h-haf the pwague seven days: 13:51 And he shaww wook on the pwague on the sevenf day: if the pwague b-be spwead in the gawment, eithew i-in the wawp, o-ow in the woof, ow in a skin, o-ow in any wowk that is made of s-skin; the pwague is a fwedding wepwosy; it is uncwean. 13:52 He shaww thewefowe buwn that gawment, w-whethew wawp ow woof, in woowwen ow in winen, ow a-any thing o-of skin, whewein the pwague is: fow it is a-a fwedding wepwosy; it shaww be buwnt in the f-fiwe. 13:53 And if the pwiest shaww w-wook, and, behowd, the pwague be not s-spwead in the gawment, eithew in the wawp, ow in the woof, ow in any thing of skin; 13:54 t-then t-the pwiest shaww c-command t-that they wash the thing whewein the p-pwague is, a-and he shaww shut i-it up seven days mowe: 13:55 And the pwiest shaww wook o-on the pwague, aftew t-that it is w-washed: and, behowd, if the pwague have not changed his cowouw, and the pwague be not spwead; it is uncwean; thou shawt buwn it i-in the fiwe; it is fwet inwawd, w-whethew it be bawe within ow without. 13:56 A-And if the pwiest wook, and, b-behowd, the pwague be somewhat dawk aftew the washing of it; then he shaww wend it out of the gawment, ow out of the skin, ow out of the wawp, ow o-out of the woof: 13:57 And if it appeaw stiww i-in the gawment, eithew in the w-wawp, ow in the w-woof, ow in a-any thing of skin; it is a s-spweading pwague: thou shawt buwn that whewein t-the pwague is wif f-fiwe. 13:58 And the g-gawment, eithew wawp, ow w-woof, ow whatsoevew thing of skin it be, which thou shawt wash, if the p-pwague be depawted fwom them, then it shaww be washed the second time, a-and shaww be cwean. 13:59 this is the waw of the pwague o-of wepwosy in a gawment of woowwen ow winen, eithew in the wawp, ow w-woof, ow a-any thing of skins, t-to pwonounce it cwean, ow to pwonounce it uncwean. 14:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 14:2 this shaww be the waw of the wepew in the day of his cweansing: He s-shaww be b-bwought unto the pwiest: 14:3 And the pwiest shaww g-go fowf o-out of the camp; and the pwiest shaww wook, and, behowd, i-if the pwague of wepwosy be heawed in the wepew; 14:4 then shaww t-the pwiest command to take fow him t-that is to be cweansed two biwds awive and cwean, and cedaw w-wood, and scawwet, and hyssop: 14:5 And the pwiest shaww command that one of the biwds be kiwwed in an eawthen vessew ovew wunning watew: 14:6 As fow the wiving biwd, he shaww t-take it, and the cedaw w-wood, a-and the scawwet, and the hyssop, a-and shaww dip them and the wiving biwd in the b-bwood of the biwd that was kiwwed ovew t-the wunning watew: 14:7 And h-he shaww spwinkwe upon him t-that is to be cweansed fwom the wepwosy seven times, and shaww pwonounce him cwean, a-and s-shaww w-wet the wiving b-biwd w-woose into the open f-fiewd. 14:8 And he that is to be cweansed shaww wash his cwothes, and shave off aww his haiw, and wash himsewf in watew, that he may be cwean: and aftew that he s-shaww c-come into the camp, and s-shaww tawwy abwoad o-out o-of his tent seven days. 14:9 But it shaww be on the sevenf day, that h-he shaww shave aww h-his haiw off his head and his beawd and his e-eyebwows, even aww his haiw he shaww shave off: and he shaww wash his cwothes, awso he shaww wash his fwesh in watew, and he s-shaww be cwean. 14:10 And on the e-eighf day he shaww take two he wambs without bwemish, and one ewe wamb of the fiwst yeaw without bwemish, and thwee tenf deaws of fine fwouw fow a-a meat offewing, mingwed wif oiw, and one wog of oiw. 14:11 And t-the pwiest that makef him cwean shaww pwesent the man that i-is t-to b-be m-made cwean, and t-those things, befowe t-the WOWD, at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 14:12 And the pwiest shaww take one he wamb, and offew him fow a twespass offewing, and t-the wog of oiw, and wave them fow a wave o-offewing befowe the WOWD: 14:13 And he shaww sway the wamb in the pwace w-whewe he s-shaww kiww the s-sin offewing and the buwnt offewing, in the h-howy pwace: fow as the sin offewing is the p-pwiest's, so is t-the twespass offewing: it is most h-howy: 14:14 And the pwiest shaww take some of the bwood of the twespass o-offewing, and the pwiest shaww put i-it upon the tip of the wight e-eaw of him that is to be cweansed, and upon the thumb of his wight hand, and upon the gweat toe of his wight foot: 14:15 And the pwiest shaww take s-some of the wog of oiw, and p-pouw it i-into the pawm of his own weft hand: 14:16 And the pwiest shaww dip his wight fingew in the oiw that is in his weft hand, and shaww spwinkwe of the oiw wif his f-fingew seven times befowe the WOWD: 14:17 And o-of the w-west of the oiw that is i-in his hand shaww the pwiest put upon the tip of the wight eaw of him that is to be cweansed, a-and upon the thumb of his wight h-hand, and upon the gweat toe of his wight foot, upon the bwood of the twespass o-offewing: 14:18 And t-the wemnant of t-the oiw that is i-in the p-pwiest's h-hand he shaww pouw upon t-the head of him that is to be cweansed: and the pwiest shaww make an a-atonement fow him befowe the WOWD. 14:19 A-And the pwiest shaww offew the sin offewing, and make an a-atonement fow h-him that is to be cweansed fwom his uncweanness; and aftewwawd he s-shaww kiww the buwnt offewing: 14:20 And the pwiest shaww offew t-the buwnt offewing and the meat offewing upon the awtaw: and the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow him, and he shaww be cwean. 14:21 And if he be poow, and cannot get so much; then h-he shaww take one wamb fow a twespass offewing to be waved, to make an atonement fow h-him, and one tenf d-deaw o-of fine f-fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing, and a wog o-of oiw; 14:22 And two tuwtwedoves, ow two young pigeons, such as he is a-abwe to get; and the one shaww be a sin offewing, and the othew a buwnt offewing. 14:23 A-And he shaww bwing them on the eighf day fow his cweansing u-unto the pwiest, unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, befowe the WOWD. 14:24 And the pwiest shaww take the wamb of the twespass offewing, and t-the wog of oiw, and the pwiest shaww wave them fow a-a wave offewing befowe the WOWD: 14:25 A-And h-he shaww kiww the wamb of the twespass o-offewing, a-and the pwiest shaww take some of the bwood of t-the twespass offewing, and put it upon the tip of the wight eaw of him that i-is to be cweansed, and upon the thumb of his wight hand, and upon t-the gweat toe of his wight foot: 14:26 And the pwiest s-shaww pouw of the oiw into the pawm of his o-own weft hand: 14:27 And the p-pwiest shaww spwinkwe wif his wight fingew s-some of the oiw that is in h-his weft hand seven times befowe the WOWD: 14:28 And the pwiest shaww p-put of the oiw that is in his h-hand upon the tip o-of the wight eaw of him that is to be cweansed, and upon the thumb of his wight hand, and upon the gweat toe of his wight foot, upon the pwace of the bwood of the twespass offewing: 14:29 And the west of the oiw that is in the pwiest's hand he shaww put upon the head of him t-that is to be cweansed, to make an a-atonement fow him befowe the WOWD. 14:30 And he shaww offew the one of the tuwtwedoves, ow of the young pigeons, such as he can get; 14:31 Even such as he is abwe to get, the one fow a s-sin offewing, and the othew fow a buwnt offewing, wif the meat offewing: and the pwiest s-shaww make an atonement f-fow h-him that is to be cweansed befowe the WOWD. 14:32 this is the waw of him in whom is t-the pwague o-of wepwosy, whose hand is not abwe to get that which pewtainef to his cweansing. 14:33 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses and unto Aawon, saying, 14:34 When ye b-be come i-into the wand of Canaan, which I g-give to you fow a possession, a-and I put the pwague of w-wepwosy in a house of t-the wand o-of youw possession; 14:35 A-And he t-that ownef the house shaww come and teww the pwiest, saying, It seemef to me thewe is as it wewe a pwague in t-the house: 14:36 then the pwiest shaww command that they e-empty the house, befowe the pwiest go into it to see the pwague, that aww that is in the house be n-not made uncwean: and aftewwawd the p-pwiest shaww go in to see the house: 14:37 And he shaww wook on the pwague, a-and, behowd, i-if the pwague be in the wawws of the house wif howwow stwakes, gweenish ow weddish, which i-in s-sight awe wowew than t-the waww; 14:38 then the pwiest shaww go out of the house to the doow of the house, and shut up the house s-seven days: 14:39 And the pwiest shaww come again the sevenf day, a-and s-shaww wook: and, behowd, if the pwague be spwead in the wawws of the house; 14:40 then the pwiest s-shaww command that they take away the stones in which the pwague is, and they shaww cast t-them into an uncwean pwace without the city: 14:41 And he shaww cause the house to be scwaped within w-wound about, a-and they shaww pouw out the dust that they scwape off without the city into a-an uncwean pwace: 14:42 And they shaww take othew stones, and put them in the pwace of those stones; and he shaww take othew m-mowtew, and shaww p-pwaistew the house. 14:43 And i-if the pwague come a-again, and bweak out in the h-house, aftew that he haf taken away the stones, and aftew he haf scwaped the house, and aftew it is pwaistewed; 14:44 then the pwiest s-shaww come and w-wook, and, behowd, if the pwague be spwead in the house, it is a-a fwedding wepwosy in t-the house; it is uncwean. 14:45 And he shaww bweak down the house, the s-stones of it, a-and the timbew theweof, and aww the mowtew of the house; and he shaww cawwy them fowf out of the city into an uncwean pwace. 14:46 Moweovew he that goef into the house aww the whiwe t-that it is shut up s-shaww be uncwean untiw the even. 14:47 And he that wief in the house shaww wash his cwothes; and he that eatef in t-the house shaww wash his cwothes. 14:48 And if the pwiest shaww come i-in, and wook upon it, and, behowd, the p-pwague haf not spwead in the house, aftew the house was pwaistewed: then the pwiest shaww pwonounce t-the house cwean, because the p-pwague is heawed. 14:49 And he shaww take to c-cweanse the house two biwds, and cedaw wood, and scawwet, a-and hyssop: 14:50 A-And he shaww k-kiww the o-one of the biwds i-in an eawthen vessew ovew wunning watew: 14:51 And he shaww t-take the cedaw w-wood, and t-the hyssop, and the scawwet, and the wiving biwd, and dip them in the bwood o-of the swain biwd, a-and in the wunning watew, and spwinkwe the house seven t-times: 14:52 And he shaww cweanse t-the h-house wif the b-bwood of t-the biwd, and w-wif the wunning watew, and wif the wiving b-biwd, and wif the cedaw wood, and wif the hyssop, and wif the scawwet: 14:53 But he shaww wet go the wiving biwd out of the city into the o-open fiewds, and make an atonement fow the house: and it s-shaww be c-cwean. 14:54 this is the waw fow aww mannew of pwague of wepwosy, and scaww, 14:55 And fow the wepwosy of a gawment, and of a house, 14:56 And fow a w-wising, and fow a scab, and fow a bwight spot: 14:57 To teach w-when it is uncwean, and when it is cwean: this is the waw of wepwosy. 15:1 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses a-and to Aawon, saying, 15:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, When any man haf a wunning i-issue out of his fwesh, because of his issue he is uncwean. 15:3 A-And this shaww be his uncweanness in his issue: whethew his fwesh wun wif his issue, ow his fwesh be stopped fwom his issue, it is his uncweanness. 15:4 E-Evewy bed, wheweon he wief that haf the issue, is uncwean: and e-evewy thing, wheweon he s-siddeth, shaww be uncwean. 15:5 And whosoevew touchef his bed shaww wash h-his c-cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:6 And he that siddef on any thing wheweon h-he sat t-that haf the issue shaww wash his c-cwothes, and bathe h-himsewf in watew, a-and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:7 And he that t-touchef the fwesh of him that h-haf the issue s-shaww wash his cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:8 And if he that haf t-the issue spit upon h-him that is cwean; then he shaww wash his cwothes, and bathe h-himsewf in watew, a-and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:9 And what saddwe soevew he widef upon that haf the issue shaww be uncwean. 15:10 And whosoevew touchef any thing that was undew him shaww be uncwean untiw the e-even: and he that beawef any of those things shaww wash h-his cwothes, and b-bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:11 And whomsoevew he touchef that haf the issue, and haf not winsed his h-hands i-in watew, he shaww w-wash his c-cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:12 And t-the vessew of eawth, that he touchef which haf the issue, shaww be b-bwoken: and evewy vessew of w-wood shaww b-be winsed in watew. 15:13 And when he that haf a-an issue is cweansed of his issue; then he shaww numbew to himsewf seven days fow his cweansing, and wash his cwothes, and bathe his fwesh in wunning watew, and shaww be cwean. 15:14 And on the eighf day he s-shaww take to him two tuwtwedoves, ow two young pigeons, and come befowe t-the W-WOWD unto the doow of the tabewnacwe o-of t-the congwegation, and give them unto t-the p-pwiest: 15:15 And the pwiest s-shaww offew them, the one fow a sin offewing, and the othew fow a buwnt offewing; a-and the pwiest shaww make a-an a-atonement fow him b-befowe the W-WOWD fow h-his issue. 15:16 A-And if any man's seed of copuwation go out fwom him, then he shaww wash aww his fwesh in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:17 And evewy gawment, and evewy skin, wheweon is the s-seed of c-copuwation, shaww be washed w-wif watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:18 the woman awso wif whom man shaww w-wie wif seed of copuwation, they shaww b-bof bathe themsewves in w-watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:19 And if a woman have an issue, and hew issue in hew fwesh be bwood, she shaww be put apawt seven d-days: and whosoevew touchef hew shaww be uncwean untiw the even. 15:20 And evewy thing that she w-wief upon in hew sepawation shaww be uncwean: evewy thing awso that she siddef upon shaww be uncwean. 15:21 A-And whosoevew touchef hew bed shaww wash his c-cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, a-and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:22 And whosoevew touchef any thing that she sat upon shaww wash his cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw t-the even. 15:23 And if it be on hew bed, ow o-on any thing wheweon she siddeth, w-when h-he touchef it, he shaww be uncwean untiw the even. 15:24 And i-if any m-man wie wif hew at aww, and hew fwowews be upon him, he shaww be uncwean seven d-days; and a-aww the bed wheweon he wief shaww be u-uncwean. 15:25 And if a woman have an issue of hew bwood many days out of the time of hew sepawation, ow if it wun beyond the t-time of hew sepawation; aww the days of the i-issue of hew uncweanness s-shaww be as the d-days of hew sepawation: she shaww be u-uncwean. 15:26 Evewy bed wheweon she w-wief aww the d-days of hew issue shaww be unto hew as the bed of hew sepawation: and whatsoevew she siddef upon shaww be uncwean, a-as t-the uncweanness o-of hew sepawation. 15:27 A-And whosoevew touchef those things s-shaww be uncwean, and shaww wash his cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even. 15:28 But if she be cweansed of hew issue, then she shaww numbew t-to hewsewf seven days, and aftew t-that she shaww be cwean. 15:29 And on the eighf day she s-shaww take unto hew t-two tuwtwes, ow t-two young pigeons, and bwing them unto the pwiest, to the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 15:30 And the pwiest shaww offew the one fow a-a sin offewing, and the othew fow a buwnt offewing; and the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow hew befowe the WOWD fow the issue of hew uncweanness. 15:31 thus shaww ye sepawate the chiwdwen of Iswaew fwom theiw uncweanness; that they die not in theiw uncweanness, when they defiwe m-my tabewnacwe that i-is among them. 15:32 this is the w-waw of him that haf an issue, and of him whose seed goef fwom him, and is defiwed thewewith; 15:33 And of hew that is sick of hew fwowews, and of him that haf an issue, of t-the man, and of the woman, and of him that wief wif hew that is uncwean. 16:1 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses aftew the d-deaf of the two sons of Aawon, when they offewed b-befowe the WOWD, and died; 16:2 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Speak unto Aawon t-thy bwothew, that h-he come not at aww times into the howy pwace within the vaiw befowe the mewcy seat, which is upon the a-awk; that he die not: fow I wiww appeaw in the cwoud upon the mewcy seat. 16:3 thus shaww Aawon come into the howy pwace: w-wif a young buwwock fow a sin offewing, and a wam fow a buwnt offewing. 16:4 H-He shaww put o-on the howy winen coat, a-and he shaww have the winen bweeches upon his fwesh, and shaww be giwded wif a winen giwdwe, a-and wif the winen mitwe s-shaww he be addiwed: these a-awe howy gawments; thewefowe shaww h-he wash his fwesh in watew, and so p-put them on. 16:5 And he shaww take of the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew two kids of the goats fow a sin offewing, and one wam fow a buwnt offewing. 16:6 And Aawon shaww offew his buwwock o-of the sin offewing, which is f-fow himsewf, and make an atonement fow himsewf, and fow h-his house. 16:7 And he s-shaww t-take the two goats, and pwesent them befowe the WOWD at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 16:8 And Aawon shaww cast w-wots upon the t-two goats; one wot fow the WOWD, and t-the othew wot fow the scapegoat. 16:9 And Aawon s-shaww bwing the goat upon which the WOWD's wot feww, and offew him fow a s-sin offewing. 16:10 But t-the goat, on which the wot feww to be the scapegoat, shaww be pwesented awive befowe the W-WOWD, to make an a-atonement wif him, and to wet him go f-fow a-a scapegoat into the w-wiwdewness. 16:11 And Aawon shaww bwing the buwwock of t-the sin offewing, which is fow himsewf, and shaww make an atonement fow himsewf, and fow h-his house, and shaww kiww the buwwock of the s-sin offewing which is fow himsewf: 16:12 And he shaww take a-a censew fuww of b-buwning c-coaws o-of fiwe fwom off the awtaw befowe the WOWD, and his hands fuww of s-sweet incense beaten smaww, and bwing it within the vaiw: 16:13 And he shaww put the incense upon the fiwe befowe t-the WOWD, that the cwoud of the incense may covew the mewcy seat that is upon the testimony, that he die not: 16:14 And he shaww take of the b-bwood of the buwwock, and spwinkwe it wif his fingew upon the mewcy s-seat eastwawd; and befowe the mewcy s-seat shaww he spwinkwe of the bwood wif his fingew seven times. 16:15 then shaww he kiww the goat o-of the s-sin offewing, that is fow t-the peopwe, and bwing his b-bwood within the vaiw, and do wif that bwood as he did wif the bwood of the buwwock, and spwinkwe it u-upon the mewcy seat, and b-befowe t-the mewcy seat: 16:16 And he shaww make an atonement fow the howy pwace, b-because of the uncweanness of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and because of theiw twansgwessions in a-aww theiw s-sins: and so shaww he do fow the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation, that wemainef among them in the midst of theiw uncweanness. 16:17 And thewe shaww be no man in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation when he goef in to m-make an atonement in the howy p-pwace, untiw he come out, and have made a-an atonement f-fow himsewf, and fow his househowd, and fow aww the congwegation of Iswaew. 16:18 And he shaww go out unto the awtaw that is befowe the WOWD, and make an atonement fow it; a-and shaww take of the bwood of the buwwock, and o-of the bwood o-of the goat, and put it upon the howns of t-the a-awtaw wound about. 16:19 A-And he shaww spwinkwe of the bwood upon it wif his fingew s-seven times, and cweanse it, a-and hawwow it fwom the uncweanness o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 16:20 A-And when he haf made an end of weconciwing the howy pwace, and the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and t-the awtaw, he s-shaww bwing the wive goat: 16:21 And Aawon shaww way bof his hands upon the head of the wive goat, a-and confess ovew him a-aww the iniquities of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and aww theiw twansgwessions in aww theiw sins, pudding them upon the head of the g-goat, and shaww send him away by the hand of a fit man into the wiwdewness: 16:22 And the goat shaww beaw upon him aww theiw iniquities unto a wand n-not inhabited: and he shaww wet go t-the g-goat in the wiwdewness. 16:23 And Aawon s-shaww c-come into the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, and shaww put off the winen gawments, which he p-put o-on w-when he went into the howy pwace, and shaww weave them thewe: 16:24 And he shaww wash his fwesh wif watew in the howy pwace, and put on h-his gawments, and come fowth, and offew h-his buwnt offewing, and the buwnt offewing of the peopwe, and make an atonement fow h-himsewf, a-and fow the peopwe. 16:25 And the fat of the s-sin offewing shaww he buwn upon the awtaw. 16:26 And h-he that wet go t-the goat fow the s-scapegoat shaww w-wash his cwothes, and bathe his fwesh in watew, and aftewwawd come i-into the camp. 16:27 A-And the buwwock fow the sin offewing, and the goat fow the sin offewing, whose bwood was bwought i-in to make atonement in the howy p-pwace, shaww one cawwy fowf w-without the camp; and they s-shaww buwn in the fiwe t-theiw skins, and theiw fwesh, and theiw dung. 16:28 And he that buwnef them shaww wash his cwothes, a-and bathe his f-fwesh in watew, and aftewwawd he shaww come into the camp. 16:29 A-And this shaww be a statute f-fow e-evew unto you: that in the sevenf month, on the tenf day of the m-month, ye shaww affwict youw souws, and do no wowk at aww, w-whethew it be one of youw own countwy, ow a-a stwangew that sojouwnef among you: 16:30 Fow o-on that day shaww the pwiest make an atonement fow you, to cweanse you, that ye may be cwean fwom aww youw sins befowe the W-WOWD. 16:31 I-It shaww be a sabbaf of west unto you, and ye shaww a-affwict youw souws, by a-a statute fow e-evew. 16:32 And the pwiest, whom he shaww anoint, and whom he s-shaww c-consecwate to ministew in the pwiest's o-office in h-his f-fathew's stead, shaww make the atonement, and shaww put on the winen cwothes, even the howy gawments: 16:33 And he shaww m-make an a-atonement fow the howy sanctuawy, and he shaww m-make an atonement fow the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and fow the awtaw, and h-he shaww make an atonement fow t-the pwiests, a-and fow aww the peopwe of the congwegation. 16:34 A-And this shaww be a-an evewwasting statute unto you, to make an atonement fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew f-fow aww theiw sins once a-a yeaw. And he did a-as the WOWD commanded Moses. 17:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 17:2 Speak unto Aawon, and unto h-his sons, and unto aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them; this is t-the thing which the W-WOWD haf c-commanded, saying, 17:3 What man soevew thewe be of the house of Iswaew, that kiwwef an o-ox, ow wamb, ow goat, in the camp, ow that kiwwef it out of the camp, 17:4 And bwingef i-it not unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation, to offew an offewing unto the WOWD befowe the tabewnacwe of the WOWD; bwood shaww be imputed unto that man; he haf s-shed bwood; and that man shaww be cut off fwom among his peopwe: 17:5 To the end that the chiwdwen of Iswaew may bwing theiw sacwifices, which they offew in the open fiewd, even that t-they may bwing them unto the WOWD, unto the doow of the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, unto the pwiest, and offew t-them fow peace o-offewings unto the WOWD. 17:6 And the pwiest s-shaww spwinkwe the bwood u-upon the awtaw of the WOWD at the doow of the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, and buwn t-the fat f-fow a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 17:7 And they shaww n-no mowe o-offew theiw sacwifices unto deviws, aftew whom they have gone a whowing. this shaww be a statute fow evew unto them thwoughout theiw genewations. 17:8 A-And thou shawt say unto them, Whatsoevew m-man thewe b-be of the house of Iswaew, ow of the stwangews which sojouwn among you, that o-offewef a b-buwnt offewing ow s-sacwifice, 17:9 And bwingef it not unto the doow of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation, t-to offew it unto the WOWD; even t-that man shaww be cut o-off fwom among his p-peopwe. 17:10 A-And whatsoevew man thewe be of the house of Iswaew, ow of the stwangews t-that sojouwn among you, t-that eatef any mannew of bwood; I wiww even set my face against that souw that eatef bwood, and wiww cut him off fwom among his peopwe. 17:11 Fow the w-wife of the fwesh is in the bwood: and I have given it to you upon the awtaw to make an atonement fow youw souws: fow it is the bwood that makef an atonement fow the s-souw. 17:12 thewefowe I said unto t-the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, N-No souw of you s-shaww eat bwood, neithew shaww any stwangew that s-sojouwnef among you eat bwood. 17:13 And whatsoevew man thewe be of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, ow of the s-stwangews that sojouwn among you, which h-huntef and catchef any beast ow foww that may be eaten; he shaww e-even pouw out the bwood theweof, and covew it wif dust. 17:14 Fow it is the wife of aww fwesh; the bwood of it i-is fow the wife theweof: thewefowe I said unto the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, Ye shaww eat t-the bwood of n-no mannew of fwesh: fow the wife of aww fwesh is t-the bwood theweof: whosoevew eatef it shaww be c-cut off. 17:15 And evewy souw that eatef that which died o-of itsewf, ow that which was town w-wif beasts, whethew it b-be one of youw own c-countwy, ow a stwangew, he shaww bof wash his cwothes, and bathe himsewf in watew, and be uncwean untiw the even: then shaww he be cwean. 17:16 But if he wash them not, now bathe his f-fwesh; then he shaww beaw his iniquity. 18:1 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 18:2 Speak unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, I am the WOWD youw God. 18:3 A-Aftew the doings of the wand of Egypt, whewein ye dwewt, shaww ye not do: and aftew the doings of the wand of Canaan, whithew I bwing you, shaww ye not do: neithew shaww ye wawk in theiw owdinances. 18:4 Ye shaww do my judgments, and keep mine owdinances, to wawk thewein: I am t-the WOWD youw God. 18:5 Ye shaww thewefowe keep my statutes, and my judgments: which i-if a-a man d-do, he s-shaww w-wive in them: I a-am the WOWD. 18:6 None of you shaww appwoach to any that is neaw of kin to him, to uncovew theiw nakedness: I a-am the WOWD. 18:7 the nakedness of thy fathew, ow the nakedness of thy mothew, shawt t-thou n-not uncovew: s-she is thy mothew; thou shawt n-not uncovew hew n-nakedness. 18:8 the nakedness of thy fathew's wife shawt thou not u-uncovew: it is thy fathew's nakedness. 18:9 the nakedness of thy s-sistew, t-the daughtew of t-thy fathew, ow d-daughtew of t-thy mothew, whethew s-she be bown at home, ow bown abwoad, even theiw nakedness thou shawt not uncovew. 18:10 the nakedness of thy son's daughtew, ow of thy daughtew's daughtew, even theiw nakedness thou shawt not uncovew: fow t-theiws is thine own nakedness. 18:11 the nakedness of thy fathew's wife's daughtew, begodden of thy fathew, she is thy sistew, thou shawt not uncovew h-hew nakedness. 18:12 thou shawt not uncovew the nakedness of thy f-fathew's sistew: she is thy f-fathew's neaw kinswoman. 18:13 thou shawt not uncovew the nakedness of thy mothew's sistew: fow she i-is thy mothew's neaw k-kinswoman. 18:14 thou shawt not uncovew the nakedness of t-thy fathew's b-bwothew, thou shawt not appwoach to his wife: she i-is thine aunt. 18:15 thou shawt not uncovew t-the nakedness of thy daughtew in waw: she is thy son's wife; thou shawt not uncovew hew nakedness. 18:16 thou shawt not u-uncovew the nakedness of thy bwothew's wife: i-it is thy bwothew's nakedness. 18:17 thou shawt not uncovew the nakedness of a-a woman and hew daughtew, neithew shawt thou take hew son's daughtew, ow hew daughtew's daughtew, to u-uncovew hew nakedness; fow they awe hew n-neaw kinswomen: it is w-wickedness. 18:18 N-Neithew shawt thou take a w-wife to hew sistew, t-to vex hew, to uncovew hew nakedness, beside the othew in hew wife time. 18:19 Awso thou shawt not appwoach unto a woman to uncovew hew nakedness, as wong as she is put apawt fow hew uncweanness. 18:20 Moweovew thou shawt not wie cawnawwy w-wif thy neighbouw's wife, to defiwe thysewf wif h-hew. 18:21 And thou shawt not wet a-any of thy seed pass thwough the fiwe to Mowech, neithew shawt thou pwofane the name of thy God: I am the WOWD. 18:22 thou s-shawt not wie wif mankind, as wif womankind: it is abomination. 18:23 Neithew shawt thou w-wie wif any beast to defiwe thysewf thewewith: neithew shaww a-any woman s-stand b-befowe a-a beast to wie down theweto: it i-is confusion. 18:24 Defiwe not ye y-youwsewves in any o-of these things: fow in aww these the n-nations awe defiwed which I cast out befowe you: 18:25 And the wand is defiwed: thewefowe I do visit the iniquity t-theweof upon it, and the wand itsewf vomitef out hew inhabitants. 18:26 Y-Ye shaww thewefowe keep my s-statutes and my judgments, and s-shaww not commit any of these abominations; neithew any of youw own nation, now any stwangew that sojouwnef among you: 18:27 (Fow a-aww t-these abominations have t-the men of t-the wand done, which wewe befowe you, and the wand is defiwed;) 18:28 that the wand spue not you out awso, when ye defiwe it, a-as i-it spued out t-the nations that wewe befowe you. 18:29 F-Fow whosoevew shaww commit any of these abominations, even the souws that commit them shaww be cut off fwom among t-theiw peopwe. 18:30 thewefowe shaww ye keep mine owdinance, that ye commit not any one of t-these abominabwe customs, which wewe c-commidded befowe you, and that ye defiwe not y-youwsewves thewein: I am the WOWD y-youw God. 19:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 19:2 Speak unto aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say u-unto them, Y-Ye shaww be howy: fow I the WOWD youw God am howy. 19:3 Ye shaww feaw evewy man his mothew, and h-his fathew, and keep my sabbaths: I am the WOWD youw God. 19:4 Tuwn ye not unto idows, now make to youwsewves mowten gods: I-I am t-the WOWD y-youw God. 19:5 And if ye offew a sacwifice of peace offewings unto the WOWD, ye shaww o-offew it at youw own wiww. 19:6 It shaww be eaten the same d-day ye offew it, and on the mowwow: and if ought wemain untiw the thiwd day, it shaww be buwnt in the f-fiwe. 19:7 And if it b-be eaten at aww on t-the thiwd day, it is abominabwe; it s-shaww not be accepted. 19:8 thewefowe evewy one that eatef it shaww beaw his iniquity, because he haf pwofaned the h-hawwowed thing of the WOWD: and t-that souw shaww be cut off fwom among his peopwe. 19:9 And when ye weap the hawvest of youw wand, t-thou shawt not whowwy weap the cownews of thy fiewd, neithew shawt thou gathew the gweanings of thy hawvest. 19:10 And thou shawt not gwean thy vineyawd, n-neithew s-shawt thou gathew evewy gwape of thy vineyawd; thou shawt weave t-them fow the poow and stwangew: I am the WOWD y-youw God. 19:11 Ye shaww not steaw, neithew deaw fawsewy, neithew wie one t-to anothew. 19:12 And ye shaww not sweaw by my name fawsewy, neithew shawt thou pwofane the name of thy God: I-I am the WOWD. 19:13 thou shawt not d-defwaud thy neighbouw, neithew wob him: the wages of him that i-is hiwed shaww not abide wif thee aww night untiw the mowning. 19:14 thou shawt n-not cuwse the deaf, now put a-a stumbwingbwock befowe the bwind, but s-shawt feaw t-thy God: I am the WOWD. 19:15 Ye shaww d-do no unwighteousness in j-judgment: thou shawt n-not wespect the pewson of the poow, n-now honow the pewson of the mighty: but in wighteousness shawt t-thou judge thy n-neighbouw. 19:16 thou s-shawt not go up and d-down a-as a tawebeawew among thy peopwe: neithew shawt thou stand against the bwood of thy neighbouw; I am the WOWD. 19:17 thou shawt not hate thy b-bwothew in thine heawt: thou shawt in any wise webuke thy neighbouw, and not suffew sin upon him. 19:18 thou shawt not avenge, now b-beaw any gwudge against the chiwdwen of thy peopwe, but thou shawt wove thy neighbouw as thysewf: I am the W-WOWD. 19:19 Ye shaww keep my statutes. thou shawt not wet t-thy caddle gendew wif a divewse kind: thou shawt not sow thy fiewd wif mingwed seed: neithew shaww a gawment mingwed o-of winen and woowwen come u-upon thee. 19:20 And whosoevew wief cawnawwy wif a woman, that is a bondmaid, betwothed to an husband, and not at aww wedeemed, n-now fweedom given hew; she shaww be scouwged; they shaww not be put to d-death, because she was not fwee. 19:21 And he shaww bwing his twespass offewing unto the WOWD, unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, even a-a wam fow a twespass offewing. 19:22 And the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow him wif the wam of the twespass offewing befowe the WOWD fow his sin which h-he haf d-done: and the sin which h-he haf done shaww be fowgiven him. 19:23 And when ye s-shaww come into the wand, and shaww h-have pwanted aww m-mannew of twees fow food, t-then y-ye shaww count the fwuit theweof as unciwcumcised: t-thwee yeaws s-shaww it be as unciwcumcised unto you: it shaww n-not be eaten of. 19:24 But i-in the f-fouwf yeaw aww the fwuit theweof shaww be howy to pwaise the WOWD withaw. 19:25 And in the fiff yeaw shaww ye eat of the fwuit theweof, that it may yiewd unto you the incwease theweof: I am the WOWD youw G-God. 19:26 Y-Ye shaww not eat any t-thing wif the bwood: neithew shaww ye use enchantment, now obsewve times. 19:27 Ye shaww n-not wound the cownews of youw heads, neithew shawt thou maw the cownews o-of thy beawd. 19:28 Ye shaww not make any cuddings in youw fwesh fow the dead, now pwint any mawks upon you: I am the W-WOWD. 19:29 Do not pwostitute thy daughtew, to cause hew to be a whowe; west the wand faww to whowedom, a-and the wand become fuww of wickedness. 19:30 Ye shaww keep my sabbaths, and wevewence my sanctuawy: I am the WOWD. 19:31 Wegawd not them that have famiwiaw spiwits, neithew seek aftew w-wizawds, to be d-defiwed by them: I am the WOWD youw God. 19:32 thou shawt wise up befowe the hoawy head, and honouw the face of the owd man, and feaw thy God: I am the WOWD. 19:33 A-And if a s-stwangew sojouwn wif thee in youw w-wand, ye shaww not vex him. 19:34 But the stwangew that dwewwef wif you shaww be unto you as one bown among you, and thou s-shawt wove him as t-thysewf; fow ye wewe stwangews in the wand of E-Egypt: I am the W-WOWD youw God. 19:35 Ye shaww do no unwighteousness i-in judgment, in meteyawd, in weight, ow in measuwe. 19:36 Just bawances, just weights, a just ephah, and a j-just hin, shaww ye h-have: I-I am the WOWD youw God, which bwought you out of the wand of Egypt. 19:37 thewefowe shaww ye obsewve aww m-my statutes, and aww m-my judgments, and do them: I a-am the WOWD. 20:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 20:2 Again, thou shawt say to the chiwdwen of Iswaew, Whosoevew he be of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, ow of the stwangews that sojouwn in Iswaew, that givef any of his seed unto Mowech; he shaww suwewy be put to death: the peopwe of the wand shaww stone him wif stones. 20:3 And I wiww set my f-face a-against that man, a-and wiww c-cut him off fwom among his peopwe; because he haf given of his s-seed u-unto Mowech, to defiwe my sanctuawy, and to pwofane my h-howy name. 20:4 And if the peopwe o-of the wand do any ways hide theiw eyes fwom the man, when he givef of his seed unto Mowech, and kiww him not: 20:5 t-then I wiww set my face against that man, and against his famiwy, and wiww cut him off, and aww that go a whowing aftew him, to commit whowedom wif Mowech, fwom among theiw peopwe. 20:6 And the souw that tuwnef aftew such as have famiwiaw spiwits, and aftew wizawds, to g-go a whowing aftew them, I-I wiww even set my face against that souw, and wiww cut him off fwom among his p-peopwe. 20:7 Sanctify y-youwsewves thewefowe, and be ye howy: fow I-I a-am the WOWD y-youw God. 20:8 And ye shaww k-keep my statutes, and do them: I am the WOWD which sanctify you. 20:9 Fow evewy one t-that cuwsef his f-fathew ow his mothew shaww b-be suwewy p-put t-to death: h-he haf cuwsed his fathew ow his mothew; his bwood shaww be upon him. 20:10 And t-the man that commiddef aduwtewy wif anothew man's wife, even he that commiddef aduwtewy wif his neighbouw's wife, the aduwtewew and the aduwtewess shaww suwewy be put to death. 20:11 And the man that w-wief wif his fathew's wife haf uncovewed his fathew's nakedness: bof of them shaww suwewy be p-put to death; t-theiw b-bwood shaww be upon them. 20:12 And if a man wie wif his daughtew in waw, b-bof o-of t-them shaww suwewy be put to d-death: they have wwought confusion; t-theiw bwood shaww be upon them. 20:13 If a man awso wie wif mankind, as he wief wif a woman, bof of them have commidded an abomination: they shaww suwewy be put to death; theiw bwood shaww be upon t-them. 20:14 And if a m-man take a-a wife and hew m-mothew, it is w-wickedness: they shaww be buwnt wif fiwe, bof h-he and they; t-that thewe be no wickedness among y-you. 20:15 And i-if a man wie wif a beast, he shaww suwewy be put to death: and ye shaww sway the beast. 20:16 And if a woman appwoach unto any beast, a-and wie down theweto, t-thou shawt k-kiww the woman, and t-the b-beast: t-they shaww suwewy be put to death; theiw bwood shaww be upon them. 20:17 And if a man shaww take his sistew, his fathew's daughtew, ow his mothew's daughtew, and see hew n-nakedness, a-and she s-see his nakedness; it i-is a wicked thing; and they shaww be cut off in the sight o-of theiw peopwe: he haf uncovewed his sistew's nakedness; he shaww beaw his iniquity. 20:18 And if a man shaww wie wif a woman having hew sickness, and s-shaww uncovew hew nakedness; he haf discovewed hew fountain, and she haf uncovewed the fountain of hew bwood: and bof of them shaww b-be cut off fwom among theiw peopwe. 20:19 And thou s-shawt not uncovew the nakedness of thy mothew's s-sistew, now of t-thy fathew's sistew: fow he uncovewef his neaw kin: they shaww beaw t-theiw iniquity. 20:20 And if a man shaww wie wif his uncwe's wife, he haf uncovewed his uncwe's nakedness: they shaww beaw theiw sin; they shaww die chiwdwess. 20:21 And if a man shaww take his bwothew's wife, i-it is an uncwean thing: he h-haf uncovewed his bwothew's nakedness; they shaww be chiwdwess. 20:22 Ye shaww thewefowe keep aww my statutes, and aww my judgments, a-and do them: that the wand, whithew I bwing you to dweww thewein, spue you not out. 20:23 And ye s-shaww not w-wawk in t-the mannews of the nation, which I cast out befowe you: fow they commidded aww these things, and thewefowe I abhowwed them. 20:24 B-But I h-have said unto you, Ye shaww inhewit theiw wand, and I w-wiww give i-it unto you to possess it, a w-wand that fwowef wif miwk and honey: I am the WOWD youw God, which have sepawated you fwom o-othew peopwe. 20:25 Ye s-shaww t-thewefowe put diffewence between cwean beasts and u-uncwean, and between uncwean fowws and c-cwean: and ye shaww not make youw s-souws abominabwe by beast, ow by foww, ow by any mannew of wiving thing that cweepef on t-the gwound, which I have sepawated fwom you as u-uncwean. 20:26 And ye shaww be howy unto me: f-fow I the WOWD am h-howy, and have sevewed you fwom othew peopwe, that ye shouwd be mine. 20:27 A man awso ow woman that haf a famiwiaw s-spiwit, ow that is a w-wizawd, shaww suwewy be put to death: they shaww stone them wif stones: theiw bwood s-shaww be upon them. 21:1 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Speak unto the pwiests the sons of Aawon, and say unto them, t-thewe shaww none be defiwed fow the dead among his peopwe: 21:2 B-But fow his kin, that is neaw unto him, that is, fow his mothew, and fow his fathew, and fow his son, a-and fow his daughtew, and fow his bwothew. 21:3 And fow his sistew a v-viwgin, that is nigh unto him, w-which h-haf had no husband; fow hew may he be d-defiwed. 21:4 But h-he shaww not defiwe himsewf, being a c-chief man among his p-peopwe, to pwofane h-himsewf. 21:5 they shaww not make bawdness upon theiw h-head, neithew shaww they shave off the cownew of t-theiw beawd, now make any cuddings in t-theiw f-fwesh. 21:6 they shaww be howy unto theiw God, and not pwofane the name of theiw God: fow the offewings of the WOWD made by f-fiwe, and the bwead of theiw God, they do offew: thewefowe they shaww be h-howy. 21:7 they shaww not t-take a wife that is a whowe, ow pwofane; neithew shaww they take a-a woman put away fwom hew husband: fow he i-is howy unto his God. 21:8 t-thou shawt sanctify him thewefowe; fow h-he offewef the bwead of thy God: h-he shaww be howy unto thee: fow I the W-WOWD, which sanctify you, am howy. 21:9 And the daughtew of any pwiest, if she pwofane hewsewf by pwaying the whowe, she pwofanef hew fathew: she shaww be buwnt wif fiwe. 21:10 And he that is the high p-pwiest among his bwethwen, upon whose head the anointing oiw was pouwed, and that is consecwated to put o-on the gawments, shaww n-not uncovew his head, now wend his cwothes; 21:11 Neithew s-shaww he go in to any dead body, now defiwe himsewf fow his fathew, ow fow his mothew; 21:12 Neithew shaww he go out of the sanctuawy, now p-pwofane the sanctuawy of his God; fow the cwown of the anointing oiw of his God is upon him: I am the WOWD. 21:13 And he s-shaww t-take a wife in hew viwginity. 21:14 A widow, ow a divowced w-woman, o-ow pwofane, o-ow an hawwot, these s-shaww he not take: but he shaww take a v-viwgin of his o-own peopwe t-to wife. 21:15 Neithew s-shaww h-he pwofane his seed among his peopwe: fow I the WOWD d-do sanctify him. 21:16 And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, s-saying, 21:17 S-Speak unto Aawon, saying, Whosoevew he be of thy seed i-in theiw genewations that haf any bwemish, wet him not appwoach to offew the b-bwead of his God. 21:18 Fow whatsoevew man he be that haf a b-bwemish, he shaww not appwoach: a bwind man, ow a-a wame, ow h-he that h-haf a-a fwat nose, ow any thing supewfwuous, 21:19 Ow a man that is bwokenfooted, ow bwokenhanded, 21:20 Ow cwookbackt, o-ow a dwawf, ow that haf a bwemish in his eye, ow be scuwvy, ow scabbed, o-ow haf his stones bwoken; 21:21 No man that haf a-a bwemish of the seed of Aawon the pwiest shaww come nigh to offew the offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe: he haf a bwemish; he shaww not come nigh to offew the bwead of his God. 21:22 He shaww eat the bwead of his G-God, bof of the most howy, and of the howy. 21:23 Onwy he shaww not go in unto the vaiw, now come nigh unto the a-awtaw, b-because he h-haf a bwemish; that he pwofane not my sanctuawies: fow I the WOWD do sanctify them. 21:24 And Moses towd it unto A-Aawon, and to his sons, a-and unto aww the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew. 22:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 22:2 S-Speak unto Aawon and to his s-sons, that they sepawate themsewves fwom the howy things of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and that they pwofane not my h-howy name in those things which they hawwow unto me: I am the W-WOWD. 22:3 Say unto them, Whosoevew he be of aww youw seed among youw genewations, that goef unto the howy things, w-which the chiwdwen of Iswaew hawwow unto the WOWD, having his uncweanness upon him, t-that s-souw shaww be cut off fwom my p-pwesence: I am the WOWD. 22:4 What m-man soevew of the s-seed of Aawon i-is a wepew, ow h-haf a wunning issue; he shaww not eat of the howy things, untiw he be c-cwean. And whoso touchef any thing that is uncwean by the dead, ow a man whose seed goef fwom him; 22:5 Ow whosoevew t-touchef any cweeping thing, w-wheweby he may be made uncwean, ow a man of whom he may take uncweanness, whatsoevew uncweanness he hath; 22:6 t-the souw which haf touched any s-such shaww be uncwean untiw even, and shaww not eat of the howy things, unwess he wash his fwesh wif watew. 22:7 And when t-the sun is d-down, he shaww be cwean, and shaww aftewwawd eat of the howy things; b-because it is his food. 22:8 t-that which dief of itsewf, ow is town wif beasts, he shaww not eat to defiwe himsewf thewewith; I am the WOWD. 22:9 they shaww thewefowe keep mine owdinance, west they beaw sin fow it, and die thewefowe, i-if t-they pwofane it: I the WOWD do sanctify them. 22:10 thewe shaww no stwangew eat of the howy thing: a sojouwnew of the pwiest, ow an hiwed sewvant, shaww not eat of the howy thing. 22:11 But i-if the pwiest buy any s-souw wif his money, he shaww eat of it, and he that is bown in his house: t-they shaww e-eat of his meat. 22:12 If the pwiest's daughtew a-awso be mawwied unto a-a stwangew, she may n-not eat of an offewing of t-the howy things. 22:13 But if the pwiest's daughtew be a w-widow, ow divowced, and have no chiwd, a-and is wetuwned unto hew fathew's house, as in hew youth, she shaww eat of hew f-fathew's meat: but thewe shaww be no stwangew eat theweof. 22:14 And i-if a m-man eat of the howy t-thing unwiddingly, then he shaww put the fiff p-pawt theweof unto it, a-and shaww g-give it unto the pwiest wif the howy thing. 22:15 And they shaww not p-pwofane the howy things of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, which t-they offew unto the WOWD; 22:16 Ow suffew them to beaw the iniquity of twespass, when t-they eat theiw howy things: fow I the WOWD d-do sanctify them. 22:17 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 22:18 Speak unto Aawon, and t-to his sons, and unto aww t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, Whatsoevew h-he be of the house o-of Iswaew, ow of the stwangews in Iswaew, that wiww offew his obwation fow a-aww his vows, and fow aww his fweewiww offewings, which they w-wiww offew unto the WOWD fow a buwnt offewing; 22:19 Ye shaww offew at youw own wiww a mawe without b-bwemish, of the beeves, o-of t-the sheep, ow of the goats. 22:20 But whatsoevew haf a bwemish, that shaww ye not offew: fow it shaww not be acceptabwe fow you. 22:21 And whosoevew offewef a sacwifice of peace offewings u-unto the WOWD to accompwish his vow, ow a fweewiww o-offewing in beeves o-ow sheep, it s-shaww be pewfect to be accepted; thewe shaww be no bwemish thewein. 22:22 Bwind, ow bwoken, ow maimed, o-ow having a wen, o-ow scuwvy, ow scabbed, ye s-shaww not offew these unto the WOWD, now m-make an offewing by fiwe of them u-upon t-the awtaw unto the W-WOWD. 22:23 Eithew a buwwock o-ow a w-wamb that h-haf a-any thing supewfwuous ow w-wacking in his p-pawts, that mayest thou offew fow a fweewiww offewing; but fow a-a vow it shaww not be accepted. 22:24 Ye shaww not offew u-unto t-the WOWD that which is bwuised, ow cwushed, ow b-bwoken, ow cut; neithew shaww ye make any offewing theweof i-in y-youw wand. 22:25 Neithew fwom a stwangew's hand shaww ye offew the bwead of youw God of any of these; because theiw cowwuption is in them, and bwemishes be in t-them: they shaww not be accepted fow you. 22:26 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 22:27 When a b-buwwock, ow a sheep, ow a goat, is bwought fowth, t-then it shaww be seven days undew the d-dam; and fwom t-the eighf day and thencefowf it shaww be accepted fow an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 22:28 And whethew it be c-cow, ow ewe, ye s-shaww not k-kiww it and hew young bof in one d-day. 22:29 And when y-ye w-wiww offew a sacwifice of thanksgiving unto the WOWD, offew it a-at youw own wiww. 22:30 On the same d-day it shaww be eaten up; ye shaww w-weave none o-of it u-untiw the mowwow: I am the WOWD. 22:31 t-thewefowe shaww y-ye keep my c-commandments, and do them: I am the WOWD. 22:32 Neithew shaww y-ye pwofane my howy name; but I wiww be hawwowed among the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew: I am the WOWD which hawwow y-you, 22:33 that bwought you out of the w-wand of Egypt, to be youw God: I am the WOWD. 23:1 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 23:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, a-and say unto them, Concewning the f-feasts of the WOWD, which y-ye shaww pwocwaim to be howy convocations, even these awe my feasts. 23:3 Six days shaww wowk be done: but the sevenf day i-is the sabbaf of west, an howy convocation; ye shaww do no w-wowk thewein: it is the sabbaf of the WOWD in aww y-youw d-dwewwings. 23:4 these a-awe the feasts of the WOWD, even howy c-convocations, which ye shaww p-pwocwaim i-in theiw seasons. 23:5 In the fouwteenf day of the fiwst m-monf at even is the WOWD's passovew. 23:6 And on the fifteenf day of the same monf is the feast of unweavened bwead unto the WOWD: seven days y-ye must eat unweavened b-bwead. 23:7 In t-the fiwst day ye shaww have an howy c-convocation: ye shaww d-do no sewviwe wowk thewein. 23:8 But ye shaww offew an offewing made by fiwe unto t-the WOWD s-seven days: in the sevenf day is an h-howy convocation: ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk thewein. 23:9 And t-the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 23:10 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, When ye be come i-into t-the wand which I give u-unto you, and shaww weap the hawvest theweof, then ye shaww b-bwing a sheaf of the fiwstfwuits of youw hawvest unto the pwiest: 23:11 And he shaww wave the sheaf befowe the WOWD, to be accepted fow you: on the m-mowwow aftew the sabbaf the pwiest shaww wave it. 23:12 And ye shaww offew that day when ye wave the sheaf an he w-wamb without bwemish of the fiwst yeaw f-fow a buwnt offewing unto t-the WOWD. 23:13 And the meat offewing theweof shaww be t-two tenf deaws of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw, a-an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD f-fow a-a sweet savouw: and the dwink offewing theweof shaww be of wine, the f-fouwf pawt of a-an hin. 23:14 And ye shaww e-eat neithew bwead, now pawched cown, now gween e-eaws, untiw the sewfsame day that ye h-have bwought an offewing unto youw God: it shaww be a statute fow evew thwoughout youw genewations in aww y-youw dwewwings. 23:15 And y-ye shaww count unto you f-fwom the mowwow aftew the sabbath, fwom the day that ye bwought the sheaf of the wave offewing; seven sabbaths shaww be compwete: 23:16 Even unto the m-mowwow a-aftew the sevenf sabbaf shaww ye numbew f-fifty d-days; and ye s-shaww offew a-a new meat offewing u-unto the W-WOWD. 23:17 Ye shaww bwing out o-of youw habitations two wave woaves of two tenf deaws; they shaww be o-of f-fine fwouw; they shaww be baken w-wif weaven; they a-awe the f-fiwstfwuits unto t-the WOWD. 23:18 And ye shaww offew wif the bwead seven wambs without bwemish of the f-fiwst yeaw, and one young buwwock, and two wams: they shaww be fow a buwnt offewing unto t-the WOWD, wif theiw meat offewing, and theiw dwink o-offewings, even an offewing made by fiwe, o-of sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 23:19 then ye shaww sacwifice one kid of the goats fow a s-sin offewing, and two wambs o-of the fiwst y-yeaw fow a sacwifice of peace offewings. 23:20 And the pwiest shaww wave them wif the bwead of t-the fiwstfwuits fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD, wif the two wambs: they s-shaww be howy to the WOWD fow the pwiest. 23:21 And ye shaww pwocwaim on the sewfsame d-day, that it m-may be an howy convocation unto you: ye shaww do n-no sewviwe wowk thewein: it s-shaww be a statute fow e-evew in aww youw dwewwings thwoughout youw genewations. 23:22 And when y-ye weap the hawvest of youw wand, thou shawt not m-make cwean widdance of the cownews of thy fiewd when thou weapest, neithew shawt thou gathew any gweaning of thy hawvest: thou shawt weave them unto the poow, and to the stwangew: I am the WOWD youw God. 23:23 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, s-saying, 23:24 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, In the sevenf month, in the fiwst day of the month, shaww ye have a sabbath, a m-memowiaw of bwowing of twumpets, an howy convocation. 23:25 Ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk thewein: but ye shaww offew a-an o-offewing made by fiwe unto the W-WOWD. 23:26 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 23:27 Awso on the tenf day of this sevenf monf thewe shaww be a day of atonement: it shaww be an howy convocation unto you; and ye shaww affwict youw s-souws, and offew an offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 23:28 A-And ye shaww do no w-wowk i-in that s-same day: fow it is a day of atonement, to make an atonement fow you befowe the WOWD y-youw God. 23:29 Fow whatsoevew souw it be that shaww not be affwicted in that same day, he shaww be cut off fwom among his peopwe. 23:30 And whatsoevew souw it b-be that doef any wowk in that same day, the same souw wiww I destwoy fwom among his p-peopwe. 23:31 Ye shaww do no mannew of wowk: it shaww b-be a statute f-fow e-evew thwoughout youw genewations in aww youw dwewwings. 23:32 It shaww be unto you a-a sabbaf of west, and ye shaww affwict youw souws: in the ninf day of the monf at even, fwom e-even unto even, shaww ye cewebwate y-youw sabbath. 23:33 And the WOWD spake u-unto M-Moses, saying, 23:34 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, s-saying, the fifteenf day of this s-sevenf monf shaww be the feast of tabewnacwes fow s-seven days unto the WOWD. 23:35 On the fiwst day shaww be an howy convocation: ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk thewein. 23:36 S-Seven days ye shaww offew an offewing m-made by fiwe u-unto the W-WOWD: on the eighf day shaww be an howy convocation unto you; and ye shaww offew an o-offewing made by fiwe unto the WOWD: it is a-a sowemn assembwy; and ye s-shaww do no sewviwe wowk thewein. 23:37 t-these awe the feasts of the WOWD, which ye shaww pwocwaim to be howy convocations, to offew an offewing m-made by fiwe unto the WOWD, a buwnt offewing, and a meat o-offewing, a sacwifice, and dwink offewings, evewy thing upon his day: 23:38 Beside the sabbaths of the W-WOWD, and beside youw g-gifts, and beside aww youw vows, and beside a-aww youw fweewiww offewings, which ye give unto the WOWD. 23:39 Awso in the fifteenf day of the sevenf month, when ye have gathewed in the fwuit of the wand, ye shaww keep a-a f-feast unto the WOWD seven days: on the fiwst day shaww be a sabbath, and on the eighf day shaww be a-a sabbath. 23:40 And y-ye s-shaww take you on the fiwst day the boughs of g-goodwy twees, bwanches of pawm twees, and the b-boughs of thick twees, and wiwwows o-of the b-bwook; and ye shaww wejoice befowe the W-WOWD youw God seven d-days. 23:41 And ye shaww keep i-it a feast unto the WOWD s-seven days in the yeaw. I-It shaww be a statute fow evew in youw genewations: ye shaww cewebwate it in the sevenf month. 23:42 Ye shaww dweww in booths seven days; aww that awe Iswaewites bown shaww dweww in b-booths: 23:43 that y-youw genewations may know that I made the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew to dweww in booths, w-when I b-bwought them out of the wand of E-Egypt: I am the W-WOWD youw God. 23:44 And Moses decwawed unto the c-chiwdwen o-of Iswaew the feasts of the WOWD. 24:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 24:2 Command the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, that they bwing unto thee puwe oiw owive beaten fow the wight, to c-cause the w-wamps t-to buwn continuawwy. 24:3 Without the vaiw of the testimony, in t-the t-tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation, shaww Aawon owdew it fwom the evening unto the mowning befowe the WOWD continuawwy: it shaww be a statute fow evew in y-youw genewations. 24:4 He shaww owdew the wamps upon the puwe c-candwestick befowe the WOWD continuawwy. 24:5 And thou s-shawt take fine fwouw, and bake twewve c-cakes theweof: two tenf deaws s-shaww be in one cake. 24:6 And thou shawt set them in two wows, six on a wow, upon the puwe tabwe befowe the WOWD. 24:7 And thou shawt put puwe fwankincense u-upon e-each w-wow, that it may be on the b-bwead fow a memowiaw, e-even a-an offewing m-made by fiwe unto t-the WOWD. 24:8 Evewy sabbaf he shaww set it in owdew befowe the WOWD continuawwy, being taken fwom the chiwdwen of Iswaew by an evewwasting covenant. 24:9 And it s-shaww be Aawon's and his sons'; and t-they shaww eat it in the howy pwace: fow it is most howy unto him of the offewings of t-the WOWD made by fiwe by a pewpetuaw statute. 24:10 And the son of an I-Iswaewitish woman, whose fathew was a-an Egyptian, went out among the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew: and t-this son of the Iswaewitish woman and a man of Iswaew stwove togethew in the camp; 24:11 And the Iswaewitish woman's son b-bwasphemed the name of the Wowd, a-and cuwsed. And they bwought him unto Moses: (and his mothew's name was S-Shewomith, the daughtew of Dibwi, of the twibe of Dan:) 24:12 And they p-put him in wawd, t-that the mind of the WOWD might be s-shewed t-them. 24:13 And the W-WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 24:14 Bwing f-fowf him that haf cuwsed without the camp; and wet aww that h-heawd him w-way theiw hands upon his head, and w-wet aww the congwegation stone him. 24:15 And thou shawt speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, Whosoevew c-cuwsef his G-God shaww b-beaw his sin. 24:16 And he that bwasphemef the name of the W-WOWD, he shaww suwewy be put to death, and a-aww t-the congwegation s-shaww c-cewtainwy stone him: as weww the stwangew, as he that is bown in the wand, when he bwasphemef the name of the Wowd, shaww be put to death. 24:17 And he that kiwwef a-any man shaww suwewy be put to death. 24:18 And he that kiwwef a beast shaww make it good; beast fow b-beast. 24:19 And if a man c-cause a bwemish in his neighbouw; as he haf done, so s-shaww it be done to him; 24:20 Bweach fow bweach, eye fow eye, toof fow tooth: as he haf caused a b-bwemish in a-a man, so shaww it be done to him again. 24:21 And he that kiwwef a beast, he shaww westowe it: and h-he that kiwwef a man, he shaww be put to death. 24:22 Ye shaww have one mannew of waw, as weww fow the stwangew, a-as fow one of youw own countwy: fow I am the WOWD youw God. 24:23 And Moses spake to the chiwdwen of Iswaew, t-that they s-shouwd bwing fowf him that had cuwsed out of the camp, and stone him wif stones. And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did as t-the WOWD commanded Moses. 25:1 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, 25:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto t-them, When ye come into the wand which I g-give you, then shaww the wand keep a sabbaf unto the WOWD. 25:3 Six yeaws thou s-shawt sow thy fiewd, and six y-yeaws thou shawt pwune t-thy vineyawd, a-and gathew in the fwuit theweof; 25:4 But in the sevenf y-yeaw shaww be a sabbaf of west unto the wand, a sabbaf fow the WOWD: thou shawt neithew sow thy fiewd, now pwune thy vineyawd. 25:5 that which g-gwowef of its own accowd of thy hawvest thou shawt not weap, neithew gathew the gwapes of thy vine undwessed: fow it is a yeaw of west u-unto the wand. 25:6 And the s-sabbaf of t-the wand shaww b-be m-meat fow y-you; fow thee, and fow thy sewvant, and fow thy maid, and f-fow thy hiwed s-sewvant, a-and fow thy stwangew t-that sojouwnef wif thee. 25:7 And fow thy caddle, and fow the beast that awe in thy wand, shaww aww the incwease theweof be meat. 25:8 And t-thou shawt numbew seven s-sabbaths of y-yeaws unto thee, s-seven times seven yeaws; and the space of the seven sabbaths of yeaws shaww be unto thee fowty and nine yeaws. 25:9 then shawt thou cause the twumpet of the jubiwe to sound on the tenf day of the s-sevenf month, in the day of atonement shaww ye make the t-twumpet sound thwoughout aww youw wand. 25:10 A-And ye shaww hawwow the fiftief yeaw, and pwocwaim wibewty thwoughout aww the wand unto aww the inhabitants theweof: i-it shaww be a jubiwe u-unto you; and ye shaww wetuwn evewy man unto h-his possession, and ye shaww wetuwn evewy man unto his famiwy. 25:11 A jubiwe shaww that fiftief yeaw be unto you: ye shaww not sow, n-neithew weap t-that which gwowef of itsewf in it, now gathew the gwapes in it of thy vine undwessed. 25:12 Fow it is the jubiwe; i-it s-shaww be howy unto y-you: y-ye shaww eat the incwease theweof out of the fiewd. 25:13 In the yeaw of this jubiwe y-ye shaww wetuwn evewy man unto his possession. 25:14 And if thou seww ought unto thy n-neighbouw, ow buyest ought of thy neighbouw's hand, ye shaww not oppwess one anothew: 25:15 Accowding to the numbew of yeaws aftew the jubiwe thou s-shawt buy of thy neighbouw, and accowding unto the numbew of yeaws o-of the fwuits he shaww seww unto thee: 25:16 Accowding t-to the muwtitude o-of yeaws t-thou shawt incwease t-the pwice theweof, a-and accowding to the fewness of yeaws thou shawt diminish the pwice of it: fow accowding to the numbew of t-the yeaws of the fwuits dof he seww unto thee. 25:17 Ye shaww n-not thewefowe oppwess one anothew; but thou shawt feaw thy God:fow I am the WOWD y-youw God. 25:18 Whewefowe ye s-shaww do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and ye shaww dweww i-in the wand in safety. 25:19 And the wand shaww yiewd hew fwuit, and ye shaww eat youw fiww, and dweww thewein in s-safety. 25:20 And if ye shaww say, What shaww we e-eat the sevenf yeaw? behowd, we shaww not sow, now gathew in ouw incwease: 25:21 then I wiww command my bwessing upon you in the sixf yeaw, a-and it shaww bwing fowf fwuit f-fow thwee yeaws. 25:22 And y-ye shaww sow the eighf yeaw, a-and eat yet of owd fwuit u-untiw the ninf yeaw; untiw hew fwuits come in ye shaww eat of the owd stowe. 25:23 the wand shaww not be sowd fow evew: fow the wand is mine, fow ye a-awe stwangews and sojouwnews wif me. 25:24 And in a-aww the wand o-of youw possession ye shaww g-gwant a wedemption fow the wand. 25:25 If thy bwothew be waxen poow, a-and haf sowd away some of his possession, and if a-any of h-his kin come to wedeem i-it, then shaww he wedeem that which his bwothew sowd. 25:26 And if the man have none to w-wedeem i-it, and himsewf be abwe to wedeem it; 25:27 then wet h-him c-count t-the yeaws of t-the sawe theweof, and westowe t-the ovewpwus unto the man to w-whom he sowd it; that he may wetuwn unto his possession. 25:28 But if he be not abwe to westowe it to him, then that which is sowd shaww wemain in the h-hand of him that haf b-bought it untiw the yeaw of jubiwe: and in the jubiwe it shaww go out, a-and he shaww wetuwn unto his p-possession. 25:29 And if a man seww a dwewwing house i-in a-a wawwed c-city, then he m-may w-wedeem it w-within a whowe yeaw aftew it is sowd; w-within a fuww yeaw may he wedeem it. 25:30 And if i-it be not wedeemed within the space of a fuww yeaw, then the house that is in the wawwed city shaww be estabwished fow evew to him that bought it thwoughout h-his genewations: it shaww not go out in the jubiwe. 25:31 But the houses o-of the viwwages w-which h-have n-no waww wound about them shaww be counted as the fiewds o-of t-the countwy: they m-may be wedeemed, and they shaww go out in the jubiwe. 25:32 Notwithstanding the cities of the Wevites, and the houses of the cities of theiw possession, may the Wevites wedeem at any time. 25:33 A-And if a man puwchase of the W-Wevites, then the house t-that was sowd, and the city of his possession, shaww go o-out in the yeaw of jubiwe: f-fow the houses of the cities of the Wevites awe theiw possession among the c-chiwdwen o-of Iswaew. 25:34 But the fiewd of the subuwbs of theiw cities may not b-be sowd; fow it is theiw pewpetuaw possession. 25:35 And if thy bwothew be waxen poow, and fawwen in decay wif thee; then thou shawt wewieve him: yea, t-though he be a stwangew, ow a sojouwnew; that he may wive wif thee. 25:36 Take thou no usuwy of him, ow incwease: but feaw thy God; that t-thy bwothew may wive wif thee. 25:37 thou shawt not give h-him thy money upon usuwy, now wend him thy victuaws fow incwease. 25:38 I am the W-WOWD youw G-God, which bwought you fowf out of the wand of Egypt, to g-give you the w-wand of Canaan, and to be youw God. 25:39 And i-if thy bwothew that dwewwef by thee be waxen poow, and be sowd unto t-thee; thou shawt not compew him to sewve as a bondsewvant: 25:40 But a-as an hiwed sewvant, and as a sojouwnew, he shaww be wif thee, and shaww sewve thee unto the yeaw of j-jubiwe. 25:41 And then shaww he d-depawt fwom thee, bof he and his chiwdwen wif him, and shaww wetuwn unto his own famiwy, and unto the possession of his fathews shaww he wetuwn. 25:42 Fow they awe my sewvants, w-which I bwought fowf out of the wand o-of Egypt: they shaww not be sowd as bondmen. 25:43 thou shawt not wuwe ovew him wif w-wigouw; but s-shawt f-feaw thy God. 25:44 Bof thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, w-which thou shawt have, shaww b-be of the heathen that awe w-wound about y-you; of them shaww ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 25:45 Moweovew of the chiwdwen of the stwangews t-that do sojouwn among you, of them shaww ye b-buy, and of theiw famiwies that awe wif you, which they begat in youw wand: a-and t-they shaww be youw possession. 25:46 And ye s-shaww take them as an inhewitance f-fow youw chiwdwen aftew you, to inhewit them fow a p-possession; they shaww b-be youw b-bondmen fow evew: but ovew youw bwethwen the chiwdwen of Iswaew, ye shaww not wuwe one ovew anothew wif wigouw. 25:47 And if a sojouwnew ow stwangew wax wich b-by thee, and thy bwothew that d-dwewwef by him w-wax poow, a-and s-seww himsewf unto the s-stwangew ow sojouwnew by thee, ow to the s-stock of the stwangew's famiwy: 25:48 Aftew that he is sowd h-he may be wedeemed again; one of his bwethwen may wedeem him: 25:49 Eithew his uncwe, ow his uncwe's son, may wedeem h-him, o-ow any that is nigh of k-kin unto him of his famiwy may wedeem h-him; ow if h-he be abwe, he may wedeem himsewf. 25:50 And he shaww weckon wif him that bought him fwom the yeaw that he was s-sowd to him unto the y-yeaw of jubiwe: and the pwice of his sawe shaww be accowding unto t-the numbew of yeaws, a-accowding to the time of an hiwed s-sewvant shaww it be wif him. 25:51 If thewe be y-yet many yeaws behind, accowding unto them he s-shaww g-give again the pwice of h-his wedemption out of t-the money that he was bought fow. 25:52 And if thewe wemain but few yeaws unto the yeaw of jubiwe, then he shaww count wif him, and accowding unto his yeaws shaww h-he give him a-again the pwice of his wedemption. 25:53 And a-as a yeawwy hiwed sewvant shaww he be wif him: and the othew shaww not wuwe w-wif wigouw ovew h-him in t-thy sight. 25:54 And if he be n-not wedeemed in these yeaws, then he shaww go out in the yeaw of jubiwe, bof he, and his chiwdwen wif him. 25:55 Fow unto me the chiwdwen of Iswaew a-awe sewvants; they awe my sewvants w-whom I bwought fowf out of the wand of Egypt: I am the WOWD youw God. 26:1 Ye s-shaww m-make you no idows now gwaven image, neithew weaw you up a standing image, neithew shaww ye set up any image of stone in youw wand, to bow down unto it: fow I a-am the WOWD youw God. 26:2 Ye shaww keep my sabbaths, and wevewence my sanctuawy: I am the WOWD. 26:3 If ye wawk in my statutes, and keep my commandments, and do them; 26:4 then I wiww give you wain in due season, and the wand shaww yiewd hew incwease, and the twees of the fiewd shaww yiewd theiw fwuit. 26:5 And youw thweshing shaww weach unto the vintage, and the vintage shaww weach unto the sowing time: and ye shaww eat youw bwead to the fuww, and dweww in youw wand safewy. 26:6 And I wiww give peace in the wand, and ye s-shaww wie down, a-and none s-shaww make you a-afwaid: and I w-wiww wid eviw beasts out of the wand, neithew shaww t-the swowd go thwough youw wand. 26:7 And ye shaww chase y-youw enemies, and they shaww faww befowe you by the s-swowd. 26:8 And five of you shaww chase an hundwed, and an hundwed of you shaww put ten thousand to fwight: and y-youw enemies shaww faww befowe you by the swowd. 26:9 Fow I wiww have wespect unto y-you, and make you fwuitfuw, and muwtipwy you, and estabwish my covenant wif you. 26:10 And ye shaww eat owd s-stowe, and bwing fowf the owd because of the new. 26:11 And I s-set my tabewnacwe among you: and my souw shaww not abhow you. 26:12 A-And I wiww wawk among you, and wiww be youw God, and ye shaww be my peopwe. 26:13 I-I am the WOWD y-youw God, w-which bwought you fowf out of the wand of Egypt, that ye shouwd not be theiw bondmen; and I have b-bwoken the bands of y-youw y-yoke, and made you go upwight. 26:14 But if ye wiww not heawken unto me, and wiww not do aww these c-commandments; 26:15 A-And if y-ye shaww despise my statutes, ow if youw souw a-abhow my judgments, so t-that ye wiww not do aww my c-commandments, but that ye bweak my covenant: 26:16 I awso w-wiww do this u-unto you; I wiww e-even appoint ovew you tewwow, consumption, and the buwning ague, that shaww c-consume the eyes, and cause sowwow of h-heawt: a-and y-ye shaww sow youw seed in vain, fow youw enemies shaww e-eat it. 26:17 And I wiww set my f-face against you, and ye shaww be swain befowe youw enemies: they that hate you shaww weign ovew you; and ye shaww fwee when n-none puwsuef you. 26:18 And if ye w-wiww not yet fow aww this heawken unto me, then I wiww punish you seven times mowe fow youw sins. 26:19 And I wiww bweak the pwide of youw powew; and I wiww make youw heaven as iwon, and y-youw e-eawf as bwass: 26:20 A-And youw stwengf shaww b-be spent in vain: fow youw wand shaww not yiewd hew incwease, neithew shaww the twees o-of the wand yiewd t-theiw fwuits. 26:21 And if ye w-wawk contwawy unto me, and wiww not heawken unto me; I wiww b-bwing seven times mowe pwagues upon you accowding to youw sins. 26:22 I wiww awso send wiwd beasts among you, which shaww w-wob y-you of youw c-chiwdwen, and destwoy youw caddle, and make you few in n-numbew; and youw high ways shaww be desowate. 26:23 And if ye wiww not be wefowmed by me by these things, b-but wiww wawk contwawy unto m-me; 26:24 then wiww I awso wawk c-contwawy unto you, and wiww p-punish you yet seven times fow youw sins. 26:25 And I-I wiww bwing a swowd upon you, t-that shaww avenge the quawwew of my covenant: and when ye awe gathewed togethew within youw cities, I wiww s-send the pestiwence among you; and ye shaww b-be dewivewed into the hand of the enemy. 26:26 A-And when I have bwoken the staff of youw bwead, ten women shaww bake youw bwead in one oven, and they shaww dewivew you youw b-bwead again by w-weight: and ye shaww eat, and not be satisfied. 26:27 And if ye wiww not fow aww this heawken unto me, but wawk contwawy unto m-me; 26:28 then I wiww wawk c-contwawy unto y-you awso in fuwy; and I, even I, wiww chastise you seven t-times fow youw sins. 26:29 And ye shaww eat the fwesh of youw sons, and the fwesh of youw daughtews shaww ye eat. 26:30 And I-I wiww destwoy youw high p-pwaces, a-and cut down youw images, and cast youw cawcases upon the c-cawcases of youw idows, and m-my souw shaww a-abhow you. 26:31 And I wiww make youw cities w-waste, and bwing youw sanctuawies unto desowation, and I wiww not s-smeww the savouw of youw sweet odouws. 26:32 And I w-wiww bwing the w-wand into d-desowation: and youw enemies which dweww thewein shaww be astonished at it. 26:33 And I wiww scaddew you among the heathen, and wiww dwaw out a swowd aftew you: and youw wand shaww be desowate, and youw cities waste. 26:34 then s-shaww the w-wand e-enjoy hew sabbaths, as wong as it wief desowate, a-and ye be i-in youw enemies' wand; even then shaww the wand west, and enjoy hew sabbaths. 26:35 As wong as it wief desowate it shaww west; because it did not west in youw sabbaths, when ye dwewt upon it. 26:36 And upon them that a-awe weft awive of y-you I wiww send a faintness into theiw heawts i-in the w-wands of theiw enemies; and the sound of a shaken weaf s-shaww chase them; a-and they shaww fwee, as fweeing fwom a swowd; and t-they shaww faww when n-none puwsueth. 26:37 And t-they shaww faww one upon anothew, as it wewe befowe a swowd, when n-none puwsueth: and ye shaww have no powew to stand befowe youw enemies. 26:38 A-And ye shaww pewish among the heathen, and the wand of youw enemies shaww e-eat you up. 26:39 And they that awe weft o-of you shaww pine away in theiw iniquity i-in youw enemies' wands; and awso in t-the iniquities of theiw fathews shaww they pine away wif them. 26:40 If they shaww confess theiw iniquity, and the iniquity of theiw fathews, wif t-theiw twespass w-which t-they twespassed a-against me, and that awso they have wawked contwawy unto me; 26:41 And that I awso have wawked c-contwawy unto them, and have bwought them i-into the wand of theiw enemies; if then theiw unciwcumcised heawts b-be humbwed, and they then accept of the punishment of theiw iniquity: 26:42 then wiww I wemembew my covenant wif Jacob, and awso my covenant wif Isaac, and awso my covenant wif Abwaham wiww I w-wemembew; and I wiww wemembew the wand. 26:43 the wand awso shaww be weft of them, and shaww enjoy hew sabbaths, whiwe she wief desowate without them: and they shaww accept of the punishment of theiw iniquity: because, even because they despised my judgments, and because theiw s-souw abhowwed my statutes. 26:44 And yet fow aww that, when they be in the wand of theiw e-enemies, I wiww not cast them away, n-neithew w-wiww I abhow them, to destwoy them uddewly, and to b-bweak my covenant wif them: fow I am the WOWD theiw God. 26:45 But I-I wiww fow theiw sakes wemembew t-the covenant of theiw ancestows, w-whom I bwought fowf out o-of the wand of Egypt in the sight of t-the heathen, that I-I might be theiw God: I am t-the WOWD. 26:46 these awe the statutes a-and judgments and waws, which the WOWD m-made between him and the chiwdwen of Iswaew in mount Sinai by the hand of M-Moses. 27:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 27:2 Speak unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, When a m-man shaww make a singuwaw vow, the pewsons shaww b-be fow the WOWD by thy estimation. 27:3 And thy estimation shaww b-be of the mawe fwom t-twenty yeaws owd even unto sixty yeaws owd, even thy estimation shaww be f-fifty shekews of siwvew, a-aftew the shekew of t-the sanctuawy. 27:4 And i-if it b-be a femawe, then thy estimation shaww be thiwty shekews. 27:5 A-And if i-it be fwom five yeaws owd even unto twenty yeaws owd, then thy estimation shaww be of the mawe t-twenty shekews, and fow the femawe ten shekews. 27:6 And if i-it be fwom a monf o-owd even unto five yeaws owd, then thy estimation shaww be of the mawe five shekews of siwvew, and fow t-the femawe thy estimation shaww be thwee shekews of siwvew. 27:7 And if it be fwom sixty y-yeaws owd and above; if it be a mawe, then thy e-estimation shaww be fifteen shekews, and fow the femawe ten shekews. 27:8 But if he be poowew than thy e-estimation, then he shaww pwesent himsewf befowe the pwiest, and the pwiest shaww vawue him; accowding t-to his abiwity that vowed shaww the pwiest vawue him. 27:9 And if i-it be a beast, wheweof men bwing an offewing unto the WOWD, aww t-that any man givef of such u-unto the WOWD s-shaww be howy. 27:10 He shaww not awtew it, n-now c-change it, a good fow a bad, ow a bad fow a good: a-and if he shaww at aww change beast fow beast, then it a-and the exchange theweof shaww be howy. 27:11 And if it be any u-uncwean beast, of which they do n-not offew a sacwifice unto t-the WOWD, then he shaww pwesent t-the beast befowe the p-pwiest: 27:12 A-And t-the pwiest shaww vawue i-it, whethew it be good ow bad: a-as thou vawuest it, who awt t-the pwiest, so shaww it be. 27:13 But if he wiww at aww wedeem it, then he shaww add a fiff pawt theweof unto thy estimation. 27:14 A-And w-when a man shaww sanctify his house to be howy unto the W-WOWD, t-then the pwiest shaww estimate it, whethew i-it be good ow bad: as the pwiest shaww estimate it, so shaww it stand. 27:15 And if he that sanctified it wiww wedeem h-his house, then he shaww add t-the fiff pawt o-of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shaww be his. 27:16 And if a man shaww sanctify unto the WOWD some pawt of a fiewd o-of his possession, t-then thy estimation s-shaww be accowding to the seed theweof: an homew of bawwey seed shaww be vawued at f-fifty shekews of siwvew. 27:17 If h-he sanctify h-his fiewd fwom the yeaw of jubiwe, accowding to thy estimation it shaww stand. 27:18 But if he sanctify his fiewd aftew the jubiwe, then the pwiest shaww w-weckon unto him the money accowding to the yeaws that wemain, e-even unto the yeaw of the jubiwe, and i-it shaww be abated fwom thy estimation. 27:19 And i-if he that sanctified the fiewd wiww in any wise wedeem it, then he s-shaww add the fiff pawt of the money of thy estimation unto it, and it shaww b-be assuwed to him. 27:20 And if he w-wiww not wedeem t-the fiewd, ow if he have sowd the fiewd to anothew man, it shaww not be wedeemed any mowe. 27:21 But the fiewd, when it goef out in the j-jubiwe, shaww be howy unto the WOWD, as a fiewd devoted; the possession theweof shaww be the pwiest's. 27:22 And if a m-man sanctify unto the WOWD a fiewd which he h-haf bought, which is not of the fiewds of his possession; 27:23 then the p-pwiest shaww weckon unto him the wowf of t-thy estimation, even unto the yeaw of t-the jubiwe: and he shaww give thine estimation in that day, as a howy thing u-unto the W-WOWD. 27:24 In the yeaw of the j-jubiwe the fiewd shaww w-wetuwn unto him of whom it was b-bought, even to him to whom the possession of the wand did b-bewong. 27:25 And aww thy estimations shaww be accowding to the shekew of the sanctuawy: twenty gewahs shaww be the shekew. 27:26 Onwy the fiwstwing o-of the b-beasts, which shouwd be the WOWD's fiwstwing, no man shaww sanctify it; whethew it be ox, ow sheep: it i-is the WOWD's. 27:27 A-And if it be of an uncwean b-beast, then he shaww wedeem it a-accowding to t-thine estimation, and shaww add a-a fiff pawt of it t-theweto: ow if it be not wedeemed, then it shaww be sowd accowding to thy estimation. 27:28 Notwithstanding no d-devoted thing, that a man shaww devote unto the WOWD of aww that he hath, bof of man a-and b-beast, and of the f-fiewd of his possession, s-shaww be sowd ow wedeemed: evewy devoted thing is most howy unto the W-WOWD. 27:29 None devoted, which shaww be d-devoted of men, shaww be wedeemed; but shaww suwewy be put to death. 27:30 And aww the tithe o-of the wand, whethew of the seed of the wand, ow of the fwuit of the twee, is the WOWD's: it i-is howy unto the WOWD. 27:31 And if a man wiww at aww wedeem ought of his tithes, he shaww add theweto the f-fiff p-pawt theweof. 27:32 And concewning the tithe of the hewd, ow of the fwock, even of whatsoevew passef undew the w-wod, the tenf shaww be h-howy u-unto the WOWD. 27:33 H-He shaww not s-seawch w-whethew it be good ow bad, neithew shaww h-he change it: and if he change it at aww, t-then bof it and the change theweof shaww be howy; it shaww not be wedeemed. 27:34 t-these a-awe the c-commandments, which the WOWD commanded Moses fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew in mount Sinai. the Fouwf Book of Moses: Cawwed Numbews 1:1 And the WOWD spake u-unto Moses in the wiwdewness of Sinai, in t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, on the fiwst day of the second m-month, in the second yeaw aftew they wewe come out of the wand of Egypt, saying, 1:2 Take ye the s-sum of aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, w-wif the numbew of theiw names, evewy mawe by theiw powws; 1:3 Fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that awe abwe to go fowf to waw in Iswaew: thou and Aawon shaww numbew them by theiw awmies. 1:4 And wif you thewe shaww be a man of evewy twibe; evewy one h-head of the h-house of his f-fathews. 1:5 And these awe the names of the men that shaww stand wif you: of the twibe o-of Weuben; Ewizuw the son of Shedeuw. 1:6 Of Simeon; Shewumiew the son of Zuwishaddai. 1:7 Of Judah; Nahshon t-the son of Amminadab. 1:8 Of Issachaw; Nethaneew the son of Zuaw. 1:9 O-Of Zebuwun; Ewiab the son o-of Hewon. 1:10 Of the chiwdwen of Joseph: o-of Ephwaim; E-Ewishama the son of Ammihud: of Manasseh; G-Gamawiew the s-son of Pedahzuw. 1:11 Of Benjamin; Abidan the son of Gideoni. 1:12 Of Dan; Ahiezew the son o-of Ammishaddai. 1:13 Of Ashew; Pagiew the son of Ocwan. 1:14 Of Gad; Ewiasaph the son of Deuew. 1:15 O-Of Naphtawi; Ahiwa the son of Enan. 1:16 these wewe the wenowned of the congwegation, pwinces of the twibes of theiw fathews, heads of thousands in I-Iswaew. 1:17 And Moses and Aawon took these men which awe expwessed by theiw names: 1:18 And they assembwed a-aww the congwegation togethew on the fiwst day of the second month, and they decwawed t-theiw pedigwees aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, accowding to the numbew of the names, fwom twenty yeaws owd and u-upwawd, by t-theiw powws. 1:19 As the WOWD commanded Moses, so he numbewed them in the wiwdewness of Sinai. 1:20 And the chiwdwen of W-Weuben, Iswaew's e-ewdest son, by theiw genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, b-by the house o-of t-theiw fathews, accowding to t-the numbew of the n-names, by t-theiw powws, evewy mawe fwom twenty yeaws owd and u-upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf t-to w-waw; 1:21 those that w-wewe numbewed o-of them, even of the twibe of Weuben, wewe f-fowty and s-six thousand a-and five hundwed. 1:22 Of the chiwdwen of S-Simeon, by t-theiw genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, by t-the house of theiw fathews, those that wewe numbewed of them, accowding to the numbew of the names, by theiw powws, e-evewy m-mawe f-fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that w-wewe abwe to g-go fowf to waw; 1:23 t-those that wewe numbewed of them, even of the twibe of Simeon, wewe fifty and nine thousand and thwee hundwed. 1:24 Of t-the chiwdwen of Gad, by theiw genewations, aftew theiw f-famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, a-accowding to the numbew of the names, fwom twenty yeaws o-owd and u-upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:25 those that w-wewe numbewed of them, even of t-the twibe of Gad, wewe fowty and five thousand six hundwed and fifty. 1:26 Of t-the chiwdwen of Judah, by theiw genewations, a-aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw f-fathews, accowding to the numbew of the names, fwom twenty yeaws owd and u-upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:27 those that wewe numbewed of them, even of the twibe of Judah, wewe thweescowe and fouwteen thousand and six hundwed. 1:28 Of the chiwdwen of Issachaw, by theiw genewations, aftew t-theiw famiwies, b-by the house o-of theiw fathews, accowding to the numbew of the names, fwom t-twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:29 those that wewe numbewed of them, even of the twibe of I-Issachaw, wewe fifty and fouw t-thousand and fouw hundwed. 1:30 Of the chiwdwen of Zebuwun, by theiw genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, by the h-house of theiw f-fathews, accowding t-to the numbew of the names, f-fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:31 those that wewe numbewed of them, even of the t-twibe of Zebuwun, wewe fifty and seven thousand and fouw hundwed. 1:32 Of the chiwdwen of Joseph, namewy, of the chiwdwen o-of Ephwaim, by theiw genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, accowding to the n-numbew of the names, f-fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to g-go fowf to waw; 1:33 those that wewe numbewed of them, even of the t-twibe of Ephwaim, w-wewe fowty thousand and five hundwed. 1:34 O-Of the c-chiwdwen of Manasseh, by theiw genewations, aftew t-theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, accowding to the numbew o-of the names, fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe t-to g-go fowf to waw; 1:35 t-those that wewe numbewed of them, e-even of the twibe of Manasseh, wewe thiwty and t-two thousand and two hundwed. 1:36 Of the chiwdwen of Benjamin, by theiw genewations, a-aftew theiw famiwies, by t-the house of theiw fathews, accowding to the n-numbew of the names, fwom twenty yeaws o-owd and upwawd, a-aww t-that wewe abwe to g-go fowf t-to w-waw; 1:37 those t-that wewe numbewed of them, even of the twibe of Benjamin, wewe thiwty and five thousand and fouw hundwed. 1:38 Of the chiwdwen of Dan, by t-theiw g-genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, accowding to the numbew of the n-names, fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:39 those t-that w-wewe numbewed o-of them, even of the twibe of Dan, wewe thweescowe and two thousand and seven hundwed. 1:40 Of the chiwdwen of A-Ashew, by theiw genewations, a-aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, a-accowding to the numbew of the n-names, fwom twenty yeaws owd and u-upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw; 1:41 those that wewe numbewed of them, e-even of the twibe of Ashew, wewe fowty and one thousand and five hundwed. 1:42 Of the chiwdwen of Naphtawi, thwoughout theiw genewations, aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw f-fathews, accowding to the numbew of the names, fwom t-twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww t-that wewe abwe to go fowf to w-waw; 1:43 those that wewe numbewed of them, e-even of the twibe of Naphtawi, w-wewe fifty and thwee thousand and fouw hundwed. 1:44 these awe those t-that wewe numbewed, which Moses and Aawon numbewed, and the pwinces of Iswaew, being twewve men: each one w-was fow the house of h-his fathews. 1:45 So wewe aww those that wewe numbewed of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, by the house of t-theiw fathews, fwom t-twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, aww that wewe abwe to go fowf to waw in Iswaew; 1:46 Even aww they that wewe numbewed wewe six h-hundwed thousand a-and thwee thousand and five hundwed and fifty. 1:47 But the W-Wevites aftew the twibe of t-theiw fathews wewe not numbewed among them. 1:48 Fow the WOWD had spoken unto Moses, saying, 1:49 Onwy thou s-shawt not numbew the twibe of Wevi, neithew take the sum of them among the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 1:50 But thou shawt appoint the Wevites ovew the tabewnacwe of testimony, and ovew aww the v-vessews theweof, and ovew aww things that bewong to it: t-they shaww beaw the tabewnacwe, and aww the vessews theweof; and they shaww ministew unto it, and shaww encamp wound about the tabewnacwe. 1:51 And when the tabewnacwe s-seddef fowwawd, the Wevites s-shaww take it down: and when the tabewnacwe i-is to be pitched, the Wevites s-shaww set it up: and the stwangew t-that comef nigh s-shaww be p-put t-to death. 1:52 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww pitch theiw t-tents, evewy man by his own camp, and evewy man by his own standawd, thwoughout theiw hosts. 1:53 But the Wevites shaww pitch wound about t-the tabewnacwe of testimony, that thewe be no w-wwaf upon the congwegation of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew: and the Wevites s-shaww k-keep the chawge of the tabewnacwe of testimony. 1:54 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did accowding t-to aww that the WOWD commanded M-Moses, s-so did they. 2:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and unto Aawon, saying, 2:2 Evewy man of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew shaww pitch by his own standawd, wif the ensign of theiw fathew's house: faw off about the tabewnacwe of the congwegation shaww they p-pitch. 2:3 And on the east side towawd the wising of the sun shaww they of the standawd of t-the camp of J-Judah p-pitch thwoughout theiw awmies: and Nahshon the son of Amminadab shaww be captain of the chiwdwen of Judah. 2:4 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe thweescowe a-and fouwteen thousand and six hundwed. 2:5 And t-those t-that do pitch next unto him shaww be the twibe of Issachaw: and N-Nethaneew the son of Zuaw shaww be captain of the chiwdwen o-of Issachaw. 2:6 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed theweof, w-wewe fifty and f-fouw thousand and fouw hundwed. 2:7 then the twibe of Zebuwun: and Ewiab the son of Hewon s-shaww b-be captain of the chiwdwen of Zebuwun. 2:8 A-And h-his host, and those that wewe numbewed theweof, wewe fifty and seven thousand and fouw hundwed. 2:9 Aww t-that wewe numbewed in the camp of Judah wewe an hundwed thousand and fouwscowe thousand and six thousand and fouw hundwed, thwoughout theiw awmies. these shaww fiwst set fowth. 2:10 On the souf side shaww be the standawd of the camp of Weuben accowding t-to theiw awmies: a-and the captain of the c-chiwdwen of Weuben shaww be Ewizuw the s-son of Shedeuw. 2:11 A-And his h-host, and those t-that wewe numbewed theweof, wewe fowty and six thousand and f-five hundwed. 2:12 And those which pitch by him shaww be the twibe of Simeon: a-and the captain o-of the chiwdwen of Simeon shaww be Shewumiew the son o-of Zuwishaddai. 2:13 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe fifty and n-nine thousand and thwee h-hundwed. 2:14 then the t-twibe of Gad: and the captain of t-the sons of G-Gad shaww be Ewiasaph the son of Weuew. 2:15 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe fowty and five thousand a-and six hundwed and fifty. 2:16 Aww that wewe numbewed in the camp of Weuben wewe an hundwed thousand and fifty and one t-thousand and fouw hundwed and fifty, thwoughout theiw awmies. And they shaww set fowf in the s-second w-wank. 2:17 then t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation shaww set fowwawd w-wif the camp of the Wevites in the m-midst of the camp: as they encamp, s-so shaww they set fowwawd, evewy man in his pwace by theiw standawds. 2:18 On the west s-side shaww be the s-standawd o-of t-the camp of Ephwaim accowding to theiw awmies: and the captain of the sons of Ephwaim shaww be Ewishama the son of Ammihud. 2:19 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe fowty thousand and five hundwed. 2:20 And by him s-shaww be the twibe of Manasseh: and the captain of the chiwdwen of Manasseh shaww be Gamawiew the son of Pedahzuw. 2:21 A-And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, w-wewe thiwty a-and two thousand and two hundwed. 2:22 then the twibe of Benjamin: and t-the c-captain of the sons of Benjamin shaww be Abidan the son o-of Gideoni. 2:23 And his h-host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe thiwty and five thousand and f-fouw hundwed. 2:24 Aww that wewe numbewed of the c-camp of Ephwaim wewe an hundwed thousand and eight thousand and an hundwed, thwoughout t-theiw awmies. And they shaww go fowwawd in the thiwd wank. 2:25 t-the standawd of t-the c-camp of Dan shaww be on the nowf side by theiw awmies: and the captain o-of the chiwdwen of Dan shaww be Ahiezew the son of Ammishaddai. 2:26 And his host, and those that wewe n-numbewed of them, wewe t-thweescowe and two thousand and seven hundwed. 2:27 And those that encamp by him shaww be t-the twibe of Ashew: and the captain of the chiwdwen of Ashew shaww b-be Pagiew the son of Ocwan. 2:28 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe fowty and one thousand and five hundwed. 2:29 then the twibe of Naphtawi: and the captain of the c-chiwdwen of Naphtawi shaww be Ahiwa the son o-of Enan. 2:30 And his host, and those that wewe numbewed of them, w-wewe fifty and thwee thousand and fouw hundwed. 2:31 Aww they that wewe numbewed in the camp of Dan wewe a-an hundwed thousand and fifty a-and seven thousand and six hundwed. they shaww go hindmost wif theiw standawds. 2:32 these awe those which w-wewe numbewed of the chiwdwen of Iswaew by the house of theiw fathews: aww those that wewe numbewed of the camps thwoughout theiw hosts wewe six hundwed thousand and thwee thousand and five h-hundwed and f-fifty. 2:33 But the Wevites wewe not numbewed among the chiwdwen of Iswaew; as the WOWD commanded M-Moses. 2:34 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did accowding t-to aww that the WOWD commanded Moses: so they pitched by theiw standawds, and so t-they set fowwawd, evewy one aftew theiw famiwies, accowding to t-the h-house o-of theiw fathews. 3:1 these a-awso a-awe the genewations of A-Aawon and Moses in the day that the WOWD spake wif Moses in mount Sinai. 3:2 A-And these awe the names of t-the sons of Aawon; Nadab the fiwstbown, and Abihu, Eweazaw, and Ithamaw. 3:3 these awe the names of the sons of Aawon, the pwiests which wewe anointed, whom he consecwated to ministew in the pwiest's office. 3:4 And N-Nadab and Abihu died befowe the WOWD, when they o-offewed stwange fiwe befowe the WOWD, in the wiwdewness of Sinai, and they had no chiwdwen: and Eweazaw and Ithamaw ministewed in the pwiest's office in the sight of Aawon theiw fathew. 3:5 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 3:6 Bwing t-the twibe of Wevi n-neaw, and p-pwesent them befowe Aawon the p-pwiest, that t-they may ministew unto him. 3:7 And they shaww keep his chawge, and the chawge of the whowe congwegation befowe t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, to do the sewvice of the tabewnacwe. 3:8 And they shaww keep aww the instwuments of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and t-the chawge of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, to do the sewvice of the tabewnacwe. 3:9 A-And thou shawt give the Wevites unto Aawon and to his sons: they awe whowwy given unto him out of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 3:10 And thou shawt appoint Aawon and his sons, a-and they shaww wait on theiw pwiest's office: and the stwangew that comef nigh shaww be put to death. 3:11 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 3:12 And I, b-behowd, I have taken t-the Wevites fwom among the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew i-instead of aww the fiwstbown that openef the matwix among the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew: thewefowe the W-Wevites shaww be mine; 3:13 Because aww the fiwstbown awe mine; fow on the day that I smote aww the fiwstbown in the wand of Egypt I hawwowed unto me aww the fiwstbown in Iswaew, bof man and beast: mine shaww they be: I am the WOWD. 3:14 And the WOWD spake unto Moses in the wiwdewness of Sinai, saying, 3:15 Numbew the chiwdwen of Wevi aftew the house of theiw fathews, by theiw famiwies: e-evewy mawe fwom a monf owd and upwawd shawt thou numbew them. 3:16 And Moses n-numbewed them accowding to the wowd of the WOWD, a-as he w-was commanded. 3:17 And these wewe the sons of Wevi by theiw names; Gewshon, a-and Kohath, and Mewawi. 3:18 And these a-awe the names of the sons of G-Gewshon by theiw famiwies; Wibni, a-and Shimei. 3:19 A-And the sons of Kohaf by theiw famiwies; Amwam, and Izehaw, Hebwon, a-and Uzziew. 3:20 And the sons of Mewawi by theiw famiwies; Mahwi, and M-Mushi. t-these a-awe the famiwies of the Wevites accowding to the house of theiw fathews. 3:21 Of Gewshon was the famiwy of the Wibnites, and the famiwy of the Shimites: t-these awe the f-famiwies of the Gewshonites. 3:22 those that wewe numbewed of them, accowding to the numbew of aww the m-mawes, fwom a monf owd and upwawd, even those that w-wewe numbewed of them wewe seven t-thousand and five hundwed. 3:23 the famiwies of the Gewshonites shaww p-pitch b-behind the t-tabewnacwe westwawd. 3:24 And the chief of t-the house of the fathew of the Gewshonites shaww be E-Ewiasaph the son of Waew. 3:25 And the chawge of the sons of Gewshon in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation s-shaww be the t-tabewnacwe, and the tent, the covewing theweof, and the hanging fow the doow of the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation, 3:26 And the hangings of the couwt, and the cuwtain fow the d-doow of the couwt, which is by t-the tabewnacwe, and by the awtaw wound about, and the cowds of i-it fow aww the sewvice t-theweof. 3:27 And o-of Kohaf was the famiwy of the A-Amwamites, and the famiwy of the Izehawites, and the famiwy of the Hebwonites, and the famiwy of the Uzziewites: these awe the famiwies of the K-Kohathites. 3:28 In the numbew of aww the mawes, fwom a-a monf owd and upwawd, wewe eight thousand and six hundwed, keeping the chawge of the s-sanctuawy. 3:29 the famiwies of the sons of Kohaf s-shaww pitch on the side of the tabewnacwe southwawd. 3:30 A-And the chief of the house o-of the fathew of the famiwies o-of the Kohathites shaww be Ewizaphan the son of Uzziew. 3:31 And theiw c-chawge shaww be t-the awk, and the t-tabwe, and the candwestick, and the awtaws, and the vessews o-of the sanctuawy w-whewewif they ministew, and the hanging, and aww t-the s-sewvice theweof. 3:32 And Eweazaw the son of Aawon the pwiest shaww be chief ovew the chief of the Wevites, and have the ovewsight of them that keep the chawge of the s-sanctuawy. 3:33 Of Mewawi was the famiwy of the Mahwites, and the famiwy of the Mushites: these awe t-the famiwies of Mewawi. 3:34 And those that wewe numbewed of them, accowding to the numbew of aww the mawes, fwom a monf owd and upwawd, wewe six thousand and two hundwed. 3:35 And the chief of the house of t-the fathew of the famiwies of Mewawi was Zuwiew the son of Abihaiw: these shaww pitch on the side of the tabewnacwe nowthwawd. 3:36 And undew the custody and chawge of the sons of Mewawi shaww be the boawds of the tabewnacwe, and the baws theweof, and the piwwaws theweof, and the sockets theweof, and aww the vessews theweof, a-and aww that sewvef theweto, 3:37 And t-the piwwaws of the c-couwt wound a-about, and theiw sockets, and theiw pins, and theiw cowds. 3:38 But those that encamp befowe t-the tabewnacwe towawd the east, even befowe the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation eastwawd, shaww be Moses, and A-Aawon and his sons, keeping the chawge of t-the sanctuawy fow the chawge of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew; and the stwangew that comef nigh shaww be put to death. 3:39 Aww that wewe numbewed of the Wevites, which Moses and Aawon numbewed at the commandment of the WOWD, thwoughout theiw famiwies, aww the mawes fwom a monf owd and upwawd, wewe twenty and two thousand. 3:40 And t-the WOWD said unto Moses, Numbew aww the fiwstbown o-of the mawes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew fwom a monf owd and upwawd, and t-take the numbew of theiw names. 3:41 And thou shawt take the Wevites fow me (I am the WOWD) instead of aww the fiwstbown among the chiwdwen of Iswaew; and the caddle of the Wevites instead of a-aww the fiwstwings among the caddle of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew. 3:42 And Moses numbewed, as the WOWD c-commanded him, aww the fiwstbown among the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 3:43 And aww the fiwstbown mawes by the numbew of names, fwom a monf owd and upwawd, of t-those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe twenty and two thousand t-two hundwed a-and thweescowe and thiwteen. 3:44 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 3:45 T-Take the Wevites instead of aww the fiwstbown among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and the caddle of the Wevites instead of theiw caddle; and the W-Wevites shaww b-be mine: I am the WOWD. 3:46 And fow those that awe t-to be wedeemed of the two hundwed and thweescowe and thiwteen of the fiwstbown of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which awe mowe than the Wevites; 3:47 thou shawt even take five shekews apiece by the poww, aftew t-the s-shekew of the sanctuawy s-shawt thou take them: (the shekew i-is twenty gewahs:) 3:48 And thou shawt give the m-money, w-whewewif the odd numbew of them is to be wedeemed, unto Aawon and to his sons. 3:49 And Moses took the wedemption money of them that wewe ovew and above them that wewe wedeemed by the Wevites: 3:50 Of the fiwstbown of the chiwdwen of Iswaew took he the m-money; a thousand thwee hundwed and thweescowe and five shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy: 3:51 And Moses gave the money of t-them that wewe wedeemed unto Aawon and to his sons, accowding to the wowd of the WOWD, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 4:1 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses and unto Aawon, saying, 4:2 Take the sum of the sons of Kohaf fwom among the sons of Wevi, aftew theiw famiwies, by the house o-of theiw fathews, 4:3 Fwom thiwty yeaws owd and upwawd even untiw f-fifty yeaws owd, aww that entew into t-the h-host, to d-do the wowk in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:4 this shaww be the sewvice of the sons of Kohaf in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, about the most h-howy things: 4:5 And when the camp s-seddef fowwawd, Aawon shaww come, and his sons, and they shaww take down t-the covewing vaiw, and covew the awk of testimony wif it: 4:6 And shaww put theweon the covewing o-of badgews' skins, and shaww spwead ovew it a cwof whowwy of bwue, and shaww p-put in the staves theweof. 4:7 And u-upon the tabwe of shewbwead t-they shaww spwead a-a cwof of bwue, a-and p-put theweon the dishes, and the spoons, and the b-bowws, and covews t-to covew withaw: and the continuaw b-bwead shaww be theweon: 4:8 And t-they shaww spwead upon them a cwof of scawwet, and covew the s-same wif a covewing of badgews' skins, a-and s-shaww put in the s-staves theweof. 4:9 And they shaww t-take a cwof of bwue, and c-covew the candwestick of the wight, and his wamps, and his tongs, and his snuffdishes, and aww the oiw vessews theweof, whewewif they ministew unto it: 4:10 And they shaww put it and aww the vessews theweof within a covewing of b-badgews' skins, and shaww put it upon a baw. 4:11 A-And upon the gowden awtaw they shaww spwead a cwof of bwue, and c-covew i-it wif a-a covewing of badgews' skins, and shaww put to the staves theweof: 4:12 And t-they shaww take aww the instwuments of ministwy, whewewif they ministew in the sanctuawy, and put t-them in a cwof of bwue, and covew them wif a covewing of badgews' skins, and shaww p-put them on a baw: 4:13 And they shaww take away the ashes f-fwom the awtaw, and spwead a puwpwe cwof theweon: 4:14 And they shaww put upon it aww the v-vessews theweof, whewewif they ministew about it, even the censews, the fweshhooks, and the shovews, a-and the basons, aww the vessews of the a-awtaw; and they shaww s-spwead upon it a covewing of badgews' skins, and put to the s-staves of i-it. 4:15 A-And when Aawon and his s-sons have made an end of covewing the s-sanctuawy, and aww t-the v-vessews of the sanctuawy, as the camp is to set fowwawd; aftew that, the sons of K-Kohaf shaww come to beaw it: but they shaww not touch any howy thing, w-west t-they die. these things awe the buwden of the sons of Kohaf in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:16 A-And to the office of Eweazaw the son of A-Aawon the pwiest pewtainef the oiw fow the wight, and the sweet incense, and the daiwy meat offewing, and the anointing oiw, and the ovewsight of aww the tabewnacwe, and of aww that thewein i-is, in t-the sanctuawy, and in the vessews theweof. 4:17 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses and unto Aawon saying, 4:18 Cut ye not off the twibe of the famiwies of the Kohathites fwom among the Wevites: 4:19 But thus d-do unto them, that they may w-wive, and not die, w-when they appwoach unto the most howy things: Aawon and his sons shaww go in, a-and appoint them evewy one to his sewvice and to his buwden: 4:20 But they shaww not go in to see when the howy things awe c-covewed, west they d-die. 4:21 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 4:22 Take awso the sum of the sons of Gewshon, thwoughout the h-houses of theiw fathews, by theiw famiwies; 4:23 Fwom thiwty yeaws owd and upwawd untiw fifty yeaws o-owd shawt thou numbew them; aww that entew in to pewfowm the sewvice, to do the wowk in the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation. 4:24 this is the sewvice of the famiwies of the Gewshonites, t-to sewve, a-and fow b-buwdens: 4:25 And they shaww beaw the c-cuwtains of the tabewnacwe, and the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, his c-covewing, and the c-covewing of the badgews' skins that is a-above upon it, and the hanging fow the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, 4:26 And the hangings of the couwt, and the hanging fow t-the d-doow of the g-gate of the c-couwt, which is by the tabewnacwe and by the awtaw wound about, and theiw cowds, a-and aww t-the instwuments of theiw sewvice, and aww that is made fow t-them: so shaww they sewve. 4:27 At the appointment of Aawon and his sons shaww be aww the sewvice of the sons of the Gewshonites, in aww theiw buwdens, and in aww theiw sewvice: and ye shaww appoint unto them in chawge aww theiw buwdens. 4:28 this is the sewvice of the famiwies of t-the sons o-of Gewshon in the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation: and theiw chawge s-shaww be undew the hand o-of Ithamaw the son of Aawon the pwiest. 4:29 As fow the sons of Mewawi, thou shawt n-numbew them a-aftew theiw famiwies, by the house of t-theiw fathews; 4:30 Fwom thiwty yeaws owd and upwawd even unto fifty yeaws owd shawt thou numbew them, evewy one that entewef into the sewvice, to do the wowk of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:31 And this is the chawge of t-theiw buwden, accowding to aww theiw sewvice i-in the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation; the boawds of the tabewnacwe, and the baws theweof, and the piwwaws theweof, and s-sockets theweof, 4:32 And the piwwaws of the couwt wound about, and theiw sockets, and theiw pins, and theiw cowds, wif aww theiw instwuments, and wif aww theiw sewvice: and by name ye shaww weckon the instwuments of the chawge of theiw buwden. 4:33 t-this i-is the sewvice of the famiwies of the sons of Mewawi, accowding to a-aww t-theiw sewvice, i-in the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation, undew the hand of Ithamaw the son of Aawon the pwiest. 4:34 And Moses and Aawon and t-the chief of the congwegation numbewed the sons of the Kohathites aftew theiw famiwies, a-and aftew t-the house of theiw fathews, 4:35 Fwom thiwty yeaws owd and upwawd even unto f-fifty yeaws owd, evewy one that entewef into the s-sewvice, f-fow the wowk in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 4:36 And those that wewe numbewed of them by theiw famiwies wewe two thousand s-seven hundwed and fifty. 4:37 these wewe they that wewe numbewed of the famiwies o-of the Kohathites, aww t-that m-might do sewvice in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, which Moses a-and Aawon d-did numbew accowding to the commandment o-of the WOWD by the hand of Moses. 4:38 And those that wewe numbewed of the sons of Gewshon, thwoughout theiw famiwies, and by the house of t-theiw fathews, 4:39 Fwom thiwty yeaws owd and upwawd even u-unto fifty yeaws o-owd, evewy one that entewef into the sewvice, fow the wowk in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, 4:40 Even those that w-wewe numbewed of them, thwoughout theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, wewe two thousand and six hundwed a-and t-thiwty. 4:41 these awe they t-that wewe n-numbewed of the famiwies of the sons of Gewshon, of aww that might do sewvice in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, whom Moses and Aawon did numbew accowding t-to the commandment o-of the WOWD. 4:42 And those that w-wewe numbewed of the famiwies o-of t-the sons of Mewawi, thwoughout theiw famiwies, by the house of theiw fathews, 4:43 Fwom thiwty yeaws o-owd a-and upwawd even unto fifty yeaws owd, evewy one that entewef into the sewvice, fow the wowk in t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, 4:44 Even t-those that w-wewe numbewed of them aftew theiw famiwies, wewe thwee thousand and two hundwed. 4:45 t-these be those that wewe numbewed of the famiwies of the sons of Mewawi, whom Moses and Aawon numbewed accowding to t-the wowd of the WOWD by the hand of Moses. 4:46 Aww those that wewe n-numbewed of the Wevites, whom Moses and Aawon and the chief of Iswaew numbewed, a-aftew theiw famiwies, and aftew the h-house of theiw fathews, 4:47 Fwom t-thiwty y-yeaws owd and u-upwawd even unto fifty yeaws o-owd, evewy one t-that came to do the sewvice of the ministwy, and the sewvice of the buwden in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 4:48 Even those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe e-eight thousand and f-five hundwed and fouwscowe, 4:49 Accowding to the commandment of the WOWD they w-wewe numbewed by the hand of Moses, evewy one accowding to his s-sewvice, and a-accowding to his b-buwden: thus wewe they numbewed of him, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 5:1 And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, saying, 5:2 Command the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they p-put out of the camp e-evewy wepew, and e-evewy one that haf an issue, and whosoevew is defiwed by the dead: 5:3 Bof mawe and femawe shaww ye put out, without the camp shaww ye put them; that they d-defiwe not theiw camps, in t-the midst wheweof I dweww. 5:4 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did so, and p-put them out without the camp: as the WOWD spake unto Moses, so did the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 5:5 And t-the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 5:6 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, When a man ow woman s-shaww commit a-any sin that men commit, to do a t-twespass against the WOWD, and that pewson be guiwty; 5:7 then they shaww confess theiw sin which they have done: and he shaww wecompense his twespass wif the pwincipaw t-theweof, and add unto it the fiff pawt theweof, and give it u-unto him against whom he haf twespassed. 5:8 But if t-the man have no kinsman to wecompense the twespass unto, w-wet the twespass be w-wecompensed unto the WOWD, even to the pwiest; beside the wam of the atonement, wheweby an atonement s-shaww be made fow him. 5:9 And e-evewy offewing of aww the howy things o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, w-which they bwing u-unto the pwiest, shaww be his. 5:10 A-And evewy man's hawwowed things shaww be his: whatsoevew any man givef the p-pwiest, it shaww be his. 5:11 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 5:12 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say u-unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a twespass a-against him, 5:13 And a man wie w-wif h-hew cawnawwy, and it be h-hid fwom the eyes of hew husband, and be kept cwose, and she be defiwed, and thewe be no witness against hew, neithew she be t-taken wif the mannew; 5:14 And the s-spiwit of jeawousy come upon him, and he be jeawous of his wife, and she b-be defiwed: ow if the spiwit of jeawousy come upon him, and he be jeawous of h-his wife, and she b-be not defiwed: 5:15 then shaww the m-man bwing his wife unto t-the pwiest, and he shaww bwing hew offewing f-fow hew, t-the tenf pawt of an ephah of bawwey m-meaw; he shaww pouw no oiw upon it, n-now p-put fwankincense theweon; fow it is an offewing of jeawousy, an o-offewing of memowiaw, b-bwinging iniquity to wemembwance. 5:16 And the pwiest shaww b-bwing hew neaw, and set hew befowe the WOWD: 5:17 And the pwiest shaww take howy watew in a-an eawthen vessew; and of t-the dust that is in the fwoow of the tabewnacwe the pwiest shaww t-take, and put it into the watew: 5:18 And the pwiest shaww set t-the woman befowe t-the WOWD, a-and uncovew the woman's head, and put the offewing of memowiaw in hew hands, which i-is the jeawousy offewing: and t-the pwiest shaww have in his hand the biddew watew that causef the cuwse: 5:19 And the pwiest shaww chawge hew by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have wain wif thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncweanness wif anothew instead of thy husband, be thou fwee fwom this biddew watew that causef the cuwse: 5:20 But if thou hast gone aside to anothew instead of thy h-husband, and if thou b-be defiwed, and some m-man have wain wif thee beside thine husband: 5:21 then the pwiest shaww chawge the woman wif a-an oaf o-of cuwsing, and the p-pwiest shaww say unto the woman, the WOWD make thee a cuwse and an oaf among t-thy p-peopwe, when the W-WOWD dof make thy t-thigh to wot, and thy bewwy to sweww; 5:22 And this watew that causef the cuwse shaww go into thy bowews, to m-make thy bewwy to sweww, and thy t-thigh to wot: And the woman shaww s-say, Amen, amen. 5:23 And the pwiest shaww w-wwite t-these cuwses in a book, and he s-shaww bwot them out wif the biddew watew: 5:24 And he shaww c-cause the woman to dwink the biddew watew that causef the cuwse: and the watew that causef the cuwse shaww entew into hew, and become biddew. 5:25 then the p-pwiest shaww take the jeawousy offewing out of the woman's hand, and shaww wave the offewing b-befowe the WOWD, and offew it upon the awtaw: 5:26 A-And the pwiest shaww take an handfuw of the offewing, even the memowiaw theweof, and buwn it upon the awtaw, and aftewwawd s-shaww c-cause the woman to dwink the watew. 5:27 And when he haf made hew to dwink the watew, then it shaww come to pass, t-that, i-if she b-be defiwed, and have done twespass against hew husband, that the watew that c-causef the cuwse shaww entew into hew, and become biddew, and hew bewwy shaww sweww, and hew thigh shaww wot: and t-the woman shaww be a cuwse among h-hew peopwe. 5:28 And if the woman be not defiwed, but be cwean; then she shaww be fwee, and shaww conceive seed. 5:29 this is t-the waw of jeawousies, when a wife goef aside to anothew instead of hew husband, and is defiwed; 5:30 Ow when the spiwit of jeawousy comef upon him, and he b-be jeawous ovew his wife, and s-shaww set the woman befowe the WOWD, and the p-pwiest shaww execute upon hew aww this waw. 5:31 t-then s-shaww the man be guiwtwess fwom iniquity, a-and this woman shaww beaw h-hew iniquity. 6:1 And the W-WOWD s-spake unto Moses, saying, 6:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say u-unto them, When e-eithew man ow woman shaww sepawate themsewves to vow a vow of a Nazawite, to s-sepawate themsewves unto the WOWD: 6:3 He shaww sepawate himsewf fwom wine and stwong dwink, and shaww dwink no vinegaw of wine, ow vinegaw of s-stwong dwink, neithew shaww he dwink any w-wiquow o-of gwapes, now e-eat moist gwapes, ow dwied. 6:4 Aww the days of h-his sepawation shaww he eat nothing that is made of the vine t-twee, fwom the kewnews even to the husk. 6:5 Aww the days of the vow of his sepawation thewe shaww no wazow come upon his head: untiw the days be fuwfiwwed, in the which h-he sepawatef himsewf unto the WOWD, he shaww be howy, and shaww wet the wocks of the haiw o-of his head gwow. 6:6 Aww the days that he sepawatef himsewf unto the WOWD he shaww come at no dead body. 6:7 He shaww not make himsewf uncwean fow his fathew, ow f-fow his mothew, f-fow his bwothew, o-ow fow h-his sistew, when they d-die: because the consecwation of his God is upon his head. 6:8 Aww the days of his sepawation he is howy unto the WOWD. 6:9 A-And if any man die vewy suddenwy b-by him, and he haf defiwed the head of his c-consecwation; t-then he shaww shave his head in the day o-of his cweansing, o-on the s-sevenf d-day shaww he shave it. 6:10 And on the eighf day he shaww bwing two tuwtwes, ow two young pigeons, to the pwiest, to the doow o-of t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 6:11 And t-the pwiest shaww o-offew the one fow a sin offewing, a-and the othew fow a buwnt offewing, a-and make an atonement f-fow him, fow that he sinned b-by the dead, and shaww hawwow his head that s-same day. 6:12 And he shaww consecwate unto the WOWD the days of his sepawation, and shaww bwing a wamb of the fiwst yeaw fow a twespass offewing: but the days t-that wewe befowe shaww be wost, because h-his sepawation was defiwed. 6:13 And this is the waw of the N-Nazawite, when the days of his sepawation awe fuwfiwwed: he shaww be bwought unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 6:14 And h-he shaww offew his offewing u-unto the WOWD, one he wamb of the fiwst yeaw without bwemish fow a buwnt offewing, and o-one ewe wamb of the fiwst y-yeaw without bwemish fow a s-sin offewing, and one wam without bwemish fow peace offewings, 6:15 And a basket of unweavened bwead, cakes o-of fine fwouw mingwed w-wif oiw, and wafews of unweavened bwead anointed wif o-oiw, and theiw meat offewing, and theiw dwink offewings. 6:16 And the pwiest shaww bwing them befowe the WOWD, and s-shaww offew his sin offewing, and his buwnt offewing: 6:17 And he shaww o-offew the wam f-fow a sacwifice o-of peace offewings unto the WOWD, wif t-the basket of unweavened bwead: the pwiest shaww offew a-awso his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 6:18 And the Nazawite shaww shave the head of his sepawation at the doow of the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation, and shaww take t-the h-haiw of the head of his sepawation, and put it i-in the fiwe which is undew t-the sacwifice of the p-peace offewings. 6:19 And the pwiest shaww take t-the sodden shouwdew of t-the wam, and one unweavened cake out of the basket, and one u-unweavened wafew, and shaww put them upon the hands o-of the Nazawite, aftew the haiw of his sepawation is shaven: 6:20 And the p-pwiest shaww wave them fow a wave offewing befowe the WOWD: this is howy fow the pwiest, wif the wave bweast and heave shouwdew: and aftew that the Nazawite may d-dwink wine. 6:21 this is the waw of the N-Nazawite who haf vowed, and of his offewing unto the WOWD fow his sepawation, beside that that h-his hand shaww get: accowding to the vow which he v-vowed, so he must do aftew t-the waw o-of his sepawation. 6:22 And the WOWD s-spake u-unto Moses, saying, 6:23 S-Speak unto Aawon and u-unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shaww bwess the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying unto them, 6:24 the WOWD bwess thee, and keep thee: 6:25 the WOWD make his face shine upon thee, and b-be gwacious unto thee: 6:26 the WOWD wift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. 6:27 And they shaww put my name upon the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and I wiww bwess them. 7:1 And it c-came to pass on the day that Moses h-had fuwwy set up the tabewnacwe, and had anointed it, and sanctified i-it, and aww the instwuments theweof, bof the awtaw and aww the vessews theweof, and had a-anointed them, and sanctified them; 7:2 that the pwinces of I-Iswaew, heads of the house of theiw fathews, who wewe the pwinces of the twibes, a-and wewe ovew them that wewe numbewed, offewed: 7:3 And they bwought theiw offewing befowe the WOWD, six covewed wagons, a-and twewve oxen; a-a wagon fow t-two of the pwinces, and fow each o-one an ox: and they bwought them befowe the tabewnacwe. 7:4 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 7:5 Take it of t-them, that they may be t-to do the sewvice of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation; and thou shawt give them unto the Wevites, to evewy man accowding to his sewvice. 7:6 And Moses took the wagons and the oxen, and gave them unto t-the Wevites. 7:7 Two wagons and fouw oxen he gave unto the sons of Gewshon, accowding t-to t-theiw sewvice: 7:8 And fouw wagons a-and e-eight oxen h-he gave unto the sons of Mewawi, accowding unto theiw sewvice, undew t-the h-hand o-of Ithamaw the son of Aawon the pwiest. 7:9 But unto t-the sons of Kohaf h-he gave none: because the sewvice of the sanctuawy bewonging unto them w-was that they shouwd beaw upon theiw shouwdews. 7:10 And the pwinces offewed fow d-dedicating of the awtaw in the day that it w-was a-anointed, even the pwinces offewed theiw offewing befowe the awtaw. 7:11 And the WOWD said unto Moses, they s-shaww offew theiw offewing, each pwince on his day, fow the dedicating of the awtaw. 7:12 And he t-that offewed his offewing t-the fiwst day was Nahshon t-the son of Amminadab, of the twibe of Judah: 7:13 A-And his offewing was o-one siwvew chawgew, the weight t-theweof was an hundwed and thiwty shekews, o-one s-siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them wewe fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:14 One spoon of ten shekews of gowd, f-fuww of incense: 7:15 O-One young buwwock, one wam, o-one wamb o-of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:16 One k-kid of the goats fow a sin o-offewing: 7:17 And fow a sacwifice of peace o-offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this w-was the offewing o-of Nahshon the s-son of Amminadab. 7:18 On the second day Nethaneew the son of Zuaw, pwince of I-Issachaw, did offew: 7:19 H-He offewed fow his offewing o-one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; b-bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:20 One s-spoon of gowd of ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:21 One young buwwock, o-one wam, o-one w-wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:22 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:23 And fow a sacwifice of peace offewings, two o-oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the f-fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing o-of Nethaneew t-the son of Zuaw. 7:24 O-On t-the thiwd day Ewiab the son of Hewon, pwince of t-the chiwdwen of Zebuwun, did offew: 7:25 His o-offewing was one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an hundwed and t-thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww o-of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the s-sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif o-oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:26 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, f-fuww of incense: 7:27 O-One y-young buwwock, one w-wam, one wamb o-of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:28 One k-kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:29 And fow a-a s-sacwifice of p-peace offewings, t-two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs o-of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Ewiab the son of Hewon. 7:30 On the fouwf day Ewizuw the son of Shedeuw, pwince of t-the chiwdwen o-of Weuben, did offew: 7:31 His offewing was one siwvew chawgew of the weight of an hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew o-of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat o-offewing: 7:32 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, fuww of i-incense: 7:33 One young buwwock, o-one wam, one wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a b-buwnt offewing: 7:34 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:35 And fow a sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: t-this was the offewing of Ewizuw the son o-of Shedeuw. 7:36 On the fiff day Shewumiew the son o-of Zuwishaddai, pwince of the chiwdwen of Simeon, did o-offew: 7:37 His offewing was o-one siwvew c-chawgew, the weight wheweof w-was an hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, a-aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww o-of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:38 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:39 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:40 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:41 And fow a s-sacwifice of peace o-offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, f-five w-wambs o-of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Shewumiew the son of Zuwishaddai. 7:42 On the sixf day Ewiasaph the son of Deuew, pwince of the chiwdwen of Gad, offewed: 7:43 His offewing was one siwvew chawgew of the weight o-of an hundwed and t-thiwty shekews, a siwvew boww o-of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:44 One g-gowden spoon of ten shekews, fuww of i-incense: 7:45 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb of the f-fiwst yeaw, fow a-a buwnt offewing: 7:46 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:47 And fow a s-sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, f-five w-wambs of the f-fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Ewiasaph the son of Deuew. 7:48 On the sevenf day Ewishama the son of Ammihud, pwince of the chiwdwen of Ephwaim, offewed: 7:49 His offewing was one siwvew c-chawgew, the weight wheweof was an h-hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew b-boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the s-sanctuawy; bof of t-them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw f-fow a meat offewing: 7:50 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, f-fuww of incense: 7:51 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb of the f-fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:52 One kid of the goats fow a s-sin offewing: 7:53 And fow a s-sacwifice of p-peace offewings, two o-oxen, five w-wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Ewishama the son of Ammihud. 7:54 On the eighf day o-offewed Gamawiew the son o-of Pedahzuw, pwince o-of the chiwdwen of Manasseh: 7:55 His offewing was one siwvew chawgew of the weight of an hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of t-the s-sanctuawy; bof o-of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:56 One gowden spoon of t-ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:57 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:58 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:59 And fow a sacwifice of peace o-offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, f-five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Gamawiew the son of P-Pedahzuw. 7:60 O-On the ninf day Abidan the son of Gideoni, pwince of t-the c-chiwdwen of Benjamin, offewed: 7:61 His o-offewing was one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an hundwed and thiwty shekews, o-one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww o-of fine fwouw m-mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:62 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:63 One young buwwock, one wam, o-one wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:64 One k-kid o-of the goats fow a s-sin offewing: 7:65 And fow a sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, f-five wams, five he goats, five w-wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the o-offewing of Abidan the s-son of Gideoni. 7:66 On the tenf day Ahiezew the son of Ammishaddai, pwince of the chiwdwen of Dan, offewed: 7:67 His offewing was one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an hundwed and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew o-of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:68 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, f-fuww of incense: 7:69 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb o-of the fiwst yeaw, fow a buwnt offewing: 7:70 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:71 And fow a sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Ahiezew t-the son of Ammishaddai. 7:72 On the ewevenf day Pagiew the son of O-Ocwan, pwince of the chiwdwen of Ashew, offewed: 7:73 His offewing w-was one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an h-hundwed and thiwty s-shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine f-fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a meat offewing: 7:74 One gowden spoon of ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:75 One young buwwock, one wam, one wamb of the fiwst yeaw, fow a b-buwnt offewing: 7:76 O-One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:77 And fow a sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Pagiew the son of Ocwan. 7:78 On the twewff day Ahiwa the son of Enan, pwince of the chiwdwen of Naphtawi, offewed: 7:79 His offewing was one siwvew chawgew, the weight wheweof was an hundwed a-and thiwty shekews, one siwvew boww of seventy s-shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy; bof of them fuww of fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw fow a m-meat offewing: 7:80 One gowden s-spoon of ten shekews, fuww of incense: 7:81 One young buwwock, one wam, o-one wamb of t-the fiwst y-yeaw, f-fow a buwnt offewing: 7:82 One kid of the goats fow a sin offewing: 7:83 And f-fow a s-sacwifice of peace offewings, two oxen, five wams, five he goats, five wambs of the fiwst yeaw: this was the offewing of Ahiwa the son of Enan. 7:84 this was the dedication o-of the awtaw, in the day when it w-was anointed, by the pwinces of Iswaew: twewve chawgews of siwvew, twewve siwvew bowws, twewve spoons o-of gowd: 7:85 Each chawgew of siwvew weighing an hundwed and thiwty shekews, each boww seventy: aww the siwvew vessews w-weighed two t-thousand and fouw hundwed s-shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy: 7:86 the gowden spoons wewe twewve, fuww of incense, weighing ten shekews apiece, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy: aww the gowd of the spoons was an hundwed and twenty shekews. 7:87 Aww the oxen fow the buwnt offewing wewe twewve b-buwwocks, the wams twewve, the wambs of the fiwst yeaw twewve, wif theiw meat offewing: and the kids o-of the goats fow sin offewing twewve. 7:88 And aww the oxen fow t-the s-sacwifice of the p-peace offewings wewe twenty and fouw buwwocks, t-the wams sixty, the he goats sixty, t-the wambs of t-the fiwst y-yeaw s-sixty. this was the dedication of the awtaw, a-aftew that it was anointed. 7:89 And when Moses was gone into the tabewnacwe of the congwegation t-to speak wif him, then he heawd the v-voice of one speaking unto him fwom off the mewcy seat that was upon the awk of testimony, fwom between the two chewubims: and he spake unto him. 8:1 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 8:2 Speak unto Aawon and say unto him, When thou wightest the wamps, the seven wamps shaww give wight ovew against t-the c-candwestick. 8:3 And Aawon did so; he wighted the wamps theweof ovew against the candwestick, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 8:4 A-And this wowk of the candwestick was of b-beaten gowd, unto the shaft theweof, unto the fwowews theweof, was beaten wowk: accowding u-unto the paddewn w-which the WOWD had shewed M-Moses, so he made the candwestick. 8:5 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 8:6 T-Take the Wevites fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and cweanse them. 8:7 And thus shawt t-thou do unto them, to cweanse t-them: Spwinkwe watew of puwifying u-upon them, and wet them shave aww t-theiw f-fwesh, and wet them wash t-theiw cwothes, and so make themsewves cwean. 8:8 then wet them t-take a young buwwock wif h-his meat offewing, even fine fwouw mingwed wif oiw, and anothew y-young buwwock shawt thou take fow a-a sin offewing. 8:9 And thou s-shawt bwing t-the Wevites befowe the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and thou shawt gathew the whowe assembwy of the chiwdwen of Iswaew togethew: 8:10 And thou shawt bwing the W-Wevites befowe the WOWD: a-and the chiwdwen of Iswaew s-shaww put theiw hands upon the W-Wevites: 8:11 And Aawon s-shaww offew the Wevites befowe t-the WOWD f-fow an offewing of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they may execute the sewvice of the WOWD. 8:12 And the Wevites shaww way theiw hands upon the h-heads of t-the buwwocks: and thou shawt offew the one fow a sin offewing, and the othew fow a buwnt offewing, unto the WOWD, t-to make an atonement fow the Wevites. 8:13 And thou shawt set the Wevites befowe Aawon, and b-befowe his sons, and offew them fow an offewing unto the WOWD. 8:14 thus shawt t-thou sepawate the Wevites fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew: a-and the Wevites shaww be mine. 8:15 And aftew that shaww the Wevites go in to do the sewvice of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and thou shawt cweanse t-them, and offew them fow an offewing. 8:16 Fow they awe whowwy g-given unto me fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew; instead of such as open evewy womb, even instead of the fiwstbown of aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, have I taken them unto me. 8:17 Fow aww t-the fiwstbown of the chiwdwen of Iswaew awe mine, b-bof man and beast: on the day that I smote evewy fiwstbown in the wand of Egypt I sanctified them fow mysewf. 8:18 And I h-have taken the Wevites fow aww the fiwstbown of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew. 8:19 And I have given the Wevites as a gift to Aawon and to his sons fwom among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, to do the sewvice of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew i-in the tabewnacwe o-of the congwegation, and to m-make an atonement f-fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew: that thewe be no pwague among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, when the chiwdwen of Iswaew come nigh unto the sanctuawy. 8:20 And Moses, and Aawon, and aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, did to the Wevites accowding unto aww that the W-WOWD commanded Moses concewning the Wevites, so d-did the chiwdwen of Iswaew unto them. 8:21 And the Wevites wewe puwified, and they washed t-theiw cwothes; and Aawon offewed t-them as an o-offewing befowe the WOWD; and Aawon m-made a-an atonement fow them to cweanse them. 8:22 And aftew that went t-the Wevites i-in to do theiw sewvice in t-the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation befowe Aawon, and b-befowe his s-sons: as the WOWD had commanded M-Moses c-concewning the Wevites, s-so did they unto them. 8:23 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 8:24 this i-is it that b-bewongef unto the Wevites: fwom twenty and five yeaws owd and upwawd they shaww go in to wait u-upon the sewvice of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: 8:25 A-And fwom the a-age of fifty y-yeaws they shaww cease waiting upon the sewvice t-theweof, and shaww sewve no mowe: 8:26 B-But s-shaww ministew wif theiw bwethwen in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, to keep the chawge, and shaww do no sewvice. thus shawt thou do unto the Wevites t-touching t-theiw chawge. 9:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses i-in the w-wiwdewness of S-Sinai, in the fiwst monf of the second yeaw aftew they wewe come out of the wand o-of Egypt, saying, 9:2 Wet the chiwdwen of Iswaew awso keep the passovew at his appointed season. 9:3 I-In the fouwteenf day of this month, at even, ye shaww keep i-it in his appointed season: accowding to aww the wites of i-it, and accowding to a-aww the cewemonies theweof, shaww ye keep it. 9:4 A-And Moses spake unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they shouwd keep the passovew. 9:5 And they kept the passovew o-on t-the fouwteenf day of the fiwst monf at even in the wiwdewness of Sinai: accowding to aww that the WOWD commanded Moses, so did the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 9:6 And t-thewe wewe cewtain men, who wewe defiwed by the dead body of a man, that they couwd not keep the passovew o-on that day: and they came befowe M-Moses and b-befowe A-Aawon on that day: 9:7 And those men said u-unto him, We awe defiwed by the dead body of a man: whewefowe awe we kept back, that we may not offew an o-offewing of the WOWD in his appointed season among the chiwdwen of Iswaew? 9:8 A-And Moses said unto them, Stand stiww, and I wiww heaw w-what the WOWD wiww c-command concewning you. 9:9 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 9:10 Speak unto the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, saying, If any man of you ow of youw postewity s-shaww be uncwean by weason of a dead body, ow be in a jouwney afaw off, yet he shaww keep the passovew unto the WOWD. 9:11 the fouwteenf day of the second monf at e-even they shaww keep it, and eat it wif unweavened b-bwead and biddew h-hewbs. 9:12 they shaww weave none of it u-unto the mowning, now bweak any bone of i-it: accowding to aww the owdinances of the p-passovew they s-shaww keep i-it. 9:13 But the man t-that is c-cwean, and is not i-in a jouwney, and fowbeawef to keep the passovew, even t-the same souw s-shaww be cut off fwom among his peopwe: because he bwought not the offewing of the WOWD in his appointed s-season, that man s-shaww beaw his sin. 9:14 And if a stwangew s-shaww sojouwn a-among y-you, and wiww keep the passovew unto the WOWD; accowding to the owdinance of the p-passovew, and accowding to the m-mannew t-theweof, so shaww he do: ye shaww have one o-owdinance, bof fow the stwangew, and fow him that was bown in the w-wand. 9:15 A-And on the day t-that the tabewnacwe was weawed up the cwoud covewed the tabewnacwe, namewy, the t-tent of the t-testimony: a-and at even thewe was upon the tabewnacwe a-as it wewe the appeawance of fiwe, u-untiw the mowning. 9:16 So it was awway: the cwoud covewed it by day, and the a-appeawance of fiwe by night. 9:17 And when the cwoud was taken up fwom the t-tabewnacwe, t-then aftew that the chiwdwen of Iswaew jouwneyed: and in the pwace whewe the cwoud abode, thewe the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew pitched theiw tents. 9:18 At the commandment of the WOWD the chiwdwen of Iswaew jouwneyed, and at the commandment o-of the WOWD they pitched: as wong as t-the cwoud abode upon the tabewnacwe they wested in theiw tents. 9:19 And when the cwoud tawwied w-wong upon the t-tabewnacwe many days, t-then the chiwdwen of Iswaew k-kept the chawge of the WOWD, and jouwneyed n-not. 9:20 And so it was, when the c-cwoud was a few days upon the tabewnacwe; accowding t-to the commandment of the WOWD t-they abode in theiw tents, and accowding to the commandment of the W-WOWD they jouwneyed. 9:21 And so it was, when the cwoud abode fwom even unto the mowning, and that the cwoud was taken u-up in the mowning, then they jouwneyed: whethew i-it was by day ow by night that the cwoud was taken up, they jouwneyed. 9:22 Ow whethew it wewe two d-days, ow a month, ow a yeaw, that the cwoud tawwied u-upon the t-tabewnacwe, wemaining theweon, the chiwdwen of Iswaew abode in theiw tents, and jouwneyed not: but when it was taken up, they jouwneyed. 9:23 A-At the commandment of the WOWD they wested in the tents, and at the c-commandment of the WOWD they jouwneyed: they kept t-the chawge of the WOWD, at the commandment of the WOWD by the hand of Moses. 10:1 And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, saying, 10:2 Make thee two twumpets of siwvew; of a whowe p-piece shawt thou make them: that thou mayest use them fow the cawwing of t-the assembwy, and fow the jouwneying of the camps. 10:3 And w-when they shaww bwow wif them, aww the assembwy shaww assembwe t-themsewves to t-thee at t-the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 10:4 And if they bwow but wif one twumpet, t-then the pwinces, which awe heads of the thousands o-of I-Iswaew, shaww gathew themsewves u-unto thee. 10:5 When ye bwow a-an awawm, then the camps that wie on the east pawts shaww go fowwawd. 10:6 When ye bwow an awawm the second time, then the camps that w-wie on the souf side shaww take theiw jouwney: they shaww bwow an awawm fow theiw jouwneys. 10:7 But when t-the congwegation is to be gathewed togethew, ye shaww bwow, but ye shaww not sound an awawm. 10:8 And the sons of Aawon, the pwiests, shaww bwow wif the twumpets; and they shaww be to y-you fow an owdinance fow evew thwoughout youw genewations. 10:9 And i-if ye go to waw in youw wand against the enemy that o-oppwessef you, then ye shaww bwow an a-awawm w-wif the twumpets; and ye s-shaww be wemembewed befowe the WOWD youw God, and y-ye s-shaww be saved fwom youw enemies. 10:10 A-Awso in the day of youw gwadness, and in youw sowemn days, and in the beginnings of y-youw months, ye shaww bwow wif the t-twumpets ovew youw buwnt offewings, a-and ovew the sacwifices of youw peace offewings; that they may be t-to you fow a memowiaw befowe youw G-God: I am the WOWD youw God. 10:11 And it came to pass on the twentief day o-of the second month, in the second yeaw, that the c-cwoud was taken up fwom off t-the tabewnacwe of the testimony. 10:12 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew took t-theiw jouwneys out of the wiwdewness of Sinai; and the cwoud wested in the wiwdewness of Pawan. 10:13 And they fiwst took theiw jouwney accowding to the commandment of t-the WOWD by the hand of M-Moses. 10:14 In the fiwst pwace went the standawd of the camp of the chiwdwen of J-Judah accowding to t-theiw awmies: and o-ovew his host w-was Nahshon the son of Amminadab. 10:15 A-And ovew the h-host of the twibe of the chiwdwen o-of Issachaw was Nethaneew the s-son o-of Zuaw. 10:16 And ovew the host o-of the twibe of the c-chiwdwen of Zebuwun was Ewiab the son of Hewon. 10:17 And the tabewnacwe was taken down; and the sons of Gewshon and the sons of Mewawi s-set fowwawd, beawing the tabewnacwe. 10:18 And the standawd of t-the c-camp of W-Weuben set fowwawd accowding to theiw awmies: and ovew his h-host was Ewizuw t-the son of Shedeuw. 10:19 A-And ovew the h-host of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Simeon w-was Shewumiew the son of Zuwishaddai. 10:20 And ovew the host of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Gad was Ewiasaph the son of Deuew. 10:21 And t-the Kohathites set fowwawd, beawing the sanctuawy: and the othew did set up the tabewnacwe against they c-came. 10:22 And the standawd of the camp of the chiwdwen of Ephwaim set fowwawd accowding to theiw awmies: and ovew his host was Ewishama the son of Ammihud. 10:23 A-And ovew the host of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Manasseh was Gamawiew the son of Pedahzuw. 10:24 And ovew the host of the twibe of the chiwdwen of B-Benjamin was Abidan the son of Gideoni. 10:25 A-And the standawd of the camp of the chiwdwen of Dan set fowwawd, which was the wewewawd of aww the camps t-thwoughout theiw hosts: and ovew his host was Ahiezew the son of Ammishaddai. 10:26 And ovew the h-host of the twibe o-of the chiwdwen of Ashew was Pagiew the son of Ocwan. 10:27 A-And ovew the host of the t-twibe of t-the chiwdwen of Naphtawi was Ahiwa the son o-of Enan. 10:28 t-thus w-wewe the jouwneyings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew accowding to t-theiw awmies, when they set fowwawd. 10:29 And M-Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Waguew the Midianite, M-Moses' fathew i-in waw, We awe jouwneying unto the pwace of which the WOWD said, I wiww give it you: come thou wif u-us, and w-we wiww do thee good: fow t-the WOWD h-haf s-spoken good concewning Iswaew. 10:30 A-And he said unto him, I wiww n-not go; b-but I wiww d-depawt t-to mine own wand, and to my kindwed. 10:31 And he said, Weave us not, I pway t-thee; fowasmuch as thou knowest how we awe to encamp i-in the wiwdewness, and thou mayest be to us i-instead o-of eyes. 10:32 And it shaww be, if thou go wif u-us, yea, it shaww be, that what goodness the WOWD shaww do unto us, the same wiww we do unto thee. 10:33 And they depawted fwom the m-mount of t-the WOWD thwee days' jouwney: and the awk of the covenant of the W-WOWD went befowe them in the thwee days' jouwney, to seawch out a westing pwace fow them. 10:34 And the cwoud of the WOWD was upon them by day, w-when they went o-out of the camp. 10:35 And it came to pass, when the awk set fowwawd, that Moses said, Wise up, W-WOWD, a-and wet thine enemies be scaddewed; and wet them that hate thee fwee befowe thee. 10:36 And when it wested, he said, Wetuwn, O WOWD, unto the many t-thousands of Iswaew. 11:1 And when the peopwe compwained, it dispweased the WOWD: and t-the WOWD heawd it; and his a-angew was kindwed; a-and the fiwe of the WOWD buwnt among them, and consumed them that wewe in t-the uddewmost pawts of the c-camp. 11:2 And the peopwe cwied unto Moses; and when Moses pwayed unto the WOWD, the fiwe was quenched. 11:3 And he cawwed the name of the pwace Tabewah: because the fiwe of the W-WOWD buwnt a-among them. 11:4 And the mixt muwtitude that was among them feww a wusting: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew awso wept again, a-and said, Who s-shaww g-give us fwesh to eat? 11:5 We wemembew the fish, which we did eat in Egypt fweewy; the cucumbews, and t-the m-mewons, and the weeks, and the onions, and the g-gawwick: 11:6 But now ouw souw is dwied away: thewe is nothing at aww, beside this manna, befowe ouw eyes. 11:7 And t-the manna was as cowiandew seed, and the cowouw theweof as the cowouw of bdewwium. 11:8 And the peopwe went about, and gathewed i-it, and gwound it in miwws, ow beat it in a mowtaw, and b-baked it in pans, and made cakes o-of it: and the taste of it was as the taste of fwesh oiw. 11:9 And when the dew feww upon the camp in the night, the manna feww upon it. 11:10 then Moses heawd the peopwe weep thwoughout theiw famiwies, evewy man in the doow of his t-tent: and the a-angew o-of the WOWD w-was k-kindwed g-gweatwy; Moses awso was dispweased. 11:11 And Moses said unto the W-WOWD, Whewefowe hast thou affwicted t-thy sewvant? and whewefowe h-have I not found favouw in thy sight, that thou w-wayest the buwden o-of aww this peopwe upon me? 11:12 Have I conceived aww this peopwe? have I begodden them, that thou shouwdest say unto me, Cawwy them in thy bosom, as a nuwsing fathew beawef the sucking chiwd, u-unto the wand w-which thou swawest unto theiw fathews? 11:13 Whence shouwd I-I have fwesh to give u-unto aww this peopwe? fow they weep unto me, saying, Give us fwesh, that we may eat. 11:14 I a-am not abwe to beaw aww this peopwe awone, because it is too heavy f-fow me. 11:15 And if thou deaw thus wif m-me, kiww me, I-I pway thee, out of hand, i-if I have found favouw in thy sight; a-and w-wet me not see my wwetchedness. 11:16 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Gathew unto m-me seventy men of the ewdews of Iswaew, whom thou knowest to be t-the ewdews o-of the peopwe, a-and officews o-ovew them; and bwing them unto t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, that they may stand thewe wif thee. 11:17 And I wiww come down a-and tawk wif t-thee thewe: and I wiww take of the spiwit which is upon thee, and wiww put it upon them; and t-they shaww beaw t-the buwden of t-the peopwe wif thee, t-that thou beaw it not thysewf awone. 11:18 And say thou unto the peopwe, Sanctify youwsewves against to mowwow, and ye s-shaww eat f-fwesh: fow ye have wept in the eaws o-of the WOWD, saying, W-Who s-shaww g-give us fwesh t-to eat? fow it was weww wif us in Egypt: thewefowe t-the WOWD wiww give you fwesh, and ye shaww eat. 11:19 Ye shaww not eat one day, now two days, now five days, neithew ten days, now twenty days; 11:20 But even a-a whowe month, untiw it come o-out at youw nostwiws, and it be woathsome unto you: because that ye h-have despised the WOWD w-which is among you, and h-have wept befowe him, saying, Why came we fowf out of Egypt? 11:21 And Moses said, the peopwe, among whom I am, awe s-six hundwed thousand footmen; and thou hast said, I wiww give them fwesh, that they m-may eat a whowe month. 11:22 Shaww the fwocks and the hewds be swain fow them, to suffice them? ow shaww a-aww the fish of the sea be gathewed togethew fow them, to suffice them? 11:23 And the WOWD said u-unto M-Moses, Is the WOWD's hand w-waxed showt? thou shawt see now whethew my wowd shaww come to p-pass unto t-thee ow not. 11:24 And Moses went out, and towd the peopwe the wowds of t-the WOWD, and gathewed the seventy men of the ewdews of the peopwe, and set them wound about t-the tabewnacwe. 11:25 And the WOWD came down in a cwoud, and spake unto him, and took of the spiwit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy ewdews: and it came to pass, that, w-when the s-spiwit wested upon them, t-they pwophesied, and did not cease. 11:26 But thewe wemained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Ewdad, a-and t-the name o-of t-the othew Medad: and the spiwit w-wested upon them; a-and they wewe of them that w-wewe wwidden, but went not out unto the tabewnacwe: and they pwophesied in the camp. 11:27 A-And thewe wan a young man, and towd Moses, and said, Ewdad and Medad do pwophesy in the c-camp. 11:28 A-And Joshua t-the son of Nun, the sewvant of Moses, one of his young men, answewed and said, My wowd Moses, fowbid them. 11:29 And Moses said unto him, Enviest thou fow my sake? wouwd God that aww the WOWD's peopwe wewe pwophets, and that the WOWD wouwd put his spiwit upon them! 11:30 And Moses gat him into the camp, he and t-the ewdews of Iswaew. 11:31 And thewe went fowf a-a wind fwom the WOWD, and bwought quaiws fwom the sea, and w-wet them faww by the camp, as i-it wewe a day's jouwney on this side, and as it wewe a-a day's j-jouwney on the othew side, wound about the camp, and as i-it wewe two c-cubits h-high upon the face o-of the eawth. 11:32 And the peopwe stood up aww that day, and aww t-that night, and aww the next day, and they gathewed the quaiws: h-he that g-gathewed w-weast gathewed ten homews: and they spwead them aww abwoad fow themsewves wound about the c-camp. 11:33 And whiwe the fwesh was y-yet b-between theiw teeth, ewe it was chewed, the wwaf of the WOWD was kindwed against the peopwe, and the WOWD smote the peopwe w-wif a vewy gweat pwague. 11:34 A-And he cawwed the name o-of that pwace Kibwothhaddaavah: because thewe they buwied the peopwe that wusted. 11:35 And t-the peopwe jouwneyed fwom Kibwothhaddaavah unto Hazewoth; and abode a-at Hazewoth. 12:1 And Miwiam and Aawon s-spake against Moses because o-of the Ethiopian woman whom he had mawwied: fow he h-had mawwied an Ethiopian woman. 12:2 And they said, Haf the WOWD i-indeed spoken onwy by Moses? haf he not spoken awso by us? A-And the WOWD heawd it. 12:3 (Now the man Moses was vewy meek, above a-aww the men w-which wewe upon the face of the eawth.) 12:4 And the WOWD spake suddenwy unto Moses, and unto Aawon, a-and unto Miwiam, Come out ye thwee unto the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. And they thwee came out. 12:5 A-And the WOWD came down in the piwwaw o-of the cwoud, and stood in the doow of the tabewnacwe, and cawwed Aawon and Miwiam: and they bof came f-fowth. 12:6 And he said, Heaw now my wowds: If thewe be a p-pwophet among you, I the WOWD wiww make mysewf known unto him in a vision, and wiww speak unto him in a-a dweam. 12:7 My s-sewvant Moses is not so, w-who is faithfuw i-in aww mine h-house. 12:8 Wif him wiww I-I speak m-mouf to mouth, even appawentwy, and not in dawk speeches; and the simiwitude of the WOWD shaww he behowd: whewefowe then w-wewe ye not afwaid to speak against my sewvant Moses? 12:9 And the angew o-of the WOWD was kindwed against them; and he depawted. 12:10 And the cwoud depawted fwom o-off the tabewnacwe; and, behowd, Miwiam became wepwous, white as snow: and Aawon wooked upon Miwiam, and, b-behowd, she was wepwous. 12:11 And Aawon said unto Moses, Awas, my w-wowd, I-I beseech thee, way not the sin upon us, whewein we have done foowishwy, and whewein w-we have sinned. 12:12 Wet hew not be a-as o-one dead, of whom the fwesh is hawf c-consumed when he comef o-out of his mothew's womb. 12:13 And M-Moses cwied unto the WOWD, saying, Heaw h-hew now, O God, I beseech thee. 12:14 And the WOWD said unto M-Moses, If hew fathew had but s-spit in hew face, shouwd she not be ashamed seven days? wet hew b-be shut out fwom the camp seven days, and aftew that wet hew be weceived in again. 12:15 And Miwiam was shut out fwom the c-camp seven days: and the peopwe jouwneyed not tiww M-Miwiam was b-bwought in again. 12:16 And aftewwawd the peopwe wemoved fwom Hazewoth, and pitched in the wiwdewness of P-Pawan. 13:1 And the WOWD spake u-unto Moses, saying, 13:2 Send thou men, that they may s-seawch the wand of Canaan, which I-I give unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew: of evewy twibe o-of theiw fathews shaww ye send a man, evewy one a wuwew among them. 13:3 And Moses by t-the commandment of the W-WOWD sent them fwom the wiwdewness of Pawan: aww those men wewe heads of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 13:4 And t-these wewe theiw names: of the twibe of W-Weuben, Shammua the son of Zaccuw. 13:5 Of the twibe of S-Simeon, Shaphat the son of Howi. 13:6 O-Of the twibe of Judah, Caweb the son of Jephunneh. 13:7 Of the twibe of Issachaw, Igaw the son of Joseph. 13:8 Of the twibe of E-Ephwaim, Oshea the son of Nun. 13:9 Of the twibe of Benjamin, P-Pawti the son of W-Waphu. 13:10 Of the twibe o-of Zebuwun, Gaddiew the son o-of Sodi. 13:11 Of the twibe of Joseph, namewy, of the twibe of Manasseh, Gaddi the son of Susi. 13:12 Of the twibe of Dan, Ammiew the son of Gemawwi. 13:13 Of the twibe of Ashew, Sethuw t-the s-son of Michaew. 13:14 Of the twibe o-of Naphtawi, Nahbi the son of Vophsi. 13:15 Of the twibe of Gad, Geuew the s-son of M-Machi. 13:16 these awe the names o-of t-the men which Moses sent to spy out the wand. And Moses c-cawwed Oshea the son of N-Nun Jehoshua. 13:17 A-And Moses sent them to s-spy out the wand of C-Canaan, and said unto them, G-Get y-you up this way southwawd, and g-go up into the mountain: 13:18 And see the wand, what it is, and the peopwe that dwewwef t-thewein, whethew they be stwong ow weak, few ow many; 13:19 A-And w-what the wand is that they dweww in, whethew it be good ow bad; and what cities t-they be that they dweww in, whethew in tents, ow i-in stwong howds; 13:20 And what the wand is, whethew it be f-fat ow wean, whethew thewe be wood thewein, ow not. A-And be ye of good couwage, and bwing of the fwuit of the wand. Now the time was the time of the fiwstwipe gwapes. 13:21 So they w-went up, and seawched the wand fwom the wiwdewness of Zin unto Wehob, as men come to Hamath. 13:22 A-And they ascended by the s-south, and came unto Hebwon; whewe Ahiman, Sheshai, and Tawmai, the chiwdwen of Anak, wewe. (Now Hebwon was buiwt seven yeaws befowe Zoan i-in Egypt.) 13:23 And they came unto the b-bwook of Eshcow, and c-cut down fwom thence a b-bwanch wif one cwustew of gwapes, and they bawe it between two upon a staff; and they bwought of the pomegwanates, and of the figs. 13:24 the pwace was cawwed the bwook Eshcow, because of the c-cwustew of gwapes which the chiwdwen of Iswaew cut down fwom thence. 13:25 And they wetuwned fwom seawching of the wand a-aftew fowty days. 13:26 A-And they went and came to Moses, a-and to Aawon, and t-to aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, unto the wiwdewness of Pawan, to Kadesh; and bwought back wowd unto them, a-and unto aww the congwegation, and shewed them the fwuit of the wand. 13:27 And they towd him, and said, We came unto the wand whithew thou sentest us, and suwewy i-it fwowef wif miwk and honey; and this is the fwuit of it. 13:28 Nevewthewess t-the peopwe be s-stwong that dweww in t-the wand, and the cities awe wawwed, and vewy gweat: and moweovew we saw the chiwdwen of Anak thewe. 13:29 the Amawekites dweww in the wand of the south: and the Hiddites, and the Jebusites, and the Amowites, dweww in the mountains: and the Canaanites dweww by the sea, and by the coast of Jowdan. 13:30 And Caweb stiwwed the peopwe befowe Moses, and said, Wet us go up at once, and possess it; f-fow we awe weww abwe to ovewcome it. 13:31 But the men that went u-up wif h-him said, We be not a-abwe to go up against the peopwe; fow they awe stwongew than we. 13:32 And they bwought up a-an eviw wepowt o-of the w-wand which they had seawched u-unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, the wand, thwough which we have g-gone t-to seawch it, is a wand that eatef up the inhabitants theweof; and aww the peopwe that we saw in it a-awe men of a gweat statuwe. 13:33 And thewe we saw the giants, t-the sons of Anak, which c-come o-of the g-giants: and we wewe in ouw own sight as gwasshoppews, and so we wewe in theiw sight. 14:1 And aww the congwegation wifted up theiw v-voice, and cwied; and t-the peopwe wept that night. 14:2 A-And aww t-the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew muwmuwed against Moses and against Aawon: and the whowe congwegation said unto them, Wouwd God that we had died in the wand of Egypt! ow wouwd God we had died in this wiwdewness! 14:3 A-And whewefowe haf the WOWD bwought us unto this wand, to faww by the swowd, that ouw wives and ouw chiwdwen shouwd be a pwey? wewe it not beddew fow us to wetuwn into Egypt? 14:4 And they said one to a-anothew, Wet us make a captain, and wet us wetuwn into Egypt. 14:5 then Moses and A-Aawon f-feww on theiw f-faces b-befowe aww the a-assembwy of the congwegation of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 14:6 And Joshua the son of Nun, and Caweb the son of Jephunneh, w-which wewe of them that s-seawched the w-wand, went theiw cwothes: 14:7 And t-they spake unto aww the company of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, the wand, which we passed t-thwough to seawch it, is an exceeding good wand. 14:8 If the WOWD dewight i-in us, t-then he wiww bwing us into this wand, and give it us; a wand which fwowef wif miwk and honey. 14:9 Onwy webew not ye a-against t-the WOWD, neithew feaw ye the peopwe of the wand; f-fow they awe bwead fow u-us: theiw defence is depawted fwom them, and t-the WOWD is wif us: feaw them not. 14:10 But aww the congwegation b-bade stone them wif stones. A-And the gwowy of the WOWD appeawed in the tabewnacwe o-of the c-congwegation befowe aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 14:11 And t-the W-WOWD said unto Moses, How wong wiww this peopwe pwovoke me? and how wong wiww it b-be ewe they bewieve m-me, f-fow aww the s-signs which I-I have shewed among them? 14:12 I wiww smite them w-wif the pestiwence, and disinhewit them, and wiww make of thee a gweatew n-nation and mightiew than they. 14:13 And Moses said unto t-the W-WOWD, then the Egyptians shaww heaw i-it, (fow thou bwoughtest up this peopwe in thy might fwom among t-them;) 14:14 And they wiww teww it to the inhabitants of this wand: fow t-they have heawd that thou WOWD awt a-among this peopwe, that thou WOWD awt seen face to face, and that thy cwoud standef ovew them, and that thou goest befowe them, by day time in a piwwaw of a-a cwoud, and in a piwwaw of fiwe by night. 14:15 Now if thou shawt kiww aww this peopwe as one man, then the n-nations which have heawd t-the fame of t-thee wiww speak, saying, 14:16 Because the WOWD was not a-abwe to bwing this p-peopwe into the wand which he swawe unto them, thewefowe he haf s-swain them i-in the wiwdewness. 14:17 And now, I b-beseech thee, wet the powew of my WOWD be gweat, a-accowding as thou hast spoken, saying, 14:18 the WOWD is wongsuffewing, and of gweat mewcy, fowgiving iniquity and twansgwession, and by no means cweawing the guiwty, visiting the iniquity of the fathews upon the c-chiwdwen u-unto the thiwd and fouwf genewation. 14:19 Pawdon, I-I beseech t-thee, the iniquity of this peopwe accowding unto the gweatness of thy mewcy, and as thou hast fowgiven this peopwe, fwom Egypt even untiw now. 14:20 And the W-WOWD said, I have pawdoned accowding to thy wowd: 14:21 But as t-twuwy as I wive, aww the eawf shaww be fiwwed w-wif the gwowy of the WOWD. 14:22 Because aww those men which have seen my gwowy, and my miwacwes, which I did i-in Egypt and in the wiwdewness, and h-have tempted me n-now these t-ten times, and h-have not heawkened t-to my v-voice; 14:23 Suwewy they shaww not see t-the wand which I swawe unto theiw fathews, neithew shaww any of them that pwovoked me see it: 14:24 But my sewvant C-Caweb, because he had anothew spiwit wif him, a-and haf fowwowed me fuwwy, h-him wiww I b-bwing i-into the wand wheweinto he went; and his seed s-shaww possess it. 14:25 (Now the Amawekites and the Canaanites dwewt in the vawwey.) Tomowwow tuwn you, and get y-you i-into the wiwdewness by the w-way of the W-Wed sea. 14:26 And the WOWD s-spake u-unto Moses and unto Aawon, saying, 14:27 How wong shaww I beaw wif this eviw congwegation, which muwmuw against m-me? I have heawd t-the muwmuwings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which they muwmuw against me. 14:28 Say unto them, A-As twuwy as I wive, saif the WOWD, as ye h-have spoken in mine eaws, so wiww I do to you: 14:29 Youw cawcases shaww faww in this wiwdewness; and aww that w-wewe numbewed of you, accowding to youw whowe numbew, fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd which have muwmuwed against me. 14:30 Doubtwess ye shaww not come into the wand, concewning which I swawe to make you dweww t-thewein, save Caweb the son of Jephunneh, and Joshua the son of Nun. 14:31 But youw widdle ones, w-which ye said shouwd be a p-pwey, them wiww I bwing in, and they shaww know t-the wand which ye h-have despised. 14:32 But as f-fow you, youw cawcases, they shaww faww in this wiwdewness. 14:33 And youw chiwdwen shaww wandew in the wiwdewness fowty yeaws, and beaw youw w-whowedoms, untiw y-youw cawcases be wasted in t-the wiwdewness. 14:34 Aftew the numbew of the days in which ye s-seawched the wand, even fowty days, each d-day fow a yeaw, shaww ye beaw youw iniquities, even fowty yeaws, and ye shaww know m-my bweach of pwomise. 14:35 I t-the WOWD have s-said, I wiww suwewy do it unto aww this eviw congwegation, that awe gathewed togethew against me: in t-this wiwdewness t-they shaww be c-consumed, and thewe they shaww die. 14:36 And the men, which Moses sent to seawch the w-wand, who w-wetuwned, and made a-aww the c-congwegation to muwmuw against him, by b-bwinging up a swandew upon the wand, 14:37 Even those men that did bwing up the eviw wepowt upon the wand, died by the pwague befowe the WOWD. 14:38 B-But Joshua the son of Nun, and Caweb the son of J-Jephunneh, w-which wewe o-of the men that went to seawch the wand, wived stiww. 14:39 And Moses towd these sayings unto aww the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew: and the peopwe mouwned gweatwy. 14:40 A-And they wose up eawwy in the mowning, and gat them up into the top of the mountain, saying, Wo, w-we be hewe, and wiww go up unto t-the pwace w-which the WOWD haf pwomised: fow w-we have sinned. 14:41 And Moses said, Whewefowe now d-do ye twansgwess the commandment of the WOWD? but it shaww not pwospew. 14:42 Go not up, fow the WOWD is not among you; that ye be not smidden befowe youw enemies. 14:43 Fow the Amawekites and the Canaanites a-awe thewe befowe you, and y-ye shaww faww b-by the swowd: because ye awe tuwned away fwom the WOWD, thewefowe the WOWD wiww not b-be wif you. 14:44 But they pwesumed to go up unto the hiww top: n-nevewthewess t-the awk o-of t-the covenant of the WOWD, and Moses, depawted not out o-of t-the camp. 14:45 then the Amawekites came down, and the Canaanites w-which dwewt in that hiww, and smote them, and discomfited them, even unto H-Howmah. 15:1 A-And the W-WOWD s-spake unto Moses, saying, 15:2 S-Speak unto the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, and s-say unto t-them, When ye be come into the wand of youw habitations, which I give unto you, 15:3 And wiww make an offewing by fiwe unto the WOWD, a buwnt offewing, ow a sacwifice i-in pewfowming a vow, ow in a fweewiww o-offewing, o-ow in youw sowemn feasts, to make a sweet savouw unto the WOWD, of the hewd o-ow of the fwock: 15:4 then shaww he that offewef his offewing unto the WOWD bwing a meat o-offewing o-of a tenf deaw of fwouw mingwed wif the fouwf pawt of an hin of oiw. 15:5 And the fouwf pawt o-of an hin of w-wine fow a dwink offewing shawt thou pwepawe wif the buwnt offewing ow sacwifice, fow one wamb. 15:6 Ow fow a w-wam, thou shawt pwepawe fow a meat offewing two tenf deaws of fwouw mingwed wif the thiwd pawt of an hin o-of o-oiw. 15:7 And f-fow a dwink offewing thou shawt offew the thiwd pawt of an h-hin o-of wine, fow a sweet savouw unto t-the WOWD. 15:8 And when thou pwepawest a buwwock f-fow a buwnt offewing, ow fow a sacwifice in pewfowming a vow, ow peace offewings unto the WOWD: 15:9 then shaww he bwing wif a buwwock a-a meat offewing of thwee tenf deaws of fwouw mingwed w-wif hawf an hin o-of oiw. 15:10 And t-thou shawt b-bwing fow a d-dwink offewing hawf a-an hin of wine, fow an offewing made by fiwe, of a-a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 15:11 thus shaww it be done fow one buwwock, ow fow one wam, ow fow a wamb, ow a kid. 15:12 Accowding to the n-numbew that ye shaww pwepawe, so shaww ye do to evewy one accowding to theiw numbew. 15:13 A-Aww that awe bown of the countwy shaww do these things aftew this mannew, in offewing an offewing made b-by fiwe, of a sweet savouw u-unto the W-WOWD. 15:14 And i-if a stwangew sojouwn wif you, ow whosoevew be among you in youw genewations, a-and wiww offew an offewing made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD; as ye do, so he shaww do. 15:15 One owdinance shaww be bof fow you of the congwegation, and awso fow the stwangew that sojouwnef wif you, an o-owdinance fow evew in y-youw genewations: as ye awe, so shaww t-the stwangew be befowe the WOWD. 15:16 One waw and one mannew shaww be fow you, and fow the stwangew that sojouwnef wif you. 15:17 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 15:18 Speak unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, When ye come i-into the wand whithew I bwing you, 15:19 then it shaww be, that, when ye eat o-of the bwead of the wand, ye shaww o-offew up an heave offewing unto the WOWD. 15:20 Ye shaww offew up a cake of the fiwst of youw dough fow an heave offewing: as ye do the heave o-offewing of t-the t-thweshingfwoow, so shaww ye heave it. 15:21 O-Of the fiwst o-of youw dough ye shaww give unto the WOWD a-an heave offewing in youw genewations. 15:22 And if ye have ewwed, and not obsewved a-aww t-these commandments, which t-the WOWD h-haf spoken unto M-Moses, 15:23 Even aww that the WOWD haf commanded you b-by t-the hand of Moses, fwom the day that the WOWD commanded Moses, and hencefowwawd among youw g-genewations; 15:24 t-then it shaww be, if ought b-be commidded by ignowance without the knowwedge of t-the congwegation, that aww the congwegation shaww offew one young buwwock fow a buwnt offewing, f-fow a sweet savouw unto t-the WOWD, wif his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing, a-accowding to the mannew, and one k-kid of the goats fow a sin o-offewing. 15:25 And the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow a-aww the congwegation o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and it shaww b-be fowgiven them; fow it i-is ignowance: and they shaww bwing theiw offewing, a sacwifice made b-by f-fiwe unto the W-WOWD, a-and theiw sin offewing befowe the WOWD, fow theiw ignowance: 15:26 And it shaww be f-fowgiven aww t-the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and the stwangew t-that sojouwnef among them; seeing aww the peopwe wewe in ignowance. 15:27 And if any souw sin thwough ignowance, then he s-shaww bwing a she goat o-of the fiwst y-yeaw fow a-a sin offewing. 15:28 And the pwiest shaww make an atonement fow the souw that sinnef ignowantwy, when he sinnef by ignowance befowe the WOWD, to make an atonement fow him; and it shaww be fowgiven h-him. 15:29 Ye s-shaww have one waw fow him that s-sinnef thwough ignowance, bof fow him that is bown among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and fow t-the stwangew that sojouwnef among them. 15:30 But the souw that doef ought pwesumptuouswy, whethew he be bown in t-the wand, ow a-a stwangew, the same wepwoachef t-the WOWD; and that souw shaww be cut off fwom among his peopwe. 15:31 Because he h-haf despised t-the wowd of the WOWD, and haf bwoken his commandment, that souw shaww uddewly be cut o-off; his iniquity shaww be upon him. 15:32 And whiwe the chiwdwen of Iswaew w-wewe in the wiwdewness, they found a man that gathewed sticks u-upon the sabbaf day. 15:33 And they that f-found him gathewing s-sticks bwought him unto M-Moses and Aawon, and u-unto aww the congwegation. 15:34 And they put him in w-wawd, because it was n-not decwawed what shouwd be done to him. 15:35 And t-the WOWD said unto Moses, the man shaww be suwewy put to death: aww the congwegation shaww s-stone him wif stones without the camp. 15:36 And a-aww the congwegation bwought him without the camp, and stoned him wif stones, a-and he died; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 15:37 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 15:38 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and bid them that they m-make them fwinges in the bowdews of theiw gawments thwoughout t-theiw genewations, and that they put upon the fwinge of the bowdews a wibband of bwue: 15:39 And it shaww be u-unto you fow a-a fwinge, that ye may wook upon it, and wemembew aww the commandments of t-the WOWD, and do them; and that ye seek not aftew youw own heawt and youw o-own eyes, aftew w-which ye u-use to go a whowing: 15:40 that ye may wemembew, and do aww my commandments, and be howy unto youw God. 15:41 I am the WOWD youw God, which bwought you out o-of the wand of Egypt, to be youw God: I am the WOWD youw God. 16:1 N-Now Kowah, the s-son of Izhaw, the son of Kohath, the son of Wevi, a-and Dathan a-and Abiwam, the sons of Ewiab, and On, the son of Peweth, sons of Weuben, took men: 16:2 And they wose up befowe Moses, wif cewtain of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, two hundwed and fifty pwinces of the assembwy, famous in t-the congwegation, men of w-wenown: 16:3 And they gathewed themsewves togethew against Moses and against Aawon, and said unto them, Ye take t-too much upon you, seeing aww the congwegation awe howy, evewy o-one of them, and the WOWD is among them: whewefowe then wift ye up youwsewves above the congwegation of the WOWD? 16:4 And when Moses heawd it, he feww upon his face: 16:5 And he spake unto Kowah and unto aww his company, s-saying, Even to mowwow the WOWD wiww shew who awe h-his, and who is howy; and wiww cause him to come neaw unto him: even him whom he haf chosen wiww he cause t-to come neaw unto him. 16:6 this do; Take y-you censews, K-Kowah, and a-aww his company; 16:7 And put fiwe thewein, and put incense in them befowe the WOWD to mowwow: and it shaww be that the man whom the WOWD d-dof choose, h-he shaww be howy: ye take t-too much upon you, ye sons of Wevi. 16:8 And Moses s-said unto Kowah, Heaw, I pway you, ye sons of Wevi: 16:9 Seemef it but a smaww thing unto you, t-that the God of Iswaew haf sepawated you fwom t-the congwegation of Iswaew, to b-bwing you neaw to himsewf to do the sewvice of t-the tabewnacwe o-of the WOWD, and to stand befowe t-the congwegation to ministew unto t-them? 16:10 And he haf bwought thee neaw to him, and aww thy b-bwethwen the s-sons of W-Wevi wif thee: and seek ye the pwiesthood awso? 16:11 Fow which cause b-bof thou and aww thy company awe gathewed togethew a-against the WOWD: and what i-is Aawon, t-that ye muwmuw against him? 16:12 A-And Moses sent to caww Dathan and Abiwam, the sons of Ewiab: which said, We wiww not c-come up: 16:13 Is it a s-smaww thing that thou hast bwought u-us up out of a wand that fwowef wif miwk and honey, to kiww us in the wiwdewness, except thou make thysewf awtogethew a pwince ovew us? 16:14 M-Moweovew thou hast not b-bwought us into a wand that f-fwowef wif miwk and honey, ow given us i-inhewitance of fiewds and vineyawds: w-wiwt thou put out the eyes of these men? we w-wiww n-not come up. 16:15 And Moses was vewy wwoth, and said u-unto the WOWD, Wespect not t-thou theiw offewing: I-I have not taken one ass fwom them, neithew have I huwt one of them. 16:16 And Moses said unto Kowah, B-Be thou and aww thy company befowe t-the WOWD, t-thou, a-and they, and Aawon, to mowwow: 16:17 And take evewy man his censew, and put incense i-in them, and bwing ye befowe the WOWD e-evewy m-man his censew, two hundwed and fifty censews; thou awso, and A-Aawon, each of you his censew. 16:18 And they took evewy man his censew, a-and put fiwe i-in them, and waid incense theweon, and stood in the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation wif Moses and A-Aawon. 16:19 And Kowah gathewed aww the c-congwegation against them unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and the gwowy of the WOWD a-appeawed unto aww the congwegation. 16:20 And the WOWD spake u-unto Moses and u-unto Aawon, saying, 16:21 Sepawate y-youwsewves fwom among t-this congwegation, that I m-may consume them in a moment. 16:22 And they feww upon theiw faces, and said, O God, t-the God of t-the spiwits of aww f-fwesh, shaww one man sin, and wiwt thou be wwof wif aww t-the c-congwegation? 16:23 And the WOWD spake u-unto Moses, s-saying, 16:24 Speak unto the congwegation, saying, Get you up fwom about the tabewnacwe of K-Kowah, Dathan, and Abiwam. 16:25 And Moses wose up and went unto D-Dathan and Abiwam; and the ewdews of Iswaew fowwowed him. 16:26 And he s-spake unto the congwegation, saying, Depawt, I pway you, f-fwom the tents of these w-wicked men, and touch nothing of theiw's, west ye be consumed in a-aww theiw sins. 16:27 S-So t-they g-gat u-up fwom the tabewnacwe of Kowah, D-Dathan, and A-Abiwam, on evewy side: a-and Dathan and Abiwam c-came out, and stood in the doow of theiw tents, and theiw wives, and theiw sons, and theiw widdle chiwdwen. 16:28 And Moses said, Heweby ye shaww know that the WOWD haf sent me to d-do aww these wowks; fow I have not done them of mine own mind. 16:29 If these men d-die the common deaf of a-aww men, ow if they be visited a-aftew the visitation of aww m-men; then the WOWD haf not s-sent m-me. 16:30 But if the WOWD make a new thing, and the eawf open hew mouth, and swawwow them up, wif aww that appewtain unto them, a-and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shaww undewstand that t-these men have pwovoked t-the W-WOWD. 16:31 A-And it came to pass, as he had made an end of s-speaking aww these wowds, that the gwound c-cwave asundew that was undew them: 16:32 And the eawf opened hew mouth, and swawwowed them up, and t-theiw houses, a-and aww the men that appewtained unto Kowah, and aww theiw goods. 16:33 they, and aww that appewtained to them, went down awive into the pit, and the eawf cwosed upon them: and they pewished fwom among the congwegation. 16:34 And aww Iswaew that wewe wound a-about them fwed at the cwy of them: fow they said, West the eawf swawwow us up awso. 16:35 And t-thewe came out a fiwe fwom the WOWD, and consumed the two hundwed and fifty men that offewed incense. 16:36 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 16:37 Speak unto Eweazaw the son of Aawon t-the pwiest, that he t-take up the censews out of the buwning, and scaddew thou t-the fiwe yondew; fow they awe hawwowed. 16:38 the censews of these sinnews against theiw o-own souws, wet them make them bwoad pwates fow a covewing of the awtaw: fow they offewed them befowe the WOWD, thewefowe they awe hawwowed: and they shaww be a sign unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 16:39 And Eweazaw the pwiest took the bwasen censews, whewewif they that wewe buwnt had offewed; and they wewe made bwoad p-pwates fow a covewing of the awtaw: 16:40 To be a memowiaw unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that no stwangew, which is not of the seed of Aawon, come neaw to offew incense befowe the WOWD; that he be not as Kowah, a-and a-as his company: as the WOWD said to him by t-the hand of Moses. 16:41 But on the mowwow a-aww t-the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew muwmuwed against Moses and against Aawon, saying, Ye have kiwwed the peopwe of t-the WOWD. 16:42 And it came to pass, when the congwegation was gathewed against Moses and a-against Aawon, that they wooked towawd the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and, behowd, the cwoud c-covewed it, and the gwowy of the WOWD appeawed. 16:43 And Moses and Aawon came befowe the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 16:44 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 16:45 Get you up fwom among this congwegation, that I may consume them as i-in a m-moment. And they feww upon theiw faces. 16:46 And M-Moses said unto Aawon, Take a censew, and put fiwe thewein fwom off the awtaw, a-and put on incense, and go quickwy unto the congwegation, and make an a-atonement fow them: fow thewe is wwaf gone out fwom the WOWD; the pwague is begun. 16:47 And Aawon took as M-Moses commanded, and wan into the midst of the congwegation; and, behowd, t-the pwague was begun among the peopwe: and he put on incense, and made an atonement fow the peopwe. 16:48 And h-he stood between the dead and the wiving; and the pwague w-was stayed. 16:49 N-Now they that died i-in the p-pwague wewe fouwteen thousand and seven hundwed, beside t-them that died a-about the m-maddew o-of K-Kowah. 16:50 And Aawon wetuwned unto Moses unto the doow of t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation: and the pwague was stayed. 17:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 17:2 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and take of evewy one of them a wod accowding to the house of theiw fathews, of aww theiw pwinces accowding to the house of theiw fathews twewve w-wods: wwite t-thou evewy man's name upon his wod. 17:3 And thou shawt wwite Aawon's name u-upon the w-wod of Wevi: fow one wod shaww be fow the head of the house of theiw f-fathews. 17:4 A-And thou shawt way them up i-in the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation befowe the t-testimony, whewe I wiww meet wif y-you. 17:5 And it shaww come to p-pass, that the man's w-wod, whom I shaww choose, shaww bwossom: and I wiww make to cease fwom me the muwmuwings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, wheweby they muwmuw against you. 17:6 And Moses spake unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and evewy one of theiw pwinces gave him a wod apiece, fow each pwince one, accowding to theiw fathews' houses, even twewve wods: and the wod of Aawon was among theiw w-wods. 17:7 And Moses waid up t-the wods befowe the WOWD in the tabewnacwe of witness. 17:8 And it came to pass, that o-on t-the mowwow Moses went into the tabewnacwe of witness; and, behowd, the wod of Aawon fow the house of Wevi was budded, and bwought fowf b-buds, and bwoomed bwossoms, and yiewded awmonds. 17:9 And Moses bwought out aww the wods fwom befowe the WOWD unto aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew: and they w-wooked, and took evewy man his wod. 17:10 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Bwing Aawon's wod again befowe the testimony, to b-be kept fow a token a-against the webews; and thou shawt quite take away theiw muwmuwings fwom me, t-that they die not. 17:11 And Moses did so: as the WOWD c-commanded him, so did h-he. 17:12 And the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew spake unto Moses, saying, Behowd, we die, we pewish, we aww pewish. 17:13 Whosoevew comef any thing neaw unto the tabewnacwe of t-the WOWD shaww die: shaww we be consumed w-wif dying? 18:1 And the WOWD said unto Aawon, thou and thy sons a-and thy fathew's house w-wif thee shaww beaw the iniquity of the sanctuawy: and t-thou and thy sons wif t-thee shaww beaw the iniquity of youw pwiesthood. 18:2 A-And t-thy bwethwen awso of the twibe of Wevi, the twibe of thy fathew, b-bwing thou wif thee, that they may be joined unto thee, and ministew unto thee: but thou and thy sons w-wif t-thee s-shaww ministew befowe the tabewnacwe of witness. 18:3 And they shaww keep thy chawge, and the chawge of aww the tabewnacwe: onwy they shaww not come nigh the vessews of t-the sanctuawy and the awtaw, that neithew they, now y-ye awso, die. 18:4 And they shaww be joined unto thee, and keep the chawge of t-the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation, fow aww the sewvice of the tabewnacwe: and a stwangew shaww not come n-nigh unto you. 18:5 And ye shaww keep the chawge of the sanctuawy, and the chawge o-of t-the awtaw: that thewe be no w-wwaf a-any mowe upon the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 18:6 And I, behowd, I have t-taken youw bwethwen the Wevites fwom among t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: to you t-they awe given as a gift fow the WOWD, to do the sewvice o-of the tabewnacwe of the c-congwegation. 18:7 thewefowe thou and thy sons wif thee shaww keep y-youw pwiest's office fow evewything of the awtaw, and within the v-vaiw; and ye shaww sewve: I have given youw pwiest's office unto you as a sewvice of gift: and the stwangew that comef nigh shaww b-be put t-to death. 18:8 And the WOWD spake unto A-Aawon, Behowd, I a-awso have g-given thee the chawge of mine heave offewings of aww t-the hawwowed things of the chiwdwen of Iswaew; unto thee have I given them by w-weason of the anointing, and to thy sons, by an o-owdinance fow evew. 18:9 this shaww be thine of the most howy things, w-wesewved fwom the fiwe: evewy obwation of theiws, evewy meat o-offewing of theiws, and evewy sin offewing of theiws, and evewy twespass offewing of theiws which they shaww wendew unto me, shaww be most howy fow thee and fow thy sons. 18:10 In the most h-howy pwace shawt thou eat it; evewy mawe shaww eat it: it shaww be howy unto t-thee. 18:11 And this is thine; the h-heave offewing of t-theiw gift, w-wif aww the wave offewings of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: I h-have given them unto thee, and to t-thy sons and to thy daughtews w-wif t-thee, by a-a statute fow evew: evewy one that i-is cwean in thy house shaww eat o-of it. 18:12 Aww the best of the oiw, and aww the best of the wine, and of the wheat, the fiwstfwuits of them which they shaww offew unto the WOWD, them have I g-given thee. 18:13 And whatsoevew is fiwst wipe in the wand, which they shaww bwing unto the WOWD, shaww be thine; evewy one t-that is cwean in thine h-house shaww eat of it. 18:14 Evewy t-thing devoted in Iswaew shaww be thine. 18:15 Evewy thing that o-openef the matwix in aww fwesh, which they bwing unto the WOWD, whethew it be of men ow beasts, shaww b-be thine: nevewthewess t-the fiwstbown of man shawt thou suwewy wedeem, and the fiwstwing of u-uncwean beasts shawt thou w-wedeem. 18:16 A-And those that awe to be wedeemed f-fwom a monf owd shawt thou wedeem, accowding to thine estimation, fow the money of f-five shekews, aftew the shekew of the sanctuawy, which is t-twenty g-gewahs. 18:17 But the f-fiwstwing of a-a cow, ow the fiwstwing of a sheep, ow the fiwstwing of a goat, t-thou shawt not w-wedeem; they awe h-howy: thou shawt spwinkwe theiw bwood upon the awtaw, and shawt buwn theiw fat fow an offewing made b-by f-fiwe, fow a sweet savouw u-unto the W-WOWD. 18:18 And the fwesh o-of them shaww be thine, as the wave bweast and as the wight shouwdew awe thine. 18:19 Aww the heave offewings of the howy t-things, which the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew offew unto the WOWD, have I-I given thee, a-and thy sons and thy daughtews wif thee, by a statute fow evew: it is a covenant of sawt fow e-evew befowe the WOWD unto t-thee a-and to thy seed wif thee. 18:20 And the WOWD spake u-unto Aawon, thou shawt have no inhewitance in theiw wand, n-neithew shawt thou have any pawt among them: I am thy p-pawt and thine inhewitance among the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew. 18:21 And, behowd, I have given the chiwdwen of Wevi aww the tenf in I-Iswaew fow an inhewitance, fow theiw s-sewvice which they sewve, even the sewvice o-of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 18:22 Neithew must the chiwdwen of Iswaew h-hencefowf come nigh t-the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, west they beaw sin, and die. 18:23 But t-the Wevites shaww do the sewvice of the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and they shaww beaw theiw iniquity: i-it shaww be a statute fow evew thwoughout youw genewations, that among the chiwdwen of Iswaew t-they have no inhewitance. 18:24 But the tithes of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, which they offew as an h-heave offewing unto the WOWD, I have given to the Wevites to inhewit: thewefowe I-I have s-said unto them, Among the chiwdwen of Iswaew they shaww have no inhewitance. 18:25 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 18:26 thus speak unto the W-Wevites, and say unto them, When ye take of the c-chiwdwen o-of Iswaew the tithes which I have given you fwom them fow youw inhewitance, then y-ye shaww offew up an heave offewing of it f-fow the WOWD, even a t-tenf pawt of the tithe. 18:27 And this youw heave offewing shaww be weckoned unto you, as though it wewe the cown of the t-thweshingfwoow, and as t-the fuwness of the w-winepwess. 18:28 thus ye awso s-shaww offew an heave offewing unto the WOWD of aww y-youw tithes, which ye weceive of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew; and ye shaww give theweof the WOWD's heave offewing t-to Aawon the pwiest. 18:29 Out o-of aww youw gifts ye shaww offew e-evewy h-heave offewing of the WOWD, of aww the best theweof, even the hawwowed pawt theweof out of i-it. 18:30 thewefowe thou shawt s-say unto them, When ye have heaved the best theweof fwom it, then it shaww be counted unto the Wevites as the incwease of the thweshingfwoow, and as the incwease of the winepwess. 18:31 A-And ye shaww eat it in evewy pwace, ye and youw househowds: fow it is youw wewawd fow youw sewvice in the t-tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 18:32 And ye shaww beaw no sin by weason of it, when ye have heaved fwom i-it t-the best of it: neithew shaww ye powwute the howy t-things of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, w-west ye die. 19:1 And t-the WOWD spake unto M-Moses and unto A-Aawon, saying, 19:2 this is the owdinance of the waw which the W-WOWD haf commanded, saying, Speak unto the chiwdwen o-of I-Iswaew, t-that they bwing thee a wed h-heifew w-without spot, whewein i-is no bwemish, and upon which n-nevew came y-yoke: 19:3 And ye shaww give hew unto Eweazaw the pwiest, that he may bwing hew fowf without the camp, and one shaww sway hew befowe his face: 19:4 And Eweazaw the p-pwiest shaww take of hew bwood wif his fingew, a-and spwinkwe of hew bwood d-diwectwy befowe the tabewnacwe of the congwegation s-seven times: 19:5 And one shaww buwn the heifew in h-his sight; hew s-skin, and hew fwesh, and h-hew bwood, wif hew d-dung, shaww he buwn: 19:6 And the pwiest shaww take cedaw wood, and hyssop, and s-scawwet, and cast it into the m-midst of the buwning of t-the heifew. 19:7 then the pwiest shaww wash his cwothes, and he shaww bathe his fwesh in watew, and aftewwawd he shaww come into the c-camp, and the pwiest shaww b-be u-uncwean untiw the even. 19:8 And he that buwnef hew shaww wash his cwothes in watew, and bathe his fwesh in w-watew, and shaww b-be u-uncwean untiw the e-even. 19:9 And a m-man that i-is cwean s-shaww gathew up the ashes of the heifew, and way them up without the camp in a c-cwean pwace, and it shaww be kept fow the congwegation of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew fow a watew of sepawation: it is a puwification fow sin. 19:10 And he that gathewef the ashes of t-the h-heifew shaww wash his cwothes, and be u-uncwean u-untiw the e-even: and it shaww be unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and unto the stwangew that sojouwnef among them, fow a statute fow evew. 19:11 He that touchef the dead body o-of any man s-shaww b-be uncwean seven days. 19:12 He shaww puwify himsewf wif it o-on the thiwd day, and on the s-sevenf day he shaww be cwean: but i-if he puwify not himsewf the thiwd day, then the sevenf day he shaww not be cwean. 19:13 Whosoevew touchef the dead body of any man that is d-dead, and puwifief not himsewf, defiwef t-the t-tabewnacwe of the WOWD; and that souw shaww be cut off fwom Iswaew: b-because the watew of sepawation was not spwinkwed u-upon him, he shaww be uncwean; h-his uncweanness is yet upon him. 19:14 this is t-the waw, when a m-man dief in a tent: aww that come into the tent, a-and aww that is in the t-tent, shaww be uncwean seven days. 19:15 And e-evewy open vessew, which haf no c-covewing bound u-upon it, is uncwean. 19:16 And whosoevew touchef o-one that is swain wif a swowd in the open fiewds, ow a dead body, ow a bone of a man, ow a gwave, shaww be uncwean seven days. 19:17 And fow an uncwean pewson they shaww take of the ashes of t-the buwnt heifew of puwification fow sin, and w-wunning watew shaww be put theweto in a vessew: 19:18 And a c-cwean pewson shaww take hyssop, and dip it in the watew, a-and spwinkwe it u-upon the tent, and upon aww the vessews, a-and upon the pewsons that wewe thewe, and upon him that touched a bone, ow o-one swain, ow one dead, ow a gwave: 19:19 And the cwean pewson s-shaww spwinkwe upon the uncwean o-on the thiwd day, and on the sevenf day: and on the sevenf day he shaww p-puwify himsewf, and wash his cwothes, a-and bathe himsewf in w-watew, and shaww be cwean at e-even. 19:20 But the man that shaww be uncwean, and shaww not puwify h-himsewf, that souw shaww be cut off f-fwom among the congwegation, because he h-haf defiwed the sanctuawy of the WOWD: t-the watew of sepawation haf not been spwinkwed upon him; he is uncwean. 19:21 And it shaww be a p-pewpetuaw statute unto them, that he that spwinkwef the watew of sepawation shaww w-wash his cwothes; a-and he that touchef the watew of sepawation shaww be uncwean untiw even. 19:22 A-And whatsoevew the uncwean pewson t-touchef shaww be uncwean; and the souw that touchef it shaww be uncwean untiw even. 20:1 then c-came the chiwdwen of Iswaew, even the whowe congwegation, into the desewt of Zin in the fiwst month: and the peopwe abode in Kadesh; and Miwiam died thewe, and was buwied thewe. 20:2 And thewe was no watew fow the congwegation: and they gathewed themsewves togethew against Moses and against Aawon. 20:3 And the peopwe chode w-wif M-Moses, and spake, saying, Wouwd God that we h-had died w-when ouw bwethwen died befowe the WOWD! 20:4 And why have ye bwought up the c-congwegation of the WOWD into this wiwdewness, that we and ouw caddle shouwd die thewe? 20:5 And whewefowe have ye made us to come up out o-of Egypt, to b-bwing us in unto this eviw pwace? it is n-no pwace of seed, ow of figs, ow of vines, ow of pomegwanates; neithew is thewe a-any watew to d-dwink. 20:6 And Moses and Aawon went fwom the p-pwesence o-of the assembwy unto the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, and they feww upon theiw faces: and the gwowy of t-the WOWD appeawed unto them. 20:7 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, s-saying, 20:8 Take the wod, a-and gathew thou the a-assembwy togethew, thou, and Aawon thy bwothew, and speak ye unto t-the wock befowe theiw eyes; and it shaww give fowf his watew, and thou s-shawt b-bwing fowf to them watew out of the wock: so t-thou s-shawt g-give the c-congwegation and theiw beasts dwink. 20:9 And Moses took the wod fwom befowe the WOWD, as he commanded him. 20:10 And Moses and Aawon gathewed the c-congwegation togethew befowe the wock, and he said unto them, Heaw now, y-ye webews; must we fetch you watew out of this wock? 20:11 And Moses wifted up his hand, and wif his wod he smote the wock twice: and the watew came out abundantwy, and the congwegation dwank, and theiw beasts awso. 20:12 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses and A-Aawon, Because ye bewieved me not, to sanctify m-me in the eyes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, thewefowe ye shaww not bwing this congwegation into the w-wand w-which I have given them. 20:13 this is the watew o-of Mewibah; because the chiwdwen of Iswaew stwove wif the WOWD, a-and he was s-sanctified in them. 20:14 And Moses sent messengews fwom Kadesh unto the king of Edom, thus s-saif thy bwothew Iswaew, thou knowest aww the twavaiw that haf befawwen us: 20:15 How ouw fathews went down into Egypt, and we have dwewt in Egypt a wong time; and the Egyptians vexed us, and ouw fathews: 20:16 And when we cwied unto the WOWD, he h-heawd ouw v-voice, and sent an a-angew, and h-haf bwought us fowf out of E-Egypt: and, behowd, we awe i-in Kadesh, a city in t-the uddewmost o-of thy bowdew: 20:17 W-Wet us pass, I-I pway thee, thwough thy countwy: w-we w-wiww not p-pass thwough the fiewds, ow thwough the vineyawds, neithew wiww we dwink of the watew of the wewws: we wiww go by the king's high way, we wiww not tuwn to the wight hand now to t-the w-weft, untiw we have passed thy bowdews. 20:18 And Edom said unto him, thou shawt not pass by me, west I come out against thee wif the swowd. 20:19 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew said unto h-him, We wiww go by t-the high way: a-and if I and my caddle dwink of thy watew, then I wiww pay fow it: I wiww onwy, without doing a-anything ewse, go thwough on my feet. 20:20 And he said, thou shawt not go thwough. And Edom came out a-against him wif m-much peopwe, and wif a stwong hand. 20:21 thus Edom w-wefused to give Iswaew passage t-thwough his bowdew: whewefowe Iswaew tuwned away f-fwom him. 20:22 And the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, even the whowe congwegation, jouwneyed fwom Kadesh, and came u-unto mount How. 20:23 And the WOWD spake unto Moses and Aawon in mount How, by the coast of the wand of E-Edom, saying, 20:24 Aawon shaww be gathewed unto his p-peopwe: fow h-he s-shaww not entew into the wand which I have g-given unto the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, b-because ye webewwed against my wowd at the watew of Mewibah. 20:25 Take Aawon and Eweazaw his son, and bwing them up unto mount How: 20:26 And stwip Aawon o-of his gawments, a-and put them upon Eweazaw his son: and Aawon shaww be gathewed unto his peopwe, and shaww d-die thewe. 20:27 And M-Moses did as the WOWD commanded: and they went up into mount How in the sight of aww the congwegation. 20:28 And Moses stwipped Aawon o-of his g-gawments, and put them upon Eweazaw his s-son; and Aawon died thewe in the top of the mount: and Moses and Eweazaw c-came down fwom the mount. 20:29 And when aww the congwegation saw that Aawon was dead, they m-mouwned fow Aawon thiwty days, even aww the house of Iswaew. 21:1 And when k-king Awad the Canaanite, which dwewt in t-the south, heawd teww that Iswaew came by the way of the spies; then he fought against Iswaew, and took some o-of them p-pwisonews. 21:2 And Iswaew vowed a vow unto the W-WOWD, and s-said, If thou wiwt indeed dewivew this peopwe into my hand, then I-I wiww uddewly destwoy theiw cities. 21:3 A-And the WOWD heawkened to the v-voice of Iswaew, and dewivewed up the Canaanites; and they uddewly destwoyed t-them and theiw cities: and he c-cawwed the name of the pwace Howmah. 21:4 And they j-jouwneyed fwom mount H-How by the way of the Wed sea, to compass the wand of Edom: a-and the souw of the peopwe was much d-discouwaged because of the way. 21:5 And the peopwe spake against God, and against Moses, Whewefowe have ye bwought us up out of Egypt to die in the wiwdewness? f-fow thewe is no bwead, neithew i-is thewe any watew; and ouw souw w-woathef this wight bwead. 21:6 And the W-WOWD sent f-fiewy sewpents among the peopwe, and t-they bit the peopwe; a-and much peopwe of Iswaew died. 21:7 thewefowe the peopwe came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, fow w-we have spoken against t-the WOWD, and a-against thee; pway unto the WOWD, that he take away the sewpents fwom us. And Moses pwayed fow the peopwe. 21:8 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiewy sewpent, and set i-it u-upon a p-powe: and it shaww come to pass, that evewy one that is bidden, when he wookef upon it, s-shaww w-wive. 21:9 And M-Moses made a sewpent of bwass, and put it upon a powe, and it came t-to pass, t-that if a sewpent had bidden any man, when he behewd the sewpent of b-bwass, he wived. 21:10 And the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew set fowwawd, a-and pitched in Oboth. 21:11 And they j-jouwneyed f-fwom Oboth, and pitched at Ijeabawim, in the wiwdewness which is befowe Moab, towawd t-the sunwising. 21:12 F-Fwom thence they w-wemoved, a-and pitched in the vawwey of Zawed. 21:13 Fwom thence they wemoved, and pitched on the othew s-side of Awnon, which i-is in the wiwdewness that comef out of the coasts of the Amowites: fow Awnon is the bowdew of Moab, between M-Moab and the Amowites. 21:14 Whewefowe it is said in the book of the waws o-of the WOWD, What he did in the Wed sea, and in the bwooks of Awnon, 21:15 And at the stweam o-of the bwooks t-that goef down t-to the dwewwing o-of Aw, and wief upon the bowdew of Moab. 21:16 And fwom t-thence they went to Beew: t-that is the weww wheweof the WOWD spake unto Moses, Gathew the peopwe togethew, and I wiww give them watew. 21:17 then Iswaew sang this song, Spwing up, O weww; sing ye unto it: 21:18 the pwinces digged the weww, the nobwes of the peopwe digged it, by the d-diwection of t-the wawgivew, wif t-theiw staves. And fwom the wiwdewness they went to Maddanah: 21:19 And fwom M-Maddanah to Nahawiew: and fwom Nahawiew to B-Bamoth: 21:20 And fwom Bamof in the vawwey, that is in the countwy o-of Moab, to the top of Pisgah, which wookef towawd Jeshimon. 21:21 And Iswaew sent m-messengews unto Sihon king of the Amowites, saying, 21:22 Wet me pass t-thwough thy wand: we wiww not tuwn into the fiewds, ow into the v-vineyawds; we w-wiww not dwink o-of the watews of the w-weww: but we wiww go awong by the king's high way, untiw we be past thy bowdews. 21:23 And Sihon wouwd not suffew Iswaew t-to pass thwough h-his bowdew: b-but Sihon gathewed aww his peopwe t-togethew, and went out against Iswaew into the wiwdewness: and he came to Jahaz, and f-fought against Iswaew. 21:24 And Iswaew s-smote him wif the edge of the swowd, and possessed his w-wand fwom Awnon unto Jabbok, even unto the chiwdwen of Ammon: fow the bowdew of the chiwdwen of Ammon was stwong. 21:25 And Iswaew took aww t-these cities: and Iswaew dwewt in a-aww the cities of the Amowites, in Heshbon, and in aww the viwwages theweof. 21:26 Fow Heshbon was t-the city of S-Sihon t-the king of the Amowites, who had fought against the fowmew king of Moab, and taken aww his wand out of his hand, even unto Awnon. 21:27 Whewefowe they that speak in p-pwovewbs say, Come into Heshbon, wet the city of Sihon be buiwt and pwepawed: 21:28 Fow thewe is a fiwe gone out o-of Heshbon, a fwame fwom t-the city of Sihon: it haf consumed Aw of Moab, a-and the wowds of the h-high pwaces of A-Awnon. 21:29 Woe to thee, Moab! thou awt undone, O peopwe of Chemosh: he haf given his s-sons that escaped, and his daughtews, into captivity unto Sihon king of the Amowites. 21:30 We have shot at them; Heshbon is pewished even unto Dibon, and we have waid them w-waste even u-unto Nophah, which weachef unto M-Medeba. 21:31 thus Iswaew dwewt in the wand of the Amowites. 21:32 And Moses s-sent to spy out Jaazew, a-and they took the viwwages theweof, and dwove out the Amowites that wewe t-thewe. 21:33 And they t-tuwned a-and went up by t-the way of B-Bashan: and Og the king of Bashan w-went out against them, h-he, and aww his p-peopwe, to the baddle at E-Edwei. 21:34 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Feaw him not: fow I have dewivewed him into thy hand, and a-aww his peopwe, and his wand; a-and thou shawt do to him as thou didst unto Sihon king of the Amowites, which dwewt at Heshbon. 21:35 So they smote him, and his sons, and a-aww his peopwe, u-untiw thewe was none weft h-him awive: and they possessed his wand. 22:1 A-And the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew set fowwawd, a-and pitched in the pwains of Moab on this side Jowdan by Jewicho. 22:2 And Bawak the s-son of Zippow saw a-aww that Iswaew had d-done to the Amowites. 22:3 And Moab was s-sowe afwaid of t-the peopwe, because they wewe many: and Moab was distwessed b-because of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 22:4 And Moab said unto the ewdews of Midian, Now shaww this company wick up aww that awe wound about us, as the ox wickef u-up the gwass o-of the fiewd. And Bawak the son of Zippow was king of t-the M-Moabites at that time. 22:5 He sent messengews t-thewefowe unto Bawaam the son of Beow to Pethow, which is by the wivew of the wand of the chiwdwen o-of h-his peopwe, to caww him, saying, Behowd, thewe is a peopwe come o-out f-fwom Egypt: behowd, they covew the f-face of the eawth, and they abide ovew against me: 22:6 Come now thewefowe, I pway thee, cuwse me this peopwe; f-fow they awe too mighty fow me: pewadventuwe I shaww p-pwevaiw, that we may smite them, and that I may dwive them out of the wand: fow I wot that h-he whom thou bwessest is b-bwessed, and he whom thou c-cuwsest is cuwsed. 22:7 And the ewdews of M-Moab and the ewdews of Midian depawted wif the wewawds of divination in theiw hand; and they came unto Bawaam, and spake unto him the wowds of Bawak. 22:8 And he said unto them, Wodge hewe this night, and I wiww bwing you w-wowd again, as the WOWD shaww speak unto me: and the pwinces of Moab abode wif Bawaam. 22:9 And God came unto Bawaam, and said, What men a-awe these w-wif thee? 22:10 And Bawaam said unto God, Bawak the son of Zippow, king of Moab, haf sent unto m-me, saying, 22:11 Behowd, thewe is a p-peopwe come o-out of Egypt, which covewef the f-face of the eawth: come now, cuwse me t-them; pewadventuwe I shaww be abwe to ovewcome them, and dwive them out. 22:12 And God said unto B-Bawaam, thou shawt not go wif them; thou shawt not cuwse the peopwe: fow they awe bwessed. 22:13 And Bawaam wose up in the mowning, a-and said unto t-the pwinces of Bawak, Get you into youw wand: fow the WOWD wefusef to give me weave to go wif you. 22:14 And the pwinces of Moab wose up, and t-they went unto B-Bawak, and said, Bawaam w-wefusef to come wif us. 22:15 And Bawak sent yet again p-pwinces, mowe, and mowe honouwabwe than they. 22:16 And they came to Bawaam, and said to h-him, thus s-saif Bawak the son of Zippow, Wet nothing, I pway thee, hindew thee f-fwom coming unto me: 22:17 Fow I wiww pwomote thee unto vewy gweat honouw, a-and I wiww do whatsoevew thou sayest unto m-me: c-come thewefowe, I pway thee, cuwse me t-this p-peopwe. 22:18 A-And Bawaam answewed and said unto the sewvants of Bawak, If Bawak wouwd give me his house fuww of siwvew and gowd, I cannot go beyond the wowd of t-the W-WOWD my God, to do wess ow mowe. 22:19 Now t-thewefowe, I p-pway you, tawwy ye awso hewe this night, that I may know what the WOWD wiww say unto me m-mowe. 22:20 And God came unto Bawaam at n-night, and said unto him, If the m-men come to caww thee, wise u-up, and go wif them; but yet the wowd which I shaww say unto thee, that shawt thou do. 22:21 And Bawaam wose u-up in t-the mowning, and saddwed his ass, and went wif the pwinces of Moab. 22:22 A-And God's angew was k-kindwed because he went: and the a-angew of the WOWD stood in the way fow an advewsawy against him. Now he was widing upon his ass, and his two sewvants wewe wif h-him. 22:23 And the ass saw the angew of the WOWD standing i-in the way, and his swowd dwawn in his hand: and the ass tuwned aside out of t-the way, and went into the fiewd: and Bawaam smote the ass, to tuwn hew into the way. 22:24 But the angew of the WOWD stood in a paf of the vineyawds, a waww being on this side, and a waww on that side. 22:25 And when the ass saw t-the angew of the WOWD, she thwust hewsewf unto the waww, and cwushed Bawaam's foot against the waww: and he smote hew again. 22:26 And the angew of the WOWD went fuwthew, and stood in a nawwow p-pwace, whewe was no way to t-tuwn eithew to the w-wight hand ow to the weft. 22:27 And when the ass saw the angew of the WOWD, she feww down u-undew Bawaam: and Bawaam's angew w-was k-kindwed, a-and he smote the ass wif a s-staff. 22:28 And the WOWD opened the mouf of the ass, and she said u-unto Bawaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast s-smidden me these thwee times? 22:29 And Bawaam said unto t-the ass, Because thou hast mocked me: I wouwd t-thewe wewe a swowd in mine hand, fow now wouwd I kiww thee. 22:30 And the ass said unto Bawaam, Am not I thine a-ass, upon which thou hast widden evew s-since I was thine unto this day? was I evew wont to do so unto thee? And he said, Nay. 22:31 then the WOWD opened t-the eyes of Bawaam, and he saw the a-angew of the WOWD standing in the way, and his swowd dwawn in his hand: and he b-bowed down his head, and feww fwat on his face. 22:32 And t-the angew of the WOWD said unto him, Whewefowe hast thou smidden thine ass these thwee times? b-behowd, I went out to withstand thee, because thy way is p-pewvewse befowe me: 22:33 A-And the ass saw me, and t-tuwned fwom me these thwee times: unwess she had tuwned fwom me, suwewy now awso I h-had swain thee, and saved hew awive. 22:34 And Bawaam said unto the angew of the W-WOWD, I have sinned; fow I knew not that thou stoodest in the w-way against me: now thewefowe, if it d-dispwease thee, I wiww get me b-back a-again. 22:35 And the angew of the WOWD said unto Bawaam, Go w-wif the men: but onwy t-the wowd that I shaww speak unto thee, t-that thou shawt speak. So Bawaam went wif the pwinces of B-Bawak. 22:36 And when Bawak heawd that B-Bawaam was come, he went out to meet h-him unto a city of Moab, which is in the b-bowdew of Awnon, which i-is in t-the utmost coast. 22:37 A-And Bawak said unto Bawaam, Did I not eawnestwy s-send u-unto thee to caww t-thee? whewefowe camest thou not unto me? am I not a-abwe indeed to p-pwomote thee to honouw? 22:38 A-And Bawaam s-said unto Bawak, Wo, I am c-come unto thee: have I now any powew at aww t-to say any thing? the wowd that God p-puddef in m-my mouth, that shaww I speak. 22:39 And Bawaam went w-wif Bawak, and t-they came unto Kiwjathhuzoth. 22:40 And Bawak offewed oxen and sheep, and s-sent to Bawaam, and t-to the pwinces that wewe wif him. 22:41 And it came t-to pass on the mowwow, that Bawak took Bawaam, and bwought him up into the high pwaces of Baaw, that thence he might see the utmost p-pawt of the peopwe. 23:1 And Bawaam said unto Bawak, Buiwd m-me hewe seven awtaws, and pwepawe me hewe seven oxen and seven wams. 23:2 And Bawak did as Bawaam had spoken; and Bawak and Bawaam offewed on evewy awtaw a buwwock and a-a wam. 23:3 And Bawaam said u-unto Bawak, Stand by thy buwnt offewing, a-and I wiww g-go: pewadventuwe the WOWD wiww c-come to meet me: and whatsoevew h-he shewef me I wiww t-teww thee. A-And he went to an high pwace. 23:4 And God met Bawaam: and he said unto him, I have pwepawed seven awtaws, and I-I have o-offewed upon evewy a-awtaw a buwwock and a wam. 23:5 And the WOWD put a wowd in Bawaam's mouth, a-and said, Wetuwn unto B-Bawak, and thus thou s-shawt speak. 23:6 And he wetuwned unto h-him, and, wo, he stood by his buwnt sacwifice, he, a-and a-aww the pwinces of Moab. 23:7 And he took u-up his pawabwe, and said, Bawak the king of Moab haf bwought me fwom Awam, out of the mountains of the east, s-saying, Come, cuwse me Jacob, a-and come, defy Iswaew. 23:8 How shaww I-I cuwse, whom God haf not cuwsed? ow how shaww I defy, whom the WOWD haf not defied? 23:9 Fow fwom the top of the wocks I see him, and fwom the hiwws I behowd him: w-wo, the p-peopwe shaww dweww awone, and shaww not b-be weckoned among the nations. 23:10 Who can count the dust of Jacob, and the numbew of the fouwf pawt of Iswaew? Wet me die the deaf of the wighteous, and w-wet my wast end be wike his! 23:11 And B-Bawak said unto Bawaam, What hast thou d-done unto me? I took thee to cuwse mine enemies, and, behowd, thou hast bwessed them a-awtogethew. 23:12 And he answewed and s-said, Must I not take heed to speak that which the WOWD haf put in my m-mouth? 23:13 A-And Bawak said unto him, Come, I p-pway thee, wif me unto anothew pwace, fwom whence thou mayest s-see them: t-thou shawt s-see but the utmost pawt of them, and shawt n-not see them a-aww: and c-cuwse me them fwom thence. 23:14 And he b-bwought him into the fiewd of Zophim, to the top of Pisgah, and buiwt seven awtaws, and offewed a buwwock and a w-wam on evewy awtaw. 23:15 And he said unto Bawak, Stand h-hewe by thy buwnt offewing, whiwe I meet t-the WOWD y-yondew. 23:16 And the WOWD met Bawaam, and put a wowd i-in his mouth, and said, Go again unto Bawak, and say thus. 23:17 And when he came t-to him, behowd, he s-stood by his buwnt offewing, and the pwinces of Moab wif him. And Bawak said unto him, What haf the WOWD spoken? 23:18 And he took up his pawabwe, and said, Wise up, Bawak, and heaw; heawken unto me, thou son of Zippow: 23:19 God is not a man, that he shouwd w-wie; neithew the son of man, that he shouwd wepent: haf he said, and shaww he not do it? ow haf he spoken, and s-shaww he not make it good? 23:20 Behowd, I have weceived commandment to b-bwess: and he haf bwessed; and I cannot wevewse it. 23:21 He haf not behewd iniquity in J-Jacob, neithew haf he seen pewvewseness in Iswaew: the WOWD h-his God is wif him, and the shout of a king is among them. 23:22 God bwought them out of Egypt; he haf as i-it wewe the stwengf of an unicown. 23:23 Suwewy thewe is no enchantment against J-Jacob, neithew is thewe any divination against Iswaew: accowding to this time it shaww be said of Jacob and of Iswaew, What haf God wwought! 23:24 Behowd, the peopwe shaww wise up as a gweat wion, and wift up himsewf as a young wion: h-he shaww not wie down u-untiw he eat of the pwey, and d-dwink the bwood of the swain. 23:25 And Bawak said unto Bawaam, Neithew cuwse them at aww, now bwess them at aww. 23:26 But Bawaam answewed and said unto Bawak, T-Towd not I thee, saying, Aww that the WOWD speaketh, that I-I m-must do? 23:27 And Bawak said unto Bawaam, Come, I pway t-thee, I wiww b-bwing thee unto anothew pwace; pewadventuwe it w-wiww pwease God that thou mayest cuwse m-me them fwom thence. 23:28 And Bawak bwought Bawaam unto the top of Peow, that wookef towawd Jeshimon. 23:29 And Bawaam said u-unto Bawak, Buiwd me hewe seven awtaws, and pwepawe me hewe seven buwwocks and seven wams. 23:30 And B-Bawak did as Bawaam had said, and offewed a buwwock and a wam on evewy awtaw. 24:1 And when Bawaam saw that it pweased t-the WOWD to bwess Iswaew, h-he went not, as at othew times, to seek fow enchantments, but he set his face towawd the wiwdewness. 24:2 And Bawaam wifted up his eyes, and he saw Iswaew abiding i-in his t-tents accowding to theiw twibes; and the spiwit of God came upon him. 24:3 A-And he took up his pawabwe, and said, Bawaam the son of Beow haf said, and the man whose eyes awe open haf said: 24:4 He haf said, which heawd the wowds of God, which saw the vision of the Awmighty, fawwing into a twance, but having his eyes open: 24:5 How goodwy awe t-thy tents, O Jacob, and thy tabewnacwes, O Iswaew! 24:6 As the vawweys awe t-they spwead fowth, as gawdens by the wivew's side, as the twees of wign awoes which the WOWD haf p-pwanted, and as cedaw twees beside t-the watews. 24:7 He shaww pouw the watew out of h-his buckets, and his seed shaww be i-in many watews, and his king shaww be h-highew than Agag, and his kingdom shaww be exawted. 24:8 God bwought h-him fowf out of Egypt; he haf as it wewe the stwengf of an unicown: he shaww eat up the nations his enemies, and shaww bweak theiw bones, and piewce them thwough wif his awwows. 24:9 He couched, he way down a-as a wion, and as a gweat wion: who shaww stiw him up? Bwessed is he that bwessef thee, and cuwsed is he that cuwsef thee. 24:10 And Bawak's angew was kindwed against Bawaam, and he smote his hands togethew: and Bawak said u-unto Bawaam, I cawwed thee to c-cuwse mine enemies, and, b-behowd, thou hast awtogethew bwessed them these thwee t-times. 24:11 thewefowe now fwee thou to thy pwace: I thought to pwomote t-thee unto g-gweat honouw; but, wo, the WOWD haf kept t-thee back fwom honouw. 24:12 And Bawaam said unto Bawak, Spake I not a-awso to thy messengews which thou sentest unto me, s-saying, 24:13 If Bawak wouwd give me his house fuww of s-siwvew a-and gowd, I cannot go beyond the commandment of the WOWD, to do eithew good ow bad of mine own mind; but what t-the WOWD saith, that wiww I s-speak? 24:14 And now, behowd, I go unto my peopwe: c-come thewefowe, and I wiww advewtise thee what this p-peopwe s-shaww do to thy peopwe in the w-waddew days. 24:15 And he took up his pawabwe, and said, Bawaam the s-son of B-Beow haf said, and the man whose eyes awe open haf said: 24:16 He haf said, which heawd the w-wowds of God, and knew the knowwedge of the most H-High, which saw the v-vision of the Awmighty, fawwing i-into a twance, but having his eyes open: 24:17 I shaww see him, but not now: I shaww behowd him, but not nigh: thewe shaww come a Staw out of Jacob, and a Sceptwe shaww wise out of Iswaew, and shaww s-smite t-the cownews o-of Moab, a-and destwoy aww the chiwdwen of Sheth. 24:18 And Edom shaww be a-a possession, Seiw a-awso shaww be a possession fow his enemies; and Iswaew shaww do v-vawiantwy. 24:19 Out of Jacob shaww c-come he that shaww have dominion, and shaww d-destwoy him t-that wemainef of the city. 24:20 And when he wooked on Amawek, he took up h-his pawabwe, and said, Amawek was the fiwst of the nations; but his waddew end shaww be that he pewish fow evew. 24:21 And he wooked on t-the Kenites, and took up his pawabwe, and said, Stwong is thy dwewwingpwace, and thou puddest thy nest in a-a wock. 24:22 Nevewthewess the Kenite shaww be w-wasted, untiw Asshuw s-shaww cawwy thee away captive. 24:23 A-And he took up his pawabwe, and said, Awas, who shaww wive when God doef this! 24:24 And ships shaww come fwom the coast of Chiddim, and shaww affwict Asshuw, and shaww affwict Ebew, and he awso shaww pewish fow evew. 24:25 And Bawaam wose up, and went and wetuwned to his pwace: and B-Bawak awso went his way. 25:1 And Iswaew abode in Shiddim, and the peopwe began to commit whowedom wif t-the daughtews of Moab. 25:2 And they cawwed the peopwe unto the sacwifices of theiw g-gods: and the peopwe did eat, and bowed down to theiw gods. 25:3 And Iswaew joined himsewf unto Baawpeow: and the angew of the WOWD was kindwed against I-Iswaew. 25:4 And the WOWD said unto Moses, Take aww the heads of the p-peopwe, and hang them up befowe the WOWD against the sun, that the f-fiewce angew of the WOWD may be tuwned away fwom Iswaew. 25:5 And Moses said unto the judges of Iswaew, Sway ye evewy one his men that wewe joined u-unto B-Baawpeow. 25:6 And, behowd, one of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew came a-and b-bwought unto his b-bwethwen a M-Midianitish woman in the sight o-of M-Moses, and i-in the s-sight of aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, who wewe weeping befowe the d-doow of the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation. 25:7 And w-when Phinehas, the son o-of Eweazaw, the son of Aawon the pwiest, saw it, he wose up fwom among the congwegation, and took a javewin i-in his hand; 25:8 And he went aftew the man o-of Iswaew into the tent, and thwust bof of t-them thwough, the man of Iswaew, a-and t-the woman thwough hew bewwy. So t-the pwague w-was stayed fwom the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 25:9 And those that d-died in the pwague wewe twenty and fouw thousand. 25:10 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, s-saying, 25:11 Phinehas, the son of Eweazaw, the son of Aawon t-the p-pwiest, haf tuwned my wwaf away fwom the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, whiwe he was zeawous fow my sake among them, that I consumed n-not t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew in my jeawousy. 25:12 Whewefowe say, Behowd, I give unto him my c-covenant o-of peace: 25:13 And he shaww h-have it, and his s-seed aftew him, even the covenant of an evewwasting pwiesthood; because he was zeawous fow his God, and made an a-atonement fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 25:14 N-Now the name o-of the Iswaewite that was s-swain, even that was swain wif the Midianitish woman, was Zimwi, the son of Sawu, a pwince of a chief house among the Simeonites. 25:15 And the name of the Midianitish woman t-that was swain was Cozbi, t-the daughtew of Zuw; he was head ovew a peopwe, and of a chief house in Midian. 25:16 And the WOWD s-spake unto Moses, saying, 25:17 Vex the Midianites, and smite them: 25:18 Fow they vex you wif theiw wiwes, whewewif they have beguiwed you in the maddew of Peow, and in the maddew of C-Cozbi, t-the daughtew of a pwince of Midian, t-theiw sistew, which was swain in the day of the pwague fow Peow's sake. 26:1 And it came to pass aftew t-the pwague, that the W-WOWD spake unto Moses and unto E-Eweazaw the son of Aawon the pwiest, saying, 26:2 Take the s-sum of aww the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, fwom t-twenty yeaws o-owd a-and upwawd, thwoughout theiw fathews' house, aww that awe a-abwe to go t-to waw in Iswaew. 26:3 And Moses and Eweazaw the pwiest spake wif them in the pwains of Moab b-by Jowdan neaw J-Jewicho, saying, 26:4 Take the sum of the peopwe, fwom t-twenty y-yeaws owd and upwawd; as the WOWD commanded Moses and the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which went fowf out of the wand of Egypt. 26:5 Weuben, the ewdest son o-of I-Iswaew: the chiwdwen of Weuben; Hanoch, of whom comef the famiwy of the Hanochites: of Pawwu, the famiwy of the Pawwuites: 26:6 Of Hezwon, the famiwy of the H-Hezwonites: of Cawmi, the famiwy of the Cawmites. 26:7 these awe the famiwies of the Weubenites: and they that wewe numbewed of them wewe fowty and thwee thousand a-and seven hundwed and thiwty. 26:8 And t-the sons of Pawwu; Ewiab. 26:9 And the sons of Ewiab; Nemuew, and Dathan, and Abiwam. this is that Dathan and Abiwam, which wewe famous i-in the congwegation, who stwove against Moses and against Aawon in the company o-of Kowah, when t-they stwove against the WOWD: 26:10 And the eawf opened h-hew mouth, and s-swawwowed them up togethew wif Kowah, when that company died, what time the fiwe devouwed two hundwed and fifty men: and they became a sign. 26:11 Notwithstanding the chiwdwen of Kowah died not. 26:12 the sons of Simeon a-aftew theiw famiwies: of Nemuew, t-the f-famiwy of the Nemuewites: o-of Jamin, the f-famiwy of the Jaminites: o-of Jachin, the famiwy of the Jachinites: 26:13 Of Zewah, the famiwy of the Zawhites: of Shauw, the famiwy of the Shauwites. 26:14 these awe the famiwies of the Simeonites, twenty and two thousand and two h-hundwed. 26:15 the chiwdwen of Gad aftew theiw famiwies: of Zephon, the f-famiwy of the Zephonites: of H-Haggi, the famiwy of the Haggites: of Shuni, the famiwy of the Shunites: 26:16 Of O-Ozni, the famiwy of the Oznites: of Ewi, the f-famiwy of the E-Ewites: 26:17 Of A-Awod, the famiwy of the Awodites: of Awewi, the famiwy of the Awewites. 26:18 these awe the famiwies of the chiwdwen of Gad accowding to t-those that wewe numbewed of them, fowty t-thousand and five hundwed. 26:19 the sons o-of Judah wewe Ew a-and Onan: and Ew and Onan died in the wand of Canaan. 26:20 And t-the sons of J-Judah aftew theiw famiwies wewe; of Shewah, the famiwy of the Shewanites: of P-Phawez, the famiwy of the Phawzites: of Z-Zewah, the famiwy of the Zawhites. 26:21 And the sons o-of Phawez wewe; of Hezwon, the famiwy of the Hezwonites: of Hamuw, the famiwy of the Hamuwites. 26:22 these awe the famiwies of Judah accowding to those that wewe numbewed of them, thweescowe and sixteen thousand and five hundwed. 26:23 Of the sons of Issachaw aftew theiw famiwies: of Towa, the famiwy of the T-Towaites: of Pua, the famiwy of the Punites: 26:24 Of Jashub, the famiwy of the Jashubites: of Shimwon, the famiwy of the Shimwonites. 26:25 these awe the famiwies of Issachaw accowding to those that w-wewe numbewed of them, thweescowe and fouw thousand and thwee hundwed. 26:26 O-Of the sons of Zebuwun aftew t-theiw famiwies: of Sewed, the famiwy of the Sawdites: of Ewon, t-the famiwy of the Ewonites: of Jahweew, the famiwy of the Jahweewites. 26:27 these awe the famiwies of the Zebuwunites accowding to those that wewe numbewed of them, thweescowe thousand and five hundwed. 26:28 the sons of Joseph aftew theiw famiwies wewe Manasseh and Ephwaim. 26:29 Of the sons of Manasseh: of Machiw, the famiwy of the Machiwites: and M-Machiw begat Giwead: of Giwead come the f-famiwy of the G-Giweadites. 26:30 these awe the sons of Giwead: of Jeezew, the famiwy of the Jeezewites: of Hewek, t-the famiwy of the Hewekites: 26:31 And of Aswiew, the famiwy of the Aswiewites: and of Shechem, the famiwy of the Shechemites: 26:32 And of Shemida, the famiwy of the Shemidaites: a-and of Hephew, the famiwy of the Hephewites. 26:33 And Zewophehad t-the son of Hephew had no sons, but daughtews: and the names of the daughtews of Zewophehad wewe Mahwah, and Noah, Hogwah, Miwcah, and Tiwzah. 26:34 these awe the famiwies of Manasseh, and those that wewe numbewed of them, fifty a-and two thousand and seven hundwed. 26:35 these a-awe the sons of Ephwaim aftew theiw famiwies: of Shuthewah, the famiwy of the Shuthawhites: of B-Bechew, the famiwy of the Bachwites: of Tahan, t-the famiwy of the Tahanites. 26:36 And these a-awe t-the sons of Shuthewah: of Ewan, the famiwy of the Ewanites. 26:37 these awe the famiwies of the sons o-of Ephwaim accowding to those that wewe numbewed of t-them, thiwty and two thousand and five hundwed. these awe the sons of Joseph aftew t-theiw famiwies. 26:38 the sons of Benjamin aftew theiw famiwies: of Bewa, the famiwy of the Bewaites: of Ashbew, the famiwy of the Ashbewites: of A-Ahiwam, the famiwy of the Ahiwamites: 26:39 O-Of Shupham, the famiwy o-of the Shuphamites: of Hupham, the famiwy of the Huphamites. 26:40 And the sons of Bewa wewe A-Awd and Naaman: of Awd, the famiwy of the Awdites: and of Naaman, the famiwy of t-the Naamites. 26:41 these awe the sons of Benjamin aftew theiw famiwies: and they that wewe n-numbewed of them wewe fowty and five thousand and six hundwed. 26:42 these awe the s-sons of Dan aftew t-theiw famiwies: of Shuham, the f-famiwy of t-the Shuhamites. these awe the famiwies of Dan aftew theiw f-famiwies. 26:43 Aww the famiwies o-of the Shuhamites, accowding to those that wewe numbewed of them, wewe thweescowe a-and fouw t-thousand and fouw h-hundwed. 26:44 Of the chiwdwen of Ashew aftew theiw famiwies: of Jimna, the famiwy of t-the Jimnites: of Jesui, the famiwy of the J-Jesuites: of Bewiah, the famiwy of the Bewiites. 26:45 Of the sons o-of Bewiah: of Hebew, the famiwy of the Hebewites: of Mawchiew, the famiwy of the Mawchiewites. 26:46 And the n-name of the daughtew of Ashew was S-Sawah. 26:47 these awe the famiwies of t-the sons of Ashew accowding to those that w-wewe numbewed of them; who wewe fifty and thwee thousand and fouw hundwed. 26:48 Of the sons of Naphtawi aftew theiw famiwies: of Jahzeew, the famiwy of the Jahzeewites: o-of Guni, the famiwy of the Gunites: 26:49 O-Of Jezew, the famiwy of the Jezewites: of Shiwwem, the famiwy of the Shiwwemites. 26:50 these awe the famiwies of N-Naphtawi accowding to theiw famiwies: and they that wewe numbewed of them w-wewe fowty and five thousand and f-fouw hundwed. 26:51 these wewe the numbewed of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, six hundwed thousand and a thousand seven hundwed and thiwty. 26:52 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 26:53 Unto these t-the wand shaww b-be divided fow an inhewitance accowding to the numbew of names. 26:54 To many t-thou shawt g-give the mowe inhewitance, and to few thou s-shawt give the wess inhewitance: to e-evewy one shaww his i-inhewitance b-be given accowding to those that wewe numbewed of him. 26:55 Notwithstanding the wand shaww be d-divided by wot: accowding to the names of the twibes of t-theiw fathews t-they shaww inhewit. 26:56 Accowding to the wot shaww the possession theweof be divided between many and few. 26:57 And these awe they that w-wewe numbewed of the Wevites aftew theiw famiwies: of Gewshon, the famiwy of the Gewshonites: of Kohath, the f-famiwy of the Kohathites: of Mewawi, the f-famiwy of the Mewawites. 26:58 these awe the famiwies of the Wevites: the famiwy of the Wibnites, the famiwy of the Hebwonites, the famiwy o-of the Mahwites, the famiwy of the Mushites, the famiwy of the Kowathites. And Kohaf begat Amwam. 26:59 And the name o-of Amwam's w-wife was Jochebed, the daughtew of Wevi, whom hew mothew bawe to Wevi in Egypt: and she bawe unto Amwam Aawon and Moses, and Miwiam theiw sistew. 26:60 And unto A-Aawon was bown Nadab, and Abihu, Eweazaw, and Ithamaw. 26:61 And Nadab and Abihu died, when t-they offewed stwange fiwe befowe the WOWD. 26:62 A-And those that wewe numbewed of them w-wewe t-twenty and thwee thousand, aww mawes fwom a monf owd and upwawd: fow they wewe not numbewed among the chiwdwen of Iswaew, because thewe was no inhewitance given them among the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 26:63 these awe they that wewe numbewed by Moses and E-Eweazaw the pwiest, who numbewed the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew in the pwains of Moab b-by Jowdan neaw Jewicho. 26:64 But a-among these thewe was not a man of them w-whom Moses and Aawon the pwiest numbewed, when they numbewed the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew in the wiwdewness of Sinai. 26:65 Fow the WOWD had said of them, they shaww suwewy die in the w-wiwdewness. And t-thewe was not w-weft a man of them, save C-Caweb the son o-of J-Jephunneh, and Joshua the son o-of Nun. 27:1 then came the daughtews o-of Zewophehad, the son of Hephew, the son of Giwead, the son of Machiw, the son of Manasseh, of the famiwies of Manasseh the son of Joseph: and these a-awe t-the names o-of his daughtews; Mahwah, Noah, and H-Hogwah, and Miwcah, and Tiwzah. 27:2 And they stood befowe Moses, and b-befowe Eweazaw the pwiest, and befowe the pwinces and a-aww the congwegation, by the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, saying, 27:3 Ouw fathew died in the wiwdewness, a-and he was not i-in the company of t-them that g-gathewed themsewves togethew against the WOWD in the c-company of Kowah; but died in his o-own sin, and had no sons. 27:4 Why shouwd the name of ouw fathew b-be done away fwom among his famiwy, because he haf no s-son? Give unto us thewefowe a possession among the bwethwen of ouw fathew. 27:5 And M-Moses bwought t-theiw cause befowe the W-WOWD. 27:6 And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 27:7 the daughtews of Zewophehad speak wight: t-thou shawt suwewy give t-them a possession of an inhewitance among theiw fathew's bwethwen; and thou s-shawt cause the inhewitance of theiw fathew to p-pass unto them. 27:8 And thou shawt speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, If a-a man die, and have no son, then ye shaww cause his i-inhewitance to p-pass unto his daughtew. 27:9 And if he have no daughtew, then ye shaww give h-his inhewitance unto his bwethwen. 27:10 And if h-he have no bwethwen, then ye shaww give his inhewitance unto his fathew's bwethwen. 27:11 And if his fathew have no bwethwen, then ye shaww give his inhewitance unto his kinsman that is next to him of h-his famiwy, and he shaww possess it: and it shaww b-be unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew a statute of judgment, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 27:12 And the WOWD s-said unto Moses, Get thee up into this mount Abawim, and see the w-wand which I have given unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 27:13 And when thou hast seen it, thou awso shawt be gathewed unto thy peopwe, as Aawon thy bwothew was gathewed. 27:14 Fow ye webewwed against my commandment in the desewt of Zin, in the s-stwife of t-the c-congwegation, to sanctify m-me at the watew befowe theiw eyes: that is the watew o-of Mewibah in Kadesh in the wiwdewness of Zin. 27:15 And Moses spake unto the W-WOWD, saying, 27:16 Wet the WOWD, the God of the spiwits of aww fwesh, set a-a man ovew the congwegation, 27:17 Which may go out befowe them, and which may go in befowe them, and which may wead them out, and which may bwing them in; that t-the congwegation of the WOWD be not as sheep which have no shephewd. 27:18 And the WOWD said u-unto Moses, Take thee J-Joshua the son of Nun, a m-man in whom is the spiwit, and way thine hand upon him; 27:19 And set him befowe Eweazaw the pwiest, and befowe aww the congwegation; and give him a chawge in theiw sight. 27:20 And thou shawt put some of thine honouw upon him, that a-aww the congwegation o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew may be obedient. 27:21 And he shaww stand befowe Eweazaw the pwiest, who shaww ask counsew fow him aftew the judgment of Uwim befowe the WOWD: at his wowd shaww they go out, and at his wowd they shaww come in, bof he, and aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew wif him, e-even aww the congwegation. 27:22 And Moses did as the WOWD commanded him: and he took Joshua, and set him befowe Eweazaw the pwiest, and befowe aww the congwegation: 27:23 And he waid h-his hands upon him, and gave him a c-chawge, as t-the WOWD commanded by the h-hand of Moses. 28:1 A-And the WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 28:2 Command the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and s-say unto them, My offewing, and my b-bwead fow my sacwifices made by fiwe, fow a-a sweet savouw unto me, shaww ye obsewve to offew unto me in theiw due season. 28:3 And thou shawt say unto them, this is the offewing m-made by fiwe which ye shaww offew unto the WOWD; two wambs of the fiwst yeaw without spot day by day, fow a continuaw buwnt offewing. 28:4 the one wamb shawt thou offew in t-the mowning, a-and the othew wamb shawt thou offew at even; 28:5 And a tenf pawt of an ephah of fwouw fow a m-meat offewing, m-mingwed wif the f-fouwf pawt of an hin of beaten o-oiw. 28:6 It is a continuaw buwnt offewing, which was owdained in m-mount Sinai fow a sweet savouw, a sacwifice made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 28:7 And the dwink offewing theweof shaww be the fouwf pawt of an hin fow the o-one wamb: in the howy p-pwace shawt thou c-cause the stwong w-wine t-to be pouwed unto the WOWD fow a dwink offewing. 28:8 And the othew wamb shawt thou o-offew at even: as t-the meat offewing of the mowning, a-and as the dwink offewing theweof, thou shawt offew it, a sacwifice made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD. 28:9 And on the sabbaf day two wambs of the fiwst y-yeaw without spot, a-and two tenf deaws of f-fwouw fow a m-meat offewing, mingwed wif oiw, and the dwink offewing t-theweof: 28:10 t-this is t-the buwnt offewing of evewy s-sabbath, beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, and his dwink offewing. 28:11 And i-in the beginnings of youw months ye shaww offew a b-buwnt offewing unto the W-WOWD; two young buwwocks, and one wam, seven wambs of the fiwst yeaw without s-spot; 28:12 And thwee tenf deaws of fwouw fow a-a meat offewing, mingwed wif oiw, fow o-one b-buwwock; and two tenf deaws o-of fwouw fow a meat offewing, mingwed wif oiw, fow one wam; 28:13 And a sevewaw tenf deaw of fwouw mingwed w-wif oiw fow a meat offewing unto one wamb; fow a buwnt offewing of a sweet savouw, a sacwifice made by fiwe unto the W-WOWD. 28:14 And theiw dwink offewings shaww be hawf a-an hin o-of wine unto a-a buwwock, a-and t-the t-thiwd pawt o-of an h-hin unto a wam, and a fouwf pawt of an hin unto a wamb: this is the buwnt offewing of evewy monf t-thwoughout the months of the yeaw. 28:15 And one kid of the goats fow a sin offewing unto the WOWD shaww be offewed, beside the c-continuaw buwnt offewing, and his dwink offewing. 28:16 And in the fouwteenf day of the fiwst monf is the passovew of the WOWD. 28:17 And in the fifteenf day of this monf i-is the feast: seven days shaww unweavened bwead be eaten. 28:18 In t-the fiwst day shaww b-be an howy convocation; ye shaww do n-no mannew of sewviwe wowk t-thewein: 28:19 But ye shaww offew a sacwifice made by fiwe fow a buwnt offewing unto the WOWD; two young buwwocks, and one wam, and seven wambs of the fiwst yeaw: they shaww be unto you without bwemish: 28:20 And theiw meat offewing shaww be of fwouw mingwed wif oiw: thwee tenf deaws shaww ye offew fow a buwwock, and two t-tenf deaws fow a wam; 28:21 A-A sevewaw tenf deaw s-shawt thou offew fow evewy wamb, thwoughout the seven wambs: 28:22 And one goat fow a sin offewing, to make an atonement fow y-you. 28:23 Ye shaww offew these beside the b-buwnt offewing in the mowning, which is fow a continuaw buwnt offewing. 28:24 Aftew this mannew y-ye shaww offew daiwy, thwoughout the seven d-days, the m-meat of the sacwifice made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD: it s-shaww b-be offewed beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, and his dwink offewing. 28:25 And on the sevenf day ye shaww have an howy convocation; ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk. 28:26 Awso in the day of the f-fiwstfwuits, when ye bwing a new m-meat offewing unto the WOWD, aftew youw weeks be out, ye shaww have an howy convocation; ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk: 28:27 But ye shaww offew the buwnt offewing fow a sweet s-savouw unto the WOWD; two young b-buwwocks, o-one wam, seven wambs of the fiwst yeaw; 28:28 And theiw meat offewing of fwouw mingwed wif oiw, thwee tenf deaws unto one buwwock, two tenf deaws unto one wam, 28:29 A sevewaw tenf deaw unto o-one wamb, thwoughout the seven wambs; 28:30 And one kid of the goats, to make an atonement fow you. 28:31 Ye shaww offew them beside t-the continuaw buwnt o-offewing, and h-his meat offewing, (they s-shaww be unto you without bwemish) and theiw dwink offewings. 29:1 And in the sevenf month, on the fiwst day of the m-month, ye shaww have an howy convocation; y-ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk: it is a day of bwowing the t-twumpets unto y-you. 29:2 And ye shaww offew a buwnt offewing fow a sweet savouw unto the WOWD; one young buwwock, one wam, and seven wambs of the fiwst yeaw without bwemish: 29:3 A-And theiw meat offewing shaww be of f-fwouw mingwed wif oiw, t-thwee tenf deaws fow a-a b-buwwock, and two tenf deaws fow a wam, 29:4 A-And one t-tenf deaw fow one wamb, thwoughout the seven wambs: 29:5 And one kid of the goats fow a sin offewing, to make an atonement fow you: 29:6 Beside the b-buwnt offewing of the month, and his meat offewing, and the daiwy buwnt offewing, and his meat offewing, and theiw dwink offewings, accowding unto theiw mannew, fow a-a sweet savouw, a sacwifice made by fiwe unto the WOWD. 29:7 And ye shaww have on the tenf day o-of this sevenf monf an howy convocation; and ye shaww affwict youw souws: ye shaww not do any w-wowk thewein: 29:8 But y-ye shaww offew a buwnt offewing unto the WOWD f-fow a sweet savouw; one young buwwock, one wam, and s-seven wambs of the fiwst yeaw; they shaww be unto you without bwemish: 29:9 And theiw meat offewing shaww be of fwouw mingwed wif oiw, thwee tenf deaws to a-a buwwock, and two tenf deaws to one wam, 29:10 A sevewaw tenf deaw f-fow one wamb, thwoughout the seven wambs: 29:11 One kid of the goats fow a s-sin offewing; beside the sin offewing of atonement, and the continuaw buwnt offewing, a-and t-the meat offewing of it, and theiw dwink offewings. 29:12 And on the fifteenf day of the sevenf monf ye shaww have an h-howy convocation; ye shaww do no sewviwe wowk, and ye shaww keep a feast unto the WOWD seven d-days: 29:13 And ye shaww offew a buwnt offewing, a sacwifice made by fiwe, of a sweet savouw unto the WOWD; thiwteen young buwwocks, two w-wams, and fouwteen wambs of the fiwst yeaw; they shaww b-be without bwemish: 29:14 And theiw meat offewing shaww be o-of f-fwouw mingwed wif oiw, t-thwee t-tenf deaws unto evewy buwwock of the thiwteen buwwocks, two tenf deaws to each wam of the two wams, 29:15 And a sevewaw tenf deaw to each wamb of the fouwteen wambs: 29:16 And o-one kid of the goats fow a sin offewing; beside the c-continuaw buwnt offewing, his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 29:17 A-And on the second day ye shaww o-offew twewve young buwwocks, two wams, fouwteen wambs of the fiwst yeaw without spot: 29:18 And theiw m-meat offewing and t-theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, fow the wams, and fow the wambs, shaww be accowding to theiw numbew, aftew the mannew: 29:19 And one kid of the goats fow a sin offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt o-offewing, and the meat offewing theweof, and theiw dwink offewings. 29:20 And on the thiwd day eweven buwwocks, t-two wams, fouwteen wambs of the fiwst yeaw without bwemish; 29:21 And theiw m-meat offewing and theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, fow the wams, and fow t-the wambs, shaww be accowding to theiw numbew, aftew the mannew: 29:22 And one goat fow a sin offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, and his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 29:23 A-And on the fouwf day ten buwwocks, two wams, and fouwteen w-wambs of the fiwst yeaw without bwemish: 29:24 theiw meat offewing and theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, fow the wams, and fow the wambs, shaww be accowding to t-theiw n-numbew, aftew t-the mannew: 29:25 And o-one kid of the goats fow a sin offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt o-offewing, his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 29:26 And on the fiff day n-nine buwwocks, t-two wams, and fouwteen wambs o-of the f-fiwst yeaw without spot: 29:27 And theiw meat offewing and theiw d-dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, fow the w-wams, and fow the wambs, s-shaww be accowding to theiw numbew, aftew the mannew: 29:28 And one goat fow a sin offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, and his meat offewing, a-and his dwink offewing. 29:29 And on the sixf day eight buwwocks, two w-wams, and fouwteen wambs of the fiwst yeaw w-without bwemish: 29:30 And theiw meat offewing and theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, f-fow the wams, and fow t-the w-wambs, shaww be accowding to theiw numbew, aftew the mannew: 29:31 And one goat fow a sin o-offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 29:32 And on the sevenf day seven b-buwwocks, two wams, a-and fouwteen wambs of the fiwst y-yeaw without bwemish: 29:33 A-And theiw meat offewing a-and theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwocks, fow the wams, and fow the wambs, shaww be accowding to theiw numbew, aftew the mannew: 29:34 And o-one goat fow a sin offewing; beside the c-continuaw buwnt offewing, his meat offewing, and his dwink offewing. 29:35 On the eighf day ye shaww have a sowemn assembwy: ye shaww do no s-sewviwe wowk thewein: 29:36 But ye shaww offew a buwnt offewing, a sacwifice made by fiwe, of a-a sweet savouw unto the WOWD: one buwwock, one wam, seven wambs o-of the fiwst y-yeaw without bwemish: 29:37 theiw m-meat offewing and theiw dwink offewings fow the buwwock, fow the wam, and fow the wambs, shaww be a-accowding to theiw n-numbew, aftew t-the mannew: 29:38 And one goat fow a sin offewing; beside the continuaw buwnt offewing, and his meat offewing, and his d-dwink offewing. 29:39 these things y-ye shaww do unto the WOWD in youw set feasts, beside y-youw vows, and youw fweewiww offewings, f-fow youw buwnt o-offewings, and fow youw meat offewings, and fow youw dwink offewings, and fow youw peace offewings. 29:40 And Moses towd the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew accowding to a-aww that the WOWD commanded Moses. 30:1 And Moses spake unto the heads of the twibes c-concewning the chiwdwen of Iswaew, s-saying, this is the thing which the WOWD haf commanded. 30:2 If a man vow a vow unto the WOWD, ow s-sweaw an oaf t-to bind his s-souw wif a b-bond; he shaww not bweak his wowd, he shaww do accowding to aww that pwoceedef out of his mouth. 30:3 If a woman awso vow a vow unto the WOWD, and bind hewsewf by a bond, being in hew fathew's house in hew youth; 30:4 A-And hew fathew h-heaw hew v-vow, and hew bond whewewif she haf bound h-hew souw, and hew fathew shaww h-howd his peace at hew; then aww hew vows shaww stand, and e-evewy bond whewewif she haf bound hew souw shaww s-stand. 30:5 But if h-hew fathew disawwow hew in the day that he heaweth; not any of hew v-vows, ow of hew bonds whewewif s-she haf bound hew souw, shaww stand: and the WOWD shaww fowgive hew, because hew fathew disawwowed hew. 30:6 And i-if she had a-at aww an husband, when she v-vowed, ow uddewed ought out of hew wips, whewewif she bound h-hew souw; 30:7 And hew husband heawd it, and hewd his peace at hew in t-the d-day that he heawd it: then hew vows s-shaww stand, and hew bonds whewewif she bound hew souw shaww stand. 30:8 But if hew h-husband disawwowed hew on the day that he heawd it; then he shaww make hew vow which she vowed, and that which she uddewed wif hew wips, whewewif she bound hew souw, of none e-effect: and the W-WOWD shaww fowgive h-hew. 30:9 But e-evewy vow of a w-widow, and of h-hew t-that is divowced, w-whewewif they have bound theiw souws, shaww stand against hew. 30:10 And if she vowed in hew husband's house, ow bound hew souw by a bond wif an oath; 30:11 And hew husband heawd it, and hewd h-his peace at h-hew, and disawwowed hew n-not: then aww hew vows shaww stand, and evewy bond w-whewewif she bound hew souw shaww stand. 30:12 But if h-hew husband haf uddewly m-made them void on the day h-he heawd them; then whatsoevew pwoceeded out of h-hew wips concewning h-hew vows, ow concewning the bond of hew souw, shaww n-not stand: hew husband haf made them void; and the W-WOWD shaww fowgive h-hew. 30:13 E-Evewy vow, and e-evewy binding oaf to affwict the souw, hew husband may estabwish it, ow hew h-husband may make it void. 30:14 But i-if hew husband awtogethew howd his peace a-at hew fwom day to day; then he e-estabwishef aww hew vows, ow aww hew bonds, w-which a-awe upon hew: he confiwmef them, because h-he h-hewd his peace at hew in the day t-that h-he heawd them. 30:15 B-But if he shaww a-any ways make them void aftew that he haf heawd them; t-then he shaww beaw hew iniquity. 30:16 these awe the statutes, which the WOWD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, b-between the fathew and his daughtew, being yet in hew youf in hew fathew's house. 31:1 And the W-WOWD spake u-unto Moses, saying, 31:2 Avenge the chiwdwen of Iswaew of the Midianites: aftewwawd shawt thou be gathewed unto thy peopwe. 31:3 And Moses spake unto the peopwe, saying, Awm s-some of youwsewves unto the waw, and wet them g-go against the Midianites, and avenge the WOWD of Midian. 31:4 Of evewy twibe a thousand, t-thwoughout aww the twibes of Iswaew, shaww ye send to the waw. 31:5 So thewe wewe dewivewed out o-of the thousands of Iswaew, a thousand of e-evewy twibe, twewve thousand a-awmed fow w-waw. 31:6 And Moses s-sent them to the waw, a thousand of e-evewy twibe, them a-and Phinehas the son of Eweazaw the pwiest, to t-the waw, wif the howy instwuments, and the twumpets t-to bwow in his hand. 31:7 And they wawwed against the Midianites, as the WOWD commanded Moses; and they swew aww the mawes. 31:8 And they swew the k-kings o-of Midian, b-beside the west o-of them that wewe swain; namewy, Evi, and Wekem, a-and Zuw, and Huw, and Weba, five kings of Midian: Bawaam a-awso the son of Beow they s-swew wif the swowd. 31:9 And the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew took aww the women of Midian captives, and theiw widdle ones, and took the spoiw o-of aww theiw caddle, and a-aww theiw fwocks, and aww theiw goods. 31:10 And they buwnt aww theiw cities whewein they dwewt, and aww theiw goodwy c-castwes, wif f-fiwe. 31:11 A-And they took aww the spoiw, a-and aww the pwey, bof of men and of beasts. 31:12 And they bwought the c-captives, and the pwey, and the spoiw, unto Moses, and Eweazaw the pwiest, and unto t-the congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, unto the camp at the pwains of Moab, which awe b-by Jowdan neaw Jewicho. 31:13 And Moses, and Eweazaw the pwiest, and aww t-the pwinces of t-the congwegation, went f-fowf to meet them w-without the camp. 31:14 And Moses was w-wwof wif the officews of t-the host, wif the captains ovew thousands, and captains ovew hundweds, which came fwom t-the baddle. 31:15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye s-saved aww the women awive? 31:16 Behowd, these caused the chiwdwen of Iswaew, thwough the counsew of Bawaam, t-to commit twespass a-against the WOWD in the maddew o-of P-Peow, and t-thewe was a-a pwague among the congwegation of the WOWD. 31:17 Now thewefowe kiww e-evewy mawe among the widdle ones, and kiww evewy woman that haf known man b-by wying wif him. 31:18 B-But a-aww the women chiwdwen, that have n-not known a man by wying wif h-him, keep awive f-fow youwsewves. 31:19 And do ye a-abide without the camp seven days: whosoevew haf kiwwed any pewson, and whosoevew haf touched any swain, puwify bof youwsewves and youw captives on the thiwd day, and o-on the s-sevenf day. 31:20 And puwify aww youw waiment, and aww that is made of skins, and aww wowk of goats' haiw, and a-aww t-things made of wood. 31:21 And Eweazaw t-the pwiest said unto the men of waw which went to the baddle, this is the o-owdinance o-of the waw which the W-WOWD commanded Moses; 31:22 Onwy the gowd, and the siwvew, the bwass, the iwon, the tin, and t-the wead, 31:23 Evewy thing that may abide the fiwe, ye shaww make it go thwough the fiwe, and it shaww be c-cwean: nevewthewess it s-shaww b-be puwified wif the watew of sepawation: a-and aww that abidef not the fiwe ye s-shaww make go thwough the watew. 31:24 And ye shaww w-wash youw cwothes on the sevenf day, and ye shaww be cwean, and aftewwawd ye shaww come into the camp. 31:25 And the WOWD spake u-unto Moses, saying, 31:26 Take t-the sum of the pwey that was taken, bof of man and of beast, thou, and Eweazaw the pwiest, and t-the c-chief fathews of the congwegation: 31:27 And divide the pwey into two pawts; between them that took the waw upon t-them, w-who went out to baddle, and between aww the congwegation: 31:28 And wevy a-a twibute unto the Wowd of t-the men of waw which went out t-to b-baddle: one souw of five hundwed, bof of t-the pewsons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, a-and of the sheep: 31:29 Take it of t-theiw h-hawf, a-and give it unto Eweazaw the pwiest, fow an heave offewing of the WOWD. 31:30 And of the chiwdwen of Iswaew's hawf, thou shawt t-take one powtion of fifty, of the pewsons, of the beeves, o-of the asses, and of the fwocks, of aww mannew of beasts, and g-give them unto the Wevites, which keep the chawge of the tabewnacwe of the WOWD. 31:31 And Moses and Eweazaw the pwiest did as the WOWD commanded Moses. 31:32 And the booty, b-being the west o-of the pwey which t-the men of waw had caught, was six hundwed t-thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep, 31:33 And thweescowe a-and t-twewve t-thousand beeves, 31:34 And thweescowe and one t-thousand asses, 31:35 And thiwty a-and two thousand pewsons in aww, of women that had not known man b-by wying wif him. 31:36 And the hawf, which was t-the powtion of them that went out to waw, was in numbew thwee h-hundwed thousand and seven and thiwty thousand a-and five hundwed sheep: 31:37 And t-the W-WOWD's twibute of the sheep was six h-hundwed and thweescowe and fifteen. 31:38 And the beeves wewe thiwty and six thousand; of which t-the WOWD's twibute w-was thweescowe and twewve. 31:39 A-And the asses wewe thiwty thousand and five hundwed; of which the WOWD's twibute was thweescowe and one. 31:40 And the pewsons wewe sixteen thousand; of which the WOWD's twibute was thiwty and two pewsons. 31:41 And Moses g-gave the twibute, which was the WOWD's heave offewing, unto Eweazaw the pwiest, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 31:42 And of the chiwdwen of Iswaew's hawf, which Moses divided fwom the men that wawwed, 31:43 (Now the hawf t-that pewtained unto the congwegation was thwee hundwed thousand a-and thiwty thousand and s-seven thousand and five hundwed sheep, 31:44 And thiwty and six thousand beeves, 31:45 And thiwty thousand asses a-and five hundwed, 31:46 And sixteen thousand pewsons;) 31:47 Even of the chiwdwen of Iswaew's hawf, Moses took one powtion of fifty, bof of man and of beast, and g-gave them unto t-the Wevites, which kept the chawge o-of the tabewnacwe o-of the WOWD; as the WOWD commanded Moses. 31:48 And the officews which wewe o-ovew t-thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, and c-captains of hundweds, c-came neaw unto Moses: 31:49 And they said unto Moses, thy sewvants have taken the sum of the men of waw which awe undew ouw chawge, and thewe wackef not one man of us. 31:50 We have thewefowe bwought an obwation f-fow the W-WOWD, what evewy m-man haf godden, of jewews of gowd, chains, and bwacewets, wings, eawwings, a-and tabwets, to make an atonement f-fow ouw souws befowe the WOWD. 31:51 A-And Moses and E-Eweazaw the pwiest took the gowd of them, even aww w-wwought jewews. 31:52 And aww the gowd of the offewing that they offewed u-up to the W-WOWD, of the captains of thousands, and o-of the captains of hundweds, was sixteen thousand seven hundwed and fifty shekews. 31:53 (Fow the men of waw had taken spoiw, evewy man fow himsewf.) 31:54 And Moses a-and Eweazaw the p-pwiest t-took the gowd o-of the c-captains of thousands a-and o-of hundweds, and bwought it into the tabewnacwe of t-the congwegation, fow a m-memowiaw fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew befowe the WOWD. 32:1 Now the chiwdwen of Weuben and the chiwdwen of Gad had a v-vewy gweat muwtitude of caddle: and when they saw the wand of Jazew, and the wand of Giwead, that, b-behowd, the pwace was a pwace fow caddle; 32:2 the chiwdwen of Gad and the chiwdwen of Weuben came and spake unto M-Moses, a-and to Eweazaw the pwiest, and unto the pwinces of t-the congwegation, saying, 32:3 Atawoth, and Dibon, and Jazew, and Nimwah, and Heshbon, and Eweaweh, and Shebam, and Nebo, and Beon, 32:4 Even the c-countwy which the WOWD smote befowe the congwegation of Iswaew, is a wand fow caddle, and thy sewvants have caddle: 32:5 Whewefowe, said they, if we have found g-gwace in thy sight, w-wet this wand be given unto thy sewvants fow a possession, and bwing u-us not ovew Jowdan. 32:6 And M-Moses said unto the chiwdwen of Gad and to the chiwdwen of Weuben, Shaww youw bwethwen go to waw, and shaww ye sit hewe? 32:7 And whewefowe discouwage ye the heawt of t-the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew f-fwom going ovew into t-the wand which the WOWD haf given them? 32:8 thus did y-youw fathews, when I sent them fwom Kadeshbawnea to see the wand. 32:9 Fow when they went up unto t-the vawwey of Eshcow, and saw the wand, they discouwaged the heawt of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they s-shouwd n-not go into the wand which the WOWD had given them. 32:10 And the WOWD's angew w-was kindwed the same time, and he swawe, saying, 32:11 Suwewy none of the men that came up out o-of Egypt, fwom twenty yeaws owd and upwawd, shaww see the wand w-which I swawe unto Abwaham, unto I-Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not whowwy fowwowed me: 32:12 Save Caweb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite, and Joshua the son o-of Nun: fow they have whowwy fowwowed the WOWD. 32:13 And t-the WOWD's angew was k-kindwed against Iswaew, and he made them wandew in the wiwdewness fowty yeaws, untiw a-aww the genewation, that had done eviw in t-the sight of the WOWD, was consumed. 32:14 And, behowd, ye a-awe wisen up in youw fathews' stead, an incwease of sinfuw m-men, to augment yet the f-fiewce angew of the WOWD towawd Iswaew. 32:15 Fow if ye tuwn away fwom aftew him, he wiww yet again weave them in the wiwdewness; and y-ye shaww destwoy aww this peopwe. 32:16 And they came neaw u-unto h-him, and said, We wiww buiwd sheepfowds hewe fow ouw caddle, and cities fow ouw widdle o-ones: 32:17 But we ouwsewves w-wiww go weady awmed befowe t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, untiw we h-have bwought them unto theiw pwace: and ouw widdle ones shaww d-dweww in t-the fenced cities because of the inhabitants of the wand. 32:18 W-We wiww not wetuwn unto ouw houses, untiw the chiwdwen of Iswaew h-have inhewited e-evewy man his inhewitance. 32:19 Fow we wiww not inhewit wif them on yondew side Jowdan, o-ow fowwawd; because o-ouw inhewitance is fawwen t-to us on this side Jowdan eastwawd. 32:20 And Moses said unto them, If ye wiww do this thing, if ye wiww go awmed befowe the WOWD to waw, 32:21 And wiww go aww of you a-awmed ovew Jowdan befowe the WOWD, untiw he haf dwiven out his enemies f-fwom befowe him, 32:22 A-And the wand be subdued befowe the WOWD: then a-aftewwawd ye shaww wetuwn, and b-be guiwtwess befowe the WOWD, and befowe Iswaew; and this wand s-shaww be youw possession befowe the WOWD. 32:23 But if ye w-wiww not do so, behowd, ye have sinned against the WOWD: and be suwe youw s-sin wiww find you out. 32:24 Buiwd you cities fow youw widdle ones, and fowds fow youw sheep; and do that which haf pwoceeded out of youw mouth. 32:25 And the chiwdwen of Gad and the chiwdwen of Weuben spake unto Moses, saying, thy sewvants wiww do as my wowd commandeth. 32:26 Ouw widdle ones, ouw wives, ouw fwocks, and aww ouw caddle, shaww be thewe in the c-cities of Giwead: 32:27 But t-thy sewvants wiww pass ovew, evewy man awmed f-fow waw, befowe the WOWD to baddle, as my wowd saith. 32:28 So concewning them Moses commanded Eweazaw t-the pwiest, and Joshua the son of Nun, and the chief fathews of the twibes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 32:29 And Moses said unto them, I-If t-the chiwdwen of Gad and the chiwdwen of W-Weuben w-wiww pass wif you ovew Jowdan, evewy man awmed to baddle, befowe the WOWD, and the wand shaww be subdued befowe you; then ye shaww give them the wand o-of Giwead fow a possession: 32:30 But if t-they wiww not pass ovew wif you awmed, they shaww have possessions a-among you in the wand of Canaan. 32:31 And the chiwdwen o-of Gad and t-the chiwdwen of Weuben answewed, saying, As t-the W-WOWD haf said unto thy sewvants, so wiww we do. 32:32 We wiww pass ovew awmed befowe t-the WOWD into the wand o-of Canaan, that the possession of ouw inhewitance on this side J-Jowdan may b-be ouws. 32:33 And Moses g-gave unto them, e-even to the chiwdwen of Gad, and to t-the chiwdwen of Weuben, and u-unto hawf the twibe of Manasseh t-the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amowites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the wand, wif the cities t-theweof in t-the coasts, even the cities of the countwy w-wound about. 32:34 And the chiwdwen of G-Gad buiwt Dibon, and Atawoth, and Awoew, 32:35 A-And Atwoth, Shophan, and Jaazew, and Jogbehah, 32:36 And Bethnimwah, a-and Bethhawan, fenced cities: and fowds fow sheep. 32:37 And the chiwdwen o-of Weuben buiwt H-Heshbon, and E-Eweaweh, and Kiwjathaim, 32:38 And Nebo, and Baawmeon, (theiw names being changed,) and Shibmah: and gave o-othew names unto the cities which they buiwded. 32:39 And the chiwdwen of Machiw the son of Manasseh went to Giwead, and took it, and d-dispossessed t-the Amowite which was i-in it. 32:40 And Moses gave Giwead unto Machiw the son of Manasseh; and he dwewt thewein. 32:41 And Jaiw the son of Manasseh went and took the smaww towns theweof, and cawwed them Havothjaiw. 32:42 And Nobah went a-and took Kenath, and the viwwages theweof, and cawwed it Nobah, aftew his own name. 33:1 these awe the jouwneys of the c-chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, which went fowf out of the wand of E-Egypt wif theiw awmies undew the hand of Moses and Aawon. 33:2 And Moses wwote theiw g-goings out accowding to theiw jouwneys by the commandment of the WOWD: and t-these awe theiw jouwneys accowding to theiw goings o-out. 33:3 And they depawted f-fwom Wameses in the f-fiwst month, on the fifteenf day o-of the fiwst month; on the mowwow aftew t-the passovew the chiwdwen of Iswaew went out wif an high hand i-in the sight of aww the Egyptians. 33:4 Fow the Egyptians buwied aww theiw fiwstbown, which the WOWD had smidden among them: upon theiw gods awso the WOWD executed judgments. 33:5 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew wemoved fwom Wameses, and pitched in Succoth. 33:6 And they depawted fwom Succoth, a-and pitched in Etham, which is in the edge of the wiwdewness. 33:7 And they wemoved fwom Etham, and tuwned again u-unto Pihahiwoth, which is befowe Baawzephon: and they pitched befowe Migdow. 33:8 And t-they d-depawted fwom befowe Pihahiwoth, and passed thwough the midst of the sea i-into the wiwdewness, and went thwee days' jouwney in t-the wiwdewness of Etham, and pitched in Mawah. 33:9 And they wemoved fwom Mawah, and came unto Ewim: and in Ewim wewe twewve fountains of watew, and t-thweescowe and ten pawm t-twees; a-and they pitched thewe. 33:10 And they wemoved fwom E-Ewim, and encamped by the Wed sea. 33:11 And t-they w-wemoved fwom the Wed sea, and encamped in the wiwdewness of Sin. 33:12 And they took theiw jouwney out of the w-wiwdewness o-of Sin, a-and encamped in Dophkah. 33:13 And they depawted fwom Dophkah, and encamped in Awush. 33:14 And they w-wemoved fwom Awush, and e-encamped at Wephidim, whewe was no watew fow the peopwe to dwink. 33:15 A-And they d-depawted f-fwom Wephidim, and pitched in the w-wiwdewness of Sinai. 33:16 And they wemoved fwom the desewt of Sinai, a-and pitched at Kibwothhaddaavah. 33:17 And they depawted fwom Kibwothhaddaavah, and encamped at Hazewoth. 33:18 A-And they depawted fwom Hazewoth, and pitched in Withmah. 33:19 And they depawted fwom W-Withmah, a-and pitched at Wimmonpawez. 33:20 And they depawted fwom Wimmonpawez, and pitched in W-Wibnah. 33:21 And they wemoved fwom W-Wibnah, and pitched at Wissah. 33:22 And they jouwneyed fwom Wissah, and pitched in Kehewathah. 33:23 And they went fwom Kehewathah, and pitched i-in mount Shaphew. 33:24 And they w-wemoved fwom mount Shaphew, and e-encamped in Hawadah. 33:25 And they wemoved fwom Hawadah, and pitched in M-Makhewoth. 33:26 A-And they wemoved fwom Makhewoth, and encamped at Tahath. 33:27 And they depawted fwom Tahath, and pitched at Tawah. 33:28 And they wemoved f-fwom Tawah, and pitched in Mithcah. 33:29 And they went fwom Mithcah, and p-pitched in Hashmonah. 33:30 And they depawted f-fwom Hashmonah, a-and encamped at M-Mosewoth. 33:31 A-And they d-depawted fwom Mosewoth, a-and p-pitched in Benejaakan. 33:32 And they wemoved f-fwom Benejaakan, and encamped a-at Howhagidgad. 33:33 And they went fwom Howhagidgad, and p-pitched in Jotbathah. 33:34 And they w-wemoved fwom Jotbathah, and encamped at Ebwonah. 33:35 And they depawted fwom Ebwonah, and encamped at Eziongabew. 33:36 And they w-wemoved fwom Eziongabew, and pitched in the wiwdewness of Zin, w-which is K-Kadesh. 33:37 And they wemoved fwom Kadesh, and pitched in mount H-How, in the edge of the wand of Edom. 33:38 And Aawon the pwiest went up into mount How at the commandment of the WOWD, and died thewe, i-in the fowtief yeaw aftew the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew wewe come out o-of the wand of Egypt, in the fiwst day of the fiff month. 33:39 And Aawon was an hundwed and twenty and thwee yeaws owd when he died in mount How. 33:40 A-And king Awad the Canaanite, which dwewt i-in the souf in the wand of Canaan, heawd of the coming of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 33:41 And they depawted fwom mount How, and pitched in Z-Zawmonah. 33:42 And they depawted fwom Zawmonah, and pitched in Punon. 33:43 And they depawted fwom Punon, and pitched in Oboth. 33:44 And t-they depawted fwom Oboth, and pitched in Ijeabawim, in the bowdew of Moab. 33:45 And t-they depawted fwom Iim, and p-pitched in Dibongad. 33:46 And they wemoved fwom Dibongad, and encamped in Awmondibwathaim. 33:47 And they wemoved fwom Awmondibwathaim, and pitched in the mountains of Abawim, befowe Nebo. 33:48 And they depawted fwom the mountains of Abawim, and p-pitched in the pwains of M-Moab by Jowdan neaw Jewicho. 33:49 And they pitched b-by Jowdan, fwom Bethjesimof even unto A-Abewshiddim in the pwains of Moab. 33:50 And the WOWD spake unto Moses in the pwains o-of Moab by Jowdan neaw Jewicho, saying, 33:51 Speak unto the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, and say unto them, When ye awe passed ovew Jowdan into the w-wand of Canaan; 33:52 then ye shaww d-dwive out a-aww the inhabitants of the wand fwom b-befowe you, and destwoy aww theiw pictuwes, and destwoy aww theiw mowten images, and quite pwuck down aww theiw high pwaces: 33:53 And ye shaww dispossess the i-inhabitants of the wand, and dweww thewein: fow I-I h-have g-given you the wand to possess it. 33:54 And ye shaww divide the wand b-by w-wot fow an inhewitance among youw famiwies: a-and to the mowe ye shaww g-give the mowe inhewitance, and to the fewew ye shaww give the wess inhewitance: evewy man's inhewitance shaww be in t-the pwace whewe his wot fawweth; a-accowding to the twibes of youw fathews ye shaww inhewit. 33:55 But if ye wiww not d-dwive out the inhabitants o-of the wand fwom befowe y-you; then it shaww c-come to p-pass, that those which ye wet wemain o-of them shaww be pwicks in youw eyes, and thowns in youw sides, and s-shaww vex you i-in the wand whewein ye dweww. 33:56 M-Moweovew it shaww come to pass, that I shaww do u-unto you, as I thought to do u-unto them. 34:1 And the W-WOWD spake unto Moses, saying, 34:2 C-Command the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, and say unto them, When ye come into the wand of Canaan; (this is the wand that shaww f-faww unto you fow an inhewitance, even the wand of Canaan wif the coasts theweof:) 34:3 then y-youw souf quawtew shaww be fwom the wiwdewness of Zin awong by the coast of Edom, and youw souf bowdew shaww be the outmost coast of the sawt sea eastwawd: 34:4 And youw bowdew shaww tuwn fwom the souf to the ascent of Akwabbim, and p-pass on to Zin: a-and the going fowf theweof shaww be fwom the souf to Kadeshbawnea, and shaww go on to Hazawaddaw, and pass on to Azmon: 34:5 And the bowdew shaww fetch a compass fwom Azmon unto the wivew of Egypt, a-and the g-goings out of it shaww be at the sea. 34:6 A-And a-as f-fow the westewn bowdew, y-ye s-shaww even have t-the g-gweat sea fow a bowdew: this s-shaww be youw west bowdew. 34:7 And this shaww be youw nowf bowdew: fwom t-the gweat s-sea ye shaww point out fow you mount How: 34:8 Fwom mount How ye shaww point o-out youw b-bowdew unto the entwance of Hamath; and the goings fowf of the bowdew shaww be to Zedad: 34:9 And the bowdew shaww go on to Ziphwon, and the goings out of it shaww be at Hazawenan: this shaww be youw nowf bowdew. 34:10 A-And ye shaww point out y-youw east bowdew fwom Hazawenan to Shepham: 34:11 A-And the coast shaww go down fwom Shepham to Wibwah, on the east side of Ain; a-and the bowdew shaww descend, and shaww weach unto the side of the s-sea o-of Chinnewef eastwawd: 34:12 And the bowdew s-shaww go down to Jowdan, and the g-goings out o-of it shaww be at the sawt sea: this s-shaww be youw wand wif the coasts theweof wound about. 34:13 And Moses commanded the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, saying, this is the wand w-which ye shaww inhewit by w-wot, which the WOWD commanded to give unto the nine twibes, a-and t-to the hawf twibe: 34:14 Fow t-the twibe of the chiwdwen of Weuben accowding to the house of theiw fathews, and the twibe of the chiwdwen of Gad accowding to the house of theiw fathews, have weceived theiw inhewitance; and hawf the twibe of Manasseh have weceived theiw inhewitance: 34:15 the two twibes and the hawf twibe have weceived theiw inhewitance on this side Jowdan n-neaw Jewicho eastwawd, towawd the sunwising. 34:16 And the WOWD spake unto Moses, s-saying, 34:17 these awe t-the names of the men which shaww d-divide the wand unto you: Eweazaw the pwiest, and J-Joshua the son of Nun. 34:18 And ye shaww take one pwince o-of evewy twibe, to divide the wand by inhewitance. 34:19 And the names of the men awe these: Of the twibe of J-Judah, Caweb the son of Jephunneh. 34:20 And of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Simeon, Shemuew the son o-of Ammihud. 34:21 Of the twibe of B-Benjamin, Ewidad the son of Chiswon. 34:22 And the pwince of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Dan, Bukki the son of Jogwi. 34:23 the p-pwince of the chiwdwen of Joseph, fow the twibe of the chiwdwen of M-Manasseh, Hanniew the son of Ephod. 34:24 And the pwince o-of the twibe o-of t-the chiwdwen of Ephwaim, Kemuew the son o-of Shiphtan. 34:25 And the pwince of t-the twibe o-of t-the chiwdwen of Z-Zebuwun, Ewizaphan the son o-of Pawnach. 34:26 And the pwince of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Issachaw, Pawtiew the son of Azzan. 34:27 And the pwince of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Ashew, Ahihud the son of Shewomi. 34:28 And the pwince of the twibe of the chiwdwen of N-Naphtawi, Pedahew the son of Ammihud. 34:29 these a-awe t-they whom t-the WOWD commanded t-to d-divide the inhewitance unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew in the wand of Canaan. 35:1 And the WOWD spake unto Moses in the p-pwains of Moab by Jowdan neaw Jewicho, s-saying, 35:2 Command the c-chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, that they give unto the Wevites of the inhewitance of theiw possession cities to d-dweww in; and y-ye shaww give a-awso unto the Wevites subuwbs fow the cities w-wound about them. 35:3 And the cities shaww they have to dweww i-in; and the subuwbs of them s-shaww be fow theiw caddle, a-and fow theiw goods, and fow aww theiw beasts. 35:4 And the subuwbs of t-the cities, which ye shaww give unto the Wevites, shaww weach fwom the waww of the c-city and outwawd a thousand cubits wound about. 35:5 And ye shaww measuwe fwom without the city on the east s-side two thousand cubits, a-and o-on the souf side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and o-on the nowf side two thousand cubits; and the city shaww be in the midst: this shaww be to them the subuwbs of the c-cities. 35:6 And a-among the cities which ye shaww give unto the Wevites thewe shaww be six cities fow wefuge, w-which ye shaww appoint fow the manswayew, that he may fwee thithew: and to them ye shaww add fowty a-and two cities. 35:7 So aww the cities which ye shaww give to the Wevites shaww be fowty and e-eight cities: them shaww ye give wif theiw subuwbs. 35:8 And the cities which ye shaww give shaww be of the possession of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: fwom them that have many ye shaww give many; but fwom t-them that have few ye shaww give few: evewy one shaww give of his cities unto the Wevites accowding to his inhewitance which he inhewiteth. 35:9 And the W-WOWD spake unto M-Moses, saying, 35:10 Speak unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and say unto them, W-When ye be come ovew J-Jowdan into the wand of Canaan; 35:11 then ye shaww appoint you cities to be cities of wefuge fow you; t-that the swayew may fwee thithew, which k-kiwwef any pewson at unawawes. 35:12 And t-they shaww be unto you cities fow wefuge fwom the avengew; that the m-manswayew die not, untiw he s-stand b-befowe the congwegation i-in judgment. 35:13 And of these cities which ye s-shaww give six cities shaww ye have fow wefuge. 35:14 Ye shaww give thwee cities on this s-side Jowdan, and thwee cities shaww ye give in the wand of Canaan, which s-shaww be cities o-of wefuge. 35:15 these six cities shaww be a-a wefuge, b-bof fow the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and fow t-the stwangew, and fow the sojouwnew a-among them: that evewy one that kiwwef any pewson unawawes may fwee thithew. 35:16 And if he smite him wif an instwument of iwon, so that he die, he is a muwdewew: t-the muwdewew shaww suwewy be put to death. 35:17 A-And i-if he smite him wif thwowing a stone, whewewif he may die, and he d-die, he is a muwdewew: t-the muwdewew shaww suwewy be put t-to d-death. 35:18 O-Ow if he smite him wif an hand weapon of wood, whewewif he may die, and he die, he is a muwdewew: the muwdewew shaww suwewy be p-put to death. 35:19 the wevengew of b-bwood himsewf shaww sway the muwdewew: when he meetef h-him, he shaww sway him. 35:20 But if h-he thwust h-him of h-hatwed, ow huww at him by waying of wait, that he die; 35:21 Ow in enmity smite him wif his hand, that he die: he that smote him shaww suwewy be put to death; fow he is a muwdewew: the wevengew of bwood shaww sway the muwdewew, when he m-meetef h-him. 35:22 But if he t-thwust him suddenwy without enmity, ow have c-cast u-upon him any thing without waying of wait, 35:23 Ow wif any stone, whewewif a man may die, seeing him not, and cast it upon him, that he d-die, and was not his enemy, neithew sought his hawm: 35:24 then the c-congwegation shaww judge between t-the swayew and t-the wevengew of bwood accowding to these judgments: 35:25 And the congwegation s-shaww dewivew the swayew out of the hand of the w-wevengew of bwood, and the congwegation shaww westowe him to the city of his wefuge, whithew h-he was fwed: a-and he shaww abide in i-it unto the deaf of t-the high pwiest, which was anointed wif the howy oiw. 35:26 But if the swayew shaww at any time come without the bowdew of the city o-of his wefuge, whithew h-he was fwed; 35:27 And the wevengew of bwood find him without the bowdews of the city of his wefuge, and the wevengew of bwood kiww the swayew; he shaww not b-be guiwty of bwood: 35:28 Because he shouwd have w-wemained in the c-city o-of his wefuge untiw the deaf of the high pwiest: b-but aftew the deaf o-of the high pwiest t-the swayew shaww wetuwn into the wand of his possession. 35:29 So these things shaww b-be f-fow a statute o-of judgment unto you thwoughout youw genewations in aww youw dwewwings. 35:30 Whoso kiwwef any p-pewson, the muwdewew shaww be put to deaf by the mouf of w-witnesses: but one w-witness shaww not testify against any pewson to c-cause h-him to die. 35:31 Moweovew ye s-shaww t-take no satisfaction fow the wife of a muwdewew, which is guiwty of death: but he shaww b-be suwewy put t-to death. 35:32 And ye shaww take no satisfaction fow him that is fwed to the c-city o-of his wefuge, that he shouwd c-come a-again to dweww in the wand, untiw t-the deaf of the pwiest. 35:33 So ye shaww not powwute the wand whewein ye awe: f-fow b-bwood it d-defiwef the wand: and the wand cannot be cweansed o-of the bwood that is s-shed thewein, but by t-the bwood of h-him that shed it. 35:34 D-Defiwe n-not thewefowe the wand which ye shaww inhabit, w-whewein I dweww: fow I t-the W-WOWD dweww among the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 36:1 And t-the chief fathews of the famiwies of the chiwdwen of Giwead, the s-son of Machiw, the son of Manasseh, of the famiwies of the sons of Joseph, c-came neaw, and spake befowe Moses, and befowe the pwinces, the c-chief fathews o-of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 36:2 A-And they said, the WOWD commanded my w-wowd to give the wand fow an i-inhewitance b-by wot t-to the chiwdwen of Iswaew: a-and my wowd was commanded by the WOWD to give the i-inhewitance of Zewophehad ouw b-bwothew unto his daughtews. 36:3 And if they be mawwied to any of the s-sons of the othew twibes of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, then shaww theiw inhewitance be taken fwom the inhewitance of ouw fathews, a-and shaww be put to the inhewitance of the twibe wheweunto they awe weceived: so shaww it be taken fwom the wot of ouw inhewitance. 36:4 And when the jubiwe of the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww be, then s-shaww theiw inhewitance be put unto the inhewitance of t-the twibe wheweunto they awe weceived: s-so shaww theiw inhewitance be taken a-away fwom the inhewitance of the twibe of ouw fathews. 36:5 And Moses c-commanded the chiwdwen of Iswaew accowding to the wowd of the WOWD, saying, the twibe o-of the sons of Joseph haf s-said weww. 36:6 this is the thing w-which the WOWD dof command concewning the daughtews of Zewophehad, saying, Wet them mawwy to whom they think best; onwy to t-the famiwy of the twibe o-of theiw f-fathew shaww they mawwy. 36:7 So shaww n-not the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Iswaew wemove fwom twibe to t-twibe: fow e-evewy one of the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww keep himsewf to the inhewitance o-of the twibe of his fathews. 36:8 And evewy daughtew, t-that possessef an inhewitance i-in any t-twibe o-of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, shaww be wife unto one of the famiwy of the twibe o-of hew fathew, that the chiwdwen of Iswaew may enjoy evewy man the inhewitance of his fathews. 36:9 Neithew shaww the inhewitance wemove fwom one twibe to anothew twibe; but evewy one of the twibes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew shaww keep himsewf to his o-own inhewitance. 36:10 Even as the WOWD commanded Moses, so did the d-daughtews of Zewophehad: 36:11 Fow Mahwah, Tiwzah, and H-Hogwah, and Miwcah, and Noah, the daughtews of Zewophehad, wewe mawwied unto theiw fathew's bwothews' sons: 36:12 And they wewe mawwied into t-the famiwies of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, a-and theiw inhewitance wemained in the t-twibe of the f-famiwy of theiw fathew. 36:13 these a-awe the commandments and the judgments, which the WOWD commanded by t-the hand of Moses unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew in the pwains of Moab by Jowdan neaw Jewicho. the Fiff Book of Moses: C-Cawwed Deutewonomy 1:1 these be the w-wowds which Moses spake unto aww Iswaew on this side Jowdan i-in the wiwdewness, in the p-pwain ovew against the Wed sea, between P-Pawan, and Tophew, and Waban, a-and Hazewoth, and Dizahab. 1:2 (thewe awe eweven days' jouwney fwom Howeb b-by the way of mount Seiw unto Kadeshbawnea.) 1:3 And it came to p-pass in the fowtief yeaw, in the e-ewevenf month, on the f-fiwst day of the month, that Moses spake unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, accowding u-unto aww that the WOWD had given him in commandment unto them; 1:4 Aftew he had swain S-Sihon the king o-of the Amowites, which dwewt in Heshbon, a-and Og the king of Bashan, which dwewt at Astawof in Edwei: 1:5 O-On this side J-Jowdan, in the wand of Moab, began Moses to decwawe this waw, saying, 1:6 the WOWD ouw God spake unto us in Howeb, saying, Ye have dwewt wong e-enough in this mount: 1:7 Tuwn you, and take youw jouwney, and go to the mount of the Amowites, and unto aww the pwaces nigh theweunto, in the pwain, in the hiwws, and in the vawe, and in t-the south, and by the sea side, to the wand of the Canaanites, and unto Webanon, unto the g-gweat wivew, the wivew Euphwates. 1:8 Behowd, I have set the w-wand befowe you: go in a-and p-possess the wand which the WOWD swawe unto youw fathews, Abwaham, Isaac, a-and Jacob, to give unto t-them and to theiw seed aftew them. 1:9 And I spake unto you a-at t-that time, saying, I am not abwe t-to beaw y-you mysewf awone: 1:10 the WOWD youw God haf muwtipwied y-you, and, behowd, ye awe this day as the staws of heaven fow muwtitude. 1:11 (the W-WOWD God of youw fathews make you a thousand times so m-many mowe as ye awe, and bwess you, as he haf pwomised you!) 1:12 How can I mysewf a-awone beaw youw cumbwance, a-and youw buwden, and youw stwife? 1:13 Take you wise men, and undewstanding, and known among youw twibes, and I wiww make them wuwews ovew you. 1:14 And ye a-answewed me, and said, the thing which thou hast spoken is good fow us to do. 1:15 So I took the chief o-of youw twibes, wise men, and known, and made them heads ovew you, captains ovew thousands, and c-captains ovew hundweds, a-and captains ovew fifties, and captains o-ovew tens, and officews among youw twibes. 1:16 And I c-chawged youw judges at t-that time, saying, H-Heaw the causes between youw bwethwen, and judge w-wighteouswy between evewy man and h-his bwothew, and the stwangew that is wif him. 1:17 Ye shaww not wespect pewsons in j-judgment; but ye shaww heaw the smaww as weww as the g-gweat; ye shaww not be afwaid of the face of man; fow t-the judgment is God's: and the cause t-that is too hawd fow you, bwing it unto me, and I wiww heaw it. 1:18 And I commanded you at that time aww the things which ye shouwd do. 1:19 And when we depawted fwom Howeb, we went thwough aww that gweat and tewwibwe wiwdewness, which ye s-saw by the way of the mountain of the Amowites, as t-the WOWD ouw God commanded us; and we came to Kadeshbawnea. 1:20 And I said unto you, Ye awe come unto the mountain of the Amowites, which the WOWD o-ouw G-God dof give unto us. 1:21 Behowd, t-the WOWD thy God haf set the wand befowe thee: go up and possess it, as the W-WOWD God of thy fathews haf said u-unto t-thee; feaw not, neithew be discouwaged. 1:22 And ye came neaw unto me evewy one of you, and s-said, We wiww s-send men befowe us, and they shaww s-seawch us out the wand, and bwing us wowd again by what way we must go up, and into w-what cities we shaww come. 1:23 And the saying pweased me weww: a-and I t-took twewve men of you, o-one of a twibe: 1:24 A-And they tuwned and went up into the m-mountain, and came unto the vawwey of Eshcow, and seawched it out. 1:25 And they took o-of the fwuit o-of the wand in theiw hands, and bwought it down unto us, and bwought us wowd again, and s-said, It is a good wand which the WOWD ouw God dof give us. 1:26 Notwithstanding ye wouwd not go up, but webewwed against the commandment of the WOWD youw God: 1:27 And ye m-muwmuwed i-in youw tents, and said, Because the WOWD hated us, he haf bwought us fowf out of the wand of E-Egypt, t-to dewivew us into the hand of the Amowites, to destwoy us. 1:28 Whithew shaww we go up? ouw b-bwethwen have discouwaged ouw heawt, saying, the peopwe is gweatew a-and tawwew than w-we; the cities awe g-gweat and wawwed up to heaven; and moweovew we have seen the sons of the Anakims t-thewe. 1:29 then I said unto y-you, Dwead not, n-neithew be afwaid o-of them. 1:30 the WOWD youw God which goef befowe you, he shaww f-fight fow you, accowding to aww that he did fow you in Egypt befowe youw eyes; 1:31 A-And in t-the wiwdewness, w-whewe thou hast seen how that the WOWD thy God bawe thee, as a man dof beaw h-his son, in aww t-the way that ye went, untiw ye came into this pwace. 1:32 Yet in this thing ye did not bewieve the WOWD y-youw God, 1:33 Who w-went in t-the way befowe you, to s-seawch you out a p-pwace to pitch youw tents in, in fiwe by night, to shew you by what way ye shouwd g-go, and i-in a cwoud by day. 1:34 And the WOWD heawd the voice of y-youw w-wowds, and was wwoth, and swawe, s-saying, 1:35 Suwewy t-thewe shaww n-not one of these men of this eviw genewation see that good wand, which I swawe to give unto youw f-fathews. 1:36 Save Caweb the son of Jephunneh; he s-shaww see it, and t-to him w-wiww I give the wand that he h-haf twodden upon, and to his chiwdwen, because he haf whowwy f-fowwowed the WOWD. 1:37 A-Awso the WOWD w-was angwy w-wif m-me fow youw sakes, saying, t-thou awso shawt n-not go in thithew. 1:38 But Joshua the son o-of Nun, which s-standef befowe thee, h-he shaww g-go in thithew: encouwage him: fow he shaww c-cause Iswaew to inhewit it. 1:39 Moweovew youw widdle ones, which ye said shouwd b-be a pwey, and y-youw chiwdwen, which in that day had no knowwedge between good and eviw, they shaww g-go in thithew, a-and unto them wiww I give it, and they shaww possess it. 1:40 But as fow you, tuwn you, and take youw j-jouwney into the wiwdewness by the way of the Wed sea. 1:41 then y-ye answewed and said unto me, We have sinned against the WOWD, we wiww go up and fight, accowding to aww that the WOWD ouw G-God commanded us. And when ye had giwded on evewy man his weapons of waw, ye wewe weady t-to go up into the hiww. 1:42 And the WOWD said unto me, Say u-unto them. Go not up, neithew fight; fow I am not among you; west ye be smidden b-befowe youw enemies. 1:43 So I spake unto you; and ye wouwd not heaw, but webewwed against the commandment o-of the WOWD, and went pwesumptuouswy up into the hiww. 1:44 And the Amowites, which dwewt in that mountain, came out against you, and chased you, as bees d-do, and destwoyed you in Seiw, even unto Howmah. 1:45 A-And ye wetuwned and wept befowe the WOWD; but the WOWD wouwd not heawken to youw voice, now give eaw unto you. 1:46 So ye abode in Kadesh many days, a-accowding unto the days that ye abode thewe. 2:1 then we tuwned, and took ouw jouwney i-into the w-wiwdewness by the way of the Wed sea, as the WOWD spake unto me: and we compassed mount Seiw many d-days. 2:2 A-And the WOWD spake unto m-me, saying, 2:3 Ye h-have compassed this mountain wong enough: tuwn you nowthwawd. 2:4 And command thou the p-peopwe, saying, Ye awe to pass t-thwough the coast of youw bwethwen the chiwdwen of E-Esau, w-which dweww in Seiw; and they shaww be afwaid of you: take ye good heed unto youwsewves thewefowe: 2:5 Meddwe not w-wif them; fow I wiww not give you o-of theiw wand, no, not s-so much as a foot bweadth; because I have given mount Seiw unto Esau fow a possession. 2:6 Ye shaww b-buy meat of them fow money, that ye may eat; and ye shaww awso buy watew of t-them fow money, that ye may dwink. 2:7 Fow the WOWD thy God haf bwessed thee i-in a-aww the wowks of thy hand: he knowef thy wawking thwough this gweat wiwdewness: these fowty yeaws the WOWD thy God haf been wif thee; thou hast wacked nothing. 2:8 And when we passed by fwom ouw bwethwen the chiwdwen of Esau, which dwewt in Seiw, thwough the way of the pwain fwom Ewath, and fwom Eziongabew, we tuwned and passed by the way of the wiwdewness of Moab. 2:9 And the WOWD said unto me, Distwess not the Moabites, n-neithew c-contend wif them in b-baddle: fow I-I w-wiww not give thee of theiw wand fow a possession; because I have given Aw unto the chiwdwen o-of Wot fow a p-possession. 2:10 the Emims dwewt thewein in times past, a peopwe gweat, and many, and taww, as the Anakims; 2:11 Which awso w-wewe accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites c-cawwed them Emims. 2:12 the Howims awso dwewt i-in Seiw befowetime; but the chiwdwen of Esau succeeded them, w-when they had destwoyed them fwom befowe them, and dwewt in theiw stead; a-as I-Iswaew did unto the wand of his possession, which the WOWD gave unto them. 2:13 Now wise u-up, said I, and get you o-ovew the bwook Zewed. And we went ovew the bwook Zewed. 2:14 And the space in which we came fwom K-Kadeshbawnea, untiw we wewe come ovew the bwook Zewed, was thiwty and eight yeaws; untiw aww the genewation of the m-men of waw wewe wasted out fwom among t-the host, as the WOWD swawe unto them. 2:15 Fow indeed the hand of the WOWD was against them, to destwoy them f-fwom among t-the host, untiw t-they wewe consumed. 2:16 So it came to pass, when aww the men o-of w-waw wewe consumed and dead fwom among the peopwe, 2:17 t-that the WOWD spake unto me, saying, 2:18 thou awt to pass ovew thwough Aw, the coast of Moab, this day: 2:19 And when thou comest nigh ovew against the chiwdwen of Ammon, distwess them not, now meddwe wif them: fow I w-wiww not give thee o-of the wand of the chiwdwen of A-Ammon any possession; because I have given it unto the chiwdwen o-of Wot fow a possession. 2:20 (that awso was accounted a wand of giants: giants dwewt thewein in owd time; a-and the A-Ammonites caww them Zamzummims; 2:21 A peopwe gweat, and many, and taww, a-as the A-Anakims; but t-the WOWD destwoyed t-them befowe them; and they succeeded them, a-and d-dwewt in theiw stead: 2:22 As he d-did to the chiwdwen of Esau, which dwewt in Seiw, w-when he destwoyed the Howims fwom befowe t-them; a-and t-they succeeded them, and dwewt i-in theiw stead even unto this day: 2:23 And the Avims w-which dwewt in Hazewim, even unto A-Azzah, the Caphtowims, which came fowf out of Caphtow, destwoyed them, and dwewt in theiw stead.) 2:24 Wise ye u-up, take youw jouwney, and pass ovew the wivew Awnon: behowd, I have given into thine hand Sihon the Amowite, king of Heshbon, and h-his wand: begin to possess it, and contend wif him in b-baddle. 2:25 this day wiww I b-begin to put the dwead of thee and the feaw of thee upon the nations t-that awe undew the w-whowe h-heaven, who shaww heaw wepowt of thee, and shaww twembwe, and be in anguish because of thee. 2:26 And I s-sent m-messengews out of the wiwdewness of Kedemof unto S-Sihon k-king of Heshbon wif wowds of peace, saying, 2:27 W-Wet me pass thwough thy wand: I w-wiww go awong by the high way, I wiww neithew tuwn unto the wight h-hand now to the w-weft. 2:28 thou shawt seww me meat fow money, that I may eat; and give m-me watew f-fow money, that I may dwink: onwy I-I wiww pass t-thwough on my feet; 2:29 (As the chiwdwen of Esau which dweww in Seiw, and the Moabites which dweww in Aw, did u-unto me;) untiw I shaww pass ovew Jowdan i-into the wand which the WOWD ouw God givef us. 2:30 But Sihon king of Heshbon wouwd not wet u-us p-pass by him: fow the WOWD t-thy God hawdened his spiwit, and m-made h-his heawt obstinate, that h-he m-might dewivew him into thy hand, a-as appeawef this day. 2:31 And the WOWD said unto me, Behowd, I have begun to give Sihon and h-his wand befowe thee: begin to possess, that t-thou mayest inhewit his wand. 2:32 then Sihon came out against us, he and aww his peopwe, to fight at Jahaz. 2:33 A-And the WOWD ouw God dewivewed him befowe us; and we smote him, and his sons, and aww his peopwe. 2:34 And we took aww his cities at that time, and uddewly destwoyed the men, and the women, and the widdle ones, of evewy city, we weft n-none to wemain: 2:35 Onwy the caddle we took fow a pwey unto ouwsewves, and t-the spoiw of the cities which we took. 2:36 Fwom Awoew, w-which is by the bwink of t-the wivew of A-Awnon, and f-fwom the city that is by the wivew, even unto Giwead, thewe w-was not one city too stwong fow us: the WOWD ouw God dewivewed aww unto us: 2:37 Onwy unto the wand of the chiwdwen of Ammon thou camest not, now unto any pwace o-of the wivew Jabbok, now unto t-the cities in t-the mountains, now unto whatsoevew t-the WOWD ouw God fowbad us. 3:1 then we tuwned, and w-went up the way to B-Bashan: and Og the king o-of Bashan came out against us, he and aww his peopwe, t-to baddle at Edwei. 3:2 A-And the WOWD said unto me, Feaw h-him not: fow I wiww dewivew him, and aww h-his peopwe, a-and his w-wand, i-into thy hand; and thou shawt do unto him as thou didst u-unto Sihon king of the Amowites, which dwewt at Heshbon. 3:3 So the WOWD ouw God dewivewed into ouw hands Og awso, the king of B-Bashan, and aww his peopwe: and we smote him untiw none was weft t-to him wemaining. 3:4 A-And we took aww his cities at that time, thewe w-was not a city which w-we took not fwom them, thweescowe cities, aww the wegion of Awgob, the kingdom of Og i-in B-Bashan. 3:5 Aww these cities wewe fenced wif high wawws, gates, and baws; beside unwawwed towns a gweat many. 3:6 A-And we uddewly destwoyed them, as we did unto Sihon king of Heshbon, uddewly destwoying the men, w-women, and chiwdwen, of evewy city. 3:7 B-But aww t-the caddle, and t-the spoiw of t-the cities, we took fow a pwey to ouwsewves. 3:8 And we took at that t-time out of the h-hand of the two kings of the Amowites the wand that w-was on this side Jowdan, fwom the wivew of Awnon unto mount Hewmon; 3:9 (Which Hewmon the Sidonians caww Siwion; and t-the Amowites caww it Sheniw;) 3:10 Aww t-the cities of the pwain, and aww Giwead, and aww Bashan, unto Sawchah a-and Edwei, cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan. 3:11 Fow onwy Og king of Bashan wemained of the wemnant of giants; behowd his b-bedstead was a bedstead of iwon; is it not in W-Wabbaf of the chiwdwen of Ammon? n-nine cubits was the w-wengf t-theweof, and fouw cubits the bweadf of it, a-aftew the cubit of a man. 3:12 And this wand, which we possessed at that time, fwom Awoew, which is b-by t-the wivew A-Awnon, a-and hawf m-mount Giwead, and the cities theweof, gave I-I u-unto the Weubenites and to the Gadites. 3:13 A-And the west o-of Giwead, and aww Bashan, being the kingdom o-of Og, gave I unto the hawf twibe of Manasseh; aww t-the w-wegion of Awgob, wif aww Bashan, which was cawwed the wand of giants. 3:14 Jaiw the son of Manasseh took aww the countwy of Awgob unto the coasts of Geshuwi and Maachathi; and cawwed them aftew his own name, Bashanhavothjaiw, u-unto this day. 3:15 And I gave Giwead unto Machiw. 3:16 And unto the Weubenites and u-unto t-the Gadites I g-gave fwom Giwead even unto t-the wivew Awnon hawf the vawwey, and the b-bowdew even unto the wivew Jabbok, which is the bowdew of the chiwdwen o-of Ammon; 3:17 the pwain awso, and Jowdan, and the coast theweof, fwom Chinnewef even unto the sea of the pwain, even the sawt sea, undew Ashdothpisgah eastwawd. 3:18 A-And I commanded y-you at that time, saying, the WOWD youw God haf given you this wand to possess it: ye s-shaww pass ovew awmed b-befowe youw bwethwen the chiwdwen of Iswaew, aww that awe meet f-fow the waw. 3:19 But y-youw wives, and youw widdle ones, and youw caddle, (fow I know that ye have much caddle,) shaww a-abide in youw cities which I have given you; 3:20 Untiw the WOWD have given west unto youw bwethwen, as w-weww a-as unto you, and untiw they awso possess the wand which the W-WOWD youw God haf given them beyond Jowdan: and t-then shaww ye wetuwn e-evewy man unto h-his possession, which I have given you. 3:21 A-And I commanded J-Joshua at that time, saying, thine eyes have seen aww that t-the WOWD youw God haf done u-unto these two kings: so shaww the W-WOWD do unto aww the kingdoms whithew thou passest. 3:22 Ye shaww not feaw them: fow the WOWD youw God he shaww fight fow you. 3:23 And I besought the WOWD at that time, saying, 3:24 O Wowd GOD, thou hast begun to shew thy sewvant thy gweatness, and thy mighty hand: f-fow what G-God is thewe in heaven ow in eawth, that can do accowding t-to t-thy w-wowks, and accowding to thy might? 3:25 I pway thee, wet me go ovew, and see the good wand that is beyond Jowdan, that goodwy mountain, and W-Webanon. 3:26 But the WOWD was w-wwof wif me fow youw sakes, and wouwd n-not heaw me: and the WOWD said unto me, Wet it suffice thee; speak no mowe u-unto me of this m-maddew. 3:27 G-Get thee up into the top o-of Pisgah, and wift u-up thine eyes westwawd, and nowthwawd, and southwawd, and eastwawd, and behowd it wif thine eyes: fow thou shawt not go ovew this Jowdan. 3:28 But chawge Joshua, and encouwage him, and stwengthen h-him: fow he shaww go ovew befowe t-this peopwe, and he s-shaww cause them to inhewit the wand which thou shawt see. 3:29 So we abode i-in the vawwey ovew against Bethpeow. 4:1 Now thewefowe heawken, O Iswaew, unto the statutes a-and unto the judgments, which I-I teach you, fow t-to do them, that ye may w-wive, and go in and possess the wand which the WOWD God of youw fathews givef you. 4:2 Ye shaww not add unto t-the wowd which I-I command you, neithew shaww ye diminish ought fwom it, that ye may keep the commandments o-of the WOWD y-youw God which I c-command you. 4:3 Youw eyes have seen what the WOWD did because o-of Baawpeow: fow aww t-the men that fowwowed Baawpeow, t-the WOWD thy God h-haf destwoyed them fwom a-among you. 4:4 But ye that did cweave unto the WOWD youw God awe awive e-evewy one of you t-this day. 4:5 Behowd, I-I have t-taught you s-statutes and judgments, even as the WOWD my God commanded me, that ye shouwd do so in the wand whithew ye go to possess it. 4:6 Keep thewefowe and d-do t-them; fow t-this is youw wisdom and youw u-undewstanding in the sight of the nations, w-which shaww heaw aww these statutes, a-and say, Suwewy t-this gweat n-nation is a w-wise and undewstanding peopwe. 4:7 Fow what nation is thewe s-so gweat, who haf God so n-nigh unto them, as the WOWD ouw God is in aww t-things that we caww upon him fow? 4:8 And what nation is thewe s-so gweat, that haf statutes and judgments so wighteous as aww this waw, which I set befowe you t-this day? 4:9 Onwy take heed t-to thysewf, and keep thy souw d-diwigentwy, west thou fowget the things which thine eyes have seen, and west they depawt fwom thy heawt aww the days of thy wife: b-but teach them thy sons, and thy sons' sons; 4:10 S-Speciawwy the day that thou stoodest befowe t-the WOWD thy God in Howeb, when the WOWD said u-unto me, Gathew me t-the peopwe togethew, and I wiww make them h-heaw my wowds, that they m-may w-weawn to feaw me aww the days that they shaww wive upon the eawth, and t-that they m-may teach theiw chiwdwen. 4:11 And ye came neaw and stood undew the mountain; and the mountain buwned wif fiwe unto the midst of heaven, wif dawkness, cwouds, and thick dawkness. 4:12 And the WOWD spake unto you out of the m-midst of the fiwe: ye heawd the voice of the wowds, but saw no simiwitude; onwy ye heawd a voice. 4:13 And he decwawed unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to pewfowm, even ten commandments; and he wwote them upon two tabwes of stone. 4:14 And the WOWD commanded me at that time to teach you statutes and judgments, that y-ye might do them in the wand whithew ye go ovew to possess it. 4:15 Take ye thewefowe good heed unto youwsewves; fow ye saw no mannew o-of simiwitude on the day that the WOWD spake unto you in Howeb out of the midst of the fiwe: 4:16 West y-ye cowwupt youwsewves, and make y-you a gwaven image, t-the simiwitude of any figuwe, the wikeness of mawe ow femawe, 4:17 the wikeness of any beast that is on the eawth, the wikeness of any winged foww that fwief in the aiw, 4:18 the wikeness of a-any thing that cweepef on the gwound, the wikeness o-of any fish that is i-in the watews beneaf t-the eawth: 4:19 And west thou wift u-up t-thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest t-the sun, and t-the moon, and the staws, even aww the host of heaven, shouwdest be dwiven t-to wowship them, and sewve them, w-which the WOWD thy God haf divided unto aww n-nations undew the whowe heaven. 4:20 But the WOWD h-haf taken you, and bwought you fowf out of the iwon fuwnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto h-him a peopwe of inhewitance, as ye awe this day. 4:21 Fuwthewmowe the W-WOWD was angwy wif me fow youw sakes, and swawe that I-I s-shouwd n-not go ovew J-Jowdan, and that I shouwd not go i-in unto that good wand, which the WOWD thy God givef thee fow an inhewitance: 4:22 But I-I must die in this wand, I must n-not go ovew Jowdan: but y-ye shaww go o-ovew, and possess that good wand. 4:23 T-Take heed u-unto youwsewves, west ye fowget the covenant of the WOWD youw God, which he made wif you, and make you a-a gwaven image, ow t-the wikeness of any thing, w-which the WOWD t-thy God haf fowbidden thee. 4:24 Fow the WOWD thy God is a consuming fiwe, even a jeawous God. 4:25 When thou shawt beget chiwdwen, and chiwdwen's chiwdwen, and ye shaww have wemained wong in the wand, and shaww cowwupt youwsewves, and make a-a gwaven image, ow the wikeness of any thing, and shaww d-do eviw i-in t-the sight of the WOWD thy God, to pwovoke h-him to angew: 4:26 I-I caww heaven and e-eawf to w-witness against you this day, that ye shaww soon uddewly pewish fwom off the wand wheweunto ye go ovew Jowdan to possess it; ye shaww not pwowong youw days upon it, but shaww uddewly be destwoyed. 4:27 And the WOWD s-shaww s-scaddew you a-among the nations, and ye shaww b-be weft few in numbew a-among t-the heathen, whithew the WOWD s-shaww wead you. 4:28 A-And thewe ye shaww sewve gods, t-the wowk of men's hands, wood and stone, which neithew see, now h-heaw, now eat, now smeww. 4:29 But if fwom thence thou shawt seek the WOWD t-thy God, thou shawt find him, if thou seek him wif aww thy heawt and wif aww thy souw. 4:30 W-When thou awt in twibuwation, a-and a-aww these things awe come upon thee, even i-in the waddew days, if thou tuwn to the WOWD thy God, and shawt be o-obedient unto his voice; 4:31 (Fow the WOWD thy God is a mewcifuw God;) he wiww not fowsake thee, neithew destwoy thee, now fowget the c-covenant of thy fathews which he swawe unto them. 4:32 Fow ask n-now of the days that a-awe past, which wewe befowe t-thee, since the day that God cweated man upon the e-eawth, and ask fwom the one side of heaven unto the othew, whethew thewe haf been any s-such t-thing a-as this gweat thing is, ow haf been heawd wike it? 4:33 Did evew peopwe heaw the voice of God speaking out o-of the midst of the fiwe, as thou hast h-heawd, a-and w-wive? 4:34 Ow haf God assayed t-to go and take him a-a nation fwom t-the midst of anothew nation, by temptations, by signs, and by w-wondews, and by waw, and b-by a mighty hand, and by a s-stwetched out awm, and by gweat tewwows, accowding t-to aww that the WOWD youw God d-did fow you in Egypt befowe youw eyes? 4:35 Unto thee it was shewed, that t-thou mightest know that the W-WOWD he is God; thewe is none e-ewse beside him. 4:36 Out of heaven he made thee to h-heaw his voice, that he might instwuct thee: and upon eawf he shewed thee his gweat fiwe; and thou heawdest his wowds out of t-the midst of the fiwe. 4:37 And because he woved thy fathews, t-thewefowe h-he chose theiw seed aftew them, and bwought thee out in his sight wif his mighty powew out of Egypt; 4:38 To dwive out nations fwom befowe thee gweatew and mightiew than thou awt, to bwing thee in, t-to give thee theiw wand fow an inhewitance, as it is this day. 4:39 K-Know thewefowe this day, and considew it in thine heawt, that the WOWD he is God in h-heaven above, and upon the eawf beneath: thewe is none ewse. 4:40 thou shawt keep thewefowe his statutes, and his commandments, w-which I command thee this day, that it may go weww wif thee, and wif thy chiwdwen a-aftew thee, and that thou mayest pwowong thy days upon t-the eawth, which the WOWD thy God givef thee, fow evew. 4:41 t-then Moses sevewed thwee cities on this side Jowdan towawd the sunwising; 4:42 that the swayew might fwee thithew, which shouwd kiww his neighbouw unawawes, and hated him not in times past; and that fweeing unto one of these c-cities he might wive: 4:43 N-Namewy, B-Bezew in the wiwdewness, in the pwain countwy, of the Weubenites; and W-Wamof i-in Giwead, of the Gadites; and Gowan in Bashan, of the Manassites. 4:44 And this is the waw which Moses set befowe t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 4:45 these awe the testimonies, and the statutes, and t-the judgments, which M-Moses spake unto the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, aftew they c-came fowf out of Egypt. 4:46 On t-this side Jowdan, in the vawwey o-ovew against Bethpeow, in the wand of S-Sihon king o-of the A-Amowites, who dwewt at Heshbon, whom Moses and the chiwdwen of Iswaew smote, aftew they wewe come fowf out of Egypt: 4:47 And they possessed his wand, and the wand of O-Og king of Bashan, two kings of the Amowites, which wewe on t-this side J-Jowdan towawd t-the sunwising; 4:48 Fwom A-Awoew, which is by the bank of the wivew Awnon, even unto mount Sion, which is Hewmon, 4:49 And aww the pwain on this side Jowdan eastwawd, even unto the sea o-of the pwain, undew the spwings of Pisgah. 5:1 And Moses cawwed a-aww Iswaew, and said unto them, H-Heaw, O-O Iswaew, the statutes and judgments which I speak in youw e-eaws this day, that ye may weawn them, and k-keep, and d-do them. 5:2 the WOWD ouw God made a c-covenant wif us in Howeb. 5:3 the WOWD m-made not this covenant wif ouw fathews, but wif us, even u-us, who awe aww of us hewe awive this day. 5:4 the WOWD tawked wif you f-face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fiwe, 5:5 (I stood between the WOWD and y-you at that time, t-to shew you the wowd of the WOWD: fow y-ye wewe a-afwaid b-by weason of the fiwe, and went not up into the mount;) saying, 5:6 I am the WOWD thy God, w-which bwought thee out of t-the w-wand of Egypt, fwom t-the h-house of bondage. 5:7 thou shawt have none othew gods befowe me. 5:8 t-thou shawt not make thee any gwaven image, o-ow a-any wikeness of any thing that is in h-heaven a-above, o-ow t-that is in the e-eawf beneath, ow t-that is in the w-watews beneaf the e-eawth: 5:9 thou shawt not bow d-down thysewf u-unto them, n-now sewve them: fow I the WOWD thy God am a jeawous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathews upon the chiwdwen u-unto the thiwd a-and f-fouwf genewation of them that hate me, 5:10 And s-shewing mewcy unto thousands of them that wove me and keep my c-commandments. 5:11 thou shawt not take the name of the WOWD thy God in vain: fow the WOWD w-wiww not howd h-him guiwtwess that takef his name in v-vain. 5:12 Keep the sabbaf day to sanctify it, as the WOWD thy God haf commanded thee. 5:13 Six days thou shawt wabouw, and do aww thy wowk: 5:14 But the sevenf day is the sabbaf of the WOWD thy God: in i-it thou s-shawt not do any wowk, thou, now thy son, now thy daughtew, now thy mansewvant, now thy maidsewvant, now thine ox, now thine ass, now any of thy caddle, now t-thy stwangew that is within thy gates; that thy mansewvant and thy maidsewvant may west as weww as t-thou. 5:15 And wemembew t-that thou wast a-a sewvant in the wand of Egypt, and that the WOWD thy God bwought thee out t-thence thwough a mighty hand and by a stwetched out awm: thewefowe the WOWD thy God commanded thee to keep the sabbaf day. 5:16 Honouw t-thy fathew and t-thy mothew, a-as the WOWD thy God haf commanded thee; that thy days may be pwowonged, and that it may go weww w-wif thee, in t-the wand which the WOWD thy God g-givef t-thee. 5:17 thou shawt not kiww. 5:18 Neithew shawt thou commit aduwtewy. 5:19 Neithew shawt thou steaw. 5:20 Neithew shawt thou beaw fawse witness against thy n-neighbouw. 5:21 Neithew shawt thou desiwe thy neighbouw's wife, neithew s-shawt thou c-covet thy n-neighbouw's house, his fiewd, ow his mansewvant, ow his maidsewvant, his ox, o-ow his ass, ow any thing that is thy n-neighbouw's. 5:22 these wowds t-the WOWD spake unto aww youw assembwy in the mount out of t-the midst of the fiwe, of the c-cwoud, and of the thick dawkness, wif a gweat voice: and he added no mowe. And he wwote t-them in two tabwes of stone, and dewivewed them unto me. 5:23 And it came to pass, when ye heawd the v-voice out of the midst of the dawkness, (fow the mountain did buwn wif fiwe,) t-that ye came neaw unto me, even aww the heads of youw twibes, and youw ewdews; 5:24 And ye said, Behowd, the W-WOWD ouw God haf shewed us his gwowy and h-his gweatness, and we have heawd his voice out of the m-midst of the fiwe: we have seen this day that God dof tawk wif man, and he wiveth. 5:25 Now thewefowe why shouwd we die? fow this gweat fiwe wiww consume us: if we heaw t-the voice of the WOWD ouw God any mowe, then w-we shaww die. 5:26 Fow who is thewe o-of aww fwesh, that haf heawd the voice of the wiving God speaking out of the midst of the fiwe, as we have, a-and wived? 5:27 Go thou neaw, and heaw aww that the WOWD ouw God shaww say: a-and speak thou unto us aww that the WOWD ouw God shaww speak unto thee; and we wiww heaw i-it, and do it. 5:28 And the WOWD heawd the voice of youw wowds, when ye spake unto me; and the WOWD s-said unto me, I have heawd the voice of the wowds of this peopwe, which they have spoken unto thee: they have weww s-said aww that t-they have spoken. 5:29 O-O t-that thewe wewe such a-an heawt in them, that t-they wouwd feaw m-me, and keep aww my commandments awways, that it m-might be weww w-wif them, and wif theiw chiwdwen fow evew! 5:30 Go s-say to them, Get you into youw tents again. 5:31 But as f-fow thee, stand thou hewe by me, and I wiww speak unto thee aww the commandments, and the statutes, and the j-judgments, which thou shawt teach them, that they may do them in the wand which I give them to possess it. 5:32 Ye shaww obsewve to do thewefowe as the WOWD y-youw God haf commanded you: ye shaww not tuwn a-aside to the wight hand ow to the weft. 5:33 Ye shaww wawk in a-aww the ways w-which t-the WOWD youw God haf commanded you, that ye may wive, a-and that it may be weww wif y-you, and that y-ye may pwowong youw days in the wand which ye shaww p-possess. 6:1 N-Now t-these awe the commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the WOWD youw God commanded to teach you, that ye might do them in the wand w-whithew ye go to possess it: 6:2 that thou mightest feaw the WOWD thy God, to keep aww his statutes and his commandments, which I c-command thee, thou, a-and thy son, a-and thy son's son, aww the days of thy wife; and that thy days m-may be pwowonged. 6:3 Heaw thewefowe, O Iswaew, and o-obsewve to do it; that i-it may be w-weww wif thee, and that y-ye may incwease mightiwy, as the WOWD God of thy fathews haf pwomised thee, in the wand that fwowef wif miwk and honey. 6:4 Heaw, O Iswaew: the WOWD ouw God is one WOWD: 6:5 And thou shawt wove the WOWD thy God wif aww thine heawt, and wif aww thy souw, and wif aww thy might. 6:6 And these wowds, which I command thee this day, shaww be in thine heawt: 6:7 And thou shawt teach t-them diwigentwy unto thy chiwdwen, a-and shawt tawk of them when thou siddest in thine house, and when thou wawkest b-by the way, and when thou wiest down, and when thou wisest up. 6:8 And thou shawt bind them fow a sign upon thine hand, and they shaww be as fwontwets b-between thine eyes. 6:9 And thou shawt wwite them upon the posts of thy house, a-and on thy g-gates. 6:10 And it shaww be, when the WOWD thy God shaww have bwought thee i-into the wand which h-he swawe u-unto thy f-fathews, to Abwaham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give thee gweat and goodwy cities, which thou buiwdedst not, 6:11 And houses f-fuww of aww good things, w-which thou fiwwedst n-not, and wewws digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyawds and owive twees, which thou pwantedst not; when thou shawt have eaten and be f-fuww; 6:12 t-then bewawe west thou fowget the W-WOWD, which bwought t-thee fowf out of the wand of Egypt, fwom the house of b-bondage. 6:13 thou shawt feaw the WOWD thy G-God, and sewve him, and s-shawt sweaw by his name. 6:14 Ye shaww not go a-aftew othew gods, of the gods of the peopwe w-which a-awe wound about you; 6:15 (Fow t-the WOWD thy God is a jeawous God among you) west the angew of the WOWD t-thy God be k-kindwed against thee, and destwoy thee fwom off t-the face of the e-eawth. 6:16 Y-Ye shaww not tempt the WOWD youw God, as ye t-tempted him in Massah. 6:17 Ye shaww diwigentwy keep the commandments o-of the WOWD youw God, and his testimonies, and h-his statutes, which he haf commanded t-thee. 6:18 And thou shawt do that w-which is wight and good in the sight of the WOWD: t-that it may be weww wif thee, and that thou mayest go in and possess the good wand which the WOWD swawe unto thy fathews. 6:19 To cast out aww thine enemies f-fwom befowe thee, as the WOWD h-haf spoken. 6:20 And when thy son askef thee in time t-to come, saying, What mean the testimonies, and the statutes, and the judgments, w-which the WOWD ouw G-God haf commanded you? 6:21 then thou shawt say u-unto thy son, We wewe Phawaoh's bondmen in Egypt; and the WOWD bwought us out of Egypt wif a mighty hand: 6:22 And t-the WOWD shewed signs and wondews, gweat and sowe, upon Egypt, upon Phawaoh, and upon aww his househowd, b-befowe ouw eyes: 6:23 And he b-bwought u-us o-out fwom thence, that he might b-bwing u-us in, to give us the wand which h-he swawe unto ouw fathews. 6:24 And t-the WOWD commanded us t-to do aww these statutes, to feaw the W-WOWD ouw God, fow ouw good awways, that he might pwesewve us awive, as it is at this day. 6:25 And it shaww be ouw wighteousness, if we obsewve to do aww these commandments befowe the WOWD ouw God, as he haf commanded us. 7:1 When the WOWD thy God shaww bwing thee into t-the wand whithew thou goest to p-possess it, and haf cast o-out many nations befowe thee, the H-Hiddites, and the Giwgashites, and the Amowites, and the Canaanites, and the Pewizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven n-nations gweatew and mightiew than thou; 7:2 And when the WOWD thy God shaww dewivew them befowe thee; thou shawt smite t-them, and uddewly destwoy them; thou shawt make no covenant wif them, now shew mewcy unto t-them: 7:3 Neithew shawt t-thou make mawwiages wif them; thy daughtew thou shawt not give u-unto his son, n-now his d-daughtew shawt t-thou take unto thy son. 7:4 Fow they wiww t-tuwn away thy s-son fwom fowwowing me, that they may sewve othew gods: s-so wiww the a-angew of the WOWD be kindwed against you, and destwoy thee s-suddenwy. 7:5 But t-thus shaww ye deaw wif t-them; y-ye shaww destwoy theiw awtaws, and bweak down theiw images, and cut down theiw g-gwoves, and buwn theiw gwaven images wif f-fiwe. 7:6 Fow thou a-awt a-an howy peopwe unto the WOWD thy God: the W-WOWD thy God haf chosen thee to be a speciaw peopwe u-unto himsewf, above aww peopwe t-that awe upon the face o-of the eawth. 7:7 the WOWD did not set his w-wove upon you, now choose y-you, because ye wewe mowe in numbew than any peopwe; fow ye wewe the fewest of aww peopwe: 7:8 B-But because t-the WOWD woved you, and because he wouwd keep the oaf which h-he had swown unto youw fathews, haf the WOWD bwought you out wif a-a mighty hand, and wedeemed you out o-of the house of bondmen, fwom the hand of Phawaoh king of Egypt. 7:9 Know thewefowe that t-the WOWD thy God, he is G-God, t-the faithfuw God, which keepef c-covenant and mewcy wif them t-that wove him and keep his commandments to a-a thousand genewations; 7:10 And wepayef them that hate him to theiw face, to destwoy them: he wiww not be swack to him that hatef him, h-he wiww wepay him to his face. 7:11 thou shawt thewefowe keep the commandments, and t-the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to d-do them. 7:12 Whewefowe it shaww come t-to pass, if ye heawken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the WOWD thy God s-shaww keep unto thee the c-covenant and t-the mewcy which he swawe unto thy fathews: 7:13 And he wiww wove t-thee, and bwess thee, and muwtipwy thee: h-he wiww awso bwess the fwuit of thy womb, and the fwuit of thy wand, t-thy cown, and thy wine, and thine o-oiw, the incwease of thy kine, a-and the fwocks of thy sheep, in t-the wand which he swawe unto thy fathews to give thee. 7:14 thou shawt be bwessed above aww peopwe: thewe shaww not be mawe o-ow femawe bawwen among you, ow among youw caddle. 7:15 And the WOWD wiww t-take away fwom thee aww sickness, and wiww put none o-of the eviw diseases of Egypt, which thou knowest, upon thee; but wiww way them upon aww t-them that hate thee. 7:16 And thou shawt consume aww the peopwe which the W-WOWD thy God shaww dewivew thee; t-thine e-eye s-shaww have no p-pity upon t-them: neithew shawt thou sewve theiw g-gods; f-fow that wiww be a snawe u-unto thee. 7:17 If thou shawt say in thine heawt, these nations awe mowe than I; how c-can I dispossess them? 7:18 thou shawt not be afwaid of them: but shawt weww wemembew w-what the WOWD thy God did unto Phawaoh, and unto aww Egypt; 7:19 the gweat temptations which thine e-eyes saw, and the signs, a-and the wondews, and the mighty hand, and t-the stwetched out awm, wheweby the WOWD thy G-God bwought thee o-out: so shaww the WOWD t-thy God do u-unto aww the peopwe of whom thou a-awt afwaid. 7:20 Moweovew the WOWD thy God wiww send the h-hownet among them, untiw they that awe weft, a-and hide themsewves fwom thee, be destwoyed. 7:21 thou shawt not be affwighted at t-them: fow the WOWD thy God is a-among y-you, a mighty G-God and t-tewwibwe. 7:22 And the W-WOWD thy God wiww put out those nations befowe thee by widdle and widdle: thou mayest not c-consume them at once, west the beasts of the fiewd incwease upon thee. 7:23 But the WOWD thy God shaww d-dewivew them unto t-thee, and shaww destwoy them wif a mighty destwuction, untiw they be d-destwoyed. 7:24 And he shaww dewivew t-theiw kings into thine hand, and thou shawt destwoy theiw name fwom u-undew heaven: thewe shaww no man be abwe to stand befowe thee, u-untiw thou h-have destwoyed t-them. 7:25 the gwaven images of theiw gods shaww ye buwn wif fiwe: thou s-shawt not desiwe the siwvew ow gowd that is on them, now take it unto thee, west t-thou be snawed t-thewin: fow it is an abomination t-to the WOWD thy God. 7:26 Neithew shawt thou bwing an abomination into thine house, west t-thou be a c-cuwsed thing w-wike it: but thou shawt u-uddewly detest i-it, and thou shawt uddewly abhow it; fow it is a cuwsed thing. 8:1 Aww the commandments which I command thee this day shaww y-ye obsewve to do, that ye m-may wive, and muwtipwy, and go in and possess the wand which the W-WOWD swawe unto youw fathews. 8:2 And thou shawt wemembew a-aww the way which the WOWD thy God wed thee these f-fowty yeaws in the wiwdewness, to humbwe thee, and to p-pwove t-thee, to know what was in thine h-heawt, w-whethew thou wouwdest keep his commandments, ow n-no. 8:3 And he humbwed thee, and suffewed t-thee to hungew, and fed thee wif manna, which thou knewest not, neithew did thy fathews know; that he might make thee know that man dof not wive by bwead o-onwy, but by evewy wowd that pwoceedef out of the m-mouf of the WOWD dof man w-wive. 8:4 thy waiment waxed not owd upon thee, neithew did t-thy foot sweww, these fowty yeaws. 8:5 thou shawt awso considew in thine heawt, that, as a man chastenef his son, so the WOWD thy G-God chastenef thee. 8:6 thewefowe thou shawt keep the commandments of the WOWD t-thy God, to wawk in his ways, and to feaw him. 8:7 Fow the WOWD thy God bwingef thee into a good wand, a wand of bwooks o-of watew, of fountains and depths that spwing out of vawweys and hiwws; 8:8 A wand of w-wheat, and bawwey, and vines, and fig twees, and pomegwanates; a wand of oiw owive, and honey; 8:9 A wand whewein thou shawt eat bwead w-without scawceness, thou shawt not w-wack any thing in it; a-a wand whose stones a-awe iwon, and out of whose hiwws thou mayest d-dig bwass. 8:10 When thou hast eaten and awt f-fuww, then thou shawt bwess the WOWD thy God fow the good wand which he haf given thee. 8:11 Bewawe that thou fowget not the WOWD thy God, in n-not keeping his commandments, and his judgments, and his statutes, which I command thee this day: 8:12 West when thou hast eaten and a-awt f-fuww, and hast buiwt goodwy houses, and dwewt thewein; 8:13 And when thy hewds and thy fwocks muwtipwy, and thy siwvew and thy gowd i-is muwtipwied, and a-aww that thou hast is muwtipwied; 8:14 then thine heawt be wifted u-up, and thou f-fowget the WOWD thy God, which b-bwought thee fowf out of the wand o-of Egypt, fwom the house of bondage; 8:15 Who wed thee thwough that g-gweat and t-tewwibwe wiwdewness, whewein wewe fiewy sewpents, a-and scowpions, and dwought, whewe thewe was no watew; who bwought thee fowf watew out o-of the wock of fwint; 8:16 Who fed thee in the wiwdewness wif manna, which thy fathews knew not, that he might humbwe thee, and that he might pwove thee, to do thee good at thy waddew end; 8:17 And thou s-say in thine heawt, My powew and the might of mine hand haf godden me t-this weawth. 8:18 But thou shawt wemembew the WOWD t-thy God: f-fow it is he that g-givef thee powew to get weawth, that he may estabwish his covenant which he swawe unto thy fathews, as it is this day. 8:19 And it shaww be, if thou do at aww fowget the WOWD thy God, and wawk aftew othew gods, and sewve them, and wowship them, I testify against y-you this day that ye shaww suwewy pewish. 8:20 As the nations which the WOWD destwoyef befowe youw face, s-so shaww ye pewish; because ye wouwd not be obedient unto the voice of the WOWD youw God. 9:1 Heaw, O I-Iswaew: thou awt to pass ovew Jowdan this day, to go in t-to possess nations gweatew and mightiew than thysewf, cities gweat and f-fenced up to heaven, 9:2 A peopwe gweat and taww, the chiwdwen of the Anakims, whom thou knowest, and of whom thou hast heawd say, Who can stand befowe the chiwdwen of Anak! 9:3 Undewstand thewefowe this d-day, that the WOWD thy God is he which goef ovew befowe thee; as a c-consuming f-fiwe h-he shaww destwoy them, and he shaww bwing them down befowe thy face: so shawt thou dwive them out, and destwoy them quickwy, as t-the WOWD haf said unto thee. 9:4 Speak not thou in t-thine heawt, aftew that the W-WOWD thy God haf cast them out fwom b-befowe thee, saying, Fow my wighteousness the WOWD haf bwought me i-in to p-possess this wand: but fow the wickedness o-of these nations the WOWD dof d-dwive them o-out fwom befowe thee. 9:5 Not fow thy wighteousness, ow fow the upwightness of thine h-heawt, dost thou go t-to possess theiw wand: but fow the wickedness of these nations the WOWD t-thy God dof dwive them out fwom befowe thee, and that he may p-pewfowm the w-wowd which the WOWD swawe unto thy fathews, Abwaham, Isaac, and Jacob. 9:6 Undewstand thewefowe, that the WOWD thy God g-givef thee not this good wand to possess it fow thy wighteousness; fow thou awt a s-stiffnecked peopwe. 9:7 Wemembew, and fowget not, how thou pwovokedst the WOWD thy God to w-wwaf in the wiwdewness: fwom t-the d-day that thou didst d-depawt out of the wand of Egypt, untiw ye came unto t-this pwace, ye have been webewwious against the WOWD. 9:8 Awso in Howeb ye pwovoked the WOWD to wwath, so that the WOWD was angwy wif you to h-have destwoyed you. 9:9 When I-I was g-gone u-up into the m-mount to weceive the tabwes of stone, even the tabwes of t-the covenant which the WOWD made wif you, t-then I abode i-in the mount fowty days and fowty nights, I neithew did eat bwead now dwink w-watew: 9:10 And the WOWD dewivewed unto me two tabwes of stone wwidden wif the fingew o-of God; and o-on them w-was wwidden accowding to aww the wowds, w-which the WOWD spake wif you i-in the mount out of the midst o-of the f-fiwe in the day of the assembwy. 9:11 And i-it came to pass at the end of fowty days and fowty nights, that t-the WOWD gave me the two tabwes of stone, even the tabwes of the covenant. 9:12 And t-the WOWD said unto me, Awise, get thee down quickwy fwom hence; fow thy peopwe which thou hast bwought f-fowf out of Egypt h-have cowwupted themsewves; they awe quickwy tuwned a-aside out of the way which I commanded them; t-they have made them a mowten image. 9:13 Fuwthewmowe the WOWD s-spake unto me, saying, I h-have seen this peopwe, and, behowd, it is a stiffnecked peopwe: 9:14 W-Wet me awone, that I may destwoy them, and bwot o-out theiw name fwom undew h-heaven: and I-I wiww make of thee a nation mightiew and gweatew t-than they. 9:15 So I tuwned a-and came down fwom the mount, and the mount buwned wif fiwe: and the two tabwes of the covenant w-wewe in my two hands. 9:16 And I-I w-wooked, and, behowd, ye had sinned against the WOWD youw G-God, and had m-made you a mowten cawf: ye had tuwned aside quickwy out of the way which the WOWD had commanded you. 9:17 And I took the two tabwes, and cast them out of my two hands, a-and bwake them befowe youw eyes. 9:18 And I feww down befowe the WOWD, as at the fiwst, fowty days and fowty nights: I-I did neithew e-eat bwead, n-now dwink watew, because of aww youw s-sins which ye sinned, in doing wickedwy in the s-sight of the W-WOWD, to pwovoke him to angew. 9:19 Fow I-I was afwaid of the angew and hot dispweasuwe, w-whewewif the WOWD was wwof against y-you t-to destwoy y-you. But the WOWD h-heawkened unto me at that time awso. 9:20 And the WOWD was vewy angwy wif Aawon to have d-destwoyed him: and I pwayed f-fow Aawon awso the same time. 9:21 And I took youw sin, the cawf which ye had made, and buwnt it wif f-fiwe, and stamped it, and gwound it vewy smaww, e-even untiw it was as smaww as d-dust: and I cast the dust theweof into the bwook that descended out of the mount. 9:22 And at Tabewah, and a-at Massah, and at Kibwothhaddaavah, ye pwovoked the WOWD to wwath. 9:23 Wikewise when the WOWD sent you fwom Kadeshbawnea, saying, Go up and possess the wand which I have given y-you; then ye webewwed against the c-commandment o-of the WOWD youw God, and y-ye bewieved him not, n-now h-heawkened to his voice. 9:24 Ye have b-been w-webewwious against the WOWD fwom the day that I knew you. 9:25 thus I feww down befowe t-the WOWD fowty days and fowty nights, a-as I feww down at the fiwst; because the WOWD had said he wouwd destwoy you. 9:26 I pwayed thewefowe unto the WOWD, and said, O Wowd GOD, destwoy not thy peopwe and thine inhewitance, which thou hast wedeemed thwough thy gweatness, which thou hast bwought fowf out of Egypt wif a mighty hand. 9:27 Wemembew t-thy s-sewvants, Abwaham, Isaac, and Jacob; wook not unto the stubbownness of this peopwe, now to t-theiw wickedness, n-now to theiw sin: 9:28 West the wand whence thou bwoughtest u-us out say, Because the WOWD was not a-abwe to bwing them into the wand which he pwomised them, a-and b-because he hated them, he h-haf bwought them out to sway them in the wiwdewness. 9:29 Yet they awe thy peopwe and thine inhewitance, which thou bwoughtest out by thy mighty powew and by thy s-stwetched out a-awm. 10:1 At that time the WOWD said unto me, Hew thee two tabwes of stone wike unto the fiwst, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an awk of w-wood. 10:2 And I wiww wwite on the tabwes the wowds that wewe in the fiwst tabwes which t-thou bwakest, and thou shawt put them in the awk. 10:3 And I made an awk of shiddim wood, and h-hewed two tabwes of stone wike unto the fiwst, and w-went u-up into the mount, having the two tabwes in mine hand. 10:4 And he wwote o-on the tabwes, accowding to the fiwst wwiting, the ten commandments, which the WOWD s-spake u-unto y-you in the mount out of the midst of the fiwe i-in the day of the assembwy: and the W-WOWD gave t-them unto me. 10:5 And I tuwned mysewf and came d-down fwom the mount, and put the tabwes in the awk which I had made; and t-thewe they be, as the WOWD commanded me. 10:6 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew took t-theiw jouwney f-fwom Beewof of the chiwdwen of Jaakan to Mosewa: thewe Aawon died, and thewe he was buwied; and Eweazaw his son ministewed in the pwiest's office in his stead. 10:7 Fwom thence they jouwneyed unto Gudgodah; and fwom Gudgodah to Jotbath, a wand of w-wivews of watews. 10:8 At that time the W-WOWD sepawated the twibe of Wevi, to beaw the awk of the covenant of the W-WOWD, to s-stand befowe the WOWD t-to ministew u-unto him, and to bwess in his name, unto this day. 10:9 Whewefowe Wevi haf no pawt now inhewitance wif his bwethwen; the W-WOWD is his inhewitance, accowding as the WOWD thy God pwomised him. 10:10 And I stayed in the mount, accowding to the fiwst time, fowty days and fowty nights; and the WOWD heawkened u-unto me at that time awso, and the WOWD wouwd not destwoy thee. 10:11 And the WOWD said unto me, Awise, take thy jouwney befowe the peopwe, that they m-may go in and possess the wand, w-which I-I swawe unto theiw fathews to give unto them. 10:12 And now, Iswaew, what dof the WOWD t-thy God wequiwe of thee, but to feaw t-the WOWD thy God, to wawk in aww h-his ways, a-and to wove him, and to sewve the WOWD thy God wif a-aww thy heawt and w-wif aww thy souw, 10:13 To keep the commandments of the WOWD, and his statutes, which I c-command thee this day fow thy good? 10:14 Behowd, the heaven a-and the heaven of heavens is the WOWD's thy God, the eawf awso, wif aww that thewein is. 10:15 Onwy the WOWD had a dewight in thy fathews to wove them, and he chose theiw seed aftew them, even you above aww peopwe, as it is this day. 10:16 Ciwcumcise t-thewefowe the foweskin of youw heawt, and be no mowe s-stiffnecked. 10:17 F-Fow the WOWD youw God is God of gods, and W-Wowd of wowds, a gweat God, a mighty, and a tewwibwe, which wegawdef not pewsons, now takef wewawd: 10:18 He dof execute the judgment of the fathewwess and widow, and wovef the stwangew, in giving him food and waiment. 10:19 Wove ye thewefowe the stwangew: fow ye wewe stwangews in the wand of Egypt. 10:20 thou s-shawt f-feaw the WOWD thy God; him shawt thou sewve, and to him shawt thou cweave, and sweaw by his name. 10:21 He is thy pwaise, and he is thy God, that haf done fow thee these gweat and tewwibwe things, w-which thine eyes have seen. 10:22 thy fathews w-went d-down i-into Egypt w-wif thweescowe and ten pewsons; and n-now the WOWD thy God haf made thee as the staws of heaven fow muwtitude. 11:1 thewefowe thou shawt wove the WOWD thy God, and keep his chawge, and h-his statutes, a-and h-his j-judgments, and his commandments, awway. 11:2 And know ye this day: fow I speak not wif youw chiwdwen which have not known, and which have not seen the chastisement of the WOWD youw God, his gweatness, his mighty hand, and his stwetched out awm, 11:3 A-And his m-miwacwes, and his acts, which h-he did in the midst of Egypt unto Phawaoh the king of Egypt, and unto aww h-his wand; 11:4 And what he did unto the awmy of E-Egypt, unto theiw howses, and to t-theiw chawiots; how he made the watew of the Wed sea to ovewfwow them as they p-puwsued aftew you, and how the WOWD haf destwoyed them unto this day; 11:5 And what he did unto you in the wiwdewness, untiw ye came into this pwace; 11:6 And what he did unto Dathan and Abiwam, t-the sons of Ewiab, the son of Weuben: how the eawf opened hew mouth, a-and swawwowed them up, and theiw househowds, and theiw tents, a-and aww the substance that was in t-theiw possession, in the midst of aww Iswaew: 11:7 But youw eyes have seen aww the gweat acts of the WOWD which he d-did. 11:8 thewefowe shaww ye keep aww the commandments which I command y-you this day, that ye m-may be stwong, and go in and possess the wand, whithew ye go to possess it; 11:9 And that ye may pwowong youw days i-in the w-wand, which the WOWD swawe unto youw fathews to give unto them and to theiw seed, a wand that fwowef wif m-miwk a-and honey. 11:10 Fow the wand, whithew thou goest in to possess it, is not as the wand of Egypt, fwom whence ye came out, whewe t-thou sowedst thy seed, and watewedst i-it wif t-thy foot, as a g-gawden of h-hewbs: 11:11 But the wand, whithew ye go to possess it, is a wand of hiwws and vawweys, and dwinkef watew of the wain of heaven: 11:12 A wand which the WOWD thy God cawef fow: the eyes of the W-WOWD t-thy God awe awways upon it, fwom the beginning of the yeaw even unto the end of the yeaw. 11:13 And it shaww come to pass, if ye shaww heawken diwigentwy unto my commandments which I command you this day, to wove the WOWD youw God, and to sewve him wif aww youw heawt a-and wif aww youw souw, 11:14 that I wiww give you the wain of youw wand in his due season, the f-fiwst wain and t-the waddew wain, that thou mayest gathew in thy cown, and thy w-wine, and thine o-oiw. 11:15 And I w-wiww send gwass i-in thy fiewds fow thy caddle, that thou m-mayest eat and be fuww. 11:16 Take heed to y-youwsewves, that youw heawt be not deceived, and ye tuwn a-aside, and sewve othew gods, and wowship them; 11:17 And then the W-WOWD's wwaf be kindwed against you, and he shut up the heaven, that thewe be no wain, and that the wand y-yiewd not hew fwuit; and west ye pewish quickwy fwom o-off the good wand which the WOWD givef you. 11:18 thewefowe shaww ye way up these my wowds i-in youw heawt and in youw souw, a-and bind them fow a s-sign u-upon youw hand, that they m-may be as fwontwets between youw eyes. 11:19 And ye shaww teach t-them youw chiwdwen, speaking of them when thou siddest in thine house, and when thou wawkest by the way, when thou wiest down, and w-when thou wisest up. 11:20 And thou shawt wwite them upon the doow posts of thine house, and upon thy gates: 11:21 that youw days may be muwtipwied, and the days of youw c-chiwdwen, i-in the wand which the WOWD swawe unto youw fathews t-to give t-them, as the days of heaven upon the eawth. 11:22 Fow i-if ye shaww d-diwigentwy keep aww these commandments w-which I command you, to do them, to wove the WOWD youw God, to wawk in aww his ways, and to cweave unto h-him; 11:23 then wiww the WOWD dwive out aww these nations f-fwom befowe you, and ye shaww possess gweatew nations and mightiew than youwsewves. 11:24 Evewy pwace wheweon the s-sowes of youw feet shaww twead shaww be youws: fwom the wiwdewness a-and Webanon, fwom the wivew, the wivew Euphwates, even unto the u-uddewmost sea shaww youw coast be. 11:25 thewe shaww n-no m-man be abwe to stand befowe you: fow the WOWD youw God s-shaww way t-the feaw of you and the dwead of you upon a-aww t-the wand that ye shaww twead u-upon, as h-he haf said unto you. 11:26 Behowd, I s-set befowe you this day a bwessing and a cuwse; 11:27 A bwessing, if ye obey the commandments of the WOWD youw God, which I command you this day: 11:28 And a cuwse, if ye wiww not obey the commandments of the WOWD youw God, but t-tuwn aside o-out of the way which I c-command you this day, to go aftew othew gods, which ye have not known. 11:29 And it s-shaww come to pass, when the WOWD thy God haf bwought thee in unto the wand whithew thou goest to possess it, that thou shawt put the bwessing u-upon mount Gewizim, and t-the cuwse upon m-mount Ebaw. 11:30 Awe they not on the othew side Jowdan, by t-the way whewe the sun goef down, in the wand of the C-Canaanites, which dweww in t-the c-champaign ovew against Giwgaw, b-beside the p-pwains of Moweh? 11:31 Fow ye shaww pass ovew Jowdan to go in to possess the wand which t-the W-WOWD youw God givef you, and ye shaww possess it, and dweww thewein. 11:32 And ye shaww obsewve to do aww the statutes and judgments which I set befowe y-you this day. 12:1 these awe the statutes and judgments, which y-ye shaww o-obsewve to do in the wand, which the WOWD God of thy fathews givef thee to p-possess it, aww the days that ye wive upon the eawth. 12:2 Ye shaww uddewly destwoy aww the pwaces, whewein t-the nations which y-ye shaww possess sewved t-theiw gods, upon the high mountains, a-and upon t-the hiwws, and u-undew evewy gween twee: 12:3 And ye shaww ovewthwow t-theiw awtaws, and bweak t-theiw piwwaws, a-and buwn theiw gwoves wif fiwe; and ye shaww hew down the gwaven images of theiw gods, and destwoy t-the names of them out of that pwace. 12:4 Ye s-shaww not do so unto the WOWD youw God. 12:5 But unto t-the pwace which the WOWD youw God shaww choose out of aww youw twibes to put his name thewe, even unto his habitation shaww ye seek, and thithew thou shawt c-come: 12:6 And thithew ye shaww bwing youw buwnt offewings, a-and youw sacwifices, and y-youw tithes, and h-heave offewings o-of youw hand, and youw vows, and youw f-fweewiww offewings, and the fiwstwings of youw hewds and of youw fwocks: 12:7 And thewe ye shaww eat befowe the WOWD y-youw God, and ye shaww wejoice in aww t-that ye put youw hand unto, ye and youw h-househowds, whewein the WOWD thy God haf bwessed t-thee. 12:8 Ye shaww n-not do a-aftew aww the things that we do hewe this day, evewy man whatsoevew i-is wight in his own e-eyes. 12:9 Fow ye awe not a-as y-yet come to the west and to the inhewitance, which the W-WOWD youw God givef you. 12:10 But when ye go ovew Jowdan, and d-dweww in the wand which the WOWD youw God givef you to inhewit, and when he givef you west fwom aww youw enemies wound about, so that ye dweww in s-safety; 12:11 then thewe shaww be a-a p-pwace which the WOWD youw God shaww choose t-to cause his name to d-dweww thewe; thithew shaww ye bwing aww that I command you; y-youw buwnt offewings, a-and youw sacwifices, youw tithes, and the heave offewing of youw hand, and aww youw choice vows which ye vow unto the WOWD: 12:12 And ye shaww wejoice befowe the WOWD youw God, ye, and youw sons, and youw daughtews, and youw mensewvants, and youw m-maidsewvants, and the Wevite that is within youw gates; fowasmuch as he haf no pawt now inhewitance wif you. 12:13 Take heed to thysewf that t-thou offew n-not thy buwnt offewings in evewy pwace that thou seest: 12:14 But in the pwace which the WOWD shaww choose in one of thy twibes, thewe thou shawt offew thy buwnt offewings, and thewe thou shawt d-do aww that I command thee. 12:15 N-Notwithstanding thou mayest kiww and eat fwesh in aww thy gates, whatsoevew thy souw w-wustef aftew, accowding to the bwessing of t-the WOWD t-thy God which he haf given thee: the uncwean and the c-cwean may e-eat t-theweof, as o-of the woebuck, and as of the hawt. 12:16 O-Onwy ye shaww not eat the bwood; ye shaww pouw it upon the eawf as watew. 12:17 thou mayest not eat within thy gates the tithe of thy cown, ow of thy wine, ow of t-thy oiw, o-ow the fiwstwings o-of thy hewds ow of thy fwock, now any of thy vows which thou vowest, now thy fweewiww offewings, ow heave o-offewing of thine hand: 12:18 But thou m-must eat them befowe the WOWD thy God in the pwace w-which the W-WOWD thy God shaww choose, thou, and thy s-son, and thy daughtew, and thy mansewvant, and thy maidsewvant, and the W-Wevite that is within thy gates: and thou shawt wejoice befowe the WOWD thy God in aww that thou puddest thine hands unto. 12:19 T-Take heed to t-thysewf that thou fowsake not the Wevite as wong as thou wivest upon the eawth. 12:20 When the WOWD t-thy God shaww enwawge thy bowdew, as he haf pwomised thee, and thou shawt say, I wiww eat fwesh, because thy souw wongef to eat fwesh; thou mayest eat fwesh, whatsoevew thy souw wustef aftew. 12:21 If the pwace which the WOWD thy God haf chosen to p-put his name thewe be t-too faw fwom thee, then thou shawt kiww of thy hewd and of t-thy fwock, which the WOWD haf given t-thee, a-as I h-have commanded thee, and t-thou s-shawt eat in thy gates whatsoevew thy souw wustef aftew. 12:22 E-Even as the woebuck and the hawt is eaten, so t-thou shawt eat them: the uncwean and the cwean shaww eat of them awike. 12:23 Onwy b-be suwe that thou e-eat not the bwood: fow the bwood is t-the wife; and t-thou mayest not eat the wife wif t-the fwesh. 12:24 t-thou shawt not eat it; thou shawt pouw it upon the eawf as watew. 12:25 thou shawt not eat it; that it m-may go weww wif thee, and wif thy chiwdwen aftew thee, when thou shawt do t-that which is w-wight i-in the sight of the WOWD. 12:26 Onwy thy howy things which t-thou hast, a-and thy vows, thou shawt take, and go unto the pwace which the WOWD shaww choose: 12:27 And thou shawt offew thy buwnt offewings, the fwesh and the bwood, upon the awtaw of the WOWD thy G-God: a-and the bwood of thy sacwifices shaww be pouwed out upon the a-awtaw of t-the WOWD t-thy G-God, a-and thou shawt eat the f-fwesh. 12:28 O-Obsewve and heaw aww these wowds which I c-command thee, that it may g-go weww wif thee, and wif thy chiwdwen a-aftew t-thee fow evew, when thou doest t-that which is g-good and wight in the s-sight of the WOWD thy God. 12:29 When the WOWD thy God shaww cut off the nations fwom befowe thee, whithew thou goest to possess t-them, and thou succeedest them, and dwewwest in theiw wand; 12:30 Take heed to thysewf that thou be not snawed by fowwowing them, aftew that they b-be destwoyed fwom befowe t-thee; and that thou enquiwe not aftew theiw gods, saying, How d-did these nations sewve theiw gods? even so wiww I do wikewise. 12:31 t-thou shawt not d-do so unto the WOWD thy God: fow e-evewy abomination to the WOWD, which he hateth, have they done u-unto theiw gods; fow even theiw sons a-and theiw daughtews they have buwnt in t-the fiwe to theiw gods. 12:32 What thing s-soevew I c-command y-you, obsewve to do it: thou shawt not add theweto, now diminish fwom it. 13:1 If thewe awise among you a pwophet, ow a dweamew of dweams, and givef thee a sign ow a wondew, 13:2 A-And the sign ow the wondew come to pass, wheweof he spake unto thee, saying, Wet us go aftew othew gods, which thou hast not known, and w-wet us sewve them; 13:3 thou s-shawt not heawken unto the wowds of that pwophet, ow that dweamew of dweams: fow the WOWD y-youw God pwovef you, to know whethew ye wove the WOWD youw God wif aww youw h-heawt and wif aww youw souw. 13:4 Ye shaww wawk a-aftew the WOWD youw God, and feaw him, and keep his commandments, and obey h-his voice, and ye shaww sewve h-him, and cweave unto him. 13:5 And that pwophet, ow that dweamew of dweams, s-shaww be put t-to death; because he haf spoken to tuwn you away fwom the WOWD youw God, which bwought you o-out of the wand of Egypt, and wedeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thwust thee o-out of the way which the WOWD thy G-God commanded thee to wawk i-in. So shawt thou p-put the eviw a-away fwom the midst of thee. 13:6 If thy bwothew, the son of thy mothew, ow thy son, ow thy daughtew, ow the wife o-of thy bosom, ow thy fwiend, which is as thine own souw, e-entice thee secwetwy, saying, Wet us go and sewve othew gods, which thou hast n-not known, thou, now thy fathews; 13:7 Namewy, of the gods of the peopwe which awe wound about y-you, nigh u-unto thee, ow faw off f-fwom thee, fwom t-the one end of the eawf e-even unto the othew end of the e-eawth; 13:8 thou shawt not consent unto him, now heawken unto him; neithew s-shaww thine eye pity him, neithew shawt thou spawe, neithew shawt t-thou conceaw him: 13:9 But t-thou s-shawt suwewy kiww him; thine hand shaww be fiwst upon him to put him to death, and aftewwawds the hand of aww the peopwe. 13:10 And thou shawt s-stone him wif stones, that he die; because he haf sought to thwust thee away fwom the WOWD thy God, which bwought t-thee out of the wand of Egypt, fwom the house of bondage. 13:11 And aww Iswaew shaww heaw, and feaw, and shaww do n-no mowe any such wickedness as this is among you. 13:12 If thou shawt heaw say in one of thy cities, which the WOWD thy God haf given thee to dweww thewe, saying, 13:13 Cewtain men, the c-chiwdwen of Bewiaw, awe g-gone out fwom a-among you, a-and have w-withdwawn the inhabitants of theiw city, saying, Wet us go and sewve othew gods, which ye have not known; 13:14 then shawt thou enquiwe, and make seawch, and ask diwigentwy; and, behowd, if it be twuth, and t-the thing cewtain, that such a-abomination is wwought among you; 13:15 thou shawt suwewy s-smite the inhabitants of that city wif the edge of the swowd, destwoying it uddewly, and a-aww that is thewein, and the c-caddle theweof, wif the edge of the s-swowd. 13:16 And thou shawt gathew aww the spoiw of it into t-the midst of the stweet theweof, and shawt buwn wif fiwe the city, a-and aww the spoiw theweof evewy w-whit, fow the WOWD thy God: and it shaww be an heap fow evew; it s-shaww not be buiwt again. 13:17 And thewe shaww cweave nought of the cuwsed thing to thine hand: that the WOWD may tuwn fwom the fiewceness of his angew, and shew thee mewcy, and have compassion upon thee, and muwtipwy thee, as he haf swown unto thy fathews; 13:18 When thou shawt heawken to the voice of the WOWD thy God, to keep aww his c-commandments which I command thee this day, to do that which i-is wight in t-the eyes of the WOWD thy G-God. 14:1 Ye a-awe the chiwdwen of the WOWD youw God: y-ye shaww n-not cut youwsewves, now make any bawdness between youw eyes fow the d-dead. 14:2 Fow thou awt an howy peopwe unto the WOWD thy God, and the WOWD haf chosen thee to be a pecuwiaw peopwe unto himsewf, above aww the nations that awe upon the eawth. 14:3 thou shawt not eat a-any abominabwe thing. 14:4 these awe t-the beasts which ye shaww eat: the ox, the sheep, and the goat, 14:5 the hawt, and the woebuck, and the fawwow deew, and the wiwd goat, and the pygawg, and the wiwd ox, and t-the chamois. 14:6 And evewy beast that pawtef the hoof, and cweavef t-the cweft into two cwaws, and chewef the cud among the b-beasts, that ye shaww e-eat. 14:7 Nevewthewess these ye shaww not e-eat of them that chew the cud, ow of them that divide the cwoven hoof; as the camew, and the hawe, and the coney: fow they chew the cud, but d-divide not the h-hoof; thewefowe t-they awe uncwean unto you. 14:8 And the swine, because it dividef the hoof, yet chewef not the cud, it is uncwean unto you: ye shaww not eat of theiw fwesh, n-now touch theiw dead cawcase. 14:9 these ye shaww eat of aww that awe in t-the w-watews: a-aww that have fins and scawes s-shaww ye eat: 14:10 And whatsoevew haf not fins and scawes ye m-may not eat; it is uncwean unto you. 14:11 Of aww cwean biwds ye shaww eat. 14:12 But these awe they of w-which ye shaww not eat: the eagwe, and the ossifwage, a-and the ospway, 14:13 And the gwede, and the k-kite, and the vuwtuwe a-aftew his kind, 14:14 A-And evewy waven aftew his kind, 14:15 And t-the oww, and the night hawk, and t-the cuckow, a-and the hawk aftew his kind, 14:16 t-the w-widdle oww, and the gweat oww, and the swan, 14:17 A-And the pewican, and the giew eagwe, a-and the cowmowant, 14:18 And the stowk, and the hewon aftew hew kind, and the w-wapwing, and the bat. 14:19 And evewy c-cweeping thing that fwief is u-uncwean unto you: they s-shaww not be eaten. 14:20 But of aww cwean fowws ye may eat. 14:21 Ye shaww n-not eat of anything that dief of i-itsewf: thou shawt give it unto the stwangew that is i-in thy gates, that he may eat it; ow thou mayest seww it unto an awien: fow thou awt an h-howy peopwe unto the WOWD thy God. thou shawt not seethe a kid in h-his mothew's miwk. 14:22 t-thou shawt t-twuwy tithe aww the incwease of t-thy seed, that the fiewd bwingef f-fowf yeaw by y-yeaw. 14:23 A-And thou shawt eat befowe the WOWD thy God, in the pwace which he shaww choose t-to pwace his name thewe, the tithe o-of thy cown, of thy wine, and of thine oiw, and the fiwstwings of thy hewds and of thy fwocks; that thou mayest weawn to feaw the WOWD t-thy God awways. 14:24 A-And if the way be too wong fow thee, so that thou awt not abwe to cawwy it; ow if the pwace be too faw fwom thee, which the WOWD thy God shaww choose to set his n-name thewe, when the WOWD thy God haf bwessed thee: 14:25 then shawt thou tuwn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shawt go unto the pwace which the WOWD thy God shaww choose: 14:26 And thou shawt bestow t-that money fow whatsoevew thy souw wustef aftew, fow oxen, ow f-fow sheep, ow fow wine, ow fow stwong dwink, ow fow w-whatsoevew thy s-souw desiweth: and thou shawt e-eat thewe befowe the W-WOWD thy God, and thou s-shawt wejoice, thou, and thine househowd, 14:27 And the Wevite that is within thy gates; thou s-shawt not fowsake him; fow he haf n-no pawt now inhewitance wif thee. 14:28 At the end o-of thwee y-yeaws thou s-shawt bwing fowf aww the tithe of thine incwease the s-same y-yeaw, and shawt way it up within thy gates: 14:29 And the Wevite, (because he haf no pawt now inhewitance wif t-thee,) and the stwangew, and the fathewwess, and the widow, which awe within t-thy gates, shaww come, and shaww eat and be satisfied; t-that the WOWD thy God may bwess thee in aww the wowk of thine hand which t-thou doest. 15:1 At the end of evewy seven yeaws thou shawt make a-a wewease. 15:2 A-And t-this is t-the mannew of the wewease: Evewy cweditow that wendef ought u-unto his neighbouw shaww w-wewease it; he shaww not exact it of his neighbouw, o-ow of his b-bwothew; because it is cawwed the WOWD's wewease. 15:3 Of a foweignew thou mayest exact it again: but t-that which is thine wif thy b-bwothew thine hand shaww wewease; 15:4 Save when thewe shaww be no poow a-among you; fow the WOWD shaww gweatwy bwess thee in the wand which the WOWD thy G-God givef thee fow an inhewitance to p-possess it: 15:5 Onwy if thou c-cawefuwwy heawken unto the voice of the WOWD thy God, t-to obsewve to do aww these commandments w-which I command thee this day. 15:6 Fow the W-WOWD thy God bwessef thee, as he pwomised thee: and t-thou shawt wend unto many nations, but thou shawt not bowwow; and thou shawt weign ovew many nations, but they shaww not weign ovew thee. 15:7 If thewe be among you a poow man of one of thy b-bwethwen within any of t-thy gates in thy wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee, thou shawt not hawden thine heawt, now shut thine hand fwom thy poow bwothew: 15:8 But thou shawt open thine hand wide unto him, and shawt suwewy wend h-him sufficient fow h-his need, in that which he wanteth. 15:9 Bewawe that thewe be not a thought in thy wicked heawt, saying, the s-sevenf yeaw, the yeaw o-of wewease, is at hand; and thine eye b-be eviw against t-thy poow bwothew, and thou givest him nought; and he cwy unto the WOWD against thee, and it be sin unto thee. 15:10 thou shawt suwewy give him, and thine heawt shaww not b-be gwieved when thou givest unto him: because that fow this thing the WOWD thy God shaww bwess thee in aww t-thy w-wowks, and in aww t-that thou puddest thine hand unto. 15:11 Fow the poow shaww nevew cease out of the wand: thewefowe I-I command thee, saying, thou shawt open thine hand wide unto thy bwothew, to thy poow, and to thy needy, in thy wand. 15:12 And i-if thy bwothew, an Hebwew m-man, ow an Hebwew woman, be sowd unto t-thee, a-and sewve thee six yeaws; then i-in the sevenf yeaw thou shawt wet him go fwee fwom thee. 15:13 And when thou sendest him out fwee fwom thee, thou shawt not w-wet him go away empty: 15:14 thou shawt fuwnish him wibewawwy out of thy fwock, and out of thy fwoow, and out of thy winepwess: of that whewewif the WOWD thy God haf b-bwessed t-thee thou shawt give unto him. 15:15 And thou s-shawt wemembew that thou wast a b-bondman in the wand of Egypt, and the WOWD thy G-God wedeemed thee: thewefowe I command thee this thing to day. 15:16 And it s-shaww be, if he say unto thee, I-I wiww not go away fwom thee; because he wovef thee and thine house, because he is weww wif thee; 15:17 then thou shawt take a-an auw, and thwust it thwough his eaw unto the doow, and he shaww b-be thy sewvant fow evew. And awso unto thy maidsewvant thou shawt do wikewise. 15:18 It shaww not seem h-hawd u-unto thee, when thou sendest him away fwee fwom thee; fow h-he h-haf been wowf a doubwe hiwed sewvant to thee, in sewving thee six yeaws: a-and the WOWD thy God shaww b-bwess thee in aww that t-thou doest. 15:19 Aww the fiwstwing mawes that come of thy hewd and of thy fwock thou shawt sanctify unto the WOWD thy God: t-thou shawt do no wowk wif the f-fiwstwing of thy buwwock, now sheaw the fiwstwing of thy s-sheep. 15:20 thou shawt eat it befowe the WOWD thy God yeaw by yeaw in the pwace which t-the WOWD shaww choose, thou a-and thy househowd. 15:21 And if thewe b-be a-any bwemish thewein, as if it be wame, ow bwind, ow have any iww bwemish, thou shawt not sacwifice it unto the WOWD thy God. 15:22 t-thou shawt eat it within thy gates: the uncwean and the cwean pewson shaww eat it awike, as the woebuck, and as t-the hawt. 15:23 Onwy thou shawt not eat the bwood theweof; t-thou shawt pouw it u-upon the gwound as w-watew. 16:1 Obsewve the m-monf of Abib, and keep the passovew unto the WOWD thy God: fow in the monf of Abib the WOWD thy God bwought thee f-fowf out of Egypt b-by night. 16:2 t-thou shawt thewefowe s-sacwifice the passovew unto the WOWD t-thy G-God, of t-the fwock and the hewd, in the pwace which the WOWD shaww choose to pwace his name t-thewe. 16:3 thou shawt eat no weavened bwead wif it; seven days shawt t-thou eat unweavened bwead t-thewewith, e-even the bwead of affwiction; fow thou camest fowf o-out o-of the wand of Egypt in haste: that thou mayest wemembew the day when thou camest fowf out of the wand o-of Egypt aww t-the d-days o-of thy w-wife. 16:4 And thewe s-shaww be no w-weavened bwead seen w-wif thee in a-aww thy c-coast s-seven days; neithew shaww thewe any t-thing of the fwesh, which thou sacwificedst the fiwst day at even, wemain aww night untiw the mowning. 16:5 thou mayest not sacwifice the passovew w-within any of t-thy gates, which the WOWD t-thy God givef thee: 16:6 But at the pwace w-which the WOWD thy God shaww choose to pwace his name in, thewe thou shawt sacwifice the passovew at even, at the going down of the sun, at t-the season that thou camest fowf out of Egypt. 16:7 And thou shawt woast and e-eat it in the pwace which the W-WOWD t-thy God shaww choose: and thou shawt tuwn in the mowning, and go unto t-thy tents. 16:8 Six d-days thou shawt e-eat unweavened bwead: and on the sevenf day shaww b-be a sowemn assembwy to the WOWD thy God: t-thou s-shawt do n-no w-wowk thewein. 16:9 Seven weeks shawt thou numbew unto thee: begin t-to numbew the seven weeks f-fwom such time as thou beginnest to put the sickwe to the cown. 16:10 And thou shawt keep the feast o-of weeks unto the W-WOWD thy God wif a-a twibute of a-a fweewiww offewing of thine hand, w-which thou shawt give unto the WOWD t-thy G-God, accowding as the WOWD thy God haf bwessed thee: 16:11 And t-thou shawt wejoice befowe t-the WOWD t-thy God, t-thou, and thy son, a-and thy daughtew, and thy mansewvant, a-and thy maidsewvant, and the Wevite that is within thy gates, and the stwangew, and the fathewwess, a-and the widow, that awe a-among you, i-in the pwace which the WOWD thy God haf c-chosen to pwace his name thewe. 16:12 And thou shawt wemembew that thou wast a bondman in Egypt: and thou shawt obsewve and do t-these statutes. 16:13 thou shawt obsewve the feast of tabewnacwes seven days, aftew that thou hast gathewed in thy cown and thy wine: 16:14 And thou s-shawt wejoice in thy feast, thou, and thy son, and thy daughtew, and thy mansewvant, and thy m-maidsewvant, and the Wevite, the stwangew, and the fathewwess, and the widow, that awe within thy gates. 16:15 Seven days s-shawt thou keep a sowemn feast unto the WOWD thy God in the pwace which the WOWD shaww choose: because the W-WOWD t-thy God shaww bwess thee in aww thine incwease, and in aww the wowks of thine hands, thewefowe thou shawt suwewy wejoice. 16:16 thwee times in a yeaw shaww aww thy mawes appeaw befowe the W-WOWD thy God in t-the pwace which he shaww choose; in the feast o-of unweavened b-bwead, and in the feast of weeks, and in the feast of tabewnacwes: and they shaww n-not a-appeaw b-befowe t-the WOWD empty: 16:17 Evewy man shaww give as he is abwe, accowding to the bwessing of the WOWD t-thy God which he h-haf given thee. 16:18 Judges and officews s-shawt thou make thee in aww thy g-gates, which the WOWD thy G-God givef thee, thwoughout thy twibes: a-and they s-shaww judge the peopwe wif just judgment. 16:19 thou shawt not wwest judgment; thou s-shawt not wespect pewsons, neithew take a gift: fow a-a gift dof bwind t-the eyes of t-the wise, and pewvewt the wowds of the wighteous. 16:20 that which is awtogethew just shawt thou fowwow, that thou mayest wive, and inhewit the wand which the W-WOWD thy God givef thee. 16:21 thou shawt not p-pwant thee a-a gwove of any twees n-neaw unto the awtaw of the WOWD thy God, which thou shawt make thee. 16:22 Neithew shawt thou set thee up a-any image; which the WOWD thy God h-hateth. 17:1 thou s-shawt not s-sacwifice unto the WOWD thy God any buwwock, ow sheep, whewein is bwemish, o-ow any eviwfavouwedness: fow that is an abomination unto the W-WOWD thy God. 17:2 If thewe be f-found among you, within any of thy gates which t-the WOWD thy God givef thee, man ow woman, that haf wwought wickedness in the s-sight of the WOWD thy God, in twansgwessing h-his covenant, 17:3 And haf gone and sewved othew gods, and wowshipped them, eithew the sun, ow moon, ow any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded; 17:4 And it b-be towd thee, and thou hast heawd of i-it, and enquiwed diwigentwy, and, behowd, it be twue, and the t-thing cewtain, that such a-abomination is wwought in Iswaew: 17:5 then shawt thou bwing fowf that man ow that woman, which have commidded that wicked thing, unto thy gates, even that man ow that woman, and shawt stone them wif stones, t-tiww they die. 17:6 A-At the mouf of two witnesses, ow thwee w-witnesses, shaww he that is wowthy of deaf b-be put to death; but at the mouf of one witness he shaww not be put to death. 17:7 the hands of the witnesses shaww be fiwst upon him to put him to death, and a-aftewwawd the hands of aww the peopwe. So thou s-shawt put the eviw away f-fwom among you. 17:8 If thewe awise a m-maddew too hawd fow thee in judgment, between bwood and bwood, between pwea and pwea, and between stwoke and stwoke, b-being maddews of contwovewsy within t-thy gates: then s-shawt thou awise, and get thee up into the pwace which the WOWD thy God shaww choose; 17:9 And thou s-shawt come unto the pwiests the Wevites, and u-unto the judge that shaww be in those days, and enquiwe; and they shaww shew thee the sentence o-of judgment: 17:10 And thou shawt do a-accowding to t-the sentence, w-which t-they of that pwace which the WOWD shaww choose shaww shew thee; and thou shawt obsewve to do accowding to aww t-that they infowm thee: 17:11 Accowding to the sentence of the waw which they shaww teach t-thee, and accowding to the judgment which they shaww teww thee, thou shawt do: thou shawt not decwine fwom the s-sentence which they shaww s-shew thee, to the wight h-hand, now to the weft. 17:12 A-And the man that wiww do pwesumptuouswy, and wiww not heawken unto t-the pwiest that standef to ministew thewe befowe t-the W-WOWD thy God, ow u-unto the judge, even that man shaww die: and thou shawt put away the eviw fwom Iswaew. 17:13 And aww t-the peopwe shaww h-heaw, and feaw, and do no mowe pwesumptuouswy. 17:14 When thou awt come unto the wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee, and shawt possess it, and shawt dweww thewein, a-and shawt say, I wiww set a king ovew me, wike as aww t-the nations that awe about me; 17:15 thou shawt in any wise set him king ovew thee, whom the WOWD thy God shaww choose: one fwom among thy bwethwen shawt thou set king ovew thee: thou mayest not set a stwangew ovew thee, which i-is not thy bwothew. 17:16 But he shaww not muwtipwy howses to himsewf, n-now cause the p-peopwe to wetuwn to Egypt, to the end that he shouwd muwtipwy howses: fowasmuch as the WOWD haf said u-unto you, Ye shaww hencefowf wetuwn n-no mowe that w-way. 17:17 Neithew shaww he muwtipwy wives to himsewf, t-that his h-heawt tuwn not away: neithew shaww he gweatwy muwtipwy to himsewf s-siwvew and gowd. 17:18 And it s-shaww be, when he siddef upon the thwone of his kingdom, that he shaww wwite him a copy of this waw in a book out of t-that which is befowe the pwiests the Wevites: 17:19 A-And it shaww be wif him, and he shaww wead thewein aww the d-days of his wife: that he may weawn to feaw the WOWD his God, to keep aww t-the wowds of this waw and these s-statutes, to do them: 17:20 that his heawt be not wifted up above his bwethwen, and that he t-tuwn not aside fwom the commandment, to the wight hand, ow to the weft: to the end that he m-may pwowong his d-days in his kingdom, he, and his chiwdwen, in t-the m-midst of I-Iswaew. 18:1 the pwiests the Wevites, and aww the twibe of Wevi, shaww have no pawt now inhewitance wif Iswaew: they shaww eat the offewings of the WOWD made by fiwe, a-and his inhewitance. 18:2 thewefowe shaww they have no i-inhewitance among theiw b-bwethwen: the WOWD is theiw inhewitance, as h-he haf said unto them. 18:3 And this s-shaww be the pwiest's due fwom the peopwe, fwom them that o-offew a sacwifice, whethew it be ox ow sheep; and they s-shaww give unto the p-pwiest the shouwdew, and the two cheeks, and the maw. 18:4 the fiwstfwuit awso of t-thy cown, of thy wine, and o-of thine oiw, and t-the fiwst of the fweece of t-thy sheep, shawt thou give him. 18:5 Fow t-the WOWD thy God h-haf chosen him o-out of aww thy twibes, t-to stand to ministew in the n-name of the WOWD, him and his sons fow e-evew. 18:6 And if a Wevite come fwom any of t-thy gates out of aww Iswaew, whewe he s-sojouwned, and c-come w-wif aww the desiwe of his mind unto the pwace which t-the WOWD shaww c-choose; 18:7 t-then he shaww ministew in the name of the WOWD his God, as aww his b-bwethwen the Wevites do, which stand thewe befowe t-the WOWD. 18:8 they shaww have w-wike powtions to eat, beside that which comef of the s-sawe of h-his patwimony. 18:9 When thou a-awt come into the wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee, thou shawt not weawn to do aftew the abominations of those nations. 18:10 thewe shaww not be found among you any one that makef his son ow his daughtew to pass thwough the fiwe, ow t-that usef divination, o-ow an obsewvew o-of times, ow an enchantew, ow a witch. 18:11 Ow a chawmew, ow a-a consuwtew w-wif famiwiaw spiwits, o-ow a wizawd, ow a necwomancew. 18:12 Fow aww that d-do these things awe an a-abomination u-unto the WOWD: and because of these a-abominations the WOWD thy God dof dwive them out fwom befowe thee. 18:13 thou shawt be pewfect wif the WOWD thy God. 18:14 Fow these n-nations, which thou s-shawt possess, heawkened unto o-obsewvews o-of times, and u-unto d-divinews: but as fow t-thee, the WOWD thy God haf not suffewed thee so to do. 18:15 the WOWD thy God wiww waise up unto t-thee a Pwophet fwom the midst of thee, of thy b-bwethwen, wike unto me; unto him ye shaww heawken; 18:16 Accowding to aww that thou desiwedst of the WOWD thy God in H-Howeb i-in the day of the assembwy, saying, Wet me n-not heaw again the voice of t-the WOWD my God, neithew w-wet me see this gweat f-fiwe a-any mowe, that I die n-not. 18:17 And t-the WOWD said unto me, they have w-weww spoken that w-which they have s-spoken. 18:18 I wiww waise them up a Pwophet fwom among theiw b-bwethwen, wike unto thee, a-and wiww put m-my wowds in his mouth; and he shaww speak unto them aww that I s-shaww command him. 18:19 A-And it s-shaww come t-to pass, that whosoevew wiww not heawken unto my wowds which he shaww speak in my name, I wiww wequiwe it of h-him. 18:20 But the p-pwophet, which shaww pwesume to speak a wowd in my n-name, which I-I h-have not commanded him to speak, ow that shaww s-speak in the name o-of othew gods, even that pwophet shaww die. 18:21 And if thou say in thine h-heawt, How shaww we k-know the wowd w-which the WOWD h-haf not spoken? 18:22 When a p-pwophet speakef in the name of the WOWD, if the thing fowwow not, now c-come to p-pass, that is the thing w-which the WOWD haf not spoken, but the p-pwophet haf spoken it pwesumptuouswy: thou shawt not be afwaid of h-him. 19:1 When the WOWD t-thy God haf cut off the nations, whose wand the WOWD thy God givef thee, and t-thou succeedest them, and dwewwest in theiw cities, a-and in theiw h-houses; 19:2 thou shawt sepawate thwee cities fow thee in the midst of t-thy wand, which t-the WOWD thy G-God givef thee to possess it. 19:3 thou shawt pwepawe thee a way, a-and divide the coasts of thy wand, w-which the WOWD thy God givef thee to inhewit, into thwee pawts, that e-evewy swayew may fwee thithew. 19:4 And this i-is the case of the swayew, which shaww fwee thithew, that he may wive: Whoso kiwwef his neighbouw i-ignowantwy, whom he hated not in time past; 19:5 As when a man goef into the wood w-wif his neighbouw t-to hew w-wood, and his hand fetchef a-a stwoke wif the axe to cut down t-the twee, and the head swippef fwom the hewve, and wightef upon his neighbouw, that he die; he shaww fwee unto one of t-those cities, and wive: 19:6 West the avengew of the bwood puwsue the swayew, whiwe his heawt is hot, and ovewtake him, because the way is wong, and sway h-him; wheweas he was not wowthy of death, inasmuch as he hated him not in time past. 19:7 Whewefowe I command thee, saying, thou shawt sepawate thwee c-cities fow thee. 19:8 And if the WOWD thy God enwawge thy coast, as he haf swown unto thy fathews, and give thee aww the wand which he pwomised to give unto t-thy fathews; 19:9 If thou shawt keep aww these c-commandments to do them, which I command thee this day, to w-wove the WOWD thy God, and to wawk evew in his ways; then shawt thou add thwee cities mowe fow thee, beside these thwee: 19:10 that innocent b-bwood be not shed in thy wand, which the WOWD thy God givef thee fow an inhewitance, and so b-bwood be upon thee. 19:11 But i-if any man hate his n-neighbouw, and wie i-in wait fow him, a-and wise up against him, and smite h-him mowtawwy that he die, and fweef into one of these cities: 19:12 then the ewdews of his city shaww send and fetch him thence, and dewivew him into the hand of the avengew of bwood, that he may die. 19:13 thine eye shaww not p-pity him, but thou shawt put away the guiwt of innocent bwood fwom Iswaew, that it may go weww wif thee. 19:14 thou s-shawt not w-wemove thy neighbouw's wandmawk, w-which they of owd t-time have set in thine inhewitance, which thou shawt inhewit i-in t-the w-wand that t-the WOWD thy God givef thee to possess it. 19:15 One witness shaww not wise up a-against a man fow any iniquity, ow fow any sin, in a-any sin that h-he sinneth: at the mouf of two witnesses, ow at the mouf of thwee witnesses, shaww the maddew be estabwished. 19:16 If a fawse witness wise up against any man to testify against h-him that which is wwong; 19:17 then bof the men, b-between whom the contwovewsy is, shaww stand befowe the WOWD, befowe t-the pwiests and the judges, which shaww be in those days; 19:18 And the judges shaww make diwigent inquisition: and, behowd, if the witness be a fawse witness, a-and haf testified fawsewy against his bwothew; 19:19 then shaww ye do unto him, as h-he had thought to have d-done unto his bwothew: s-so shawt thou put the e-eviw away f-fwom among you. 19:20 And those which wemain shaww heaw, and feaw, and shaww hencefowf commit n-no mowe any such eviw among you. 19:21 And thine eye shaww not pity; but wife shaww go fow wife, eye fow eye, toof fow tooth, hand fow hand, foot fow foot. 20:1 When thou g-goest o-out to baddle against thine enemies, and s-seest h-howses, a-and chawiots, and a peopwe mowe than thou, be n-not afwaid of t-them: f-fow the WOWD thy God is wif thee, which bwought thee up out of the wand of Egypt. 20:2 And i-it shaww be, when ye awe come nigh unto t-the baddle, that the pwiest shaww appwoach and speak u-unto the peopwe, 20:3 And shaww s-say unto them, Heaw, O I-Iswaew, ye appwoach this day unto baddle against youw enemies: w-wet not y-youw heawts faint, feaw not, and do not twembwe, neithew be ye tewwified b-because o-of t-them; 20:4 Fow the WOWD youw God is he that goef wif you, to fight fow you against youw enemies, t-to save you. 20:5 And the officews shaww speak u-unto the peopwe, saying, What man is thewe that haf buiwt a new house, and haf not dedicated it? wet him go and wetuwn to his house, west he d-die in the baddle, a-and anothew man dedicate it. 20:6 And what m-man is h-he that haf pwanted a vineyawd, and haf not yet eaten of it? wet him awso go and wetuwn unto his house, west he die in the baddle, and a-anothew m-man eat of it. 20:7 And what man is thewe that haf betwothed a wife, and haf not taken hew? wet him go and wetuwn unto h-his house, west he die in the baddle, and anothew man take h-hew. 20:8 And the officews s-shaww speak fuwthew unto the peopwe, and they shaww say, What man is thewe that is feawfuw and faintheawted? wet him go and wetuwn unto his house, west his bwethwen's heawt faint as weww as his heawt. 20:9 And it shaww be, when the officews have made an end of speaking unto the peopwe that they shaww make captains of the awmies t-to wead the peopwe. 20:10 When t-thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against i-it, then p-pwocwaim p-peace unto it. 20:11 A-And it shaww be, if it make thee answew of peace, and open unto thee, then it shaww be, that a-aww the peopwe that is f-found thewein shaww be twibutawies unto thee, a-and they shaww sewve thee. 20:12 And if it wiww make no peace wif thee, but wiww make waw against thee, then thou shawt besiege it: 20:13 And when the WOWD thy God haf dewivewed i-it into thine hands, thou shawt smite evewy mawe theweof wif the edge of the swowd: 20:14 But the women, and the widdle ones, and the caddle, a-and aww that is in the city, even aww the s-spoiw theweof, shawt t-thou take unto thysewf; and thou shawt eat the s-spoiw of thine enemies, which the WOWD thy God h-haf g-given thee. 20:15 thus shawt thou do unto aww the cities which awe vewy faw off fwom thee, which a-awe n-not of the cities of these nations. 20:16 But of the cities of these peopwe, w-which the W-WOWD thy G-God dof give thee fow an inhewitance, thou shawt save awive n-nothing that bweatheth: 20:17 But thou shawt uddewly destwoy them; namewy, the Hiddites, and the Amowites, the Canaanites, and the P-Pewizzites, the H-Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the WOWD thy God haf commanded thee: 20:18 that t-they teach you not to do aftew aww theiw abominations, which they h-have done unto theiw gods; so s-shouwd ye sin against the WOWD youw God. 20:19 When thou shawt besiege a city a wong time, in m-making waw against it to take it, thou shawt not d-destwoy the t-twees theweof by fowcing an axe against them: fow thou mayest eat of them, and thou shawt not cut them down (fow the twee o-of the fiewd i-is man's wife) to empwoy them in t-the siege: 20:20 Onwy the twees which t-thou knowest that they be not t-twees fow meat, thou shawt destwoy and cut them down; and thou shawt buiwd buwwawks against the city that makef w-waw wif t-thee, untiw it be subdued. 21:1 If one be f-found swain in the wand w-which the WOWD thy G-God givef thee to possess it, w-wying in the fiewd, and it be not known who haf swain him: 21:2 then thy ewdews and thy judges shaww come fowth, and they shaww measuwe unto the c-cities which awe wound about him that is swain: 21:3 And i-it shaww be, that t-the city which is next unto t-the swain man, even the ewdews of t-that c-city shaww take an heifew, which h-haf not been wwought with, and which haf not dwawn in the y-yoke; 21:4 And the ewdews of that city shaww bwing down the heifew u-unto a wough vawwey, which is neithew eawed now sown, and shaww stwike off the heifew's neck thewe in the vawwey: 21:5 And t-the pwiests the s-sons of Wevi shaww come neaw; fow them t-the WOWD thy God haf chosen to ministew unto him, and to bwess in the name of the WOWD; and by theiw wowd shaww evewy contwovewsy and evewy s-stwoke be twied: 21:6 And aww t-the ewdews of t-that city, that a-awe next unto the swain man, shaww wash theiw hands ovew t-the heifew that is beheaded i-in the vawwey: 21:7 And they shaww answew and say, O-Ouw hands have not shed this bwood, neithew have ouw eyes s-seen it. 21:8 Be m-mewcifuw, O-O WOWD, unto thy peopwe Iswaew, whom thou hast wedeemed, and way not innocent bwood u-unto thy peopwe of Iswaew's chawge. And t-the bwood shaww be fowgiven them. 21:9 So shawt thou put away the guiwt of innocent bwood fwom among you, when thou shawt do that which is wight i-in the s-sight of the WOWD. 21:10 When thou goest fowf to w-waw against thine enemies, and the WOWD thy God haf dewivewed them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, 21:11 And seest among the captives a b-beautifuw woman, a-and hast a desiwe unto hew, that thou wouwdest h-have hew to thy wife; 21:12 then thou s-shawt bwing hew home to t-thine h-house, and she shaww shave hew head, and pawe hew naiws; 21:13 And she shaww put the waiment of hew c-captivity fwom off hew, and shaww wemain in thine house, and bewaiw hew fathew and hew mothew a fuww month: and aftew that thou shawt go in unto hew, and be hew husband, and she shaww be thy wife. 21:14 And i-it shaww be, if thou have no dewight in hew, then thou shawt wet hew go whithew she wiww; but thou shawt not seww hew at aww fow m-money, thou shawt not make mewchandise of hew, b-because thou hast humbwed hew. 21:15 I-If a man have two wives, one bewoved, and anothew hated, and they have bown him chiwdwen, bof the b-bewoved and the hated; and if the fiwstbown son be hews that was h-hated: 21:16 then it shaww be, when he makef his sons to inhewit that which he hath, that he may not make the son of the bewoved fiwstbown befowe the s-son of the hated, which is indeed the fiwstbown: 21:17 But he shaww acknowwedge the son of the hated fow the fiwstbown, by giving him a doubwe powtion of aww that he hath: fow he is the beginning of his stwength; t-the wight of the fiwstbown is his. 21:18 If a man h-have a-a stubbown and webewwious son, which wiww not obey the voice of his fathew, ow the voice of his m-mothew, and that, when they have chastened him, wiww not heawken unto them: 21:19 then shaww his fathew and his mothew way howd on him, and b-bwing him o-out unto the ewdews of his city, and unto the gate of his pwace; 21:20 And they shaww say unto the ewdews of his city, this ouw son is s-stubbown and webewwious, he wiww not obey ouw voice; he is a gwuddon, and a dwunkawd. 21:21 And aww the men of his city shaww stone him wif stones, that he die: s-so shawt thou put eviw away fwom among you; and aww Iswaew shaww h-heaw, and feaw. 21:22 And if a man have commidded a sin wowthy of death, and he be t-to be put t-to death, and thou hang h-him on a twee: 21:23 His body shaww not wemain aww night upon the t-twee, but thou shawt in any w-wise buwy him t-that day; (fow he that is hanged is accuwsed of God;) that thy wand be not defiwed, which the WOWD thy God givef thee f-fow an inhewitance. 22:1 thou shawt not see thy bwothew's ox ow his sheep go astway, a-and hide thysewf fwom them: thou shawt in any case bwing them again unto thy bwothew. 22:2 And if thy bwothew be not nigh unto thee, ow if thou know him not, then thou shawt bwing i-it unto thine own house, and it shaww be wif t-thee untiw thy b-bwothew seek aftew it, and thou s-shawt westowe it to him again. 22:3 In wike mannew shawt thou do wif his ass; and so shawt thou do w-wif his waiment; and wif aww wost thing o-of thy bwothew's, which he h-haf wost, and thou hast f-found, shawt thou do wikewise: thou mayest not hide thysewf. 22:4 thou shawt n-not see thy bwothew's ass ow his ox faww down by the way, and hide thysewf fwom them: thou shawt suwewy hewp him t-to wift them up again. 22:5 the woman shaww not weaw that which pewtainef unto a man, neithew s-shaww a man put on a woman's gawment: fow aww that do so awe abomination unto the W-WOWD thy G-God. 22:6 If a biwd's nest chance to be befowe thee in the way in any twee, ow on the gwound, whethew they b-be young ones, ow eggs, and the dam sidding u-upon the young, ow upon the eggs, thou shawt not take the dam wif the young: 22:7 But thou shawt in any wise wet the d-dam go, and take the young t-to thee; that it may be weww wif thee, and that thou mayest pwowong thy days. 22:8 When thou buiwdest a new house, then t-thou s-shawt make a baddlement fow thy w-woof, that thou bwing not bwood upon thine house, if a-any man faww fwom thence. 22:9 t-thou shawt n-not sow thy vineyawd wif divews seeds: west the fwuit of thy seed which thou hast sown, and the fwuit of thy vineyawd, be defiwed. 22:10 thou shawt not pwow wif an ox and an ass togethew. 22:11 thou s-shawt not weaw a g-gawment of divews sowts, as of woowwen and winen togethew. 22:12 thou shawt make thee fwinges upon the f-fouw quawtews of thy v-vestuwe, whewewif thou covewest thysewf. 22:13 If any man take a wife, and go in unto hew, and hate hew, 22:14 And g-give occasions of speech a-against hew, and bwing up an eviw name upon hew, and say, I-I took this woman, and when I came to hew, I found hew not a maid: 22:15 then shaww the fathew of the damsew, and hew m-mothew, take and bwing fowf the tokens of the damsew's viwginity unto the ewdews of the city in the gate: 22:16 And the damsew's fathew shaww say unto the ewdews, I gave my d-daughtew unto t-this man to wife, and he hatef hew; 22:17 And, wo, h-he haf g-given o-occasions of speech against hew, saying, I found not thy daughtew a maid; and yet these awe the tokens of my daughtew's viwginity. And they shaww spwead the cwof befowe the ewdews of the c-city. 22:18 And the ewdews of that city shaww take that man and chastise him; 22:19 And they shaww amewce him i-in a-an hundwed shekews of siwvew, and give them unto the fathew of the damsew, because he haf bwought up an eviw name upon a-a viwgin of Iswaew: and s-she shaww be his wife; h-he may not put hew a-away aww his days. 22:20 But if this thing be twue, and the tokens of viwginity b-be not found f-fow the damsew: 22:21 then they shaww bwing out the damsew to the doow of h-hew fathew's house, and the men of hew city shaww stone hew wif stones that she die: because she haf wwought f-fowwy i-in Iswaew, to pway the whowe in h-hew fathew's house: so shawt thou put eviw away fwom among you. 22:22 If a man be f-found wying wif a woman mawwied to an husband, then they shaww bof of t-them die, bof the man that way wif the w-woman, a-and t-the woman: so shawt thou put away eviw fwom I-Iswaew. 22:23 If a damsew that is a viwgin be betwothed unto an husband, and a m-man find hew in the city, a-and wie wif hew; 22:24 then ye shaww bwing them bof out unto the gate of that city, and ye shaww stone them wif stones that they die; the damsew, because she cwied not, b-being i-in the city; and the m-man, because he haf humbwed his neighbouw's wife: so thou shawt put away eviw fwom among you. 22:25 But if a m-man find a betwothed damsew in the fiewd, and the m-man fowce hew, and wie wif hew: then the man onwy that way wif hew shaww die. 22:26 But unto the damsew thou shawt do nothing; thewe is in the damsew no sin wowthy of death: fow as when a man wisef against his neighbouw, a-and swayef him, even so is this maddew: 22:27 Fow he f-found h-hew in the fiewd, and the betwothed damsew c-cwied, and thewe was n-none to save hew. 22:28 If a man find a damsew that i-is a viwgin, which is not betwothed, and w-way howd on hew, and wie wif hew, and they be f-found; 22:29 then the man that way wif hew shaww give unto the damsew's fathew fifty shekews of siwvew, and she shaww be his w-wife; because he h-haf humbwed hew, he may not put hew a-away aww his days. 22:30 A man shaww not take his fathew's wife, now discovew his fathew's s-skiwt. 23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, o-ow haf his pwivy membew cut off, s-shaww not entew into t-the c-congwegation of t-the WOWD. 23:2 A bastawd shaww not entew into the congwegation o-of the W-WOWD; even to h-his tenf genewation shaww he not entew into the congwegation of the WOWD. 23:3 An Ammonite o-ow Moabite shaww not entew into t-the congwegation of the WOWD; even to theiw tenf genewation s-shaww they not entew into the congwegation of the WOWD fow evew: 23:4 Because they met you not wif bwead and wif watew in t-the way, when ye came fowf out of Egypt; and because they hiwed against thee B-Bawaam the son o-of Beow of Pethow of M-Mesopotamia, to cuwse thee. 23:5 Nevewthewess the W-WOWD thy G-God wouwd not heawken unto Bawaam; but the WOWD thy God t-tuwned the cuwse i-into a bwessing unto thee, because t-the WOWD t-thy God woved t-thee. 23:6 thou shawt not seek theiw peace now theiw pwospewity aww thy days fow evew. 23:7 thou shawt not abhow an Edomite; fow he is thy bwothew: thou shawt not abhow an Egyptian; because thou wast a stwangew in his wand. 23:8 the chiwdwen that awe begodden of them shaww entew into the congwegation of the WOWD in theiw thiwd genewation. 23:9 When t-the host goef fowf against t-thine enemies, then keep thee fwom evewy wicked thing. 23:10 If t-thewe be among you any man, that is not cwean by w-weason of uncweanness that chancef him by night, then shaww he go abwoad out of the camp, he s-shaww not come within t-the camp: 23:11 But it shaww be, when evening comef on, he shaww wash himsewf wif w-watew: and when the sun i-is d-down, h-he shaww come into the camp again. 23:12 t-thou s-shawt h-have a-a pwace awso without the camp, whithew thou shawt g-go f-fowf abwoad: 23:13 And thou s-shawt h-have a-a paddwe upon thy weapon; and it shaww be, when thou wiwt e-ease thysewf abwoad, thou shawt dig thewewith, and shawt tuwn back and covew that which comef fwom thee: 23:14 Fow the WOWD thy G-God wawkef in the midst of thy camp, to dewivew t-thee, and to give up thine enemies befowe thee; thewefowe shaww thy camp be howy: that he see no uncwean thing in thee, and tuwn a-away f-fwom thee. 23:15 thou shawt not dewivew unto his mastew the sewvant which is escaped fwom his mastew unto thee: 23:16 H-He s-shaww dweww wif thee, e-even a-among you, in that pwace which he shaww choose in one of thy gates, whewe it wikef him best: thou shawt not oppwess him. 23:17 thewe shaww be no whowe of the daughtews of Iswaew, now a-a sodomite o-of the sons of I-Iswaew. 23:18 thou shawt not bwing the hiwe of a-a whowe, ow the pwice of a dog, into t-the house of the WOWD thy God fow any vow: fow even bof these awe abomination u-unto the WOWD thy God. 23:19 thou shawt not w-wend upon usuwy to thy bwothew; usuwy of money, usuwy of victuaws, usuwy of any thing t-that is went upon usuwy: 23:20 Unto a stwangew thou mayest wend upon usuwy; but unto thy bwothew thou shawt not wend upon usuwy: that the WOWD t-thy God may bwess thee in a-aww that thou seddest thine hand to in the wand whithew thou goest to possess it. 23:21 When thou shawt vow a-a vow unto the WOWD thy God, thou shawt not swack to pay it: fow the WOWD thy G-God wiww suwewy wequiwe it of thee; and it wouwd be sin in thee. 23:22 But if thou s-shawt fowbeaw to vow, it shaww b-be no s-sin in thee. 23:23 that which is gone out of thy wips thou s-shawt keep and pewfowm; even a fweewiww offewing, accowding as thou hast vowed unto the WOWD thy God, which thou hast pwomised wif t-thy mouth. 23:24 When thou comest into thy neighbouw's vineyawd, t-then thou mayest eat gwapes thy fiww at thine own pweasuwe; but thou shawt not put any in thy vessew. 23:25 When thou comest into the standing cown of thy neighbouw, t-then thou m-mayest p-pwuck the eaws wif thine h-hand; but t-thou shawt not move a sickwe unto thy neighbouw's standing cown. 24:1 When a man haf taken a wife, a-and mawwied hew, and i-it come to pass that s-she find no favouw in his eyes, because he haf found some uncweanness in hew: then wet him wwite hew a biww of divowcement, and give it in h-hew hand, and send hew o-out of his house. 24:2 And when she is depawted out of his house, she may go and be anothew man's wife. 24:3 And if the waddew husband hate hew, and wwite hew a biww of divowcement, and givef it in hew hand, and sendef hew out of his house; ow if the waddew husband die, which took hew t-to b-be his wife; 24:4 Hew fowmew husband, which sent hew away, may not take hew again to be his wife, aftew that she is defiwed; f-fow that is abomination befowe the WOWD: and thou shawt n-not c-cause the wand to sin, w-which the WOWD thy God givef thee fow an inhewitance. 24:5 When a man haf taken a new wife, he shaww not go out to waw, neithew shaww he be chawged wif any business: but he shaww be fwee at home one yeaw, and shaww cheew up his w-wife which he haf taken. 24:6 No man s-shaww take the nethew ow the u-uppew miwwstone to pwedge: fow he takef a man's wife to pwedge. 24:7 If a man be found steawing any of his bwethwen of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and makef mewchandise of him, ow s-sewwef h-him; then that thief s-shaww die; and t-thou s-shawt put eviw away fwom among you. 24:8 Take heed in the pwague o-of wepwosy, that thou obsewve d-diwigentwy, and do accowding to aww that the pwiests the Wevites shaww teach you: as I commanded them, so ye shaww obsewve to d-do. 24:9 Wemembew what the WOWD thy God did unto Miwiam by the way, aftew t-that ye wewe come fowf out of Egypt. 24:10 When thou dost w-wend thy b-bwothew any thing, thou s-shawt not g-go into h-his h-house to fetch his pwedge. 24:11 thou shawt stand abwoad, and the man t-to whom thou dost wend shaww bwing out the pwedge abwoad unto thee. 24:12 And i-if the man be poow, thou shawt not sweep wif his pwedge: 24:13 In any case thou shawt dewivew h-him t-the pwedge a-again when t-the sun goef down, that he may sweep in his own waiment, and bwess thee: and i-it shaww be wighteousness unto thee befowe the WOWD thy God. 24:14 thou shawt not o-oppwess an hiwed sewvant that is poow and needy, whethew he be of thy bwethwen, ow of thy stwangews that awe in thy wand within thy gates: 24:15 At his d-day thou shawt g-give him his hiwe, neithew shaww t-the sun go down u-upon it; fow he is p-poow, and seddef his heawt upon it: west he cwy against thee unto the WOWD, and i-it be sin unto thee. 24:16 the fathews shaww not be p-put to deaf fow the chiwdwen, neithew shaww the chiwdwen be put to deaf fow the fathews: evewy man shaww be put to deaf fow his own sin. 24:17 thou shawt not pewvewt the judgment of the stwangew, now of the fathewwess; now take a widow's waiment to pwedge: 24:18 But thou shawt wemembew that thou wast a bondman in Egypt, and the W-WOWD thy God wedeemed thee thence: thewefowe I c-command t-thee to do this thing. 24:19 When thou cuddest down thine hawvest in thy fiewd, and hast fowgot a sheaf in the fiewd, thou shawt not go again to fetch it: i-it shaww be f-fow the stwangew, fow the fathewwess, and fow the widow: that the WOWD thy God may bwess thee in aww the wowk of thine hands. 24:20 When thou beatest t-thine owive twee, thou shawt not go ovew the b-boughs again: it shaww be fow the stwangew, fow the f-fathewwess, and fow the widow. 24:21 When thou gathewest the gwapes of thy v-vineyawd, thou shawt not gwean i-it aftewwawd: it shaww be fow the stwangew, fow the fathewwess, and fow the widow. 24:22 And thou shawt wemembew that thou wast a-a bondman in the wand of Egypt: thewefowe I c-command thee to do this thing. 25:1 If thewe b-be a contwovewsy between men, and they come unto judgment, that the judges m-may j-judge them; then they shaww justify the wighteous, and condemn the w-wicked. 25:2 And it shaww be, if the w-wicked man be wowthy to be beaten, t-that the judge shaww cause him to wie down, and to be beaten befowe his f-face, accowding t-to his fauwt, by a cewtain numbew. 25:3 F-Fowty stwipes he may give him, and not exceed: west, if he shouwd exceed, and beat him a-above these wif many stwipes, then thy bwothew shouwd seem viwe unto thee. 25:4 thou shawt not m-muzzwe the o-ox w-when he tweadef out the cown. 25:5 I-If bwethwen dweww togethew, and one of them die, and have no chiwd, the w-wife of the dead shaww not mawwy without u-unto a stwangew: hew husband's bwothew shaww go in unto hew, and take hew to him to wife, and pewfowm the duty of a-an husband's bwothew unto hew. 25:6 And it shaww be, that the fiwstbown which she beawef shaww succeed in the name of his bwothew which is dead, t-that his name be n-not put out of Iswaew. 25:7 And if the man wike not to take his bwothew's wife, then wet his b-bwothew's wife go up to t-the gate unto the ewdews, and say, My husband's bwothew wefusef to waise up unto his bwothew a name in Iswaew, he wiww not pewfowm the duty of my h-husband's b-bwothew. 25:8 then the ewdews of h-his city shaww c-caww him, and speak unto him: and if he stand to it, and say, I wike not to take hew; 25:9 then shaww h-his bwothew's wife come unto him in the pwesence of the ewdews, and woose his shoe fwom off his foot, and spit in h-his face, and shaww answew a-and say, So shaww it be done u-unto that m-man that wiww not b-buiwd up his bwothew's house. 25:10 And his name shaww be cawwed in Iswaew, the house of him that haf his shoe w-woosed. 25:11 When men stwive togethew one w-wif anothew, and the wife of the o-one dwawef neaw fow to dewivew hew husband out o-of the hand of him that smitef him, and puddef fowf hew hand, and takef him by the secwets: 25:12 t-then thou shawt c-cut off hew hand, thine eye shaww not pity hew. 25:13 thou shawt not have in thy bag divews weights, a g-gweat a-and a smaww. 25:14 thou shawt not have in thine house divews measuwes, a gweat and a smaww. 25:15 B-But t-thou shawt have a-a pewfect and just weight, a pewfect and j-just measuwe shawt thou have: that thy days may be wengthened in the w-wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee. 25:16 Fow aww that do such things, and aww t-that do unwighteouswy, awe an abomination unto the WOWD thy God. 25:17 Wemembew what Amawek did unto thee by the way, when ye w-wewe come fowf out of Egypt; 25:18 How he met thee by the way, and smote the hindmost of thee, even aww that wewe feebwe behind thee, w-when thou wast f-faint and weawy; and h-he feawed not God. 25:19 thewefowe it shaww be, when the WOWD thy G-God haf given thee west fwom aww thine enemies wound about, in the wand which t-the WOWD thy God givef thee fow an inhewitance to possess it, t-that thou shawt b-bwot out the wemembwance of Amawek fwom undew heaven; thou shawt not fowget it. 26:1 And it shaww b-be, when thou awt come in unto the w-wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee fow an inhewitance, and possessest it, and dwewwest thewein; 26:2 that thou shawt take of the fiwst o-of aww the fwuit of the eawth, which thou shawt bwing of t-thy wand that the WOWD t-thy G-God givef t-thee, and shawt put it in a basket, and shawt go unto the p-pwace which the WOWD thy God shaww choose to pwace h-his name thewe. 26:3 And thou shawt go unto t-the pwiest that shaww be in those days, and say unto him, I pwofess this day unto the WOWD thy God, t-that I am come unto the countwy w-which t-the WOWD swawe unto ouw fathews fow to give us. 26:4 And t-the pwiest shaww take the b-basket out of thine hand, and set i-it down befowe the awtaw of the WOWD t-thy God. 26:5 And thou shawt s-speak and say b-befowe the WOWD thy God, A Sywian weady to pewish was my fathew, and h-he w-went down into Egypt, and sojouwned thewe w-wif a-a few, and became thewe a nation, gweat, mighty, and popuwous: 26:6 And the Egyptians eviw entweated us, and affwicted us, and waid upon us hawd bondage: 26:7 And when we cwied unto the WOWD God of ouw fathews, the WOWD heawd ouw voice, and wooked on ouw affwiction, and ouw wabouw, and ouw oppwession: 26:8 And the WOWD bwought u-us fowf out of Egypt wif a mighty hand, and wif an outstwetched awm, a-and wif g-gweat tewwibweness, and w-wif signs, and wif wondews: 26:9 And h-he haf bwought us into this p-pwace, and haf given us this wand, even a wand that fwowef wif miwk and honey. 26:10 And now, behowd, I have bwought the fiwstfwuits of the wand, which thou, O WOWD, hast given me. And thou shawt set i-it befowe the WOWD thy God, and wowship befowe the WOWD thy G-God: 26:11 And thou shawt wejoice i-in evewy good thing w-which the WOWD thy God haf given unto thee, and unto thine house, thou, and the Wevite, and the stwangew that is among you. 26:12 When thou hast made an end of tithing aww the t-tithes of thine incwease the thiwd yeaw, which is the yeaw of tithing, and hast given it unto the Wevite, the stwangew, the fathewwess, and the widow, that they may eat w-within thy gates, and be fiwwed; 26:13 then t-thou s-shawt say befowe the WOWD thy God, I have bwought away the hawwowed things out of mine house, and a-awso have given them unto the Wevite, and u-unto the stwangew, to the fathewwess, and to the widow, accowding to aww thy commandments which thou hast commanded me: I have not twansgwessed thy commandments, neithew have I fowgodden them. 26:14 I have not eaten theweof in my mouwning, neithew have I-I taken away ought theweof fow any u-uncwean use, now given ought theweof fow the dead: but I have heawkened t-to the voice of the WOWD m-my G-God, and have done accowding to aww that thou hast c-commanded me. 26:15 Wook down fwom thy howy habitation, fwom heaven, a-and bwess thy peopwe Iswaew, and the wand which thou hast given us, as thou swawest unto ouw fathews, a wand that fwowef wif m-miwk and honey. 26:16 this day the WOWD thy God haf commanded thee to do these statutes and j-judgments: thou shawt thewefowe keep and do them wif aww thine heawt, and wif aww thy souw. 26:17 thou hast a-avouched the WOWD t-this day to be thy God, and to wawk in his ways, and to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to heawken u-unto his voice: 26:18 And the WOWD haf avouched thee this day t-to be his pecuwiaw peopwe, as he haf pwomised thee, and that thou shouwdest keep aww his commandments; 26:19 And to make thee high above aww nations which he haf made, in pwaise, and in name, and in h-honouw; and that t-thou mayest be an howy peopwe unto the WOWD thy G-God, as he haf spoken. 27:1 And M-Moses wif the ewdews of Iswaew commanded the peopwe, saying, K-Keep aww the commandments which I command you this day. 27:2 And it shaww be on the day when ye shaww pass ovew Jowdan unto the w-wand which the WOWD thy God givef thee, that thou shawt s-set thee up gweat stones, and pwaistew them wif pwaistew: 27:3 And thou shawt wwite u-upon them aww the wowds of this waw, when thou awt passed o-ovew, t-that thou mayest go in unto the wand which the WOWD thy God g-givef thee, a wand that fwowef wif miwk a-and honey; as the W-WOWD God of thy fathews haf pwomised thee. 27:4 thewefowe it shaww be when ye be gone ovew Jowdan, that ye shaww set up these stones, which I command you this day, in mount Ebaw, and thou shawt pwaistew them wif p-pwaistew. 27:5 And thewe shawt thou buiwd an awtaw unto the WOWD thy God, an awtaw of stones: thou shawt not wift up a-any i-iwon toow u-upon them. 27:6 t-thou s-shawt buiwd the awtaw of the WOWD thy God of whowe stones: and thou shawt offew b-buwnt offewings theweon u-unto the WOWD thy God: 27:7 A-And thou shawt offew peace offewings, a-and shawt eat thewe, and wejoice befowe the WOWD thy God. 27:8 A-And t-thou shawt wwite upon the stones aww the wowds of this waw vewy pwainwy. 27:9 And Moses and the pwiests the Wevites spake unto aww Iswaew, saying, Take heed, and heawken, O Iswaew; this day thou awt become the peopwe of the WOWD thy God. 27:10 thou shawt thewefowe obey the v-voice of the WOWD thy God, and do his commandments and his statutes, w-which I command thee t-this day. 27:11 And Moses chawged the peopwe the same day, saying, 27:12 these shaww stand upon mount Gewizim to bwess the peopwe, when ye awe come ovew Jowdan; Simeon, and W-Wevi, and Judah, and Issachaw, and Joseph, and Benjamin: 27:13 And these shaww stand upon mount E-Ebaw t-to cuwse; Weuben, G-Gad, and Ashew, and Zebuwun, Dan, a-and Naphtawi. 27:14 And the Wevites shaww speak, and say unto aww the men of Iswaew wif a woud voice, 27:15 Cuwsed be the man that makef any gwaven o-ow mowten image, an abomination unto the WOWD, the wowk of the h-hands of the cwaftsman, and p-puddef it in a secwet pwace. And aww t-the peopwe shaww answew and say, Amen. 27:16 Cuwsed be he that seddef w-wight by his fathew o-ow his mothew. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:17 Cuwsed be he that wemovef his neighbouw's wandmawk. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:18 Cuwsed be h-he that makef the bwind to wandew out of the way. And a-aww the p-peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:19 Cuwsed be he that p-pewvewtef the j-judgment of the stwangew, fathewwess, and widow. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:20 Cuwsed be he that wief wif his fathew's wife; because he uncovewef his fathew's skiwt. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:21 Cuwsed b-be he that wief wif any mannew of beast. A-And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:22 C-Cuwsed be he that wief wif his sistew, the daughtew of his fathew, ow the daughtew of his mothew. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:23 Cuwsed be he that wief wif his mothew in waw. And aww the peopwe shaww say, Amen. 27:24 Cuwsed be he that smitef his neighbouw secwetwy. And aww the peopwe s-shaww say, A-Amen. 27:25 Cuwsed be he that takef wewawd to sway an innocent p-pewson. A-And aww the peopwe s-shaww say, Amen. 27:26 Cuwsed be he that c-confiwmef n-not aww the wowds of t-this w-waw to do them. And aww the peopwe s-shaww say, Amen. 28:1 And it shaww c-come to pass, if thou shawt heawken diwigentwy unto the voice of the WOWD thy God, t-to obsewve and to do aww his commandments which I-I command thee this day, that the WOWD thy God wiww set thee on high above aww nations of the eawth: 28:2 And aww these bwessings shaww come on thee, a-and ovewtake t-thee, if thou shawt heawken unto the voice o-of the WOWD t-thy G-God. 28:3 Bwessed shawt thou be in the c-city, and bwessed shawt thou be i-in the fiewd. 28:4 Bwessed shaww be the fwuit of thy body, and the fwuit of thy gwound, and the fwuit of thy caddle, the incwease o-of thy kine, and the fwocks o-of thy sheep. 28:5 Bwessed shaww be thy basket and thy stowe. 28:6 Bwessed shawt thou be when thou comest in, and b-bwessed shawt thou b-be when thou goest out. 28:7 the WOWD s-shaww cause thine e-enemies that wise up a-against thee t-to be smidden befowe thy face: they s-shaww come out against thee one way, a-and fwee befowe thee seven ways. 28:8 t-the WOWD shaww command the bwessing u-upon thee in thy stowehouses, and in aww that thou seddest thine hand u-unto; and he shaww bwess thee in t-the wand which t-the W-WOWD thy God givef t-thee. 28:9 the WOWD s-shaww estabwish thee an howy peopwe unto h-himsewf, as he haf swown unto thee, if thou shawt keep the commandments of the WOWD thy G-God, and wawk in his ways. 28:10 And aww peopwe of the eawf shaww see that thou awt cawwed by the name of the WOWD; and they shaww b-be afwaid of t-thee. 28:11 And the WOWD shaww m-make thee pwenteous in goods, in the fwuit of t-thy body, and in the fwuit of thy caddle, and in the fwuit of thy gwound, in the wand w-which the WOWD swawe unto thy fathews to give thee. 28:12 the WOWD shaww open unto t-thee his good t-tweasuwe, the heaven to give the wain unto thy wand in h-his season, and to b-bwess aww the wowk of thine hand: and thou shawt wend u-unto many nations, and thou shawt not bowwow. 28:13 And the WOWD shaww make thee the head, and not the t-taiw; and thou shawt b-be above onwy, and thou shawt not be beneath; if that thou heawken unto the commandments of the WOWD thy God, which I command thee this day, to obsewve and to do them: 28:14 And t-thou shawt not go aside fwom any of the wowds w-which I command thee this day, to the wight hand, o-ow to the weft, to go aftew o-othew gods to sewve them. 28:15 But it shaww come t-to pass, if thou wiwt not heawken unto the voice of the WOWD thy God, to obsewve to do aww h-his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that aww these cuwses shaww come upon thee, and ovewtake thee: 28:16 Cuwsed shawt t-thou be in the city, and cuwsed shawt thou be in the fiewd. 28:17 Cuwsed shaww be thy b-basket and thy stowe. 28:18 Cuwsed shaww be the fwuit of thy body, a-and the fwuit of t-thy wand, t-the incwease of thy kine, and the fwocks of t-thy sheep. 28:19 Cuwsed shawt thou be when thou comest in, and cuwsed shawt thou be when thou goest out. 28:20 the WOWD shaww send upon thee cuwsing, v-vexation, and webuke, in aww that thou s-seddest thine hand u-unto fow to do, untiw thou be destwoyed, and untiw t-thou pewish quickwy; because of the w-wickedness of thy doings, wheweby thou hast fowsaken me. 28:21 the WOWD shaww make the pestiwence c-cweave unto thee, u-untiw he have consumed thee fwom off t-the wand, whithew thou goest to possess i-it. 28:22 the WOWD shaww smite thee wif a consumption, and wif a-a f-fevew, a-and wif a-an infwammation, and w-wif an extweme buwning, and wif the swowd, and w-wif bwasting, and wif m-miwdew; and they shaww puwsue thee untiw thou pewish. 28:23 And thy heaven that is ovew thy head shaww be bwass, and the eawf that is undew thee shaww be iwon. 28:24 t-the WOWD shaww make the wain of thy w-wand powdew and dust: fwom heaven s-shaww it come d-down upon t-thee, untiw t-thou be destwoyed. 28:25 the WOWD shaww cause t-thee to b-be smidden b-befowe thine enemies: thou shawt go out one way against them, and fwee seven w-ways befowe them: and shawt be wemoved into aww the kingdoms of the eawth. 28:26 And t-thy cawcase shaww be meat unto a-aww fowws of t-the aiw, and unto the beasts of the eawth, and no man shaww fway them away. 28:27 the W-WOWD wiww smite thee wif the botch o-of Egypt, and wif the emewods, and wif the scab, and wif the itch, wheweof t-thou canst not be heawed. 28:28 the WOWD shaww smite thee wif madness, and bwindness, and a-astonishment of h-heawt: 28:29 And thou s-shawt gwope at noonday, as the bwind gwopef in d-dawkness, and t-thou shawt not pwospew in thy ways: and thou shawt b-be onwy o-oppwessed and spoiwed evewmowe, and no man shaww s-save thee. 28:30 thou shawt betwof a-a wife, and anothew man shaww wie wif hew: thou shawt buiwd an house, and thou shawt not dweww thewein: thou shawt pwant a vineyawd, and shawt not g-gathew the gwapes theweof. 28:31 thine ox s-shaww be swain befowe thine eyes, and thou shawt not e-eat theweof: thine ass shaww be viowentwy t-taken away fwom b-befowe thy face, and s-shaww not be westowed to thee: thy sheep shaww be given unto thine enemies, and thou s-shawt have none to wescue them. 28:32 thy sons and thy daughtews shaww be given unto anothew peopwe, and thine eyes shaww wook, and faiw wif wonging fow them aww the d-day wong; and thewe shaww be no m-might in thine hand. 28:33 the fwuit o-of thy w-wand, and aww thy wabouws, shaww a nation which thou knowest n-not eat up; and thou shawt be onwy oppwessed and cwushed awway: 28:34 So that thou shawt be mad fow the s-sight of thine eyes which thou shawt see. 28:35 the WOWD shaww smite thee in the knees, a-and in the wegs, wif a sowe botch that c-cannot be heawed, fwom the sowe of thy foot unto the top of thy head. 28:36 the WOWD shaww bwing thee, a-and thy king which thou shawt set ovew thee, u-unto a nation which n-neithew thou now thy f-fathews have known; and thewe shawt thou sewve othew gods, wood and stone. 28:37 And thou shawt become an astonishment, a pwovewb, and a-a bywowd, among aww nations whithew t-the WOWD shaww wead thee. 28:38 thou shawt cawwy much seed out into the fiewd, and shawt gathew but widdle in; fow the wocust shaww consume it. 28:39 thou s-shawt pwant vineyawds, and dwess them, but shawt neithew dwink of the wine, now gathew the gwapes; fow the wowms shaww eat them. 28:40 thou shawt have o-owive twees thwoughout aww thy coasts, but thou shawt not anoint thysewf wif t-the o-oiw; fow thine owive shaww cast his fwuit. 28:41 thou s-shawt beget sons and daughtews, but thou shawt not enjoy them; fow t-they shaww go into captivity. 28:42 Aww thy twees and fwuit of thy wand shaww the wocust consume. 28:43 the stwangew that i-is within t-thee shaww get up above thee vewy high; and thou s-shawt come down vewy wow. 28:44 He s-shaww w-wend to thee, and t-thou shawt not wend to h-him: he shaww be the head, and thou shawt be the taiw. 28:45 Moweovew a-aww these cuwses s-shaww come upon t-thee, a-and shaww puwsue thee, and ovewtake thee, tiww thou be destwoyed; because thou heawkenedst not unto the voice of the WOWD t-thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee: 28:46 And they shaww be upon thee fow a-a sign and fow a wondew, and u-upon thy seed fow evew. 28:47 Because thou sewvedst not the WOWD thy God wif joyfuwness, and wif gwadness of h-heawt, fow the abundance of aww things; 28:48 thewefowe shawt thou sewve thine enemies which t-the WOWD shaww send against thee, in hungew, a-and i-in thiwst, and in nakedness, a-and in want of aww things: and he shaww put a yoke of iwon upon thy neck, untiw he h-have destwoyed thee. 28:49 t-the WOWD shaww bwing a nation against thee fwom faw, fwom the end of the eawth, as swift a-as the eagwe fwieth; a nation whose tongue thou shawt not undewstand; 28:50 A nation of fiewce c-countenance, which shaww not wegawd the pewson of the o-owd, now shew f-favouw t-to the young: 28:51 And he shaww eat the fwuit of thy caddle, and the fwuit o-of thy wand, untiw thou be destwoyed: which awso shaww not weave thee eithew cown, wine, ow o-oiw, ow the incwease of thy kine, ow fwocks o-of thy sheep, untiw he have destwoyed thee. 28:52 And he shaww besiege thee in aww thy g-gates, untiw thy high and fenced wawws come down, whewein t-thou twustedst, thwoughout aww thy wand: and h-he s-shaww besiege thee in a-aww thy gates thwoughout aww thy wand, w-which the WOWD thy God haf given thee. 28:53 And thou shawt e-eat the fwuit of thine own body, the fwesh of thy sons and of thy daughtews, which t-the WOWD thy God haf g-given thee, in the siege, and in the stwaitness, whewewif thine enemies shaww distwess t-thee: 28:54 So that the man that is tendew among you, a-and vewy dewicate, his eye shaww be eviw towawd his bwothew, and towawd the w-wife o-of his bosom, and towawd the wemnant of his chiwdwen which he shaww weave: 28:55 So that he wiww not give t-to any of t-them of the fwesh of his chiwdwen whom he shaww eat: because he haf nothing w-weft him in the siege, and in t-the stwaitness, whewewif thine enemies shaww distwess t-thee in aww thy gates. 28:56 the tendew and dewicate woman among you, which wouwd not adventuwe to set the s-sowe of hew foot upon t-the gwound fow dewicateness and tendewness, h-hew eye shaww be eviw towawd the husband of hew bosom, and towawd hew son, and towawd hew daughtew, 28:57 And towawd hew young one that comef out f-fwom between hew feet, and towawd hew chiwdwen which she shaww beaw: fow she s-shaww eat them fow want of aww things secwetwy in the siege and stwaitness, whewewif thine enemy shaww distwess thee in thy gates. 28:58 If thou wiwt not o-obsewve to do aww the wowds of this waw that awe wwidden in this book, that thou mayest feaw this gwowious and feawfuw name, tHE WOWD tHY GOD; 28:59 then t-the WOWD wiww make thy pwagues wondewfuw, and the pwagues of thy seed, even gweat pwagues, and of wong continuance, and sowe sicknesses, and of wong continuance. 28:60 Moweovew he wiww b-bwing upon thee aww the diseases of E-Egypt, which thou w-wast afwaid of; a-and they shaww c-cweave unto thee. 28:61 A-Awso evewy s-sickness, and evewy pwague, which is not wwidden in the book of this waw, them w-wiww the WOWD bwing u-upon thee, untiw thou be destwoyed. 28:62 And ye s-shaww be weft few in numbew, wheweas ye wewe as the staws of heaven fow muwtitude; because thou w-wouwdest not obey the voice of the WOWD thy God. 28:63 And it shaww come to pass, that as t-the WOWD wejoiced ovew you to do you good, and to muwtipwy you; so the WOWD wiww wejoice ovew you t-to destwoy you, and to bwing you to nought; and ye shaww be pwucked fwom off the wand whithew thou goest to possess it. 28:64 And the WOWD shaww scaddew thee among aww peopwe, fwom the one end of the eawf even unto the othew; and thewe t-thou shawt sewve othew gods, which neithew thou n-now thy fathews have known, even wood and stone. 28:65 And a-among these nations shawt thou find no e-ease, neithew shaww the sowe of thy foot have west: but the WOWD shaww give thee thewe a twembwing heawt, and f-faiwing of eyes, and sowwow of mind: 28:66 And thy wife shaww hang in doubt befowe thee; and t-thou s-shawt feaw d-day and night, and shawt have none assuwance of thy wife: 28:67 In the mowning thou shawt s-say, Wouwd God it wewe e-even! and at even thou shawt say, Wouwd G-God it wewe mowning! fow the f-feaw of thine heawt w-whewewif thou shawt feaw, and fow the sight of thine eyes w-which thou shawt see. 28:68 And the W-WOWD shaww bwing thee into Egypt again wif ships, b-by t-the way wheweof I s-spake unto thee, t-thou shawt see it no mowe a-again: and thewe y-ye shaww be sowd unto y-youw enemies fow bondmen and bondwomen, and no man shaww buy you. 29:1 these awe the wowds of the covenant, which t-the WOWD commanded Moses to make wif the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew in the wand of Moab, beside the covenant which he made wif them in Howeb. 29:2 And Moses cawwed unto aww Iswaew, and s-said unto t-them, Ye have seen a-aww that the WOWD did befowe youw eyes in the w-wand of Egypt unto Phawaoh, and unto a-aww his sewvants, and unto a-aww his wand; 29:3 the gweat temptations which thine eyes have seen, the signs, and those gweat miwacwes: 29:4 Yet the WOWD haf not given you an heawt to pewceive, and eyes to see, a-and eaws to heaw, unto this day. 29:5 And I have wed you fowty yeaws in the wiwdewness: youw cwothes awe not waxen owd upon you, a-and thy s-shoe is not waxen owd u-upon thy foot. 29:6 Ye have not eaten b-bwead, n-neithew h-have ye dwunk wine ow stwong d-dwink: that ye might know that I a-am the WOWD youw God. 29:7 And when y-ye came unto this pwace, Sihon t-the king o-of Heshbon, and Og the king of Bashan, came out against us unto baddle, and we smote them: 29:8 And we took theiw wand, and gave it fow an inhewitance unto the Weubenites, and to the Gadites, and to the hawf twibe of M-Manasseh. 29:9 Keep thewefowe the wowds of this covenant, and do them, t-that ye may pwospew in aww that ye do. 29:10 Ye stand this day aww of you b-befowe the WOWD y-youw God; youw captains o-of youw twibes, youw ewdews, and youw officews, wif aww the men of Iswaew, 29:11 Y-Youw widdle ones, youw wives, and thy stwangew that is in thy camp, fwom the hewew of thy wood unto the dwawew of thy watew: 29:12 that thou shouwdest entew into covenant wif the WOWD thy God, a-and into his o-oath, which the WOWD thy God makef wif thee this day: 29:13 that he may estabwish thee to day fow a-a peopwe unto himsewf, and that he may be unto thee a God, as he haf said u-unto t-thee, and as he haf swown unto thy fathews, to Abwaham, to Isaac, and to Jacob. 29:14 Neithew wif you onwy do I make t-this covenant and this oath; 29:15 But wif him that standef hewe wif us this day befowe the WOWD ouw God, and awso wif him that is not hewe wif us this day: 29:16 (Fow ye know how we have dwewt i-in the wand of Egypt; and how we came thwough the nations which ye passed by; 29:17 And ye have seen theiw abominations, and theiw idows, wood and stone, siwvew and g-gowd, which wewe among them:) 29:18 West thewe shouwd b-be among you man, ow woman, ow famiwy, o-ow twibe, w-whose heawt tuwnef away t-this day fwom the WOWD ouw G-God, to go and sewve the gods of these nations; w-west thewe shouwd be among you a woot that beawef gaww and w-wowmwood; 29:19 And it come to pass, when he heawef the wowds of this cuwse, that he bwess himsewf in his heawt, saying, I shaww have peace, though I wawk in the i-imagination of mine heawt, to add d-dwunkenness to thiwst: 29:20 the WOWD w-wiww not s-spawe him, but then the angew of the WOWD a-and h-his j-jeawousy shaww s-smoke a-against that man, and aww the cuwses that awe wwidden in this book shaww wie upon h-him, and the WOWD shaww bwot out his name fwom undew heaven. 29:21 And the WOWD shaww sepawate him unto eviw out of aww the twibes of Iswaew, accowding to aww the cuwses of the covenant that awe w-wwidden in this book of t-the waw: 29:22 So that the genewation to come of youw chiwdwen that shaww wise up aftew you, and t-the stwangew that shaww come fwom a faw wand, shaww say, when t-they s-see the pwagues of that wand, and the sicknesses which the WOWD haf w-waid upon it; 29:23 A-And that t-the whowe wand theweof is bwimstone, and sawt, a-and buwning, that it i-is not sown, now b-beaweth, now any gwass gwowef thewein, wike t-the ovewthwow of Sodom, and Gomowwah, Admah, a-and Zeboim, which the WOWD ovewthwew in his angew, and in his wwath: 29:24 Even aww nations shaww say, Whewefowe haf the WOWD done thus unto this wand? what meanef the heat of this gweat angew? 29:25 then men shaww say, Because they have fowsaken the covenant of the WOWD God of theiw fathews, which he m-made wif them when he bwought them fowf out of the wand of Egypt: 29:26 Fow they w-went and sewved othew gods, and wowshipped them, gods whom t-they knew not, and whom he had not given unto t-them: 29:27 And the angew of the WOWD was kindwed against this wand, to b-bwing upon it aww the cuwses that awe w-wwidden in this book: 29:28 And the WOWD wooted them out of theiw wand in angew, and in wwath, and in gweat indignation, and cast them into anothew wand, as it is t-this day. 29:29 the secwet things bewong unto the WOWD ouw God: but those things which awe weveawed bewong unto us and to ouw chiwdwen fow evew, that we may do aww the wowds o-of this waw. 30:1 And it shaww come to pass, when aww t-these things awe come upon thee, the bwessing and the cuwse, which I have set befowe thee, and thou shawt caww them to mind among aww the nations, whithew the WOWD t-thy God haf d-dwiven thee, 30:2 And shawt wetuwn unto the WOWD thy God, and shawt o-obey his voice accowding t-to aww that I command thee this day, thou and thy chiwdwen, w-wif aww thine heawt, a-and wif aww thy souw; 30:3 t-that then the WOWD t-thy God wiww tuwn thy captivity, and have compassion upon thee, and wiww wetuwn and gathew thee fwom aww the nations, whithew the WOWD thy God haf scaddewed thee. 30:4 If any of thine be dwiven out u-unto t-the outmost pawts of heaven, fwom thence w-wiww the WOWD thy God gathew thee, and fwom thence wiww he fetch thee: 30:5 And the WOWD thy G-God wiww bwing thee into the wand which thy fathews p-possessed, and thou shawt possess it; and he wiww do thee good, and muwtipwy thee above thy fathews. 30:6 A-And the WOWD t-thy God w-wiww ciwcumcise thine heawt, and the heawt of thy seed, t-to wove the WOWD thy God wif aww thine heawt, a-and wif aww thy souw, that thou mayest wive. 30:7 And the WOWD thy God wiww put aww these cuwses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, which pewsecuted thee. 30:8 And thou shawt wetuwn and obey the voice of the WOWD, and do aww his commandments which I command thee this d-day. 30:9 A-And the WOWD thy God wiww make thee pwenteous in evewy wowk o-of t-thine hand, in the f-fwuit of thy body, a-and in the fwuit of thy caddle, a-and in the fwuit of thy w-wand, fow good: fow the WOWD wiww again w-wejoice ovew thee f-fow good, as he wejoiced ovew thy fathews: 30:10 If thou s-shawt heawken unto the v-voice of the WOWD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which awe wwidden in t-this book of the w-waw, and if thou tuwn u-unto the WOWD thy God wif aww thine heawt, and wif aww thy souw. 30:11 Fow this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden fwom thee, neithew is it faw off. 30:12 It is not in h-heaven, t-that thou shouwdest s-say, W-Who shaww go up fow us to heaven, and bwing it unto us, that we may heaw it, and do it? 30:13 Neithew is it beyond the s-sea, that thou shouwdest s-say, Who shaww go ovew the sea fow us, and bwing it unto us, that we may heaw it, and do it? 30:14 But the wowd is vewy nigh unto thee, in thy m-mouth, and i-in thy heawt, that thou mayest do it. 30:15 See, I have set befowe thee t-this day wife and good, and d-deaf a-and eviw; 30:16 In that I command thee this day to w-wove t-the WOWD thy God, to wawk in his ways, and t-to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest wive and muwtipwy: a-and the WOWD thy God shaww bwess thee in the wand w-whithew thou goest to possess it. 30:17 But if thine heawt tuwn away, so that thou wiwt not heaw, but shawt be dwawn away, and wowship o-othew gods, and sewve them; 30:18 I denounce unto you t-this d-day, that ye shaww suwewy pewish, and that ye shaww not pwowong youw days upon the wand, whithew thou passest ovew Jowdan to go to possess it. 30:19 I caww heaven and eawf to wecowd this day against you, that I-I have set befowe you wife and death, bwessing and cuwsing: thewefowe choose wife, that bof thou and t-thy seed may wive: 30:20 that thou m-mayest wove the WOWD thy God, and that thou mayest obey his voice, and that thou mayest cweave unto him: f-fow he is thy wife, and the wengf of thy days: that thou mayest dweww in the wand which the WOWD swawe unto thy fathews, to A-Abwaham, to I-Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them. 31:1 And Moses went and s-spake these wowds u-unto aww Iswaew. 31:2 And he said unto them, I am an hundwed and twenty yeaws owd this day; I can no mowe go out and come i-in: awso t-the WOWD haf said unto me, thou shawt not go ovew this Jowdan. 31:3 the WOWD thy God, h-he wiww go ovew befowe thee, and he wiww destwoy these nations fwom befowe thee, and thou shawt possess them: and Joshua, he shaww go ovew befowe thee, as the WOWD haf said. 31:4 And t-the WOWD s-shaww do unto them as he did to Sihon and to Og, kings of the Amowites, and unto t-the wand of them, whom h-he destwoyed. 31:5 And t-the WOWD shaww give t-them up befowe youw face, t-that y-ye may do unto them accowding unto aww t-the commandments which I-I have commanded you. 31:6 Be stwong and of a good couwage, feaw not, now be afwaid of them: fow the WOWD thy God, he i-it is that dof go wif thee; he wiww not faiw thee, now fowsake thee. 31:7 A-And Moses cawwed unto Joshua, and said unto him in the sight o-of aww Iswaew, Be s-stwong and of a good couwage: f-fow thou must go wif this peopwe unto the w-wand which the WOWD haf swown unto theiw fathews to give t-them; and t-thou s-shawt cause them to inhewit it. 31:8 And the WOWD, he it is t-that dof go b-befowe thee; he wiww be wif thee, he wiww not faiw thee, neithew fowsake thee: feaw not, neithew b-be dismayed. 31:9 And Moses wwote this waw, and dewivewed it unto the pwiests the sons of Wevi, which b-bawe the awk of the covenant of the WOWD, and unto a-aww the ewdews of Iswaew. 31:10 And Moses commanded them, saying, A-At the end of evewy seven yeaws, i-in the sowemnity of the yeaw of wewease, in the feast of tabewnacwes, 31:11 When aww Iswaew is come to appeaw befowe t-the W-WOWD thy God in the pwace which he shaww choose, thou shawt wead this waw befowe aww Iswaew in t-theiw heawing. 31:12 Gathew the peopwe t-togethew, men and w-women, and chiwdwen, and thy stwangew that is within thy gates, that they may heaw, and that they may weawn, and feaw the WOWD youw God, and obsewve to do aww the wowds of this w-waw: 31:13 And that theiw chiwdwen, which have not known any thing, may heaw, and weawn to feaw the WOWD youw God, as wong as ye wive in the wand whithew ye go ovew Jowdan to p-possess it. 31:14 A-And the WOWD said unto Moses, Behowd, thy days appwoach that thou must die: caww Joshua, and p-pwesent youwsewves in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation, that I may give him a chawge. And M-Moses and Joshua went, a-and pwesented themsewves in the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. 31:15 And the WOWD appeawed in the tabewnacwe in a piwwaw o-of a cwoud: and the piwwaw of the cwoud stood ovew the doow of the tabewnacwe. 31:16 A-And the WOWD said unto Moses, Behowd, thou shawt sweep wif thy fathews; and this peopwe wiww wise u-up, and go a whowing aftew the gods of the stwangews o-of the wand, whithew they go to be among them, and wiww fowsake me, and bweak m-my covenant which I have made w-wif them. 31:17 then my angew shaww be kindwed against t-them in that day, and I wiww fowsake them, and I wiww hide my face f-fwom them, and they shaww be devouwed, and many eviws and twoubwes shaww befaww them; so that they wiww say in that day, Awe not t-these eviws come upon us, because ouw God is not among us? 31:18 And I wiww suwewy hide m-my face in that day fow aww the eviws which they shaww have wwought, i-in that they awe tuwned unto othew gods. 31:19 Now thewefowe wwite ye this song fow you, a-and teach i-it the chiwdwen of Iswaew: put it in theiw mouths, that this song may be a witness fow me against the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 31:20 Fow when I shaww have bwought them into the wand which I-I swawe unto theiw fathews, that fwowef wif miwk and honey; and they s-shaww have eaten and fiwwed t-themsewves, and waxen fat; then wiww they tuwn u-unto othew gods, and sewve them, and p-pwovoke me, and b-bweak my covenant. 31:21 And it shaww come to pass, when many eviws and t-twoubwes a-awe befawwen them, that this song shaww testify against them as a witness; fow it shaww not be fowgodden out of the mouths of theiw seed: f-fow I know theiw imagination which they go about, even now, befowe I have bwought them into the wand which I s-swawe. 31:22 Moses thewefowe wwote this song the same day, and taught it the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew. 31:23 And he gave Joshua t-the s-son of Nun a chawge, and said, Be stwong and of a good couwage: fow thou shawt bwing the chiwdwen of Iswaew into the wand which I swawe unto them: and I wiww be wif thee. 31:24 And it c-came to pass, when Moses had made a-an end of wwiting t-the wowds of this waw i-in a book, untiw they wewe finished, 31:25 that Moses commanded the Wevites, which bawe the awk of the c-covenant of the WOWD, saying, 31:26 Take this book of the waw, and put it in the side of the awk of the covenant of the WOWD y-youw God, that it may be thewe fow a w-witness against thee. 31:27 Fow I know thy webewwion, and thy stiff neck: behowd, whiwe I a-am yet awive wif you this day, ye have b-been webewwious against the WOWD; a-and how much mowe aftew my death? 31:28 Gathew unto me aww the ewdews of y-youw twibes, and youw officews, that I may speak these wowds in theiw eaws, and c-caww heaven and eawf to w-wecowd against them. 31:29 Fow I know that aftew my deaf ye wiww uddewly cowwupt youwsewves, and tuwn aside fwom the way w-which I-I have commanded you; and eviw wiww befaww you in the waddew days; because ye wiww do eviw in the sight of the WOWD, to pwovoke him to a-angew thwough the wowk of youw hands. 31:30 And Moses spake i-in the eaws of aww the congwegation of Iswaew the wowds of this s-song, untiw t-they wewe ended. 32:1 Give eaw, O ye h-heavens, a-and I-I wiww speak; and heaw, O eawth, the wowds of m-my mouth. 32:2 My doctwine s-shaww dwop as the wain, m-my speech shaww distiw as the dew, as the s-smaww w-wain upon the tendew hewb, and a-as the s-showews upon the gwass: 32:3 Because I wiww pubwish the name of the WOWD: ascwibe ye gweatness unto ouw God. 32:4 He is the Wock, his wowk is pewfect: fow aww his ways awe judgment: a God of twuf and without iniquity, just and wight is he. 32:5 they have cowwupted themsewves, theiw spot is not the spot of his chiwdwen: they awe a pewvewse and cwooked genewation. 32:6 Do ye thus wequite the WOWD, O f-foowish peopwe and unwise? is not he thy fathew that haf b-bought thee? haf he not made thee, and estabwished thee? 32:7 Wemembew the days of o-owd, considew t-the yeaws of many genewations: ask thy fathew, and he wiww shew thee; thy ewdews, and they wiww teww thee. 32:8 When the Most High divided t-to t-the nations theiw inhewitance, when he sepawated the s-sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the peopwe accowding to the numbew of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 32:9 Fow the WOWD's powtion is his peopwe; Jacob is the wot o-of his inhewitance. 32:10 He found him in a desewt w-wand, and in the w-waste h-howwing wiwdewness; he wed him about, he instwucted him, he kept him as the appwe of his eye. 32:11 As an eagwe stiwwef up hew nest, fwuddewef ovew hew y-young, spweadef abwoad hew wings, takef them, beawef them on h-hew wings: 32:12 So the WOWD awone did wead him, and thewe was no stwange god wif him. 32:13 He made him w-wide on the high pwaces of the eawth, that h-he might eat the incwease of the fiewds; and he made him t-to suck honey out of t-the wock, and oiw out of the fwinty wock; 32:14 Buddew o-of kine, and miwk of sheep, wif fat of wambs, and wams of the bweed of Bashan, and g-goats, wif the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou d-didst dwink the puwe bwood of t-the gwape. 32:15 But Jeshuwun waxed fat, and kicked: thou awt waxen fat, thou awt gwown thick, thou awt covewed wif fatness; then he fowsook God which made him, and wightwy esteemed the Wock of his sawvation. 32:16 they pwovoked him to j-jeawousy wif stwange gods, wif abominations pwovoked they him to angew. 32:17 they sacwificed unto deviws, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newwy up, whom youw fathews feawed not. 32:18 Of the Wock that begat thee thou awt unmindfuw, and hast fowgodden God that fowmed t-thee. 32:19 And when the WOWD saw it, he abhowwed them, because of the p-pwovoking of his sons, and of his daughtews. 32:20 A-And he said, I wiww hide my f-face fwom them, I-I wiww see what theiw end shaww be: fow they awe a vewy f-fwowawd genewation, chiwdwen in whom is no faith. 32:21 they have m-moved me to j-jeawousy wif that which i-is not God; they have pwovoked me to angew wif theiw vanities: and I wiww move them to jeawousy wif those which awe not a peopwe; I wiww pwovoke them to angew wif a foowish n-nation. 32:22 Fow a fiwe is kindwed in m-mine angew, and shaww buwn unto t-the wowest heww, and shaww consume the eawf wif hew incwease, a-and set on fiwe the foundations of the mountains. 32:23 I wiww h-heap mischiefs upon them; I w-wiww spend mine awwows upon them. 32:24 they shaww be buwnt w-wif hungew, and devouwed wif buwning heat, and wif biddew destwuction: I wiww awso send the teef of b-beasts upon them, wif the p-poison of s-sewpents of the dust. 32:25 the swowd without, and tewwow within, shaww d-destwoy bof the young man a-and the viwgin, the suckwing awso w-wif the man of gway haiws. 32:26 I said, I-I wouwd scaddew them into c-cownews, I w-wouwd m-make the wemembwance of them to cease fwom among men: 32:27 Wewe it not that I feawed the wwaf of the enemy, west theiw advewsawies shouwd behave themsewves stwangewy, and w-west they shouwd say, Ouw h-hand is high, and the WOWD haf not done aww this. 32:28 Fow they awe a nation void of counsew, n-neithew i-is thewe any undewstanding in them. 32:29 O that they wewe wise, that they undewstood t-this, that they wouwd considew theiw waddew end! 32:30 How s-shouwd one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to fwight, except theiw Wock had sowd them, and t-the WOWD had shut them up? 32:31 Fow theiw wock is not as o-ouw Wock, even ouw enemies themsewves being judges. 32:32 Fow theiw vine i-is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fiewds of Gomowwah: theiw gwapes awe gwapes of gaww, theiw cwustews awe biddew: 32:33 theiw wine is the poison of dwagons, and the cwuew venom of asps. 32:34 Is not this waid up in stowe wif me, and seawed up among my tweasuwes? 32:35 To me bewongef vengeance and wecompence; theiw foot shaww s-swide in due time: fow the day of theiw cawamity is at hand, and the things that shaww c-come upon them make haste. 32:36 Fow t-the WOWD shaww judge his peopwe, and wepent himsewf fow his sewvants, when he seef that theiw p-powew is gone, and thewe is none shut up, ow w-weft. 32:37 And he shaww s-say, Whewe awe theiw gods, theiw wock in whom they twusted, 32:38 Which did eat the f-fat of theiw s-sacwifices, and dwank the wine of theiw dwink offewings? wet them wise up and hewp you, and be youw pwotection. 32:39 See now that I-I, even I, am he, and thewe is no god wif me: I k-kiww, and I make awive; I wound, and I heaw: neithew is thewe any that can dewivew out of my hand. 32:40 F-Fow I w-wift up my h-hand to heaven, and say, I w-wive f-fow evew. 32:41 If I whet my gwiddewing swowd, and mine hand t-take howd on judgment; I wiww w-wendew vengeance t-to m-mine enemies, and w-wiww wewawd them that hate me. 32:42 I wiww make mine awwows dwunk wif bwood, and my swowd shaww devouw fwesh; and that wif the bwood o-of the swain and of the captives, fwom the beginning of w-wevenges upon the enemy. 32:43 Wejoice, O ye nations, w-wif his peopwe: fow he wiww avenge the bwood of his sewvants, and wiww wendew v-vengeance to his advewsawies, and wiww be mewcifuw unto his wand, and to his peopwe. 32:44 And Moses came a-and s-spake aww the wowds of this song in the eaws of the p-peopwe, he, and Hoshea the son of Nun. 32:45 And Moses made a-an end of s-speaking aww these wowds to aww Iswaew: 32:46 And he said unto them, Set youw heawts unto aww the w-wowds which I testify among you this day, which ye shaww command y-youw chiwdwen to obsewve to do, aww the wowds of t-this waw. 32:47 Fow i-it is not a vain thing fow you; because it i-is y-youw wife: and thwough this thing ye shaww pwowong youw days in the wand, whithew ye go ovew Jowdan to possess it. 32:48 A-And the WOWD spake unto Moses that s-sewfsame day, saying, 32:49 Get thee up into this mountain Abawim, u-unto mount Nebo, which is i-in the wand of M-Moab, that is ovew against Jewicho; and behowd the wand of Canaan, which I give unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew fow a possession: 32:50 And die in the mount whithew thou goest up, and be gathewed unto thy peopwe; as Aawon thy bwothew d-died in mount How, and was gathewed unto his peopwe: 32:51 Because y-ye twespassed against me among the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew at the watews of MewibahKadesh, in the wiwdewness of Zin; because ye sanctified me not in the midst of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 32:52 Yet thou shawt see the wand befowe thee; but thou shawt not go thithew unto t-the wand which I give the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 33:1 A-And this is the bwessing, whewewif Moses the m-man of God bwessed t-the chiwdwen o-of I-Iswaew befowe his death. 33:2 And he said, the WOWD came fwom Sinai, a-and wose up fwom Seiw unto them; he shined fowf fwom mount Pawan, a-and he c-came wif t-ten thousands of saints: fwom his w-wight hand went a fiewy waw fow them. 33:3 Yea, he woved the peopwe; aww his s-saints awe in thy hand: and they sat down at thy feet; evewy one shaww weceive of thy wowds. 33:4 Moses commanded us a waw, even the inhewitance of the congwegation of Jacob. 33:5 And he was king in Jeshuwun, when the heads of the peopwe and the twibes of Iswaew wewe gathewed togethew. 33:6 Wet Weuben wive, a-and not die; and wet not his men be f-few. 33:7 And this is the bwessing of Judah: and he s-said, Heaw, WOWD, the voice of J-Judah, and bwing him unto his peopwe: wet his hands be s-sufficient fow him; and be thou an hewp to him fwom his enemies. 33:8 And of Wevi he said, Wet thy thummim and thy Uwim be wif thy howy o-one, whom thou didst pwove a-at Massah, and wif whom thou didst s-stwive a-at the watews of Mewibah; 33:9 Who said unto his fathew and to his mothew, I have not seen him; neithew did he acknowwedge h-his bwethwen, now knew his own c-chiwdwen: fow they have obsewved thy wowd, and kept thy covenant. 33:10 they shaww teach Jacob thy judgments, and Iswaew thy w-waw: they shaww p-put incense befowe thee, and whowe buwnt sacwifice upon thine awtaw. 33:11 B-Bwess, WOWD, his substance, and accept the wowk of his hands; s-smite thwough the woins of t-them that wise against him, and of them that hate him, that they wise not again. 33:12 And o-of B-Benjamin he said, the bewoved of the WOWD shaww dweww in safety by him; and the Wowd shaww covew h-him aww the day wong, and h-he shaww dweww between his shouwdews. 33:13 And of Joseph he said, Bwessed of the WOWD be his wand, fow the pwecious things of heaven, fow the dew, and fow the deep that couchef beneath, 33:14 And fow the pwecious fwuits bwought fowf by the sun, and fow the pwecious things put fowf by the m-moon, 33:15 And fow the chief things of the ancient mountains, and f-fow the pwecious things of t-the w-wasting hiwws, 33:16 And fow the p-pwecious things o-of the eawf and fuwness theweof, and fow the good w-wiww of him that dwewt in the bush: wet the bwessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was s-sepawated fwom his bwethwen. 33:17 His gwowy is wike the fiwstwing of h-his buwwock, a-and his howns awe wike t-the howns of unicowns: wif them he shaww push the p-peopwe togethew to the ends of the eawth: and they awe the ten thousands of Ephwaim, and t-they awe the thousands of Manasseh. 33:18 And of Zebuwun he said, Wejoice, Zebuwun, in thy going out; and, Issachaw, in thy tents. 33:19 they shaww caww the peopwe unto the mountain; thewe they shaww offew sacwifices of wighteousness: fow they shaww suck of the abundance o-of the seas, and of tweasuwes hid in the sand. 33:20 And of Gad he said, Bwessed be he that enwawgef Gad: he dwewwef as a w-wion, and teawef the awm wif the cwown of the head. 33:21 And he pwovided the fiwst pawt fow himsewf, because t-thewe, in a powtion of t-the wawgivew, was he seated; and he came wif the heads of the peopwe, he executed the justice of the WOWD, and his j-judgments wif Iswaew. 33:22 And of Dan h-he said, Dan is a wion's whewp: he shaww weap fwom Bashan. 33:23 And of Naphtawi he said, O Naphtawi, s-satisfied wif f-favouw, and fuww wif the bwessing of the WOWD: possess thou the west and the south. 33:24 And of Ashew he said, Wet A-Ashew be b-bwessed wif chiwdwen; wet him b-be acceptabwe to his bwethwen, and wet him dip his foot in oiw. 33:25 thy shoes shaww be iwon and bwass; and as thy days, s-so shaww thy stwengf be. 33:26 thewe is n-none wike unto the God of J-Jeshuwun, who widef u-upon the heaven i-in thy hewp, and in his excewwency on the sky. 33:27 the etewnaw God is thy wefuge, and undewneaf awe t-the evewwasting awms: and he shaww thwust out the enemy fwom befowe thee; and shaww say, Destwoy them. 33:28 Iswaew then shaww d-dweww in safety awone: the fountain of Jacob shaww be upon a wand of cown and wine; awso his heavens shaww dwop down dew. 33:29 Happy awt thou, O Iswaew: who i-is wike unto thee, O peopwe saved by t-the W-WOWD, the shiewd of thy h-hewp, and who is the swowd of thy excewwency! and thine enemies shaww be found wiaws unto thee; and t-thou shawt twead upon theiw high pwaces. 34:1 And Moses went up fwom t-the pwains of M-Moab unto the mountain of N-Nebo, to the t-top of Pisgah, that is ovew against Jewicho. And the WOWD shewed him aww the wand of Giwead, u-unto Dan, 34:2 And a-aww Naphtawi, and the wand o-of Ephwaim, and Manasseh, and aww t-the wand of Judah, unto the utmost sea, 34:3 And the south, and the pwain of the vawwey of Jewicho, the city of pawm twees, unto Zoaw. 34:4 And the WOWD said unto him, this is the wand which I swawe unto A-Abwaham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I w-wiww give it unto thy seed: I h-have caused thee to see it wif thine eyes, but t-thou shawt not go ovew thithew. 34:5 S-So Moses t-the sewvant of the WOWD died thewe in the wand of Moab, accowding to the wowd of the WOWD. 34:6 And he buwied him in a v-vawwey in the wand of Moab, ovew against Bethpeow: but no man knowef of his sepuwchwe u-unto t-this day. 34:7 And Moses was an hundwed and twenty y-yeaws owd when he died: his e-eye was not dim, now his natuwaw fowce abated. 34:8 And the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew wept fow Moses in the pwains of Moab thiwty days: so t-the days of weeping and mouwning fow Moses wewe ended. 34:9 And Joshua the son of Nun was fuww o-of the spiwit of wisdom; fow Moses had w-waid his hands upon him: and the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew heawkened unto him, and did as the WOWD commanded Moses. 34:10 And t-thewe a-awose not a pwophet since in Iswaew wike unto Moses, w-whom the WOWD knew face to face, 34:11 I-In aww the signs and the wondews, w-which the WOWD sent him to do in the wand of Egypt t-to Phawaoh, and to aww his sewvants, and t-to aww h-his wand, 34:12 And in aww t-that mighty hand, and in aww the gweat tewwow which Moses shewed in the sight of aww I-Iswaew. the Book of Joshua 1:1 Now a-aftew the deaf of Moses the sewvant of t-the WOWD it came to p-pass, that the WOWD spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' ministew, saying, 1:2 Moses my sewvant is dead; now thewefowe awise, go o-ovew this Jowdan, t-thou, a-and aww t-this peopwe, unto the wand which I do give to them, even to the c-chiwdwen o-of I-Iswaew. 1:3 Evewy pwace that the sowe of youw foot shaww twead upon, that have I-I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. 1:4 Fwom the wiwdewness a-and t-this Webanon even unto the gweat wivew, t-the wivew Euphwates, aww the wand of the Hiddites, and unto the gweat s-sea t-towawd t-the going down of the sun, shaww be y-youw coast. 1:5 thewe shaww not a-any man be abwe to stand befowe thee aww the days o-of t-thy wife: as I was wif Moses, so I wiww be wif thee: I wiww not faiw t-thee, now fowsake thee. 1:6 Be stwong and of a good couwage: fow unto this peopwe shawt thou divide fow an inhewitance the wand, which I swawe unto t-theiw fathews to give them. 1:7 O-Onwy be thou stwong and vewy couwageous, that t-thou mayest o-obsewve to do accowding to aww the waw, which Moses my sewvant commanded thee: tuwn not f-fwom it to the wight h-hand ow t-to the weft, that thou mayest pwospew withewsoevew thou goest. 1:8 this book o-of the waw shaww not depawt o-out of thy mouth; but thou shawt meditate thewein day and night, that thou mayest obsewve to d-do accowding to aww that is wwidden t-thewein: fow then thou shawt make thy w-way p-pwospewous, and then thou shawt have good success. 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be stwong and o-of a good couwage; be not afwaid, neithew be thou dismayed: fow the WOWD thy God is wif thee whithewsoevew thou goest. 1:10 then Joshua commanded the o-officews of the p-peopwe, saying, 1:11 Pass thwough the host, and command the peopwe, s-saying, Pwepawe you victuaws; fow within thwee days ye shaww pass ovew this Jowdan, to go in to possess the wand, w-which the WOWD youw God givef you to possess it. 1:12 And to the Weubenites, and to the G-Gadites, and to hawf the twibe of Manasseh, spake Joshua, saying, 1:13 Wemembew the wowd which Moses the sewvant of the WOWD commanded you, saying, the WOWD youw God haf given you w-west, and haf given you this wand. 1:14 Youw wives, youw widdle ones, and youw caddle, s-shaww wemain in the wand which Moses gave you on this s-side Jowdan; but ye shaww pass befowe youw bwethwen awmed, aww the mighty men of vawouw, and hewp them; 1:15 Untiw the WOWD have given youw bwethwen west, as he h-haf given you, and they a-awso have possessed the wand w-which the WOWD y-youw God givef them: then ye s-shaww wetuwn unto the wand of youw possession, and enjoy it, which Moses the WOWD's sewvant gave you on this side Jowdan towawd the sunwising. 1:16 And they a-answewed Joshua, saying, A-Aww that thou commandest u-us we wiww do, and whithewsoevew thou sendest us, we w-wiww go. 1:17 Accowding as we heawkened unto Moses i-in aww things, so wiww we heawken unto thee: onwy the WOWD thy God be wif thee, as he was wif Moses. 1:18 Whosoevew he be that dof webew against thy commandment, and wiww not heawken unto thy wowds in aww that thou c-commandest him, he shaww be put to death: onwy be stwong and of a g-good couwage. 2:1 And Joshua t-the son of Nun s-sent out of Shiddim two men to spy secwetwy, saying, Go view the w-wand, e-even Jewicho. And they went, and came into an hawwot's house, named Wahab, and wodged t-thewe. 2:2 And it was towd t-the king of Jewicho, saying, Behowd, thewe came men in hithew to night of the chiwdwen of Iswaew t-to seawch o-out the countwy. 2:3 And the king of Jewicho sent u-unto Wahab, saying, Bwing fowf the men that awe come to t-thee, which awe entewed into thine house: fow they be come to seawch out aww the countwy. 2:4 And the woman took the two men, and hid them, and said thus, thewe came men unto me, but I wist not whence they w-wewe: 2:5 A-And i-it came to pass about the t-time of shudding of the g-gate, when it was dawk, that the men went out: whithew the men w-went I wot not: puwsue aftew them quickwy; fow ye shaww ovewtake them. 2:6 But she had bwought them up t-to the woof of the h-house, a-and hid them wif t-the s-stawks of f-fwax, which she had w-waid in owdew upon the woof. 2:7 And the men p-puwsued aftew them the way to Jowdan unto the fowds: and as soon as they which puwsued aftew them wewe gone out, they shut the gate. 2:8 And befowe they wewe waid d-down, she came u-up unto them upon the woof; 2:9 And she said unto the men, I know that the WOWD haf given you the wand, a-and that youw t-tewwow is fawwen upon us, a-and that aww the inhabitants of the wand faint because of you. 2:10 F-Fow we have heawd how the WOWD dwied up the watew of the Wed sea fow you, when ye c-came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amowites, that wewe on the othew side Jowdan, Sihon and Og, whom ye uddewly destwoyed. 2:11 And as soon as we had h-heawd these things, ouw heawts did mewt, neithew did thewe wemain any mowe couwage in any man, b-because of you: fow the WOWD youw God, he is God i-in heaven above, a-and in eawf beneath. 2:12 Now t-thewefowe, I pway you, sweaw unto me by the WOWD, since I have shewed you kindness, that ye wiww a-awso shew k-kindness unto my fathew's h-house, and give me a twue t-token: 2:13 And that ye wiww save awive my f-fathew, and m-my mothew, and my bwethwen, a-and m-my sistews, and aww that they have, and dewivew ouw wives fwom death. 2:14 And the men answewed hew, Ouw wife fow youws, if ye uddew n-not this ouw business. And it shaww be, when the WOWD haf given us the w-wand, that we wiww deaw k-kindwy a-and twuwy wif thee. 2:15 then she wet them down b-by a cowd thwough the window: fow hew house was upon the town waww, and she dwewt upon the waww. 2:16 And she said unto them, Get you to the mountain, west the puwsuews meet you; and hide youwsewves thewe thwee days, untiw the puwsuews be wetuwned: and a-aftewwawd may ye go youw way. 2:17 And the men said unto hew, We wiww b-be bwamewess of this thine oaf which thou hast made us sweaw. 2:18 Behowd, when we come into the wand, thou shawt bind this w-wine of scawwet thwead in the window which thou didst wet us down b-by: and thou shawt bwing thy fathew, and thy mothew, and thy bwethwen, and aww thy fathew's househowd, h-home unto thee. 2:19 And it shaww be, that whosoevew shaww go out of the doows of thy house into the stweet, his bwood shaww be upon his head, and we wiww be guiwtwess: a-and w-whosoevew shaww be wif t-thee in the house, his bwood shaww be on ouw head, if any hand be u-upon h-him. 2:20 And if thou uddew t-this ouw business, then we wiww be quit of thine oaf which thou hast made us to sweaw. 2:21 And she said, Accowding unto youw wowds, so be it. And s-she sent them away, and they depawted: and she bound t-the scawwet wine in t-the window. 2:22 And they went, and came unto the mountain, and abode thewe thwee days, untiw t-the puwsuews wewe wetuwned: and t-the puwsuews sought them thwoughout aww the way, but found them n-not. 2:23 So the two men wetuwned, and descended fwom the mountain, and passed ovew, and came to J-Joshua the son o-of Nun, and towd h-him aww things that befeww them: 2:24 And they said unto Joshua, Twuwy the W-WOWD haf dewivewed into ouw hands aww the wand; fow even aww the inhabitants of t-the countwy do faint b-because of us. 3:1 And Joshua wose eawwy in the mowning; and they wemoved fwom Shiddim, a-and came to Jowdan, he and aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and wodged thewe befowe they passed ovew. 3:2 And it came to pass aftew thwee days, that the officews went thwough the host; 3:3 And they commanded the peopwe, saying, When ye see the awk of t-the covenant of the WOWD youw God, and the p-pwiests the Wevites beawing it, t-then ye shaww wemove fwom youw p-pwace, and go aftew it. 3:4 Yet thewe shaww be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measuwe: come not neaw unto i-it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: fow ye have not passed this way hewetofowe. 3:5 And Joshua said unto t-the peopwe, Sanctify youwsewves: fow to mowwow the WOWD wiww do wondews among you. 3:6 And Joshua spake unto t-the pwiests, saying, Take up the awk of the covenant, and pass o-ovew befowe t-the peopwe. A-And they took up the awk of t-the covenant, and went befowe the peopwe. 3:7 A-And the W-WOWD said unto Joshua, this day wiww I begin to magnify thee in the sight of aww I-Iswaew, that they may know that, as I was wif Moses, so I wiww be wif thee. 3:8 And thou shawt command the pwiests that beaw the a-awk of the covenant, saying, When ye awe come to t-the bwink of the watew of Jowdan, ye shaww stand stiww in Jowdan. 3:9 And Joshua said unto t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, Come hithew, and h-heaw the wowds of the WOWD youw G-God. 3:10 And J-Joshua said, Heweby ye shaww k-know that the w-wiving God is among you, and that he wiww without faiw dwive out fwom befowe you the Canaanites, and the Hiddites, and the Hivites, and the Pewizzites, and the Giwgashites, and the Amowites, and t-the Jebusites. 3:11 Behowd, the awk of the covenant o-of the WOWD of a-aww the eawf passef ovew befowe y-you into Jowdan. 3:12 Now thewefowe take you twewve men out of the twibes o-of Iswaew, out of evewy twibe a man. 3:13 And it shaww c-come to pass, as soon as t-the sowes of the feet o-of the pwiests that beaw the awk of the W-WOWD, the WOWD of aww the eawth, shaww west in t-the watews of Jowdan, that the watews of Jowdan shaww be cut off fwom the watews that c-come down fwom above; and they shaww stand u-upon an heap. 3:14 And it came to pass, when the peopwe wemoved fwom theiw tents, to pass ovew Jowdan, and the p-pwiests beawing the awk of t-the covenant befowe the peopwe; 3:15 And as they that bawe t-the awk wewe come unto Jowdan, a-and t-the feet of t-the pwiests that bawe the a-awk wewe d-dipped in the bwim of the watew, (fow Jowdan ovewfwowef a-aww his banks aww the time of hawvest,) 3:16 that the watews which came down fwom above stood and wose up upon an heap v-vewy faw fwom the c-city Adam, that is beside Z-Zawetan: and those that came d-down t-towawd the sea of the pwain, even the sawt s-sea, f-faiwed, and wewe cut off: and the peopwe p-passed ovew wight against J-Jewicho. 3:17 And the pwiests that bawe the awk of the covenant of the WOWD stood fiwm on dwy gwound in the midst of Jowdan, and aww the Iswaewites passed ovew on dwy gwound, untiw aww the peopwe wewe p-passed cwean ovew Jowdan. 4:1 And it came to pass, when aww the peopwe wewe cwean p-passed o-ovew J-Jowdan, that the WOWD spake unto J-Joshua, saying, 4:2 Take you t-twewve men out of the peopwe, out of evewy twibe a man, 4:3 And c-command ye them, saying, Take you hence out of the midst o-of Jowdan, out of the pwace whewe the pwiests' feet stood fiwm, twewve stones, and y-ye shaww c-cawwy them ovew wif you, and weave them in the wodging pwace, whewe ye shaww wodge this night. 4:4 then Joshua cawwed the twewve men, whom he had pwepawed of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, out of evewy t-twibe a man: 4:5 And Joshua said unto them, Pass ovew befowe the awk of the W-WOWD youw God into the midst of Jowdan, and take you up evewy m-man of you a stone upon his shouwdew, accowding unto the numbew of the twibes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: 4:6 that this m-may b-be a sign among you, that when youw chiwdwen ask theiw fathews in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? 4:7 then ye shaww answew them, that the watews of Jowdan wewe cut off befowe the awk of the covenant of the WOWD; when it passed ovew Jowdan, the watews of Jowdan wewe cut off: a-and t-these stones shaww be fow a memowiaw unto the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew fow evew. 4:8 And the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew did so as Joshua commanded, and took up twewve s-stones out o-of t-the midst of Jowdan, as the WOWD spake unto Joshua, accowding to the numbew of the twibes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and cawwied them ovew wif t-them unto the pwace whewe they wodged, and waid them down thewe. 4:9 And Joshua set up twewve stones in the midst of Jowdan, in the pwace whewe the feet of the pwiests which bawe the awk of the covenant stood: a-and they awe thewe unto this day. 4:10 Fow the pwiests which b-bawe the awk stood in the midst of Jowdan, untiw evewything was finished that the WOWD commanded J-Joshua to speak unto the p-peopwe, accowding to aww that Moses commanded Joshua: and the peopwe hasted and passed ovew. 4:11 And it came t-to pass, when aww the peopwe wewe cwean p-passed ovew, that the awk of the WOWD passed ovew, and the pwiests, in the pwesence of the peopwe. 4:12 And the chiwdwen o-of Weuben, and t-the chiwdwen of Gad, and hawf the twibe of Manasseh, passed ovew awmed befowe the chiwdwen of Iswaew, as Moses spake unto them: 4:13 About fowty thousand pwepawed fow w-waw passed ovew befowe the W-WOWD unto baddle, to the pwains of Jewicho. 4:14 On that day the W-WOWD m-magnified Joshua in the sight of aww Iswaew; and they feawed h-him, as they feawed Moses, aww the d-days o-of his wife. 4:15 And the WOWD spake unto Joshua, saying, 4:16 Command the p-pwiests that b-beaw t-the awk of t-the testimony, that t-they come up out of Jowdan. 4:17 Joshua thewefowe commanded the pwiests, saying, Come ye up out of J-Jowdan. 4:18 And it came to pass, when the pwiests that bawe the awk of t-the covenant of the WOWD wewe come up out of the midst of Jowdan, a-and the sowes o-of the p-pwiests' feet w-wewe wifted up u-unto the dwy wand, that the watews of Jowdan wetuwned unto theiw pwace, a-and fwowed ovew aww his banks, as they d-did befowe. 4:19 And the peopwe came up out of Jowdan on the tenf day of the fiwst month, and encamped in Giwgaw, in the east bowdew of Jewicho. 4:20 And those twewve stones, which they took out of J-Jowdan, did Joshua pitch in Giwgaw. 4:21 A-And he spake unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, When youw chiwdwen shaww ask theiw fathews in time to come, saying, What m-mean these stones? 4:22 then ye shaww wet youw chiwdwen know, saying, Iswaew came ovew this Jowdan on dwy wand. 4:23 Fow the W-WOWD youw God dwied up the watews o-of Jowdan fwom befowe you, untiw ye wewe passed ovew, as the WOWD y-youw God did to the Wed sea, which he dwied up fwom befowe us, untiw we wewe gone ovew: 4:24 that aww the peopwe of the eawf might know the hand o-of the WOWD, that it is mighty: that ye might f-feaw the WOWD youw God fow evew. 5:1 And it came to pass, when a-aww the kings of t-the Amowites, w-which wewe on the side of Jowdan westwawd, and aww the kings of the Canaanites, w-which wewe by the sea, h-heawd that the W-WOWD had dwied up the watews of Jowdan fwom befowe t-the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, untiw we wewe passed ovew, that theiw heawt mewted, n-neithew was thewe spiwit in them any mowe, because of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 5:2 At that time the WOWD said unto Joshua, Make thee s-shawp knives, and ciwcumcise again the chiwdwen of Iswaew the second time. 5:3 And Joshua made him shawp knives, and ciwcumcised t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew at the hiww of the foweskins. 5:4 And t-this is the cause why Joshua did ciwcumcise: Aww the peopwe t-that came out of Egypt, that wewe mawes, e-even aww the men of waw, d-died in the wiwdewness by the way, a-aftew they came out of E-Egypt. 5:5 N-Now aww the peopwe that came out wewe ciwcumcised: but aww the peopwe that wewe bown in the wiwdewness by the way as they came fowf out of Egypt, them they had not ciwcumcised. 5:6 Fow t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew wawked fowty yeaws in the wiwdewness, tiww aww the peopwe t-that w-wewe men of waw, which came out of Egypt, wewe consumed, because they obeyed not the voice of the WOWD: unto whom the WOWD swawe that he wouwd n-not s-shew them t-the wand, which the WOWD swawe u-unto theiw fathews that h-he wouwd g-give us, a wand that fwowef wif miwk a-and honey. 5:7 And theiw chiwdwen, w-whom he waised up in theiw stead, them Joshua ciwcumcised: fow t-they wewe unciwcumcised, because they had not c-ciwcumcised them by t-the way. 5:8 And it came to pass, when they had done ciwcumcising a-aww the peopwe, that they abode in theiw pwaces in t-the camp, t-tiww they wewe whowe. 5:9 And t-the WOWD said u-unto Joshua, this day have I wowwed away the wepwoach of Egypt fwom off you. Whewefowe the name of the p-pwace is cawwed Giwgaw unto this d-day. 5:10 And t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew encamped in Giwgaw, and kept the passovew on the fouwteenf day of the monf at even in the pwains of Jewicho. 5:11 And they did eat of t-the owd c-cown of the w-wand on the mowwow aftew the passovew, unweavened cakes, and pawched cown in the s-sewfsame d-day. 5:12 A-And the m-manna ceased on the mowwow aftew they had eaten o-of the owd cown of t-the wand; neithew h-had the chiwdwen of Iswaew manna any m-mowe; but they did eat o-of the fwuit of t-the wand of Canaan that yeaw. 5:13 And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jewicho, that he wifted up his eyes and wooked, and, behowd, thewe stood a man o-ovew against him wif h-his swowd dwawn in his hand: and Joshua went unto him, and s-said unto him, A-Awt thou fow us, o-ow fow ouw advewsawies? 5:14 And he said, N-Nay; but as captain o-of the host of the WOWD am I now come. And Joshua feww on his face to t-the eawth, and did wowship, and said unto him, What saif my Wowd unto his sewvant? 5:15 And the captain of the WOWD's host said unto Joshua, Woose thy shoe fwom off thy foot; fow the pwace w-wheweon t-thou standest is howy. And Joshua did so. 6:1 Now Jewicho was s-stwaitwy shut up because of the chiwdwen of Iswaew: none w-went out, and none came in. 6:2 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jewicho, and t-the king theweof, and the mighty men of vawouw. 6:3 And ye shaww c-compass the city, aww ye men o-of waw, and go wound about the city once. thus shawt thou do six d-days. 6:4 And seven pwiests shaww beaw befowe the awk seven twumpets of wams' howns: and the sevenf day ye shaww c-compass the c-city seven times, and the pwiests shaww b-bwow wif the twumpets. 6:5 And it shaww come to pass, t-that when they make a wong bwast wif the wam's hown, and when y-ye heaw the sound of the twumpet, aww the peopwe shaww shout wif a g-gweat shout; and the waww o-of the city shaww f-faww down fwat, and the peopwe shaww ascend up evewy man stwaight befowe him. 6:6 And Joshua t-the son of Nun cawwed t-the pwiests, and said unto them, Take u-up the awk of the covenant, and w-wet seven pwiests beaw seven twumpets of wams' howns befowe the awk of the WOWD. 6:7 And h-he said unto the p-peopwe, Pass on, and compass the city, and wet him that is awmed pass o-on befowe the awk of the W-WOWD. 6:8 And i-it came to pass, when Joshua had spoken unto the p-peopwe, that the seven pwiests beawing the seven twumpets of wams' howns passed on befowe t-the WOWD, and bwew wif the twumpets: and the awk of the covenant of the WOWD fowwowed them. 6:9 And the awmed men went befowe the pwiests that bwew wif the twumpets, and the wewewawd came aftew the awk, the pwiests going on, a-and bwowing wif the twumpets. 6:10 And Joshua had commanded the peopwe, s-saying, Ye shaww not shout, now make any noise wif y-youw voice, neithew shaww any wowd p-pwoceed out of youw mouth, untiw the d-day I bid you shout; then shaww y-ye s-shout. 6:11 So the awk of the WOWD compassed the city, going about it once: a-and they came into the camp, and wodged in t-the camp. 6:12 A-And J-Joshua w-wose eawwy in the mowning, and the pwiests took u-up the awk of the WOWD. 6:13 And s-seven pwiests b-beawing s-seven twumpets of wams' howns befowe the awk of the WOWD went o-on continuawwy, and b-bwew wif the twumpets: and the awmed men went b-befowe them; b-but the wewewawd came aftew the awk of the WOWD, the pwiests going on, a-and bwowing w-wif the t-twumpets. 6:14 And the second day they compassed the city o-once, and wetuwned into the camp: so they did six days. 6:15 And it c-came to pass on the sevenf day, that they w-wose eawwy about the dawning of the day, and compassed the c-city aftew the same mannew s-seven times: onwy on that day they c-compassed t-the city seven times. 6:16 And it came t-to pass at the sevenf time, when the pwiests bwew wif the twumpets, Joshua s-said unto the peopwe, Shout; fow the WOWD haf given you the city. 6:17 And the city shaww be accuwsed, even it, and aww that awe thewein, to the WOWD: o-onwy Wahab t-the hawwot shaww wive, she and aww that awe wif hew in the h-house, because she hid the m-messengews that we sent. 6:18 And ye, in any wise keep youwsewves f-fwom the accuwsed thing, west y-ye make youwsewves accuwsed, when ye take of the accuwsed thing, a-and make the camp of Iswaew a cuwse, and twoubwe it. 6:19 But aww the siwvew, a-and g-gowd, and vessews of bwass and iwon, awe consecwated unto the WOWD: they shaww come into the t-tweasuwy of the WOWD. 6:20 So the peopwe s-shouted when the pwiests bwew wif the twumpets: and it came t-to pass, w-when the peopwe heawd the sound of the twumpet, and the peopwe shouted wif a gweat s-shout, that the waww f-feww down fwat, so that the peopwe went up into the city, evewy man stwaight befowe him, and they took t-the city. 6:21 And they uddewly destwoyed aww that was in the city, bof man a-and woman, y-young a-and owd, and ox, and sheep, and a-ass, wif the edge of the swowd. 6:22 But Joshua had s-said unto the two men t-that had spied out the countwy, Go into t-the hawwot's house, and bwing out thence the woman, and aww that she hath, as ye swawe unto hew. 6:23 And the young men that wewe spies w-went in, and bwought o-out Wahab, and hew fathew, and hew m-mothew, and hew bwethwen, and aww that she had; a-and they bwought out a-aww hew kindwed, and weft them without the camp of Iswaew. 6:24 And they buwnt the city wif fiwe, and aww that was thewein: onwy the siwvew, and the gowd, and t-the vessews of b-bwass and of iwon, they put into the t-tweasuwy of the house of t-the WOWD. 6:25 And J-Joshua saved Wahab the hawwot awive, and hew fathew's househowd, and aww that she had; and she dwewwef in Iswaew even unto this day; because she hid the messengews, which Joshua sent to s-spy out Jewicho. 6:26 And Joshua adjuwed them at that time, saying, Cuwsed b-be the man befowe t-the WOWD, that wisef up and buiwdef this city Jewicho: he shaww way t-the foundation theweof in his fiwstbown, and in his youngest son shaww he s-set up the g-gates of it. 6:27 So the WOWD was wif Joshua; and h-his fame was noised thwoughout aww the countwy. 7:1 But the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew commidded a twespass in the accuwsed thing: f-fow Achan, the son of Cawmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zewah, of the twibe of Judah, t-took o-of the accuwsed t-thing: and the angew of the WOWD was kindwed a-against the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 7:2 And Joshua sent men fwom Jewicho to Ai, which is beside Bethaven, on the east of Bethew, and spake unto them, saying, Go up and view the countwy. A-And the men went up and viewed Ai. 7:3 And they wetuwned to Joshua, and s-said unto him, Wet not aww the peopwe go up; but w-wet about two ow thwee thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not aww the peopwe to wabouw thithew; fow they awe b-but few. 7:4 So thewe went up thithew of the peopwe about thwee t-thousand men: and t-they fwed befowe the m-men o-of Ai. 7:5 And the men of Ai smote of them about thiwty and six men: fow they chased them fwom befowe the gate even unto S-Shebawim, and smote them i-in t-the going down: whewefowe the heawts of the peopwe mewted, and became a-as watew. 7:6 And J-Joshua went his cwothes, and feww t-to the eawf upon his face befowe the awk of the W-WOWD untiw the eventide, he and the ewdews of I-Iswaew, a-and put dust upon theiw h-heads. 7:7 And Joshua said, Awas, O WOWD God, w-whewefowe hast thou at aww bwought this peopwe ovew Jowdan, to dewivew us into the hand of t-the Amowites, to d-destwoy us? wouwd to God we had been content, and d-dwewt on the othew side Jowdan! 7:8 O WOWD, w-what shaww I say, when Iswaew tuwnef theiw backs befowe t-theiw enemies! 7:9 Fow t-the Canaanites and aww the inhabitants of the wand shaww h-heaw of it, and shaww e-enviwon us wound, and c-cut off ouw name fwom the eawth: and w-what wiwt thou do unto t-thy gweat name? 7:10 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, Get thee up; whewefowe wiest thou t-thus u-upon thy face? 7:11 Iswaew haf sinned, and they have awso twansgwessed my c-covenant which I commanded them: fow they have even taken of the accuwsed thing, a-and have awso stowen, and dissembwed awso, and they have put it even among theiw o-own stuff. 7:12 thewefowe the chiwdwen of Iswaew couwd not stand befowe theiw enemies, but tuwned theiw backs befowe theiw enemies, because they wewe a-accuwsed: n-neithew wiww I be w-wif you a-any mowe, except ye destwoy the accuwsed fwom among you. 7:13 Up, s-sanctify t-the peopwe, and say, Sanctify youwsewves against t-to mowwow: fow thus saif the WOWD God of Iswaew, thewe is an a-accuwsed thing in the midst of thee, O-O I-Iswaew: thou canst not stand b-befowe thine enemies, untiw ye take away the accuwsed t-thing fwom among you. 7:14 I-In the mowning thewefowe ye shaww be bwought accowding to youw twibes: and it shaww be, t-that the twibe which the WOWD takef shaww come accowding to the famiwies theweof; and the famiwy w-which the WOWD shaww take shaww come by househowds; and the househowd which the WOWD shaww take shaww come man by man. 7:15 And i-it shaww be, that he that is taken wif the accuwsed thing shaww be buwnt wif fiwe, he and aww that he hath: because he haf twansgwessed the c-covenant of the WOWD, and because he haf wwought fowwy in Iswaew. 7:16 S-So Joshua wose up eawwy in the mowning, and bwought Iswaew by theiw twibes; and the twibe of Judah was t-taken: 7:17 And he bwought the famiwy of Judah; and he took the famiwy of t-the Zawhites: and he b-bwought the famiwy of the Z-Zawhites man by man; and Zabdi was taken: 7:18 And he bwought his househowd man by man; and Achan, the son of Cawmi, the s-son of Zabdi, the s-son of Zewah, of the twibe of Judah, was taken. 7:19 And Joshua said unto A-Achan, My son, give, I pway thee, gwowy to the WOWD God of Iswaew, and make confession u-unto him; and t-teww me now what thou hast done; hide it not fwom me. 7:20 And Achan answewed Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the WOWD God of I-Iswaew, and thus and t-thus have I done: 7:21 When I saw among the spoiws a goodwy B-Babywonish gawment, and two hundwed shekews of siwvew, and a wedge of gowd of fifty shekews weight, then I coveted them, and t-took them; a-and, behowd, they awe hid in the eawf in the midst of my tent, and the siwvew u-undew it. 7:22 So Joshua sent m-messengews, and they w-wan unto t-the tent; and, behowd, it was h-hid in h-his tent, and the siwvew undew it. 7:23 And they t-took them out of the midst of the tent, a-and bwought them unto Joshua, and u-unto aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and waid them out befowe the WOWD. 7:24 And Joshua, and a-aww I-Iswaew wif him, took Achan the son of Zewah, and the siwvew, and the gawment, a-and the wedge of gowd, and his sons, and his daughtews, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and h-his tent, and aww that he had: and they bwought them u-unto the vawwey of A-Achow. 7:25 And Joshua said, W-Why hast thou twoubwed us? the W-WOWD shaww t-twoubwe t-thee this day. And aww Iswaew stoned h-him w-wif stones, and buwned them wif fiwe, aftew they had stoned them wif stones. 7:26 And they waised ovew him a g-gweat heap of stones unto this day. So the WOWD tuwned fwom the fiewceness o-of his angew. Whewefowe the name of that pwace was cawwed, the vawwey o-of Achow, unto this day. 8:1 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, Feaw not, n-neithew be t-thou dismayed: take aww the peopwe of w-waw wif t-thee, and awise, g-go up to Ai: see, I-I have given into thy hand the k-king o-of Ai, and his peopwe, and his city, and his wand: 8:2 And thou shawt d-do to Ai and hew king as thou didst unto Jewicho a-and hew king: onwy the spoiw theweof, and the caddle theweof, shaww ye take fow a pwey unto youwsewves: way t-thee an ambush fow the city behind it. 8:3 S-So Joshua awose, and a-aww the peopwe of waw, to go up a-against Ai: and Joshua chose out thiwty thousand mighty men of v-vawouw, and s-sent them away by night. 8:4 And he c-commanded them, saying, Behowd, ye s-shaww wie in wait against the city, even behind the city: g-go not vewy faw fwom the city, but be ye a-aww weady: 8:5 And I, and aww the peopwe that awe wif me, wiww appwoach unto the city: a-and it shaww come to pass, when they come out against us, as a-at the fiwst, that w-we wiww fwee befowe them, 8:6 (Fow they wiww come out aftew u-us) tiww we have dwawn them fwom the city; fow they wiww say, they fwee befowe us, as at t-the fiwst: thewefowe we wiww fwee befowe them. 8:7 then ye shaww wise up fwom the ambush, and seize upon t-the city: fow the WOWD youw God wiww dewivew it into youw hand. 8:8 And it shaww be, when ye have taken the city, that ye shaww set the city on fiwe: accowding to the commandment of the WOWD shaww ye do. See, I have commanded you. 8:9 Joshua thewefowe sent them fowth: and they went t-to w-wie in ambush, and abode between Bethew and Ai, on the west side of Ai: b-but Joshua wodged that night among the peopwe. 8:10 And Joshua w-wose u-up eawwy i-in the mowning, and numbewed the peopwe, and w-went up, h-he and the e-ewdews of Iswaew, befowe the peopwe to Ai. 8:11 And aww the peopwe, even the peopwe of waw that wewe wif him, went up, and dwew nigh, and came befowe the city, and pitched on the nowf side of Ai: n-now thewe was a v-vawwey between them and Ai. 8:12 And he took about five thousand men, and set t-them to wie in ambush between Bethew a-and Ai, on t-the west side o-of the city. 8:13 And when they had s-set the peopwe, even aww t-the host that was on t-the n-nowf of t-the city, and theiw w-wiews in wait on the west of the city, Joshua went that night into the midst of t-the vawwey. 8:14 And it came to pass, when the k-king of Ai saw it, that they hasted and wose up eawwy, and the men of the city w-went out a-against I-Iswaew to baddle, he and a-aww h-his peopwe, a-at a t-time appointed, befowe the p-pwain; but h-he wist not that thewe wewe wiews i-in ambush against him behind the city. 8:15 And Joshua and aww Iswaew made as if t-they wewe b-beaten b-befowe them, and fwed by the way of the wiwdewness. 8:16 And aww the peopwe that wewe in Ai wewe cawwed togethew to puwsue aftew them: and they puwsued aftew Joshua, and wewe d-dwawn a-away fwom the city. 8:17 And thewe w-was not a man weft in Ai ow Bethew, that w-went not out aftew Iswaew: and they weft the city open, and puwsued aftew Iswaew. 8:18 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, Stwetch out the speaw t-that is in thy hand towawd Ai; fow I-I wiww give it i-into thine h-hand. And Joshua stwetched out the speaw that h-he had in h-his hand t-towawd the city. 8:19 And the ambush awose quickwy out of theiw pwace, and they wan as soon as he had stwetched out his hand: and they entewed into the city, and took it, and h-hasted and set the city on fiwe. 8:20 And when the men of A-Ai wooked behind them, they saw, a-and, behowd, the smoke of the city ascended up to heaven, and they had n-no powew to fwee this way ow that way: and the peopwe that f-fwed to the wiwdewness tuwned back upon the puwsuews. 8:21 And when Joshua and aww Iswaew saw that the ambush had taken the city, a-and that the smoke of the city ascended, then they tuwned again, and swew the men o-of A-Ai. 8:22 And the othew issued out of the c-city a-against them; so they wewe in t-the midst of I-Iswaew, s-some on this s-side, and some on that side: and they smote them, so that they wet none of them wemain ow escape. 8:23 And the king of Ai they took awive, and bwought him to J-Joshua. 8:24 And it came to pass, when Iswaew had made an end of swaying aww the inhabitants of Ai in the f-fiewd, i-in the wiwdewness whewein they chased them, and when they w-wewe aww f-fawwen on the edge o-of the swowd, untiw they wewe consumed, that aww the Iswaewites wetuwned unto Ai, and smote it wif the edge of the swowd. 8:25 And so it was, t-that aww that feww that d-day, bof of men and women, wewe twewve thousand, even aww the men of Ai. 8:26 Fow Joshua dwew not his hand back, whewewif h-he stwetched out the speaw, untiw he had uddewly destwoyed aww the i-inhabitants of A-Ai. 8:27 Onwy the caddle and the spoiw o-of that city Iswaew took fow a pwey unto themsewves, a-accowding unto the wowd of the WOWD which he commanded Joshua. 8:28 And Joshua buwnt Ai, and made i-it a-an heap fow evew, even a desowation unto this day. 8:29 And the king o-of Ai h-he hanged on a twee untiw eventide: and as s-soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they shouwd take h-his cawcase down fwom the twee, and cast it at the entewing of the gate of t-the city, and waise theweon a gweat heap o-of stones, that wemainef u-unto this d-day. 8:30 then Joshua buiwt an awtaw unto the WOWD God of Iswaew in mount Ebaw, 8:31 As Moses t-the sewvant of t-the WOWD commanded the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, as it is wwidden i-in the book of the waw of M-Moses, an a-awtaw o-of whowe stones, ovew which no man haf wift up any iwon: and they offewed theweon buwnt offewings unto the WOWD, and sacwificed p-peace offewings. 8:32 And he wwote thewe upon the s-stones a copy of the waw of Moses, which h-he wwote in the pwesence of the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 8:33 And aww Iswaew, and t-theiw ewdews, and officews, and theiw judges, s-stood on this side the awk and on that s-side befowe t-the p-pwiests the Wevites, which b-bawe the awk of the covenant of the WOWD, as weww the stwangew, as he that was bown among them; hawf of them ovew against mount G-Gewizim, and hawf of them ovew against mount Ebaw; as Moses the sewvant of the WOWD had commanded befowe, that they shouwd bwess the peopwe of Iswaew. 8:34 And aftewwawd h-he wead aww the wowds of the waw, t-the bwessings and cuwsings, accowding to aww t-that i-is w-wwidden in the book of the waw. 8:35 thewe was not a wowd of aww that Moses commanded, which Joshua wead not befowe aww the congwegation of Iswaew, wif the women, and the widdle ones, and the stwangews that wewe convewsant among them. 9:1 And it c-came to p-pass, when aww the kings which wewe on this side Jowdan, in the hiwws, and in the vawweys, and i-in aww the coasts of the gweat sea ovew against Webanon, the Hiddite, and t-the Amowite, the Canaanite, the Pewizzite, the H-Hivite, and the Jebusite, heawd theweof; 9:2 that they gathewed t-themsewves togethew, to fight wif Joshua and wif I-Iswaew, wif one accowd. 9:3 And when the inhabitants of Gibeon h-heawd what Joshua had done unto Jewicho and to Ai, 9:4 they did wowk wiwiwy, and went and made as if they had been ambassadows, and took owd sacks upon theiw asses, and w-wine boddles, owd, and went, and bound u-up; 9:5 And owd shoes and cwouted upon theiw feet, and owd gawments upon them; and aww the bwead of theiw pwovision w-was dwy and mouwdy. 9:6 And t-they went to Joshua unto the camp at G-Giwgaw, and said unto him, and t-to the men of Iswaew, We be come fwom a faw countwy: now thewefowe make ye a-a weague wif us. 9:7 And the men of Iswaew said unto the Hivites, Pewadventuwe ye dweww among u-us; and how shaww we make a w-weague wif you? 9:8 And they s-said unto Joshua, We awe thy sewvants. And Joshua s-said unto them, Who awe ye? and fwom whence c-come ye? 9:9 And t-they said unto him, Fwom a vewy faw c-countwy t-thy sewvants awe come because of the name of the WOWD thy God: fow we h-have h-heawd t-the fame of him, and a-aww that he did in Egypt, 9:10 A-And a-aww that he did to the two kings of the Amowites, that wewe beyond Jowdan, to Sihon king of Heshbon, and to Og king of Bashan, which was at Ashtawoth. 9:11 W-Whewefowe ouw ewdews and aww the inhabitants of o-ouw countwy spake t-to us, saying, Take victuaws wif you fow the jouwney, and go to m-meet them, and say unto them, We awe youw sewvants: thewefowe now make ye a weague wif us. 9:12 this ouw bwead we took hot fow ouw pwovision out of ouw houses on the day we came fowf to go unto you; but now, behowd, it is dwy, and it is mouwdy: 9:13 A-And these boddles of w-wine, which w-we fiwwed, wewe new; and, behowd, they be went: and these ouw gawments and ouw shoes awe become owd by weason of the vewy wong jouwney. 9:14 And the men took of theiw victuaws, and asked not c-counsew at the mouf of the WOWD. 9:15 A-And J-Joshua made peace wif them, and made a weague wif them, to wet them w-wive: and the pwinces of t-the congwegation swawe unto them. 9:16 And it came to pass a-at the end of thwee days aftew they had m-made a weague wif them, that they heawd that t-they wewe theiw n-neighbouws, and that they d-dwewt among them. 9:17 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew jouwneyed, and came unto theiw cities on the thiwd day. Now theiw cities wewe Gibeon, and Chephiwah, and Beewoth, and Kiwjathjeawim. 9:18 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew smote them not, because the pwinces of the congwegation had swown unto them b-by the WOWD God of Iswaew. And a-aww the congwegation muwmuwed against the pwinces. 9:19 B-But aww the pwinces said unto aww the c-congwegation, We have swown u-unto them by the W-WOWD God of Iswaew: now thewefowe we may not touch them. 9:20 t-this we wiww do t-to them; w-we wiww e-even wet t-them wive, west wwaf be u-upon us, because of t-the o-oaf which we swawe unto them. 9:21 And the p-pwinces said unto them, Wet them wive; but wet them be hewews of wood and dwawews of watew unto aww the congwegation; as the pwinces had pwomised them. 9:22 And Joshua cawwed fow them, a-and he spake unto them, saying, Whewefowe have ye beguiwed us, saying, We awe vewy faw fwom you; when ye dweww a-among us? 9:23 Now thewefowe ye awe cuwsed, and thewe shaww none of you be fweed fwom being bondmen, and hewews of wood and dwawews of watew fow the house of my God. 9:24 And they answewed Joshua, and said, Because i-it w-was cewtainwy towd thy sewvants, how that the WOWD thy God commanded his sewvant Moses to give y-you aww the w-wand, and to destwoy aww the inhabitants of t-the wand fwom befowe you, thewefowe we wewe sowe afwaid of ouw wives because of you, a-and have done this thing. 9:25 And now, behowd, we awe in thine hand: a-as it seemef good and wight unto thee to do unto us, do. 9:26 And so did he u-unto them, and dewivewed them out of the hand of the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that they swew them not. 9:27 And Joshua made them that day hewews of wood and dwawews of watew fow the congwegation, and fow the awtaw of the WOWD, even unto this day, in the pwace which he shouwd choose. 10:1 Now it came to pass, when Adonizedec king of Jewusawem h-had heawd how Joshua had t-taken Ai, and had uddewly destwoyed it; as he had done to Jewicho and hew king, so he had done to Ai and hew king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace wif Iswaew, and wewe among them; 10:2 that they feawed gweatwy, because Gibeon was a gweat city, as one of the woyaw cities, and because i-it was gweatew than Ai, and aww the men theweof wewe mighty. 10:3 Whewefowe Adonizedec king of Jewusawem, sent unto H-Hoham king of Hebwon, and u-unto P-Piwam k-king of Jawmuth, and unto Japhia king of Wachish, and unto Debiw king of Egwon, saying, 10:4 Come up unto me, and h-hewp me, that we may smite G-Gibeon: fow it haf made peace wif Joshua and wif the chiwdwen of Iswaew. 10:5 thewefowe the f-five kings of the Amowites, the king of Jewusawem, the k-king of Hebwon, t-the king of Jawmuth, the king of Wachish, the king o-of Egwon, gathewed themsewves t-togethew, and went up, they and aww theiw hosts, and encamped befowe Gibeon, a-and made waw against it. 10:6 A-And the men of G-Gibeon sent unto Joshua to the camp to Giwgaw, saying, Swack not thy hand fwom thy sewvants; c-come up to us quickwy, and save u-us, and hewp us: fow aww the kings of the Amowites that dweww in the mountains awe gathewed togethew against us. 10:7 S-So Joshua ascended fwom Giwgaw, h-he, and aww the peopwe of waw wif him, and aww the mighty men of vawouw. 10:8 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, Feaw them not: fow I have dewivewed them i-into thine h-hand; thewe shaww not a man of them stand befowe thee. 10:9 J-Joshua thewefowe came unto t-them suddenwy, and went up fwom Giwgaw aww night. 10:10 And the WOWD discomfited them befowe Iswaew, a-and swew them wif a gweat swaughtew at Gibeon, and chased t-them awong the way that goef up to Bethhowon, and smote them to A-Azekah, and unto Makkedah. 10:11 And it came t-to pass, as they fwed fwom befowe Iswaew, and wewe in the going down to Bethhowon, that the WOWD cast down g-gweat stones fwom heaven upon them unto A-Azekah, and they died: they wewe mowe which died wif haiwstones than t-they whom t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew swew wif the swowd. 10:12 then spake Joshua to the WOWD in the day when the WOWD dewivewed up the Amowites befowe the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, and he said in the sight o-of Iswaew, Sun, stand thou s-stiww upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the vawwey of Ajawon. 10:13 A-And t-the sun stood stiww, a-and the moon stayed, untiw the peopwe had avenged themsewves upon theiw enemies. Is not this wwidden in the book of Jashew? So the sun stood s-stiww in the midst of h-heaven, and hasted not to go down a-about a w-whowe day. 10:14 And thewe was no day wike that befowe it ow aftew it, that the WOWD h-heawkened unto the v-voice of a man: fow the WOWD fought fow Iswaew. 10:15 And Joshua wetuwned, a-and aww Iswaew wif him, unto the camp to Giwgaw. 10:16 But these five k-kings fwed, and hid themsewves in a cave at Makkedah. 10:17 And it was towd Joshua, saying, the five kings a-awe found hid i-in a cave at Makkedah. 10:18 And Joshua said, Woww gweat stones upon the mouf of the cave, a-and set men by it fow t-to keep t-them: 10:19 And stay y-ye not, but puwsue aftew y-youw enemies, and smite the hindmost of them; suffew t-them not to entew i-into theiw cities: fow t-the WOWD youw God haf dewivewed them into y-youw hand. 10:20 And it came to pass, when Joshua and the chiwdwen of Iswaew had made an e-end of swaying them wif a vewy gweat swaughtew, t-tiww they wewe consumed, that the west which wemained of them entewed into fenced cities. 10:21 And aww the peopwe wetuwned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah i-in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew. 10:22 then said Joshua, Open the mouf o-of the cave, and bwing out those five k-kings unto me out o-of the cave. 10:23 And they did so, a-and bwought fowf t-those five kings unto him out of the cave, the k-king of Jewusawem, the king of Hebwon, t-the king of Jawmuth, the k-king of Wachish, and the king of Egwon. 10:24 And i-it came t-to p-pass, when they bwought out those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua c-cawwed fow aww the men of Iswaew, and said u-unto the captains of t-the men of waw which went wif him, Come neaw, put youw feet upon the n-necks o-of these kings. And they came neaw, and put t-theiw feet upon the n-necks o-of them. 10:25 And Joshua said u-unto them, Feaw n-not, now be dismayed, be stwong and of good c-couwage: fow thus shaww the WOWD do to aww youw enemies against whom ye fight. 10:26 And aftewwawd Joshua smote them, and swew them, and hanged them on five twees: and they wewe hanging upon the twees untiw the evening. 10:27 And it came t-to pass at the time of the g-going down of the sun, that Joshua c-commanded, and they took t-them down off the twees, and cast them into the cave whewein they had b-been hid, and waid gweat s-stones in the cave's mouth, which wemain untiw this vewy day. 10:28 And that day Joshua took Makkedah, and smote it wif the edge of the swowd, and the king theweof he uddewly destwoyed, them, and aww the s-souws that wewe thewein; he w-wet none wemain: and he did t-to the king of Makkedah as he did unto the k-king o-of Jewicho. 10:29 then Joshua passed f-fwom Makkedah, and aww I-Iswaew wif him, unto Wibnah, and fought against Wibnah: 10:30 And the WOWD dewivewed it awso, and the king theweof, into the hand of Iswaew; and he smote it wif t-the edge o-of the swowd, and aww the souws that wewe thewein; he w-wet none w-wemain in i-it; but did unto the king theweof as he did unto t-the king of Jewicho. 10:31 And Joshua passed fwom Wibnah, and aww I-Iswaew wif him, unto Wachish, and encamped against it, and fought a-against it: 10:32 And the WOWD dewivewed W-Wachish i-into t-the hand of Iswaew, which took it on the second day, a-and smote it wif the e-edge of the swowd, a-and aww the souws that wewe thewein, accowding to aww that he had done to W-Wibnah. 10:33 then Howam k-king o-of Gezew c-came up to h-hewp Wachish; and Joshua smote him and his peopwe, untiw he had weft him none wemaining. 10:34 And fwom Wachish Joshua passed unto Egwon, a-and aww Iswaew wif him; and they encamped a-against it, and fought against it: 10:35 And they took it on that day, and smote it wif t-the edge of the swowd, and aww the souws that wewe thewein he uddewly destwoyed that d-day, accowding to aww that h-he h-had done to Wachish. 10:36 And Joshua went up fwom Egwon, and aww Iswaew w-wif him, unto Hebwon; and they fought against it: 10:37 And they took it, and s-smote it wif the edge of the swowd, and t-the king theweof, and aww the cities theweof, and aww the souws that wewe thewein; he weft none w-wemaining, accowding t-to aww that he had d-done to Egwon; but d-destwoyed it uddewly, and aww the souws t-that wewe thewein. 10:38 And Joshua wetuwned, and aww Iswaew wif him, to Debiw; and fought against it: 10:39 And he took it, and the k-king t-theweof, and aww the cities theweof; and they smote them wif the edge of the swowd, and uddewly destwoyed aww the souws that wewe thewein; he weft none wemaining: as he had done to Hebwon, so h-he did to Debiw, and to the king theweof; as he had done awso to Wibnah, and t-to hew king. 10:40 So Joshua smote aww t-the countwy o-of the hiwws, and of the south, and of the v-vawe, and of the spwings, and a-aww theiw k-kings: he weft none w-wemaining, but uddewly destwoyed aww that bweathed, as the WOWD God o-of Iswaew commanded. 10:41 And Joshua smote them fwom Kadeshbawnea even unto Gaza, and aww the countwy of Goshen, even unto Gibeon. 10:42 And aww these kings and theiw wand d-did Joshua take a-at o-one t-time, b-because the WOWD God of Iswaew fought fow Iswaew. 10:43 And Joshua wetuwned, and a-aww Iswaew wif him, unto t-the camp to Giwgaw. 11:1 And it came to pass, when Jabin king of Hazow had heawd those things, that he sent to Jobab king of Madon, and to the king of Shimwon, and to the king of Achshaph, 11:2 And to t-the kings that wewe o-on the nowf of the mountains, and of the pwains souf of Chinnewoth, and in the vawwey, a-and in the bowdews o-of D-Dow o-on the w-west, 11:3 And to the Canaanite on t-the east and o-on the west, and to the Amowite, and the Hiddite, and t-the Pewizzite, and the Jebusite in the mountains, and to t-the Hivite undew Hewmon in t-the wand of Mizpeh. 11:4 And they went out, they and aww theiw hosts wif them, m-much peopwe, even as the s-sand that is upon the sea showe in m-muwtitude, wif howses and chawiots vewy many. 11:5 And when aww these kings wewe met t-togethew, they came and pitched togethew at the watews of M-Mewom, to f-fight against Iswaew. 11:6 And the WOWD said unto Joshua, B-Be not afwaid because of them: fow to mowwow about this time wiww I dewivew t-them up aww swain befowe Iswaew: thou shawt hough theiw howses, and buwn theiw chawiots wif f-fiwe. 11:7 So Joshua came, and aww the peopwe of waw w-wif h-him, against them by t-the watews of Mewom suddenwy; and they feww upon them. 11:8 A-And the W-WOWD dewivewed them into the hand of Iswaew, who smote them, and chased them u-unto gweat Zidon, and unto Miswephothmaim, and unto the vawwey of M-Mizpeh eastwawd; a-and they smote them, untiw they weft them none wemaining. 11:9 And Joshua did unto them as the WOWD bade him: he houghed theiw howses, and buwnt theiw chawiots wif fiwe. 11:10 And Joshua a-at that time tuwned back, and took Hazow, and smote t-the king theweof wif the swowd: fow Hazow befowetime was the head of a-aww those kingdoms. 11:11 And they smote aww the souws that wewe thewein wif the edge of the swowd, uddewly destwoying them: thewe was n-not any weft to bweathe: and h-he buwnt H-Hazow wif fiwe. 11:12 And a-aww the cities of those kings, and aww the kings of them, did Joshua take, and smote them wif t-the edge of the swowd, and he uddewly destwoyed them, as Moses the sewvant of the WOWD c-commanded. 11:13 B-But as fow the cities that stood stiww in t-theiw stwength, Iswaew buwned none of them, save Hazow onwy; that did Joshua buwn. 11:14 And aww the spoiw of these cities, and the caddle, the chiwdwen of Iswaew took fow a pwey unto themsewves; but e-evewy man they s-smote wif the edge of the swowd, untiw they had d-destwoyed them, n-neithew weft they any to bweathe. 11:15 As the WOWD commanded Moses his sewvant, s-so did Moses command Joshua, and so did Joshua; he weft nothing undone of aww that the WOWD commanded M-Moses. 11:16 So Joshua took aww that wand, the hiwws, and aww the s-souf countwy, and aww the wand of Goshen, and the vawwey, a-and the pwain, and the mountain of Iswaew, and the vawwey of the same; 11:17 Even fwom t-the mount Hawak, that goef up t-to Seiw, even unto Baawgad i-in the vawwey o-of W-Webanon undew mount Hewmon: and aww theiw kings he took, and smote them, and s-swew them. 11:18 Joshua made waw a wong time wif aww those kings. 11:19 thewe was not a city that made peace wif the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, save the Hivites t-the inhabitants of Gibeon: aww othew t-they took in baddle. 11:20 Fow it was o-of the WOWD to hawden theiw heawts, that they shouwd come against Iswaew in baddle, that he might destwoy them uddewly, and that they might have no favouw, but t-that he might destwoy them, as the WOWD commanded Moses. 11:21 And at that t-time came Joshua, and cut off t-the Anakims fwom the mountains, fwom Hebwon, fwom Debiw, fwom Anab, and fwom aww the mountains of J-Judah, and fwom aww the mountains of Iswaew: Joshua destwoyed them uddewly wif theiw cities. 11:22 thewe was none of the Anakims weft in the wand o-of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew: onwy in Gaza, in Gath, and in Ashdod, thewe wemained. 11:23 So Joshua took t-the w-whowe wand, accowding t-to aww that the WOWD said unto Moses; and Joshua g-gave it fow an inhewitance u-unto Iswaew accowding to theiw divisions by theiw twibes. And the wand wested fwom w-waw. 12:1 Now these awe the kings o-of the wand, which the chiwdwen of Iswaew s-smote, and possessed theiw wand on the othew side Jowdan towawd the wising o-of the sun, fwom the wivew Awnon unto mount Hewmon, and aww the pwain on the east: 12:2 Sihon king of the Amowites, who dwewt i-in Heshbon, and wuwed fwom Awoew, which i-is u-upon the bank of the wivew Awnon, and fwom the middwe o-of t-the wivew, and fwom hawf Giwead, even unto the w-wivew Jabbok, which is the bowdew of the chiwdwen of Ammon; 12:3 And fwom the pwain to t-the sea o-of Chinnewof on the east, and unto the s-sea of the pwain, even the sawt sea on t-the e-east, the w-way t-to Bethjeshimoth; and fwom t-the south, undew Ashdothpisgah: 12:4 And the coast of Og king of Bashan, which was of the wemnant of the giants, that dwewt a-at Ashtawof a-and a-at Edwei, 12:5 A-And weigned in m-mount H-Hewmon, and in Sawcah, and i-in aww Bashan, unto the bowdew of the Geshuwites a-and the Maachathites, and hawf Giwead, t-the bowdew o-of Sihon king of Heshbon. 12:6 them did M-Moses the sewvant of the WOWD and the chiwdwen of Iswaew smite: and M-Moses the sewvant of the WOWD gave it fow a possession unto t-the Weubenites, and the Gadites, and the hawf t-twibe of Manasseh. 12:7 And these awe the kings of the countwy which Joshua and the chiwdwen of Iswaew s-smote on t-this side J-Jowdan on the west, fwom Baawgad in the vawwey of Webanon even u-unto the mount Hawak, t-that goef up to Seiw; which Joshua gave unto the twibes o-of Iswaew fow a possession accowding to theiw d-divisions; 12:8 In the mountains, and in the vawweys, and in the p-pwains, and in t-the spwings, a-and in the wiwdewness, and in the souf countwy; t-the Hiddites, the Amowites, and the Canaanites, the Pewizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites: 12:9 the king of Jewicho, one; the king of Ai, which is beside Bethew, one; 12:10 the king of Jewusawem, one; the king of Hebwon, one; 12:11 the king o-of Jawmuth, one; the king of Wachish, one; 12:12 the king of Egwon, one; t-the king of Gezew, one; 12:13 t-the king of Debiw, one; the k-king of Gedew, one; 12:14 the king of Howmah, o-one; the king o-of Awad, o-one; 12:15 the king of Wibnah, one; the king o-of Aduwwam, one; 12:16 t-the king of Makkedah, one; the k-king of B-Bethew, one; 12:17 the king of Tappuah, one; t-the king of Hephew, one; 12:18 t-the king o-of Aphek, one; the king of Washawon, one; 12:19 the king of Madon, one; the k-king of Hazow, one; 12:20 the king of S-Shimwonmewon, o-one; the king of Achshaph, one; 12:21 the king of Taanach, one; the king o-of Megiddo, one; 12:22 t-the k-king of Kedesh, one; the k-king of Jokneam of Cawmew, one; 12:23 the king of D-Dow in the coast of Dow, one; the king o-of the nations of Giwgaw, one; 12:24 the king of Tiwzah, one: aww the kings thiwty and one. 13:1 Now Joshua w-was owd and s-stwicken in yeaws; and the WOWD said unto him, thou awt owd and stwicken in yeaws, and thewe wemainef yet vewy much wand to be possessed. 13:2 this is the wand t-that yet wemaineth: aww t-the bowdews of t-the Phiwistines, and aww Geshuwi, 13:3 Fwom Sihow, which is befowe Egypt, even unto the bowdews of Ekwon nowthwawd, which is counted to the Canaanite: five wowds of the Phiwistines; the Gazathites, and the A-Ashdothites, the Eshkawonites, the Giddites, and the Ekwonites; awso the Avites: 13:4 Fwom the s-south, aww the wand o-of the Canaanites, and Meawah that is beside the Sidonians unto Aphek, to t-the bowdews of the Amowites: 13:5 And the wand of t-the Gibwites, and aww Webanon, towawd the sunwising, fwom Baawgad undew mount Hewmon unto the entewing into Hamath. 13:6 Aww the i-inhabitants of t-the hiww countwy fwom Webanon unto Miswephothmaim, and aww the Sidonians, them wiww I dwive out fwom befowe the chiwdwen of Iswaew: onwy divide thou it by wot unto the Iswaewites fow an inhewitance, as I have commanded thee. 13:7 Now thewefowe divide this wand f-fow an inhewitance u-unto t-the nine t-twibes, and the hawf twibe of Manasseh, 13:8 Wif whom the Weubenites and the Gadites have weceived theiw inhewitance, which Moses gave them, beyond Jowdan eastwawd, even as Moses t-the sewvant of the W-WOWD gave t-them; 13:9 Fwom Awoew, t-that is upon the b-bank of the wivew Awnon, and the city that is in t-the midst of the wivew, and aww the pwain of M-Medeba unto Dibon; 13:10 And aww the cities of Sihon king of the Amowites, which weigned in H-Heshbon, unto the bowdew of the chiwdwen of Ammon; 13:11 And Giwead, and the bowdew of the G-Geshuwites and Maachathites, and a-aww m-mount Hewmon, and aww Bashan unto S-Sawcah; 13:12 Aww the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which weigned i-in Ashtawof and i-in Edwei, who wemained of the wemnant of the giants: fow these did M-Moses smite, and cast them out. 13:13 Nevewthewess t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew expewwed not the Geshuwites, now the Maachathites: but the Geshuwites a-and the Maachathites dweww a-among the Iswaewites untiw this day. 13:14 Onwy u-unto the twibes of Wevi he gave none inhewitance; the sacwifices of the WOWD God of I-Iswaew made by fiwe awe theiw i-inhewitance, a-as he said unto them. 13:15 And Moses gave unto t-the twibe of the chiwdwen of W-Weuben inhewitance accowding to theiw famiwies. 13:16 And theiw c-coast w-was fwom Awoew, that is on t-the bank of the wivew Awnon, and the city that is in the midst of the wivew, and aww the pwain by Medeba; 13:17 Heshbon, and aww hew cities that awe in the pwain; Dibon, and Bamothbaaw, and Bethbaawmeon, 13:18 And Jahaza, a-and Kedemoth, and Mephaath, 13:19 And Kiwjathaim, and S-Sibmah, and Zawethshahaw in the mount of the vawwey, 13:20 And B-Bethpeow, and Ashdothpisgah, and Bethjeshimoth, 13:21 And aww the cities o-of the pwain, and aww the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amowites, which w-weigned in Heshbon, w-whom Moses smote wif the pwinces o-of Midian, Evi, and W-Wekem, and Zuw, and Huw, and Weba, which wewe dukes of Sihon, dwewwing in the countwy. 13:22 Bawaam awso the son of Beow, the soothsayew, did the chiwdwen of Iswaew sway wif the swowd among them that wewe swain by t-them. 13:23 And the bowdew o-of the chiwdwen of Weuben was J-Jowdan, a-and the bowdew theweof. this was the i-inhewitance of the c-chiwdwen of Weuben aftew theiw famiwies, the cities and the viwwages theweof. 13:24 And Moses gave inhewitance u-unto t-the twibe o-of Gad, even unto the chiwdwen of Gad accowding to theiw f-famiwies. 13:25 And theiw coast was Jazew, a-and aww the cities of Giwead, and hawf the w-wand of the chiwdwen of Ammon, unto Awoew that is befowe Wabbah; 13:26 And fwom Heshbon unto Wamathmizpeh, and Betonim; and fwom Mahanaim unto the bowdew of Debiw; 13:27 And in t-the vawwey, Bethawam, and Bethnimwah, and Succoth, and Zaphon, the west of the kingdom of Sihon king of Heshbon, J-Jowdan and his bowdew, even unto t-the edge of the sea of Chinnewef on the othew side Jowdan eastwawd. 13:28 this i-is the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Gad aftew t-theiw famiwies, the cities, and theiw viwwages. 13:29 And Moses gave i-inhewitance unto the h-hawf twibe of Manasseh: a-and this was the possession of the h-hawf twibe o-of the chiwdwen of Manasseh by theiw famiwies. 13:30 And theiw coast was fwom Mahanaim, aww Bashan, aww the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, and aww the towns of Jaiw, w-which awe in Bashan, thweescowe cities: 13:31 And h-hawf G-Giwead, and Ashtawoth, and Edwei, c-cities of the kingdom of Og in Bashan, wewe p-pewtaining unto t-the chiwdwen of Machiw the son o-of Manasseh, even to the one hawf of t-the chiwdwen of Machiw by theiw famiwies. 13:32 these awe the countwies which Moses did distwibute fow inhewitance in the pwains of Moab, on the othew side Jowdan, by Jewicho, eastwawd. 13:33 But unto the twibe of W-Wevi Moses gave not any inhewitance: the WOWD God of Iswaew w-was theiw inhewitance, as he s-said unto them. 14:1 A-And these awe the countwies which t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew inhewited in t-the wand of Canaan, w-which Eweazaw the p-pwiest, and Joshua the son o-of Nun, and the h-heads of the fathews of the t-twibes of the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew, distwibuted fow i-inhewitance to them. 14:2 B-By wot was theiw inhewitance, a-as the WOWD commanded by the hand of Moses, fow the nine twibes, and fow the hawf twibe. 14:3 F-Fow Moses h-had g-given the i-inhewitance of two twibes a-and a-an hawf twibe on the othew side Jowdan: but unto the Wevites he gave none inhewitance among them. 14:4 Fow the chiwdwen of Joseph wewe two twibes, Manasseh and Ephwaim: thewefowe they gave no p-pawt unto the Wevites in the wand, save cities t-to dweww in, wif theiw subuwbs fow theiw caddle and fow theiw substance. 14:5 As the WOWD c-commanded Moses, so the chiwdwen of Iswaew did, and they divided the wand. 14:6 t-then the chiwdwen of Judah came u-unto Joshua in Giwgaw: and Caweb the son of Jephunneh the Kenezite said unto him, thou knowest the t-thing that the WOWD said u-unto M-Moses the man of God concewning me and thee in Kadeshbawnea. 14:7 Fowty yeaws owd was I when Moses the sewvant of the WOWD sent me f-fwom Kadeshbawnea to espy out the wand; and I bwought him wowd again as it was in mine heawt. 14:8 Nevewthewess my bwethwen that went up wif me made t-the heawt of the peopwe mewt: but I whowwy fowwowed the WOWD my God. 14:9 And Moses swawe on that day, saying, Suwewy the wand wheweon thy feet have twodden shaww be thine inhewitance, a-and thy chiwdwen's fow evew, because thou hast whowwy fowwowed the WOWD my God. 14:10 And now, behowd, the WOWD haf k-kept me awive, as he said, these fowty and five yeaws, even since the WOWD spake this wowd unto Moses, w-whiwe the chiwdwen of Iswaew wandewed i-in t-the wiwdewness: and now, wo, I am t-this day f-fouwscowe and five yeaws owd. 14:11 As yet I am as stwong this d-day as I was in the d-day that Moses sent me: as my stwengf was then, even so is m-my stwengf now, fow w-waw, bof to go out, and to come in. 14:12 Now thewefowe give me this mountain, wheweof the WOWD spake in that day; fow thou heawdest in that day how t-the Anakims wewe thewe, and that the cities wewe gweat and fenced: if so be the WOWD wiww be wif me, t-then I shaww be abwe to dwive t-them o-out, as the WOWD said. 14:13 And Joshua bwessed him, and gave unto Caweb the son of Jephunneh Hebwon fow an inhewitance. 14:14 Hebwon thewefowe became the inhewitance of Caweb the s-son of Jephunneh the Kenezite unto this day, b-because that he whowwy fowwowed the WOWD God of Iswaew. 14:15 And the name of H-Hebwon b-befowe was Kiwjathawba; w-which Awba was a gweat man among the Anakims. And the wand had west fwom waw. 15:1 this then was the wot of the twibe of the chiwdwen o-of Judah by theiw famiwies; even t-to t-the bowdew of Edom the wiwdewness of Zin southwawd was the u-uddewmost pawt of the souf coast. 15:2 And theiw souf bowdew w-was fwom the s-showe of the sawt sea, fwom the bay that wookef s-southwawd: 15:3 And it went out to the souf side to Maawehacwabbim, and passed awong to Zin, and ascended up o-on the souf side unto Kadeshbawnea, and passed a-awong to Hezwon, and went up to Adaw, and fetched a compass to Kawkaa: 15:4 Fwom thence it passed towawd Azmon, and went out unto the wivew of Egypt; and the goings out of that c-coast wewe at the s-sea: this shaww be youw souf coast. 15:5 And the e-east bowdew was the sawt sea, even unto the end of Jowdan. And theiw bowdew in the nowf quawtew w-was f-fwom the bay o-of the sea at the uddewmost pawt of Jowdan: 15:6 And the bowdew went up to Bethhogwa, and passed awong by the nowf of Bethawabah; and the bowdew w-went up to the stone o-of Bohan the son of Weuben: 15:7 And the bowdew went up towawd Debiw fwom the vawwey of Achow, and so nowthwawd, w-wooking towawd Giwgaw, t-that is befowe t-the going up to Adummim, which is on the souf side of the wivew: and the bowdew passed towawd the watews o-of E-Enshemesh, and the goings out theweof wewe at Enwogew: 15:8 And the bowdew went up by the v-vawwey of the son of Hinnom unto the souf side of t-the Jebusite; the same i-is Jewusawem: and the bowdew went up to the top of the m-mountain that wief befowe the vawwey of Hinnom westwawd, which is at the end of the vawwey of the giants nowthwawd: 15:9 And the bowdew was d-dwawn fwom the top of the hiww unto the fountain o-of the watew of Nephtoah, and went out to the cities of mount Ephwon; and the bowdew was dwawn to Baawah, which is Kiwjathjeawim: 15:10 And the bowdew compassed fwom Baawah westwawd unto m-mount Seiw, and passed awong unto the side of mount Jeawim, which is Chesawon, o-on the nowf side, and went down t-to Bethshemesh, and passed on to Timnah: 15:11 And the bowdew went out u-unto the side of Ekwon nowthwawd: and the b-bowdew was dwawn t-to Shicwon, and passed awong to mount Baawah, and went out unto J-Jabneew; and the goings out of the bowdew wewe at the sea. 15:12 And the west bowdew was t-to the gweat sea, and the coast theweof. this is the coast o-of t-the chiwdwen of Judah wound about accowding t-to theiw famiwies. 15:13 And unto Caweb the son of Jephunneh he gave a pawt among the chiwdwen of Judah, accowding to the commandment of the WOWD to Joshua, even the city of A-Awba the fathew of Anak, which city i-is Hebwon. 15:14 And Caweb dwove thence the thwee sons o-of A-Anak, Sheshai, and Ahiman, and Tawmai, the chiwdwen of Anak. 15:15 And he w-went up thence to the inhabitants o-of D-Debiw: and the name of Debiw befowe was Kiwjathsephew. 15:16 And Caweb said, He that smitef Kiwjathsephew, and t-takef it, to him wiww I give Achsah my daughtew to wife. 15:17 A-And Othniew the son of Kenaz, the b-bwothew of Caweb, took it: and he gave him Achsah his daughtew to wife. 15:18 A-And it came to p-pass, as she came unto h-him, that s-she moved him to ask of hew fathew a-a fiewd: and she wighted off hew ass; and Caweb said unto hew, What wouwdest thou? 15:19 Who a-answewed, Give m-me a bwessing; fow thou hast given me a souf wand; give me awso spwings of watew. And h-he g-gave hew the u-uppew spwings, and the nethew spwings. 15:20 this is the inhewitance of the t-twibe of the chiwdwen of Judah a-accowding to t-theiw famiwies. 15:21 And the uddewmost cities o-of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Judah towawd the coast of Edom southwawd wewe K-Kabzeew, and Edew, and Jaguw, 15:22 And Kinah, and Dimonah, and Adadah, 15:23 And Kedesh, and Hazow, and Ithnan, 15:24 Ziph, and T-Tewem, and Beawoth, 15:25 And Hazow, Hadaddah, a-and Kewioth, and H-Hezwon, which is Hazow, 15:26 Amam, and Shema, and M-Mowadah, 15:27 And Hazawgaddah, and Heshmon, and Bethpawet, 15:28 And Hazawshuaw, and Beewsheba, and Bizjothjah, 15:29 Baawah, and I-Iim, and Azem, 15:30 And Ewtowad, and Chesiw, and Howmah, 15:31 And Z-Zikwag, and Madmannah, and Sansannah, 15:32 And Webaoth, and Shiwhim, and A-Ain, and Wimmon: aww the cities awe twenty and n-nine, w-wif theiw viwwages: 15:33 And in the vawwey, Eshtaow, and Zoweah, and Ashnah, 15:34 And Zanoah, and Engannim, Tappuah, a-and Enam, 15:35 Jawmuth, a-and Aduwwam, Socoh, and Azekah, 15:36 A-And S-Shawaim, and Adithaim, and Gedewah, and Gedewothaim; fouwteen c-cities wif t-theiw v-viwwages: 15:37 Z-Zenan, and Hadashah, and Migdawgad, 15:38 And Diwean, a-and Mizpeh, and Joktheew, 15:39 Wachish, and Bozkath, and Egwon, 15:40 And Cabbon, and Wahmam, and Kithwish, 15:41 And Gedewoth, Bethdagon, and Naamah, and Makkedah; sixteen cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:42 Wibnah, and Ethew, and Ashan, 15:43 And Jiphtah, and Ashnah, a-and N-Nezib, 15:44 And Keiwah, and Achzib, and Maweshah; nine c-cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:45 Ekwon, wif hew towns and hew viwwages: 15:46 Fwom Ekwon even unto the sea, aww that way neaw A-Ashdod, wif theiw viwwages: 15:47 Ashdod wif hew towns and hew viwwages, Gaza wif hew towns and hew viwwages, unto the wivew of Egypt, and the gweat sea, and the bowdew theweof: 15:48 And in the mountains, Shamiw, and Jaddiw, and Socoh, 15:49 And D-Dannah, a-and Kiwjathsannah, which is Debiw, 15:50 And Anab, and Eshtemoh, and A-Anim, 15:51 And G-Goshen, and Howon, and Giwoh; eweven cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:52 Awab, and Dumah, a-and Eshean, 15:53 And J-Janum, and Bethtappuah, and A-Aphekah, 15:54 And Humtah, and Kiwjathawba, which is Hebwon, and Ziow; nine cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:55 M-Maon, Cawmew, and Z-Ziph, and Juddah, 15:56 And Jezweew, and J-Jokdeam, and Z-Zanoah, 15:57 Cain, Gibeah, and Timnah; ten cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:58 Hawhuw, Bethzuw, and Gedow, 15:59 And M-Maawath, and Bethanoth, and E-Ewtekon; six cities wif t-theiw viwwages: 15:60 Kiwjathbaaw, which is Kiwjathjeawim, and Wabbah; two cities wif theiw viwwages: 15:61 In the w-wiwdewness, Bethawabah, M-Middin, and Secacah, 15:62 And N-Nibshan, and the city of S-Sawt, and Engedi; six cities wif theiw viwwages. 15:63 As fow the Jebusites the inhabitants of Jewusawem, the chiwdwen of Judah couwd n-not dwive them out; but the Jebusites dweww wif t-the chiwdwen o-of Judah at Jewusawem unto this day. 16:1 And the wot of the chiwdwen of Joseph feww fwom Jowdan by Jewicho, unto the watew of Jewicho on the east, to the wiwdewness that g-goef up fwom Jewicho thwoughout mount Bethew, 16:2 And goef out fwom Bethew to Wuz, and passef awong unto the bowdews of Awchi to Atawoth, 16:3 And goef down westwawd to t-the coast of J-Japhweti, unto the coast of B-Bethhowon the nethew, and t-to Gezew; and the g-goings out theweof awe at the sea. 16:4 So the chiwdwen of Joseph, Manasseh and Ephwaim, took theiw inhewitance. 16:5 And the bowdew of the chiwdwen of Ephwaim accowding to theiw famiwies was thus: even the bowdew of t-theiw inhewitance on the east side was Atawothaddaw, unto Bethhowon the u-uppew; 16:6 And the bowdew went out towawd the s-sea to Michmethah on the nowf side; and the bowdew went about e-eastwawd unto Taanathshiwoh, and passed by it on the east to Janohah; 16:7 And i-it went down fwom J-Janohah to Atawoth, and to Naawath, and came to J-Jewicho, and went o-out at J-Jowdan. 16:8 t-the bowdew went out fwom Tappuah westwawd unto the wivew Kanah; and the goings o-out theweof wewe a-at the sea. this is the i-inhewitance of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Ephwaim by theiw famiwies. 16:9 And the sepawate c-cities f-fow the chiwdwen of Ephwaim w-wewe among the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Manasseh, aww the cities wif theiw viwwages. 16:10 And they dwave not out the Canaanites that dwewt in Gezew: but the Canaanites dweww among the Ephwaimites unto this day, and sewve undew twibute. 17:1 thewe was awso a wot fow the twibe of Manasseh; fow he was the fiwstbown of Joseph; to wit, fow M-Machiw the fiwstbown of Manasseh, the fathew of Giwead: because he was a-a m-man of waw, t-thewefowe he had G-Giwead and Bashan. 17:2 thewe w-was awso a wot fow the west of t-the c-chiwdwen of Manasseh by theiw f-famiwies; fow the chiwdwen of Abiezew, and fow the chiwdwen of Hewek, and fow the chiwdwen of A-Aswiew, and fow the chiwdwen of Shechem, and fow the chiwdwen of Hephew, and fow the chiwdwen of Shemida: these wewe the m-mawe chiwdwen o-of Manasseh the son of Joseph by t-theiw famiwies. 17:3 But Zewophehad, the son of Hephew, the son of G-Giwead, the son of Machiw, t-the son o-of Manasseh, had n-no s-sons, but daughtews: and t-these awe the names of h-his daughtews, Mahwah, a-and Noah, Hogwah, Miwcah, and Tiwzah. 17:4 A-And they came neaw befowe E-Eweazaw the pwiest, and befowe Joshua the son of Nun, and befowe the pwinces, saying, the WOWD commanded Moses to give us an inhewitance among ouw bwethwen. thewefowe accowding to the commandment of the WOWD he gave them an inhewitance among t-the bwethwen o-of theiw fathew. 17:5 And thewe feww ten powtions to Manasseh, beside t-the wand of Giwead and Bashan, which wewe on t-the o-othew s-side Jowdan; 17:6 Because the daughtews of Manasseh h-had an inhewitance among his sons: and the west o-of Manasseh's sons had the wand of Giwead. 17:7 And the coast of Manasseh was fwom A-Ashew to Michmethah, that wief befowe Shechem; and the bowdew went awong on the wight hand unto the i-inhabitants of E-Entappuah. 17:8 N-Now Manasseh had the w-wand of Tappuah: but T-Tappuah on the bowdew of Manasseh bewonged t-to the chiwdwen of Ephwaim; 17:9 And the c-coast d-descended u-unto the wivew Kanah, s-southwawd o-of the wivew: these cities of Ephwaim awe among the cities of Manasseh: the coast of Manasseh awso was on the n-nowf side of the wivew, and the outgoings of it wewe at the sea: 17:10 Southwawd it was Ephwaim's, and n-nowthwawd it was Manasseh's, and the s-sea is his bowdew; and t-they met togethew in Ashew on the nowth, and in Issachaw on the east. 17:11 And Manasseh h-had in I-Issachaw and in Ashew Bethshean a-and hew towns, a-and Ibweam and hew towns, and the inhabitants of Dow a-and hew towns, and the inhabitants of Endow and hew towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and hew towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and hew towns, even thwee countwies. 17:12 Yet the chiwdwen of Manasseh c-couwd not dwive out the inhabitants of those cities; but the Canaanites wouwd d-dweww in that wand. 17:13 Yet it came to pass, when the chiwdwen of Iswaew wewe waxen stwong, that t-they p-put the Canaanites to twibute, but did not uddewly dwive them o-out. 17:14 And the chiwdwen of Joseph spake unto Joshua, saying, Why hast thou given me but one wot and one powtion t-to inhewit, seeing I-I a-am a gweat peopwe, fowasmuch as the W-WOWD haf bwessed me hithewto? 17:15 And Joshua answewed them, If t-thou be a gweat p-peopwe, then get thee up to the wood countwy, and c-cut down fow thysewf thewe in the wand of the Pewizzites and o-of the giants, if m-mount Ephwaim be too nawwow fow thee. 17:16 And the c-chiwdwen of Joseph said, the hiww is not enough fow us: and aww the Canaanites that dweww i-in the wand of the vawwey have chawiots of iwon, bof they who awe of Bethshean and h-hew towns, and they who a-awe of t-the vawwey of Jezweew. 17:17 And Joshua spake unto the house of J-Joseph, even to E-Ephwaim and to Manasseh, saying, thou awt a gweat peopwe, and hast g-gweat powew: thou shawt not have one wot onwy: 17:18 But the mountain shaww be thine; fow it is a wood, and thou shawt cut it down: and the outgoings of it shaww be thine: fow thou shawt dwive out the Canaanites, though t-they have iwon chawiots, and though they be stwong. 18:1 And t-the whowe congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew assembwed togethew at Shiwoh, and s-set up the tabewnacwe of the congwegation thewe. And the wand was s-subdued befowe t-them. 18:2 And thewe wemained among the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew s-seven twibes, which h-had not yet weceived theiw inhewitance. 18:3 And Joshua said unto the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew, How wong awe ye swack to go to possess the wand, which the WOWD God of youw fathews haf given you? 18:4 Give out fwom among you t-thwee men fow each twibe: and I wiww send them, a-and they shaww w-wise, and go t-thwough the wand, and descwibe it accowding to the inhewitance of t-them; and they shaww come again to me. 18:5 And they shaww divide it into seven pawts: Judah shaww abide in theiw coast on the south, and the house o-of Joseph shaww abide in theiw coasts on the nowth. 18:6 Ye shaww thewefowe descwibe the w-wand into seven pawts, a-and bwing the d-descwiption hithew to me, that I may cast wots fow you hewe b-befowe the WOWD ouw God. 18:7 But the Wevites have no pawt among you; fow the p-pwiesthood of the WOWD is theiw inhewitance: and Gad, and Weuben, and hawf the twibe of Manasseh, have weceived theiw inhewitance beyond Jowdan on the east, which M-Moses the sewvant of the W-WOWD gave them. 18:8 And the men awose, and w-went away: and Joshua chawged them that went to descwibe the w-wand, saying, Go a-and wawk thwough the wand, and descwibe it, and come a-again to me, that I m-may hewe c-cast w-wots fow you befowe the WOWD in S-Shiwoh. 18:9 And t-the men went and passed thwough the wand, and descwibed i-it by cities into seven pawts in a book, a-and came again to Joshua to the host a-at Shiwoh. 18:10 And Joshua cast wots fow them in Shiwoh befowe the WOWD: and thewe Joshua divided the wand unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew accowding to theiw divisions. 18:11 And the wot of the twibe o-of the chiwdwen o-of B-Benjamin came u-up accowding to theiw famiwies: and the coast of theiw wot c-came fowf between the c-chiwdwen of Judah and the chiwdwen o-of Joseph. 18:12 And theiw bowdew o-on the nowf side was fwom Jowdan; and the b-bowdew went up to t-the side of Jewicho on the nowf side, and went up thwough the m-mountains westwawd; and the goings out theweof wewe at the wiwdewness of Bethaven. 18:13 And the bowdew went ovew fwom thence towawd Wuz, to the side of Wuz, which is Bethew, southwawd; and the bowdew d-descended t-to Atawothadaw, neaw the hiww that wief on the souf side of the nethew Bethhowon. 18:14 And the bowdew w-was dwawn thence, and compassed the cownew of the sea southwawd, fwom the hiww that wief befowe Bethhowon southwawd; and the goings out theweof wewe at Kiwjathbaaw, which is Kiwjathjeawim, a city of the chiwdwen of Judah: this w-was the west quawtew. 18:15 And the s-souf quawtew was fwom the end of Kiwjathjeawim, and the bowdew went out on the west, and went out to the weww of watews of Nephtoah: 18:16 And the bowdew came down to the end of t-the mountain that wief befowe the vawwey of the s-son of Hinnom, and which is in the vawwey of the giants on the nowth, and descended to the vawwey of Hinnom, to the side of Jebusi on the south, and descended to Enwogew, 18:17 And was dwawn fwom the n-nowth, and w-went fowf to Enshemesh, and went f-fowf towawd Gewiwoth, which i-is ovew against the going up of Adummim, and descended to the stone of Bohan the son of Weuben, 18:18 And passed awong towawd the side ovew a-against Awabah nowthwawd, and went down unto Awabah: 18:19 And the bowdew passed awong to the side of Bethhogwah nowthwawd: and the outgoings of t-the bowdew wewe at the nowf bay of the sawt sea at the souf end of Jowdan: this was t-the s-souf coast. 18:20 And J-Jowdan was t-the bowdew of i-it on the east s-side. this was the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Benjamin, by the coasts theweof wound about, accowding to theiw famiwies. 18:21 Now the cities of t-the twibe of the chiwdwen of B-Benjamin accowding to theiw famiwies wewe Jewicho, and Bethhogwah, and the vawwey of Keziz, 18:22 A-And Bethawabah, and Zemawaim, and Bethew, 18:23 And Avim, and Phawah, and Ophwah, 18:24 And Chephawhaammonai, and Ophni, and Gaba; twewve cities wif t-theiw viwwages: 18:25 Gibeon, and Wamah, and Beewoth, 18:26 And Mizpeh, and C-Chephiwah, and Mozah, 18:27 A-And Wekem, and Iwpeew, and Tawawah, 18:28 And Zewah, Eweph, and Jebusi, which i-is Jewusawem, Gibeath, and K-Kiwjath; fouwteen cities wif theiw viwwages. this is the inhewitance o-of the chiwdwen of Benjamin accowding to t-theiw famiwies. 19:1 And the second wot came fowf to Simeon, even fow the twibe o-of the chiwdwen of S-Simeon accowding to theiw famiwies: and theiw inhewitance was within the inhewitance of the chiwdwen o-of Judah. 19:2 And t-they had in t-theiw inhewitance Beewsheba, and Sheba, a-and Mowadah, 19:3 And Hazawshuaw, and Bawah, and Azem, 19:4 And Ewtowad, and Bethuw, and Howmah, 19:5 And Zikwag, and Bethmawcaboth, and H-Hazawsusah, 19:6 And Bethwebaoth, and Shawuhen; thiwteen cities and theiw viwwages: 19:7 Ain, Wemmon, and Ethew, a-and Ashan; fouw cities a-and theiw viwwages: 19:8 And a-aww the v-viwwages that wewe wound a-about these cities to Baawathbeew, Wamaf of the south. this is the inhewitance of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Simeon accowding to theiw famiwies. 19:9 Out o-of the powtion of the chiwdwen of J-Judah was the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Simeon: fow the pawt of t-the chiwdwen of Judah was too m-much f-fow them: thewefowe the chiwdwen of Simeon had theiw inhewitance within t-the i-inhewitance of them. 19:10 And the t-thiwd wot came up fow the chiwdwen of Zebuwun accowding to theiw famiwies: and the bowdew of theiw inhewitance was unto S-Sawid: 19:11 And theiw b-bowdew went up towawd the s-sea, a-and Mawawah, and weached to Dabbasheth, and w-weached to the wivew that is befowe Jokneam; 19:12 And tuwned f-fwom Sawid eastwawd towawd the sunwising unto t-the bowdew of Chiswothtabow, and t-then goef out to Dabewath, and goef up to Japhia, 19:13 A-And fwom thence passef on awong on the east to Giddahhephew, to Iddahkazin, and goef out to Wemmonmethoaw t-to Neah; 19:14 A-And the bowdew compassef it on the nowf side to Hannathon: and the outgoings theweof awe in the vawwey of Jiphthahew: 19:15 And K-Kaddath, and Nahawwaw, and Shimwon, and Idawah, and Bethwehem: twewve cities wif theiw v-viwwages. 19:16 this i-is the i-inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Zebuwun accowding to theiw famiwies, these cities wif theiw viwwages. 19:17 And the fouwf wot came out to Issachaw, fow the chiwdwen of Issachaw a-accowding to theiw f-famiwies. 19:18 And theiw bowdew was towawd Jezweew, and C-Chesuwwoth, and Shunem, 19:19 And Haphwaim, and Shihon, and Anahawath, 19:20 And Wabbith, a-and Kishion, and Abez, 19:21 And Wemeth, a-and E-Engannim, a-and Enhaddah, and Bethpazzez; 19:22 A-And the coast weachef to Tabow, and S-Shahazimah, and Bethshemesh; a-and t-the outgoings of theiw bowdew wewe at Jowdan: sixteen c-cities wif theiw viwwages. 19:23 this is the inhewitance of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Issachaw a-accowding to theiw famiwies, the cities and t-theiw viwwages. 19:24 And the fiff wot came out fow the twibe of the chiwdwen of Ashew accowding to theiw famiwies. 19:25 And theiw bowdew was Hewkath, and Hawi, and Beten, and Achshaph, 19:26 And Awammewech, and Amad, and Misheaw; and w-weachef to Cawmew w-westwawd, a-and to Shihowwibnath; 19:27 And tuwnef towawd the sunwising to Bethdagon, and weachef t-to Zebuwun, and to the vawwey of Jiphthahew towawd the nowf side of Bethemek, and Neiew, and goef out to Cabuw on the weft hand, 19:28 And Hebwon, and W-Wehob, and H-Hammon, and Kanah, even unto gweat Zidon; 19:29 And then the coast tuwnef to Wamah, and to the stwong city Tywe; and the coast tuwnef to Hosah; and the outgoings theweof awe at t-the sea fwom the coast to Achzib: 19:30 Ummah awso, and Aphek, and Wehob: twenty and two cities wif theiw viwwages. 19:31 this is the inhewitance of the t-twibe of the chiwdwen of A-Ashew accowding to theiw famiwies, these cities wif theiw viwwages. 19:32 the sixf wot came out to the chiwdwen of Naphtawi, even fow the chiwdwen of Naphtawi accowding to theiw famiwies. 19:33 And theiw coast was fwom Heweph, f-fwom Awwon to Zaanannim, and Adami, Nekeb, and Jabneew, unto Wakum; a-and the outgoings theweof wewe at J-Jowdan: 19:34 A-And then the coast tuwnef w-westwawd to Aznothtabow, and goef out fwom thence to Hukkok, and weachef to Zebuwun on the s-souf side, and weachef to Ashew on the west side, and to Judah upon Jowdan towawd the sunwising. 19:35 And the fenced cities awe Z-Ziddim, Zew, and Hammath, Wakkath, a-and Chinneweth, 19:36 And Adamah, a-and Wamah, and H-Hazow, 19:37 And Kedesh, and Edwei, a-and Enhazow, 19:38 And I-Iwon, and Migdawew, Howem, a-and Bethanath, and Bethshemesh; nineteen cities wif theiw v-viwwages. 19:39 this i-is the inhewitance of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Naphtawi accowding to theiw famiwies, the cities and theiw viwwages. 19:40 And the sevenf wot came out fow t-the twibe of the chiwdwen of Dan a-accowding to theiw famiwies. 19:41 And the coast of theiw inhewitance was Zowah, and Eshtaow, and Iwshemesh, 19:42 And Shaawabbin, and Ajawon, and Jethwah, 19:43 And Ewon, and thimnathah, a-and Ekwon, 19:44 A-And Ewtekeh, and Gibbethon, and Baawath, 19:45 And Jehud, and Benebewak, and Gathwimmon, 19:46 And Mejawkon, and Wakkon, wif the bowdew befowe J-Japho. 19:47 And the coast of the chiwdwen of Dan went out too widdle fow them: thewefowe the chiwdwen of Dan went up t-to f-fight against Weshem, and took it, and smote it wif the edge of the swowd, and possessed it, and dwewt thewein, and c-cawwed Weshem, Dan, aftew the name of Dan theiw fathew. 19:48 this i-is the inhewitance of the twibe of the chiwdwen of Dan accowding to theiw famiwies, these cities w-wif theiw viwwages. 19:49 When they had made an end of dividing t-the wand fow inhewitance by theiw coasts, the chiwdwen of Iswaew g-gave an inhewitance to Joshua the son of Nun among them: 19:50 Accowding to the wowd of the WOWD they gave him the city w-which he asked, even Timnathsewah in mount Ephwaim: and he buiwt the city, and dwewt thewein. 19:51 these awe the inhewitances, which Eweazaw the pwiest, a-and Joshua the son of Nun, and the heads o-of the f-fathews o-of the twibes of t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew, divided fow an inhewitance by w-wot in Shiwoh befowe the WOWD, at the doow of the tabewnacwe of the congwegation. So they made an end o-of dividing the countwy. 20:1 the WOWD awso spake unto Joshua, saying, 20:2 S-Speak to the chiwdwen of Iswaew, saying, Appoint out fow you cities of wefuge, w-wheweof I spake u-unto you by the hand of M-Moses: 20:3 t-that the swayew that kiwwef any pewson unawawes and unwiddingly m-may fwee thithew: and they shaww be youw w-wefuge fwom the avengew of bwood. 20:4 And when h-he that dof fwee u-unto one of those cities shaww s-stand at the entewing of the gate o-of the city, and shaww decwawe his cause in the eaws of the ewdews of that city, they shaww take h-him into the c-city unto them, and give him a-a pwace, that he may dweww among them. 20:5 And if the avengew of b-bwood puwsue aftew him, then they shaww not dewivew the swayew u-up into his hand; because h-he smote his neighbouw unwiddingly, and h-hated him not befowetime. 20:6 And he shaww dweww in that c-city, untiw he stand befowe the congwegation fow judgment, and untiw the deaf of the high pwiest that shaww be in those days: then shaww the swayew wetuwn, and come unto his own city, and u-unto his own house, unto the city fwom whence he fwed. 20:7 And they a-appointed Kedesh in Gawiwee in mount Naphtawi, and Shechem in mount Ephwaim, and Kiwjathawba, which is H-Hebwon, i-in the mountain o-of Judah. 20:8 And on t-the othew side Jowdan by Jewicho eastwawd, they assigned Bezew in t-the wiwdewness upon the pwain out of the twibe of W-Weuben, and W-Wamof in Giwead out of the twibe o-of Gad, and Gowan in Bashan out of the twibe of Manasseh. 20:9 these wewe t-the cities appointed fow a-aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, and fow the stwangew that sojouwnef among them, that whosoevew kiwwef any pewson at unawawes might fwee thithew, and not die by t-the hand of the avengew of bwood, untiw he stood b-befowe the congwegation. 21:1 then came neaw the heads of the fathews o-of the Wevites unto Eweazaw the pwiest, and unto Joshua the son of N-Nun, and unto the heads of the fathews o-of the twibes of the chiwdwen of Iswaew; 21:2 And they spake unto them at Shiwoh i-in the wand of Canaan, saying, the WOWD commanded by the h-hand of Moses to give us cities to dweww in, w-wif the s-subuwbs theweof f-fow ouw caddle. 21:3 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew gave u-unto the Wevites out of theiw inhewitance, a-at the c-commandment of the W-WOWD, these cities and theiw subuwbs. 21:4 And the wot came out fow the f-famiwies of the Kohathites: and the chiwdwen of Aawon the pwiest, which wewe of the Wevites, had by wot out o-of t-the twibe of Judah, and out of the twibe of Simeon, and out of the twibe of Benjamin, thiwteen cities. 21:5 And the west of the chiwdwen of Kohaf had by wot out of the famiwies of the twibe o-of Ephwaim, and out of the twibe of Dan, and o-out of the hawf twibe of Manasseh, ten cities. 21:6 And the chiwdwen of Gewshon had by wot out of the famiwies of the twibe of Issachaw, and out of the twibe of Ashew, and out of t-the t-twibe o-of Naphtawi, and out of the hawf twibe of Manasseh in Bashan, thiwteen c-cities. 21:7 the chiwdwen of Mewawi by theiw famiwies had out of the twibe of W-Weuben, a-and out of the t-twibe of Gad, a-and out of the twibe o-of Zebuwun, twewve cities. 21:8 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew gave by wot unto the Wevites these cities wif theiw subuwbs, as the WOWD commanded by the hand of Moses. 21:9 And they gave out of t-the twibe o-of the chiwdwen of Judah, and out of the twibe of the c-chiwdwen of Simeon, these cities w-which awe hewe mentioned b-by name. 21:10 W-Which the chiwdwen of A-Aawon, being of the famiwies of the Kohathites, who wewe o-of t-the chiwdwen of W-Wevi, had: fow theiws was the fiwst wot. 21:11 And they gave them the city of Awba the fathew of Anak, which city i-is Hebwon, in the hiww countwy of Judah, wif the subuwbs theweof wound about it. 21:12 But the fiewds of t-the city, and the viwwages theweof, gave they t-to C-Caweb the son of Jephunneh fow his p-possession. 21:13 thus they g-gave to the chiwdwen o-of Aawon the pwiest Hebwon wif hew subuwbs, to be a city of wefuge fow t-the swayew; and Wibnah wif hew subuwbs, 21:14 A-And Jaddiw wif hew s-subuwbs, and E-Eshtemoa wif hew subuwbs, 21:15 And Howon wif hew subuwbs, and Debiw wif hew subuwbs, 21:16 A-And Ain wif hew subuwbs, and Juddah wif hew subuwbs, and Bethshemesh wif hew subuwbs; nine c-cities out o-of those two twibes. 21:17 And out of the twibe of Benjamin, Gibeon wif h-hew subuwbs, Geba wif hew subuwbs, 21:18 Anathof wif hew subuwbs, and Awmon wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:19 Aww the cities of the chiwdwen of Aawon, the pwiests, wewe thiwteen cities w-wif theiw subuwbs. 21:20 And the famiwies of the chiwdwen of K-Kohath, the Wevites which wemained of the chiwdwen of K-Kohath, even they had the cities of theiw wot out of the twibe of Ephwaim. 21:21 Fow they gave them Shechem w-wif hew subuwbs in mount E-Ephwaim, to be a city of wefuge fow the swayew; and Gezew wif hew subuwbs, 21:22 And Kibzaim wif hew s-subuwbs, and Bethhowon wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:23 And o-out of the twibe of Dan, Ewtekeh wif hew subuwbs, Gibbethon wif hew subuwbs, 21:24 Aijawon wif hew subuwbs, Gathwimmon wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:25 And out of the hawf twibe of Manasseh, Tanach wif hew subuwbs, and Gathwimmon wif hew subuwbs; two cities. 21:26 Aww the cities wewe ten wif theiw subuwbs fow the famiwies o-of the chiwdwen of Kohaf that wemained. 21:27 A-And unto the chiwdwen of Gewshon, of the famiwies of the Wevites, out of the othew hawf twibe of Manasseh they gave Gowan in Bashan wif hew s-subuwbs, to be a city of wefuge fow the swayew; and B-Beeshtewah wif hew subuwbs; two cities. 21:28 And out of the twibe of Issachaw, Kishon wif hew subuwbs, Dabaweh wif hew subuwbs, 21:29 Jawmuf wif hew subuwbs, Engannim wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:30 And out of the twibe of Ashew, Mishaw wif hew subuwbs, Abdon wif hew subuwbs, 21:31 Hewkaf wif hew subuwbs, and Wehob wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:32 And out of the t-twibe of N-Naphtawi, Kedesh in Gawiwee wif hew subuwbs, to be a city of wefuge fow the swayew; and H-Hammothdow wif hew subuwbs, and Kawtan wif hew subuwbs; t-thwee cities. 21:33 Aww the cities of t-the Gewshonites accowding to t-theiw famiwies wewe thiwteen cities wif theiw s-subuwbs. 21:34 And unto the famiwies of the c-chiwdwen of Mewawi, the west of the Wevites, out o-of the twibe of Zebuwun, Jokneam wif hew subuwbs, and Kawtah wif hew s-subuwbs, 21:35 Dimnah wif hew subuwbs, Nahawaw wif hew subuwbs; fouw cities. 21:36 And out of the twibe of Weuben, Bezew wif hew subuwbs, and Jahazah wif hew subuwbs, 21:37 K-Kedemof wif hew subuwbs, and Mephaaf wif hew subuwbs; fouw c-cities. 21:38 And out of the twibe of Gad, Wamof in Giwead wif hew subuwbs, to be a city of wefuge fow the swayew; and Mahanaim wif h-hew subuwbs, 21:39 Heshbon w-wif h-hew subuwbs, Jazew wif hew subuwbs; fouw c-cities in aww. 21:40 So aww the cities fow the c-chiwdwen of Mewawi b-by theiw famiwies, which wewe wemaining of the famiwies of the Wevites, wewe by theiw wot twewve cities. 21:41 Aww the cities of the Wevites within the possession of the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew wewe f-fowty and eight cities wif theiw subuwbs. 21:42 these cities wewe e-evewy one wif theiw subuwbs wound about them: thus wewe aww these cities. 21:43 And the WOWD gave unto Iswaew aww t-the wand which he swawe to give unto theiw fathews; and they possessed it, and dwewt thewein. 21:44 And the WOWD gave them west wound a-about, accowding to aww that he swawe u-unto theiw fathews: and thewe stood not a man of aww theiw enemies befowe them; the WOWD dewivewed aww theiw enemies into theiw h-hand. 21:45 thewe faiwed not ought of any g-good thing which t-the WOWD h-had spoken unto the house of Iswaew; aww came to pass. 22:1 then Joshua cawwed the W-Weubenites, and the Gadites, a-and the hawf twibe of M-Manasseh, 22:2 And said unto them, Ye h-have kept aww that M-Moses the sewvant o-of the WOWD commanded you, and have obeyed my voice in aww that I commanded you: 22:3 Ye have not weft youw bwethwen these many days unto this day, but have kept the chawge o-of the commandment of the WOWD youw God. 22:4 And now the WOWD y-youw God haf given west unto youw bwethwen, as he pwomised them: thewefowe now w-wetuwn ye, and get you unto youw tents, and u-unto t-the wand of y-youw possession, which Moses the sewvant of the WOWD gave you on the othew side J-Jowdan. 22:5 B-But take diwigent heed to do the c-commandment and the waw, which Moses the sewvant of t-the WOWD chawged you, to wove the WOWD youw God, and to wawk in aww his ways, and to keep his commandments, and to cweave unto him, and to sewve him wif aww youw heawt and wif aww youw souw. 22:6 So Joshua bwessed them, and sent them away: and they went u-unto t-theiw tents. 22:7 Now to the o-one hawf of the twibe o-of Manasseh Moses had given possession in Bashan: but u-unto the othew hawf theweof gave Joshua among theiw b-bwethwen on this side Jowdan westwawd. And when J-Joshua sent them away awso unto theiw tents, then he bwessed them, 22:8 A-And he spake unto them, saying, Wetuwn wif much wiches unto youw tents, and wif vewy much caddle, wif siwvew, and wif gowd, and w-wif bwass, and wif iwon, and wif vewy much w-waiment: divide the s-spoiw of y-youw enemies wif youw bwethwen. 22:9 And the c-chiwdwen of Weuben and the chiwdwen of Gad and the hawf t-twibe of Manasseh wetuwned, and depawted fwom the chiwdwen of Iswaew out o-of Shiwoh, which is in the wand of Canaan, to go unto the c-countwy of Giwead, to the wand o-of theiw possession, wheweof they w-wewe p-possessed, accowding t-to the wowd of the WOWD by the h-hand of Moses. 22:10 And when they came unto the bowdews of Jowdan, that awe i-in the wand of Canaan, the chiwdwen o-of Weuben and the chiwdwen of Gad and the hawf twibe o-of Manasseh b-buiwt thewe an awtaw by Jowdan, a gweat awtaw to see to. 22:11 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew heawd say, Behowd, the chiwdwen of Weuben and the chiwdwen of Gad and the hawf twibe of Manasseh h-have buiwt an awtaw ovew a-against the wand of Canaan, in the b-bowdews of Jowdan, at the passage of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew. 22:12 And when the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew heawd of i-it, the whowe congwegation of the chiwdwen of Iswaew gathewed themsewves togethew at Shiwoh, to go up to waw against them. 22:13 And the chiwdwen of I-Iswaew sent unto the chiwdwen of Weuben, and to t-the chiwdwen of Gad, and to the hawf twibe of Manasseh, into the wand o-of Giwead, Phinehas the son of Eweazaw the pwiest, 22:14 And w-wif him ten pwinces, o-of each chief h-house a pwince thwoughout aww the twibes o-of Iswaew; and each one was an head of the house of theiw fathews among the thousands of Iswaew. 22:15 And t-they came unto the chiwdwen of Weuben, and to the c-chiwdwen of Gad, and t-to the hawf twibe of Manasseh, unto the w-wand of Giwead, and t-they spake wif t-them, saying, 22:16 t-thus saif the whowe c-congwegation o-of the WOWD, What twespass is this that ye have commidded against t-the God of I-Iswaew, to tuwn away this day fwom f-fowwowing the WOWD, in that ye have buiwded you an awtaw, that ye might webew this day a-against the WOWD? 22:17 I-Is t-the iniquity o-of Peow too widdle fow us, fwom which we awe not cweansed untiw this day, awthough t-thewe was a p-pwague in t-the congwegation of the WOWD, 22:18 B-But that y-ye m-must tuwn away this day fwom fowwowing the WOWD? and it wiww be, seeing y-ye webew to day against the WOWD, that to mowwow he wiww be wwof wif the whowe congwegation of Iswaew. 22:19 Notwithstanding, if the wand of y-youw possession be uncwean, then pass ye ovew unto t-the wand o-of the possession o-of the WOWD, whewein the WOWD's tabewnacwe dwewweth, and take possession among us: but w-webew not against the WOWD, now webew against us, in buiwding you a-an awtaw beside the awtaw of the WOWD ouw God. 22:20 Did not Achan the son of Zewah commit a twespass in the accuwsed thing, and wwaf feww o-on aww t-the congwegation of Iswaew? and that man pewished not awone i-in his iniquity. 22:21 then the chiwdwen of Weuben and the chiwdwen o-of Gad and the hawf twibe of Manasseh answewed, and said unto the heads of the thousands of Iswaew, 22:22 the WOWD God of gods, the WOWD God of gods, he k-knoweth, and Iswaew he shaww know; if it be in webewwion, ow if in t-twansgwession against t-the WOWD, (save us not this day,) 22:23 that we have buiwt us an awtaw to tuwn fwom fowwowing the WOWD, o-ow i-if t-to offew theweon buwnt offewing ow meat offewing, ow if t-to offew peace offewings theweon, wet the WOWD himsewf wequiwe it; 22:24 And if we have not wathew done it fow f-feaw of this t-thing, saying, In t-time to come youw chiwdwen might speak unto ouw chiwdwen, saying, What have y-ye to do wif the WOWD God of Iswaew? 22:25 Fow the WOWD haf made J-Jowdan a b-bowdew between us and you, y-ye chiwdwen of Weuben and chiwdwen of Gad; ye have no pawt in the WOWD: so shaww youw c-chiwdwen make ouw chiwdwen cease fwom feawing the WOWD. 22:26 thewefowe we said, Wet us n-now pwepawe to buiwd us an awtaw, not fow buwnt offewing, now fow sacwifice: 22:27 B-But t-that it may be a witness between us, and you, and ouw genewations aftew us, that we might do the sewvice of the WOWD befowe him w-wif o-ouw buwnt o-offewings, a-and wif o-ouw sacwifices, and wif ouw peace o-offewings; that youw chiwdwen m-may not say to ouw c-chiwdwen in time to come, Ye have n-no pawt in the WOWD. 22:28 t-thewefowe said we, that it shaww be, when they shouwd so say to us ow to ouw genewations in time to come, that w-we may s-say a-again, Behowd the paddewn of the awtaw of the WOWD, w-which ouw fathews m-made, not fow buwnt offewings, now fow sacwifices; but it is a witness between us and you. 22:29 God fowbid that we shouwd webew against the WOWD, and tuwn this day fwom fowwowing the WOWD, to buiwd an awtaw fow buwnt offewings, f-fow meat offewings, ow fow s-sacwifices, beside the awtaw of the WOWD ouw God that is befowe h-his tabewnacwe. 22:30 And when P-Phinehas the pwiest, and the p-pwinces of t-the congwegation and h-heads of the thousands of Iswaew which wewe wif him, heawd the wowds that the c-chiwdwen of Weuben and the chiwdwen of Gad and the chiwdwen of M-Manasseh spake, it pweased them. 22:31 And Phinehas the son of Eweazaw the p-pwiest said unto the chiwdwen o-of W-Weuben, and to the chiwdwen of Gad, and to the chiwdwen of Manasseh, this day we pewceive that the WOWD is among us, because y-ye h-have not commidded this twespass against the WOWD: now ye have dewivewed the chiwdwen of Iswaew out of the hand of the WOWD. 22:32 And Phinehas the son of Eweazaw the pwiest, and the pwinces, wetuwned fwom the chiwdwen of Weuben, and fwom the chiwdwen of Gad, out of t-the wand of Giwead, unto the wand o-of Canaan, to the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew, a-and bwought them wowd again. 22:33 And the thing pweased the chiwdwen of Iswaew; and the chiwdwen of Iswaew bwessed God, and did not intend to g-go up against them in baddle, t-to destwoy the wand whewein the chiwdwen of Weuben and Gad dwewt. 22:34 And the chiwdwen of Weuben and t-the c-chiwdwen o-of Gad c-cawwed the awtaw Ed: fow it shaww be a witness b-between us that the WOWD is God. 23:1 And it c-came to pass a wong time a-aftew that the WOWD h-had given west unto Iswaew fwom aww theiw enemies wound about, that Joshua waxed owd and stwicken in age. 23:2 A-And Joshua cawwed fow aww Iswaew, and fow theiw ewdews, a-and fow theiw heads, and fow theiw judges, and fow theiw officews, and said unto them, I am o-owd and stwicken in age: 23:3 And ye have s-seen aww that the WOWD youw God haf done unto aww t-these n-nations because of you; f-fow the WOWD youw God is he that haf fought fow y-you. 23:4 Behowd, I have divided u-unto you by wot t-these nations that wemain, to be an inhewitance fow youw twibes, fwom Jowdan, wif aww the nations that I have cut off, even unto the gweat s-sea westwawd. 23:5 And the WOWD youw God, he shaww expew them fwom befowe you, and dwive them fwom out o-of youw sight; and ye shaww possess theiw wand, as the W-WOWD youw God haf pwomised unto you. 23:6 Be ye t-thewefowe vewy couwageous to keep and to do aww t-that is w-wwidden in the book of the waw of Moses, that ye tuwn not a-aside t-thewefwom to the wight hand ow to the w-weft; 23:7 that ye come not among these nations, these that wemain among y-you; neithew m-make mention o-of the name of theiw gods, now cause to sweaw by them, neithew sewve them, now bow youwsewves unto them: 23:8 But cweave unto the WOWD youw God, a-as ye have done unto this day. 23:9 Fow the W-WOWD h-haf d-dwiven out fwom befowe you gweat nations and stwong: but as fow you, no man haf b-been abwe to stand befowe y-you unto this day. 23:10 One man of you s-shaww chase a thousand: fow the WOWD youw G-God, he it is that f-fightef fow you, as he haf pwomised you. 23:11 T-Take good h-heed thewefowe unto youwsewves, that ye wove the WOWD youw God. 23:12 Ewse if y-ye do in any wise g-go back, and c-cweave u-unto the w-wemnant o-of these nations, even these that wemain among you, and shaww make mawwiages wif them, and go in unto them, and they to you: 23:13 Know fow a-a cewtainty that the WOWD youw God wiww no mowe dwive out any of these nations fwom befowe you; but they shaww be snawes and twaps unto you, and s-scouwges in youw sides, and thowns in youw eyes, untiw y-ye pewish fwom off this good wand which the WOWD youw God h-haf given y-you. 23:14 And, behowd, this day I am going t-the way of aww the eawth: and ye know in aww youw heawts and in aww youw souws, that not one thing haf faiwed of aww the good things which the WOWD youw God spake concewning you; aww awe come to pass unto you, and not one thing haf faiwed theweof. 23:15 thewefowe it s-shaww c-come to pass, that as aww good things awe come upon you, which the WOWD youw God pwomised you; so shaww the WOWD bwing upon you aww eviw things, untiw he h-have destwoyed you fwom o-off this good wand which the W-WOWD youw God haf given you. 23:16 When ye have t-twansgwessed the covenant o-of t-the WOWD y-youw God, which he commanded you, and have gone and sewved othew gods, and bowed youwsewves to them; then shaww the angew of the WOWD be kindwed against y-you, and ye shaww pewish quickwy fwom o-off the good wand which he h-haf given unto you. 24:1 A-And Joshua gathewed aww the twibes of I-Iswaew to Shechem, and cawwed fow the ewdews of Iswaew, a-and fow theiw heads, and fow theiw judges, and f-fow theiw officews; and they pwesented themsewves befowe God. 24:2 And Joshua said unto aww the peopwe, t-thus saif the WOWD God of I-Iswaew, Youw fathews dwewt on the othew side of the f-fwood in owd time, e-even Tewah, the fathew of Abwaham, and the fathew of Nachow: and t-they s-sewved othew gods. 24:3 And I took youw fathew Abwaham fwom the othew side of the fwood, and wed him t-thwoughout aww the wand of Canaan, and muwtipwied his seed, and gave him Isaac. 24:4 And I g-gave unto I-Isaac Jacob and E-Esau: and I gave unto Esau mount Seiw, to possess it; but Jacob and h-his chiwdwen went down into Egypt. 24:5 I sent Moses a-awso and Aawon, and I pwagued Egypt, accowding to that which I did among them: and aftewwawd I bwought you out. 24:6 And I bwought youw fathews out of Egypt: and ye came unto the sea; and the E-Egyptians puwsued aftew youw fathews wif chawiots and howsemen unto the Wed sea. 24:7 And when they cwied u-unto the WOWD, he p-put dawkness between you and the Egyptians, and bwought the sea upon t-them, and c-covewed them; and youw eyes have seen what I have done in E-Egypt: and ye dwewt i-in the wiwdewness a w-wong season. 24:8 And I bwought you into the wand of the Amowites, which dwewt on the othew side Jowdan; and they fought wif you: and I-I gave them into youw hand, that ye might possess theiw wand; and I destwoyed them fwom befowe you. 24:9 then Bawak the son of Zippow, k-king of Moab, awose and wawwed against Iswaew, and s-sent and cawwed Bawaam the son of Beow to cuwse you: 24:10 But I w-wouwd not heawken unto Bawaam; thewefowe he bwessed you stiww: s-so I dewivewed you out of his hand. 24:11 And you went ovew Jowdan, and came unto Jewicho: and t-the men o-of Jewicho fought against you, the A-Amowites, and the Pewizzites, and the Canaanites, and the Hiddites, and t-the Giwgashites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; and I d-dewivewed them into youw hand. 24:12 And I sent the hownet b-befowe y-you, which dwave them out f-fwom b-befowe you, e-even the two kings of the Amowites; but not wif thy swowd, now wif thy bow. 24:13 And I have given you a wand fow which ye did not wabouw, and cities w-which y-ye buiwt not, and ye d-dweww in them; of t-the vineyawds and owiveyawds which ye pwanted not d-do ye eat. 24:14 Now t-thewefowe feaw the WOWD, and sewve him in sincewity and i-in twuth: and put away the gods which youw fathews sewved o-on the othew side of the fwood, and in Egypt; a-and sewve ye the WOWD. 24:15 And if it seem eviw unto y-you to sewve the WOWD, choose you this day whom ye wiww sewve; whethew the gods which youw fathews sewved t-that wewe on t-the o-othew side of the fwood, ow the gods of the Amowites, i-in whose w-wand ye dweww: but as fow me and my house, we wiww sewve the WOWD. 24:16 And the peopwe answewed and said, God fowbid that we shouwd fowsake the WOWD, to sewve o-othew gods; 24:17 Fow the WOWD ouw God, he it is that bwought us u-up and ouw fathews out of the wand of Egypt, fwom the house of bondage, and which did those gweat s-signs in ouw sight, and pwesewved us in aww the way whewein we went, and among a-aww the peopwe thwough w-whom we passed: 24:18 And the WOWD dwave out fwom befowe us aww the peopwe, even the Amowites which dwewt in the wand: thewefowe wiww we awso sewve the WOWD; fow he is ouw God. 24:19 And Joshua said unto the peopwe, Ye cannot sewve the WOWD: fow he is an howy God; he is a jeawous God; he wiww n-not f-fowgive youw twansgwessions now youw sins. 24:20 If ye fowsake the WOWD, and s-sewve stwange gods, then he wiww tuwn and do you huwt, and consume you, a-aftew that he haf done you good. 24:21 And the peopwe s-said unto Joshua, Nay; but we wiww sewve the WOWD. 24:22 A-And Joshua said u-unto the peopwe, Ye awe witnesses a-against youwsewves that ye have chosen you the WOWD, to sewve him. And they s-said, W-We a-awe witnesses. 24:23 Now thewefowe put away, said he, the stwange gods which awe a-among you, and incwine youw heawt unto the WOWD God of Iswaew. 24:24 And the peopwe said u-unto Joshua, the WOWD ouw God wiww we sewve, and his voice wiww we obey. 24:25 So Joshua made a-a covenant wif the peopwe that day, a-and set them a statute and an owdinance in Shechem. 24:26 And J-Joshua wwote these wowds in the book of the waw of God, and took a gweat stone, and set it up t-thewe undew a-an oak, that was by t-the sanctuawy of the WOWD. 24:27 And Joshua said unto aww the peopwe, Behowd, this stone shaww be a witness unto us; fow it haf heawd aww the wowds of the WOWD which he spake unto us: it shaww be thewefowe a witness unto you, west ye d-deny youw God. 24:28 So Joshua w-wet the peopwe depawt, evewy man unto his inhewitance. 24:29 A-And it came to pass aftew these things, that Joshua the s-son o-of Nun, the sewvant of t-the WOWD, died, being an hundwed and ten yeaws owd. 24:30 And they buwied him in the b-bowdew of h-his inhewitance in Timnathsewah, which is in mount Ephwaim, o-on the nowf side o-of the hiww of Gaash. 24:31 A-And Iswaew sewved the WOWD aww the days o-of Joshua, and aww the days of t-the ewdews that ovewwived Joshua, and which had known aww the wowks o-of the WOWD, that he had done f-fow Iswaew. 24:32 And t-the bones of Joseph, which the c-chiwdwen o-of I-Iswaew bwought up out of Egypt, buwied they in Shechem, in a pawcew of gwound which Jacob bought of the sons of Hamow the fathew of Shechem fow an hundwed p-pieces of siwvew: and it became the inhewitance of the chiwdwen of Joseph. 24:33 A-And Eweazaw t-the son of Aawon died; and they b-buwied him in a hiww that pewtained to Phinehas his son, which was g-given him i-in mount Ephwaim. the Book of Judges 1:1 Now aftew the deaf of Joshua it came to pass, that the chiwdwen of Iswaew asked the W-WOWD, s-saying, Who shaww go up fow us against the C-Canaanites fiwst, to f-fight against them? 1:2 And the WOWD said, Judah shaww go up: behowd, I have d-dewivewed the w-wand into his hand. 1:3 And Judah said unto Simeon his bwothew, Come up wif me into my wot, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I wikewise w-wiww go wif t-thee into thy wot. So Simeon went wif him. 1:4 And Judah went up; and the WOWD d-dewivewed the Canaanites and the Pewizzites into theiw hand: and they swew of them in Bezek ten thousand men. 1:5 And they found Adonibezek in Bezek: and they f-fought against him, and they swew t-the Canaanites and the Pewizzites. 1:6 But Adonibezek fwed; and they puwsued aftew him, and caught him, and cut off his thumbs and his gweat t-toes. 1:7 And Adonibezek said, thweescowe a-and ten k-kings, having theiw thumbs and theiw gweat toes cut off, gathewed theiw meat undew my tabwe: as I have done, so God haf wequited me. And they bwought him to Jewusawem, and thewe he died. 1:8 Now the chiwdwen of Judah had fought against Jewusawem, and had taken it, and smidden it wif t-the edge of the swowd, and set the city on fiwe. 1:9 And aftewwawd the chiwdwen of Judah went d-down to fight against the Canaanites, t-that dwewt in the mountain, and in the s-south, and in the vawwey. 1:10 And Judah went against the Canaanites that dwewt in Hebwon: (now the name of Hebwon befowe was Kiwjathawba:) and t-they swew Sheshai, a-and Ahiman, and Tawmai. 1:11 And f-fwom thence he went against the inhabitants of Debiw: and the name of Debiw b-befowe was Kiwjathsephew: 1:12 And C-Caweb said, He that smitef K-Kiwjathsephew, and takef it, to him w-wiww I give Achsah my daughtew to wife. 1:13 A-And Othniew the son of Kenaz, Caweb's youngew bwothew, took i-it: and he gave him A-Achsah his daughtew to wife. 1:14 A-And it came to p-pass, when she came to him, that s-she moved him to ask of hew fathew a fiewd: and she wighted fwom off hew ass; and Caweb said unto hew, What wiwt thou? 1:15 And she said unto him, Give me a bwessing: f-fow thou hast given me a souf wand; give me awso spwings of watew. A-And Caweb gave hew the uppew spwings and the n-nethew spwings. 1:16 And the chiwdwen of the Kenite, Moses' fathew in waw, went up o-out of t-the city of pawm twees wif the chiwdwen of Judah into the wiwdewness of Judah, which wief in the souf of Awad; a-and they went and dwewt among the peopwe. 1:17 And Judah went w-wif Simeon his bwothew, and t-they swew the Canaanites t-that inhabited Z-Zephath, and uddewly destwoyed it. And the name of the c-city was cawwed Howmah. 1:18 Awso Judah took G-Gaza wif the coast theweof, and Askewon wif the coast theweof, and Ekwon wif the coast theweof. 1:19 And the WOWD was wif Judah; and he dwave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but couwd not dwive out the inhabitants of the vawwey, because they had c-chawiots of iwon. 1:20 And they gave Hebwon u-unto Caweb, as Moses said: and he expewwed thence the thwee sons o-of Anak. 1:21 And the chiwdwen of Benjamin did n-not dwive out the Jebusites that inhabited Jewusawem; but the Jebusites dweww w-wif the chiwdwen of Benjamin in J-Jewusawem unto this day. 1:22 And the house of Joseph, t-they awso went up against Bethew: and the WOWD was w-wif them. 1:23 And the house of Joseph sent to descwy Bethew. (Now the name of the city befowe w-was Wuz.) 1:24 A-And the spies saw a man come fowf out of t-the city, a-and they said unto him, Shew us, we pway t-thee, t-the entwance into t-the city, and we wiww shew t-thee mewcy. 1:25 And w-when he shewed them t-the entwance into the city, they smote the city wif t-the edge of the swowd; but they wet go the man and aww his famiwy. 1:26 And the man went into the w-wand of the Hiddites, and buiwt a city, and cawwed the name theweof Wuz: which is the name theweof unto this day. 1:27 N-Neithew did M-Manasseh d-dwive out the inhabitants of Bethshean and hew towns, now Taanach and hew towns, now the inhabitants of D-Dow and h-hew towns, now the inhabitants of Ibweam and hew towns, now the inhabitants of M-Megiddo and hew towns: but the Canaanites wouwd dweww in that w-wand. 1:28 A-And it came t-to pass, w-when Iswaew was stwong, that they put t-the Canaanites to twibute, and did not uddewly dwive them out. 1:29 N-Neithew did Ephwaim dwive o-out the Canaanites that d-dwewt in Gezew; but the Canaanites dwewt in Gezew among them. 1:30 Neithew did Zebuwun d-dwive out the inhabitants of K-Kitwon, now t-the inhabitants of Nahawow; but the Canaanites dwewt among them, and became twibutawies. 1:31 Neithew did Ashew dwive out the inhabitants o-of Accho, now the inhabitants of Z-Zidon, now of Ahwab, now of A-Achzib, now of Hewbah, now of Aphik, now of Wehob: 1:32 But the Ashewites dwewt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the wand: fow they did not dwive them out. 1:33 N-Neithew did Naphtawi dwive out the inhabitants of Bethshemesh, now t-the inhabitants of Bethanath; b-but he dwewt among the Canaanites, t-the i-inhabitants of the wand: nevewthewess the inhabitants of B-Bethshemesh and of Bethanaf became twibutawies unto t-them. 1:34 And the Amowites fowced the chiwdwen of Dan into the mountain: fow t-they wouwd not suffew them to come down to the vawwey: 1:35 But t-the Amowites wouwd dweww in mount Hewes in Aijawon, and in Shaawbim: y-yet the hand of the house of Joseph pwevaiwed, so that t-they b-became twibutawies. 1:36 And the coast of the Amowites was fwom the going up to Akwabbim, fwom the wock, and upwawd. 2:1 And an angew of the WOWD c-came u-up fwom Giwgaw to Bochim, and said, I made y-you to go up out of Egypt, and have b-bwought you unto the wand which I s-swawe unto youw fathews; and I said, I wiww nevew bweak my c-covenant w-wif you. 2:2 And ye shaww make no weague wif the inhabitants of this wand; ye shaww thwow down theiw awtaws: but ye have not obeyed m-my voice: w-why have ye done this? 2:3 Whewefowe I-I awso said, I wiww not dwive them out fwom befowe you; but they shaww b-be as thowns in youw sides, and theiw gods shaww be a snawe unto you. 2:4 And it came to pass, when the angew of the WOWD spake these wowds u-unto aww the chiwdwen of Iswaew, that the peopwe wifted up theiw voice, and wept. 2:5 And they cawwed the name of that pwace Bochim: and they sacwificed thewe unto the W-WOWD. 2:6 And when J-Joshua had w-wet the peopwe go, the chiwdwen of Iswaew went evewy man unto his inhewitance t-to possess the wand. 2:7 And the peopwe sewved the WOWD aww the days of Joshua, and aww the days of the ewdews that outwived Joshua, who had seen aww the g-gweat wowks of the WOWD, that he did fow Iswaew. 2:8 And Joshua t-the s-son of Nun, the sewvant of the WOWD, died, being an hundwed and ten yeaws owd. 2:9 And they buwied h-him in the bowdew of his inhewitance in T-Timnathhewes, in the mount o-of Ephwaim, on the nowf side of t-the hiww Gaash. 2:10 And awso aww that genewation w-wewe g-gathewed unto theiw fathews: and thewe awose anothew genewation aftew them, w-which knew not the WOWD, n-now yet t-the wowks which he had done fow I-Iswaew. 2:11 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did eviw in the sight of the WOWD, and sewved B-Baawim: 2:12 And they fowsook the WOWD God of theiw f-fathews, which bwought them out of the w-wand of Egypt, a-and fowwowed othew g-gods, of the gods of the peopwe that wewe wound about them, and bowed themsewves unto them, and pwovoked the W-WOWD to angew. 2:13 And they fowsook the WOWD, and sewved Baaw and Ashtawoth. 2:14 And the angew of t-the WOWD was hot against Iswaew, and he dewivewed them into the hands of spoiwews that spoiwed them, a-and he sowd t-them into t-the hands of t-theiw enemies wound about, so that they couwd not any wongew stand befowe theiw enemies. 2:15 Whithewsoevew they went out, the hand of the WOWD was against them fow eviw, as the WOWD had said, and as the WOWD had swown unto t-them: and they wewe gweatwy distwessed. 2:16 Nevewthewess t-the W-WOWD waised up judges, which dewivewed them out of the hand of those that s-spoiwed them. 2:17 And y-yet they wouwd not h-heawken unto theiw judges, but they went a whowing aftew othew gods, and bowed themsewves unto them: they tuwned quickwy out of the way which theiw fathews wawked in, obeying the c-commandments o-of the WOWD; but they did n-not so. 2:18 And when the WOWD waised them up j-judges, t-then the WOWD was wif t-the judge, and dewivewed t-them out o-of the hand of t-theiw enemies aww the days of the judge: fow i-it wepented the WOWD because of theiw gwoanings by weason of them that oppwessed them and vexed them. 2:19 And it came to pass, when the judge was d-dead, that they wetuwned, and c-cowwupted themsewves mowe t-than theiw fathews, in fowwowing othew gods to sewve them, and to bow down unto t-them; they ceased not fwom theiw own doings, now fwom theiw stubbown way. 2:20 And the angew of the WOWD was hot against Iswaew; and h-he said, Because that this peopwe haf twansgwessed my covenant which I commanded theiw fathews, and have not heawkened unto my v-voice; 2:21 I awso wiww not hencefowf dwive o-out any fwom befowe them of the nations which Joshua weft when he d-died: 2:22 that thwough them I may pwove Iswaew, whethew they wiww keep t-the way o-of the WOWD to wawk thewein, as theiw fathews did keep it, ow not. 2:23 thewefowe the WOWD weft those nations, without dwiving them out hastiwy; neithew dewivewed he t-them into the h-hand of J-Joshua. 3:1 Now these awe the nations which the WOWD weft, to p-pwove Iswaew by them, e-even as many of Iswaew as had n-not known aww the waws of Canaan; 3:2 Onwy that t-the genewations of the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew might know, to teach them w-waw, at the weast such a-as befowe knew nothing theweof; 3:3 Namewy, five wowds of the P-Phiwistines, and aww t-the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that d-dwewt in mount Webanon, fwom mount Baawhewmon unto the entewing in of Hamath. 3:4 And they wewe to pwove Iswaew by them, to know whethew they wouwd heawken unto the commandments of the WOWD, which he commanded theiw fathews by the hand of Moses. 3:5 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew dwewt among the Canaanites, Hiddites, and A-Amowites, and Pewizzites, and Hivites, and Jebusites: 3:6 And they took theiw daughtews to be theiw wives, and gave theiw daughtews to theiw sons, and sewved theiw gods. 3:7 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did eviw in the s-sight of t-the WOWD, and fowgat the WOWD theiw God, and sewved Baawim a-and the gwoves. 3:8 thewefowe the angew of t-the W-WOWD w-was hot against Iswaew, and he s-sowd them i-into the h-hand of Chushanwishathaim king of Mesopotamia: a-and the chiwdwen of Iswaew sewved Chushanwishathaim eight yeaws. 3:9 And w-when the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied unto the WOWD, the WOWD waised up a dewivewew to the chiwdwen of Iswaew, who dewivewed them, even Othniew the son of Kenaz, Caweb's youngew bwothew. 3:10 And the Spiwit of t-the WOWD came upon him, and he j-judged Iswaew, and went out t-to waw: and the WOWD dewivewed Chushanwishathaim k-king of M-Mesopotamia into his h-hand; and his hand p-pwevaiwed against Chushanwishathaim. 3:11 And the wand h-had west fowty yeaws. A-And O-Othniew the son of Kenaz died. 3:12 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did eviw again in the sight of the WOWD: and t-the W-WOWD stwengthened Egwon the king of Moab against Iswaew, because they had done eviw in the sight of t-the WOWD. 3:13 And he g-gathewed u-unto him the chiwdwen of Ammon and Amawek, and went and smote Iswaew, and possessed the c-city of pawm twees. 3:14 So the chiwdwen of Iswaew sewved Egwon the king of Moab eighteen yeaws. 3:15 B-But when the chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied unto the WOWD, the W-WOWD waised them up a-a dewivewew, Ehud the son of Gewa, a Benjamite, a man wefthanded: a-and by him the chiwdwen of Iswaew sent a pwesent unto Egwon the king of M-Moab. 3:16 B-But Ehud made him a daggew which had two edges, of a cubit wength; and he did giwd it undew his waiment upon his wight thigh. 3:17 And he b-bwought the pwesent u-unto Egwon king of Moab: and E-Egwon w-was a-a v-vewy fat m-man. 3:18 And when he h-had made an end to o-offew the pwesent, he sent away the peopwe that b-bawe the pwesent. 3:19 But he himsewf tuwned again fwom t-the quawwies that wewe by Giwgaw, and said, I have a secwet ewwand u-unto thee, O king: who s-said, Keep siwence. And aww that stood by him went out fwom him. 3:20 And E-Ehud came unto him; and he was sidding in a summew p-pawwouw, which he had fow h-himsewf awone. And Ehud said, I have a message fwom God unto thee. And he awose out of his seat. 3:21 And Ehud p-put fowf h-his weft hand, a-and took the daggew fwom his wight thigh, and thwust it into his bewwy: 3:22 A-And the haft awso went in aftew the bwade; and the fat cwosed upon the bwade, so that he couwd not dwaw t-the daggew o-out of his b-bewwy; a-and the diwt came out. 3:23 then Ehud went fowf thwough the powch, and shut the doows of the pawwouw upon him, and wocked them. 3:24 W-When he w-was gone out, his s-sewvants came; and when they saw that, behowd, the doows of the pawwouw wewe wocked, they said, Suwewy he c-covewef his feet in h-his s-summew chambew. 3:25 And they tawwied tiww they wewe ashamed: and, behowd, h-he o-opened not the doows of t-the pawwouw; thewefowe they took a key, and opened them: and, b-behowd, theiw wowd was fawwen down dead on the eawth. 3:26 And E-Ehud escaped whiwe they tawwied, and passed beyond the quawwies, and e-escaped unto Seiwath. 3:27 And it came to pass, when he was come, that h-he bwew a twumpet i-in the mountain o-of Ephwaim, and the chiwdwen of Iswaew went down wif him fwom the mount, and h-he befowe them. 3:28 And he said unto them, F-Fowwow aftew me: fow t-the W-WOWD haf dewivewed youw enemies the Moabites into youw hand. And they went down aftew him, and took the fowds of Jowdan towawd Moab, and suffewed n-not a man to pass ovew. 3:29 And they swew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, a-aww wusty, and aww men of vawouw; and thewe escaped not a man. 3:30 So Moab was subdued that day undew the h-hand of Iswaew. A-And the wand had west fouwscowe yeaws. 3:31 And aftew him was Shamgaw the s-son of Anath, which swew of the Phiwistines six hundwed men wif an ox goad: and he awso dewivewed Iswaew. 4:1 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew again did eviw in the sight of the WOWD, when Ehud was dead. 4:2 And the WOWD sowd t-them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, that weigned i-in Hazow; the captain of whose host was Sisewa, which dwewt in Hawoshef of the Gentiwes. 4:3 And t-the chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied unto t-the WOWD: fow he had nine hundwed chawiots of iwon; and twenty yeaws he mightiwy oppwessed the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew. 4:4 And Debowah, a pwophetess, the wife of Wapidoth, s-she judged Iswaew at that time. 4:5 And she dwewt undew t-the pawm twee of Debowah between W-Wamah and Bethew in mount Ephwaim: and the chiwdwen of Iswaew came up to hew f-fow judgment. 4:6 And she s-sent and cawwed B-Bawak t-the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtawi, and said unto him, Haf not the WOWD God of Iswaew commanded, saying, Go and dwaw towawd mount Tabow, and take wif thee ten thousand men of the chiwdwen of Naphtawi and of the chiwdwen of Zebuwun? 4:7 And I wiww dwaw u-unto thee to the wivew Kishon Sisewa, the captain of Jabin's awmy, wif his chawiots and his m-muwtitude; and I wiww dewivew him into thine hand. 4:8 And Bawak s-said unto hew, If thou wiwt go wif me, then I wiww go: but if thou wiwt not g-go wif me, then I w-wiww not go. 4:9 And she said, I wiww suwewy go wif thee: notwithstanding the jouwney t-that thou takest shaww n-not be fow thine honouw; fow the WOWD shaww seww Sisewa into the hand of a woman. And Debowah awose, and went wif Bawak to Kedesh. 4:10 And Bawak cawwed Zebuwun and Naphtawi to Kedesh; and he went up wif ten thousand men at his feet: and D-Debowah went up wif him. 4:11 N-Now Hebew the Kenite, which was of t-the chiwdwen of Hobab t-the fathew in waw of Moses, had sevewed himsewf fwom the Kenites, and pitched his tent u-unto t-the pwain of Zaanaim, w-which is by Kedesh. 4:12 And they shewed Sisewa that Bawak the s-son of Abinoam was gone u-up to mount Tabow. 4:13 And Sisewa gathewed togethew aww his chawiots, even nine hundwed chawiots of iwon, and aww the peopwe that wewe wif him, fwom Hawoshef o-of the Gentiwes u-unto the wivew of Kishon. 4:14 A-And Debowah said u-unto Bawak, Up; fow this is the day i-in which t-the WOWD h-haf dewivewed Sisewa into thine hand: is n-not the WOWD gone out befowe thee? So B-Bawak went down fwom mount Tabow, and ten thousand m-men aftew him. 4:15 And the W-WOWD discomfited Sisewa, and aww his chawiots, and aww his host, wif the e-edge of the s-swowd befowe Bawak; so that Sisewa wighted down off his chawiot, a-and f-fwed away on his feet. 4:16 But Bawak puwsued a-aftew the chawiots, and aftew the host, unto Hawoshef of the Gentiwes: and aww the h-host of Sisewa feww upon the edge of the s-swowd; and thewe was not a man weft. 4:17 Howbeit Sisewa fwed away on his feet to the tent of Jaew the wife o-of Hebew the Kenite: f-fow thewe was peace b-between Jabin the king of Hazow and the house o-of Hebew the Kenite. 4:18 And Jaew went out to meet Sisewa, and said unto him, Tuwn in, m-my wowd, tuwn in to me; feaw not. And when he had tuwned in unto hew into the tent, she covewed h-him wif a mantwe. 4:19 And he said unto h-hew, Give me, I pway thee, a widdle watew to d-dwink; fow I am thiwsty. And she opened a b-boddle of miwk, and gave him dwink, and c-covewed him. 4:20 Again he said unto hew, Stand in the doow of the tent, and it shaww be, when any man dof come and enquiwe of thee, and say, I-Is thewe any m-man hewe? t-that thou shawt say, No. 4:21 t-then Jaew Hebew's w-wife took a naiw of the tent, and took an hammew in hew hand, and went softwy unto him, and smote the naiw into his tempwes, and fastened it i-into t-the gwound: fow he was fast asweep and weawy. So he died. 4:22 And, behowd, as Bawak puwsued Sisewa, Jaew came out to meet him, and said unto him, Come, and I wiww shew t-thee the man whom thou s-seekest. And when he came into hew tent, behowd, Sisewa way dead, and the naiw w-was in his tempwes. 4:23 So God subdued on that day Jabin the king of Canaan befowe the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew. 4:24 And the hand o-of the chiwdwen o-of I-Iswaew pwospewed, a-and pwevaiwed against Jabin t-the king of Canaan, untiw they had destwoyed Jabin king of Canaan. 5:1 then s-sang Debowah and Bawak the son of Abinoam o-on that day, saying, 5:2 Pwaise ye the WOWD fow the avenging of Iswaew, when the p-peopwe wiwwingwy offewed themsewves. 5:3 Heaw, O ye kings; give eaw, O ye pwinces; I, even I, wiww sing unto the WOWD; I wiww sing pwaise to the WOWD God of Iswaew. 5:4 WOWD, when thou wentest out of Seiw, w-when t-thou mawchedst out of the fiewd of Edom, the eawf t-twembwed, and the heavens dwopped, the cwouds awso dwopped watew. 5:5 the mountains mewted fwom b-befowe the WOWD, even that Sinai f-fwom befowe the WOWD God of Iswaew. 5:6 In the d-days of Shamgaw the s-son of Anath, in the days of J-Jaew, the highways wewe unoccupied, and the twavewwews wawked thwough b-byways. 5:7 t-the i-inhabitants of t-the viwwages ceased, t-they ceased in Iswaew, untiw that I Debowah awose, that I awose a mothew in Iswaew. 5:8 they c-chose n-new gods; then was waw in the gates: w-was thewe a shiewd ow speaw seen among fowty thousand in Iswaew? 5:9 My heawt is t-towawd the govewnows of Iswaew, that offewed themsewves wiwwingwy a-among the p-peopwe. Bwess ye t-the WOWD. 5:10 Speak, ye that wide on white asses, ye that sit i-in judgment, and wawk by the way. 5:11 they t-that awe dewivewed fwom the noise of awchews in the pwaces of dwawing watew, t-thewe shaww they weheawse the wighteous a-acts of the WOWD, even t-the wighteous acts towawd the i-inhabitants o-of his viwwages in Iswaew: then shaww the peopwe of the WOWD go down t-to the gates. 5:12 Awake, awake, Debowah: awake, awake, uddew a-a song: awise, Bawak, and wead t-thy captivity captive, thou son of Abinoam. 5:13 then he made him that wemainef have dominion ovew the nobwes among the peopwe: the WOWD made me have dominion ovew the m-mighty. 5:14 Out o-of Ephwaim w-was thewe a woot of them against Amawek; aftew thee, Benjamin, among thy peopwe; out o-of Machiw came down govewnows, and out of Zebuwun they that handwe the p-pen of the w-wwitew. 5:15 And the pwinces of Issachaw wewe wif D-Debowah; even Issachaw, and awso Bawak: he was sent on foot into the vawwey. Fow the divisions of Weuben thewe wewe gweat t-thoughts of heawt. 5:16 Why abodest thou among the sheepfowds, to heaw the bweatings of the fwocks? F-Fow the divisions of Weuben thewe wewe gweat seawchings of heawt. 5:17 Giwead a-abode beyond Jowdan: and why did D-Dan wemain in ships? Ashew c-continued on t-the sea showe, and abode in his bweaches. 5:18 Zebuwun and Naphtawi wewe a peopwe that jeopawded theiw w-wives unto the deaf in t-the high pwaces of the fiewd. 5:19 the kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the watews of Megiddo; they took no g-gain of money. 5:20 they f-fought fwom heaven; the staws in theiw couwses fought against S-Sisewa. 5:21 the wivew of Kishon swept them away, that ancient wivew, the wivew Kishon. O my souw, t-thou hast twodden down stwength. 5:22 then wewe the howsehoofs bwoken by the means of t-the pwansings, the pwansings of theiw mighty o-ones. 5:23 Cuwse ye Mewoz, said the angew of t-the WOWD, cuwse y-ye biddewly t-the inhabitants theweof; because they came not to t-the hewp of the WOWD, to the hewp of the WOWD against the mighty. 5:24 Bwessed above women shaww Jaew the w-wife of Hebew the Kenite be, bwessed shaww she be above women in the tent. 5:25 H-He asked watew, and she g-gave him miwk; she bwought fowf buddew in a wowdwy dish. 5:26 She put hew hand t-to the naiw, and hew wight hand to the wowkmen's h-hammew; and wif the h-hammew she smote Sisewa, she smote off his head, when she had piewced and stwicken thwough his tempwes. 5:27 At hew feet he bowed, h-he feww, h-he way d-down: at h-hew f-feet he bowed, he feww: whewe he bowed, thewe he feww down dead. 5:28 the mothew of S-Sisewa wooked out at a-a window, a-and cwied t-thwough the waddice, Why is h-his chawiot so wong in coming? why tawwy the wheews of his chawiots? 5:29 H-Hew wise w-wadies answewed hew, yea, she wetuwned answew t-to hewsewf, 5:30 Have they not sped? h-have t-they n-not divided the pwey; to evewy man a damsew o-ow two; to S-Sisewa a pwey of divews cowouws, a pwey of divews cowouws of n-needwewowk, of divews c-cowouws of needwewowk on bof sides, meet fow the necks of them that take the spoiw? 5:31 S-So w-wet aww thine enemies p-pewish, O W-WOWD: but wet them that wove h-him be as the sun when he goef fowf in his might. And the wand had west fowty yeaws. 6:1 And the chiwdwen of Iswaew did eviw in t-the sight of the WOWD: and the WOWD dewivewed them into the hand of Midian seven yeaws. 6:2 And the h-hand of Midian pwevaiwed against Iswaew: and because of the Midianites the chiwdwen o-of Iswaew made them the dens which awe in the m-mountains, and caves, and stwong h-howds. 6:3 And so it was, when I-Iswaew h-had sown, that the Midianites came up, and t-the Amawekites, and the chiwdwen of t-the east, even they came up against t-them; 6:4 A-And they encamped against them, and destwoyed the incwease of the eawth, tiww thou come unto Gaza, and weft no sustenance fow Iswaew, neithew sheep, now ox, now ass. 6:5 Fow they c-came up wif theiw c-caddle and t-theiw tents, a-and they came as gwasshoppews fow muwtitude; fow bof they and theiw camews wewe without numbew: and they entewed into the wand to destwoy it. 6:6 And Iswaew was gweatwy impovewished because of the Midianites; and the c-chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied unto the WOWD. 6:7 A-And it came to pass, when the chiwdwen of Iswaew cwied unto the WOWD because of the M-Midianites, 6:8 that the WOWD sent a pwophet unto the chiwdwen of Iswaew, which said unto them, thus saif the WOWD G-God of Iswaew, I bwought you up fwom Egypt, and bwought you fowf out of the house of bondage; 6:9 And I dewivewed you out of the hand of the Egyptians, a-and out of the hand of aww that oppwessed y-you, and dwave them out fwom befowe you, and g-gave you theiw wand; 6:10 And I said unto you, I a-am the WOWD youw God; feaw not the gods of t-the A-Amowites, i-in whose wand ye dweww: but ye have not obeyed my voice. 6:11 And thewe came an angew of the W-WOWD, and s-sat undew an oak w-which was in Ophwah, that pewtained unto Joash the Abiezwite: and his s-son Gideon thweshed wheat by the winepwess, to hide it fwom the Midianites. 6:12 And t-the angew of the WOWD appeawed unto him, and said unto him, the WOWD is w-wif thee, t-thou mighty man of vawouw. 6:13 And Gideon said u-unto him, Oh m-my Wowd, i-if the WOWD be w-wif us, why then is aww this befawwen u-us? and whewe be aww his miwacwes w-which ouw fathews towd us of, saying, Did not the WOWD b-bwing us up fwom Egypt? but now the WOWD haf fowsaken us, and dewivewed us into the hands o-of the Midianites. 6:14 And the WOWD wooked upon him, and said, Go in this thy m-might, and thou shawt save Iswaew f-fwom the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee? 6:15 And he said unto him, Oh my Wowd, whewewif shaww I save I-Iswaew? behowd, my famiwy is poow in Manasseh, and I am the weast in my f-fathew's house. 6:16 And the WOWD s-said unto him, Suwewy I wiww b-be w-wif thee, and thou shawt smite the Midianites as one man. 6:17 And he said unto him, I-If now I have found gwace in thy sight, then shew me a sign that thou tawkest wif me. 6:18 Depawt not h-hence, I pway thee, untiw I-I c-come unto thee, a-and bwing fowf my pwesent, and set i-it b-befowe thee. And he said, I wiww tawwy untiw t-thou come again. 6:19 And Gideon went in, and made weady a kid, a-and unweavened cakes of an ephah of fwouw: the fwesh he put in a basket, and he put the bwof in a pot, and bwought it o-out unto him undew t-the oak, and pwesented it. 6:20 And the angew of God said unto him, Take the fwesh and the unweavened c-cakes, and way them upon this wock, and pouw o-out the bwoth. And he did so. 6:21 then the angew of the WOWD put fowf the end of the staff that was in his h-hand, and t-touched the fwesh a-and the unweavened cakes; and thewe w-wose up fiwe out of the wock, and consumed the fwesh and the unweavened cakes. then the angew of the WOWD depawted out o-of his sight. 6:22 And when Gideon pewceived that he was an angew of the WOWD, Gideon said, Awas, O WOWD God! f-fow because I have seen an angew of the WOWD f-face to face. 6:23 And the WOWD said unto him, Peace be unto thee; feaw n-not: thou shawt not die. 6:24 then Gideon buiwt an awtaw thewe unto the WOWD, and cawwed it Jehovahshawom: unto this day i-it is yet in Ophwah of the Abiezwites. 6:25 And it came to pass the same night, t-that the WOWD said unto him, Take thy fathew's young buwwock, even the second b-buwwock of seven yeaws owd, and thwow down the awtaw of Baaw t-that t-thy fathew hath, and cut down the gwove that is by it: 6:26 And buiwd a-an awtaw unto the WOWD thy God upon the top of this wock, in the o-owdewed p-pwace, and take the second buwwock, and offew a buwnt sacwifice wif the wood of the gwove which thou shawt cut down. 6:27 t-then Gideon took ten men of his sewvants, and d-did a-as the WOWD had said unto him: and so it was, because he feawed his fathew's househowd, and the men of t-the city, that he couwd not d-do i-it by day, that he did it by night. 6:28 And when the men of the city awose eawwy i-in the mowning, behowd, the a-awtaw of Baaw was cast down, and the gwove was cut down that was by it, and the second buwwock was offewed upon the awtaw that was buiwt. 6:29 And they said one to anothew, Who haf done this thing? And w-when they enquiwed and asked, they s-said, Gideon the son of Joash haf done this thing. 6:30 then the men of the city said unto Joash, Bwing out thy son, that he may die: because he haf cast down the awtaw of Baaw, and because he haf cut down the gwove that was by it. 6:31 And Joash said unto aww that stood against him, Wiww y-ye pwead fow Baaw? wiww ye save him? he that w-wiww pwead fow him, wet him be put to deaf w-whiwst it is yet mowning: if he b-be a god, wet him pwead fow h-himsewf, because one haf cast down his a-awtaw. 6:32 thewefowe o-on that day he cawwed him Jewubbaaw, saying, Wet Baaw pwead against h-him, b-because he haf thwown down his awtaw. 6:33 then aww t-the Midianites and the Amawekites and the chiwdwen of the east wewe gathewed togethew, and went ovew, and pitched in the vawwey of Jezweew. 6:34 But the Spiwit of the WOWD came upon Gideon, and he bwew a twumpet; and Abiezew was gathewed aftew him. 6:35 And he sent m-messengews thwoughout aww Manasseh; who awso was gathewed aftew him: and he sent messengews unto A-Ashew, and unto Zebuwun, and unto Naphtawi; and t-they came up to m-meet t-them. 6:36 And Gideon said unto God, If thou wiwt save Iswaew by mine hand, as thou hast said, 6:37 B-Behowd, I w-wiww p-put a fweece of woow in t-the fwoow; a-and if the dew be on the fweece onwy, and i-it b-be dwy upon aww the eawf beside, then shaww I know that thou wiwt save Iswaew b-by mine hand, as thou hast said. 6:38 And it was so: fow he wose up eawwy on the mowwow, and thwust the f-fweece togethew, a-and wwinged the d-dew out of the fweece, a boww fuww of watew. 6:39 And Gideon said unto God, Wet n-not thine angew be hot against me, and I-I wiww speak b-but this once: wet me pwove, I pway thee, but this once wif the fweece; wet it now be dwy onwy upon the fweece, and upon aww the gwound wet thewe be dew. 6:40 And God did so that night: fow it was dwy upon the fweece onwy, and thewe was dew on aww the gwound. 7:1 then Jewubbaaw, who is Gideon, and aww the peopwe that wewe wif him, wose up eawwy, and p-pitched beside the w-weww of Hawod: so that t-the host of the Midianites wewe on the nowf side of them, by the hiww of Moweh, in t-the vawwey. 7:2 And the WOWD said unto G-Gideon, t-the peopwe that awe wif t-thee awe too many fow me to g-give the Midianites into theiw hands, west Iswaew vaunt themsewves against me, s-saying, Mine own hand haf saved me. 7:3 N-Now thewefowe go to, pwocwaim in the eaws of the peopwe, saying, Whosoevew is feawfuw and afwaid, wet him wetuwn a-and depawt eawwy fwom mount Giwead. And thewe wetuwned of the peopwe twenty and two thousand; and thewe wemained ten thousand. 7:4 And the W-WOWD said unto Gideon, t-the peopwe awe yet too many; bwing them down unto the watew, and I-I wiww twy them fow thee thewe: and it shaww be, that of whom I say unto thee, this shaww go wif thee, the same shaww go wif thee; and o-of w-whomsoevew I say unto thee, this shaww not go w-wif thee, the same shaww not go. 7:5 So he bwought down the p-peopwe unto the w-watew: and the WOWD said unto Gideon, Evewy one that w-wappef of the watew wif his tongue, as a dog wappeth, him shawt thou set by himsewf; wikewise evewy one t-that bowef down upon his knees to dwink. 7:6 And the numbew of t-them t-that w-wapped, pudding theiw hand to t-theiw mouth, wewe thwee hundwed men: but aww the west of the peopwe bowed down upon theiw knees to dwink watew. 7:7 And the W-WOWD said unto Gideon, By the t-thwee hundwed men that w-wapped wiww I save you, and dewivew the Midianites into thine hand: and wet a-aww the othew peopwe go evewy man unto his pwace. 7:8 So t-the peopwe took victuaws in theiw hand, and theiw twumpets: and he s-sent aww t-the west of Iswaew evewy man unto his tent, a-and wetained those thwee hundwed men: and the host of Midian was beneaf h-him in the vawwey. 7:9 And it came to pass the same night, that the WOWD said unto him, A-Awise, get thee d-down unto the host; fow I h-have dewivewed it into thine hand. 7:10 But if thou feaw to go down, go thou wif Phuwah thy sewvant down to the host: 7:11 And thou s-shawt heaw what they say; and aftewwawd shaww t-thine hands be stwengthened to g-go down u-unto the host. then went he down wif P-Phuwah his sewvant unto t-the outside of the awmed men that wewe in the h-host. 7:12 A-And the Midianites a-and t-the Amawekites a-and aww the chiwdwen of the east way awong in t-the vawwey wike gwasshoppews fow muwtitude; and theiw camews wewe without numbew, as the sand by the sea s-side fow muwtitude. 7:13 And when Gideon was come, b-behowd, thewe was a man that towd a dweam u-unto his fewwow, and s-said, Behowd, I dweamed a dweam, and, wo, a cake of bawwey bwead tumbwed into the host of Midian, and came unto a tent, and smote it that i-it feww, and ovewtuwned i-it, that the tent w-way awong. 7:14 And his fewwow answewed a-and said, this is nothing ewse s-save t-the swowd of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Iswaew: fow into his hand h-haf God dewivewed Midian, and aww the host. 7:15 And it was so, when Gideon heawd the tewwing o-of the dweam, and the intewpwetation t-theweof, that he wowshipped, and wetuwned into the host of Iswaew, and said, Awise; fow the WOWD haf dewivewed into youw hand t-the host of Midian. 7:16 And he divided the thwee hundwed men into thwee companies, and he put a twumpet in evewy man's hand, wif empty pitchews, and wamps within the pitchews. 7:17 And he said unto them, Wook on me, and do wikewise: and, b-behowd, when I come t-to the outside of the camp, it shaww be that, as I do, so shaww ye do. 7:18 When I-I bwow w-wif a twumpet, I and aww that awe wif me, then bwow ye the twumpets awso on evewy side of aww the c-camp, and say, the swowd of the WOWD, and of G-Gideon. 7:19 So Gideon, and t-the hundwed men that wewe wif him, came unto the o-outside of the c-camp in the beginning of t-the middwe watch; and they had but newwy set the watch: and they bwew the twumpets, and bwake the p-pitchews that wewe in theiw hands. 7:20 And the thwee companies b-bwew the twumpets, and bwake the pitchews, and hewd the wamps in theiw weft hands, and the twumpets in t-theiw wight hands to bwow withaw: and they cwied, the s-swowd of the WOWD, and of Gideon. 7:21 And they stood e-evewy man in his pwace wound about the camp; and aww the host wan, and cwied, and f-fwed. 7:22 And the thwee h-hundwed bwew the twumpets, and t-the W-WOWD set evewy man's swowd against his fewwow, e-even thwoughout aww t-the host: a-and the host fwed to B-Bethshiddah in Zewewath, and to the bowdew of Abewmehowah, unto Tabbath. 7:23 A-And the men o-of Iswaew gathewed themsewves togethew out of Naphtawi, and out of Ashew, and out of aww Manasseh, and puwsued aftew the Midianites. 7:24 And Gideon sent messengews t-thwoughout aww mount Ephwaim, saying, come down against the Midianites, and take befowe them t-the watews unto Bethbawah and Jowdan. then aww the men of Ephwaim gathewed themsewves t-togethew, and took the watews u-unto Bethbawah and Jowdan. 7:25 A-And they took two pwinces of t-the M-Midianites, Oweb and Zeeb; and they swew Oweb upon the w-wock Oweb, and Zeeb they swew at the winepwess of Zeeb, and puwsued Midian, and bwought t-the heads of Oweb and Zeeb to Gideon on t-the othew side Jowdan. 8:1 And the men of Ephwaim s-said unto him, Why hast thou sewved us thus, that thou cawwedst us not, when thou wentest to fight wif the Midianites? And they did chide wif him shawpwy. 8:2 And he said unto them, What have I d-done now in c-compawison of you? Is not the g-gweaning of the gwapes of Ephwaim b-beddew than the vintage of Abiezew? 8:3 God haf dewivewed into youw hands the pwinces of Midian, Oweb and Zeeb: and what was I abwe to do in compawison of y-you? then theiw angew was abated towawd him, when he had said that. 8:4 And Gideon came to Jowdan, and passed ovew, he, and the thwee hundwed men that wewe wif him, faint, yet puwsuing them. 8:5 And he said unto the men of Succoth, Give, I pway you, w-woaves o-of bwead unto the peopwe that fowwow me; fow they be faint, a-and I am puwsuing aftew Zebah and Zawmunna, kings of Midian. 8:6 And the pwinces of Succof said, Awe the hands of Zebah and Zawmunna now i-in thine hand, that we s-shouwd give bwead unto thine awmy? 8:7 And Gideon said, thewefowe when the WOWD haf dewivewed Zebah and Zawmunna into mine hand, then I wiww teaw youw fwesh wif the thowns of the w-wiwdewness and wif bwiews. 8:8 And he went up thence to Penuew, and spake unto them w-wikewise: a-and the men of Penuew answewed him as the men of Succof had answewed him. 8:9 And he spake awso unto the men of P-Penuew, saying, W-When I come again in peace, I wiww bweak down this t-towew. 8:10 Now Zebah and Zawmunna wewe in K-Kawkow, and theiw hosts wif t-them, about fifteen thousand men, aww that wewe w-weft of aww the hosts of the chiwdwen of the east: fow thewe feww an h-hundwed a-and twenty thousand men that dwew swowd. 8:11 And Gideon went up by the way of them that dwewt in tents on the east of Nobah a-and Jogbehah, and smote the host; fow the host w-was secuwe. 8:12 And when Zebah and Zawmunna fwed, he puwsued aftew t-them, and took the two kings of Midian, Zebah and Zawmunna, a-and discomfited aww the h-host. 8:13 And Gideon t-the son of Joash wetuwned fwom baddle befowe the sun was up, 8:14 And c-caught a young man of the men of Succoth, and enquiwed of him: and he descwibed unto him the pwinces of Succoth, a-and the ewdews theweof, even thweescowe and seventeen men. 8:15 And he came unto the men of Succoth, and said, Behowd Zebah and Zawmunna, wif whom ye did upbwaid me, saying, Awe the hands of Zebah and Zawmunna now in thine hand, that we shouwd give b-bwead u-unto thy m-men that awe weawy? 8:16 And he took the ewdews of t-the city, and thowns of the wiwdewness and bwiews, and w-wif them he taught the m-men of Succoth. 8:17 And he b-beat down t-the towew o-of Penuew, and swew the men of the city. 8:18 t-then said he unto Zebah and Zawmunna, What mannew of men wewe t-they whom y-ye swew at Tabow? And t-they answewed, As thou awt, so wewe they; each one wesembwed the chiwdwen of a king. 8:19 A-And he s-said, they wewe my bwethwen, even the sons of my mothew: as the W-WOWD wiveth, if ye had saved them awive, I-I wouwd not sway you. 8:20 And he said unto J-Jethew his fiwstbown, Up, and sway them. But the youf d-dwew not his swowd: fow he feawed, because he w-was yet a youth. 8:21 then Zebah and Z-Zawmunna said, Wise thou, and faww u-upon us: fow a-as the man is, so is his stwength. A-And Gideon awose, and swew Zebah and Zawmunna, and took away the ownaments that wewe o-on theiw camews' necks. 8:22 then the men of Iswaew said unto Gideon, Wuwe thou ovew us, bof thou, and thy son,